Home exercises for pregnant women at different times. Exercises to stimulate labor

The birth of a child is a very responsible process and, therefore, requires careful preparation. When I asked my mother if she was preparing for childbirth, she told me how she and dad bought me a dowry, a crib, a stroller and other essentials. The fact that you need to train the vaginal muscles or prepare the breast for feeding, my mother learned after giving birth.

Indeed, thirty years ago, primiparous women knew very little about childbirth and its consequences. And their husbands are even less so. Our mothers perceived childbirth as something terrible, but necessary. They put up with the inevitable consequences of childbirth, such as rupture of the perineum, strong pain and birth trauma in a child, believing that there is simply no other way out. Fortunately, a lot has changed in recent years. Not only expectant mothers, but also their partners are increasingly thinking about how to turn childbirth into a holiday that will be remembered for a lifetime. In fact, if you prepare in advance, you can eliminate or minimize all backfire childbirth.

During pregnancy and childbirth, metamorphoses affect the entire body of the expectant mother. The belly is rapidly increasing in size, and the breast is preparing to feed the baby. In addition, the expectant mother should learn to control her breathing and intimate muscles, then nothing will overshadow the celebration of the birth of your child and help you quickly recover after childbirth.

Breast preparation for childbirth

During pregnancy, not only the stomach, but also the breasts increase significantly in size. The mammary gland consists of 15-20 glandular lobules and muscle mass. Now your breasts are preparing for lactation, the milk lobules are significantly increasing in size, sometimes by medium or later dates women begin to produce colostrum. Very often, young mothers in the first days of breastfeeding face a number of difficulties: the child refuses to breastfeed, the nipples crack and hurt, etc. To avoid these troubles and quickly adjust breast-feeding breasts should be prepared for breastfeeding during pregnancy.

Here much depends on the individual characteristics of the structure of the chest. For some women, the shape of the breast is ideal for breastfeeding. But, unfortunately, such a chest is quite rare. In modern mothers (primiparous), one can often observe a flat or inverted nipple. In this case, it is difficult for the child, and sometimes it is simply impossible to capture it with his mouth. To help the baby get food, the mother should prepare the nipples for feeding during pregnancy. To do this, you can wear special pads that stretch the nipple, or pull it out with a breast pump. It is desirable to do this from the 20th to the 36th week of pregnancy. After the 36th week, it is better not to stimulate the breast so as not to provoke.

In order to avoid cracked nipples and pain during feeding, it is useful to massage the breast under a contrast shower. The movements should be circular and directed from top to bottom, towards the middle of the chest. It is undesirable to wash the nipple and areola with soap, as it dries the skin and leads to the formation of cracks. After a shower, it is useful to rub the nipples with a terry towel. In addition, recently a special oil has appeared on sale to prepare the nipples for feeding. If this oil is applied after a shower from the 30-36th week of pregnancy, it will help prevent nipple injuries and pain during feeding.

Intimate muscles, Kegel exercises

Intimate or speaking scientific language, perineococcygeal muscles, include sphincter muscles, input and internal muscles vagina. The more elastic the muscles, the easier and more painless the birth and the less the risk of ruptures. In addition, trained vaginal muscles normalize blood circulation in the lower spine, thereby preventing development, reduce menstrual pain, protect against and a whole bunch gynecological diseases. You have no idea how stretched and relaxed these muscles are during pregnancy and especially during natural childbirth! Thanks to trained vaginal muscles, childbirth in Oriental women pass quite quickly and painlessly, and ruptures or episiotomy of the perineum are extremely rare, which cannot be said about Europeans. In addition, stretched vaginal muscles make it difficult to achieve orgasm (both male and female).

A serious program for imbuilding (training of intimate muscles) was developed by the famous gynecologist Arnold. Now his exercises are included in the programs of many schools for expectant mothers. First of all, you need to feel what kind of muscles they are and how to train them. While sitting on the toilet, try to delay urination several times. This tightens the input muscles of the vagina. The field of how you felt these muscles, you can train them not only in the toilet. Try to squeeze the input muscles with maximum force and hold them in a tense state for ten seconds to five minutes. At the same time, try to breathe evenly and do not hold your breath. Perform this exercise in different positions (lying, sitting, standing) at least 20 times a day.

The next exercise is to alternately compress the sphincter muscles (near the anus) and the inlet vaginal muscles. Tighten the sphincter muscles quickly and relax them just as quickly. Then do the same with the vaginal muscles. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times. After that, you can proceed to the simultaneous training of intimate muscles and breathing. Exhale - hold your breath - squeeze the inlet vaginal muscles - inhale without relaxing the muscles - relax the muscles - exhale. Repeat the exercises with the sphincter muscles. These exercises develop skills that will be useful to you in attempts. They will teach you how to control your muscles during childbirth. By the end of your pregnancy, you will find it difficult to do these exercises. This happens because everything soft tissues around the vagina swell, as the child puts pressure on the bottom. It `s naturally. And right after giving birth, it will be difficult for you to feel these muscles. But this does not mean that they have disappeared forever. Just start doing intimate exercises, and pretty quickly everything will return to normal.

Belly and spine

For the next nine months, your belly will be your baby's home. It will grow with your child. As the belly increases, the center of gravity of the expectant mother is redistributed and she involuntarily wants to lean forward, stoop and take a more comfortable position. Despite the fact that the stomach grows forward, it puts a lot of stress on the spine. If it has become difficult for you to carry a pregnant belly, then it's time to take care of. It is the bandage that relieves the load from the lower back, regulates the center of gravity and makes it easier for the expectant mother to bear the heavy burden of her own abdomen. Doctors recommend wearing a bandage regularly, starting from the second half of pregnancy (approximately at 28-30 weeks). But if a woman feels heaviness, then it is not at all necessary to wait for the second half of pregnancy - you can put on a bandage as soon as the need arises. Just be sure to check with your doctor. Regardless of the style of the bandage, it must be worn lying down. When a woman stands up, the muscles under the pressure of the abdomen are stretched, and it is desirable to maintain them in their original state. The bandage should not cause discomfort, squeeze the vessels or put too much pressure on the stomach. If the bandage fits the size and is properly worn, then the woman should not feel uncomfortable. If, after removing the bandage, red stripes remain on the skin or you constantly want to remove the bandage, then it is recommended to switch to the model bigger size. A properly selected bandage is completely harmless to the child and does not prevent him from moving freely.

Special relaxation exercises will help you relieve the load from the spine. Get on your knees, resting on your hands. Try to relax your back muscles (without bending your spine). Try to keep your head, neck and spine in line. Then gently arch your spine upward ("cat's back") and just as smoothly return to the starting position. Repeat this exercise 5-10 times. Then gently rock your hips from side to side. Turn your head and hips to the right (as if you want to see your ponytail), then to the left. Repeat this exercise 10 times. Then combine the arching of the spine and the smooth swing of the hips. This exercise is especially useful in the last trimester of pregnancy. It helps the baby to get in the "front" position relative to the frontal curve of your abdomen, which is considered the most favorable for childbirth.

Another nuisance of a rapidly growing belly is stretch marks. Experts believe that skin elasticity is a hereditary factor. It is from the genes, in the first place, that it depends how your skin is prone to stretch marks. However, you can fight your own genes with modern cosmetics.

Breathe deep

The ability to breathe correctly contains the key to the health and harmony of the expectant mother and child. In the next nine months and during childbirth, you will have to breathe not only for yourself, but also for your baby. And the state of your baby depends on how your breathing will be (smooth and calm or frequent and intermittent). If in ordinary life we ​​use shallow (abdominal) breathing, now it is very important to learn chest (diaphragmatic) breathing. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. Take a short breath in through your nose, then a long breath out through your mouth. Then take a deep breath in through your nose and a long breath out through your mouth. In this case, the hand lying on the stomach should not move, and the hand lying on the chest should rise and fall along with the diaphragm. Repeat each exercise 10 times. It is very helpful to sit in a comfortable position, close your eyes, relax and take a deep breath. A few minutes of such breathing a day will help you calm down and relieve internal tension.

In addition, proper breathing will help you control yourself during childbirth and reduce the pain of contractions. At all times in preparation for childbirth Special attention given proper breathing. This is an ancient method of psychophysiological self-regulation. There are two most simple type anesthetic breath.

The first type is shallow breathing or, as it is also called, dog breathing. Before the onset of the next contraction, the woman breathes evenly through her mouth, and as the contraction grows, she accelerates her breathing and at the peak it is almost superficial, and then when the contraction subsides, her breathing gradually returns to normal. This type of breathing is very comfortable during contractions. It is believed that such breathing shortens contractions, relieves pain and contributes to a more complete opening of the cervix. As a rule, in maternity hospitals, midwives recommend breathing exactly like a dog. And with attempts to breathe "like a dog" is impossible. Then the second type of breathing remains - with the stammering of sound. With this type of breathing, with the onset of a contraction, a deep breath is taken through the mouth, and during the contraction, the air is slowly exhaled and a throat moan is emitted.


"Birth without pain" in zip

10/17/2007 03:54:49 AM, Lina

to train the vaginal muscles before childbirth by compressing them? For some reason, it seems to me that the muscles there require reverse training, i.e. stretching, i.e. you have to try to sit on the twine, swing your legs, etc. After all, it is known that inflated muscles are very poorly stretched, you know how jocks walk with bent arms. And pumped muscles burst easily. Once, when I was young, I was fond of improving bodies, I pumped up muscles there too, it was impossible to climb there, sorry, but how to give birth then in general? Also, hemorrhoids from the fact that the veins there from the tension almost got out of work. I doubt that when the child's head is there, you can somehow tighten these muscles to help the process. Though of course I haven't practiced yet. How do you think?

04/11/2007 10:32:23 PM, Ksyu

Thank you very much for the article. I am now in my fifth month, and I found a lot of useful things in it. I am a health worker, and of course they told me all this, but others have already been forgotten. Indeed, many experts consider both the theory of proper breathing and everything else stated in the article to be correct. It’s just that many women don’t know how to apply it, and during childbirth they simply forget about useful tips. therefore, psychological preparation is very important, and during childbirth there should be a person who will calm and tell you how to behave.

12/30/2006 10:11:52 AM, Tania-nat

I live in Germany, with my first pregnancy I went to a prenatal course, so my midwife said that intimate muscles before childbirth, it’s not worth training. muscles should be soft during childbirth, but after they need to be trained to restore shape.

May 18, 2006 11:24:20 am


09/27/2004 02:29:25 PM, Flash

Certainly a useful article. Although for most women, half of all these tips will not come in handy even at the first birth. After all, first of all, everything will depend on general condition the female body, which is more than difficult to radically change in a few months. I was comfortable in a bandage, I wore it from the fifth month, but this did not save me from stretch marks or from a terrible feeling of heaviness in the last month. But I didn’t need a special prenatal bra at all. I just bought a regular knitted pitted in my size. Much more relevant is the purchase of a breastfeeding bra. A couple of weeks before giving birth, I advise you to buy one, and a couple of weeks after - the second. I have beige and black, very comfortable. They are both different designs, different manufacturers and slightly different in size. Chest training, in my opinion, is a meaningless and harmful occupation. Problems still arise the same, but they are solved in a maximum of a week with a banal cream like "bepanten". But my trained muscles, alas, were not useful. The baby turned out to be too large, and the birth at the most "interesting" place was interrupted by caesarean. And my untrained friends, who did not attend a single pregnancy class, successfully gave birth themselves. So - listen to yourself, if your body requires action - attend courses, go to the pool, exercise and follow all the recommendations of specialists. Good luck.

06/17/2004 12:05:25 pm, Setlana

Future mothers!
Download Grantley Dick-Read's book "Painless Childbirth" from the Internet, translate it into Word, correct it to normal sizes and print it. Pay special attention to chapter number 6 "Birth". Read with pleasure! And easy childbirth for you!

21.04.2004 11:30:23, Mayskaya

Menya vo vremya pervoi beremennosti ochen "muchal kopchik (or rayon kopchika), kotoriy uzhasno bolel esli ya ubiralas" po domu or dolgo nakhodilas "v odnom polozhenii. Esli ya sidela, to ne mogle vstat" esli stoyala to ne mogla sest "kak budto kosti zatverdeli v takom polozhenii. After rodov, bol "ne proshla khotya vrachi govorili chto budet vsyo normal" no. Sechas ya snova beremenna na 2-m mesyatse i s uzhasom zamechayu chto bol " usilivaetsa s kazhdim mesyatsom A esli plod nachnet rasti budet prosto nevinosimo bol "no. Podskazhite chto mne delat"?

09/06/2003 17:56:43, Aza

And I was a little irritated by the fact that oh, our mothers did not prepare for childbirth at all, and now everyone is so prepared and, as a result, they give birth so well. All this preparation, of course, is good, but for example, I didn’t do anything special, didn’t train any muscles and gave birth and fattened wonderfully for two years. So I do not think that the key to successful childbirth is breathing training and Kegel exercises.

As far as I know, you’ll excuse me, maybe I didn’t understand something, but I don’t quite agree about breathing. In my turbulent youth, I was fond of yoga. So, on the contrary, it is described there that the superficial method of breathing is not correct and not natural for the human body, and it is breathing only with the lungs without distributing the load on the stomach that leads to many diseases. Of course, this method may be ideal for childbirth, experts can judge this, but I am confused by the words: “The ability to breathe correctly contains the key to the health and harmony of the expectant mother and child” and “This is an ancient method of psychophysiological self-regulation.” If there are several opinions about the correctness of breathing, then what method is really correct and beneficial for the human body?

Comment on the article "Preparing the body for childbirth"

This is an express birth preparation course based on the interaction of the ancient knowledge of yoga and the science of obstetrics. Date: October 22, 23, 24, 25, 2015. Ultrasound, preparation for childbirth, massage and exercises for pregnant women, CATALOG OF Maternity hospitals in Moscow and Moscow region.

Preparation for childbirth: First child - you do breathing exercises Second child - you do not spend time on breathing exercises - you remember that last time it did not work for you Third child - you ask for an epidural at the eighth month of pregnancy.


Agree completely. When she gave birth to the second, she thought about the same, and also, on the advice of her mother, she read a prayer to the Mother of God to herself, while being quite far from the church. But at that moment I was very imbued, and between contractions I read not even forty times, but as much as I could. She gave birth quickly (at 4 in the morning she got up to the birthing room, at 6 in the morning she already gave birth), very easily, the child is the sun, yesterday he turned 15 years old and he is still the same sun as, indeed, all my other children!

really helps to breathe. really. Breathe in relaxing breath. in childbirth, your breathing should be brought to automatism. There may not be time for the installation of thought forms, therefore, it is necessary to work out breathing together with thought forms much in advance.

and than. When there is a process childbirth, he needs help. telling yourself that the head fits into the pelvis is not a thought form, if you are not a doctor or an obstetrician, you cannot visualize it and, therefore, words will only distract you from the process. And you need to find yourself a visual image of how you open up and HELP the child to come out. I personally was helped by the association with gravity - exhaling (before the birth table I had almost vertical contractions, the birth was normal, a little rapid, and they put me only 2 times on my back for CTG, so in vertical birth, when my back is not clamped, I have pain was not there at all), I felt how the force of gravity helps the child to come out, mentally encouraged the child and adjusted my breathing so that my breathing helped the process.

relaxation is 80% of the time in labor - in fact, contractions. intensive labor itself - only on attempts, there is a different breathing, working, there is concentration.

therefore, you need to look for a thought form - your own - that works for you, that is easy for you, and from which, you feel, it is easier for a child. A friend from the courses was helped by the "tree" form, as she called it: she imagined herself as a tree in which the juices move - that's how it was convenient for her and she built in her breath in contractions. This, perhaps, all sounds rather silly - from the outside, but think about it. For each item on your list, there is or may be some image that is close to you and your baby. Seek it and breathe with it.

training what thread of the body? is it generally possible how to prepare the thread or let it go as it goes? I'm just one of those who believe that you need to prepare for childbirth. But to prepare even more spiritually, morally, ideologically, or something, than physically (although endurance plays ...


I'm just one of those who believe that you need to prepare for childbirth. But to prepare even more spiritually, morally, ideologically, or something, than physically (although endurance plays big role in childbirth). I would recommend reading Michel Auden, now you can find a lot on the net. Especially when it comes to the physiology of childbirth.

Easy childbirth is a subject of frequent discussion among expectant mothers. It is no secret that you need to prepare for childbirth in advance; for this, special exercises for pregnant women have been developed to make it easier to give birth. It was only our grandmothers who went to work in the field until the birth itself, and it is not uncommon that they gave birth right near the haystacks. A modern woman in labor and so barely carries to the right time child, so physical activity should be moderate and thoughtful.

You can enroll in special courses to prepare for childbirth. It will be interesting to prepare in a group, and it will also be possible to use the services of a perinatal psychologist.

It will not be superfluous to start attending aqua aerobics, because it is useful for both the pregnant woman and the baby.

A prerequisite is to practice to not too rhythmic music.

Charging for pregnancy to make it easier to give birth: exercises

Figure eight hips

Get on your knees with outstretched arms. Slowly rock your hips from side to side. Try to draw a figure eight or an infinity sign with your hips. To ease the load on the hands, you can do this exercise on an exercise ball or resting your head and shoulders on the edge of the bed.

Hip circle

Performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart. Try to draw a circle with your hips, first in one direction, then in the other. To increase the load, you can sit down a little. Such exercises stimulate blood circulation in the pelvic region and strengthen the muscles of the back and pelvic floor.

Arch your back up

This exercise can be done in the 1-2 trimester of pregnancy. In the position on all fours, very slowly arch your back up, like a cat, just as slowly return to the starting position.

We walk correctly

Pregnant women need to walk every day, at least 1 hour a day. And this involves an active walk, and not sit on a bench and read a book. Alternate the break-up step with intensive walking, this will pump up the muscles inside hips.

We sit in Turkish

This exercise makes the ligaments of the inner side of the legs elastic. You can add a load if you do not cross your legs, but connect them with your feet and swing up and down.

Classic Kegel Exercises

You need to start with simple contractions of the muscles of the perineum, you can sit on a chair. Squeeze hard and count to 10, then slowly release. Gradually increase the compression count to 30. You can perform such exercises in a sitting position with outstretched legs against the wall. The push method is interesting. Try to push out an imaginary table tennis ball with your vaginal muscles.

"Charging" for the brain

The most important thing is to keep positive attitude and not be afraid of childbirth. And if you are not reassured by phrases like “Everyone gives birth, and you will give birth,” then you can do auto-training to get rid of fear. Remember that fear is a spasm and, as a result, pain. Therefore, you need to learn how to manage fear. Some psychologists advise talking more with the baby, as if setting him up for an easy birth. He is also “afraid”, so this is a collective setting.

Talk more with pregnant acquaintances not about the fear of childbirth, but about future children as you imagine them. Do things that are useful for the child - tie him something, sew a canopy on the bed - such activities will set you up for a positive birth.

Such exercises do not take much time and effort and you can perform them at home to your favorite calm music. And if you are bored, then you can invite a friend in an interesting position too

Irina Pavlenko

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a temporary and natural state of the body. And therefore, during pregnancy, physical exercises are not at all contraindicated, however, within reasonable limits and if not medical contraindications. Motor activity is simply necessary for any organism, even a child-bearing one, it helps to keep it in good shape.

Types of exercises

All types exercise associated with pregnancy and childbirth can be divided into three main groups:

  • exercises before childbirth is a set of exercises aimed at preparing the muscles of the pelvis and peritoneum for the upcoming labor activity;
  • labor exercises - physical exercises to induce labor when the gestational age has approached 38-40 weeks;
  • postpartum recovery exercises effective exercises necessary for the abdomen and hips to take their former shape after childbirth.

In this article, we will look at all three sets of exercises. But it is worth remembering that from any physical exercises there will be a result only if you perform them regularly.

How each specific birth will take place, no one can predict in advance. But if you systematically perform exercises aimed at strengthening muscles before childbirth, this will speed up the second stage of childbirth (passage of the child through the birth canal) and contribute to speedy recovery perineum. We list the exercises for childbirth without complications:

  • Try to tense and relax the muscles of the anus and ureter at the same time. Moreover, when the muscles are tense, do not hold your breath and do not pull in your stomach, on the contrary, try to take a breath. Keep the muscles in tension for 10 seconds. This exercise should be done 3 times a day for 3-4 sets.
  • If your "interesting position" allows it, get on all fours so that your arms and legs are parallel to each other. To do this, place your hands shoulder-width apart, respectively, legs - hip-width apart. While inhaling, round your back and tighten your abdominal muscles, while exhaling, take the starting position. On the second approach, inhale as you bend your back down, as you exhale, return to the starting position again. Do this birthing exercise at your own pace.
  • Sit "Turkish" with your back straight, close your eyes, relax and breathe deeply, but calmly.
  • Get on your knees, spread your feet apart and try to sit in the space between your feet. If the net between the feet is heavy, then at first you can sit on your heels without spreading your legs.
  • Sit on the floor, spread your knees as far as possible, and connect your feet with your hands and try to pull them to the crotch. When doing this exercise, rest your elbows on your knees and try to spread them as far as possible.
  • Take a tennis ball and hold it between your thighs. While holding the ball, walk forward and backward 10 steps. Try to repeat this birthing exercise 10 times. Then stand on your toes while holding the ball and repeat 10 sets of 10 steps back and forth. Do these exercises daily.

Labor induction exercises

When the time has come for the baby to be born (38-40 weeks of pregnancy), but he is in no hurry to get to know the outside world, it will be useful for the mother to perform some special exercises for childbirth. Physical exercise help the baby descend, and this will help stimulate labor. Let's list what needs to be done:

  • Walking is natural method stimulation, as it encourages the baby to lower and put pressure on the cervix, and this increases the amount of the hormone oxytocin in the blood and stimulates labor.
  • Climbing and descending stairs. In this exercise, the same principle as in walking, the main thing here is not to overwork.
  • Swimming, classes in the pool for pregnant women.
  • Leaning forward. No wonder our mothers were advised to wash the floors or collect scattered matches as exercises for childbirth.
  • Squatting.
  • Rocking the pelvis from side to side, for example, dancing to pleasant music.
  • Sex is the most enjoyable way to stimulate labor.

Exercises for the figure after childbirth

After childbirth, a woman's body often does not look very attractive. Therefore, many strive to regain their former beauty as soon as possible: pump up the stomach, hips, buttocks. If you perform daily exercises for recovery after childbirth, then after 2-3 months you can see the first result. For the exercises to be effective, help burn fat and strengthen muscles, they must be performed with a heart rate of about 120 beats per minute. We list the most common exercises for the figure after childbirth:

  • For upper muscles press. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, hands on the back of your head. As you exhale, slowly rise to try to reach your knees with your chin. On an inhale, return to the starting position.
  • For the lower abdominal muscles. Lie on the floor, legs straight, arms along the body. As you exhale, lift your legs up without bending at the knees, preferably so that they are at a right angle to the floor. On an inhale, return to the starting position.
  • For oblique abdominal muscles. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, put your hands on your shoulders, press your chin to your chest. As you exhale, try to reach your left knee with your right elbow. On an inhale, return to the starting position. On the second approach, when exhaling with the elbow of the left hand, try to reach the right knee, while inhaling, take the starting position. Repeat approaches alternately.
  • For buttocks. Lie on the floor, bend your knees, arms along the body. As you exhale, lift your pelvis as high as possible, while inhaling, take the starting position. If after childbirth the exercise for the buttocks is easy for you, then it can be complicated: straighten your right leg (lift it up). As you exhale, lift your pelvis, leaning on your right leg, and keep your left leg straight in weight. After several approaches, change legs: put the right one on the floor bent, and keep the left on weight.
  • "Bike". Lie on the floor, arms along the body, bend your knees and lift up. Straighten and bend your bent legs asynchronously, as if pedaling a bicycle in the air.

For centuries, women have been intimidated by painful and painful childbirth. There is not a single episode of happy physiological and painless childbirth in the literature and the film industry in which neither the woman nor the child experiences pain. In fact, painless childbirth is no longer a myth, but a reality! All more women who are preparing and approaching motherhood consciously, do not feel pain and are not injured during childbirth.

Of course, for such physiological childbirth, you need to prepare in advance, even before pregnancy. In this article, we will talk about how to prepare your body for childbirth, give it maximum flexibility and elasticity. It is better to start doing these exercises even before pregnancy, but you can start practicing them already being in a position. I warn all future activist moms in advance - be sure to consult your doctor about these exercises, since each lady in a position has an individual health situation. In any case, remember that these exercises must be performed very slowly, thoughtfully, observing the response of your body and in no case overworking!

So let's start exercising...

The importance of flexibility of the spine and pelvic joints during childbirth

The human spine is not rigid, but, on the contrary, flexible. During labor, the baby must work its way down the birth canal to the sacrum (end of the spine) and out. The baby's head is squeezed to pass through the birth canal. But the pelvis itself is also somewhat plastic. In front of the pelvis is the semi-joint pubic symphysis. The pubic symphysis is a fibrocartilage through which the two pubic bones of the pelvis are connected. During pregnancy, this half-joint softens and, reaching a certain degree of mobility at the birth of a child, can diverge to the sides. The mobility and flexibility of the hemi-joint, as well as the lower spine, can be developed during pregnancy through exercises in which the pelvis is rocked back and forth. This greatly facilitates childbirth and helps to avoid back pain - both during pregnancy and during childbirth.

Pelvic Flexibility Exercises

Exercise 1: Get on your knees and lean on your hands. The palms should be about thirty centimeters apart, and the knees about twenty, the hips are perpendicular to the floor. Slowly arch your back, trying to raise your buttocks as high as possible. Take deep breaths while doing this.

Then begin to slowly arch your back, exhaling just as slowly. At the same time, tighten the muscles of the pelvis, buttocks and thighs.

Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise 10 times - slowly, without sudden movements.

Exercise 2: There is another way to "rock" the pelvis. Stand against the wall, with your heels about fifteen centimeters away from it, and try to touch the wall with your lower back. Or, while lying on a bed or on the floor, try to press the lower back against the support with all your strength. Notice how the pelvis moves as you do this by placing your hands on your hips and feeling the movement. But remember that all these exercises must be performed very smoothly, without jerking.

Stretching the muscles of the inner thigh

During childbirth, a woman spends quite a lot of time with her hips relaxed apart. Therefore, it is necessary to stretch the muscles of the inner thighs so that this position can be comfortably maintained for a long time. Performing the exercise described below during pregnancy also allows you to develop knee and hip joints improves muscle tone in the legs. And for childbirth best position, since the transverse size of the pelvis becomes the largest.

Exercise 1. Stand on your toes and then squat down, continuing to balance on your toes. Place your palms on your knees and spread your legs out to the sides as wide as possible while keeping your back as straight as possible. Stand up and lower your heels to the floor. If you find it difficult to keep your balance, you can hold on to something with your hand. Repeat five times.

Variant of the first exercise. For those who find it too difficult or uncomfortable to squat, a similar exercise can be performed while lying on your back, with your knees raised and pressed to your chest. With your palms, spread your knees to the sides, as wide as possible. In this case, the feet should look inward. Repeat five times.

Exercise 2. Sit on the floor in Turkish style with your feet together and your knees apart. Grasp your ankles with your hands, bend forward and place your forearms on your shins, then gently press your elbows on your knees, trying to push them apart. Repeat five times.

Exercise 3 Sitting Turkish, as in exercise 2, grasp the ankle, but the arms should remain straight. Ask your husband or other helper to lift your knees up, while you yourself should try to resist this by lowering your knees down. Repeat five times.

Advice. Sit down in Turkish whenever you have a quiet job - sewing, reading, when you are going to watch TV. Try to relax in this position by placing your elbows on your knees, arching your back, lowering your head and closing your eyes.

Strengthening the muscles of the small pelvis during pregnancy

These exercises are the most important of the whole complex of prenatal and postnatal gymnastics and require detailed explanations.

In the area of ​​the pelvic floor, a woman has three openings: the anus, the entrance to the vagina and the external opening of the urethra (urethra). The anus is the end of the intestine; vagina - the end of the birth canal; urethra - exit from the bladder. At vertical position gravity internal organs causes tremendous tension in the muscles that support the pelvic organs and close these openings.

So, squeeze tightly the vagina and anus, and at the same time tighten the buttocks. While straining, squeeze the anus just enough to feel it pulling inward. No need to move your legs or buttocks, as this is distracting. When the anal sphincter is tense and retracted, the urethral sphincter and vaginal muscles are also tense. Each of these formations is surrounded by a ring of muscle tissue. Thus, all three holes seem to overlap with a single muscle, in the form of a double eight. Squeeze this muscle as tightly as possible and hold in this position for a while, then slowly relax. With slow relaxation, you can feel how these muscles are "released". This exercise should be done twelve times twice a day. It can be performed anytime, anywhere.

As the uterus grows, the number and size of blood vessels increases. If the tone of these muscles is below normal, then control over the blood vessels decreases. Urinary incontinence appears, especially during coughing and laughter. Similar problems can arise in anus not to mention hemorrhoids - varicose veins rectal veins. If the muscles of the small pelvis are trained and maintained in good shape, then such problems occur much less frequently.

These exercises help to return to normal size all holes stretched and deformed during childbirth and prevent some of the troubles that can come with age. The feeling that the sphincters of these openings work well is very important for a woman: she moves and stands in a freer position.

The ability to control the muscles of the vagina and strain the muscles of the small pelvis is a very useful skill. Sexual intercourse will bring greater satisfaction to both spouses if the wife knows how to control the muscles of the vagina. Intimate relationships after childbirth will become more exciting, which will help to avoid the standard complaints of women that sexual intercourse after childbirth has become completely uninteresting.

This simple exercise is literally a panacea for many diseases, it must be performed by all women: pregnant women, those who have given birth - everyone, everyone, everyone!

Breast exercises: before and after breastfeeding

The following exercise helps to keep the mammary glands elastic, increases blood circulation in the tissues and provides enough milk for feeding. It should be performed during lactation and after weaning the child from the breast in order to maintain the elasticity of the glands until old age.


The excitement of pregnant women is a natural and understandable phenomenon. In order for the baby to be born as smoothly and without complications as possible, it is very important to prepare for childbirth in advance, carefully and thought out to the smallest detail, which should begin almost from the moment of conception. The sooner the expectant mother thinks about this, the calmer and more comfortable she will feel right before the very sacrament of birth. So, what do you need to know for those who, with bated breath, are expecting a baby so that the delivery goes smoothly?

Needed throughout pregnancy physical training to childbirth, which helps the body cope with the load that has fallen to its lot. He is rebuilding himself, as evidenced by the serious expectant mothers. But a woman must also take whole line measures to minimize the stressful situation for individual organs and systems.

This can be done with the help of special exercises. Most best option- sign up for courses for pregnant women, where regular classes are held with professional trainer. He will select individual exercises to prepare for childbirth, which together will contribute to a successful and safe delivery. Although every woman is able to independently perform them at home.

General strengthening exercises

  1. Within one minute walking in place.
  2. Starting position: place your feet shoulder-width apart, while the feet should be parallel to each other, arms extended forward.
  3. Half squats with a straight back. Hands should rise and fall in time with squats. Perform slowly. Breathe evenly. Repeat 10 times.
  4. Initial position. Hands to the side. Tilt your torso forward, touch your hands first to the left, then to the right toes. Keep breathing even, pace - medium. Repeat 12 times.
  5. Initial position. Bend the torso slightly, arms at the seams, tilt the head forward, relax the muscles of the arms and upper body. After 5 seconds, straighten up, take your shoulders back, bend. Keep breathing even, pace slow. Repeat 8 times.
  6. Starting position: place your legs wider than your shoulders, take your arms to the sides. Lean forward, turn the body first to the right, then to the left, while touching the left toe with the right hand, and the right toe with the left hand. After 10 exercises, straighten up, relax the muscles of the shoulders, forearms. Repeat 4 times.
  7. Initial position. Tilt your body to the right while holding left hand above the head, right - behind the back. When the body is tilted to the left, right hand should be above the head, the left - behind the back. Repeat 12 times, maintaining an average pace.
  8. Initial position. Stand straight, legs together, arms along the body. Tilt the body to the right and left with the sliding of the hands: when tilted to the right, the right - down, the left - up; when tilted to the left with the left hand - down, with the right - up. Run 12 times, trying not to hold your breath.
  9. Take 10 deep breaths through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

Such preparation of muscles for childbirth will allow them to maintain their elasticity and will be equally useful to mother and baby. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, does not allow you to gain excess weight(see the norm), facilitate the process of delivery in the future. Regular exercises contribute to the preservation of an excellent prenatal form. However, there are not only general strengthening exercises, but also complexes designed specifically for a particular organ or muscle group that play an important role at the time of the birth of a child.

Exercises for the muscles of the perineum

  1. Stand sideways to the back of a chair. Put your hands on her. Take the leg to the side as high as possible. Repeat for each leg 10 times.
  2. Starting position, as in the previous exercise. Raise the leg bent at the knee to the stomach.
  3. Spread your legs wide. Sit down slowly. Hold in this position for a few seconds. Spring up. Get up as slowly as possible. Relax. Repeat 5 times.
  4. To squat. Straighten one leg, set it aside. Shift your weight to the other leg. Maintain balance with outstretched arms. Run 5 times.
  5. Get on your knees, put them together. Roll back smoothly, sit on your heels.

In addition to the above exercises, preparing the perineum for childbirth includes certain postures that a pregnant woman needs to take daily. They train the muscles, do not allow them to relax, so that there are no gaps at the time of the birth of the child. These include:

  • tailor's pose: sitting, cross your legs in front of you;
  • butterfly: sitting, connect the heels, pull them to the perineum;
  • frog: sitting on your heels, spread your knees, sit between your heels;
  • try to do household chores while squatting (washing floors, peeling potatoes, etc.);
  • walk from room to room in single file.

Quality preparation for childbirth without gaps includes the regular implementation of these exercises and the daily use of special positions.

Kegel exercise

To avoid ruptures, the preparation of the vagina for childbirth should include the famous Kegel exercise. It increases muscle tone, which is so important for the safe birth of a baby. It must be performed daily, there are no restrictions on the number of times. The lesson plan can be as follows:

  1. Lying down, strain and relax the intimate muscle several times.
  2. Increase the number of repetitions daily.
  3. It will be possible to proceed to the next stage of classes when, without applying special efforts you can do the Kegel exercise 50 times.
  4. Make the exercise harder. Contract the muscle as much as possible and hold it for a certain amount of time. Then start to relax, but with stops.
  5. A week after such daily exercises, contract and relax the muscle at a fast pace.

The regular performance of the above exercises is the qualitative preparation of the birth canal for childbirth, which is better to start not a month before a significant event, but from the first days of pregnancy. In addition, during all 9 months you need to pay special attention to the chest.

chest exercises

In order to avoid problems with lactation, stretch marks on the mammary glands, nipple cracks and, breast preparation for childbirth is required, which also includes special exercises.

  1. Take a small ball. Raise your arms to chest level. Throw the ball up from this position with your hands alternately.
  2. Get on all fours, bend your arms, then straighten all the limbs at the same time.
  3. Stand facing the wall, rest against it at shoulder level with your palms, wring out 15 times.
  4. Spread your arms out to the sides at shoulder level. Perform swing movements, crossing your arms in front of you.
  5. Extend your arms to the sides. Perform back swings while keeping your arms straight.

Each of the exercises is recommended to be done 5 times. Such preparation of the mammary glands for the birth of a child will preserve the shape of the breast, prepare its muscles for the upcoming loads, and prevent, as far as possible, its sagging in the future and the appearance of stretch marks.

However, the physical, restorative preparation of the body for childbirth is not limited to exercises alone. It involves toning muscles and improving blood circulation through massage, as well as maintaining strength with proper nutrition.


To strengthen the muscles of the perineum and chest, it is necessary to do a massage in preparation for childbirth, which stimulates blood circulation, improves tissue metabolism, prepares the muscles for proper relaxation, and reduces the likelihood of tears and cracks. It can be started about a month before the expected date of birth of the baby. The scheme may be as follows:

  • from the 34th week once every 3 days;
  • from the 36th week, massage every other day;
  • from the 38th week, the procedure can be performed daily.

For such a massage, you need to purchase natural oil, excluding synthetic, mineral, alcohol-containing products.

perineum massage

To avoid gaps, you need comprehensive training to the birth of the muscles of the perineum: not only exercises, but also massage, which can be easily done at home. The execution technique is simple:

  1. Take a comfortable position. For example, put your foot on a chair or the edge of the tub.
  2. Lubricate the labia and perineum with a massage agent.
  3. Insert fingers (1 or 2) into the vagina, but not deep (1-2 cm).
  4. Relax.
  5. Move your finger inside the vagina towards the anus down. Movements should be performed with a different rhythm: acceleration should alternate with deceleration.
  6. Press with a rocking motion back wall perineum. Hold your finger in this position for a minute, release and start over.
  7. Massage the skin of the perineum from the outside for a minute.
  8. Repeat everything again.

Such a massage to prepare the vagina for childbirth is especially relevant for those whose first child was born with ruptures. In order not to repeat the situation, it is imperative to follow all the above recommendations.

Be careful! It is impossible to massage the perineum before childbirth for those pregnant women who suffer from fungal infections.

breast massage

A special breast massage before childbirth will help to avoid stretch marks after childbirth, which is a mandatory item in preparing the body for childbirth. The technique for its implementation is as simple as possible:

  1. In circular stroking movements, without affecting the nipples, simultaneously massage both breasts from top to bottom to the nipple.
  2. Then from the sides.
  3. After that, stroke the chest from the bottom up to the nipples.
  4. Raise and support the chest with the right hand, press from above with the left hand.

During such a massage, oxytocin is released, which in the last days of pregnancy will help start labor and improve the opening of the cervix.

Please note that...

Breast massage before childbirth can be easily entrusted to a man: it will bring the couple closer and bring pleasure to both.

The physical preparation of the body for childbirth is very important, because the body without support will not be able to cope with the load that has fallen on it. In addition to special exercises and massage, a woman needs to eat right throughout her pregnancy.

Nutrition before childbirth

Without rational healthy nutrition proper preparation childbirth is not possible. A woman throughout her pregnancy should correctly compose her menu for every day in order to support the body from the inside. If neither he nor the baby lacks nutrients, they will be maximally prepared for such a responsible event. You need to stock up on reserves to deal with stress, blood loss and restore energy. At the same time, 2 months before the cherished date, the diet should be lightened, not compacted.

  1. Exclude fried, fatty foods, sausage, offal.
  2. You need to consume enough daily vegetable oil. It makes the tissues of the birth canal more elastic and contains many vitamins.
  3. Mandatory products a month before childbirth should be fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, hot soups, boiled or stewed sea fish, dried fruits, kefir.
  4. During this period it is recommended fractional nutrition but 4 times a day.

Attention! Despite the fact that vegetable oil is so useful for pregnant women, about a month before giving birth, you should stop eating sesame oil, which does not have the most beneficial effect on a woman's body during this period.

Regular exercise, physical activity, competent massage and proper nutrition- this is a set of measures that guarantee a successful, safe birth of a healthy baby without any complications. Moreover, this should be both preparation for, and if a woman is being prepared for a cesarean. In a few days or weeks, doctors may advise you to go to the hospital to make sure. You also need to prepare for this moment in advance.

Preparing for the maternity hospital

Young parents should keep in mind what preparations for childbirth in the maternity hospital include, which should begin 3 weeks before the cherished date. First, it is a collection of all required documents, which then in a hurry to collect there will simply be no time. Secondly, a bag with things that a woman will need in the hospital.

Preparation of documents

  • passport;
  • a map with the results of analyzes and examinations;
  • an agreement with a personal doctor or a referral to a maternity hospital;
  • insurance policy.

Collection of things for childbirth

  1. Nightgown.
  2. Warm socks.
  3. Slippers.
  4. Mineral still water.
  5. Recordings made at a school for young mothers.
  6. Wet wipes.
  7. A small terry towel.
  8. shampoo, soap, Toothbrush, paste, comb.
  9. Toilet paper.
  10. Cosmetic bag.
  11. Mobile phone with charger.
  12. Player with your favorite music.
  13. Money.

A set of things necessary after childbirth

  1. A dressing gown or shirt that fastens at the front.
  2. Gaskets.
  3. Cream for nipples.
  4. Nursing bras with front closure.
  5. Gauze sterile wipes.
  6. Laxative suppositories, enema.
  7. A plastic bag for dirty laundry.

Preparing things for the baby

  • diapers;
  • cream or powder;
  • wet wipes;
  • baby cleansing oil;
  • bodysuit;
  • hats;
  • socks;
  • sliders;
  • blouses;
  • diapers.

This list helps you decide what you need to buy before you go to the hospital in order to ease anxiety and not worry about anything. When all things are already collected, the young mother feels much more confident and calmer. When the cherished day comes, she will be able to focus only on the process itself, without being distracted by trifles. If something goes wrong, doctors will always be able to make the right decision and ensure timely preparation of the body for the upcoming birth.

Medical preparation of the birth canal

There are special modern methods preparation of the birth canal for childbirth, which doctors use in case of immaturity of the cervix, prenatal discharge of amniotic fluid, or prolonged pregnancy.


Prostaglandins- physiologically active substances that play an important role in the reproductive system of the female body. They are introduced to a woman in labor to prepare the birth canal for the fetus to pass through them in several ways:

  • in the vagina;
  • into the cervical canal;
  • using an obstetric pessary.

Disadvantages of prostaglandins in the process of preparing for childbirth: a powerful effect on the body, allergic reactions, "prostaglandin pain" and hyperstimulation in some cases. These drugs do not affect the fetus in any way. Advantages: the risk of prolonged childbirth is reduced, the likelihood of natural births is increased.

Foley catheter

The use of a Foley catheter is an effective alternative to prostaglandins for the preparation of the birth canal. This mechanical way effects on the cervix when a woman is diagnosed with a flat fetal bladder. The instrument is inserted into the cervical canal for a day. There are special contraindications for this method: vaginitis or cervicitis.


In preparation for childbirth, kelp is introduced into the cervical canal. Expanding, open the neck from the inside. Slightly affect the release of prostaglandins. The main effect is mechanical stretching muscle fibers, which provokes the contraction of uterine myocytes. Do not lead to hyperstimulation and pain. One of the disadvantages is the discomfort when the algae sticks are just injected.

During delivery, doctors assess the condition of the cervix (more about its preparation) and decide to use one or another method of preparing the birth canal for the baby to pass through them. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. Cases are different, purely individual, so the methods will also not be the same. And in some situations, preparation for childbirth should be especially thorough.

Special births

If this is the first birth or if the couple is expecting twins, the preparation must be special so that no complications arise.

First birth

As a rule, preparation for the first birth is no different from all the others. All of the above tips and recommendations can be fully used by those women who are expecting their first child. The only caveat is that a more serious moral is required. future mother overwhelmed by fears and doubts, because she still does not know what awaits her. Therefore, all relatives and relatives must necessarily surround the woman in labor with care and attention. She needs to rest more and calm down as much as possible, to be sure that everything will end well.


But preparation for the birth of twins should be more thorough. This extraordinary case involves much greater loads on female body and on the children themselves. The risk of toxicosis increases several times, which can occur both in early and late pregnancy in the form of bleeding, placental abruption, preeclampsia. Here, a young mother needs more personal responsibility and medical supervision. You need to go to the hospital more often with the passage of ultrasound and testing. You will need to leave earlier on maternity leave.

Preparation for any childbirth - simple and complex, natural and by caesarean, first and second - should be comprehensive and include all aspects: physical, psychological, material. The sooner the couple begins to prepare for such an important event, the more successful and prosperous it will end, the calmer and more confident the woman will feel at the most crucial moment.

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