The minimum size of a brick fireplace. What should be the dimensions of the fireplace for normal operation. Pros and cons of cast iron fireboxes

Not every person knows that all types of fireplaces, represented by a huge number of models, according to some technical parameters have well-defined, established standard indicators. These parameters include the dimensions of the main nodal elements. When erecting a fireplace, these values ​​must be adhered to, as deviations can lead to a violation of the device's functions. Any fireplace should cope with the same tasks:

  • to remove the heat received as a result of fuel combustion;
  • ensure the removal of combustion products;
  • supply oxygen to the furnace.

Wall fireplace drawing

The history of fireplace construction is rich in experimental discoveries, which accumulated in the form of experience that was passed from the master to his student. Today, many professional stove makers do not even think about why the chosen standard project has precisely fixed dimensions. His knowledge comes down to memorizing indicators for different types ovens. Meanwhile, there are quite good reasons for standardization. Let's take a closer look at the dimensions of the fireplace, its main characteristics, which are an indicator of its proper operation.

Conditions for normal traction

Everyone has heard of such a term as traction. Even without knowing the definition, one can intuitively imagine what it is. There are opinions that this is a pressure difference or a temperature difference between the upper and bottom points chimney.

However, such a representation is not entirely correct, because with a small pressure difference, thrust can be increased due to other factors. Therefore, draft should be understood as the speed of movement of air masses through the section of the chimney. It can be enlarged, reduced or normal. average speed should be equal to 0.25 m/s.

It is impossible to measure the speed of movement of combustion products at home. Before lighting the fireplace, it is recommended to make sure that draft is present. To do this, one should observe the behavior of the flame of a burning piece of paper, and it is already possible to estimate the magnitude of this thrust by the behavior of .

Bricklaying scheme

In order not to rely on chance, all factors that affect the amount of thrust are carefully studied. Among them are dynamic (atmospheric pressure, precipitation, wind, damage to the chimney) and statistical, depending on what dimensions of the fireplace were chosen during construction, what is its width, height.

Basic fixed dimensions

Size standardization does not mean that all fireplaces have to be cloned from one. The fact is that among all the dimensions they determine those that affect its functionality. It is these dimensions that must be observed. Among them are the linear dimensions of the firebox, the area of ​​the smoke channel, the distance from the floor to the lower edge of the fireplace window, the position of the smoke tooth relative to the hearth of the fireplace, the width of the channel in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tooth overlap.

The remaining dimensions do not affect the work and play a decisive role in the difference between the models from each other. For example, the dimensions of the portal are selected depending on the size of the furnace hole and on the space allotted for the fireplace.

Fixing dimensions does not mean setting them to an absolute value. The listed dimensions are depending on the volume of the room that will have to be heated. But a mathematical relationship has been established between them, which cannot be violated. When creating a project, you can use one of the many ready-made tables, which contains all the values ​​\u200b\u200bnecessary for these conditions. Such a table is an everyday tool for any master.

Dimensions of fireplace elements

Despite the fact that such tables can be found in any source, every master, even a beginner, should have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow this data is generated.

Calculation of parameters

The starting point for calculating the structure can be the volume of the room or its area. To determine the area of ​​the fireplace window, which is the front of the firebox, you need to divide the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room by 50. All the necessary measurements for the house can really be carried out without special devices. Knowing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe furnace hole, you will have to solve a small math problem. The ratio of the width and height of the window is expressed as a fraction of 2/3. Based on these conditions, the first specific dimensions are determined.

Theoretically, the gas flow rate should not depend on the depth of the furnace. But practice shows absolutely opposite results.

  • Excessive depth leads to increased speed. Such an outcome is considered unfavorable, since the heat will not have time to be transferred to the room and, together with the warm air, will leave the room through the chimney.
  • The shallow depth of the firebox is a direct cause of poor traction. The room will gradually begin to fill with combustion products.

The standard depth is tied to the height of the window. It is 2/3 of the value of the latter. The selected proportions have been tested over the years and are the truth, to which there is no need to adjust the theory.

Finished cast iron

A complete calculation of the fireplace involves the calculation of parameters for the chimney. But here the main indicators depend on the shape of the smoke channel. In cross section, the channel may be a circle, square or rectangle.

Convection currents rise through the chimney along a complex trajectory that looks like a spiral. As a result, air masses practically do not encounter obstacles in the channel of circular cross section. In the remaining two types of channels, microflows are formed at the corners, which, by their swirl, prevent the movement of smoke. In such chimneys, it is advisable to talk about an effective channel, with an area much smaller than the area of ​​the smoke hole.

This theory is proof of the fact that with the same height of the chimney, the amount of draft depends on the shape of the channel section. The average parameters of the chimney can be set and adhered to during construction. The length of the pipe will be affected by the place of its exit through the roof. It is important not to respect the proportions, but the distance from the pipe to the ridge. If it varies within 1.5 m, then the pipe is erected 0.5 m above the top point of the roof.

Table based on chimney dimensions

The next range of distances, limited to three meters, corresponds to the equality of the levels of the pipe and the ridge. If the distance from the pipe to the ridge exceeds 3 m, it is necessary to apply geometric constructions. Mentally, you should draw a horizontal line through the highest point of the roof. From it, count an angle of 10 ° degrees and draw a beam. Our pipe should end at the intersection of the beam and the axis of the smoke channel.

We should not forget about the area of ​​the channel. It should be 10 times smaller than the area of ​​the fireplace window. If you make a channel with a larger area, then this will not lead to an increase in thrust, as it might seem at first glance. Too large an area contributes to the breakthrough of cold air flows from the atmosphere into the room. This phenomenon is called.

What has not yet been learned

All dimensions that were listed above are in a certain dependence on each other. For the starting point of the calculation, we proposed to take the area of ​​the room, which is a completely reasonable decision. However, in some cases the problem has to be solved from the end. For example, if the house has a chimney that meets the requirements for fireplaces in terms of its functions. Then all calculations will have to start from the area of ​​the channel.

There are certain indicators that are not related to mathematical dependence, but are decisive for the normal operation of the fireplace.

  • The height of the fireplace window from the floor can be about 0.3-0.4 m (depending on the presence of a niche for storing firewood).
  • The podium for the portal protrudes from its borders in front by 0.5 m, and on the sides by 0.3 m.
  • The smoke tooth angle is 20° degrees.
  • The side walls of the furnace taper towards the chimney, forming an angle with the normal from 45° to 60°.

Now you know everything about the formation of the geometric dimensions of the fireplace. Is it more convenient to use this knowledge or ready-made tables to understand what should be the width of the fireplace, its height? Each master gives a personal answer to this question.

Of all heating units currently used, the fireplace is perhaps the most ancient. It originates from an ordinary, open hearth. To improve draft and prevent smoke from filling the room, a pipe was built for the hearth. In ancient times, almost all buildings were made of wood and, to ensure safety, the hearths were lined with stones, so a fireplace appeared.

interior decoration

Nowadays, fireplaces have gained great popularity, they are installed not only in a private house. Modern bio-fireplaces have made it possible to use this unit in ordinary apartments. But such structures are intended primarily for decorative purposes, but today we want to talk about real wood-burning ones, the installation of which requires building a foundation.

Both warm and dry

Regardless of which fireplace is installed in the house, many perceive it as an attribute of decorating the room and do not think why this unit has been preserved almost unchanged from ancient times to the present day. But it is an excellent device for ventilation of the house.

With it, you can ventilate and dry the room, while this operation is performed in a very short term, for which more than one heater will not be able to cope with this task. This unit is very good to use in rooms where there is no central, permanent heating.

For example, by flooding a fireplace in a private house used for periodic residence, you will dry and warm up the cottage very quickly. (See. Fireplace stove for a summer residence)

Size matters

But we must understand that all these advantages are effective only when the dimensions of the fireplaces for the home are chosen correctly. After all, it is no secret that when arranging it, many people care first of all about appearance, location in the room. And only last turn their attention to such an important fact as the size of the fireplace.

Today we will just talk about how to correctly calculate a fireplace for a house and make a design drawing based on the existing tasks in order to ensure maximum efficiency.

Important aspects: what needs to be considered?

When you start designing a fireplace for a home, it is necessary to make a drawing (See Corner Fireplace Drawings) and perform calculations based on the size of the room. Firewood can be burned both in a special metal basket and on a grate, or maybe just on the bottom of the firebox.

Our regular readers know that for normal combustion, in addition to fuel, a sufficient supply of air is required.

  • in the case when the fuel will burn on a flat hearth and the dimensions of the fireplace inserts will be the same, the combustion on the grate will be much more efficient;
  • in both cases, the dimensions will be identical.

The fact is that the use of a grate provides additional air flow, in this case it is possible to reduce the size of the furnace without losing efficiency.

Double effect - warmth plus ventilation

Since we are talking about air supply and the possibility of taking it in in different ways, it should be added that in some cases air can be taken not only from the room in which the fireplace is located, but also from the next room or even from the basement.

Such a device allows you to achieve several positive points at the same time:

  1. By taking air from the basement, you will significantly increase its ventilation, which in itself is a good result.
  2. If air is taken from another room in the house, no vacuum is created in the room where the fireplace is located, and its absence does not allow cold air from outside to enter the heated room. The effect is obvious - the room warms up very quickly with minimum cost fuel.
  3. If it is necessary to ventilate the heated room, the external air intake is simply blocked. In this case, the combustion air begins to flow from the room where it is located, the room is ventilated.

We carry out calculations

But we didn't answer main question- how to calculate the size of the fireplace and make a drawing?

First of all, the furnace hole

First of all, you need to determine the size of the fireplace insert. To accurately calculate the size of the firebox, you need to measure the room in which the fireplace will be installed. Let's start by determining the size of the firebox opening. The ratio of the furnace hole to the area of ​​​​the room is 1:50 .

In order to make it more clear, let's take a room of a certain size and calculate the correct dimensions of the fireplaces that can be installed in it.

  1. The area of ​​the room is 20 m².
  2. We carry out the calculation – 20/50=0.4 m², or 4000 cm², we have decided on the size of the furnace opening, these data can be entered into our drawing.

Determining Width and Height

  • In our case, it turns out 51X77 cm or 510X770 mm.
  • It's pretty easy to check this information. 51X77 = 3927 cm2, almost 4000 cm2, as we see our calculations coincide with the requirements.

The important part is depth.

  1. Depth is 2/3 of height.
  2. We already know the height, it is equal to us 510 mm.
  3. Making a calculation – (510/3)*2=340 mm – we have determined the depth.

This depth is ideal for a fireplace of this size.

  • if you increase the depth, the heat will simply fly out into the chimney;
  • a decrease in this size will lead to smoke in the room.

For those who, for some reason, do not want to independently carry out all measurements and calculations, below we provide a table of the main parameters that will help to make a drawing. From them, knowing the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, you can determine the standard dimensions of the fireplace that you need.

Chimney - special attention

When designing, it is important to correctly calculate the size of the chimney for the fireplace. It is calculated based on the area of ​​the portal and should be in 10-15 times smaller than it.

Tip: knowing the dimensions of the fireplace inserts, of course, you can calculate the size of the chimney, but you should know that this is a very important undertaking. If you do not have much experience in this area, it is better to entrust it to a professional, because such a thing as reverse thrust, no one canceled. Carbon monoxide poisoning is deadly! Remember this!

You can get more information about chimneys by reading the relevant articles on our portal. There are detailed descriptions of various chimneys, including fireplace chimneys.

Dimensions and material - a direct relationship

When arranging a fireplace, the dimensions of the chimney and firebox are not the only ones you need to know. For example, someone is more interested in the question - how many bricks do you need for a fireplace? The question is not idle and quite understandable.

But before answering it, we want to add a little to all of the above. In our article, considering the methods of calculating and determining the dimensions of a particular part, we did not mention materials. Why are we only talking about this now? Because it is directly related to the issue of the number of bricks.

Choice of location and dimensions

Earlier, we calculated the furnace dimensions, the fireplace and its dimensions directly depend on the material from which it will be complex. Knowing the material, you can quite accurately calculate the dimensions and determine the place for the future fireplace.

On our pages, we have already described how to choose a place, so we will not repeat ourselves. The only thing to add: knowing the placement rules and correctly calculating the dimensions, you can install this unit in the best possible way.


After determining the dimensions of the firebox and chimney, you should calculate what the foundation should be.

Build a foundation based on weight future design. If the weight of the fireplace is less than 700 kg, then the foundation can be omitted, however, often the weight of the structure is much higher, so the foundation is necessary.

When building a medium-sized fireplace, as a rule, a foundation is made with a depth of 0.75 to 1 meter. These figures are valid if it is planned to live in the house permanently and the ground under it will not freeze. When building a fireplace in a summer cottage, the foundation must be deepened to the depth of soil freezing.

Please note: it is extremely important that the foundation of the fireplace and the foundation of the house do not have dressings, as these structures can give different settlements, which will lead to cracking.

Basic Mistakes

Unfortunately, this does not always happen. In some cases, one or more rules are violated:

  1. The right size fireplace for a particular room.
  2. Proper placement in compliance with its dimensions for a particular room.

Knowledge is power

This knowledge is not necessary in the case when you will be engaged in construction with your own hands, they will be useful to you even when you hire outside workers for construction.

In our time, there are "specialists" who are able to build something that at first glance looks and works well, but upon closer examination, it turns out to be just another flaw. Knowledge will help you exercise proper control over construction work in your house.

The number of bricks - we count the orders

As for the number of bricks, lead detailed calculations we will not for one simple reason - they will not be useful to you at all. Indeed, for each specific case, a completely different calculation is required.

Nevertheless, we will try to explain in a nutshell how you can approximately determine the number of bricks. Knowing the dimensions of the fireplace, the dimensions of the brick and the thickness of the seam, you can quite accurately calculate its quantity.

  1. In any case, when arranging fireplaces, its dimensions are transferred to orders.
  2. Having orders in hand, use them to count the number of bricks.
  3. Don't forget the seams. The thickness of the seam in this case plays an important role.

We have already described how to properly arrange the seams in articles about masonry on our resource, so we will not repeat ourselves. Adding the number of bricks in all orders, you get the total. If the base is made of brick, do not forget about it.

Our advice: add more to the amount of bricks received 10% .

put together

Having made a drawing of a fireplace, you must have made sure that compliance with the basic parameters is extremely important when building it, and the appearance plays a secondary role in this case.

Dimensions of the fireplace in the house: calculation, according to the area

If speak about independent creation fireplace, then you must know the parameters that it must meet. More specifically, you need to draw up drawings of the furnace part, chimney, ordering and, of course, write down the materials that will be required in the process.

So, for example, to calculate the size of the furnace hole, you need to find out the size of your room. The ratio of the furnace and the area of ​​​​the room should correspond to 1 to 50. For example, if you have established that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 25 m 2, then we calculate 25 to 50 and get 0.5 m 2, this is the size of your future furnace hole. As for the width and height, they are determined by the ratio of 2 to 3. That is, given the size of our firebox, we can calculate that the width will be 80 and the height 63. Incorrect calculations are fraught with a violation of traction, smoke in the room and poor heat transfer.

If we talk about the chimney, then it depends on the area of ​​​​the portal, its size should be 15 times smaller. If this is not taken into account in the calculation, then the produced carbon monoxide gases will enter the room, and this is life threatening.

The third thing to pay attention to is order. It is necessary to complete the drawings as accurately as possible. On paper, we carry out the ordering and be sure to indicate the materials that will be needed, in what quantity and for what purpose. The ordering may look like a standard table, where all dimensions are indicated. The plan should also indicate the depth, width and height. Also in the drawings, rows should be numbered, in the future this will help you not to go astray when laying.

If we talk about the material, then for example a brick is calculated based on the order, but it is impossible to determine its exact amount, only an approximate one. To determine the exact amount, you need to take into account how much brick will be used for laying and joining the seams, add it all up to an intermediate calculation.

We count materials. In the process of preparing drawings and acquiring material, you need to know not only the future dimensions of your fireplace, but also how many bricks will be needed in order to build it. This approach will help to calculate all possible costs for laying out an object.

Fireplace Calculation: Advantages in Size

Regardless of which model of the fireplace will be installed, many people perceive it only as a decoration, and, unfortunately, do not even think about why this installation has not changed after so much time.
After all, it is the fireplace that can become an excellent attribute for the ventilation of the room. With it, you can not only ventilate, but also dry the room. Moreover, all these actions can be completed in a very short time, many heating appliances this is not feasible. Fireplaces, it profitable solution for those rooms in which there is no central, constant heating. For example, if you light a fireplace in a country house that is rarely used, you can quickly dry and warm the house.

It should be noted that all these advantages are available only if all sizes have been correctly matched.

It's no secret that when installing a fireplace in the house, most people are primarily concerned about its appearance and location in the room, and only then about such an important fact as size. In order for the fireplace to perform all its functions in full power, it is necessary to correctly make calculations, drawings that will meet all the tasks set. Only in this case, the installation will work with maximum efficiency.

What should be the height of the fireplace

In order to adjust the height of the fireplace, in the main cases, special-purpose bolts are used, which are installed on the legs, or special supports are used - stands. In order to adjust the required distance from the firebox of a brick installation to the floor, several lines of bricks must be laid.

To create the desired height, you must familiarize yourself with the following requirements:

  • The distance to the floor should be from 300 to 400 mm, this is the best indicator;
  • If there is a container for storing firewood under the firebox, this distance must be increased;
  • In the process of calculating the location of the bottom of the firebox, consider the design of your floor with its components.

All these points should be taken into account even at the stage of planning and drawing up drawings of the future heating system. All dimensions must be clearly measured so as not to receive unacceptable errors in the future.

We make the calculation of a fireplace with an open firebox: important aspects of creation

When organizing the construction of any fireplace, we must not forget about important recommendations specialists. The most important thing is to follow all dimensions, as they play an important role in the characteristics of the fireplace. When you start preliminary calculations, follow all the formulas and take into account possible factors and aspects.

Important aspects include the following:

  1. The size of the firebox of almost any fireplace should not be less than 25 cm, and not more than 40 cm. Such dimensions are considered optimal for domestic-type fireplaces with an average power. These varieties are the most common. If we talk about the stove for a bath, then here the width of the firebox can be a little more than 40 cm.
  2. If you doubt the correctness of the calculations of your fireplace design, you can check them simple way. The width of the firebox must necessarily match the width of your firebox door.
  3. Please note that the difference in size will significantly reduce the heat flow, and the fuel will burn much more slowly than it should be. In any case, incorrect dimensions lead to a decrease in the use and efficiency of your fireplace.

Experts always try to give Special attention firebox, because its parameters are the most important indicator. Minimum size the furnace should be 80 cm, maximum 100 cm. Very often, when building a fireplace, it is impossible to achieve such an indicator, and the way out of this situation is to increase the level of the afterburner. If the size does not match, then all the combustible gases that are formed in the process will not burn.

How to calculate the dimensions of the fireplace?

A full-fledged source of heat (even if it is auxiliary, and not the main one) is often a fireplace. The dimensions of this heating structure for a room with an area of ​​​​20 m 2 are as follows:

  • the area of ​​​​the furnace should vary within 0.4 m 2;
  • furnace hole height - 52 cm, width - 78 cm;
  • the depth of the focus should be 34-35 cm.

The cross-sectional area and the height of the chimney are no less important values ​​that require a separate and especially careful calculation. A fireplace whose dimensions are calculated incorrectly can pose a real threat to human health and life, which lies in the possibility of combustion products and carbon monoxide entering the room. The optimal ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chimney and the fuel hole is considered to be 1/10, however, standard size a fireplace is not an axiom, since an individual accurate calculation required in each individual case.

Sizing Wood Fireplaces

Fireplaces wood are designs at which all members of a family often and with pleasure gather during cold autumn and winter evenings. The sound of crackling firewood and the sight of dancing flames inevitably create a unique atmosphere of calm and comfort. Real brick fireplaces are not cheap pleasure, so many home craftsmen have a desire to do this work on their own. Of course, this lesson cannot be called simple, but if everything is done in accordance with the rules, then the result will certainly be positive.

The fireplace includes the following mandatory components:

  • firebox;
  • smoke chamber;
  • chimney.

The size of each element must have the necessary ratio with the dimensions of the heated room.

So, for example, the area of ​​​​the furnace hole in relation to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be 1:50. At the same time, the height and width are related as 2:3, and the depth and height of the firebox varies from 1:2 to 2:3.

The furnace area has the greatest influence on the size of the smoke hole. The required level of draft can be ensured as follows: the area of ​​​​the firebox should be 8-15 times larger than the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the chimney pipe. However, if it is planned to install round pipe, then you can choose a smaller section than if the chimney was square or rectangular.

Material selection

Wood-burning fireplaces are best built from solid red fireclay bricks.

The quality of this material can be checked by the following indicators:

  • the color should be uniform and thick;
  • a hammer blow on a brick should “return” with a clear and sonorous sound.

In addition, you will need:

  • sand, the grain of which should not exceed 1.5 mm;
  • Cambrian clay, and you can also use brown or dark red;
  • crushed stone - 3-6 mm;
  • Portland cement grade 300.

You also need to buy:

  • smoke damper;
  • fireplace screen;
  • grate.


Before you start building a home, you need to take care of a separate foundation. The depth of the pit should be 60 cm, and the width should be 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the future base.

The bottom should be covered with rubble and carefully tamped to maintain horizontality.

The installed formwork must be covered with broken bricks, stones or rubble, and then poured with thoroughly mixed cement mortar. The top of the foundation should be leveled and checked for horizontality. After 7 days, you can start building a fireplace.

Features of masonry fireplace

Before starting the construction of such a useful invention as a fireplace, the dimensions of which were determined by us earlier, waterproofing should be provided. This will require roofing material laid in 2 layers. Laying should start from the corners. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the level. To give the structure an original look, you can lay the bottom row on edge, and all subsequent ones - flat. Outer solid rows require the use of a trowel or trowel. The smoke collector or firebox should be done manually, as this helps to detect small pebbles in the solution.

It is important to remember that when building a smoke box and a firebox, the fireplace stove requires removing excess solution with a damp cloth. We must not forget that the inner wall is not exposed to plastering. The seam must be thin, otherwise it can quickly crack. modern fireplaces need to dress the seams for half a brick in each row.

The lining of the firebox and the outer wall should not be connected, otherwise, due to frequent temperature changes, masonry damage may occur.

About modern fireplaces

Every person is pleased to hear the sound of crackling wood and feel the warmth of the flame. Similar feelings can be enjoyed not only in nature, but also in own house. Brick fireplaces are capable of making dreams come true. The main tasks of this equipment include not only the creation of comfort and coziness in the home, but also its heating.

Modern fireplaces can consume as fuel:

  • coal;
  • natural wood;
  • electrical energy.

There are many ready-made fireplaces on the market. The difference is open and closed types furnaces. In addition, a fireplace stove can have a closed combined heating system or an open one, where the type of furnace directly depends on the wishes of the buyer.

A modern fireplace is a versatile and practical design, which can be installed in any convenient place.

Fireplace as a design element

The fireplace is an excellent design solution that can emphasize general style rooms. It can be used to design classic style, modern, country or any other pleasing to the owner.

Fireplace heating requires accessories such as a poker, tongs, an ash pan and a grate. True, modern society pays much more attention to the emotional and psychological role of this structure. That is why the fireplace is not recommended to be installed in a small room, at the door or in the aisle. The ideal option is comfortable chairs located in spacious room, a special stand for equipment and a neat footstool.

Country style, or rustic: unpretentiousness against the backdrop of modest charm

The etymology of the word "rustic" speaks of the most salient features of this style - deliberate "uncouthness", "roughness", stylization for a rustic interior (in another way, this style is called country). The desire of our forefathers to bring an element of aesthetics into the arrangement of their primitive dwelling gave rise to this architectural direction, which subsequently began to develop so widely and comprehensively.

The country style is characterized by natural details, components and materials, emphatically “rough” processing and the open shape of the hearth. Most suitable materials are: shell rock, sandstone, tuff stone, etc.

About the exquisite excesses of the baroque fireplace

The Baroque style, which originated in Europe in the Middle Ages, is a reflection of taste in Renaissance architecture. This direction is also appropriate in such a matter as the styles of fireplaces. It is distinguished by: the dynamism of the image, excessive splendor and luxury, a certain illusory form and lines, pomposity and decorativeness.

Modern style

Art Nouveau lovers will easily abandon most decor elements in favor of an unusual color experiment. This direction is characterized by: elongation, foam-like shape, a constructive combination of stone and metal parts, as well as the presence of ceramic or glass in the lining. Adepts of the style are unusual geometric shapes, restraint, conciseness, as well as unconventional Constructive decisions. As a worthy accompaniment to an Art Nouveau fireplace, you can highlight a large abstract or landscape painting, minimally decorated furniture, walls covered in asymmetrical lines and muted color schemes.

Sizing the fireplace

With the choice of material, as a rule, there are no problems, it is a matter of personal preferences, financial possibilities, as well as the design of the building. So, for example, setting brick fireplace in a typical city apartment will require a serious reconstruction of ceilings, repairs and coordination with supervisory authorities. Therefore, apartment owners often prefer electric or bio-fireplaces that do not require the installation of a chimney, but rather perform a decorative function. If the main purpose of the fireplace is to heat a private house, then a metal or brick fireplace with a wood or gas firebox will be the best choice.

Naturally, with all the variety of models, corner fireplaces have a completely different sizes. For decorative fireplaces, the size is determined based on the overall design and layout of the house, and for heating fireplace it is also necessary to take into account the area of ​​heated rooms.

Decorative corner fireplace - maximum dimensions

The dimensions of the do-it-yourself corner false fireplace are chosen based on the size of the room. So that the design does not look bulky, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe corner fireplace should not exceed 1/25 of the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. So, for a living room of 20 square meters, the optimal area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fireplace should be no more than 0.8 meters, and the length of its sides adjacent to the walls should not exceed 1.2 meters.

The design can be made lighter and not cluttering up the space, but at the same time functional, if shelves are attached to the false fireplace on both sides. These shelves can play the role of stands for books, souvenirs and knick-knacks.

Similarly, the dimensions of the portal for a built-in electric firebox or biofireplace are calculated, but in this case it is also necessary to take into account the installation dimensions of the firebox, which are indicated in the passport. For example, for a biofireplace firebox with dimensions of 625x628x267 mm, the drawing of which is shown in the figure, it is necessary to select the dimensions of the portal.

Furnace overall dimensions

In order to calculate its width, it is necessary to add to the width of the firebox the width of the side frames and consoles of the portal, and to the height - the height of the woodshed, mantelpiece, decorative elements. It is also necessary to take into account the depth of the furnace. Let's take the width of the side frames 250 mm on both sides, the height of the firewood rack 400 mm, and the height of the cornice and mantelpiece - 300 mm. As a result, we get a fireplace width of 1125 mm, a height of 1328 mm. The width of the side walls of the portal, taking into account the depth of the furnace, we will take 250-300 mm. The length of the sides adjacent to the walls for a symmetrical fireplace is calculated as the width of the portal divided by 1.4 - in our case it will be 0.8 m.

The easiest way is to take a drawing of the firebox in three projections and draw a drawing of the portal directly on it, taking into account all distances, and then calculate the required dimensions. You can also purchase a ready-made portal, the dimensions of which correspond to the firebox you have chosen - specialists shopping center will help you with this.

metal fireplace

Fireplaces made of metal come in several types: floor placement, in a finished building with decorative trim, or built-in fireboxes. They can work on wood, pellets, gas, depending on the model chosen. The dimensions of such fireplaces for a particular room are determined by the heated volume of air - this parameter is called power and is indicated in the passport for the fireplace. For selection suitable fireplace you need to calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house that you plan to heat, multiply it by the height of the ceilings, and divide the resulting volume by 20. You will get the minimum fireplace power you need to heat.

For example, for country house with an area of ​​60 square meters with a ceiling height of 2.7 m, the volume of the room will be approximately 160 cubic meters. You need to divide this figure by 20, you get the required power of 8 kW. For such a house, a fireplace stove with a power of 9 kW, shown in the figure, is quite suitable. Its dimensions are indicated on the drawing.

For a built-in firebox after choosing a model with required power calculation of the dimensions of the portal is carried out in the same way as for decorative fireplace. An exception is the case when the firebox is placed in a prepared brick fireplace body. For such a fireplace, when calculating, it is necessary to take into account the standard dimensions of the brick in order to avoid additional fitting.

Dimensions of a brick corner fireplace

The most difficult case, requiring careful calculations, is the construction of a wood-burning brick corner fireplace. In this case, it is necessary to carry out a preliminary calculation of the minimum dimensions of the furnace and chimney, depending on the heated room, and then adapt the results to the standard dimensions of the brick.

To calculate, you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room or house. This indicator is divided by 100, the result is the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe furnace. The firebox in the corner fireplace is triangular or trapezoidal with a narrowing towards the back wall - this shape contributes to better heat transfer.

For a firebox with a triangular bottom, the width of the front is found as follows: take the square root of the area and multiply it by two. The depth of both sides is determined by dividing the width by 1.4. The height of the firebox for classic corner fireplaces is usually slightly larger than its width. The diameter of the smoke hole should be within 1:10 ... 1:15 of the furnace area. For example, you need to calculate the dimensions of a brick corner fireplace for heating a living room of 30 square meters. To do this, divide the area by 100, get the value 0.3 square meters. Find the width of the furnace: take the square root of 0.3 and multiply the value by 2, get 1.1 m - this width corresponds to about 4 bricks. The depth of the sides will be equal to 1.1 / 1.4 = 0.78 m - 3 bricks.

To determine the dimensions of a trapezoidal firebox, you can use a ready-made table. According to the calculation results, choose suitable model fireplace from those shown in the figures below, and put the fireplace in accordance with the order.

Other Important Fireplace Dimensions

If your fireplace is installed on a separate foundation, some requirements must be observed when pouring it:

  • The concrete base should be 5-10 cm larger than the fireplace area on each side;
  • The foundation of the fireplace cannot be rigidly fastened to the foundation of the house, it must be at least 10 cm away from it, and after the concrete has hardened, this distance must be covered with a sand cushion;
  • The height of the foundation should be lower than the level of the finished floor by 2 rows of masonry, that is, by 15 cm. Before starting the construction of the fireplace, the foundation is waterproofed with roofing material in two layers and the base is laid out of brick according to the scheme of the first two rows of ordering on cement mortar.

It is also necessary to observe fire-prevention distances of 25 cm from the pipe to floor beams and walls, and to secure combustible structures near the walls of the fireplace itself with thick foil.

It is equally important to correctly design the area of ​​​​the smoke hole and the height of the chimney in order to ensure good draft and eliminate smoke in the room. The area of ​​the smoke hole should be within 1:10…1:15 of the furnace area. For example, the area of ​​​​one brick is 0.03 square meters, which corresponds to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe firebox 0.3-0.45 square meters. The height of the straight part of the chimney should be such as to provide stable draft - usually it is done in the range of 3-5 meters. If the height of the pipe at your fireplace is greater, you need to provide elbows with bends, otherwise the draft will be too strong and the firewood will burn out instantly. The height of the pipe above the roof level depends on its location relative to the ridge, it must correspond to the scheme.

As can be seen from the article, building a corner fireplace, the dimensions of which are calculated in advance, is not difficult at all. To better understand the technology of building decorative or corner wood-burning brick fireplaces, we recommend that you read other articles on our website.

Fireplace, contrary to popular belief, the construction is not very complicated. Having information about the design of the fireplace and the ratio of its elements, even a beginner will be able to independently fold right fireplace . Of course, for this you need to have at least elementary masonry skills.

The main elements of the fireplace are the firebox and the chimney. The correct construction of these elements will ensure the absence of smoke during combustion, which is the main task when fireplace construction.

The construction of a fireplace begins with a fireplace table - this is the base of the fireplace at floor level. The fireplace table is constructed from refractory bricks or concrete. In front of the fireplace there is a pre-furnace platform, which is laid out with refractory bricks and is designed to protect the floor from fire. In this case, the seams should be stitched. A steel sheet is often additionally laid on the pre-furnace platform. The dimensions of the pre-furnace area are at least half a meter in front and 30 centimeters on the sides of the portal. The portal is the open part of the fireplace, that is, the framing of the firebox.

Under - this is the place where the burning of firewood takes place directly. It is located on the fireplace table and should be above the floor level. Under rises so that the process of burning firewood does not depend on a draft. Underneath is also laid out with refractory bricks. Often installed on a sub grate, and combustion is already taking place on it.

Between the hearth and the pre-furnace area there is an ash chamber, which is designed to collect unburned firewood and ash. A removable ash pan is installed in the ash chamber for easy cleaning. Also, the ash chamber provides additional air flow to the burning firewood. Often, a special decorative grate is installed in the opening of the portal, which prevents firewood from falling out of the firebox.

The firebox is laid out with refractory bricks, followed by lining with fireclay bricks - a special finish to protect the brickwork from destruction due to high temperatures. Although many chimney masters prefer to lay out the firebox directly from fire-resistant fireclay bricks, which eliminates the need for subsequent lining. fireclay brick it also increases the heat output of the fireplace.

To enhance the heat-reflecting effect, the back wall of the firebox is often lined steel sheet or cast iron stove. The upper part of the back wall of the firebox is made at an angle of 12 degrees forward. In this case, heat flows are reflected and directed to the floor.

The fireplace portal is made square, rectangular or semicircular. Installed above the portal mantel, which performs the function of a stand for various little things. The mantelpiece can be made both from ordinary concrete and from more noble materials - granite or marble.

Above the firebox there is a smoke collector, which prevents cold air from the atmosphere from entering the fireplace. The smoke collector is often made in a pyramidal shape. The rear wall of the smoke box is equipped with a so-called smoke tooth, which serves to form a gas threshold. It prevents air flow and traps soot. Not far from the smoke tooth, a special window is provided for cleaning the chimney from soot.

At a height of two meters from the floor, a conventional furnace valve is installed, with the help of which the traction force is regulated. It closes after the fireplace is extinguished and prevents cold air from entering the room.

The height of the fireplace chimney must be at least 5 meters, and the higher it is, the better. Usually the pipe is made in such a way that it protrudes a couple of meters above the roof ridge. This is necessary to ensure good traction.

Fireplace Proportions

When building a fireplace, proportions should be observed. For small room no need to build large fireplace, in which case it may cause drafts and the room will be cool. Too small a fireplace should also not be built, it will not be able to heat the room.

To maintain proportions, the portal area is made 50 times less area premises, and the area of ​​the hearth should be 70% of the area of ​​the portal. The cross section of the chimney should be 10% of the portal area.

The ratio of the depth and width of the firebox is 1:2 or 2:3, and its height should be 70% of its width. The depth of the firebox is 50% of its height. If the proportions of the firebox are not observed, then the fireplace may smoke.

Here are a couple of dependency examples fireplace dimensions from the floor space:

Room 20 2 - portal area 0.4 2, firebox depth 35 cm, firebox height 36 cm, firebox width 45 cm, smoke box height 63 cm, chimney section 14x27 cm.

Room 30 2 - portal area 0.63 2, firebox depth 40 cm, firebox height 36 cm, firebox width 60 cm, smoke box height 70 cm, chimney section 27x27 cm.

Room 40 2 - portal area 0.77 2, firebox depth 42 cm, firebox height 36 cm, firebox width 70 cm, smoke box height 80 cm, chimney section 14x27 cm.

Fireplace construction

Before you start building a fireplace, you should decide on the place where it will be located and prepare all the necessary materials and tools. The place under the fireplace is selected taking into account the fact that the chimney will pass through the ceiling and roof.

Marking a place for a fireplace

At the first stage of work, a fireplace table is marked. The fireplace table is the base of the fireplace at floor level. Its dimensions are indicated on the floor first with dots, then straight lines are drawn through the dots. It is important that the corners of the future fireplace are strictly at 90 degrees.

We mark the opening for the pipe as follows: we are looking for the center of the fireplace table and using a plumb line we project the found point onto the ceiling. We have a point on the ceiling where the center of the pipe will be. Now from this point we measure the required distances and mark the walls of the pipe, we drive in nails in the corners of the future pipe.

In order for the pipe to be bricked over, we cut a hole for it in the roof by 12 centimeters more in each direction.

Foundation for a fireplace

To begin with, we cut out the floor according to the previously made markup of the fireplace table. Then we project the markup onto the ground of the underground. It should be noted that the foundation should be 20 centimeters larger than the fireplace table in each direction. We deepen the foundation depending on the height of the building. If the building is one floor, it will be enough to go deep by half a meter, if it is two floors, we go deep by 0.7-1 meter.

So, we dig a hole under the foundation. You need to dig either to the planned base of the foundation, or to solid ground. The finished pit is leveled and rammed.

The foundation for the fireplace does not have to be built of concrete, you can also use red brick or rubble stone. Under no circumstances should the fireplace foundation be connected to the foundation of the building, as this can lead to damage to the fireplace foundation if the building shrinks.

red brick foundation

We raise such a foundation to the height of a clean floor. For masonry, we use cement grades 400 or 500. Sand will serve as a filler for the mortar. We prepare the solution at the rate of one part of cement and three parts of sand.

Stone foundation

We raise such a foundation to a level two bricks below the floor level. We lay out these two rows with red brick.

concrete foundation

We make a concrete foundation from a concrete mixture, which is prepared as follows: mix cement 400 or 500, sand and gravel in proportions 1:2:2, fill with water and mix thoroughly. We will also need a reinforcing mesh or reinforcement.

The concrete foundation is poured in two stages. First, we pour concrete into half of the pit, after which we lay reinforcement or reinforcing mesh. After that, fill in the rest. From above, the foundation is leveled and rammed. Complete hardening of concrete occurs in about three days.

Before you start laying the fireplace, you should arrange waterproofing on the foundation. This will protect the fireplace from basement dampness.

When laying a fireplace, you should strictly follow the drawings, observing all the indicated dimensions. It is also important to bandage the seams, overlapping the vertical seams by a quarter or half a brick.

For example, let's try to lay out the simplest fireplace, which is well laid out in the entire height of the room. The materials that we need are 370 pcs. bricks, one latch measuring 23x13 centimeters, and reinforced concrete tiles for the portal and floor.

Our fireplace will have 4 rows of bricks from the floor to the hearth, in which case the fire will be quite clearly visible. In the 4th row we lay l-shaped pins on which the fireplace grate will be attached.

All stages of work on the laying of each row can be seen in the figures. Moreover, if desired, the fireplace can be made larger in height, for this you need to add the middle rows. You can also change the top of the fireplace by making a horizontal flue (rows 30a-34a). It will serve as a spark arrester.

In the process of laying the walls of the fireplace should be moistened. This is done in order to keep the solution better. In order for the seams between the bricks to look most aesthetically pleasing, they should be embroidered using a special tool - jointing, which should have a convex working part. In this case, the seams will be oval.

That's all the secrets that can come in handy when laying a fireplace. It remains to be said about necessary tools required for the most comfortable work.

Real wood burning fireplaces are not going to go out of fashion, despite the fact that almost every home has effective modern systems heating. This fact can rather be explained by a person’s desire to create a special comfort, rather than a lack of heat, although even a small, properly built fireplace is quite capable of quickly warming up a room of 16 ÷ 20 square meters.

Wood-burning fireplaces for home - how to choose and? This question arises among the owners of country houses, who have long dreamed of and finally got the opportunity to create a comfortable relaxation area, the center of which will be this particular device with live fire.

Fireplaces are a stove equipped with a large open firebox and a fairly simple system for removing combustion products from it.

Brick structures are the traditional version of the fireplace, and in order for such a heating device, you need to know at least a little the art of a stove-maker or a bricklayer. However, in our time, it simplifies the task that some of the details necessary to build this device, which is desirable for many owners of private houses, can be purchased ready-made, or you can try to combine brickwork with other materials.

So, recently, metal combustion chambers have been on sale, which are built into the brick structure of the fireplace. Such fire chambers, as a rule, have the doors having a double glazing from heat resisting glass. Therefore, you can enjoy real fire from the fireplace, either by opening the doors wide open, or contemplating it through the glass.

Despite the very massive and overall design, brick fireplaces are usually not used as the main source of heat. Rather, they serve as a central interior detail that creates an atmosphere of comfort, which is especially necessary in chilly autumn or spring weather.

Wood-burning fireplaces are also made of metal - they can be purchased ready-made or built independently, if, of course, there are good and appropriate equipment.

Metal fireplaces, unlike brick options, are quite often installed in country houses specifically for heating on cold days, and are also used for cooking, as many industrially produced models of fireplace stoves are equipped with hob.

How to choose the best fireplace model?

The main evaluation criteria for choosing a fireplace

When choosing a model, it is necessary to rely on a whole list of initial evaluation criteria.

  • The proposed location of the fireplace is determined, taking into account the area that can be allocated for its installation.
  • The heated area is estimated, if necessary.
  • Planned right size furnaces.
  • The material for the manufacture of the fireplace is selected.
  • Requests for desired functionality are evaluated.
  • Taking into account the expected external design and design, to create a unified interior style in the room.

Let's go through the main points of this list in more detail.

Types of fireplace by location in the room

According to this criterion, fireplaces are divided into corner, wall, island, wall-mounted and even suspended. All of them, in turn, may have differences in shapes and designs.

corner fireplace

Corner fireplaces can be put in second place in popularity after wall ones, and this fact is explained by the fact that they are compact and fit perfectly into a room of any size - the main thing is to choose the right size for the structure.

Corner fireplaces, in turn, can be divided into three subspecies:

  • Fireplace located on the outer corner of the room. In this case, the chimney must be built into the wall of the house or attached to it from the outside. Both in the first and in the second case, the construction of this option will require large expenditures. However, a chimney built outside can be an excellent addition to the design of the facade of the building.

  • The second option is a fireplace, which has a rectangular or square shape, installed in the corner of the room with a chimney also passing inside the room. This fireplace design can be played up in different ways, for example, by attaching a decorative or functional niche to it along the entire height, as shown in the photo, to equip a wide pre-fireplace podium with a built-in chamber for storing and drying firewood. A similar version of the fireplace will perfectly fit into the interior of a fairly large room.

  • The third traditional version of the fireplace is a design that fits into a corner and crosses it diagonally from wall to wall. Such a model occupies a minimum area, therefore it is ideal for installation in a small room, but it can also be installed in great hall. The fireplace can be equipped with a mantel and a podium with a niche for firewood.

Compact and efficient - corner fireplace

If the corner in the suburban room is still empty, then a fireplace asks for it there. Detailed information about the design, recommendations for the preparation and construction of such a structure, the ordering schemes for the two original models can be found in a special publication of our portal.

Corner metal fireplaces are very compact along with enviable heat dissipation, so they are often used in summer cottages or private houses as the main source of heat for private room. Modern options of these devices have an elegant appearance and will fit well into the interiors of different styles.

Prices for corner fireplaces

corner fireplace

Wall fireplaces

The design of a wall fireplace is the most popular option. The structure is adjacent to the wall with its back side and does not take up much space in the room, since the approximate average size of its base is 750 × 1250 mm.

Wall fireplaces look very elegant and can be made in different styles. In addition, there are designs of this type of fireplaces that are adjacent to the wall not with the back, but with the side. In construction, such a design is more complex, however, it also has its advantages.

A fireplace installed in this way will divide the room into different zones, and when a finished metal firebox, glazed on three or two sides, is installed in it, the play of the flame can be observed from anywhere in the room.

Wall can be metal options fireplaces, and different models of these devices are produced, which can be equipped with one or more functions. Design decoration There are a variety of such fireplace stoves, so it is quite possible to choose an option that will not only not spoil the interior, but will also become that “highlight” for it that will attract attention.

Fireplaces built into the wall

Fireplaces built into the wall differ from all other types in that its chimney is attached to the wall from the side of the street, the structure itself is in the wall, and only the fireplace portal protrudes into the room.

The advantage of such a fireplace is that it practically does not take up space in the room, that is, its area remains original, and also that two fireplaces built into one wall on different floors can be connected to one chimney two-story house. The “cons” of this design are the complexity and laboriousness of its arrangement, as well as the rapid cooling of the fireplace, since the chimney will pass along the street, which will lead to high fuel consumption. To increase the heat transfer from the fireplace, and to avoid its rapid cooling, it is necessary to insulate the chimney well.

Built-in fireplaces can be built entirely of brick, or a metal firebox is built into the wall, which is then framed with a decorative portal, matched to the overall style of the room.

It will be quite difficult to integrate this type of fireplace into the built walls, usually its planning and installation is carried out at the design stage and during the construction of the house.

If you plan to install this type of fireplace in inner wall, then it will have to be completely or partially dismantled, and then rebuilt - this process will not be easy to do if the wall is load-bearing, and the floor beams, as well as the truss system, rely on it.

In the same case, if the fireplace is built into the inner wall at the stage of building the house, then the design can be calculated so that the fireboxes will be turned into rooms separated by this wall and connected to one chimney.

In addition, if a stove has already been built in the house, then it is quite possible to attach a fireplace to it. This is acceptable if the size of the channel allows, or if the heaters are not planned to be used at the same time.

island fireplaces

Island fireplaces are called fireplaces that are not connected to any of the walls and are built or installed on a separate foundation. This option is only suitable for big room, which needs to be divided into zones or create a more comfortable atmosphere in it.

For example, if country house is not divided into separate rooms, but has one room with a relatively large area, the island fireplace will fit in very well.

An island fireplace can be made of metal or brick, the main thing is that a reliable and solid foundation is equipped under it.

Suspended versions of fireplaces can be attributed to a similar type of heating devices, which do not require pouring the foundation, but for them it is necessary to fix reliable floor beams, since they will rest on them.

Hanging fireplaces are used quite rarely, as they are impractical. If they are used, then more as decorative element modern interior. The price for them is quite high, and the function is only a slight heating of the surrounding air. Of course, such a fireplace looks very impressive and is an excellent addition to the style solution of the interior.

The advantages of such a device include the fact that it can be installed in a room even with a small area, as it has a compact size.

The nuances of the location of fireplaces

In addition to choosing the type of fireplace according to its location, you need to correctly designate the specific location for its installation. This issue has its own nuances that must be taken into account.

  • First of all, when choosing a place to install a fireplace in a room, it is necessary to make sure that the chimney pipe does not stumble on the floor beam. It should run exactly in the middle of the space between the two beams, so that between the pipe and wooden elements structure, there was a distance of at least 120 ÷ 150 mm.
  • A fireplace with an open firebox should not be located in the area of ​​​​the passage of air flows, for example, opposite the front door, since the cold entering the room from the outside will disrupt the natural circulation of heated air. In this regard, a decrease in the efficiency of space heating can be expected.
  • A good place to install a corner fireplace would be one of the corners near the door. The heat emanating from it will create a kind of thermal curtain for cold air.
  • It is best not to install a wall fireplace near outer wall as the cold surface will absorb heat. However, if there was no other place to install the heater, then before installing it, the wall must be insulated by fixing aluminum-coated mineral wool on it with foil towards the room.
  • The fireplace must be installed on a solid surface, so if the room has wooden floors, then you will have to build a concrete foundation under the brick structure.

If the floors are mounted from thick boards, and a metal fireplace is chosen, which does not have too much mass, then it will be necessary to lay an asbestos plate on the surface for installing the device, and then cover it with a steel sheet or lay it with ceramic tiles.

Functionality of the fireplace

Having chosen the installation site and the approximate size of the fireplace, you need to decide what functions it should perform, since there are different variants structures of such structures. So, fireplaces can:

  • Heating, that is, used only to heat the room.
  • Heating and cooking option - is used not only for heating, but also for cooking. This fireplace has a cast iron hob.
  • The heating and decorative fireplace is intended not only to heat the room, but, to a greater extent, to maintain its style.
  • Heating fireplace with water circuit. In this case, the fireplace is an element of the heating system, that is, water, heated by the heat of burnt wood, enters the heating radiators, and then, having passed the entire circuit, returns again for heating. Thanks to the circulation of the coolant from the fireplace, one or two rooms of the house can be heated with high quality.

Brick fireplaces can be heating, decorative, and also have a design with a built-in water circuit. However, if a model with a hob is chosen, it will no longer be a fireplace, but. This version of the heater has a more complex internal structure and without proper experience in the construction of furnaces, doing such work on your own is very difficult.

Metal fireplaces can perform all the functions listed above or only heat the room. If purchased ready-made version such a device, it remains to equip a place for it, and if the design provides for a water circuit, connect it to the local heating system.

If the fireplace is purchased for country house, in which it is planned to live in the spring and autumn, as well as most of the summer, it is best to purchase or build a fireplace with a cooking function. Such a device will not only heat the premises of the house, but also will not let you down if you need to cook food or warm water.

Calculating the size of the fireplace

In order for the heater to function effectively, when drawing up its project, it is very important to calculate the parameters of all elements that depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room. Calculations can be made based on this table:

Parameters of fireplace elements, mmHeated area, m²
40 30 25 20 15 12
Combustion chamber width900 800 700 600 500 400
Combustion chamber height770 700 630 560 490 420
Depth of combustion chamber420 400 380 350 320 300
Back wall heightAt least 360
Back wall width700 600 500 450 400 300
Smoke box height800 700 660 630 600 570
Cross section of a chimney with a rough inner surface270×400270×400270×270270×270140×270140×270
Cross section of a chimney with a smooth inner surface270×270270×270270×270140×270140×270140×140

If the room has a different area, then the dimensions of the fireplace can be calculated independently using simple formulas. For example, to determine the linear size of the combustion chamber window, you need to divide the area of ​​​​the room by 50. So, if the area is 18 m², then 18: 50 \u003d 0.36 m or 360 mm, that is, the normal size of the furnace window will be 360 ​​× 360 mm.

Knowing the width and height of the firebox, you need to determine its depth. According to standard proportions, this value is equal to ⅔ of the found height. For this, the height of the firebox is 360: 3 × 2 = 240 mm. Thus, the size of the combustion chamber will be 360×360×240 mm.

It should be noted that if these parameters are increased in favor of the design solution, then this will negatively affect the heat transfer of the heater, since most of the thermal energy received from the combustion of firewood will simply go into the pipe. In addition, fuel costs will be significantly increased.

If, on the contrary, the parameters are reduced, that is, the depth of the firebox does not correspond to its height, then the fireplace may begin to smoke, since the conditions for the formation of the draft necessary for normal combustion will not be created.

In addition to the size of the firebox, the parameters of the chimney directly affect the creation of normal draft in the fireplace. By the way, the fire safety of the device also depends on them. Therefore, you need to correctly select the size of the inner diameter or perimeter of a rectangular chimney, as well as its height.

The requirements of SNiP establish that the diameter of the chimney must be at least 150 mm. If chosen brick pipe rectangular section, then the cross-sectional area will be equal to at least 1/10 of the size of the combustion chamber window.

In accordance with established standards, the height of the chimney must be at least 5000 mm. However, sometimes the chimney has to be raised higher, focusing on the height of the roof ridge and the place where the pipe passes through it. Permissible positions of the chimney relative to the ridge and roofing shown in the diagram.

Firebox type

All wood-burning fireplaces are divided into devices with an open and closed type.

Fireplaces with open type combustion chamber are selected if:

  • The structure is installed to heat the room on rainy days and create a cozy atmosphere.
  • The fireplace is part of the interior style solution and is also designed for periodic heating.
  • There is a desire to cook dishes on a spit, which require an open firebox.

Fireplaces with closed camera are chosen by practical owners of private houses who want not only to transform the interior of their house, but also to have a functional device in it that can heat one or even two rooms.

Wall fireplace prices

wall fireplace

  • The presence of glass doors on the combustion chamber can significantly save fuel, since the draft inside the furnace can be adjusted.
  • A fireplace with this design can be used as an alternative heating or in addition to the main one, as some models have an efficiency of 75÷80%.
  • When burning firewood, the door can remain open, if you wish, to admire the live flame, or closed, if necessary, quickly heat the room.
  • The presence of doors on the combustion chamber makes the fireplace as safe as possible, since when burning firewood, coals from them or sparks cannot get on the floor.

fuel chamber material

In brick fireplaces, the firebox can be made entirely of brick, combined with a metal sheet, which is fixed on the back wall of the fuel chamber, and serves as a screen that redirects the heat flow. In addition, a steel or cast-iron firebox, which is lined with bricks, can be installed in a brick structure.

  • The complexity of building a firebox made of bricks lies in the removal of the masonry of the back wall at an angle, since it must not only be tilted towards the portal, but also be quite smooth. Therefore, many novice craftsmen prefer a metal sheet fixed at the same angle.

  • The cast-iron combustion chamber has a number of advantages, which include its durability and high heat transfer, which are the main positive qualities this material. In addition, such a firebox looks quite respectable, which is important for some interior styles.

  • Steel fuel chambers, unlike cast iron ones, are not as durable, since steel burns out rather quickly. Therefore, if such a variant of the firebox is purchased, then it is recommended to line the chamber from the inside with fireclay plates. You can also purchase a finished steel chamber, which has a lining with a layer of fireclay.

fireplace portal

The portal of a brick fireplace can be made in two versions - it is arched and straight. When performing the arched version, it is necessary to observe its proportions, that is, the radius of the arc must have a certain size.

Arched ceiling is more durable option, as it better distributes the load on the lower rows of the upper masonry of the fireplace. In turn, the arched ceiling of the portal is divided into two types - these are arched and semicircular.

Semi-circular ceilings of the portal are called arches that make up half a circle - this is the most reliable and aesthetic option of all that exists, as well as easy to perform. Everything is simple here with the radius - it is equal to half the width of the furnace window.

The arched arched ceiling has a flatter shape, in contrast to the semicircular one, and it is used most often to form wide portal windows or if there is a need to limit the height of the portal. There may be some difficulty here - it is sometimes necessary to find the radius of the circle R, which forms this arc - it will be required to create a template and preliminary "outlines" for hewing bricks of this curvilinear masonry. And besides, during the laying of a thread stretched from the center of the circle, it is convenient to align the correct direction of the seams between the bricks of the vault.

There is a special formula for calculating this radius - it is included in the calculator below.

Of most heating appliances in use today, the fireplace is the oldest. Its beginning lies even from open foci. Only after a large amount of time, they began to build pipes to increase traction and eliminate smoke from the housing. In the old days, almost everything was made of wood, and in order to ensure safety, they began to surround the hearth with stone, so fireplaces appeared. Today, a fireplace can be seen even in apartments, but in order to build a structure, you must know the exact dimensions.

If we talk about creating a fireplace on your own, then you need to know the parameters that it must meet. More specifically, you need to draw up drawings of the furnace part, chimney, ordering and, of course, write down the materials that will be required in the process.

So, for example, to calculate the size of the furnace hole, you need to find out the size of your room. The ratio of the furnace and the area of ​​​​the room should correspond to 1 to 50. For example, if you have established that the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room is 25 m 2, then we calculate 25 to 50 and get 0.5 m 2, this is the size of your future furnace hole. As for the width and height, they are determined by the ratio of 2 to 3. That is, given the size of our firebox, we can calculate that the width will be 80 and the height 63. Incorrect calculations are fraught with a violation of traction, smoke in the room and poor heat transfer.

If we talk about the chimney, then it depends on the area of ​​​​the portal, its size should be 15 times smaller. If this is not taken into account in the calculation, then the produced carbon monoxide gases will enter the room, and this is life threatening.

The third thing to pay attention to is order. It is necessary to complete the drawings as accurately as possible. On paper, we carry out the ordering and be sure to indicate the materials that will be needed, in what quantity and for what purpose. The ordering may look like a standard table, where all dimensions are indicated. The plan should also indicate the depth, width and height. Also in the drawings, rows should be numbered, in the future this will help you not to go astray when laying.

If we talk about the material, then for example a brick is calculated based on the order, but it is impossible to determine its exact amount, only an approximate one. To determine the exact amount, you need to take into account how much brick will be used for laying and joining the seams, add it all up to an intermediate calculation.

We count materials. In the process of preparing drawings and acquiring material, you need to know not only the future dimensions of your fireplace, but also how many bricks will be needed in order to build it. This approach will help to calculate all possible costs for laying out an object.

Fireplace Calculation: Advantages in Size

Regardless of which model of the fireplace will be installed, many people perceive it only as a decoration, and, unfortunately, do not even think about why this installation has not changed after so much time. But it is the fireplace that can be an excellent attribute for the ventilation of the room. With it, you can not only ventilate, but also dry the room. Moreover, all these actions can be performed in a very short time, many heaters cannot do this. Fireplaces are an advantageous solution for those rooms in which there is no central, permanent heating. For example, if you light a fireplace in a country house that is rarely used, you can quickly dry and warm the house.

It should be noted that all these advantages are available only if all sizes have been correctly matched.

It's no secret that when installing a fireplace in the house, most people are primarily concerned about its appearance and location in the room, and only then about such an important fact as size. In order for the fireplace to perform all its functions in full power, it is necessary to correctly make calculations, drawings that will meet all the tasks set. Only in this case, the installation will work with maximum efficiency.

What should be the height of the fireplace

In order to adjust the height of the fireplace, in the main cases, special-purpose bolts are used, which are installed on the legs, or special supports are used - stands. In order to adjust the required distance from the firebox of a brick installation to the floor, several lines of bricks must be laid.

To create the desired height, you must familiarize yourself with the following requirements:

  • The distance to the floor should be from 300 to 400 mm, this is the best indicator;
  • If there is a container for storing firewood under the firebox, this distance must be increased;
  • In the process of calculating the location of the bottom of the firebox, consider the design of your floor with its components.

All these points should be taken into account at the stage of planning and drawing up drawings of the future heating system. All dimensions must be clearly measured so as not to receive unacceptable errors in the future.

We make the calculation of a fireplace with an open firebox: important aspects of creation

When organizing the construction of any fireplace, we must not forget about the important recommendations of specialists. The most important thing is to follow all dimensions, as they play an important role in the characteristics of the fireplace. When you start preliminary calculations, follow all the formulas and take into account possible factors and aspects.

Important aspects include the following:

  1. The size of the firebox of almost any fireplace should not be less than 25 cm, and not more than 40 cm. Such dimensions are considered optimal for domestic-type fireplaces with an average power. These varieties are the most common. If we talk about the stove for a bath, then here the width of the firebox can be a little more than 40 cm.
  2. If you doubt the correctness of the calculations of your fireplace design, you can check them in a simple way. The width of the firebox must necessarily match the width of your firebox door.
  3. Please note that the difference in size will significantly reduce the heat flow, and the fuel will burn much more slowly than it should be. In any case, incorrect dimensions lead to a decrease in the use and efficiency of your fireplace.

Specialists always try to pay special attention to the firebox, because its parameters are the most important indicator. The minimum size of the firebox should be 80 cm, the maximum 100 cm. Very often, when building a fireplace, it is impossible to achieve such an indicator, and the way out of this situation is to increase the level of the afterburner. If the size does not match, then all the combustible gases that are formed in the process will not burn.

Standard dimensions of the fireplace (video)

The size of the fireplace is very important detail during construction. As you can see from the article, size mismatch leads to irreversible consequences, all your work becomes in vain and most likely the structure will be dismantled. Do not neglect the rules. If you are not sure of your abilities, it is better to turn to a professional who will surely create an ideal and correct model of your hearth.

Most owners of private houses dream of installing a stylish, romantic and cozy piece of furniture - a fireplace, the dimensions of which largely depend on what function it will perform - heating or decorative.

Living fire is fraught with not only beauty, but also high probability fire, so the laying of the fireplace must be preceded by a careful calculation.

How to calculate the dimensions of the fireplace?

A full-fledged source of heat (even if it is auxiliary, and not the main one) is often a fireplace. The dimensions of this heating structure for a room with an area of ​​​​20 m 2 are as follows:

  • the area of ​​​​the furnace should vary within 0.4 m 2;
  • furnace hole height - 52 cm, width - 78 cm;
  • the depth of the focus should be 34-35 cm.

The cross-sectional area and the height of the chimney are no less important values ​​that require a separate and especially careful calculation. A fireplace whose dimensions are calculated incorrectly can pose a real threat to human health and life, which lies in the possibility of combustion products and carbon monoxide entering the room. The optimal ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chimney and the fuel hole is considered to be 1/10, however, the standard size of the fireplace is not an axiom, since each individual case requires an individual accurate calculation.

Sizing Wood Fireplaces

Fireplaces wood are designs at which all members of a family often and with pleasure gather during cold autumn and winter evenings. The sound of crackling firewood and the sight of dancing flames inevitably create a unique atmosphere of calm and comfort. Real brick fireplaces are not cheap pleasure, so many home craftsmen have a desire to do this work on their own. Of course, this lesson cannot be called simple, but if everything is done in accordance with the rules, then the result will certainly be positive.

The fireplace includes the following mandatory components:

  • firebox;
  • smoke chamber;
  • chimney.

The size of each element must have the necessary ratio with the dimensions of the heated room.

So, for example, the area of ​​​​the furnace hole in relation to the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room should be 1:50. At the same time, the height and width are related as 2:3, and the depth and height of the firebox varies from 1:2 to 2:3.

The furnace area has the greatest influence on the size of the smoke hole. The required level of draft can be ensured as follows: the area of ​​​​the firebox should be 8-15 times larger than the cross-sectional area of ​​​​the chimney pipe. At the same time, if a round pipe is planned for installation, then you can choose a smaller section than if the chimney was square or rectangular.

Material selection

Wood burning fireplaces are best built from red solid

The quality of this material can be checked by the following indicators:

  • the color should be uniform and thick;
  • a hammer blow on a brick should “return” with a clear and sonorous sound.

In addition, you will need:

  • sand, the grain of which should not exceed 1.5 mm;
  • Cambrian clay, and you can also use brown or dark red;
  • crushed stone - 3-6 mm;
  • Portland cement grade 300.

You also need to buy:

  • smoke damper;
  • fireplace screen;
  • grate.


Before you start building a home, you need to take care of a separate foundation. The depth of the pit should be 60 cm, and the width should be 10 cm larger than the dimensions of the future base.

The bottom should be covered with rubble and carefully tamped to maintain horizontality.

The installed formwork must be covered with broken bricks, stones or rubble, and then poured with thoroughly mixed cement mortar. The top of the foundation should be leveled and checked for horizontality. After 7 days, you can start building a fireplace.

Features of masonry fireplace

Before starting the construction of such a useful invention as a fireplace, the dimensions of which were determined by us earlier, waterproofing should be provided. This will require roofing material laid in 2 layers. Laying should start from the corners. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the level. To give the structure an original look, you can lay the bottom row on edge, and all subsequent ones - flat. Outer solid rows require the use of a trowel or trowel. The smoke collector or firebox should be done manually, as this helps to detect small pebbles in the solution.

It is important to remember that when building a smoke box and a firebox, the fireplace stove requires removing excess solution with a damp cloth. We must not forget that the inner wall is not exposed to plastering. The seam must be thin, otherwise it can quickly crack. Modern fireplaces need ligation of seams for half a brick in each row.

The lining of the firebox and the outer wall should not be connected, otherwise, due to frequent temperature changes, masonry damage may occur.

About modern fireplaces

Every person is pleased to hear the sound of crackling wood and feel the warmth of the flame. Similar feelings can be enjoyed not only in nature, but also in your own home. Brick fireplaces are capable of making dreams come true. The main tasks of this equipment include not only the creation of comfort and coziness in the home, but also its heating.

Modern fireplaces can consume as fuel:

  • coal;
  • natural wood;
  • electrical energy.

There are many ready-made fireplaces on the market. The difference is made by open and closed types of fire chambers. In addition, a fireplace stove can have a closed combined heating system or an open one, where the type of furnace directly depends on the wishes of the buyer.

A modern fireplace is a versatile and practical design that can be installed in any convenient place.

Fireplace as a design element

The fireplace is a great design solution that can emphasize the overall style of the room. For its design, modern, country or any other pleasing to the owner can be used.

Fireplace heating requires accessories such as a poker, tongs, an ash pan and a grate. True, modern society pays much more attention to the emotional and psychological role of this structure. That is why the fireplace is not recommended to be installed in a small room, at the door or in the aisle. The ideal option is comfortable chairs located in a spacious room, a special equipment stand and a neat bench under your feet.

or rustic: unpretentiousness against the backdrop of modest charm

The etymology of the word "rustic" speaks of the most characteristic features of this style - deliberate "uncouthness", "roughness", stylization for a rustic interior (in another way, this style is called country). The desire of our forefathers to bring an element of aesthetics into the arrangement of their primitive dwelling gave rise to this architectural direction, which subsequently began to develop so widely and comprehensively.

The country style is characterized by natural details, components and materials, emphatically “rough” processing and the open shape of the hearth. The most suitable materials are: shell rock, sandstone, tuff stone, etc.

About the exquisite excesses of the baroque fireplace

Born in Europe in the Middle Ages, it is a reflection of taste in Renaissance architecture. This direction is also appropriate in such a matter as the styles of fireplaces. It is distinguished by: the dynamism of the image, excessive splendor and luxury, a certain illusory form and lines, pomposity and decorativeness.

Modern style

Art Nouveau lovers will easily abandon most decor elements in favor of an unusual color experiment. This direction is characterized by: elongation, foam-like shape, a constructive combination of stone and metal parts, as well as the presence of ceramics or glass in the cladding. Adepts of the style are unusual geometric shapes, restraint, conciseness, as well as unconventional design solutions. As a worthy accompaniment to an Art Nouveau fireplace, you can highlight a large abstract or landscape painting, minimally decorated furniture, walls covered in asymmetrical lines and muted color schemes.

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