Wood heating boilers. Wood boilers for heating

The main disadvantage of solid fuel heating boilers is the short operating time from one tab. The fuel in the furnace burns out within 2-3 hours. Wood boilers long burning have a special design that increased the battery life up to several days.

The principle of operation of a wood-fired heating boiler, long burning

Heating boiler for long burning on wood with a water circuit, uses the ability of wood to oxidize, under the influence of high temperature and limited oxygen content. The wood is charred due to the large accumulation of smoke, which restricts the access of oxygen. A large amount of CO is released.

The device and principle of operation of a wood-burning boiler for long-term operation from one load is aimed at recreating such conditions in a limited space of the combustion chamber. Firewood does not burn in the full sense of the word, but smolders. The operating time increases, and the lack of heat is compensated by the afterburning of the emitted gases.

The design of long-burning boilers includes the following components:

Most long-burning boilers are equipped with an enlarged loading chamber. Internal organization allows you to provide battery life for 8-12 hours. Some manufacturers offer boilers that can work from one gas station for several days.

How to choose a slow burning wood burning boiler

Heating boilers for long burning on wood are offered by several domestic and foreign manufacturers. The design of the equipment, as well as the thermal characteristics, differ significantly. When choosing a heat generator, pay attention to the following parameters:
  1. Performance.
  2. Design features.
  3. Manufacturer country.
According to the three parameters listed above, they select a suitable boiler model for domestic needs.

Power calculation

A properly selected wood-burning long-burning heating boiler can easily cope with heating a living area up to 400 - 500 m². When choosing, take into account the performance of the heat generator. The power calculation is performed as follows:
  1. Calculate total area Houses.
  2. Do the calculation required power boiler using the formula 1 kW = 10 m².
  3. If there is a DHW circuit in the design, a 15-20% margin is added to the result.
The above calculations are suitable for buildings with an average degree of thermal insulation, located in the middle latitude of Russia and having a ceiling height of no more than 2.7 m. For rooms with a complex configuration, large number window and doorways, calculations are carried out using on-line.

Design features

Types of long-burning boilers are usually classified into several groups, according to the following criteria:

Separately, it is worth highlighting boilers with a built-in storage boiler. Models of this type have one heating circuit, but are designed to heat the coolant and hot water.

Top Producers

Choosing the best wood-burning boiler for heating your home can be quite difficult, especially when you consider that products are produced by Russia, Austria, Germany, the Baltic States, the Czech Republic and Poland, and it is represented by at least a dozen various manufacturers. The cost of equipment, its thermal performance and reliability depend on the country of the manufacturer.

Thanks to consumer feedback, the following rating of long-burning wood-burning boilers was compiled:

  • German boilers - equipment is offered by several companies, among which models and stand out favorably. The products are fully automated and are characterized by economical fuel consumption.
  • Austrian boilers - produced models, are almost identical in quality to German units. hallmark Austrian boilers, is the maximum automation and the presence of a multi-level security system. Products are offered by concerns, Wirbel, etc.
  • Czech boilers - brands and ATMOS are considered the most popular. Universal stations operating both on wood and on other types of fuel remain in demand. Judging by the number of sales, boilers with cast-iron heat exchangers are in special demand among domestic consumers.
  • Baltic boilers - the Russian consumer was able to evaluate the quality and thermal efficiency of the Latvian ones, the main advantage of which is long time work from one bookmark of fuel. In offline mode, the boiler is able to work for more than 2 days. The design of the unit is so simple that local "craftsmen" offer device diagrams for self-assembly.
  • Russian boilers - the first models of long-burning boilers, were not entirely successful, had many design flaws. IN modern models, errors were corrected, which made it possible to increase the popularity of heating technology. At the moment, the products are offered by Teplodar, Trayan and others. Low price for long-burning wood-burning heating boilers, unpretentiousness to fuel quality - all this explains the high popularity of domestic products.
  • Polish boilers - products of manufacturers are presented on the market:, Defro, Wichlacz. Boilers are practically analogues of German and Austrian companies, but at a more affordable cost. The popularity of the models is somewhat limited by the difficulties with the supply of components and the recently increased price of the units.

Features of the operation of wood boilers with long burning

The burning time of one bookmark of firewood is from 8 to 24 hours. The battery life depends on several factors:
  1. Boiler type.
  2. Fuel quality.
  3. Proper operation.
Learning how to heat a boiler correctly is much easier than it might seem at first glance. During kindling and further operation, adhere to the requirements specified by the manufacturer in technical documentation. After several furnaces, the process becomes familiar.

How to achieve long burning wood

The consumption of firewood, subject to the use of the long burning mode, is 30-40% less than in conventional boilers. The efficiency reaches 92%. Not all consumers manage to get the boiler to work in the long burning mode the first time. Some complain about the copious release of resin during the burning of wood.

You can achieve long-term burning of firewood by carefully following the manufacturer's recommendations:

  • Firewood is kindled with a fully open damper.
  • In the mode of long burning, the boiler is transferred only after reaching a temperature of 600 ° C.
  • The humidity of firewood should not exceed 20%. drown conifers wood is not recommended.

Violations of the rules of operation leads to the fact that tar is formed from firewood in the boiler. Most often, the following conditions are not met:
  • The minimum outlet temperature of the coolant must not fall below 65°C.
  • It is correct to heat the boiler with hard wood: aspen, beech, acacia, oak, etc.
  • The high humidity of firewood leads to an abundant release of resin.
Proper operation of long-burning boilers extends the life of the equipment and increases heat transfer.

How to properly load firewood

Stacking firewood in the boiler is carried out in accordance with the following rules:
  • The logs are split into large pieces.
  • Stacking firewood in the firebox is carried out as tightly as possible. It is important to avoid voids between logs.
  • The length of the logs should be smaller sizes loading chamber, at least 5 cm.

Ignition is carried out exclusively with dry splinters. It is forbidden to use gasoline or kerosene to kindle firewood. From time to time, it is recommended to use special chemical briquettes that remove tar deposits on the walls.

How much firewood do you need for the winter season

The device of a long-burning boiler allows you to save on fuel, approximately 15-30%, depending on the model chosen. The approximate consumption of firewood is calculated as follows:
  • It is generally accepted that for heating every 100 m², 3 Gcal / month will be required.
  • When burning a kilogram of firewood, 3200 kcal is released.
  • To get 1 Gcal, long-burning boilers burn 312 kg of firewood.
  • To obtain 3 Gcal, approximately a ton of wood is required.

During heating season, to heat a house of 100 m², you need 7-8 tons of firewood.

Rules and regulations for the installation of a long-burning wood-burning boiler

The installation of a long-burning boiler is carried out in compliance with the standards applicable to all wood-fired boilers. During the installation work, take into account the existing requirements of PPB and SNiP:

In the room used for the boiler room, it is necessary to have supply and exhaust ventilation and natural lighting. If necessary, it is allowed to place the boiler in the basement.

If a loyal price for a wood-burning boiler for heating a private house is of primary importance to you, then you need to pay attention to Russian units. Today products Russian production not only low cost, but also reliable performance and long service life.

Wood-fired boilers for heating a private house

Don't want to overpay? Interested in a reasonable price for wood-fired boilers with a water circuit for heating a private house in St. Petersburg? We are able to satisfy your interests, as we are the official representatives of heating equipment manufacturing companies.

Why is it worth buying wood-burning boilers for water heating? Initially, it is worth noting that this is an independent means of providing heat. Secondly, heating with wood applies - this is also environmental Safety, which initially lacks harmful substances. Thirdly, firewood can be stored almost forever if you create right conditions. Fourthly, a wood-fired hot water boiler does not require a lot of permits, which is necessary when using gas equipment.

Wood boilers for water heating

You can buy a wood-burning boiler for heating a private house in an online store in 1 click, spending a minimum of effort and time. Indeed, you do not need to visit different shopping centers and specialized shops in search of suitable model. We have hundreds of units at manufacturers' prices. Characteristics, photos and price of a wood-fired heating boiler with a water circuit are available in the catalog of the online store, which provides all the necessary information for the buyer. Heat exchangers in which boilers can be made of both steel and cast iron. It all depends on the operating conditions and the budget of the buyer.

If you need Additional Information about the terms of use, technical nuances or the features of installing and starting equipment, ask questions online or by phone. Our managers will easily answer all your questions.

Hard to believe but thanks modern technologies special wood-fired heating boilers have been developed that can work for a long time without human intervention. For example, there are structures in which it is necessary to throw firewood every 3-4 hours, and there are those that can be refueled every 12 hours.

Scope of use

As a rule, a wood-burning boiler is great solution for residents of those areas where there is no possibility to connect to the gas pipeline network. Also it can be used as alternative those who do not have the financial ability to crash into the gas pipeline. Often, a wood-burning boiler for a house becomes an additional source of heating for the time that documents are being drawn up for a tie-in in the network of a regional organization engaged in the supply of gas to individuals and legal entities.

With the help of such heater several rooms can be heated. It is necessary to choose a boiler, focusing on its power, weight, efficiency and the material from which it is made.

Device Benefits

If you are thinking whether it is worth buying a wood-burning boiler, the reviews of people who have already made such an acquisition will help you decide. So, speaking about the advantages of this device, many mention:

  • durability and economy;
  • ease of use and care;
  • possibility of using it as an additional source of energy.

In addition, experts note that any of the boilers is unpretentious in terms of the quality of the energy carrier used in it. Also, you will not need to remodel the house in order to install the boiler. You can place it in any place convenient for you. If, for example, for gas boiler it is necessary to equip a special room with a flat low floor, then the wood-burning option can be placed anywhere. The main thing is not to place it near flammable objects. It is also desirable that the room has a chimney.

The advantages of this device include environmental friendliness. During operation, each wood-burning boiler burns many heavy toxic compounds, including soot. Due to this, they do not go into the chimney, polluting the surrounding air, but simply burn out and release heat. Only non-flammable gases that are non-toxic enter the air.

Selection rules

If you decide to buy a wood-burning boiler, then you need to know what you need to pay attention to when choosing it. So, first of all, you should find out about the level of efficiency for heating system at home from the boiler. It is also desirable to pay attention to the material from which it is made. For example, models made of cast iron or steel are most popular. Not only the weight of this product will depend on the material, but also its power, as well as its service life.

A cast iron product is able to provide long-term stable operation, because it cools down for a long time. In addition, this material is durable. Cast iron boilers can last more than 20 years. But they have one major drawback. With frequent temperature changes, such a boiler begins to collapse.

Steel is more durable than cast iron. But its lifespan is slightly shorter. After about 15 years, corrosion processes can be noticed in the steel product.

Features of use

If you decide to install a wood-burning boiler, then you will be interested to know what ensures long-term burning of firewood. It is also important to understand all the nuances of its operation. So, first of all, you need to know that the combustion process is regulated in the boiler by changing the level of air supply. The carbon monoxide released during combustion does not go into the chimney, but is the basis for the appearance of combustible gas. This ensures the environmental friendliness of the specified design.


If you decide that heating a private house with a wood-burning boiler is the best options, then you need to familiarize yourself in advance with all the problems that you may encounter during its operation.

So, the following features can be attributed to the disadvantages:

  • when burning wood, soot and ash are formed in large quantities;
  • the boiler must be located in a room equipped with a chimney;
  • the heat carrier coming from the wood-burning boiler warms up unevenly.

In addition, you should allocate a place in which the necessary supply of firewood will be stored. It must be closed and well ventilated. After all, it is important to ensure that the logs remain dry.

Principle of operation

To use the boiler, it is necessary to lay fuel in a specially designated place. It can be either firewood or peat or coal. Main Feature modern solid fuel boilers is that they have limited oxygen supply. This contributes to the fact that the smoldering process slows down. And this means that the need for fuel is significantly reduced. It was calculated that modern options consume 80% less energy than conventional solid fuel boilers. Also, thanks to this feature, the time required to control the operation of the device is significantly reduced.

Heating is carried out due to the fact that during slow smoldering in closed space a large amount of gas is formed, which has a high calorific value. It passes into a specially designed combustion chamber through a refractory nozzle. There, the gas is ignited by the inflating of oxygen.

Fuel in such boilers begins to burn from the top layer. The flame descends gradually from top to bottom. This helps to slow down the combustion process, but at the same time increases heat transfer.

Characteristics of various models

Before buying a particular option, it is important to understand what a wood-burning boiler is. Reviews will help you choose a specific model and understand the features of its operation.

Different models have different duration of work from one load. So, it can be both a few hours and last up to 1-2 days.

Like gas appliances, wood-burning boilers are divided into single and double-circuit. The second option allows not only to heat the house, but also provides hot water. Of course, each of the models has its own characteristics, but experts have calculated average indicators to demonstrate the advantages of these devices.

So, a conventional wood-burning boiler with a water circuit operates with a power of 100 kW, using coal, peat or wood for this. At the outlet of the device, the water should be about 80 0 C, at the inlet - 50 0 C. On average, boilers operate at one load for about 12 hours.

All of them are well protected from overheating thanks to the increased security system. True, before buying it is worth considering that the mass of the boiler can reach 400 kg.

Prices for any, even the most affordable fuel, are constantly growing. Of course, it is difficult to find an alternative to the cheapest natural gas today, but it is not available everywhere. Each person, even before the creation of a heating system, counts on the type of fuel that can be reasonable price purchase in a specific region of residence. Not available everywhere main gas pipelines, to which you can join and provide heating for housing.

There is no doubt that in the very first water heating systems, a wood-burning heating boiler was used as a heat generator to heat the coolant, which provided heating for dwellings.

As soon as a huge network of gas pipelines was created, and natural gas became available for use in home heating, wood and solid fuel boilers have lost their popularity due to the worst performance characteristics. After all, firewood in the boiler burns out quickly, and fuel must be added every three to four hours. Designers created automatic fuel supply systems, but such devices worked reliably only with grades of fuel of small fractions - pellets, coal chips, etc. They could not feed firewood and large pieces of coal into the boiler furnace.

In order not to be left without work and to produce products that will be in demand, boiler manufacturers have found original solution. After all, if the supply of firewood cannot be organized automatically, then you need to make them burn longer. Market relations, competition and the struggle for the consumer have created long-burning wood-fired heating boilers, which in many regions of the country have become an alternative to gas heating.

As a result, the designers created three types of units:

  • long-burning wood-burning boiler with an extended firebox;
  • boilers for heating on wood for a house with top burning fuel;
  • gas generating (pyrolysis) boiler.

Wood burning boiler with an extended firebox

Its main difference from standard solid fuel boilers is the elongated (elongated) shape of the furnace. During the operation of this type of boiler, a dosed air supply to the furnace is performed. This principle of operation allows you to increase the combustion time of one bookmark of fuel up to 6 - 8 hours.

Wood burning boiler with top burning fuel

The main difference between this type of boiler for a long-burning wood-burning house and the classic one is that the ignition and combustion process takes place in the furnace from top to bottom. For this, a special burner is used, which is located on top and moves down as the fuel burns.

This principle is forced, slow and consistent, with the downward smoldering of firewood and the lack of oxygen significantly reducing the speed of flame propagation. When smoldering, gases are formed - methane, carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen. The gases released during the hydrolysis of wood burn out in the furnace of the heat exchanger. This design of the heating unit allows you to make one bookmark of fuel per day.

Gas generator (pyrolysis) boiler

If we compare boilers for heating on long-burning wood, then the gas-generating (pyrolysis) boiler can be considered the most economical and high-tech. Their design is much more complicated than that of boilers of this type, the efficiency is much higher, and the operating time at one gas station is at least 12 hours.

The principle of operation of the pyrolysis boiler

If in a boiler with upper combustion of fuel it burns, albeit slowly, but in a pyrolysis combustion boiler in the upper chamber into which firewood is loaded, there is no combustion. The fuel in the chamber smolders and emits wood gas - a mixture of hydrogen, methane, nitrogen and carbon monoxide(CO). Through the nozzle, wood gas enters the lower combustion chamber, into which air is forcibly supplied. The combustion temperature reaches 1000 degrees.

Pyrolysis boilers have the following characteristic advantages:

Pyrolysis heating boilers work great on any fuel. But they achieve the highest efficiency when using dry firewood with a moisture content of no more than 20%. Owners should know what kind of firewood is best for heating, prepare it in advance and store it so that its quality does not deteriorate.

Universal heating boilers: wood and electricity

For various reasons, the firebox of a wood-burning boiler may go out due to untimely loading or a temporary lack of firewood. So that the coolant in the heating circuit does not cool down to a critical level, you can purchase a combined boiler. The price is quite affordable and can be significantly lower than the price of long-burning wood-burning boilers. Combined boilers combine the advantages of electric and solid fuel heating. For example, electric heaters can be turned on at night, using the night tariff, or for the time before the next fuel load.

The device of the combined "wood - electricity" heating boilers

A universal combined boiler operating on electricity and solid fuel differs from a standard boiler in the presence of an electric heater (heater) inside the water jacket, of which there may be several to achieve the required power.

The price of a combined heating boiler - wood and electricity - is determined by the power, the type of automation used and the brand of the company that created the unit.

The product kit usually includes automation, which in right moment turns the electric heaters on and off.

The main structural elements are as follows:

  • housing with a chimney;
  • wood firebox;
  • heat exchanger;
  • grate in the combustion chamber;
  • ash pan and blower chamber;
  • electric heaters installed in the heat exchanger;
  • automatic switching on/off of heating elements;
  • electrical safety system - RCD.

The principle of operation of the combined heating boiler

As long as wood is burning in the firebox of the combined wood-electricity boiler, it works like a conventional wood-burning heating unit. As soon as the firewood in the combustion chamber burns out, the temperature of the water in the heating circuit will begin to drop. Upon reaching minimum temperature, which is set on the control unit of electric heaters, they will turn on and will not allow the temperature to drop below the value set by the owner. As soon as the firewood is loaded into the furnace, and the temperature of the coolant begins to increase, the automation will turn off the heating elements.

Availability of additional electric heaters allows:

Homemade wood-fired boiler

Unlike gas units, you can make your own. For the manufacture does not require any permits, you only need skillful hands, Availability necessary tools, materials and preferably experience in similar work. Sometimes homemade boilers heating are better than industrial models.

Craftsmen at home often created heating units superior in performance to industrial designs.

Drawings, diagrams and instructions for self-manufacturing homemade wood burning boilers of any type can be easily found online.

Universal boilers gas - firewood

The combined gas heating boiler works - firewood, like everything ingenious, is extremely simple. A boiler of this type is equipped with two autonomous fuel combustion chambers. Gas is burned in one chamber, and solid fuel is burned in the other. various types. Many models are produced, and you can buy a gas boiler - the price of which is not too different from the usual standard unit, but it is possible to use cheap firewood for heating - you can in any online store. The combustion chambers in the design of the combined boiler are located one above the other. The lower chamber is gas. This arrangement when working on gas will allow you to burn off the residues solid fuel in the upper combustion chamber.

The main advantages of universal boilers of the gas-firewood type:

The choice of universal boilers is very large. But unfortunately, universal boilers have some features and disadvantages that you need to know before deciding to purchase and install. Of course, as mentioned above, when buying and installing a combined gas-firewood heating boiler, the price will be less than for the purchase and installation of two boilers for a reserve, but some disadvantages of universal boilers must be taken into account.

The disadvantages of combined boilers can be considered the following:

There is no doubt that universal heating boilers in different options- great solution for country houses and cottages. The owner has the ability to use different types fuel for heating the house and creating the most comfortable living conditions.

Wood heating is the oldest way to create comfort inside the home. Firewood is readily available in most regions of the country, which is why this type of heating system is still very popular today. One of the main drawbacks of wood-burning boilers is the way fuel is added to the furnace, or rather the frequency of this procedure. In conventional systems, it is necessary to “throw” firewood every 2-3 hours. But recently, in many homes, a long-burning wood-burning boiler has been installed. It is about such systems that will be discussed in this article.

Varieties of boilers with a long burning period of fuel

Today, there are many varieties of water heating devices for the heating system at home, including a long-burning wood-burning boiler. Manufacturers produce several types of such devices. They differ in ways of increasing the burning time of fuel from one bookmark. On sale you can find equipment that works according to the principles:

  • controlled combustion of fuel;
  • increasing the size of the furnace.

The second type, in principle, does not have any significant differences from conventional boilers. In such devices, the volume of the furnace itself simply increases. As a result, more firewood is placed in it, which will burn longer.

Another thing is the use of the principle of controlled combustion of fuel. Here all sorts of innovations were made to the design, which allowed not only to increase the combustion time of one bookmark of firewood, but also increased the efficiency of the boilers.

There are two types of such heating equipment, namely:

It is about such long-burning boilers for heating the house that will be discussed in the future.

Pyrolysis systems

Scientists have long noticed that the combustion of any solid fuel releases carbon dioxide, which can be used as an additional fuel. This process is called pyrolysis. When burning wood quite a lot of gas, therefore, wood-fired pyrolysis boilers have become so widespread.

The principle of operation of such devices is quite simple. Fuel is placed in the first chamber of the furnace. With little air firewood smolders and releases pyrolysis gas, which enters the second chamber. Here, the gas is burned and heats the coolant of the heating system of the house.

Such a device can significantly increase the efficiency of a wood-burning boiler. The efficiency of such devices reaches a value of 90% or more. In addition, long-burning pyrolysis boilers have other advantages, namely:

  • fuel burns out almost completely. There is no need to constantly remove numerous combustion products;
  • the operating time of the boiler on one tab increases. It is enough to “throw” firewood into the firebox once every 15 hours;
  • fuel consumption is significantly reduced brings savings for home heating;
  • devices are environmentally friendly. During the combustion of pyrolysis gas, harmful substances are not released into the atmosphere. When they are burned, carbon dioxide and water vapor are obtained;
  • there is the possibility of complete control over the combustion temperature;
  • pyrolysis wood-fired boilers of long burning are unpretentious in maintenance.

But, despite all its advantages, pyrolysis equipment is not without drawbacks. Among them are the following:

  • pyrolysis boilers are quite expensive equipment. For many families, it may simply not be affordable. But on the other hand, such devices will save on heating the house, which compensates for the cost of purchasing equipment;
  • boilers have a large weight and impressive dimensions, due to their complex structure;
  • quite demanding on the quality of fuel. Firewood must be dry, the efficiency of the device depends on it;
  • the need for a constant supply of electricity. The device contains blowers that need electricity.

The high cost of long-burning pyrolysis heating boilers significantly reduces their popularity. But many craftsmen make such devices on their own. Diagrams and drawings can be easily found on the Internet.

Devices operating on the principle of upper combustion

Another type of boilers with a long period of fuel combustion used for heating houses are devices operating on the principle of upper combustion. Such equipment is high-tech and efficient.

The furnace in such boilers looks like a hollow vertical cylinder. After laying firewood, they are set on fire at the top point. Gradually, the flame descends down the firebox. There are no grates in such systems. Air is supplied only from above, therefore the direction of the flame is from top to bottom.

In boilers with top combustion, the water circuit is located around a cylindrical furnace. Such the device allows you to heat the coolant more efficiently and thus heat the room.

The use of such equipment provides many advantages. Among them are:

  • heat transfer increases, and hence the efficiency;
  • One refueling is enough for 10-15 hours. This significantly reduces labor costs during operation;
  • thanks to more efficient system heat transfer reduces fuel costs;
  • simple device allows you to use top-burning boilers for heating any premises(baths, saunas, etc.), and not just private houses.

If we talk about the shortcomings, then there are three main disadvantages. This:

  • high cost compared to boilers with in the usual way fuel combustion;
  • there is some dependence on temperature environment. When burning in a cold room, fuel consumption increases significantly. Therefore, such boilers are best used only in houses with good thermal insulation. In addition, at low temperatures outside, the air flow increases, and hence the rate of combustion of firewood;
  • to add a new portion of firewood, you must wait until the previous batch is completely burned out. If you fill up the fuel earlier, then the combustion will occur in the wrong direction. This significantly increases the consumption of firewood.

It is also desirable to use dry fuel. If the wood has excess moisture, then the efficiency of the boilers is significantly reduced. Some Models equipped with special cameras where you can dry the fuel before sending it to the furnace.


Using firewood as fuel for home heating is very economical. In many regions of our country, wood can be harvested independently, thereby significantly saving. But the use of conventional heating boilers often negates all the desire for frugality. Conventional wood-burning equipment has a low efficiency, and fuel must be added to the furnace very often.

Modern manufacturers of heating devices offer customers long-burning boilers. Pyrolysis devices or appliances with vertical combustion help to significantly reduce fuel consumption and reduce labor costs during operation. Of course, such boilers are expensive, but all costs can be offset by saving firewood. In addition, due to the high efficiency in the house will always be warm and comfortable.

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