Monstera at home. Why do the edges of Monstera leaves constantly turn black? How to save? large plant

Monstera is a beautiful indoor plant native to South America. Inexperienced gardeners do not understand why Monstera leaves turn black. And in this way it signals errors in care or maintenance conditions: leaves may wither, turn yellow, or dry out.

Monstera's leaves often turn yellow if it is not satisfied with the amount of light or moisture. The plant is usually placed on or near a windowsill on the southwest or southeast side so that all leaves receive enough light. At the northern window natural light far less. If you do not provide additional illumination with an electric lamp, the plant will lose its richness. green color, will slow down growth. But direct sunlight is also dangerous - it can burn.

Leaves turn yellow if the air in the room is dry. On a hot day, the monstera does not need to be watered more often: the roots consume less moisture, you need to spray it clean warm water, wipe with a damp soft cloth. An air humidifier can save the situation; a pot with a plant can be placed on a tray with wet expanded clay or simply placed around a container of water. Some gardeners wrap aerial roots with wet cloths high temperature air.

If you water the monstera too often in winter when the air temperature is low, its leaves will turn yellow. Yellowing and loss of turgor will result from placing the pot in a draft. If the soil in the pot is too heavy or it has become muddled because it has not been changed for a long time, the result will be the same - yellowing, slow growth, discolored spots may appear on the leaves.

Why do the leaves turn black?

Leaves may turn black from the cold when the air temperature drops below the permissible level. But usually this is how the consequences of violating the hydration regime manifest themselves. If you water the plant too often, do not drain it. excess water from the tray, the leaves will become covered with black spots. Most likely it will be dry or wet rot. Excessive moisture, like excessively heavy soil, does not allow air to pass through, the roots are left without oxygen, and they can begin to rot. It is clear that rotting of the roots will immediately negatively affect the condition of the above-ground part and will appear as black spots.

With insufficient watering, when the soil dries out completely, the leaves, starting from the bottom ones, will first turn yellow and then turn black. If the situation is not corrected, the entire plant will dry out.

If the tip of the leaf turns black and spots appear on the plate, this may indicate pest damage. Why is this happening? Dry air around flowers creates conditions for the proliferation of spider mites and thrips. Aphids or scale insects can move from other plants, feed on the sap of the plant, and secrete substances that attract the fungus.

Inattentive flower growers may only notice black spots that gradually increase in size - this is the growth of sooty fungus. The fight must be carried out not only with it, but after carefully examining the entire plant, you need to find aphids or scale insects. The fungus is removed with a cotton swab dipped in soapy water, and then the plant is treated with special preparations to get rid of the root cause.

Why do the leaves dry out?

Why do monstera leaves dry if there are no drafts, pests, and is maintained comfortable temperature air? Most likely this occurs due to lack of moisture. The earthen lump should not dry out either in winter or in summer. The soil should always be kept slightly moist, avoiding stagnation of water in the pot. The frequency of watering depends on the season, temperature and humidity level in the room, and the age of the plant. Therefore, it is difficult to accurately indicate the watering schedule, but an attentive gardener will set it himself, you just have to watch the monstera, and before watering, check the soil moisture with a dry wooden stick or just your finger.

When the lower leaves dry, the appearance of new ones slows down, they grow small, not sharp, and the number of leaves increases. aerial roots, which suggests that for normal development the plant does not have enough nutrients. Can save the situation wood ash, which is applied simultaneously with watering, or special fertilizers for monstera. You can replant the flower, completely change the soil, take a slightly larger pot. This must be done carefully, trying not to injure the roots.

What to do

To prevent such troubles from happening, you need to create indoor flower comfortable conditions and provide him with attentive care. Monstera loves sunlight, but not direct sunlight. Daylight hours should last at least 10–12 hours. If there is not enough sun, you should get a phytolamp.

The air temperature in winter should not be lower than +16 °C, and watering is carried out every 10–15 days. If the difficulties are the result of improper watering, then it urgently needs to be restored. When the soil gets too dry, it may be enough just to start watering correctly, but if it is overwatered, replanting may be necessary. Replanting will save the plant if the soil in the pot is too heavy, rotten or infertile. The rotten parts of the roots will have to be cut off and the sections treated with charcoal.

If pests attack, you will have to wash the leaves with soapy water, apply an infusion of onion or garlic, and treat the plant with special products.

Video “Saving indoor plants from diseases”

In this video, an expert will tell you how to save monstera and other indoor plants from diseases and pests.

South America is considered the homeland of monstera. This vine, which is accustomed to the humid and warm climate in natural environment, under appropriate conditions, willingly decorates the interior of a living space. However, in home growing Monstera is not common. Why can't you keep this plant at home? Previously it was believed that it was carnivorous. Today many are convinced that this flower is a vampire. But this is not true. In the process of breathing at night, it takes air from the room, like any other plant. Monstera has large leaves, and therefore it absorbs slightly more oxygen. That is why the room where the flower is located needs to be ventilated more often. Monstera is not a vampire, she doesn't take away vitality in humans.

Monstera - leaves turn yellow and dry. Other diseases with photos and their treatment

In home cultivation, Monstera dainty or beautiful predominates. She is very demanding about living conditions. Otherwise, its leaves dry out, turn yellow and blacken completely or at the edges. Why is this happening and what to do? The causes of plant disease can only be determined by specialists. Today they willingly share their experience in growing flowers and effectively treating their diseases.

Why do monstera leaves turn yellow? What to do? How to cure the disease? The leaves of the plant may turn yellow due to dry air. However, to act this factor can only be done in combination with other unfavorable growing conditions. If the monstera has not been replanted or moved, and its leaves turn yellow and dry, this indicates a change in the temperature and humidity conditions of its content. IN summer time The leaves of the flower should be sprayed frequently, but do not increase watering. As paradoxical as it sounds, with the onset of heat, the flower begins to drink less water, and therefore it can be flooded.

Description of common monstera diseases and their effective treatment- more details in article...

Spots on monstera leaves yellow color may appear when the flower is planted in heavy soil
. The soil for the plant should be loose, light, without humus. This flower is not used to fertile soils, and therefore can react to a large amount of nutrients by yellowing of the leaves. Heavy soil does not allow air to reach the roots. Monstera's leaves turn yellow because the roots are experiencing oxygen starvation. You can solve the problem by transplanting the flower into the right soil, but you must not disturb its root system.

The leaves turn yellow if Monstera is overwatered, especially in winter time . What to do? If the yellowing of the leaves does not occur en masse, then you can get by with adjusting the watering. The plant should be watered regularly with warm water. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist, but not dry. If water accumulates in the pan, remove it immediately. Low room temperature and excess moisture lead to rotting of the roots. How to determine this. Rotten roots are reflected in the turgor of the leaves. He falls. The plant is stunted and throws out small leaves. The problem can be solved by replanting the vine and removing the rotten roots.

Why else do monstera leaves turn yellow? If she doesn't get enough light. Windows oriented to the south (southwest, southeast) are ideal for its placement, but at the same time you need to protect the leaves of the flower from direct sunlight, which can cause burns.

What causes monstera leaves to dry out en masse? At the same time, the level of soil moisture is strictly monitored. The earth is kept slightly moist. In this case, you need to carefully examine the plant. If the lower leaves of the monstera turn yellow and dry, and the young ones grow small, a large number of aerial roots are formed, then this is a sure sign of a lack of nutrition for the plant. Solution to the problem: fertilize or replant the flower in a pot bigger size. In this case, the integrity of the earthen ball around the roots must not be violated. Violation of the root system leads to the death of the flower.

Monstera leaves turn black. Why does this happen, because all the conditions for keeping the flower are met?? The leaves of a flower can turn black due to waterlogging of the soil. In addition, the plant is planted in too heavy soil. When watering, it sticks together and does not allow air to pass through to the roots, which affects the condition of the leaves. Regular waterlogging of the soil and insufficient oxygen saturation of the soil leads to disruption of the root system. The problem can be solved by adjusting the watering. After the monstera begins to expel new leaves and the old ones stop turning black, you can think about replanting. Light soil is used for this.

Why do monstera leaves turn black and yellow? The leaves grow small. Before they have time to open, they turn black at the tips, and the trunk of the plant becomes wrinkled. Cause of the disease: waterlogging of the soil. This comes either from too frequent watering, or the flower pot is very large and root system does not have time to absorb all the liquid from the soil. If the tips of the leaves of the plant simply turn black, then you can save it by normalizing watering. If a monstera's stem is rotten and rotten, the flower cannot be saved. You can cut it for rooting.

South America is considered the homeland of monstera. This vine, which is accustomed to a humid and warm climate in its natural environment, readily decorates the interior of a living space under appropriate conditions. However, Monstera is not common in home cultivation. Why can't you keep this plant at home? Previously it was believed that it was carnivorous. Today many are convinced that this flower is a vampire. But this is not true. In the process of breathing at night, it takes air from the room, like any other plant. Monstera has large leaves, and therefore it absorbs slightly more oxygen. That is why the room where the flower is located needs to be ventilated more often. Monstera is not a vampire, she does not take away vitality from a person.

Monstera - leaves turn yellow and dry. Other diseases with photos and their treatment

In home cultivation, Monstera dainty or beautiful predominates. She is very demanding about living conditions. Otherwise, its leaves dry out, turn yellow and blacken completely or at the edges. Why is this happening and what to do? The causes of plant disease can only be determined by specialists. Today they willingly share their experience in growing flowers and effectively treating their diseases.

Why do monstera leaves turn yellow? What to do? How to cure the disease? The leaves of the plant may turn yellow due to dry air. However, this factor can only act in combination with other unfavorable growing conditions. If the monstera has not been replanted or moved, and its leaves turn yellow and dry, this indicates a change in the temperature and humidity conditions of its content. In summer, the leaves of the flower should be sprayed frequently, but do not increase watering. As paradoxical as it sounds, with the onset of heat, the flower begins to drink less water, and therefore it can be flooded.

Description of common monstera diseases and their effective treatment - more details in article...

Yellow spots on Monstera leaves may appear when the flower is planted in heavy soil.
. The soil for the plant should be loose, light, without humus. This flower is not accustomed to fertile soils, and therefore can react to a large amount of nutrients by yellowing the leaves. Heavy soil does not allow air to reach the roots. Monstera leaves turn yellow because the roots are starved of oxygen. The problem can be solved by transplanting the flower into the desired soil, but you must not disturb its root system.

Leaves turn yellow if Monstera is overwatered, especially in winter.. What to do? If the yellowing of the leaves does not occur en masse, then you can get by with adjusting the watering. The plant should be watered regularly with warm water. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist, but not dry. If water accumulates in the pan, remove it immediately. Low room temperature and excess moisture lead to rotting of the roots. How to determine this. Rotten roots are reflected in the turgor of the leaves. He falls. The plant is stunted and throws out small leaves. The problem can be solved by replanting the vine and removing the rotten roots.

Why else do monstera leaves turn yellow? If she doesn't get enough light. Windows oriented to the south (southwest, southeast) are ideal for its placement, but at the same time you need to protect the leaves of the flower from direct sunlight, which can cause burns.

What causes monstera leaves to dry out en masse? At the same time, the level of soil moisture is strictly monitored. The earth is kept slightly moist. In this case, you need to carefully examine the plant. If the lower leaves of the monstera turn yellow and dry, and the young ones grow small, a large number of aerial roots are formed, then this is a sure sign of a lack of nutrition for the plant. Solution to the problem: fertilize or transplant the flower into a larger pot. In this case, the integrity of the earthen ball around the roots must not be violated. Violation of the root system leads to the death of the flower.

Monstera leaves turn black. Why does this happen, because all the conditions for keeping the flower are met?? The leaves of a flower can turn black due to waterlogging of the soil. In addition, the plant is planted in too heavy soil. When watering, it sticks together and does not allow air to pass through to the roots, which affects the condition of the leaves. Regular waterlogging of the soil and insufficient oxygen saturation of the soil leads to disruption of the root system. The problem can be solved by adjusting the watering. After the monstera begins to expel new leaves and the old ones stop turning black, you can think about replanting. Light soil is used for this.

Why do monstera leaves turn black and yellow? The leaves grow small. Before they have time to open, they turn black at the tips, and the trunk of the plant becomes wrinkled. Cause of the disease: waterlogging of the soil. This happens either from too frequent watering, or the flower pot is very large and the root system does not have time to absorb all the liquid from the soil. If the tips of the leaves of the plant simply turn black, then you can save it by normalizing watering. If a monstera's stem is rotten and rotten, the flower cannot be saved. You can cut it for rooting.

Monstera (lat. Monstera) immediately attracts attention in any interior with its luxurious huge dark green leaves, they seem to be carved with many characteristic holes. The bizarre shape of the trunk is explained by the fact that Monstera comes from the family of fast-growing tropical vines, which explains its need for reliable high support. Monstera is native to the Indian and American tropics, and there are more than 50 varieties. The plant has excellent hardiness and grows well at home or in an apartment. Despite its “frightening” name, Monstera is an absolutely harmless plant for people, birds and animals at home. In our article we will tell you why monstera leaves turn yellow and dry, and how to deal with it.

The most popular variety has become the green-leaved or variegated Monstera deliciosa, with many subspecies that differ in venation and type of growth and flowering, as well as leaf shape. After transplantation and as it grows, it produces bizarre aerial roots. Big leaves It is necessary to polish from time to time so that they do not lose their shine.

Proper care of the plant guarantees its fast and lush growth, resistance to diseases and pests, flowering and long life.

Any disturbance in air humidity, too high or low temperature may cause various diseases, which can be cured if you act promptly and without delay.

  • Stem rot is caused by excessive watering and cold air in the room. If urgent rescue measures are not taken, the plant may die.

Many gardeners wonder why Monstera leaves suddenly begin to turn yellow and dry out. Look at the photo, perhaps this is exactly the problem your exotic pet has. There are many reasons for this, which we will try to figure out:

  • Lack of moisture causes yellowing lower tier, and ugly ones appear brown spots. Subsequently, the plant’s leaves turn black, and if the problem is ignored, new ones will be too dark and small.
  • Yellowing of the leaves followed by rotting and wilting means that you are too zealously flooding the plant with water. Perhaps your watering vessel is too large.
  • Is there a loss of beautiful large lower shoots followed by the growth of small yellowish leaves without characteristic holes? What could be the reason for this behavior? Check if your flower receives enough sunlight.
  • Monstera leaves turn yellow without rotting or wilting. In this case, when was the last time you fed a flower with good, high-quality fertilizer? She just lacks nutrients.
  • The appearance of unaesthetic yellow spots on pale leaves can mean only one thing - your flower is standing long time under straight lines sun rays and got a banal sunburn.
  • Do the tips of the plates dry out and turn dark brown or even black? This is the plant’s reaction to increased room temperature. You may need to ventilate the room more often or find another way to regulate the temperature.
  • Are there streaks on the leaves? Perhaps your pet lacks polishing. To do this, you need to wash off the dust and add a few drops to the water for spraying. lemon juice, and wipe the leaves themselves with beer or mash from equal proportions of raw chicken egg and water, and then polish until shiny. This rubbing not only makes them smooth and shiny, but also acts as a vitamin supplement.


When insects appear, be sure to check neighboring plants; perhaps the monstera was infected from them, then you will have to urgently treat all indoor flowers located next to the monstera. If there are too many pests, and the damage covers almost the entire surface of the vine, replanting the plant and replacing the soil cannot be avoided.

As you can see, there are no invincible diseases, there are only inattentive and improper care, as well as the lack of surgical treatment. Your monstera can be saved, the main thing is to discover the cause of the disease and take urgent measures to restore the plant’s elegance and charm!

A liana can only signal its problems appearance, namely: the leaves begin to dry or change color. The most common symptom is drying and yellowing of the leaves.

Monstera leaves do not tolerate prolonged exposure to sunlight.

Reasons why monstera leaves may turn yellow:

  • Excess moisture - excessive watering may cause rotting of the root system or leaves. In this case, the amount of water should be reduced and damaged parts of the plant should be removed.
  • Lack of moisture is manifested by yellowing lower leaves, while the top part remains green. Young leaves grow smaller than usual.
  • Massive yellowing of foliage indicates an excess of direct sunlight. Monstera prefers partial shade - this should be taken into account when choosing a permanent location for the plant.
  • Lack of nutrition - this problem can be avoided with timely feeding. As a top dressing you can use complex mineral fertilizers, wood ash.
  • Pests - when damaged spider mite or mealybug the leaves also begin to turn yellow and dry out. It is necessary to regularly inspect the vine for signs of infection.

Monstera care measures should be adjusted depending on weather and climatic conditions.

What to do if monstera leaves turn yellow

First of all, you need to find out and eliminate the real reason, according to which the monstera began to look unsightly:

  • if there is a lack of moisture, increase the frequency of watering, and if there is excess moisture, let the soil dry out;
  • in spring and summer, add mineral or organic fertilizers to the soil once every 2 weeks;
  • remove all damaged leaves and roots and treat the cut areas with ash - this will stop the rotting process;
  • If you find signs of pests, treat the monstera with a special preparation;
  • Place the plant on the west or east side of the room or provide sun protection with a curtain.

To prevent diseases, periodically treat the leaves with drugs to enhance immunity. indoor plants, for example “zircon” or “epin”. The sooner you eliminate the cause of the disease, the faster the monstera will recover and will again delight you with its beautiful appearance.

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