The most favorable days for transplanting indoor plants. Favorable days for transplanting indoor plants: recommendations from professionals

Experienced flower growers have long been convinced that plants planted on a growing moon develop and bear fruit better. The satellite of the sun has a strong influence not only on humans, but also on plants. Starting landing work, it is worth checking the phases of the moon in advance. When to plant indoor flowers according to the lunar calendar 2019? auspicious days for landing indoor plants are given in the article.

According to flower growers, any landing events held on the new moon or on the waning moon do not end well.

Lunar calendar florist for 2019 d

From the strong lunar attraction, water rushes from the roots to the leaves and stems. From this young plant grows and develops faster. According to flower growers, any planting events held on the new moon do not end well. Indoor flowers get sick. When to plant indoor flowers according to the lunar calendar? If you plant flowers on the growing moon, they will actively develop and delight you with lush flowering.

The moon will grow in 2019 on such dates, namely:

  • January - from 7 to 20;
  • February - from 6 to 18;
  • March - from 7 to 20;
  • April - from 6 to 18;
  • May - from 6 to 18;
  • June - from 4 to 16;
  • July - from 3 to 16;
  • August - from 2 to 14, 31;
  • September - from 1 to 13, 29 and 30;
  • October - from 1 to 13, 28 to 31;
  • November - from 1 to 11, 27 to 30;
  • December - 1 to 11, 27 to 31.

Landing work is recommended to be carried out a few days after the onset of the new moon. Carrying out planting seeds or seedlings on the growing moon will lead to good results. It is better not to sow seeds for seedlings 3 days before the onset of the full moon.

Growing indoor flowers from seeds at home X

It is not difficult to grow a houseplant on your own. To master the landing technique, you need to follow only a few simple rules. These include preparing seeds for sowing, right choice soil composition and care for growing flowers.

Preparing seeds for planting includes the following activities:

Home flowers, like any other plants, respond positively to fertilization. It is recommended to use natural fertilizers, such as bird droppings, mullein and infusions based on them. Suitable as a mineral supplement wood ash rich in many minerals.

Indoor plants and house flowers are the decorations of any home.

But to create your little botanical garden a lot of effort needs to be put in. In order for flowers to please the eye, it is necessary not only to create a comfortable environment, but also to plant and transplant plants correctly. An important role is played by the choice of time for transplantation.

In this article, we will look at how the lunar calendar helps you choose a good day.

Transplantation of indoor plants according to the lunar calendar 2017

Even in ancient times, the huge impact of the satellite of our planet on all processes occurring on Earth was noted. Of course, such an aspect as crop production is no exception. The moon, while revolving around the earth, simultaneously moves around the sun. This is the same lunar cycle. Moving around the circumference of the Earth, the Moon takes a certain position relative to the sun. In other words, it goes through certain lunar phases.

It has been observed that the position of the moon has an impact on both the intensity of growth and the flowering of a particular plant. On the basis of observations of the lunar movement, the so-called lunar calendar was created. The lunar cycle lasts one month. There are the following types lunar phases: new moon, then waxing moon, then full moon, and finally waning moon.

Since the lunar calendar does not coincide with what we are used to solar calendar, every year the same lunar phase passes in different days month. This, of course, creates certain difficulties in determining in what position the Moon is now. As a basis, we can use an old sign, which was used by our grandparents. If it turns out to make the letter P from a similar-looking horn of the month, then this is a growing moon. If the month looks more like the letter C, this is a waning lunar phase or an aging one.

However, for such observations, of course, we must count on cloudless clear weather. If, however, we are not lucky with observations about the Earth’s satellite due to clouds, there are enough resources on the Internet to exact definition current lunar phase.

What is the reason for the influence of the moon on the transplantation and growth of plants? In a global view, not only the tides of the world's oceans depend on the Moon, but also the movement of all fluids on earth. Plants, like any living organism, contain water. In the first lunar phase, that is, two weeks from the moment of the new moon, the water level gradually rises. In all plants during this period, what is called ascending sap flow occurs, that is, the movement of fluid from the roots of the plant to the foliage. Of course, during this period, the plant gains strength, occurs fast growth. The maximum of this growth is reached on the full moon.

Let's take a closer look at each lunar phase.

  • The new moon lasts for about a day and a half. The moon is almost invisible. The gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun are added together, due to which the concentration of plant juices is located in the root part and at the base of the plant stem. Since all the juices are concentrated in the roots, it is during this period that you can do whatever you want with the leaves and stems of the plant. But you should avoid transplanting, as you can damage the roots.
  • Waxing Crescent. During this period, the roots are already less vulnerable and do not react so strongly to transplantation. Plant juices begin to move from the root system up the stem, due to which the development of the ground part of the plant begins. During this period, water and food are needed. You can transplant the plant, as it is subject to rapid development and will quickly move away from all traumatic procedures.

The full moon lasts from a day to a day and a half. The moon looks like a disk. The concentration of all the forces and energy of the plant is in the ground part. But the roots are undergoing a test associated with a lack of energy in them. During this period, the plant needs abundant watering. The viability of the roots is reduced.

And finally, the last phase of the moon is waning. Due to the decrease in the attraction of the Moon, the increasing force of the Earth's gravity creates high humidity soil. Energy and juices move from the leaves to the roots. The rest period begins. It is necessary to reduce the frequency of watering.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: January 2017

Winter is the most difficult season. Dry air, high temperatures, drafts and lack of light are the health hazards of the plant in winter. To avoid them, the following rules must be observed:

  1. Hydration. It is necessary to spray both the leaves of the plant and the space around the flower with water. For example, if your flower is on a windowsill, spray water on the surface of the windowsill around the pot. Thus, you will not only increase the humidity of the air, but also reduce the risk of specific types of pests.
  2. Draft. Airing the room is necessary both for human health and for the plant. But just like a person, a plant should not be near the window while it is open. Move the pot to another place, and after airing, return it back.
  3. Lighting. There is very little sunshine during the winter months. If you do not have special fluorescent lamps, put the pot closer to the window. In frosts, a special translucent film is stretched between the window and the plant. In a poorly heated room, remove the pot for the night, and put it back in the morning.
  • Good days from 1 to 11, as well as at the end of the month from 28 to 31 January.
  • From January 13 to January 27 are considered unsuitable days for transplanting, only watering and top dressing. On January 12, it is better to leave the plant completely alone.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: February 2017

  • Auspicious days from 1 to 10 and from 26 to 28 February.
  • Unfavorable days 11 and 25.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: March 2017

Spring is coming, which means that you can safely take on a plant transplant. This is due to the increase in daylight hours. You should slightly increase watering and continue to deal with dry air in the room until the heating is completely turned off. For constant air humidification, you can buy a special device. Also, do not forget to use a variety of dressings.

  • The second half of March is absolutely suitable for all manipulations with the plant.
  • On March 12, it is necessary to exclude any actions that will lead to stress.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: April 2017

This month of spring is great for transplanting. Good days are April 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, and also from April 26 to 28. Eliminate contact with plants on April 11.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: May 2017

Every month it gets warmer and warmer, daylight hours increase, which means that there are more days for care. Flowers transplanted in early May will take root perfectly, namely from 1 to 10, as well as on May 25, 26, 29 and 30.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: June 2017

So spring is over and summer has come. But this does not mean that in the summer months it is contraindicated to change the plant's habitat. It is necessary to do this more carefully, since the flowering time begins in summer, and any careless action can harm.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: July 2017

July is the hottest month. The plant needs constant watering and moisture. It is better not to choose this particular time for transplantation. But if you cannot do without changing the soil, then you should prepare very carefully and turn to the lunar schedule for help. Auspicious days from July 1 to 5 and from July 24 to 27. It is worth completely abandoning the transplant process from July 10 to 22.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: August 2017

The third summer month is less hot than July. The temperature goes down, more precipitation falls, the humidity in the air increases, and accordingly, the number of days for transplantation also increases. Plants will take root perfectly in the period from 1 to 6 July and from 22 to 29 July. But it is worth abandoning the idea of ​​transplanting from July 7 to 21.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: September 2017

To increase the resistance of the roots to cold, the soil should be updated in September. And, although the transplanted plant will take root perfectly, you should be more careful about the choice of the day.

Schedule a transplant should be from September 1 to 5, as well as from September 20 to 27. From 6 to 19 September bad days.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: October 2017

In October, the plants go to sleep. You need to slowly reduce watering. Starting from October, plant transplantation is not recommended. But, if you cannot do without a transplant, choose one of the favorable days from October 1 to October 4, as well as from October 18 to October 30. The transplant will not succeed from 5 to 17 October.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants: November 2017

This month, like October, is not best time for a transplant. But a successful outcome is ensured if the soil change takes place from November 1 to 3 and from November 18 to 30. Unfavorable days from 5 to 17 November.

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor plants december 2017

The plant tolerates a transplant in winter very hard. Any injury to the leaves, stem or roots can result in tragedies for the plant. But, if a transplant is essential, you should choose December 1, 2, as well as the period from December 18 to 31. Unfavorable days from December 3 to 17.

Home flowers: transplant according to the lunar calendar 2017

Although the transplant is not the fastest, and, most importantly, an enjoyable experience, it should be done regularly. Then your plant will always delight you not only with healthy and strong leaves, but also with bright flowers.

Usually transplanted for several reasons. First, to supply the roots with the necessary oxygen. Secondly, not only the ground part of the plant grows over time, but also the rhizomes. Therefore, to ensure healthy flower growth, it must be transplanted into a larger pot as needed.

It is impossible to say the exact time when indoor flowers should be transplanted. It depends on many factors. For example, if the flower is young, it grows quite quickly, therefore, it needs to be transplanted after a year. Since during the year he has the formation and growth of the root system, so you will need a larger pot.

If the plants are already old, frequent transplanting, on the contrary, can harm the flower. Without visible reasons don't worry about them.

Spring is considered the optimal period for transplantation, namely the first two months. Behind spring period the flower will get used to and adapt to the ground, and in the summer it will strengthen its root system and will grow. Do not transplant indoor flowers in winter. Due to the cold weather and the lack of sufficient sunlight, metabolic processes slow down, and the flower may not be able to withstand stress. In addition, if the plant blooms, it is absolutely impossible to transplant it. Although there are exceptions to the rule, for example, an orchid or, as it is also called phalaenopsis.

Transplantation of orchids according to the lunar calendar 2017

Phalaenopsis or orchid is one of the most beautiful and popular houseplants. Many designers use it as one of the interior decorations. And it's not that easy. Due to the large number of varieties and colors, an orchid can be not only ordinary decoration, but also one of the attributes of the interior. In addition, the flowering period proper care reaches 10 months. The orchid can be safely called the pride of the gardener. The orchid has an interesting personality. She is not demanding in everyday life. It is not necessary to put it on the windowsill. If the room is bright enough and well ventilated, the plant pot can be easily identified in the center of the room. The only thing that the orchid does not like is direct sunlight. Better diffused light.

And you need to transplant an orchid with enviable regularity. Since the roots grow rapidly, the tree bark or woody soil is depleted.

An orchid must be transplanted in the following cases: they begin to form aerial roots, appear on the leaves yellow spots and the orchid does not bloom for 3 months.

Unlike other flowers, an orchid can be repotted when it is in bloom. Transplanting will not affect the further color of the plant. But first you need to cut off all the flower stalks by about 2 cm.

For transplantation, select the month of spring. But if it is extremely necessary to do this in winter or in any other month, you must definitely check with the lunar calendar and choose one of the favorable days.

Violet transplant lunar calendar 2017

Homemade violet is a decoration of any home. It takes up little space, but is not inferior in beauty to other flowering house plants.

Violet is a completely undemanding flower. It is not demanding of light, does not need constant enrichment. organic matter adapts well to room temperature. But in order for the violet to please with its beautiful flowers, it needs a competent transplant.

There are several factors that can determine the need for a transplant: these are white coating on the ground and tightly entwined with the roots of a clod of earth. These signs indicate that there is a lack of air permeability of the soil and an excess of minerals present in it. These troubles can lead to poor growth of violets and the death of the plant.

A violet, unlike an orchid, cannot be transplanted during the flowering period. A flowering plant indicates the fact that it is comfortable in this pea. Therefore, in order not to harm, wait until the violet has faded.

A blooming violet can only be transplanted if it needs to be urgently saved. To do this, moisten the earth ball and use special method which is called transshipment.

Violet transplantation can be done in any month. Although in winter, due to lack of sunlight, the plant may have a problem with adaptation. Best of all, violet, like other houseplants, takes root in the spring. To choose the most favorable day, you should refer to the lunar calendar.

Summing up

Of course, if necessary, a houseplant can be transplanted in any month and in any season. But if there is no emergency, such as the death of a plant, it is better to wait for spring and transplant flowers according to the lunar calendar. After transplanting any houseplant, it should be provided with complete comfort, namely the absence of drafts, access to sunshine and high air humidity.


Look - are there any among your indoor plants that cannot get drunk in any way: no matter how much you water, the earth instantly dries up? This is because their roots have grown and quickly absorb moisture. In others, the soil is moist, but the view is deplorable. It looks like the plant was flooded and its roots rotted. It happens differently: the flower is green and healthy, but for some reason does not want to grow. Most likely, the earth in which he sits is too compacted and there is little oxygen in it, which the roots need for normal development.

The problems in all these cases are different, but the solution is the same: a speedy transplant. Right now. bright and yet warm sun will allow the plant to recover quickly after a somewhat traumatic operation.

Houseplants have grown a lot over the summer, and many of them seem to be rushing out of the pot to freedom. , which means it's time to start the autumn "resettlement".

Transplant or transfer?

There are two ways: transfer And transshipment. If the roots of the plant are in order, then it needs transshipment - that is, simply moving it into a larger pot while maintaining an earthy coma. A transplant without preserving an earthen coma is carried out if the plant is flooded and its roots are rotten. At the same time, the earth is gently shaken off, damaged roots are removed, the sections are sprinkled with crushed coal. The plant is planted in a new pot, providing good drainage. The old earth is being replaced.

Rules for transplanting indoor plants

  • Plants should be well watered before transplanting.
  • The container should be 3-4 cm wider than the previous one. If the container or pot is much higher than before, it's okay, extra centimeters can be filled with drainage.
  • For fast-growing plants, you can take a container twice as wide as the previous one, but in this case you need to be especially careful with watering.
  • Cannot be covered with expanded clay drainage hole. To avoid this, a shard, shell or stone with an uneven surface is placed on the hole.
  • The drainage layer can be from 3 cm to half the height of the pot. For plants with a shallow root system ( arrowroot , , epipremnum ) and it should be larger. For plants with well-developed roots directed deep into the pot (most ficuses , palm trees, dracaena , asparagus ), 3 cm is enough. Plants can also be planted in tall flowerpots, but at the same time, the layer of earth under the lump should not be significant, the rest of the height of the container is covered with drainage. To make a tall and narrow container stable, place pebbles or crushed stone as drainage.
  • A layer of earth is poured over the drainage, then the transplanted plant is carefully placed on it - so that the root collar is located 2-3 cm below the edge of the pot.
  • The roots are covered with earth, compacting it with your hands, leaving 2-3 cm to the upper edge of the pot.
  • After transplantation, the plant is watered abundantly, if necessary, the sagging earth is filled up.

What to do after transplanting with indoor plants

  • The plant is placed in a bright place, but not under direct Sun rays and protected from drafts.
  • They begin to feed it no earlier than 3-4 weeks after transplantation, but only if the plant has taken root well.

What mistakes are possible when transplanting indoor flowers

  • Don't deepen root collar in woody plants.
  • Don't plant too much big pot without drainage - the plant will grow poorly. In addition, this can lead to plant flooding and root rot.
  • Do not feed a newly transplanted plant with fertilizers - a burn of the roots may occur and, as a result, the plant will die. In addition, ready-made substrates usually contain fertilizers that act gradually.

Houseplants, just like garden plants, require heightened attention. Caring for them is not limited to watering. Almost all home beauties need a periodic transplant. But at the same time, it is important to know not only how to do it, but also when it is better to transplant indoor flowers. The further well-being of plants and their appearance depends on the correctly chosen dates.

At first glance, the dilemma lies in the choice: in the fall or in the spring, take on the spatula and soil. But in reality, there are many nuances in this matter: in the morning or in the evening, a day according to the lunar calendar, whether the age and size of the plant, as well as its condition, affect it. Let's look at all the factors that affect the timing of the transplant.

When is it better to transplant indoor flowers - in what season

Any transplant (including transshipment) is intended to improve the growing conditions of plants. If this is done on time and in compliance with the rules, then after a while the green friend begins to grow and develop more actively. Before considering in detail when it is better to transplant flowers at home, you need to decide on the question of how often to carry out this procedure.

Young plants need soil renewal annually. In relation to adult flowering objects that have already reached large sizes, you can limit yourself to once every 2-3 years. At the same time, many decorative leafy (, palm trees) and flowering crops (camellias, amaryllis) require an even rarer transplant - once every 3-4 years.

With timely and competent care of pets, such a frequency will be enough. Now to the question, at what time of the year indoor flowers calmly take root in a new pot.

The best time for a planned transplant of indoor plants is the end of winter and spring (the period from mid-February to April).

This is quite understandable from a physiological point of view. In the spring, when daylight hours increase, vital processes begin to activate in the body of plants, including indoor ones. First of all, this is photosynthesis, the transport of water and nutrients. As a result, the plant begins to actively grow and develop. During such a period, all forces are mobilized and the plant organism more easily tolerates the change of soil.

At the same time, more accurate terms within the specified period must be determined, focusing on the plant itself. Since each species has its own individual characteristics. So, bulbous plants transplanted only after their leaves turn yellow. Any flowering plants should not be touched until their last flowers have withered. Only after that you can start transplanting or transshipment.

Exceptions to the rules:

  • If necessary, the period for transplanting flowers can be extended until the summer. But in this case, it is important to comply with all the conditions of the procedure and provide the plant with attentive care in a new pot. I mean light, water, temperature regime, top dressing.
  • For some crops, the spring transplant rule has an exception. An example is cacti. In the spring they bloom, and in the summer they actively increase their phytomass. Therefore, the most convenient time to transplant cacti is the beginning of winter (more precisely, November, December) or the end of spring - the beginning of summer.
  • And one moment. Even if you bought a new houseplant in the store and the timing seems to be good for transplanting, you should not rush. Let the new occupant of your home acclimate. Otherwise, the procedure may end badly for him - he will not withstand the double stress.

When flowers are transplanted according to the lunar calendar

The fact that the Earth's satellite influences many processes on our planet has not been a secret for a long time. Gardeners plant, cut, feed, dig up plants on personal plot according to the lunar calendar. This phenomenon also applies to indoor flowers. There are dates on which it is very favorable to transplant, and there are those when it is better not to touch the plants.

transplant and new landing indoor flowers are best produced on the days of the Virgin. In this case, the plants will quickly take root and grow well.

These days and times change every year. Data for 2018 are shown in the table. And although it is best to repot indoor flowers in the spring, there are also suitable days in other seasons (autumn and even winter). After all, sometimes for emergency reasons, flowers need an urgent transplant.

Lunar calendar of transplantation and pruning in 2018

Month auspicious days bad days Forbidden days
January 1, 18 — 30 3 – 17 2, 31
February 17 – 28 1 – 14, 16 15
March 1, 18 – 30 3 — 17 2, 31
April 17 – 29 1 – 16 30
May 16 – 28 1 – 15, 30, 31 29
June 14 – 27 1 – 13, 29, 30 28
July 14 — 26 1 – 12, 28 — 31 13, 27
August 12 – 25 1 – 10, 27 — 31 11, 26
September 10 – 24 1 – 9, 26 – 30 25
October 10 – 23 1 – 9, 25 — 31 24
November 8 – 22 1 – 7, 24 – 30 23
December 8 — 21 1 – 7, 23 — 31 22

Dates from the "favorable days" column are ideal for doing land work. The days indicated in the middle column are not suitable for replanting and cutting indoor flowers - that is, any drastic measures should be postponed to another day. Dates from the last column are an absolute taboo. It is better not to touch the plants these days (meaning not only transplanting, but also top dressing, pest control, loosening).

When is an emergency transplant performed?

In the life of domestic plants, there are situations when they need an urgent transplant. This may be necessary if it is not possible to solve the problem with other methods of care (for example, top dressing, pruning, chemical treatment).

When, for objective reasons, it became necessary to replace the soil and the pot, they no longer look at the standard terms for transplanting indoor flowers. This emergency procedure can be carried out at any time - both during the period of active growth and during the dormant period of the plant.

How to determine that a plant organism needs an urgent transplant with a complete or partial replacement of the soil? There are several signs that indicate this:

  1. The earthen ball protrudes very strongly from the pot. This means that the root system does not have enough volume.
  2. During the period when the plant should actively grow, it does not form new shoots and does not develop.
  3. Rapid yellowing of leaves on the whole plant (both old and young).
  4. Violation of flowering - reduction in terms, a decrease in the number of flowers or their underdevelopment and early fall.
  5. Root rot caused by severe infectious diseases or pests.

Even if outside the window is not the best time to transplant, you can take a chance. But you need to make every effort to fix the problem. The thing is that an urgent replacement of the soil and container outside the classical terms can both save the plant and destroy it. It all depends on the correct observance of the procedure.

So if your green pets need an update soil conditions then find the most suitable time for this useful thing. When deciding when it is best to transplant indoor flowers and decorative leafy crops, consider all factors at once - the time of year, the condition of the plant, the lunar calendar. In this case, the "operation" will end successfully and home flowers will delight the eye.

Good luck with your floriculture!

One of important aspects, which should be taken into account when establishing an apartment garden, are.

Yes, depending on the decade lunar month, there is an increase or decrease in certain properties of plant organisms, which is important to consider in order for the landing to be as successful and efficient as possible.

  1. Auspicious days for planting indoor flowers

The influence of lunar phases and astrology on indoor flowers

Any of the phases of the moon has a certain effect on all plant organisms.

This influence varies depending on the phase.

On the growing, young moon You can take the time to disembark or simply transplant into a new container. This is due to the fact that during this period representatives indoor garden receive a new influx of energy during transplantation. This has a beneficial effect on growth processes, their activation.
On the waning moon There comes a period that is unsuitable for any active actions in relation to flowers, since in this phase the flow of energy stops at the root system. So transplantation procedures can harm the root, thus disrupting energy circulation processes and even lead to death.
Second and fourth phase The optimal time for pruning and transplanting plants. Flowers calmly endure all manipulations with minimal damage to themselves if the procedures are carried out correctly.

So, the stay of the earth satellite in a particular sign is reflected in the state of green pets:

  • The water signs of the zodiac are known for their fertility. Sowing made on the days when the Moon enters the symbols of the water element or Taurus, Libra, Leo will be effective, and will lead to the activation of the first shoots and their active growth;
  • For symbols, the elements of air (Aquarius and Gemini) and earth (Capricorn and Virgo) are characterized by insignificant indicators of fertility. This is not the most optimal time for planting, but with proper care, seedlings will not keep you waiting;
  • Dry signs of the elements of the earth (Aries and Sagittarius) are not favorable for planting seeds and seedlings. On dry signs, it is better not to take on any events with a transplant, the flowers simply do not have enough energy reserves for subsequent life activity and they can dry out.

Before starting the landing, it is important to take into account in which phase the Moon stopped and the astrological symbol in which it resides. This can be determined by astrological calendars, which are compiled and issued annually.

Learn more about the influence of the moon on the life of indoor plants:

Auspicious days for pruning houseplants

Among other things, it is important to keep in mind the lunar calendar of houseplants before you start pruning dry or extra branches.

It is important to consider that pruning:

  • Recommended during the waning moon, in the third - fourth of its phase. This is due to the fact that the direction of the flow of juices changes, circulation occurs from the upper branches to the stem and root;
  • Prohibited during the full moon and new. It is also not recommended to start it on the 23rd lunar day, during the period of the decline of Aquarius, Pisces and the growth of Cancer.

Subject to this simple routine, pruning will bring maximum benefit. Otherwise, the risk of both harming and destroying the pet by incorrect and untimely measures increases significantly.

Lunar calendar for watering indoor plants

When growing any flowers, it is important to follow both all the rules of transplantation and the rules of care, especially watering. So, many novice gardeners can damage their green pets with the wrong watering.

To figure out when it is worth watering the soil, it is important not to lose sight of personal species features, indicators of humidity, lighting and temperature in the apartment and outside the window.

In addition, it is important to remember that the activation of irrigation must correspond not only to moon day but also the general needs of a green pet.

  • Activation of growth processes;
  • The presence of working heating, when evaporation increases sharply;
  • The presence of narrow and fragile leaves in a culture that cannot contain enough moisture;
  • Small-sized containers or ceramics as a material for a pot.

The lunar calendar provides all the information you need for proper supervision. If you follow the schedule, care will bring the maximum effect and take a minimum of effort and cost.

Auspicious days for planting indoor flowers

Planting is rightly considered one of the most important procedures in the care of an apartment garden. To make this first step go smoothly, it is recommended to find the 2018 indoor plant transplant calendar. It contains the main numbers suitable for sowing and planting seedlings and seeds, transferring adults to new containers.

The maximum efficiency of the gardener is ensured by compliance with all the recommendations of the specialists who make up the sowing calendar.

So, in 2018, it is worth considering such a division of months with appropriate care recommendations.

When planting indoor plants, guidance information lunar calendar significantly increases the likelihood of acclimatization and growth activation as quickly as possible.

Besides, Special attention it is worth paying attention to other procedures related to seating, moisturizing and pruning.

The lunar calendar is an important list of dates, with precise indications of the most effective activities for all decades of the month.

The growth processes of flowers are influenced not only by a well-chosen container, timely watering and sufficient lighting, but also by the timeliness of these events. It is in order to minimize the likelihood of error that the annual lunar calendar is compiled.

Watch an interesting video about transplanting indoor plants, on how to determine favorable days for this event:

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