White long insects in the bathroom. Are there white insects in your apartment? What chemicals from silverfish are more effective

Most often, sugar silverfish, whiteflies and food fall under the definition of "small white insects".

  • At woodlice elongated body with many legs. They feed on starch and are very fond of moisture, so they settle mainly in the bathroom and in the kitchen next to the sinks.
  • sugar silverfish they love different types of bulk products and glue in book bindings. These insects are selected at night, so it is quite difficult to notice them.
  • whiteflies appear on diseased plants. Preventing their occurrence is very problematic.
  • food midges feed on cereals, crumbs and other small debris. appear due to high humidity. They multiply very quickly.

Where do insects come from in the bathroom and in the kitchen

Most often, wood lice and food midges appear in the apartment due to improper sanitary conditions:

  • dirt;
  • high humidity;
  • the presence of scattered debris, crumbs.

In addition, they can enter the house through windows and doors, through cracks in walls and in risers.

How to deal with pests

It is best to use natural and safe means to eliminate small insects. We list some of the ways:

To remove wood lice, you must:

  1. clean the area from dirt (dust, cobwebs);
  2. wash the cleaned places with bleach;
  3. after the bleach has dried, treat hard-to-reach places solution blue vitriol;
  4. dry the treatment areas with a fan heater or a conventional hair dryer;
  5. after 2-3 hours, rinse again with vinegar solution: 0.5 cups of vinegar per bucket of warm water.

After reading the relevant article on our website.

The actions in the fight against sugar silverfish are the same, just pay special attention to books (eggs can be laid in the bindings): shake, dry them.

In order to get rid of food midges in the apartment:

  • you will have to sacrifice all the stocks of bulk food, because even if you do not see midges there, their eggs may already be there;
  • treat the boxes where the contaminated products were stored with a soda solution.

To bring out whiteflies, treat the affected leaves of the plant and the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate.

How to prevent the appearance of small insects

  • Clean regularly (small debris is a food source for midges and other pests).
  • Keep the pipes in the bathroom dry, try not to allow condensation to accumulate on them (as well as on windows, glass and ceramic surfaces).
  • Constantly ventilate the room - provide a flow of cool air (small insects love moisture and heat).
  • Clean up with a wash various surfaces natural ingredients: soda, lemon, laundry soap, vinegar.
  • Use scents. Many insects are repelled by the smells of rosemary, lavender, eucalyptus. You can use aromatic oils by dropping a little on a piece of paper. You can put a sprig of rosemary or lavender in the bathroom and drawers in the kitchen. You can lay out the garlic cloves (do not peel them).
  • If none of the above worked for you, use insecticidal sprays. Most of them are designed for all types of domestic pests. But remember that chemistry harms not only the objects of influence, but also the person.

How to deal with wood lice in the apartment (video)

As you understand, it is necessary to deal with small unpleasant residents of the bathroom and kitchen. And the sooner the better, because insects multiply very quickly, and every day it will be more difficult for you to fight them. But it’s best to just keep the house clean and tidy, then uninvited guests are unlikely to visit you.

From the appearance of insects in bathrooms, no one can be insured, because there are many reasons for their occurrence. In this article, we will find out all the reasons for their appearance in a person’s home and find the most effective methods control of these insects.

Causes of insects in the bathroom

Usually insects live in those rooms where the microclimate is disturbed. As a result, favorable conditions for their habitat arise. They can enter the house using ventilation pipes, cracks in the walls and through open windows. If not done regularly general cleaning in the bathroom, and also do not take care of good ventilation, then insects will become your permanent neighbors. High humidity in the bathroom is the main condition for the spread of various types of insects such as spiders and wood lice, silverfish and centipedes.

What does the scale look like

The silverfish is a very common insect in the bathroom, because it loves the presence of moisture. This type of insect is characterized by the fact that it can live in any conditions. Therefore, if measures are not taken to destroy the silverfish, then these insects will live in the apartment for a long time.

The silverfish is a small insect, she has an elongated body and a large number of legs that allow her to move quickly. She runs away from prying eyes if the tenants of the apartment notice it. So the probability of catching her is quite small. This type of insect has long antennae, which are located both on the front and on the back of the body.

They feed on starch, synthetic fabrics, paper, and are also lovers of leftover food, not indifferent to sugary foods. They do not pose a particular danger to human health, but being in the bathroom will become unpleasant and disgusting. Silverfish are divided into several types depending on body color. They can be silvery, transparent, yellowish and greenish in color.

Most often, silvery silverfish lives in apartments. It is very prolific, and if measures are not taken to destroy it, the number of insects will increase exponentially. If you notice these insects in your house, then you can’t hesitate, you must immediately proceed to active actions to destroy the silverfish.

How to get rid of silverfish on your own

Very often, for the fight against insects, they turn to special services for help. To destroy uninvited insects at home, you can use modern chemicals, since they are effective and their cost is low, but it should be borne in mind that chemicals can be highly toxic and dangerous to human and pet health.

To disinfect a residential area, you must purchase one of the following products:

  • bath cleaner that contains chlorine;
  • copper sulfate;
  • special aerosols for the destruction of insects.

Need to ensure Good work heating and ventilation system in the bathrooms. The drier the air in the room, the less likely the appearance of silverfish and wood lice in it.

You can install the system forced ventilation and an electric towel warmer to avoid maintenance problems optimal temperature in the sanitary room in case of shutdown hot water or interruptions in the heating system.

The main steps for the destruction of insects in the bathroom:

  • It is necessary to remove all items and debris from the bathroom in order to have access to all corners and hard-to-reach places.
  • Perform a general cleaning, during which all objects and objects in the bathroom should be treated with a special cleaning agent containing chlorine.
  • When all areas and objects are dry, it is necessary to apply a solution of copper sulfate and dry everything well. A heat fan or fireplace should be used to dry the corners of the room well, as well as under the bathroom and in other secluded places.
  • Apply aerosol preparations. They should spray the entire room and close it for one hour. Then you need to ventilate the bathroom well so as not to breathe toxic fumes. Do not use a weak aerosol solution that is made on a plant basis, as its action will be slow and ineffective. To achieve maximum results, the treatment should be repeated after a few days.
  • Make a mixture of boric acid on your own, which should be in the form of a powder, with chalk. In this case, it is necessary to adhere to a ratio of 1: 4. This powder is sprinkled on all places where insects can live. After a week, it is necessary to clean the room from the mixture and dead insects. And once again treat the bathroom with a mixture and leave for a week to get rid of all the new insects that have emerged from the eggs.

Also, to combat silverfish, you can use folk remedies that are passed down from generation to generation:

  • The glass trap consists of a regular jar, which is wrapped with paper, electrical tape or window tape. It should put a piece of apple or bread. This trap is set at night, and in the morning there will be insects in the bank. The smell of food will make them climb into the jar, but they will not be able to get out of it.
  • A wet trap from a newspaper will not require special costs. You need to take a newspaper, wet it well and leave it on the floor. In the morning, insects already settle in it, as they love wet places. The newspaper should not be unrolled, but simply quickly removed and burned. If you start unfolding the paper, then some silverfish will be able to escape, because they move very quickly.

It should be noted that the fight against insects is better to start folk methods so as not to harm your health. Only in case of uselessness folk remedies, you can move on to stronger chemicals. When using them, remember to protect your health and wear a respirator when handling, protective gloves and do not leave these funds in places accessible to children.

How dangerous are insects in bathrooms?

If small insects appear in the bathroom, which move very quickly and hide from us, then almost everyone wonders if they will be harmful to health. The most common insect in apartments is silverfish. It is completely harmless to human health, only from its appearance a feeling of disgust arises, and the mood deteriorates. Silverfish can harm your apartment, as it loves to eat paper. In its normal habitat, it lives in dark places with high humidity. Therefore, in the apartment, she will choose exactly the bathroom, but she will go around the house for food. Silverfish feed on substances that have vegetable origin, and also contain starch and polysaccharides.

Silverfish can eat flour, sugar, wallpaper paste, book bindings, photos, and synthetic fabrics. Therefore, it can cause minor damage to your belongings, favorite photos and books.


To prevent insects from starting in the bathroom, it is necessary to carry out constant preventive actions:

  • Carry out general cleaning once a week, while it is necessary to clean the bathtub, ceiling and floor, walls, and all hard-to-reach places with high quality.
  • Even our ancestors actively used the cold to fight various insects. When it is cold outside, it is necessary to ventilate the bathroom. For several hours, you need to open all the doors and windows in the room so that cold air fills the bathroom. But remember about personal safety. In order not to catch a cold, go for a walk or lock yourself in one of the warm rooms. If the temperature is less than 10 degrees, then adult insects and their eggs will die. After airing, it is necessary to wipe all objects and surfaces again to get rid of condensation. Dead insects should be swept out and layings of their eggs should be removed.

This method of struggle, of course, is effective, but is of little use in modern apartments. However, it is quite possible to use it in summer cottages.

The above methods will be an excellent prevention from the appearance of silverfish in the bathroom. But even if you notice a few insects, you should not be upset and panic. The main thing is that unwanted guests do not multiply. If you start the fight in a timely manner, then you can easily get rid of them.

Other insects and methods of dealing with them

In addition to silverfish, common insects that can appear in the bathroom include woodlice. It is small in size, its body is gray in color, and its back is slightly convex. The main feature of wood lice is love for wet rooms and it's hard to get rid of them. also in bathroom spiders can be found.

To prevent the appearance of insects in the bathrooms, steam treatment of surfaces can be used during the cleaning process. The hot steam treatment method is very effective in removing dirt, soap residue, disinfecting and killing insect larvae and eggs.

Preventive measures are the best way to deal with insects. It is essential to keep the bathroom clean. When carrying out general wet cleaning, special attention should be paid to walls and flooring.

To clean the floor, you can add a little to the water detergent, which includes chlorine, to produce additional disinfection. Special attention it is necessary to give airing and drying of the room in order to reduce the level of humidity in the bathroom. For example, wood lice cannot survive in dry rooms with high temperature air.

Do not forget that through the ventilation shaft different insects get into the room, so to protect against the penetration of unexpected "guests", you should use a special metal mesh. In order not to create high humidity in the room, while taking water procedures nessesary to use exhaust fan and after taking a shower or bath, dry the walls and floors in the bathroom.

Various types of insects very often settle in the neighborhood with a person, especially often they are attracted to bathrooms. This is due to the high level of humidity, which creates ideal conditions for them to exist. At the same time, there are not very many varieties that settle in such places - all of them, as well as ways to deal with them, will be discussed in this article.

Insects that appear in the bathroom

It is necessary to start consideration of this topic by studying the specific types that are most often found in bathrooms:

  1. Silverfish are medium-sized individuals that can be identified by their characteristic gray, long body and main feature- 3 long hairs located in the back. The basis of their diet can be paper, rags and various organic waste. They are not capable of causing any harm to a person.
  2. Butterflies, outwardly resembling small moths, have a black color and small size bodies. You can also meet them in the toilet, as they lay their larvae in sewer pipes, where they gradually develop and get out. Their diet is based on a variety of organic waste and leftovers.
  3. common mosquitoes which are always attracted by high levels of humidity. Depending on the volume of water and the stability of its presence, they can either be temporarily present in the bathroom or choose it as a place to breed.
  4. cockroaches very often found in bathrooms, although they are only a passage in them, since there is no food suitable for them. Their appearance is due to the presence of ventilation passages, which they use to move between neighboring apartments.
  5. and centipedes are inherently arthropods, not insects, but most people can't see between the two fundamental difference. In addition, the process of dealing with them does not have any significant differences. Both varieties are harmless because they are not able to bite and attack a person or pets, only in some cases they are able to cause minor damage to stored food stocks.

The reasons for their appearance

The main reason for the appearance of insects has already been named - certain varieties are attracted by an increased level of humidity in the room.

However, there are other factors that contribute to the fact that such unwanted neighbors start up in the bathroom:

  1. Poor condition of plumbing communications and the presence of leaking pipes, which provides insects with the necessary level of moisture to create ideal conditions residence.
  2. Location of apartments on the first floors of urban buildings which is located in close proximity to the basement. Very often insects migrate from there to more warm conditions with the right environment for them.
  3. Moving insects through ventilation passages from neighbors. Such migrations can be massive if they are hunted nearby, or they can be random in single individuals.
  4. Lack of sanitation in the bathroom, the presence of wet rags, dirty linen and containers with stagnant water.

Methods of dealing with them

Control methods may vary depending on the presence of a particular variety of insects, especially this process are given below:

  1. Silverfish are never actually found in large numbers., therefore, to get rid of them is quite suitable mechanical methods: It is enough just to kill the met individuals. However, in rare cases, rather large populations settle in the bathrooms, then it is best to use any insecticide designed to kill crawling insects.
  2. Woodlice are crustaceans, which are recognizable and familiar to many people by their characteristic habit of rolling into a ball if something threatens them. Their presence in the bathroom is evidence that there are leaks somewhere in the plumbing system that need to be found and fixed, otherwise the fight against wood lice will not be effective. To get rid of these crustaceans, bathroom surfaces can be treated with insecticides that are used against other types of arthropods, such as spiders. However, if communication problems have been resolved, then individuals can be killed or collected, their populations will not begin to grow.
  3. Butterflies are usually not specially bred and insecticides are not used for this, it is enough just to destroy the met individuals. This is due to the fact that most of them prefer to stay in the basement, where the humidity level is much higher, they get out only in small flocks or in a single quantity.
  4. Millipedes are related to insects., at home, you can most often find a nod or a flycatcher. Despite the repulsive appearance, which horrifies many people, these arthropods are completely harmless and do not pose any threat to humans or animals, but they can emit a very bad-smelling liquid if they feel threatened. Most people are mistaken in believing that nods or flycatchers are attracted high level humidity, in fact, they start up in bathrooms immediately after mosquitoes, butterflies or silverfish, as they hunt for them. They are found only in a single quantity, so it is enough to destroy the individuals encountered or use any insecticide, as well as remove all available insects, which will guarantee the disappearance of centipedes.
  5. Mosquitoes can settle in the bathroom on a permanent basis only if there are sources of stagnant water- basins and other containers that stand there for weeks. Therefore, to get rid of these flying insects, you just need to eliminate the sources that attract them, which are the breeding grounds. In other cases, they are only temporary guests in the bathroom and it is enough just to kill the individuals you meet.
  6. Can be sprinkled under the bathtub and sink boric acid or even cook edible baits by mixing it with mashed potatoes. Any insects and arthropods that try to eat it will die immediately.

Overview of funds

Today the market is ready to offer a wide range of various modern means, which have an immediate effect on different types insects.

To facilitate selection, the following are examples of the most effective drugs who managed to prove themselves on the positive side:

Trap for cockroaches "Raptor"

It will come in handy if single individuals were seen in the bathroom. Timely installation of devices will help not only poison them, but also infect other insects that will come into contact with them.

Such measures will not allow the population to settle in a new place and create a colony. A package with 4 traps at once costs about 320 rubles, the remaining devices can be placed in the kitchen, which will increase the effectiveness of protection.


It is a versatile and proven tool, which will help to quickly destroy any species of insect or arthropod encountered. The cost of one can is from 70 to 180 rubles, depending on the brand and volume chosen.

Aerosol "Clean House"

Will be a good helper for the extermination of virtually all crawling and flying insects, which can be found in the bathroom. hallmark this tool is a narrow-shaped sprayer that will allow you to easily apply the product even to the most inaccessible places, leaving absolutely no chance for unwanted neighbors. A 600 ml can can be purchased at a price of 320 rubles.


To destroy the breeding woodlice, the main active ingredient of which is cypermethrin. You can buy it at a price of 380-400 rubles per bottle of 50 ml.

Insecticide "Lambda Zone"

Designed to kill arthropods that have settled in bathrooms, but is also capable of breeding various common types of domestic insects. The main substance in the composition is lambda-cyhalothrin, the drug is available in the form of a concentrate, which is diluted with water, so that it can be used to treat rooms with a large area. The approximate cost of one bottle of 50 ml is about 700 rubles.

Prevention of the appearance of insects

In order not to have to deal with insects that prefer to start in bathrooms in the future, it is recommended to take a complex preventive measures able to protect against this problem.

The main activities include the following:

  1. Boric acid, moth sections and other means to destroy insects and arthropods can also be used as a prophylactic.
  2. Using infusions or just scattering bunches of herbs, which have an unpleasant smell for insects. Wormwood or tansy is best suited for these purposes.
  3. Maintaining the condition of the premises in full compliance with hygienic and sanitary standards. Comprehensive cleaning, which includes washing walls, floors, sinks and the bath itself, should be carried out at least once every week.
  4. Timely washing of dirty linen, basins or other containers with water should not be in the bathroom for a long time.
  5. Closing the ventilation system with a mesh with a fine structure, through which most of the individuals will not be able to get through.

If you find that silver insects are crawling in the bathroom, but do not know what to do and how to get rid of them, below we will talk about insects in the bathroom and toilet.

Before answering the question, what kind of very small transparent insects are crawling in the bathroom, shown in the photo below, it is worthwhile to figure out where the white insects in the bathroom and toilet could come from and what they are called. After all, you probably maintain the cleanliness of the bathroom, remove rust and mold in a timely manner.

Insects can appear in the bathroom and toilet for several reasons:

  • increased air humidity;
  • wet floor in the room after taking a shower;
  • lack of treatment of the toilet bowl with disinfectants;
  • accommodation on the first floor;
  • improper condition of sewer pipes.

In fact, the insects living in the bathroom and toilet are quite unpretentious, they can appear simply from high humidity. Below we give photos of strange insects that may appear in the bathroom.

Recognizing their appearance is quite simple: you will see them almost immediately. Below you can see photos of insects in the bathroom with names. Almost all bathroom dwellers emerge from their nests only when it is dark, so as soon as you turn on the light, you will immediately see scattered small-small insects in the bathroom.

Varieties of insects

There are not many types of insects in the bathroom. As a rule, these are insects that are very fond of moisture. We will try to consider all possible insects in the bathroom, as well as give their names and photos:

You can see a photo of the white insects that appeared in the bathroom below.

Are they dangerous to humans

Almost all of these species, with the exception of silverfish, are quite dangerous. By themselves, these insects cannot cause harm, but they are carriers of a large number of quite dangerous diseases:

  • viral infections;
  • pathogenic bacteria;
  • fungi;
  • ascaris eggs.

If you don't take good care of the hygiene of your room, then your risk of getting infected is quite high.

How to get rid of these pests

What to do if small long insects run in the bath? There are many ways to get rid of insects in the bathroom. People use both homemade recipes for removing unpleasant neighbors and radical chemical insecticides.

Among housewives are often used:

  • aerosols - universal remedy fight almost all types of pests that live in your home. The aerosol provides convenient packaging, a special nozzle for treating hard-to-reach places, acts on most pests, and also has enough low price compared to other insect repellents. In addition, modern aerosols have practically no bad smell, or use flavors, which is one of the biggest pluses when choosing an insecticide;
  • fumigators are also an effective remedy for pests, have high price, but are characterized by a complete absence of odor. The only minus of the fumigator is what to include electrical devices in the bathroom with high humidity - a rather dangerous undertaking, so before using the fumigator, make sure that the humidity of the air in this room meets the required standards;
  • insect traps are cardboard construction, inside treated with strong glue with impurities of female pheromones of a certain type of pest. Males react to pheromones, crawl to the trap, where they freeze in glue. The method is effective, but it will take more time than if you used an aerosol;
  • gels and crayons from crawling insects. They contain a strong poison-insecticide and bait. The substance is distributed in the corners, as well as the skirting boards of the room. The victim reacts to the smell of the bait and enters the substance. The poison falls on the paws of the pest, dissolves the shell and penetrates the body. The insect carries poison to its colony, where it infects other relatives. As a result, the whole family dies in a few days.

Ready to fight

If you don't know how to get rid of white insects in the bathroom, here are three of the most popular chemical insecticides:

  1. Aerosol Raptor.
  2. The best pest control not only for the bathroom, but also for the entire apartment. The aerosol contains a powerful insecticide that, by spraying, gets into all hard-to-reach places. The product has a pleasant mint flavor, which allows it to be used indoors without the need for subsequent ventilation. In addition, the Raptor aerosol provides a fairly low price compared to other insecticidal products, which makes it affordable for normal use.

  3. Aerosol "Clean House".
  4. An analogue of the Raptor aerosol, but from a different manufacturer. Contains the same insecticide, but with an admixture of other flavors. At a price slightly lower than the Raptor, for which we are very fond of middle-aged housewives.

  5. Gel Fas.
  6. A very good helper in the fight against all crawling insects. Has the original packaging, which allows you to conveniently use the gel. One pack is enough to process a medium one-room apartment and the price will pleasantly surprise you. It has no pungent odor, does not cause any discomfort during use. Safe for pets.

Folk remedies

Our ancestors fought insects for a long time before the advent of insecticides and came up with a lot of folk remedies to control bathroom pests. We will talk about the three most effective methods.

1. The best remedy the destruction of any bathroom insects is boric acid. For a person, it is completely safe, but it brings almost instant death to all unpleasant neighbors. To remove unwanted guests you will need:

  • a teaspoon of boric acid;
  • glass of water;
  • a teaspoon of sugar, honey or jam.

You will need to do the following:

  • Mix water, boric acid, sugar.
  • Treat all surfaces, floors and walls of the bathroom with the resulting mixture.

Boric acid gives almost instant results, corroding insects from the inside.

2. Another effective remedy is vinegar.

You will need:

  • a teaspoon of table vinegar;
  • liter of water.

To treat the bathroom with such a solution, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Mix vinegar with water.
  2. Wear special protective gloves to avoid burns.
  3. Apply the mixture to all surfaces in the room.

3. Another a good remedy in the fight against unwanted neighbors will become a solution baking soda, which is a strong poison for most insects.

You will need:

  • packaging of baking soda;
  • a bucket of water.

The recipe is pretty simple:

  1. Mix soda with water.
  2. Put on special protective gloves.
  3. Treat all accessible surfaces with the solution.

Where to buy

We will tell you where you can buy ready-made products for insect control in the bathroom and toilet. You can do this at the following addresses in your city:

Name of shop Address Tool name Price, rub
Moskhoztorg Moscow, Novy Arbat, 6 Aerosol Raptor 110
Burgher St. Petersburg, st. Shipbuilders, 34 Gel Fas 79
Atlanta Ufa, st. Novozhenova, 88 Aerosol "Clean House" 70
lily Norilsk, st. Shkolnaya, 7 Gel Fas 85
Cosmo-M Belarus, Minsk, Independence Avenue, 11 Aerosol Raptor 9.5 Bel. rub.
domestic Ukraine, Kyiv, st. Molodogvardeyskaya, 20 Aerosol "Clean House" 28 UAH

And other familiar insects, there are also less known insects, silver or white. Their appearance does not just happen. Often there are important prerequisites for this. It may be a certain temperature or too high humidity. In other words, the bathroom certain conditions becomes the ideal place for rapid development and reproduction of various insects.

Let's now look at what insects are often found in the bathroom, why they appear there, and also how you can eradicate them from that comfortable place where you enjoy water procedures.

Why do insects appear in the bathroom?

Another fairly popular factor affecting the appearance of a variety of insects in any room. There may be a small but constant water leak under the bathtub. In this regard, the dampness that forms there is an attractive environment for white and silvery silverfish.

The main reason for the appearance in the bathroom white, silver and gray insects is the microclimate. Surely, you have disturbed the normal air circulation in the room where insects appear. This is the main indicator that attracts them to the bathroom. Of course, if they suddenly appear in the bathroom, then the imminent appearance of insects throughout the house is a rather predictable phenomenon. Uninvited pests move using our balconies, ventilation pipes, various cracks in the walls, in the floor.

Migration of insects from neighbors can also take place. In this case, our specialists install insecticidal gel barriers on all possible "paths" of insects, which will prevent silverfish and wood lice from getting into your apartment and bath.

Keep in mind: White, silvery and transparent insects in the bathroom all refer to wood lice and silverfish. But there is an even more serious problem that follows their appearance - mold. If insects appear in the bathroom, then most likely it will not be long before your bathroom is attacked by mold!

Silvery and white insects in the bathroom - silverfish

Silverfish is small insect living today in many bathrooms. This is a wingless insect in the bathroom, which has a rather long body. Behind, as well as in front, special antennae are located on the body of the insect. On the sides there are a large number of legs. The body color of this pest can be from gray and silver to brown. small white insect in the bathroom it is able to move very quickly across the floor, easily get into even a very small gap, and it is incredibly difficult to remove it from there.

Silverfish likes to feed on starch, which is almost always found in special glue under wallpaper, sugar-containing substances, and book bindings. This animal does not disdain clothing, linen made of linen or silk, as well as a variety of synthetic materials. Therefore, you can expect quite noticeable waste if such a guest suddenly appears in the house.

Silverfish can swarm at night in your linen and towels, eating microscopic villi and leaving products of their vital activity on your linen! Also, many children's hygiene products are now natural and silverfish will not disdain them. There were cases when insects crawled into natural cosmetics. Sugar scrubs and more. Imagine that you went to wash them.

Silverfish can be grabbed or even eaten by a small child or animal. If the insect is very hungry, then it can bite!

People very often confuse this small silvery-white insect in the bathroom with woodlice, since both of these insects live in the bathroom and are visually very similar to each other.

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Professional pest control in the bathroom

Destruction of silverfish in the bathroom It is better to entrust the specialists of our disinfection center. We have been successfully fighting silver and white silverfish for many years. You should not postpone the visit of the disinfector to your home, because insects multiply rapidly and if you put off pest control on the back burner, then sooner or later the insects will disperse from the bath throughout the apartment.

If you have a dry bathroom and have never had problems with insects, then there is a migration of silverfish from neighbors. In such situations, the specialist makes additional barriers of long-acting insecticides that will prevent insects from entering your apartment.

Processing from silverfish occurs with odorless products. You can not worry about safety and harmlessness. All drugs have the necessary certificates and documentation on permission to use in Russia. You will be able to use the bathroom after a couple of hours after treatment!

GUARANTEE: 2 year bathroom pest control warranty!

Prevention of insects in the bathroom

  • Initially, you should carry out preventive maintenance of the premises and monitor the overall cleanliness of the room. In the event that you perform periodic wet cleaning in your bathroom, treat both the walls and the floor.
  • Ventilate your bathroom, reduce dampness, dry walls and floors. The thing is that silverfish really do not like dryness and warm Fresh air. They love dampness and moisture. Of course, if their usual habitat changes, they will immediately die.
  • Be sure to remember that ventilation must be carried out every time you blissfully take a shower, bath, do laundry.
  • Check if your ventilation shaft is covered with grating and mesh. There should definitely not be any gaps in it, otherwise a transparent insect in the bathroom can easily enter your home.
  • When bathing in the bathroom, turn on the regular exhaust fan every time. In the event that for some reason you do not have such a device, then it is advisable to buy it. Believe me, this is more profitable and affordable than trying to eliminate insolent people after they have appeared.

How much does it cost to get rid of insects in the bathroom? Prices

Scope of workcold mistCold Mist + Barrierhot mistHot Mist + BarrierComplex (cold fog + mountain fog + barrier)
1 room apartmentfrom 1800from 2200from 3000from 3400from 5200
2 room apartmentfrom 2100from 2500from 3300from 3700from 5800
3 room apartmentfrom 2400from 2800from 3600from 4000from 6400
4 room apartmentfrom 2700from 3100from 3900from 4300from 7000
5 room apartmentfrom 3000from 3400from 4200from 4600from 7600
MOS (kitchen, bath, corridor)from 1500from 1900from 2700from 3100from 4600
Add. Barrierfrom 400from 400from 400from 400from 400
Add. sleeping area200
move furniturefrom 500from 500from 500from 500from 500
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Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.