God's tree: medicinal properties, photo. How to plant and care for wormwood abrotan God's tree Wormwood arborescens God's tree medicinal properties

Wormwood abrotan or, as it is popularly called, God's tree, is one of those plants that have long been used in medicine and cosmetology. How useful this bitter herb is, what are its known medicinal properties and contraindications for use will be discussed in the article. Photos of the plant and advice on its use in folk, that is alternative medicine help you get to know him better.

What does wormwood-God's tree look like and what is included in its composition

Wormwood - notable culture, which in nature grows almost everywhere: in forests, gardens, meadows, wastelands, etc. There are a lot of varieties of it. They differ from each other in appearance and content. chemical compounds. Botanists describe Abrotan as follows:

  • Perennial subshrub, belonging to the aster.
  • Its height can be from 90 to 120 cm.
  • The growth of almost completely lignified shoots is directed vertically. Their diameter is about 1.5 cm. They have no branches.
  • The leaves are compound, pinnately dissected, gray-green in color. Their lobes are very thin, almost filiform, which gives an openwork appearance.

God tree can often be found in nature

  • Yellow inflorescences in the form of small baskets are located on drooping peduncles. They appear in July-August.
  • The fruits of the God tree are achenes.
  • The rhizome of the semi-shrub is pivotal, goes far deep into the soil.
  • All parts of the plant are endowed with a strong aroma. Some compare it to the smell of pine needles, lemon and dill at the same time.
  • In nature, abrotan wormwood is found along the coast of various reservoirs. Gardeners use it as an ornamental plant.

Attention! You can collect the plant on your own only in ecologically clean places.

The God tree contains the following substances:

  • abrotanin alkaloid;
  • essential oil;
  • tannins;
  • bitter substances;
  • vitamins A, B, C;
  • organic acids and resins.

The benefits of abrotan and significant contraindications for admission

Wormwood preparations can have a significant effect on the human body:

Means from wormwood actively affect the human body

  1. The substances contained in the plant normalize the excretion of bile and increase the production of digestive juices in the stomach.
  2. Godwood preparations are able to relieve spastic pains.
  3. They have antifungal activity.
  4. In some cases, they act as an antipyretic.
  5. They help to eliminate inflammatory processes, quickly heal wounds.
  6. Positive effect on the nervous system.
  7. When used as cosmetic product Abrotan preparations, due to the presence of tannins, eliminate unaesthetic shine and “force” the sebaceous glands to work normally.

Separately, we can say about the benefits of God's tree for the female body:

  1. The plant is able to stop heavy bleeding during menstruation.
  2. Relieves pain symptoms during menstruation.
  3. Wormwood preparations normalize the state of the body in the menopause.
  4. This herb is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of genital infections in women.

Attention! Before taking wormwood preparations, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

There are a lot of contraindications to taking God's tree preparations, because the plant has a strong effect on the human body. The main ones are:

  • chronic and acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • insufficient amount of hemoglobin in the blood (anemia);
  • pregnancy;
  • children should not be given medication.

Signs that you should immediately stop taking the drugs are nausea, vomiting. These signs indicate individual intolerance.

Before starting treatment with wormwood, be sure to consult a specialist.

How to prepare wormwood on your own and what preparations can be prepared at home

Harvesting of wormwood is done during the flowering of the plant. To do this, cut off the upper parts of the stem and dry them in a well-ventilated, shady place.

Attention! Store a dry plant, in order to avoid weathering of essential substances, in a hermetically sealed container, preferably glass, for no more than 2 years.

Examples of some alternative medicine recipes

  • Abrotan wormwood oil. For this preparation, you need a fresh plant, recently cut. They are completely filled with glass containers, after which they are poured with oil (preferably olive oil). The drug is infused in dark place two weeks. After it is filtered. Applied externally for skin diseases and internally for colds, bronchitis.
  • Decoction to improve appetite. Here they use a mixture of wormwood and yarrow (1: 1). Ready collection, in the amount of 2 tsp, pour 2 tbsp. boiling water. They insist for half an hour. Take 30-40 minutes before meals, 1 tbsp.

Advice. If the drug is unbearably bitter, it is better to drink it through a straw.

  • Infusion to normalize the menstrual cycle. 1 tsp wormwood is poured with a glass of boiling water. Insist under a tightly closed lid for about 40 minutes. They take 1-2 tbsp during the failure period. before eating.

God's tree helps a person in the treatment of many diseases

  • A wonderful remedy is a bath procedure using a broom made from wormwood branches. After it, muscle tension goes away, headaches are significantly reduced.

God tree - amazing plant, which sometimes grows just under your feet. But only after consulting a doctor, and only when correct application preparations made from it can not harm, but significantly improve the condition of some organs and the whole organism as a whole.

Such a well-known plant as wormwood is considered by many to be a weed. It grows everywhere, filling the air with a peculiar bitter-tart aroma.

Wormwood unites a fairly large genus of decorative leafy plants, and many of them stand out for their originality. 400 species of this plant have been recorded in the literature. More than 50 of them have leaves of unusual silver coloration, and 10 varieties are grown in gardens.

A distinctive feature of the wormwood genus are airy, as if lacy, leaves of a silvery-green color. Most of the representatives of the genus are perennial shrubs or herbaceous plants. The leaves are deeply dissected, alternately arranged on a grassy stem, inconspicuous and smallish flowers fold inflorescences-baskets. the best decorative species Steller's wormwood, Schmidt's wormwood and Tree wormwood are considered.

Artemisia arborescens or wormwood abortan ( Artemisia abrotanum) known since ancient times. Already in those distant times, they knew the healing properties of this herb, which is mentioned in the treatises of Pliny and Dioscorides and the writings of other medieval healers. Mention of this potion is even found in Odo's poem "On the properties of herbs."

Artemisia arborescens leaves contain a valuable essential oil, which largely determines medicinal properties plants. In addition, the greens of the plant contain a sufficient amount of bitterness, tannins, coumarins, flavonoids and other components. Slavic healers have also used this herb for a long time. In our area, it is also called "God's tree", as if emphasizing its medicinal omnipotence. Endow him with some magical properties: it is believed that wormwood drives away from the house evil spirit and protects from all evil.

According to the biological description, sagebrush godwood is a sub-shrub that can grow up to 1.5 m in height. The foliage is green with a mysterious gray-blue tint. The leaves of the original pattern and shape give a special unusualness to the bush. The flowers, like all wormwoods, are small and inconspicuous. It can grow on poor soil with impurities of sand and gravel.

God's tree outwardly is very similar to wormwood paniculata - it is quite difficult to distinguish between them. If you crush a leaf of wormwood between your fingers, you will immediately feel the tart and bitter smell of wormwood with slightly noticeable notes of lemon. Wormwood paniculata does not have such a pleasant smell.

Subtleties of care

Wormwood God's tree is perhaps one of the most undemanding plants that can grow literally anywhere. Caring for it does not require special knowledge and skills. The grass is thermophilic; beds are chosen for its planting, which warm up well and are illuminated by the sun from morning to evening. Light for this plant should also be enough. He likes nutritious and loose soils, if necessary, poor soils are fertilized with organic matter. For this grass, soils with an acidic reaction are categorically contraindicated. To neutralize them before planting, plants make dolomite flour. God's tree does not need to be transplanted - in one place it can grow for more than ten years. Therefore, before planting, they think over a place for its growth and reproduction.

The only thing that wormwood requires is periodic fluffing of the soil around the plant. Weeding and loosening provide better access of water and air to the roots of the plant. At the same time, it is impossible to open the roots of the plant - on the contrary, it is recommended to slightly spud the bush. Hilling will also help retain moisture. In hot weather, it is necessary to water the plant if necessary. Watering should be moderate - this grass does not tolerate a large excess of moisture and waterlogging of the soil. And at the same time, it is not necessary to allow strong drying of the soil.

The bush of wormwood is extremely hardy, it does not need special pruning. But if desired, its crown can be formed constantly. At the same time, the shoots are cut off after they have reached a height of 60 cm. This way you can form a beautiful spherical bush. Great importance has the first pruning - it is she who sets the shape of the shrub. Then the shoots grow fairly evenly, only from time to time you need to adjust their height. Such a bush with leaves of the original shade (they are usually bluish-green) will decorate any corner of your site.

God tree tolerates well winter cold and frost. Additionally, there is no need to cover and protect it. This bush can withstand frosts up to 25 degrees. True, a small part of the shoots may freeze slightly, but with the advent of warm days, the plant recovers surprisingly quickly. Pruning the plant in late autumn, according to the principles of caring for the plant, helps it to endure cold and frost more easily. But in order to leave the former appearance of the shrub, it can be transplanted along with a lump garden soil into a spacious flowerpot or box and transfer to a cool room. The temperature of the winter content of the plant e should be higher than 8 degrees Celsius. In the spring, as soon as the soil warms up well and there is no threat of frost, the plant is planted on the site.

Reproduction methods

The God tree, like many other plants, has two methods of reproduction - seed and vegetative.

Speaking about the method of propagation by seeds, it should be borne in mind that it is not so easy to obtain seed material. In our latitudes, the seeds of the god tree simply do not ripen. In specialized stores, you will be offered wormwood seeds from the Southern regions.

First, the seeds are sown in boxes - this is how the cultivation of seedlings begins. Grown seedlings with two pairs of true leaves (according to general rules care), planted in open ground. But they do this only when the earth warms up and warm weather sets in. Under such conditions young plant will get stronger faster and grow.

The vegetative method of propagating a God's tree involves dividing a bush or sprouting cuttings. Artemisia cuttings are cut into summertime, during the period of the most rapid growth and development of the shrub. Cut branches are placed in a pot of river sand, which is well moistened before that. The flowerpot is placed under a transparent cap - a wide glass or plastic jar will do. Regular spraying of the plant is highly recommended. The cuttings take root in about 25-30 days, after which they are planted in a permanent place of growth. In two years, from a small cutting, carefully caring for it, you can get a lush and attractive bush.

Reproduction by cuttings in early spring is acceptable. This method is considered simpler, but much less effective. In this case, the shoots are cut off before the leaves appear and immediately lowered into a bowl of water. Pretty soon you can notice the appearance of roots, after which the branches are planted in open ground. Cuttings cut in the spring can be immediately planted on the site without germinating in water, but this method is unlikely to be successful.


Wormwood is planted on the site, given its undoubted decorative value. But one should not forget about useful properties this wonderful shrub. As mentioned, the leaves of wormwood contain a significant amount essential oil- it is this that causes the peculiar smell of wormwood leaves of any kind. Consider some areas of application of this plant.

  • Extracts of this plant are used in the preparation of perfume compositions.
  • Wormwood is used to flavor drinks.
  • Both dried and fresh, the leaves of the plant are used as a spice in the preparation of meat dishes, especially game dishes. It is also added when baking bread to add flavor.
  • Brooms for a steam bath are made from wormwood branches, which can help with rheumatism, obesity and joint diseases.
  • The aroma of wormwood can significantly reduce headache. To do this, it is advised to put the branches of the plant under the pillow or fill a small linen bag with dried leaves.
  • Wormwood tincture helps to stimulate hair growth. It must be rubbed into the scalp.
  • With bruises and dislocations, it is advised to make compresses from tincture of wormwood.
  • Wormwood oil is used to treat skin diseases, colds, bronchitis.
  • Wormwood is good for disinfecting rooms. Moths are afraid of her smell.

These and other areas of application of the plant only increase its popularity in our area.

Artemisia officinalis "God's tree", or abrotan

god tree - medicinal wormwood

This is the name of the medicinal wormwood. vernacular name invested a kind of wisdom, thus christening the plant. Indeed in folk medicine application sagebrush high (the official name for wormwood God's tree) is very wide and varied.

An infusion of the herb is taken as a means of increasing appetite, improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and relieving pain. An aqueous solution of the herb is taken with colds, rheumatism, with menstrual irregularities, as a labor accelerating and in the postpartum period, with ciaitis.

God's tree is used in folk medicine as a sedative, anticonvulsant and hypnotic for epilepsy, neurasthenia and other nervous diseases. In such cases, in addition to the infusion of grass, you can make aromatic hay pillows with the addition of wormwood and oranges.- aromatic herbal balls that are hung in the room where the patient is. In alternative or occult medicine, wormwood God's tree is considered magical plant, removing and preventing the evil eye and damage, protecting from evil spirits. Rinse your mouth with water infusion for toothache and inflammation of the gums.

Fresh juice or ointment from crushed leaves is used to treat wounds, frostbite, ulcers, steamed mass of the plant or hot compresses from a decoction.- boils, panaritiums, mastitis.

Dry chopped herb taken on an empty stomach (dose- on the tip of a knife) clean the intestines, take with cholecystitis and pancreatitis 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals, it is advisable not to drink.

There is evidence that wormwood God's tree is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. To do this, 3 tablespoons of herbs pour 1/2 white wine, boil for 10 minutes, insist until completely cooled, filter. Honey can be added to the cooled broth. Take 3 tablespoons before meals. This tool is very effective in the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases.

It is good to lay out branches of wormwood in cabinets from moths.

Part of the plant used- stems, leaves and flower baskets.

The infusion is prepared as follows: pour 1-2 tablespoons of chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water, insist for two hours, strain. Take 1/2 cup 3-4 times daily before meals.

In the garden sagebrush God's tree- decorative border plant. In addition, it is a natural insecticide that repels all kinds of pests.

god tree- rather tall (up to 150 cm) semi-shrub with pleasant aroma wormwood and lemon. One of the names- lemon wormwood.

Young leaves with a blue tint, downy, later almost naked, alternate, twice or thrice pinnately dissected into narrow lanceolate lobules. Flower baskets drooping, collected in long loose paniculate inflorescences. The flowers are yellow.

Plants reproduce only vegetatively.

In cooking, young shoots are used to flavor dishes and confectionery.

Young shoots are readily eaten by rabbits. Given the healing properties of the God's tree, it should be included in the diet of these animals (and birds) to prevent infectious diseases.

L. Chubarova

Artemisia officinalis "God's tree"

God's tree is one of the many types of wormwood, which botanists call wormwood, or abrotan.

How medicinal plant it was already known in Ancient Greece, where balms were prepared from it for the treatment of wounds. It was also used as an insect repellent and for making wreaths. This plant came to the Slavs from monastery gardens with medicinal plants, and was considered a "church plant", hence the name - God's tree.

But this wormwood grows not in the form of a tree, but as a perennial shrub with straight lignified shoots that do not form side branches, covered with openwork, bluish-green, very beautiful leaves.

Abrotan usually blooms in the second half of summer and pleases with small flowers until frost. yellow flowers collected in small baskets on the racemes of a long paniculate inflorescence. As a rule, fruits are not formed in our conditions, and therefore it reproduces only vegetatively.

Abrotan has good winter hardiness. In any case, even without special shelters, the bush tolerates frosts down to -25 ° С quite well. In snowless windy winters, plants can partially freeze, especially very young and very old bushes. With normal care, the plant in one place successfully grows and develops for more than ten years.

Since this plant is still southern, it needs a sunny, warm, wind-protected place. The most convenient place can be found with south side house, fence or at least tall bushes or trees.

For planting, you need to prepare a place in much the same way as for any shrub - dig a hole, add a bucket of compost, 2-3 matchbox garden mixture of fertilizers, dig everything up again.

most convenient and fast way plant propagation is the division of old bushes. At the beginning of spring, a part of the old bush is carefully cut off with a shovel from the edge. Enough 3-4 branches with well-developed roots. Then the bush is planted as usual, while trying not to deepen it by more than 2-3 cm compared to how it grew before dividing. At first, the god tree needs watering.

You can propagate abrotan and cuttings. To do this, choose lignified cuttings with 4-5 buds during the dormant period of the plant (in March or early April), when the buds begin to swell. The earlier the cuttings are taken, the better they root.

At home, they can be planted in pots with ordinary garden soil, and pour 2-3 cm of sand on top of the soil. Planted cuttings of 2-3 pieces in pots to a depth of about 7 cm, cover glass jars to preserve heat and moisture and put in a warm, bright place.

It is important to always support normal humidity soil. With a lack of moisture, the cuttings die from dryness, and with stagnant water, they rot. With normal daily watering, water should come out into the pan. All this water is drained.

And in July, young non-lignified tops of shoots 10-15 cm long are cut into cuttings. It usually takes 4-5 weeks to root them in the cuttings, and in August or next spring, young plants are planted in a permanent place.

The grass of the god tree has a rich chemical composition. It contains up to 0.3% essential oil, which includes citral, smelling of lemon. In addition, this type of wormwood contains flavonoids, tannins, a small amount of abrotanin alkaloid, due to which the godwood is not recommended to be consumed in large doses.

But there is little bitterness, so characteristic of other types of wormwood, in God's tree, and after drying they decompose almost completely, and the dry raw material becomes almost completely not bitter.

Even in ancient times, infusions and decoctions from the leaves and flowers of wormwood, collected during the flowering period, were used for many internal diseases, for rinsing teeth and strengthening hair.

For the purpose of disinfection, odorous twigs were placed in the patient's room, used to repel insects and small rodents, for which the floors were covered with grass. In the villages with bath brooms from fragrant plant treated rheumatism, obesity, diseases of the joints. Fragrant stems were placed under the pillow for headaches.

Today, infusions and decoctions of wormwood are used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, colds, tonsillitis, fever, rheumatism, scrofula, and menstrual irregularities. With these diseases, tea is prepared from a tablespoon of crushed raw materials and a glass of boiling water, which is taken two glasses a day. An ointment prepared from a crushed plant and fat is used to treat wounds, abscesses, and frostbite.

God tree enhances hair growth. For this alcohol tincture abrotan is rubbed into the skin of the scalp. This remedy has a mild irritant effect, causes a slight burning sensation, which stimulates blood circulation and improves hair growth.

V. A. Loiko

god tree

Among the ancient Slavs, this plant was magical. It was used to purify both the physical and spiritual worlds. It was believed that wormwood is God's tree, that its cut branches take away unkind looks from the dwelling, depriving them of their strength. It also cleanses the person from diseases.

The specific name of this wormwood comes from the Greek "arbotan", which translates as "divine, immortal." As a fragrant and medicinal plant, wormwood has been cultivated since ancient times. Pliny and Diascarides wrote about its healing properties. The herb contains an essential oil of complex composition, one of which is arbotan with a lemon scent. Unlike other types of wormwood, there is little bitterness in God's wood, and after drying, they decompose almost completely, which allows it to be used in cooking.

Wormwood God's tree is a perennial subshrub with decorative dark green graceful foliage. The leaves are strongly dissected, similar to dill leaves, so wormwood is often called the "dill tree". Numerous shoots form a lush bush. The bush does not spread to the sides, as it does not spread by underground roots. In our south, it blooms at the end of July - August, in the Non-Black Earth Region - a month later. Does not form seeds. Propagated by dividing the bush and cuttings. It grows well in a sunny place on non-acid nutrient soil. Care is weeding; watering - with prolonged drought. Winters without shelter. It has been growing in one place for more than ten years.

Wormwood God's tree propagates by dividing the bush and cuttings. In early spring a part of the bush is separated from the edge with a shovel. 3-4 branches with well-developed roots are enough, which are planted in a new place, deepening to the level at which the branches grew in the old place. Well watered. Before settling in, do a few more waterings.

Green cuttings are cut during the period of intensive growth above the lignification zone. The cuttings are planted in pots with wet river sand, covered with glass jars and placed in the shade. Every day, the jars are lifted and the cuttings are sprayed with water. The substrate in the pot is watered sparingly. It should be damp, but not wet. The cuttings take root completely in 4-5 weeks, after which they are planted in a permanent place. At first, the seedlings shade.

Artemisia God's tree is often confused with wormwood paniculata. Wormwood paniculata is a biennial, in contrast to the perennial wormwood officinalis. Above the Black Sea zone, near the wormwood God's tree, the seeds do not ripen. So if you are offered the seeds of sagebrush God's tree, then these are most likely the seeds of the widespread sagebrush paniculata.

In folk medicine, wormwood God's tree is used very widely. No wonder this plant came to us from the monastery medical gardens. Therefore, her second name is medicinal wormwood.

The use of wormwood medicinal

With toothache 1 tbsp. l. crushed wormwood herb pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain, rinse your teeth repeatedly until the pain disappears.

To increase appetite, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract: pour 1 tsp. dry or fresh herbs pour one glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes. Drink 1/3 cup 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The same solution is used to gargle with sore throat and wash with scrofula.

To get rid of worms: 1 tbsp. l. dry chopped grass pour 150 ml of boiling water, wrap well and leave to cool, strain and drink a glass between meals.

Made on the basis of wormwood oil pharmacy drug"Artemisol" for the treatment of nephrolithiasis. It dissolves salts in urine, removes sand and urinary stones from the body.

Wormwood is especially famous for the fact that it enhances hair growth. In the Middle Ages, young men used it to quickly grow a beard. With the advent of the beard, the young men passed into the status of a man. Nowadays, this plant is used for hair loss. For this, 2 tbsp. l. dry grass is poured with a glass of boiling water, wrapped for an hour. Then the hair is well moistened with strained infusion, rubbed into the scalp and wrapped with a towel for 15-20 minutes.

With neurasthenia, wormwood tincture on cognac is used: 1 tbsp. l. wormwood roots pour 0.5 liters of cognac, put in a water bath and soak for 10 minutes, then pour into a glass container and soak for two days in a warm place. Strain. Take 3-5 drops twice a day.

Application in cooking

Due to the strong pleasant smell, dried leaves are used as a spice. They taste bitter, so they are used in large quantities to fatty meat. They are also used to add flavor to vinegar, marinades, sauces, tinctures. For these purposes, young twigs are collected along with buds and dried in the shade, then crushed and stored in a tightly closed container.

The god tree is a popular medicinal plant that has been used for centuries against many ailments and diseases. Medicines from this herb strengthen gastrointestinal tract by increasing the production of digestive juices. The plant is used in the treatment of diarrhea, infection urinary tract, bronchitis and other infections of the upper respiratory tract.


Wormwood (Artemisia abrotanum) originates from southern Europe and Asia (Turkey, the Middle East and Iran). The plant was brought to North America by European settlers. Among the people, other names have stuck to it - dill and God's tree. Wormwood has been successfully used in alternative medicine for many years. For centuries, it was believed that the God's tree has magical powers and protects from evil. In many Catholic churches the herb is still used as an incense.

This perennial shrub belongs to the Wheatgrass family (Compositae). It grows well in dry and sunny places, covers rocky slopes, glades, wastelands. It has dense branches and stems and can grow up to 1.2 meters in height. The leaves are pinnate, gray-green in color, smooth on top and covered with fluff below. The plant has spherical yellow flower heads. Blooms from July to September.

The stems of wormwood, God's tree, in the photo are easily confused with dill greens, since they have a similar appearance. The plant is characterized by a strong, sweet and piercing aroma reminiscent of lemon. The edible parts of the plant are fresh or dried leaves. They must be harvested before flowering begins. Dry them in the shade to prevent their color from fading. Treated leaves should be stored in closed glass containers and away from light.

God's tree: medicinal properties and composition

The beneficial effect of such a herb, like any other, is determined by the content of essential oils in its composition. So, in this variety of wormwood, their number is considerable - 0.62%.

In addition, the leaves of the plant contain:

  • bitter glycosides, including absinthine, anabsinthine, ortabsin;
  • coumarin compounds: isofraksidin, scopolin, calicanthoside;
  • volatile oils containing mainly thujone;
  • tannins;
  • resins;
  • organic acids.

A photo of a god's tree and the medicinal properties of this plant are presented below:

Wormwood - a choleretic agent

Essential oil has choleretic properties, thereby supporting the secretion of bile from the liver to the stomach. It helps to neutralize excess bile acids, thereby relieving ailments such as peptic ulcers.

Wormwood essential oil facilitates the process of digestion and neutralizes unpleasant symptoms such as indigestion, bloating and gas. Godwood can be used to stimulate the digestive process, but only in very small doses. The use of medicinal products from the plant should be carried out strictly according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

Such drugs help with dyspepsia, indigestion, lack of appetite, stomach ulcers, with symptoms indicating a malfunction digestive system, for example, when there is heartburn, flatulence, a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, belching and intestinal cramps. They improve metabolism, have a diuretic and tonic effect. Supports the proper functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

Wormwood eliminates unpleasant odor

The herb contains a large amount of thujone, therefore it exhibits a strong aroma of this component. In this regard, the essential oil of the plant is often used as a deodorant. However, it should be remembered that such an agent is used only in diluted form in order to avoid excessive inhalation of the substances contained in it.

Wormwood prevents bacterial and viral infections

The healing properties of God's tree help fight various infections and viruses. Substances contained in the plant kill microbes and inhibit their development. Research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry confirmed that mugwort oil has a broad spectrum of antibacterial activity against several bacterial strains, including E. coli and Salmonella. It inhibits the growth of fungal pathogens and exhibits an antioxidant effect. Other studies published in the journal Planta Medica have shown that wormwood oil inhibits the growth of Candida albicans, which is the most common type of fungal infection in the mouth, intestines, and vagina.

Scientists from the University of Michigan in the US have found that the herb may also be useful in the treatment of tuberculosis - it can help reduce the time to cure the disease, which usually lasts about six months, and prevent the development of strains of bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics.

Causes menstruation

The stimulating and relaxing properties of Godwood can induce menstruation. How does this happen? The essential oil of the plant stimulates the secretion menstrual blood, activates the circulation and promotes its release. For a woman's health, this is very useful and desirable. After all, menstrual irregularities can cause many dangerous diseases, even such as uterine cancer. Stimulating the body helps to get rid of problems such as headaches, cramps, abdominal pain, nausea, fatigue and lack of appetite. Proper use of the herb makes menstruation regular.

Wormwood is an effective insecticide

The oil from the plant (God's tree) is a poisonous substance for many animals and mammals. There is also no doubt that this product acts as a natural insecticide and insect repellant. To take full advantage of this property of wormwood, you can use a diluted oil of the herb in the form of a spray.

Bouquets or flower pots containing grass are often placed in the kitchen to keep flies away from food. In addition, the skin is rubbed with fresh leaves to repel mosquitoes.

Wormwood heals nerves and heart

In folk medicine, the psychoactive properties of wormwood essential oil are sometimes used to calm the nerves, as well as convulsions, hysteria, prolonged stress and insomnia.

Medicinal wormwood (God's tree) is an excellent tonic that activates many mechanisms of the body, and also provides its general strengthening. It has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and helps in the correct and even distribution nutrients all over the body. Allows the excretory system to keep the body free of unwanted metabolic wastes and toxins.

The tonic effect of wormwood essential oil eliminates heart rhythm and conduction disturbances. It has a positive effect on the regulation of the secretion of hormones and enzymes. By stimulating the nervous system, a person becomes more active and alert. Activation is also subject to the entire the immune system, whereby it provides effective protection from various infections and diseases.

External use of wormwood

Wormwood infusions are used for baths in rheumatic diseases. In addition, such bathing tones, soothes and relaxes the skin. Therefore, it is useful when there are fungal skin lesions. Wormwood infusion, despite the fact that it does not contain saponins, washes off sebum relatively quickly. As an aromatherapy, it is used in patients with asthma, it helps to relieve nasal congestion.

Wormwood in cosmetics

Artemisia arborescens (God's tree) belongs to the same family of plants as chamomile, arnica, St. John's wort and calendula, and is also used in cosmetics. The extract from this herb, as well as the oil from it, are often found in cosmetics intended for face and body care.

Wormwood in cooking

Grass has found its use in cooking. The young shoots of this shrub have a lemon flavor and are used in small quantities as salad dressings. Fresh or dried leaves can be used in seasoning blends or as a flavoring ingredient in olive oil and some liqueurs.


To prepare the infusion, you need to pour a tablespoon of dried or chopped herbs with a glass of boiling water and insist under the lid for 15-20 minutes. Strain thoroughly and drink ¼-⅓ cup 2 or 3 times a day half an hour before meals. A small amount of honey or sugar can be added to the liquid to soften the bitter taste. The tool helps with bloating, flatulence, stomach ulcers, stagnation of bile.


It is necessary to prepare a decoction of 50 g of God's tree and pour a glass of 70% alcohol and leave in a dark place for 2 weeks. After this time, the tincture should be filtered and poured into a dark glass bottle. You need to drink it 15-20 drops in a glass of water half an hour before meals 2-3 times a day. Used as a medicine for stomach ailments, to improve digestion. When taken 40 drops in a glass of water - it has a choleretic effect.

bathing with grass

It is necessary to mix 50 g of God's tree grass with 50 g of 50 g of linden flowers, 50 g of yarrow grass. Half of the prepared mixture should be poured with 3 liters of boiling water and boiled over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain and pour into the bath. Bath time should not exceed 20 minutes. Apply 2 times a week after operations and serious illnesses.

foot bath

It is necessary to pour 25 g of wormwood herb with 3 liters of boiling water and heat for 20 minutes over low heat under a lid. Cool slightly and strain. Keep the feet in the prepared decoction for 30 minutes. It is used in the treatment of fungal infections of the feet.

Potential side effects, contraindications

We list the main ones:

  • not intended for long-term use. Used for more than four weeks, or at doses higher than recommended, may result in nausea, vomiting, restlessness, insomnia, dizziness, tremors, and leg cramps.
  • Wormwood godwood can call allergic reactions in people with allergies to plants from the Wheatgrass family - ragweed, marigolds, chrysanthemums and others.
  • You should not take this herb in any form if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. The thujone contained in the plant has Negative influence on the uterus and threatens pregnancy.
  • Wormwood cannot be taken by people who suffer from rare disease called porphyria (is the excessive production of the accumulation of porphine in the body). Thujone, present in the essential oil of the plant, can increase the production of this substance.
  • Wormwood is not recommended for people with impaired kidney function. The oil from this herb can lead to failure of these organs.
  • If you suffer from epilepsy or other seizure disorders, you should consult your doctor before using this herb.
  • Care should be taken when using wormwood essential oil in aromatherapy, as it contains a large amount of thujone, it is toxic in large quantities and can cause convulsions.
  • Doctors recommend using wormwood in the form of dried raw materials, as it contains a small amount of thujone.

It should always be remembered that the essential oil of wormwood is poisonous and affects the psyche. In large doses, it can cause various diseases of the nervous system. In extreme cases, product poisoning results in death. Prolonged use of wormwood essential oil threatens with irreversible damage to the brain and nervous system. The extract from the plant has narcotic properties and is addictive.

Medicinal wormwood, or Artemisia abrotanum, is one of the many species of this plant, called God's tree. The leaves of wormwood contain a large amount of valuable essential oil, but, unlike other varieties of the plant, there is not much bitterness in its composition. Therefore, it is this species that is used to flavor food and various tinctures.

It must be said that the plant has many healing properties Therefore, it is actively used in folk medicine. The ancient Slavs considered it an object of worship, used it to purify both the physical and spiritual world. Until now, healers believe that its smell drives out evil spirits, so they use wormwood as a talisman against the evil eye and damage.

The wormwood plant, otherwise the God's tree, whose medicinal properties have been known since ancient times, must be able to distinguish it from the extremely common in Russia panicled wormwood (Artemisia scoparia, or procera), which is also often called the God's tree. Outwardly, they are similar, but there are still differences.

The real medicinal wormwood is perennial shrub, which has beautiful openwork foliage resembling dill leaves. If you pick a branch, rub it in your palms, a tart, pleasant smell of wormwood will appear in combination with lemon.

Wormwood paniculata is a biennial. Its leaves, stems are much rougher, and the smell is less pleasant. In addition, it reproduces with the help of seeds. And at the wormwood medicinal at our climatic conditions they don't mature. Seeds of this species can only be obtained in areas with a very warm climate. Therefore, it is propagated vegetatively (by dividing the rhizome or cuttings).

How to use God's tree for medicinal purposes?

At oncological diseases stomach, intestines, uterus, use the root of the plant. It is necessary to prepare a decoction: Grind the previously dried wormwood root. Now put 2 tbsp. l. raw materials in a small saucepan, add 1 cup of clean boiling water.
Boil, cook at a very light boil for no more than 10 minutes. Then wrap with a warm cloth, wait until it cools down. Strain, drink a sip before meals (for half an hour). The whole broth must be drunk in a day.

For the treatment of neurosis, joint diseases, gout, the same infusion is added to the water when taking a bath (2 liters per bath).

On the basis of plant oil, the drug "artemisol" is made, with which they treat nephrolithiasis. It has an antispasmodic property, dissolves salts in urine well, actively removes sand and urinary stones from the body.

Traditional medicine uses an infusion based on the herb wormwood as a mild diuretic, and the oil as a mild laxative.

For the treatment of epilepsy, an infusion of wormwood is used as an effective anthelmintic. To prepare the infusion, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry grass with a glass of boiling water, wrap well, wait until it cools down. Strain, drink a glass between meals.

As a tonic, tonic, as well as to get rid of worms, for the treatment of nervous diseases, prepare this decoction: pour 1 tbsp. l. dried herb 1 cup freshly boiled flint water. Put in a water bath, simmer for half an hour. Then wait until the broth has cooled, strain, drink a third of a glass before meals (for half an hour).

With whites, diseases of the stomach, intestines, with the complex treatment of infectious diseases, you can prepare wormwood steam or tea. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. dry or fresh herbs 1 cup clean boiling water. After 15 minutes, as the tea is brewed, you can drink it whenever you want. But it is better not to use it more than 3 times a day.

Medicinal wormwood is used in combination with other medicinal herbs. For example, an infusion of a mixture of wormwood, a drop drug is used for the complex treatment of sciatica. In combination with rue, wormwood is used as an analgesic, antispasmodic agent for kidney diseases.

For the treatment of abscesses, finely chopped leaves of fresh wormwood are steamed with boiling water. Then the steamed mass is wrapped around the damaged area, tied with a bandage. It is often used in the treatment inflammatory processes mammary gland.

In addition, to heal skin lesions, such as wounds, abscesses, frostbite, ethnoscience uses ointments prepared on the basis of wormwood. Also, for the same purpose, freshly squeezed plant juice is used.

Another Use for the God Tree

In addition to medicinal properties, God's tree is used in cooking. Fresh, dried grass is added when roasting meat, especially game. This seasoning is very good in fried poultry dishes.

In domestic use, wormwood is used as a flavoring agent, hanging sprigs in a wardrobe. In addition to giving a pleasant smell, wormwood will protect outerwear from the moth.

It is impossible not to note the very attractive appearance of the plant. Therefore, gardeners and summer residents are happy to grow lush bushes in their areas. She is often planted in not very pretty corners of the garden to cover, for example, compost pit or well.

So grow it useful plant on your site, admire its beauty, use it in the treatment of various ailments. Just before using God's tree as a medicinal product do not forget to consult with your doctor. Be healthy!

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