Kitchen design with loggia extension. Combining a kitchen with a balcony - photo design. Visual boundary between rooms

Many owners small apartments They are trying to find an option thanks to which they can optimally use the entire living space. To increase the size of the room, there is an option to combine the kitchen with a loggia. Every year, this idea is becoming more and more popular, because of the spacious and bright kitchen every housewife dreams.

It should be borne in mind that such an event is accompanied by numerous nuances in the form of permits from government agencies, as well as costly repairs.

Features and Benefits

First of all, you should decide whether you want the kitchen to move entirely to the loggia or partially. In the first case, you can significantly save space in your apartment. However, there is a risk of getting trouble from the BTI, fire and gas services.

If we talk about the advantages of combining two rooms, we can note several points:

  • using this method, you can increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room;
  • increases the amount of light due to large window on the loggia;
  • thermal insulation improves, as the loggia is additionally insulated;
  • such a solution looks original and makes it possible to decorate the room in an unusual and modern style.

In this case, you should take into account some features of redevelopment, for which you need to prepare in advance:

  • such a plan must be legalized without fail. You will need to order a project and wait for a decision after submitting a package of documents. Such a process is accompanied by high costs and a long time;
  • be prepared for additional expenses for the redevelopment of the balcony: combining two rooms requires insulation of walls, floors, sewerage and other work.

Is it possible?

Many housewives dream of cleaning away working area to keep her out of sight. These actions will help turn the kitchen into a cozy dining room or living room. If you want to move the sink, stove and kitchen set, keep in mind that you are unlikely to be able to legitimize such events.

According to the data provided by the Redevelopment and Approval Service, projects accompanied by the transfer of the kitchen to the loggia belong to the category of events that are not agreed in advance.

Therefore, you can simply demolish the wall by combining two rooms. Weigh the pros and cons before taking action. No need to immediately grab the hammer and destroy the partition. Think over the new project in detail, calculate your benefit in terms of footage. Do not forget that you will lose some of the area due to a wide layer of insulation materials.

So that no penalties are imposed on you, and the relevant authorities do not require you to eliminate unauthorized actions, be sure to coordinate the changes with the relevant authorities.

How is replanning approved?:

  • first of all, you need to submit a new project to the BTI;
  • the approved project will be agreed with the SES and the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the issue of safety;
  • after that, you will need to coordinate the approved project with a package of permits from the Housing Office and an agreement from technical supervision in the housing inspection. This organization deals with the issuance of permits;
  • the housing inspectorate must draw up a final act on the redevelopment at the end repair work.

An association

To connect the balcony to the kitchen, there are two ways:

  • In the first case, the window with the door is removed. Along with this, you should leave the window sill part of the wall. When choosing this method, the design of the layout for the association is considered optional, but when selling housing, you will need to return everything to its original form;

  • The second method involves the complete elimination of the partition, due to which the two rooms are combined into one. If you choose this option, you will need to complete the appropriate documentation.

With the complete dismantling of the wall, coordination is required. If the wall is recognized as a carrier, that is, a partition that is responsible for the strength of the entire structure, no one will give you official permission to demolish it. Thickness bearing wall defined as follows:

  • in a panel house, its thickness is 120-140 mm;
  • in a monolithic house, the indicator exceeds 200 mm;
  • V brick houses thickness must be more than 380 mm.

If you are planning to connect the kitchen to the balcony, pay special attention to the insulation work. All elements of the loggia should be insulated, except for the inner wall. Use only effective materials in your work so as not to freeze in winter period time. At installation work with glazing, pay utmost attention to the joints between the frame and glass. These areas should be covered with a vapor barrier.

How to move the kitchen to the balcony:

  • remove the old double-glazed window and trim on the loggia or balcony. Window blocks should be touched last. A metal fence should remain on the balcony, on the loggia there is only a thin partition, which, as a rule, is installed according to the standard in any building. If there is no partition, only the metal frame will also remain;
  • then you should level the floor in the place where the wall stood. After you take away old finish, the balcony slab may be uneven at the edges. Due to the fact that a wall will need to be mounted along the edges of the slab, the base must have flat surface. The pit should be concreted using a conventional M300 mortar;
  • now you can build the wall to the required height. At the moment, in order to build a wall on the balcony, aerated concrete is popular. This material accompanied by ease of installation and low weight;
  • if you removed the standard finish from the balcony, then along with the construction of the wall, you will need outer side sheathe it with finishing material. As a rule, siding is used for this event;
  • now you can install window blocks. For glazing, double-glazed windows are suitable. They have a large area and the necessary level of thermal insulation. Choose a profile with a large number of cameras;
  • when expanding by connecting the kitchen to the loggia, you will also need to conduct electrical wiring, install a mounting box for sockets, and install switches. Remember that increasing the kitchen space requires additional lamps and sockets under Appliances;
  • in the combined room you will need to insulate the floor, walls and ceiling. by the most optimal way is an option in which wooden bars or battens are insulated. In the work, you can use mineral wool mats or foam. The insulation is laid in two layers with overlapping seams. All material is attached using plastic dowels-umbrellas or glued to the mounting foam.
  • remember that if we combine two rooms, then sheathing is required finishing materials. You can use plywood or drywall, on which putty, wallpaper or paint is applied;
  • the combination of the balcony can be considered completed after you have completed the work with insulation. After that, finishing work is underway, and they are strongly influenced by the fact which room (kitchen or hall) we combine with the loggia.

Given step by step guide will help you combine two rooms and increase free space in your apartment. Carefully follow the sequence of actions to reduce wasted time. To attach a room to your loggia or balcony, you will need building skills and patience. After finishing the work, you can begin to give a new style to the room that you decide to combine.

What can be transferred to the loggia

After the repair activities are completed, many apartment owners are wondering what can be placed on the loggia. To myself simple option includes the installation of furniture and household appliances that do not require an auxiliary drainage system.

You can easily transfer a refrigerator, microwave oven and multicooker to the balcony. These items do not require permission from the relevant authorities. For any device that is capable of causing a fire or flooding, it will take you a long time to obtain approval from the authorities responsible for safety. The most difficult process is the transfer gas stove.

If you want to move a sink, pump, plumbing or extractor from check valve, remember that they also require permission. Sewerage removal is available only to those residents who live on the ground floor. You should not transfer the common house heating system to the balcony, this is strictly prohibited.

Heat can be provided using a local source, which includes the underfloor heating system, electric convector and other options.

Interesting options in interior design

Combining rooms with a loggia is always accompanied by many original ideas that are made available to you. You should think in advance what kind of interior will support your new room, and how you can use the new features with the greatest functionality.

The kitchen on the balcony can be made a separate room or a dining area can be placed in this part. It all depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment and personal preferences. In this article, we will look at good ideas For example completed projects and tell you what not to do.

Combined kitchen-dining room. Here the headset occupies almost the entire area of ​​the balcony and continues into the room. For warm glazing, we chose two-chamber windows consisting of separate cells.

Photo gallery of ideas

There are two options for placing a headset on the loggia. The first is simpler, the second leads to a rise in price due to paperwork.

1. Balcony - part of the room

The combined area allows you to increase the working surface in the kitchen. For comfortable operation, high-quality insulation of all surfaces - walls, floors and ceilings - is necessary. During daylight hours, there is no need for artificial lighting.

For visual unification, it is better to choose a single color for furniture and wall decoration, as well as one type floor covering. Even if there is a door, the room will look in the same style. Thus, it will turn out to increase the area visually.

In this version, some of the furniture was placed on the loggia to enlarge the main room.

The window block can be used for the base of the bar counter. Thus, you will delimit the area into zones and preserve the bearing capacity of the building, since the idea of ​​​​such an association is implemented without destroying the window sill. The bar counter complements or replaces the entire dining area.

Bright zone - color accent in modern interior. Thinking through the interior design, do not forget to take into account the air flow in the room - a draft should not be allowed. Conditions should be as comfortable as possible for continuous operation. Pay special attention to the location of the work area and dining table.

U-shaped kitchen with stone countertops. The apartment occupies the attic floor.

The dining room is located next to the windows and removed from the work surface.

The dining table was placed in a cozy part, which will set you up for relaxation and a pleasant conversation with your family. The passage was made in the form of an arch - this design adds zest to the entire interior. Instead of an arch, you can decorate the passageway with column-shaped decor or curtains that fit the main style.

2. Separate kitchen

On the loggia, you can fully equip the working area, and in the adjoining room, make only a dining room. The main difficulty in implementing this idea is the placement of communications on the balcony, so it is more rational and easier to move the dining area than a set. If the room is small, you can choose the option of folding furniture.

To free up space in the room, install on the loggia household appliances. For example, a refrigerator, microwave oven, steamer, coffee machine or oven. Thus, the room will become much more spacious. To transfer equipment, it is necessary to provide an electrician in advance.

A full kitchen on a bright loggia. As additional lighting made Spotlights. IN this case walls were ditched for the installation of communications. After laying the sewerage and water pipes, the pipes were closed with a box. In progress overhaul pipes can be installed in the floor.

The complete transfer of the headset to the loggia is typical for both small and large areas of the room. In the free part, you can make a separate dining room or even a living room.

Laconic interior in neutral colors. For the arrangement, the same materials are suitable as in the main part of the apartment - wallpaper, ceramic tile, tiles, etc. The main requirement is that they should not exert significant pressure on the plate. If your plans include the installation of heavy furniture, in this case it is necessary to strengthen the structure.

A compact suite with a bar counter in a small studio for a young family. Attached to the wall hanging shelves, you can also install multiple storage racks. An important point is humidity control. The room should be ventilated in time, for this the windows should open without problems, without blocking the furniture.

Custom-made furniture harmoniously fills a small volume. Roller blinds can be combined with different styles interior. Textiles allow you to effectively decorate the space, while creating a homely atmosphere.

Neoclassical set and Brick wall - original solution for a kitchenette in a modern style. An unusual approach in textile design is to make asymmetrical curtains: close the door to the floor level, and the window opening to the window sill. This effect visually increases the height of the ceilings, masking the balcony door.

The combination of minimalism and natural materials makes the interior both cozy and stylish. In such a kitchen, you can not only cook, but also start washing.

How to get permission?

To combine a balcony with an apartment, first of all, you need to obtain the official consent of the UTI for redevelopment. If this is not done immediately, changes will still have to be made in the future. Moreover, the resolution on the fact of alteration can cause certain problems. For example, you will be fined for remodeling a house without permission. They may also ask you to return everything to its original form.

For driving technical inventory develop a special project with a detailed image of the headset in different projections. Sometimes, for a better understanding, citizens provide 3D visualizations or photographs that clarify the upcoming changes.

Coordination will protect you and your neighbors from the collapse of structures. Unfortunately, emergencies are the result of independent association.

The next stage after the registration of a package of documents at the UTI is the verification of the conditions by the department of Rospotrebnadzor and the organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The final stage is permission from the housing management company and then you can start repairing. For the housing commission, you must submit the documents received earlier and the final version of the furniture design.

The approval process is not easy, however, after a legal redevelopment, you will not have problems with the sale.

When planning such a layout in country house, permission for laying communications is not required.

  • UTI must first approve the work, but for a legal merger, the consent of all listed organizations is required;
  • During implementation, post copies of the permit outside front door for the peace of mind of the neighbours.
  • No approval is required to replace windows;
  • To draw up an act on the conduct of hidden work, the participation of an employee of the housing commission - an inspector is necessary. For example, hidden work at the time of combining the loggia with the apartment must be fixed;
  • Repair of a kitchen with a balcony is best organized in the warm season - in this case, it will be possible to make the insulation qualitatively.

Incorrect decisions

Consider the main limitations that it is better to know about on the eve of work:

  • On the loggia it is impossible to carry out communications spontaneously. To do this, you must obtain permission;
  • Placing a gas stove is unacceptable. Illegal installation will be the reason for paying a fine, in addition, administrative responsibility is imposed on the owner of the apartment;
  • A sewer pipe can only be installed if your apartment is located on the ground floor, or if the drain is equipped with a special pump. In any case, on the eve of work, you must obtain official permission. It is better to opt for electric version plates;
  • For the exhaust device, there must be protective valves;
  • Do not install additional central heating radiators in the room.

This interior is an example of incorrect repair. Here is an additional heating device in the space of the loggia.

As an additional source of heating, you can install a warm floor or an electrical appliance to heat the room.



Such interior solution, as a combination of a balcony with a kitchen, has long become fashionable. It helps to quickly expand the apartment space, solve many family problems, and is intended simply to make life more convenient. About how to carry out redevelopment, whether it is possible to do it at all or not, what is required for this, and what to do instead of a balcony, read in this article.

The kitchen smoothly transitions into the dining area, which is already on the balcony

Bright modern kitchen combined with a balcony

The main part of the kitchen, placed on the balcony, is an interesting and non-standard solution.

Combining a balcony with a kitchen, why is it needed at all? Living in a one-room or just a small apartment, you often face the problem of lack of space. Often in apartments of this kind, the smallest room is the kitchen. The problem of a small kitchen arises when you start cooking, or just going to have tea with friends. A balcony or loggia attached to the kitchen can help correct the situation once and for all. Combining these two rooms, you get a spacious area designed for cooking and for many other purposes.

How to start combining a kitchen with a balcony

If you decide to combine the kitchen with a balcony or loggia, do not rush to buy Construction Materials. To begin with, it is worth collecting the entire package of documents and permits for this operation. Why are there documents and permits? When combined, you, one way or another, will demolish one of the walls of the room. Improper demolition of the wall can compromise not only the safety of your apartment, but the whole house.

Among the required documents for combining, you must have:

  • redevelopment project;
  • Permits from government agencies (BTI, architectural bureau, etc.);
  • The consent of the neighbors, certified in writing;
  • Consent from the assembly of the house, certified in writing;
  • The final act of redevelopment.

Tip: to prepare the entire package of documents and save your time, you can contact a special company that deals with these issues. To date, finding such a company is not difficult.

In the case when the wall is a carrier, you can only remove the double-glazed window, but you will be forced to leave the wall under the window sill. Although later it can be easily turned into a work surface or a bar counter.

Panoramic floor-to-ceiling windows on the balcony combined with the kitchen look very stylish

What can not be done when redevelopment?

The main thing that is forbidden to do when redeveloping a balcony and combining it with a kitchen is:

  • Move radiators and heating systems of the house to the balcony;
  • Install the stove on the balcony.

It is forbidden to take radiators to the balcony. This problem can be solved by sealing the cracks, installing a metal-plastic double-glazed window, and insulating.

As for the kitchen stove on the balcony, this is simply illegal. This option of its installation endangers the whole house and its residents.

Tip: do not try to fit the slab into the redevelopment of the balcony, this decision will not be legalized for you, and you will spend a lot of time working on preparing documents. Self installation it is also not advised to carry out, it threatens with a fine, and an act obliging you to return the stove back to the kitchen.

A good solution to this problem would be to install an electric stove on the surface of the window sill, between the balcony and the kitchen. It will be impossible to say for sure that the stove is not in the kitchen, besides, it is absolutely legal.

Stick to all these settings, and redevelopment will be quick and successful!

Modern kitchen combined with a balcony

Combining a balcony with a kitchen: balcony insulation

When combining a balcony with a kitchen, special attention should be paid to insulation. Warming must be done. Combining a balcony and a kitchen, you lose one of the main walls and partitions in the form of double-glazed windows.

If you do not insulate the walls of the balcony or loggia facing the street in winter, even the best heater will not save you.

How to insulate a balcony? Today, to solve this problem, 3 types of insulation are used:

  • Cold glazing;
  • Partial insulation;
  • Complete;

Cold glazing is a method of insulating a balcony, in which it is installed metallic profile after sheathed in glass. This method does not affect a significant increase in the temperature of the balcony, but protects it from dirt, rain and snow.

Partial insulation is a more common type of balcony heating. With partial insulation, layers of penofol or penoplex are mounted in the floor and walls. After that, they are wrapped in polyethylene. If desired, a "warm floor" system can be installed between the plates. Thanks to these elements, the balcony will maintain a constant temperature throughout the entire time of use. But if you open the windows, then the heat will replace the cold. Simply put, the partial insulation system works like a thermos.

This type of insulation is well suited for installation on the balcony of the dining room or work area.

A kitchen that turns into a small seating area on an insulated balcony

The last type is full insulation. With full insulation, foam and polyethylene systems are also installed in the floor and walls, a “warm floor” system is installed, and batteries are also installed. When choosing and installing batteries, preference is given to electric ones.

After installing a full heating system, the balcony is equated to a living space.

By installing insulation on the balcony, you will definitely not regret it, because it will be pleasant to be on it both in summer and in cold winter.

Ideas for combining a balcony with a kitchen

You can combine a balcony and a kitchen in the most incredible way. To do this, just trust your imagination and your tastes. There are countless opportunities for redevelopment of the kitchen today, and increasing it with a balcony is no longer a novelty.

What can be done on an unused area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe balcony? Here are the simplest and most popular options for combining a kitchen with a balcony:

Option 1 - "Dining room on the balcony"

Most often, the kitchens, which are adjacent to the balcony, have a very small area. Because of this, there is a problem of lack of space for cooking or eating.

A good solution in this situation may be to move the dining room to the balcony. This will not only significantly expand the kitchen itself, but also give it an unusual look.

When arranging a dining room on the balcony, it is worth remembering a few things. Firstly: installing a dining table on the balcony suggests that a large number of people can easily accommodate behind it, which means that you need to buy a medium-sized countertop. Thanks to this table, each guest or family member will be able to calmly go to their place.

Small dining area on the balcony off the kitchen

Second: position the table parallel to the side walls of the building. This is done in order to avoid drafts from the cracks and for comfort.

Thirdly: make the design of the dining room balcony light, not dark. Thanks to natural light bright hues will look bright, cozy.

The last and most important plus in favor of the dining room is the atmosphere. By placing a dining area on a balcony or loggia, you will not only avoid unpleasant odors from the kitchen, but also give an intimate or solemn atmosphere to the room, which is so characteristic of the dining room.

Option 2 - "Recreation area"

In small kitchens, cooking is very uncomfortable. Many housewives do not like the process of long-term cooking in a small room, especially when you need to constantly monitor the dish. Sitting on a stool and watching the cooking process for hours on end is terrible, but sometimes you really want to lie down on the bed, or sit in an armchair to read your favorite book.

You can solve this problem by arranging a seating area on the balcony. This option is good when all the kitchen utensils fit in the kitchen itself, but you still combined the balcony or loggia with the apartment.

Cozy shabby chic seating area on the balcony

How to furnish a recreation area? The first thing to remember is that all furniture should be comfortable. In the recreation area you can install small sofa or more chairs. Put a small table and a few chairs, in soft cover, spread pillows everywhere. You can also replace regular chairs with bean bags.

In such a zone it will be nice to be in the company of friends, a loved one, or just when you want to be alone.

By choosing this idea, you will make your apartment much more comfortable.

Option 3- "Bar-balcony"

The option with a bar-balcony is also good when all the furniture and other kitchen utensils can be safely placed directly in the apartment. The bar-balcony is somewhat similar to the option with a dining room. Here, too, the eating area is transferred to the balcony. The only difference is the lack of a portable table. The table in our bar will be a windowsill.

The window sill must be at least 30-35 centimeters, and must be installed on special supports. The performance of such work should be trusted exclusively to the masters involved in the repair and redevelopment of balconies.

After the window sill-table is installed, purchase bar stools, in the quantity you need, and invite friends over for cocktails.

Option 4 - "Own office"

In small apartments, like odnushki, sometimes there is not enough space for a separate working area. But you really want to have your own corner in the house. Great solution this problem will be the arrangement of your working area on the balcony.

To do this, you can put a computer desk on the balcony, the computer itself, place a couple of shelves or racks. Put an armchair or soft sofa.

If necessary, install additional equipment such as fax, printer, copier, telephone.

Working area on the balcony good decision for families with different work schedules. Working in a separate area, you will not interfere with your spouse's rest.

Kitchen, moving into the area located on the balcony of the office

A small office combined with a kitchen on the balcony

Option 5 - "Intended use"

One of the main purposes of the balcony is to store things that are not needed at the moment. For these purposes, the balcony also needs to be equipped. IN panel houses demolishing the entire wall between the balcony and the kitchen will not work, you will have to leave part of the wall along the edges. In a niche between the balcony wall and bearing wall closets fit in well. In such a closet, you can store everything you want, from conservation and clothes to trash and household chemicals.

When the redevelopment is completed, it is worth doing the design of the room. Decorating a room is one of the most important parts of a renovation. What do you need to know when decorating and decorating a room?

The first thing to remember when stylizing a kitchen-loggia: everything should be done in similar colors, the same finishing materials, in similar colors.

You can zone both rooms using " french windows» or transparent partitions.

Also, for separation, use the floor difference, if any. They can not be hidden, but on the contrary, they can be made as a line separating individual zones. Exit to the kitchen can be arranged using arches or columns.

To decorate windows, it is desirable to use Roman, roller and panel blinds or blinds. In addition, you can arrange windows using ordinary curtains, curtain, tulle.

Do not take out too much furniture on the balcony. Remember: initially redevelopment was done to increase space. Use light furniture, replace cabinets with open shelves. Install folding table and some chairs.

For lighting, use chandeliers, spotlights, sconces, floor lamps, and other types of lamps.

Having combined the kitchen with a balcony in a panel or any other house, you will solve the problem of lack of space once and for all. When decorating a room, do not be afraid to experiment and combine the incompatible.

By connecting 2 rooms, the owner of the apartment solves a number of problems. In addition to the increased kitchen area, the permeability of light increases, which saves energy. Improving the aesthetic appearance and functionality of the kitchen. You can place a dining area on the balcony space or use a place for kitchen utensils. The flight of design fantasies for the interior is unlimited and can turn the disadvantages of the loggia into the advantages of the kitchen.

Before you start redevelopment, you need to draw up a package of documents allowing you to attach a balcony. Improper demolition of the wall can harm both the apartment and the whole house. To agree on the reconstruction, you must contact the architectural and construction organization, which will approve the redevelopment project for a particular building.

The document will include all necessary calculations and purpose of the renovation.

The project is certified by the fire and sanitary inspection. Based on the document, a permit for dismantling is issued. If the wall is load-bearing, it remains possible to remove only the double-glazed window. The remaining opening with a window sill will easily turn into a bar counter.

The sequence of actions for obtaining permission:

  1. Applying to the BTI for issuing a technical passport for an apartment;
  2. Visit to the organization that will develop project documentation to combine a balcony with a kitchen;
  3. The finished project is certified by the SES, the fire inspection and the gas company;
  4. Prepare a written agreement of the tenants of the house, allowing redevelopment;
  5. The Housing Committee draws up an Acceptance Certificate;
  6. BTI issues a new technical passport for the converted apartment.

Combining a balcony with a kitchen does not involve the removal of batteries and cookers to the area of ​​the loggia. You can insulate the room by sealing the cracks on the balcony, installing underfloor heating and double-glazed windows.

Joining the loggia to the kitchen: warming the room

Combining a loggia and a kitchen usually requires insulation of the balcony. To do this, it is necessary to produce competent glazing of the outer part of the room. The double-glazed window should consist of several glasses with a small distance between them, and the profile contained a thermal bridge and was at least 8 cm. The panoramic glazing of the loggia will look very impressive, but choosing such a finish, you will have to face special nuances.

To insulate the floor and walls, foam layers are used, which are wrapped in polyethylene and mounted on the floor.

There is a film heating option that will quickly heat the floor, but also cool down in short time. The heating cable is ideal for heating large loggias. If for some reason it is not possible to thermal insulation works, every effort must be made to internal insulation. For insulation, it is recommended to choose materials that are resistant to fire. A good option would be a cork tree, which is not subject to mechanical stress and has refractory properties. The advantage will be the environmental friendliness of the material. It is necessary to apply insulation to all surfaces of the walls, floor and ceiling.

Consistent actions for warming the kitchen:

  • Build a frame;
  • Steam insulation is laid on it;
  • insulation;
  • waterproofing film;
  • The gaps are sealed with mounting foam.

Insulation of a balcony or loggia requires special attention, otherwise the kitchen will turn into a cold and uncomfortable room.

How to combine a kitchen with a balcony: dismantling options

You can combine a loggia with a kitchen different ways. Completely remove the partition and combine a single space. In this case designer fantasies can be fully implemented. If it is not possible to dismantle the slab completely, it is partially removed, leaving a window sill for zoning the room. Very often, this remnant of the stove is used as a bar counter or a stationary dining table. This variant of the interior becomes an excellent decoration for the kitchen.

Space zoning is a clever design trick if it is not possible to connect 2 rooms by completely dismantling the slab. When insulated, the floors on the loggia rise, they are adjusted to the level of the threshold due to the log and additional decorative coating.

The sill, which remained after the removal of the window, can serve as a step, separating the working and dining areas. Removing the steps to the kitchen area is an alternative option.

Another solution is to remove the threshold and connect the floors on the loggia and the kitchen under one level. This modification is not always possible due to load-bearing structure walls. Either option will transform the room, allowing rational use of space.

Connection of a balcony with a kitchen: design solutions

Attaching a balcony to a small kitchen allows you to increase the required space. In such a situation, the dining table can be moved to the loggia, thereby freeing up the working area. Such an extension will give the room interesting view. In addition, a dining table on the balcony will avoid kitchen smells and create a cozy atmosphere.

You can place a seating area on the balcony. This option is suitable for housewives who spend most of their time in the kitchen. By placing a small sofa or a few poufs, hanging pictures or a TV, you can enjoy peace.

In small apartments, sometimes there is no place for a personal corner. Alternatively, a connected loggia can become personal account. It is necessary to equip the room by placing a computer or desk and building shelves. You can retire at any time without disturbing your household.

If the area is increased due to the loggia, then it is very easy to make a working area out of it by placing kitchen furniture and a refrigerator. The dining room will be located in the kitchen. Such a redevelopment of the balcony is not possible, since it is an external element of the building and the load is completely different. It is better to install light furniture and lightweight cabinets on it.

In apartments with large areas the combination of two rooms is done as an interesting design project. An example is a kitchen with a panoramic view, when the loggia partition is dismantled and double-glazed windows are inserted from ceiling to floor.

For achievement best result need to take care of additional lighting. The continuation of the kitchen is equipped with light sources depending on the design and purpose of the zone, especially if it is a rest room or a meal.

Competent combination of a balcony with a kitchen (video)

Converting a balcony or loggia into a single room with a kitchen is not difficult task. This design will allow you to expand and use every centimeter to your advantage. small apartment, and give a large room an unusual and interesting look.

Kitchens with access to a balcony are considered more comfortable than those without a balcony. What hostess will not please extra space! On the balcony, you can store vegetables in a makeshift cellar, you can take out a hot dish to cool. But if kitchen balcony- the only balcony in the apartment, then the advantage turns into a disadvantage. The kitchen becomes a walk-through. The design of a kitchen with a balcony largely depends on whether the owners plan to combine these two rooms.

The space of this kitchen is expanded due to the originally designed balcony.

Design of a small kitchen with a balcony

Both the kitchen and the balcony are multifunctional spaces. If you do not want to lose the balcony by combining it with the kitchen, you need to provide free space for opening the balcony door. And this means that it will not be possible to use countertop window sills in the entire width of the window and door. But if you think of a folding or movable work surface (table on wheels, for example) along the window wall, then this option can be realized.

A calm and cozy seating area, arranged on the balcony, will become a favorite place for family tea drinking.

Another way to save usable space is to install a sliding rather than a hinged balcony door.

Sliding doors can save a lot of space

When designing a kitchen with a balcony, keep in mind that the movement of air from the balcony door to the front door to the kitchen can create discomfort for people in the room. Therefore, position the table so that the people sitting at it are not in a draft. This tip also applies to the work area.

If the balcony becomes a continuation of the kitchen, it is better to arrange them in the same style.

If you started a renovation in the kitchen, do not ignore the balcony adjacent to it. If the combination of these premises is not included in your plans, equip an additional storage area on the balcony. The main thing is not to turn the balcony into a repository for all the rubbish that for some reason did not fit in the apartment. It is not unknown that such landfills carry negative energy and stagnation in business.

The balcony may well look like a refined and elegant place to relax.

Make shelving on the balcony for storing home-made canned preparations and vegetables. They can be stored there if the balcony is glazed and insulated. Men sometimes store various tools on the balcony, let them also have separate shelves, and it is better if these shelves are closed. Sliding doors for balcony cabinets (like a closet), as well as plastic or wooden accordion doors are very convenient. Closed cabinets look much neater than open shelves.

If desired, on the balcony and in the kitchen you can arrange a real " winter Garden»

If you keep the balcony in the same stylistic range as the kitchen, it will visually increase the kitchen space. You can provide on it a folding table for tea drinking in the warm season.

The carefully thought-out interior of this balcony impresses with luxury and respectability, which are so uncharacteristic for this type of premises.

Great importance for the design of a kitchen with a balcony has a competent design of curtains. Roller blinds and roman blinds attached directly to windows and balcony doors look elegant and stylish. In addition, these curtains are very functional. It is recommended to make fabric curtains in a kitchen with a balcony of different lengths: on the window - up to the windowsill, and on the balcony door - up to the floor. This is necessary in order to hide the balcony door and make the ceilings in the room visually higher.

Kitchen curtains in the kitchen with a balcony may well serve as a zoning room

Kitchen design combined with a balcony

If it is possible to combine the kitchen and the balcony, then the kitchen has every chance of becoming a more functional and beautiful room. The easiest way is to insulate the balcony, remove the door and window, and use the lintel as a foot for a bar or dining table. This option is the most popular because it is less expensive. But you can go the other way. For example, take the work area to the balcony, moving all communications there. Technically, this is possible, but you will have to run for permits from various authorities and hire craftsmen who will bring the projects to life.

Such a combination of a kitchen and a balcony is most convenient in old-style apartments.

A prerequisite to combine the kitchen and the balcony is the insulation of the balcony. It includes insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, insulation and glazing of the balcony, the removal of radiators or underfloor heating equipment that heats up electric mats. Of course, all this must be licensed.

When combining a balcony and a kitchen, part of the wall with a window sill can be transformed into a bar counter

How to profitably use a balcony in the interior

The functional load on the balcony, which is attached to the kitchen, may be different. Here you can organize a working or dining area. And you can turn the balcony into a seating area with a small kitchen sofa and TV. Do you want to put all the equipment on the balcony that makes life easier for the hostess? Place a microwave, coffee maker or coffee machine here, electric oven, double boiler, multicooker.

The balcony is the perfect place for a refrigerator if the kitchen is no different. large sizes

Often a refrigerator is placed on the balcony combined with the kitchen. Then he stands in a niche, almost invisible from the kitchen. You can make a balcony a functional room for relaxation in a certain style. For example, in Chinese (for tea parties), Oriental, Japanese. This interior of the balcony in the kitchen goes well with classic cuisine or a modern kitchen.

On a spacious balcony, you can equip a cozy dining area using flowers and curtains as decorative elements.

If you are fond of feng shui, then you probably know that it is not recommended to eat food in the same room where it was cooked, because of the many energies involved in cooking. If you have a small family (4-5 people), you can organize a full-fledged dining area on the balcony by dressing the balcony from the kitchen sliding partition or folding screen.

By attaching a balcony, you can expand the working area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen

Providing storage space on the balcony kitchen utensils, you save space in the kitchen for dining area. You can make lower cabinets around the perimeter of the balcony.

In specially equipped lockers on the balcony you can store kitchen utensils

How to get access to the former balcony? Most often it is decorated with an arch or semi-arch with illumination. But you can leave the opening and rectangular. Another option is to decorate the opening with decorative columns. They can be made of drywall and decorated with tile or gypsum tiles (under stone or brick).

Another example of a successful transformation of a window sill into a bar counter

Kitchen set for the kitchen with a balcony

Form and appearance kitchen furniture changes annually, designers develop more and more new models, but the presence of a work surface, wall and floor cabinets remains unchanged. To save space wall cabinets are located directly above the floor - anyway, after all useful place already occupied. But when it comes to a small kitchen, not everything is so simple.

Not to clutter up the kitchen household appliances, the refrigerator can be moved to the balcony

Remember furniture walls that stood in the living room of any Soviet apartment. Bulky cabinets visually distorted the proportions of the room and ate up the usable space. Exactly the same is the case with kitchen sets up to the ceiling. If you want to create a feeling of spaciousness in your kitchen, give up upper cabinets or at least reduce their size or number. Cabinets can be equipped on the balcony, saving usable kitchen space.

Photo kitchen design ideas with a balcony

A cozy sofa, bright pillows, original decor elements - and the balcony immediately takes on an unusual look.

The folding table will not take up much space, but it will allow you to use the balcony for tea parties in the warm season

Balcony decorated in oriental style, will immediately become the attraction of the apartment

original design curtains with a lambrequin for a kitchen with a balcony - one of the main decorative elements this interior

The winter garden broken on this balcony requires serious maintenance, but it looks simply luxurious.

If it is possible to combine the kitchen and the balcony, then the kitchen has every chance of becoming a more functional and beautiful room.

On the border of the kitchen and the balcony, you can install a high bar

A prerequisite for combining the kitchen and the balcony is the insulation of the balcony

Combining a kitchen with a balcony helps expand the space of a small kitchen both visually and actually.

The decoration of the balcony, which coincides with the decoration of the kitchen, visually unites two separate rooms into one.

If even after combining the kitchen with a balcony for a full-fledged dining table, there is still not enough space, it will help out folding table

The easiest way is to insulate the balcony, remove the door and window, and use the lintel as a foot for a bar or dining table

There may be enough space for a dining table on the balcony

Sliding doors are well-deservedly popular for their aesthetic characteristics and convenience.

The functional load on the balcony, which is attached to the kitchen, can be different - both significant and insignificant.

When designing this kitchen, the balcony was originally assigned the role of a full-fledged dining area.

To decorate the balcony, you should move away from generally accepted standards and use your own imagination

This balcony is not combined with the kitchen, but, on the contrary, has retained its original purpose as an open space for relaxing on fresh air

It is better to plan the combination of the kitchen and the balcony before the start of repair work.

original design lighting the former balcony with the help of lighting can become an important decorative component of the entire interior

The exit to the former balcony is most often left rectangular, but it can also be a semicircular arch.

The corners of the arch can be made rounded, this will give it style and showiness.

For registration of access to the balcony, there are no generally accepted rules so you can let your imagination run wild

In this kitchen, the very exit to the balcony, made in the form of a semi-arch and originally finished, has become the “highlight” of the interior.

In this interior on the balcony, an intermediate option is implemented between the dining area and the seating area.

The combination of the kitchen and the balcony is most often carried out to expand the possibilities of natural light and increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe kitchen

The design of the exit to the balcony with a semicircular arch with illumination is suitable for kitchens decorated in classical style

Simplicity of lines, strictness of forms, softness colors make the atmosphere of this kitchen very attractive

A whole complex was used to design the door and window opening of this kitchen. different types curtains: roman, curtain with pickup and curtain

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