Curtain design for the bedroom in Japanese style. How to decorate a Japanese-style room: the best photos and design examples. Design of bedrooms in oriental style - the main stages of registration

Oriental motifs are increasingly found in the interior design of Western countries. And this is quite understandable - after all, they contain multifaceted combinations of sophistication, lightness, closeness to nature and originality. Bedroom in east Japanese style filled with air, light, and the maximum free space gives room for the unhindered movement of positive energy. There is no place for everyday worries - all this remains beyond the threshold.

Japanese style features

Interior design with an oriental theme has several directions, somewhat similar, but, in more, which are significantly different from each other. Japanese style stands out dramatically due to its originality. The features of the direction can be called the following indicators:

1. Minimalism - there is no place for clutter, lush decorations and luxury. Maximum free space where vital items are located. This is partly due to the frequent natural disasters on the islands, leading to destruction residential buildings. The Japanese do not seek to equip their life with excessive pretentiousness.

2. Naturalness - natural materials prevail in the arrangement and decoration, although in some cases their imitation is not excluded. The same applies to color palette close to natural shades.

3. Lightness and airiness of the situation - interior elements, as a rule, are small-sized and mobile, and the presence of adjustable partitions-screens makes it easy to change the configuration of the room.

Color solutions

Most often, Japanese-style bedrooms are decorated in light colors - this way an atmosphere of peace and tranquility is achieved, which is necessary for this room. Palettes of beige, cream, milky, gray, herbal tones are used. Brown, cherry, black paints allow to dilute the monotony. No more than three colors are used in the interior, one of which is the background.

Black and White Japanese Style Bedroom

The white and black palette is often found in the interiors of oriental destinations. It is traditional, reflecting the eternal desire of philosophers to find a balance between masculine and feminine, earth and air.

White walls with black hieroglyphs, a zebra-like carpet look great here. You can decorate one of the walls of the room in black, for example, at the head of the bed, against which white low bedside tables will look in contrast.

More bold decisions are reduced to the design of the ceiling surface in black, which turns into white walls and a gray floor. This combination can be supplemented with beige shades that are present in the flooring, partition designs and decor.

Beige bedroom in Japanese style

Bedroom interior in beige colors light and elegant. He is able to give a restful sleep and complete peace, representing a natural palette of tones - just what is needed in this direction. Painted wall surfaces look original with smooth transitions from light beige to dark. The walls can be decorated in a darker palette than the ceiling and floor - this brings a special geometric variety.

Naturally, this beige color cannot be present on its own, otherwise the room will turn into a closed box. The accompanying tones will be brown, cream, white, ivory. It will look good here bamboo sheets on walls and similar curtains, textiles and furniture in brown tones, decoration milky matte ceiling.

red bedroom in japanese style

The color of ripe cherries also has a place in Eastern Japanese interiors. the main task- to determine its quantity. For those who adhere to rigor and conciseness, you can make the main background of the walls and ceiling white, the floor in light beige or gray tones, and the red palette will be present in one of wall panels, textiles, lamp shades. good sleep and relaxation will be facilitated by the priority of beige shades as the main ones, and cherry shades will become minor accent additions.

Making a bedroom for passionate natures allows you to fully fill it with red. It is desirable that the walls are not monochromatic - you can use wallpaper with Japanese ornaments, graphic images darker or lighter cherry palette. The ceiling can be left light - artificial lighting will give it the desired pinkish hue. Black furniture will look great here.

Finishes and materials

Since Eastern philosophy considers living quarters as an animated object, Decoration Materials must be of natural origin. But, given the high cost, inaccessibility and impracticality of some of them, the presence of artificial substitutes is quite acceptable.


It is customary for the Japanese to walk barefoot at home, so when choosing floor covering wood will be preferred. It can be replaced by parquet or bamboo laminate. Ceramic large plain tiles may also be present, but since this material is rather cold, it will be necessary to equip a “warm floor” or use a plain carpet.

Authentic designs include tatami mats made from rattan or bamboo, but since they wear out quickly, they are more often replaced with Japanese-themed or neutral-colored rugs.


Walls decorated with fabric will look stylish and cozy in a Japanese bedroom. Wooden panels imitating sliding partitions also look great. More simple options– plastering, painting walls with traditional drawings, wallpapering. Appropriate for paper wallpaper ethnic drawings, for example, cherry blossoms or hieroglyphs. in the best way Bamboo canvases will help maintain the style. Designers are advised to choose pastel shades without a riot of colors, limited to one or two colors for decoration. But dark options are not excluded, and walls in red light are quite common.


The first thing to note in the design of the ceiling surface is the use natural materials, rectangular shape and cladding in light colors. There are several surface finish options. Often used equipment equipment beam structures that divide the plane into squares or rectangles. The space between them is painted or covered with a white cloth, rice paper.

The Armstrong system with beams and decorative plates is somewhat similar and looks no less impressive. And there is one trick - the larger the cell, the wider the ceiling will appear. Another option is to decorate the ceiling with a stretch film or cloth.

Japanese style bedroom furniture

The furnishing of the lounge is minimal. However, this applies not only to bedrooms, but also to other premises of East Japanese apartments. This is due to the densely populated country, where everyone counts. square meter and there is an acute shortage of living space.

The bed is the centerpiece. She must have a squat rectangular shape, located almost on the floor like a Japanese futon mattress. Place it on a podium with steps to add original notes. Bulky storage systems are being replaced by wall niches like a Japanese-style wardrobe with sliding doors. Bedside tables, a tea table, small shelves for trinkets will complement the interior.

If the room is quite large, you can divide it into zones using your favorite national sliding partitions. They are wooden frames with white frosted glass and perpendicular strips dividing the canvas into squares or rectangles. The same should be the doors of the room.

Decor and lighting

In a room intended for relaxation, bright lighting is not required. Subdued lighting will create the necessary atmosphere of mystery, conducive to complete relaxation. Fixtures have simple geometric shapes, are made of glass, rice paper, bamboo or fabric. If the bedroom is small, you can use it for the ceiling spotlights. Floor lamps and wall lamps lighting are used less often, but, made in national traditions, they will decorate the room.

Decorating a Japanese-style bedroom should be done carefully, without loading up the space. Can install floor vase with a national ornament, which will accommodate sprigs of bamboo or ikebana, arrange traditional figurines on the shelves, aroma candles, bonsai tree.

The walls will be decorated with national fans (they are often crowned with the head of the bed), samurai swords, parchments with hieroglyphs. IN last case you need to be extremely careful - before you place the image of a hieroglyph in the interior, you need to find out its meaning.

small japanese style bedroom

Since the design of the life of the Land of the Rising Sun involves strict conciseness, this is ideal for small spaces. Low furniture and its minimum amount will leave a lot of free space. The mattress bed can be placed on the podium, which will be located drawers to store various things. In the niche of one of the walls, you can equip a small locker for clothes, disguising it as a shoji partition, beloved by the Japanese. It is better to decorate the room in light beige, milky colors. Accents will be minor black, cherry decor elements.

Japanese style bedroom design - photo

A selection of photographs will help to nourish your imagination with the spirit of the Far Eastern identity and truly stylishly decorate the interior of the bedroom. Here are collected various options design in a true Japanese style or more Europeanized. Choose what is closer to your perception, understanding of the beautiful, and feel free to experiment. Enjoy watching!

Recently, the Japanese style in the interior of Russians is becoming increasingly popular. This is no accident - many people are interested in a country with a unique history and a huge cultural heritage, and also impressed by the fact that in Japanese dwellings any piece of interior always has its own practical purpose.

The most important thing is that only natural materials are used to decorate Japanese-style apartments and houses, which is extremely important in large, ecologically troubled cities. The design of Japanese-style bedrooms is especially fashionable - a person spends quite a lot of time in the bedroom and finishing options with natural finishing materials are extremely important here.

We invite you to carefully consider our photos of Japanese-style bedrooms - all this is a successful implementation of an exotic interior in the most ordinary Russian apartments. Feel free to click on the pictures - they all increase, and you will study in detail each Japanese-style bedroom design.

Compare the interior of the Japanese-style bedroom with other ideas

The Japanese prefer keeping the details of the surrounding space to a minimum, while avoiding simplicity. Practicality, use of natural materials, free space- three rules that determine the interior of the room.

Style is inherent in the task of highlighting the overall beauty and harmony with fleeting accents and bright strokes that define a holistic impression. This cannot be said about eclecticism, which combines a mixture different directions, the ability to combine incongruous things.

On the other hand, hi-tech and modern are also characterized by the simplicity of the environment, with a minimal set of furniture. Do not confuse other oriental room design options with Japanese design. The Arabic style is one of the brightest, characterized by an abundance of fabrics and variegation. A lot of silk, brocade, carpets and at the same time a minimum of furniture - this is the East, but not Japan at all.

Design of bedrooms in oriental style - the main stages of registration

When choosing a Japanese style in the bedroom, it is necessary to take into account its closeness to nature, it is important that all things are made from natural materials, the presence of glass is allowed.

The interior of a Japanese-style bedroom should have one main color, which will be complemented by its shades and midtones. The most ideal white, cream, gray and black tones, as well as shades of milky.

The presence of several brightly flashy colors at once should be avoided. It also requires a lot of light, which should be soft. Paper lampshades worn over ordinary light bulbs will create just such an effect.

Photos of Japanese-style bedrooms will best tell you how to implement ideas on your own, but be sure to listen to simple advice designers.

Although the interior of the Japanese-style bedroom is minimalist, there are a large number of items and accessories that can be used to decorate this interior.

How to create a Japanese style with your own hands:

  • The floor should be wooden, which is covered with mats, but nevertheless it is quite possible to replace it with a bamboo laminate or linoleum with a similar pattern.
  • The walls, according to the advice of most designers, should be sheathed wood paneling as load-bearing structures. It is extremely fashionable now to cover the walls with fabric, always natural and plain.
  • Wallpaper will also come in handy, and especially photo wallpaper. If you are planning a small Japanese-style bedroom, then you can give preference to wallpaper that carries an ethnic pattern, imitates bamboo, or it will be traditional Japanese ornaments and patterns. If the budget allows, then you can buy real wallpapers.
  • The ceiling should carry a feeling of lightness, tenderness, weightlessness. They are made suspended, with built-in lighting, frosted glass inserts are also allowed.
  • Furniture - only functional, elegant and sophisticated, in a minimal amount. The bed should be wide and low. Very profitable solution- built-in wardrobe, as well as the presence bedside tables. It is very important to arrange niches with lighting above the bed.
  • Curtains can be made of silk and natural cotton in the form of lush folds and plain stripes. Any fabrics are suitable here, but always natural. Currently, curtains are very popular, which consist of even canvases and move around the window like a screen. To make these curtains dynamic, solid inserts are used on top and bottom.

Japanese Style Bedroom Design - Accessories

Large fans look very impressive on the walls, japanese swords and daggers, on the shelves are dolls dressed in traditional kimonos. Traditional symbols can be used even on abstract things: the bedspread on the bed can be painted with hieroglyphs.

On the walls it is worth hanging paintings and reproductions made in traditional style, with paintings of sakura. The harmony of the room will give a mini-waterfall, made of natural stone.
It is safe to say that such a bedroom will turn out to be the most comfortable and cozy place in the apartment, where you want to return again and again. If you like sophistication in interior design, then you are on the right track and your renovation will definitely turn out perfect!

Japanese-style bedroom design is not so often seen in Everyday life. But he has his followers.

Therefore, today we will tell you how to make a Japanese-style bedroom interior. Do-it-yourself Japanese-style bedroom design is not so difficult task, you just need to know its features and characteristics.

A Japanese-style bedroom in your home will make it personal. In the video in this article, you can see everything clearly. Instructions will also be given on the various details of creating the desired atmosphere.

A Japanese-style bedroom in Russian apartments is hardly an exact copy of real Japanese bedrooms. This style was created on the basis of impressions and ideas about this country, but nothing more.
What is a Japanese bedroom really like? For the broad Russian soul (and the European one too), Japanese apartments will seem uncomfortable and inconvenient.

And all because of low ceilings, paper walls and furniture without any frills, and sometimes its complete absence.

Oddly enough, but the bedroom as such in Japanese dwellings usually does not exist. Surprised? Yes, by the way, not only bedrooms ...

Usually a room in a Japanese house exists without being tied to some kind of functionality. That is, it can simultaneously be a kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc.

By the way, this does not necessarily mean that you are in a one-room Japanese apartment. Even with multiple rooms, the situation is the same. Furniture in Japanese homes is designed in such a way that it can be taken and moved to any place, organizing the right space.

In order to decorate a room, you need to remember the existence of some basic rules.

MinimalismIt is the first and basic rule. Minimalism must be respected in everything. So, the room should be spacious enough, without a hint of any frills or unnecessary things - only everything you need. Subject to this rule, positive energy flows are in free movement which, according to the Japanese, is vital.
FunctionalityThe second rule of the interior in the Japanese style. This is a kind of continuation of minimalism. In the Japanese interior, you can use only multifunctional items or transformer items, trying to avoid excess unnecessary things. The Japanese, for example, put chests in their bedrooms in which they store mattresses for sleeping - futons during the day.
closeness to natureWhen creating a Japanese-style interior, it is necessary that furniture, textiles, Japanese-style curtains for the bedroom, as well as finishing materials, must be made only from natural materials.
MobilityConsidered the fourth rule. Compliance with this rule will allow you to quickly and easily transform the room. Since the apartments in the houses of the land of the rising sun are small, the Japanese have to use the same room at different times of the day in different ways. Therefore, the living room can easily turn into a dining room or bedroom, or vice versa.
Color solutionIn the Japanese style, it is unacceptable to use catchy colors - bright or colorful. Therefore, it is selected from calm tones - discreet and natural, which will be pleasing to the eye. As a rule, in the interior of the Japanese style they use delicate shades such as: cream, beige, light gray and white. An additional color to the main tone, contrasting and shading, most often, is black.

Bedding in Japanese bedrooms

Futons - the so-called national Japanese bedding, in essence - mattresses. In the morning in Japan, futons fold and clear cabinets.
From the same cabinets, then, for example, a desk is taken out. The office is ready!

Attention: In desk there are usually many small drawers where all the necessary papers and writing materials are stored. Here is such a multifunctional Japanese room.

  • If you need to have lunch or dinner, rolls out of the closet serving table. In Japan, small lacquered chests of drawers on wheels are also popular, in which family possessions are stored.
    Such mobile furniture is not only beautiful, but also very light. Lightness and mobility are very important for furniture in Japanese homes, because it must not only be quickly removed or hidden, but the floor should not be damaged.
    Tatami (hard mats) are traditionally placed on the floor in Japan.
  • What is the reason for such mobility and versatility of the premises?
    In fact, everything is easily explained - fires and earthquakes are far from uncommon in Japan, especially in ancient times. Therefore, in case of danger, you can take out all the furniture and things almost instantly.
  • To this day, many Japanese (especially those who honor traditions) actually live on the floor, because they sleep, sit and eat on woven tatami mats. This clean water minimalism in the interior.
    As you can see, nothing superfluous is stored in the Japanese house, especially furniture, but even the necessary things are always kept to a minimum.

Bedroom in Japan - what is it like

Japanese style design is special and incomparable. main feature- This sleeping area. The bedroom does not have a traditional bed, it is replaced by a futon.
The futon usually does not differ in impressive dimensions and is made of cotton (both inside and outside) - an environmentally friendly material. This means healthy and deep sleep on such a mattress is guaranteed.

  • In the morning, the futon must be rolled up and removed from view, freeing up space. This is a great solution for small bedrooms. By the way, large furniture factories Traditional futons are now being made, and it turns out that they are in demand here as well.
  • The futon is not placed on the floor itself, but on special mats - tatami, so sleeping is still not as hard as it might seem. Tatami translates as "that which folds".
    The tatami cover is traditionally woven from straw (igus reed) and stuffed with it. The sections of the mattress are lined with fabric. It is very convenient to sit on the tatami, because they are elastic and pleasant to the touch.
  • It is interesting that in Japan the area of ​​a room is measured not by meters, as we are used to, but by tatami, that is, how many tatami are in the room - 6, 8, etc. Here, the styling itself also plays a significant role.
    It is important that the laying is correct, so the mats will not move apart. There is such a tradition that there should not be a place in the room where the corners of 3 or 4 tatami meet, this is a bad sign.
    The dimensions of the tatami are standard (about 1x1.5 m), therefore, when building Japanese houses, this must be taken into account so that you can completely cover the tatami room.
  • Niches on the wall in Japan usually place some kind of relic. Recently, however, the television has become such a relic.

Natural materials in the Japanese interior

The Japanese appreciate and love natural materials in the interior of their homes. But can we, when decorating a Japanese-style bedroom, purchase interior items made of straw, bamboo and wood?
These are all far from cheap materials that are quite vulnerable, although manufacturers guarantee a decent service life. The same tatami should be protected from damage and moisture. In addition, the Japanese themselves change them every six months.

  • Lamps, paintings, figurines and other items will help emphasize the Japanese style in the bedroom, but do not forget about the minimalism of this style.
  • If you are choosing curtains for a Japanese-style bedroom, then it is better to choose them in this style.

"Rules" for creating a Japanese-style bedroom

So, here are the basic principles for creating a Japanese-style bedroom:

  • The bedroom is spacious and rather empty. A paper screen is used to separate something.
  • A futon or low bed of a strictly rectangular shape is used as a bed. In addition to the bed in the bedroom, it is permissible to place a built-in wardrobe and small chests of drawers on wheels with a bunch of drawers.
  • Use calm and simple colors, usually it is white, black, gray. However, not so long ago, red began to be attributed to the Japanese style.
  • Textiles in the bedroom should also be natural colors. Cotton, linen, silk and bamboo are used.
  • Decor in the bedroom is used to a minimum. The walls, floor and ceiling (see) are made even, but you can imitate a traditional Japanese niche, where you can place any piece of decor.
  • The texture of the finish can be different - it's wood, brick, plaster, but all of excellent quality. You can also use some glass, for example, make a small coffee table out of it.
  • Lamps are traditionally located in wooden frames kah and made of rice paper. It can also be round lamps made of frosted white glass.
  • Bonsai is ideal as vegetation in the bedroom.

Japanese style bedroom design example

So, let's dream up a little and imagine a Japanese-style bedroom in an ordinary Russian apartment. As you already know, the Japanese-style bedroom is cozy and minimalist.


  • Pale discreet grey colour enveloped the walls and ceiling, in one of the corners there is a classic screen. The design on the screen is repeated on the wall at the head of the bed, and its color is identical to the color of the bed itself.
    The laminate is matched to match the walls, it is just as discreet, gray. Tatami is also here, but rather for beauty and a feeling of softness directly by the bed.
    And it is even better to place a couple of tatami dots in the bedroom, this will give an unusual comfort.
  • The bed itself is low, literally 10-15 cm from the floor, on which the futon was placed. But the futon is not quite traditional, but quite plump, because no one is going to roll it up in the morning and hide it in a closet.
  • And of course, spherical lamps located on both sides of the bed. Low closed bedside tables hide a lot of little things from the eyes, because we remember minimalism.

It only takes a little bit of work, and as a result, you get a very cute Japanese-style bedroom interior in your home. You can see everything in the photo. The price of such a finish is not high and you can afford it.

The Japanese-style bedroom is a combination of sophistication and minimalism, plus a philosophy that is unique to this small country. The Japanese believe that everything material is perishable, so the most important thing is convenience and closeness to nature. Japanese houses use only natural materials. Therefore, it is the bedroom, decorated in this style, that is becoming increasingly popular in Western countries, in Russia.

Interior Features

Japanese interior fundamentally different from other oriental designs. These are not Arab countries with their bright colors, carpets and fabrics. The Japanese avoid many details, striving for practicality and freedom in space. The less things and furniture, the less fuss, says Japanese philosophy. The restraint and simplicity of the interiors contributes to the development of spiritual harmony and will.

Japanese dwellings were formed under the influence of rather severe natural conditions countries where only a third of the territory is habitable. Regular natural disasters (typhoons, tsunamis) did not allow creating complex interiors. On the contrary, lightweight collapsible houses have saved the lives of many people more than once.

From the foregoing, three basic principles of Japanese style can be formed:

  • Minimalism, lack, oversaturation of space help to leave worries outside the home or a particular room.
  • naturalness materials that help emphasize closeness with nature.
  • Rationality. The functionality of the space implies the convenience of simple-shaped furniture built into the walls. sliding wardrobes and other items that are convenient to use.

The main stages of decorating a room

First of all, you need to choose the colors in which the room will be made. Bases are most often chosen from beige, white, cream, gray and black. They are complemented various shades. Many bright flashy colors should be avoided, but it is quite possible to make an accent.

Since in the Japanese tradition, the walls in the rooms are replaced by light partitions (shoji) made of light wooden frame and paper, in a bedroom decorated in this Asian style, you should use either light wallpaper, or wooden panels that will look like traditional screens. These materials can be replaced special paint, which can be screen-printed. Another option could be natural fabric. The latter method is considered the most expensive, but also the most comfortable.

In Japanese tradition, it is believed that the ceiling should be rectangular. Usually ceilings are made in a beam way. Beams divide the pre-painted surface into segments correct form. Sometimes, after fixing the beams, paper or fabric is stretched between them. You can make the ceiling stretch, but natural natural materials will fit more harmoniously into the interior. It is desirable to make the ceiling in the color of the walls, but harmonious differences are allowed that fit into the overall color scheme.

It is believed that the larger the sections into which the ceiling is divided, the more spacious the room seems. The beams must be made of materials that contrast with the ceiling itself.

A lot of attention is paid to the flooring in Japanese houses, as it is customary to walk barefoot around the room. This applies to the bedroom to the greatest extent. Usually the wooden floor is covered with tatami. IN modern life such a coating may wear out. It can be replaced with a carpet: either plain or with an Asian-style pattern.

In a room decorated in oriental style, there should be no harsh light. It fills the whole room, there is a lot of it, but it should be scattered. To create this effect, paper lampshades or frosted glass. The boundaries of light and shadow with such lamps become not very clear, and the light itself fills the whole room. The Japanese practically do not use nightlights and table lamps to avoid harsh shadows. During the day, the rooms are flooded with daylight, and at night the ceiling chandeliers are turned on.

The light sources themselves are made of natural materials (wood, paper, less often glass) in black and white. Rarely used materials of other shades. Chandeliers should be geometrically correct shape - round or rectangular, as required by the minimalism of the interior.

To give the room more oriental flavor instead of curtains on the windows, it is worth using special panel blinds made of natural fabrics - plain or with a thematic pattern.

Doors in the Japanese bedroom are made sliding, which significantly increases the living space of the room.


The main item in any bedroom, no matter what style it may be, is the bed. If the bedroom is decorated in Japanese style, then this piece of furniture should resemble a futon as much as possible - a rectangular-shaped mattress, which is preferred by the Japanese. Legs either should not be at all, or they should be low. There may be a special podium for the bed. It is not forbidden to use small bedside tables.

Instead of bulky and space-occupying cabinets, the Japanese use wall niches that are covered with panels - in the manner of a wardrobe. It is possible to use small shelves for storing souvenirs. A small tea ceremony table will also transform your room.

An indispensable attribute in the Japanese bedroom is a screen-screen. It can depict animals and plants made in the national Japanese style.

The decor of the "Japanese" bedroom

Conciseness and expressiveness are the basis for decorating an oriental interior. The main task is to use various accessories not to overload the space.

Large fans or "samurai" swords will look good on the walls. It is possible to use paintings made in the Japanese style. Traditional sakura can also decorate your bedroom walls.

On the shelves you can put figurines and dolls dressed in a traditional kimono. Hieroglyphs printed on various objects will fit well. If you are going to decorate the bedroom with any symbol, you should find out its meaning.

A small fountain made of natural materials will add balance and harmony to the bedroom. The same effect can be achieved using a bonsai plant or a vase with a beautifully arranged flower arrangement.

Entering the house of a modern Japanese, it is difficult to determine how rich he is if the interior is designed in Japanese style:

  • The decor of the bedroom is quite ascetic and does not tolerate excesses. This is a kind of protest against the philosophy of consumerism, a way to get rid of everything unnecessary.
  • The design of the bedroom incorporates all the best from Japanese culture, so it is recognizable at first sight, although the interiors differ from each other.
  • In Japan, despite the rapid pace of life, nature and art are traditionally valued, which is often reflected in the interior of the bedroom.

Bedroom color

To decorate the bedroom, a natural range is chosen: beige, brown, white, grassy colors. The interior is diluted with shades of red: pink, cherry. IN modern world japanese design undergoes some rethinking, but the main features remain bright hues, naturalness and harmony.

Beige walls are classic version, this is especially true for a small Japanese-style bedroom. So that the room does not turn into a monotonous "box", the design is diluted with contrasting details in dark brown tones.

Warm greens and reds are used when the bedroom lacks expression. Textiles or one wall painted in a rich color can act as accents.

The photo shows a Japanese-style bedroom, designed in chocolate and creamy tones. Orange pillows serve as a bright accent, enlivening the setting.

IN oriental design the combination of black and white is popular, reflecting the balance between Yin and Yang - feminine and masculine. Such an interior is more often chosen modern people, although the monochrome palette is quite traditional; thanks to the contrasts, the Japanese bedroom looks more dynamic and spacious.

Materials and finishes

Interior design in oriental style involves the use of natural materials. Artificial analogues are also acceptable, since they operational properties often better.

The walls of a laconic Japanese bedroom are covered with paint or wallpaper. To add texture, you can decorate the space with wood paneling or decorative plaster. One of the popular and environmentally friendly solutions is natural bamboo sheets that are glued to the wall.

The photo shows an accent wall with a painting on an ethnic theme: cherry blossoms and ancient Japanese architecture.

Perhaps the most recognizable element of the Japanese bedroom is the crate. It is used in the decoration of the ceiling and walls. It is impossible to find a round or multi-tiered ceiling in oriental interiors: it has a rectangular shape, sometimes supplemented with beam structures or wooden cladding.

Because the people of the country rising sun they prefer to walk around the house barefoot; wood or its analogues - parquet or laminate are used as flooring. Ceramic tile much colder, so without a "warm floor" system is not so popular.

Furniture selection

The centerpiece of the Japanese-style bedroom is the low bed, the design of which welcomes minimalism. Straight lines without embellishments, maximum upholstered back or headboard with an Asian-inspired pattern. The top of asceticism is a high mattress on the floor instead of a bed.

Bedrooms are often equipped with a podium, which is especially appropriate in small rooms: the space under the bed can be used for storage. On the sides of the headboard are low bedside tables.

The owners of cramped rooms install mobile screens made of wooden frames and translucent paper, called shoji. They help divide the space if the bedroom is supposed to have a workplace or a dining room.

In the photo - a sleeping place, organized on a wide podium. The second part of the room is reserved for a recreation area and storage of clothes.

Furniture is chosen simple and functional, if possible - from natural wood (walnut, ash, beech).

Small items are hidden behind sliding doors cabinets, the facades of which successfully imitate shoji partitions. Sliding wardrobe doors save space, and their decorative crate allows you to add an oriental flavor to the bedroom. In the Japanese room it is impossible to find massive "walls" and open shelving, clogged with books and souvenirs: the cabinet is built into a niche or occupies one of the narrow walls and does not attract attention.


It is difficult to find a Japanese bedroom decorated in cold colors. The same goes for lighting: warm lamps with white or yellow lampshades are selected for the room, which give the room coziness and set you up for a relaxing holiday. Spot LED spots are rare guests here, but pendant lamps with soft diffused light suitable choice. A special mood is given by garlands of round paper lanterns.

Worth paying attention to interesting design table lamp on the second photo. Its lampshade is reminiscent of the rounded roof of classical buildings in Japan. This form is very popular in Asian interiors.

The photo shows translucent wall lamps and a hand-painted bamboo composition.

Textile and decor

Art has always been valued in the distant Asian country, reflected in traditional Japanese homes.

In the decor, images of landscapes with cherry blossoms, cranes and Mount Fuji, as well as paintings and accessories with hieroglyphs. The wall can be decorated with a fan with ethnic patterns or even a kimono. Vases with flower arrangements, bamboo branches, bonsai are appropriate. To decorate your headboard, you can simply use a shoji screen attached to the wall.

But do not forget that what less decor used in the bedroom, the more concise and spacious it looks, which means it is more in line with the spirit of Japan.

The photo shows a bedroom in a modern Japanese style, the design of which is light and airy: light finishes, crates, low furniture. The headboard is decorated with an autumn landscape, and the bed is decorated with a traditional pillow-roller.

Inhabitants Eastern countries love to decorate the interior with pillows different forms and sizes - square, round or in the form of a roller. Sometimes pillows can be seen on the floor: the Japanese use them as a seat. Carpets and bedspreads with oriental themes serve only as touches and, becoming the highlight of the interior, are more reminiscent of works of art than a utilitarian piece of furniture.

Natural textiles made of cotton and linen give the bedroom sophistication and ensure the comfort of its owner. Fabric with unobtrusive prints looks picturesque and does not stand out from the overall color scheme.

Massive curtains with folds and lambrequins in the bedroom are unacceptable: windows are made light air tissues or roller blinds and blinds.

Photo gallery

As you can see, the characteristic features of the Japanese style can be successfully applied in both spacious and small rooms. Thanks to its simplicity, functionality and natural materials a Japanese-style bedroom will become a place where you can relax both body and soul.

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Pasta with tuna in creamy sauce Pasta with fresh tuna in creamy sauce
Pasta with tuna in a creamy sauce is a dish from which anyone will swallow their tongue, of course, not just for fun, but because it is insanely delicious. Tuna and pasta are in perfect harmony with each other. Of course, perhaps someone will not like this dish.
Spring rolls with vegetables Vegetable rolls at home
Thus, if you are struggling with the question “what is the difference between sushi and rolls?”, We answer - nothing. A few words about what rolls are. Rolls are not necessarily Japanese cuisine. The recipe for rolls in one form or another is present in many Asian cuisines.
Protection of flora and fauna in international treaties AND human health
The solution of environmental problems, and, consequently, the prospects for the sustainable development of civilization are largely associated with the competent use of renewable resources and various functions of ecosystems, and their management. This direction is the most important way to get
Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.