How to wash windows correctly and without streaks. Bleach yellowed plastic frames

You are starting repairs in a house or apartment where you have already installed metal-plastic windows? Be prepared for stains and stains of various nature to appear on the frame, glass and window sill. Plaster, paint, adhesive tape, dust and dirt - do not full list window "enemies". It is important to know how to wash plastic windows so that scratches and scuffs do not form in place of stains.

Window washing - compulsory procedure not only after renovation. Caring housewives prefer to do general cleaning every spring, and some even more often. Some hire cleaning companies to help clean windows inside and out. The service of such services is an expensive pleasure. If you care about the cleanliness of your home, but do not want to spend extra money, learn how to clean windows safely and correctly.

Basic Rules

Many housewives, in a fit of delight, rush to wash new windows, barely slamming the door behind the installers. This is the first mistake. Mounting foam, which is blown into the gaps between the windows, must dry. After that, the foam must be cut evenly and the slopes processed. It is advisable to carry out this procedure 1-2 days after the installation of window structures.

The window sill and plastic frame of the new windows are covered with a protective film similar to adhesive tape. If within 2 weeks the room will be held any construction works, including painting slopes, do not remove the film. It will protect the plastic from building materials and possible mechanical damage. But you should not leave the film for more than 14 days. Over time, the adhesive changes its structure and can eat into the plastic. On the inside, it is better to remove the adhesive tape immediately: under the influence of sunlight, the glue dissolves much faster.

Tools and household chemicals

Set knives, spatulas, screwdrivers, scrapers and hard sponges aside. When you try to clean plastic windows with sharp objects, you risk leaving deep and small scratches and scuffs on them. Use a soft sponge or cloth to clean. Glass is an exception. Stubborn stains can be removed with the abrasive side of the sponge. With a slight pressure on the sponge, you will not leave scratches on the glass, unlike soft plastic.

The choice of household chemicals should be treated even more responsibly:

  • Abrasive cleaning powder used for cleaning plumbing and hobs, prohibited. It should not be used to wash both plastic and glass elements.
  • Do not use aggressive products containing acids or alkalis. Do not use bleach or gels for washing plumbing.
  • Detergent must be liquid. This can be a non-abrasive gel for cleaning glass hobs, dishwashing detergent or strong soap solution. It is better to use special sprays or gels for cleaning windows.
  • If for some reason you do not want to use industrial products, you can prepare a cleaning solution yourself. First option: dissolve 1.5 tablespoons in 1 liter of cool water. potato starch. The second option: dissolve a full glass of table vinegar (9%) in 1 water. The third option: dissolve in 1 liter of water 2 tbsp. ammonia (ammonia).

Be warned: using "homemade" window cleaners will delay the process. Industrial Tools help clean windows faster.

Stages of washing a plastic window

Having determined how to clean plastic windows, you need to know how to do it correctly. We can distinguish the main stages. Following the correct order helps to complete the procedure much faster.

  • Always start cleaning windows from the frame (both inside and out). After processing the frame around the entire perimeter, you can proceed to cleaning the glass.
  • Clean the glass from the main layer of dirt or dust. To do this, use a cloth or sponge soaked in warm water. Do not use detergent at this stage.
  • After cleaning the glass from a layer of dust, proceed to a "deep" cleaning. Arm yourself with a soapy sponge and start cleaning the glass from top to bottom. Don't miss a single inch. should be given Special attention joints between frame and glass. Dust is always clogged into the silicone layer.
  • To clean soap scum from the outside of the window, use a long-handled water squeegee. The outer side of the glass can be cleaned of foam with a squeegee or a clean, damp cloth (preferably flannel). It is enough to wipe the glass several times to remove the soap solution.
  • With a dry cloth, go over the joints between the frame and the glass.
  • Washed glass must be rubbed to a shine. To do this, you can use special alcohol-containing products ("Clin", "Cif", "Mr.Muscle"). Use microfiber or any soft cloth as a rag.

Windows without streaks can be obtained without the use of special tools. Ordinary old newspapers will help you with this. Windows washed from soapy water should be rubbed dry with a crumpled old newspaper. To improve the effect, spray water with vinegar or ammonia on the glass. Thin newsprint perfectly absorbs the remnants of excess moisture, leaving no streaks on glass and mirrors.

How to whiten a window sill

Washing the window sill is a more difficult task. On previously white and clean plastic, dark circles from flower pots, a layer of dust and yellow spots. It is yellowness that is considered the most dangerous enemy of a plastic window. It appears from exposure to sunlight, improper selection of detergents or from external pollutants (such as tobacco smoke and fat settling during cooking).

Before you get rid of yellowness, you need to remove all foreign objects from the windowsill. Most window sills have a porous structure. Dust, dirt and soot linger in the pores. To wash the window sill, use soft brushes and sponges. Discard aggressive detergents (powders, products based on acids and alkalis). A soapy solution of water and dishwashing liquid is enough. Liquid soap better not to use.

The window sill cleared of dust is ready for bleaching. You can get rid of yellowness with the help of the following tips:

  • Use a chlorine-based product: bleach or stain remover. Apply it to a clean, dry window sill and leave it on for 1-2 hours. Remove bleach residue with a clean, damp cloth.
  • Prepare a mixture of washing powder and soda. Mix the components in equal proportions, add a small amount of water to make a "slurry". Apply it to the plastic surface in a thin layer, leave for 45 minutes. Remove the rest of the mixture with a damp sponge.
  • Chalk or tooth powder can be used to whiten window sills. Both substances are absolutely safe and do not require any precautions. Before use, the chalk must be crushed to a powder. Dampen a sponge or soft brush in water, dip into a jar of powder and treat the window sill. After 1 hour, remove any remaining powder or chalk with a clean, damp cloth.
  • A window sill can be bleached of yellow stains with a mixture of vinegar and soda. This tool easily removes even stagnant stains. Scatter a small amount baking soda on a dry window sill. Soak a sponge in vinegar (not a solution) and use light, circular motions to work over any yellow spots. The substances will react, and foam will form on the windowsill. Do not leave the mixture on the windowsill for more than 15 minutes.
  • Ordinary medical alcohol saves from yellowness. Soak a cloth or sponge in alcohol and "walk" along the entire length of the window sill. During the procedure, put the vents on the "ventilation" mode, as alcohol releases toxic substances. At the end of the procedure, wipe the window sill with a clean, damp cloth.

If none of the above methods of rehabilitating the old window sill helped, do not despair. "Update" windows with a special self-adhesive film. It can be purchased at the supermarket. If you want to “fit” old window sills yourself, watch video tutorials on the Internet.

How to wash a window after repair work

When trying to clean plastic windows after repair, you will encounter big amount stubborn dirt: paint stains, primer streaks and sticky tape residue. Do not despair: you can wash even the most "caustic" substances.


If it is necessary to wash or wash off the paint, the law applies: the sooner the better. Fresh drips and splashes from paint can be completely removed with a damp cloth. If the repairmen did not show sufficient care and left behind dried drops of paint, you need to be resourceful. It is important to choose a product that will not damage the plastic, but will remove the paintwork material.

  • Sunflower oil. Generously lubricate the paint spots with any vegetable fat and leave for half an hour. Then remove with a cotton swab or wet sponge. If some drops are not removed, remove them with a wooden stick or rubber spatula(for grouting). Do not use stationery knife or metal spatulas so as not to scratch glass or soft plastic.
  • Solvent. When choosing a solvent, consult the shop assistant. It is important to clarify from which surface you have to remove the paint. Glass can withstand more aggressive agents, but plastic can become cloudy or yellow.
  • Soap solution. Water and soap will help to remove easily water-based paint. In the fight against oil paint she will remain powerless. soak the stain warm water, lather with laundry soap and leave to “limp” for half an hour. After that, the stain can be easily removed with a damp cloth.


The question of how to wash the adhesive tape worries especially often. Over time, the adhesive changes its structure, and it becomes very difficult to clean it from glass or plastic surfaces. However, there are "secrets" to help remove traces of adhesive material:

  • Eraser ("trowel"). A regular pencil eraser helps to remove sticky residue on the glass and window frame. It is enough just to rub the contaminated area with an eraser and remove the glue that has rolled up with a dry cloth. The disadvantage is the duration of the procedure and the difficulty of cleaning large areas.
  • Oil. Glue changes structure when interacting with vegetable oil. It is very difficult to clean windows in this way, since it will take a lot of time to wash off the grease.
  • White Spirit. Before applying white spirit to a plastic frame or window sill, be sure to test the product on an inconspicuous area. Some materials do not tolerate solvent interaction. Apply the product to a cotton pad and treat the traces of glue.


Primer is one of the most "dangerous" materials during repairs. The thing is that the drops of the primer almost do not differ from the drops of water. They are difficult to notice on the windowsill, glass, tile or linoleum. After drying, the polymerization process takes place and the primer dries. To wash the windows from the primer will help:

  • Water. The best way wash the primer - soak it. Moisten dried drips and drops for 5 hours. The water dries quickly, so repeat the procedure every 30-60 minutes. After 5 hours, the primer will be removed with a regular sponge.
  • Remedy limescale. To remove the primer from the window structure, the "Cillit Bang" tool is suitable. Spray the liquid on glass and plastic parts, leave for 5 minutes, then remove with a damp cloth.
  • Solvent. Before using any solvent, do a small test on a hidden area of ​​the plastic. Instead of professional tool Acetone or nail polish remover can be used.

Precautionary measures

To make it easier to clean windows at home, you need to follow these precautions:

  • During repairs, be sure to protect windows from building materials and mechanical damage. Use cardboard, film, masking tape. With ordinary (transparent) adhesive tape, you should be more careful. Be sure to cover the window sill so that it does not serve as a stand for construction tools.
  • Place flower pots on napkins. Do not use pots without a special tray: after watering dirty water flow out onto a clean window sill.
  • Be attentive to the choice of means for washing plastic surfaces, fittings and glasses. Pay no less attention to the choice of suitable tools.
  • Take care of your own health. Wear gloves when handling solvents, chlorine and alcohol. For complete safety, wear protective goggles.

Clean windows are the key to beauty and comfort in the house. The suggested methods will help you clear the traces repair work and wash metal-plastic windows from household dirt and dust.

Plastic windows that manufacturers offer on the market today are distinguished not only by their high functionality, but also by their attractiveness. appearance and ergonomics.

By providing products with proper care, you can extend their properties for long time without the need for replacement and cosmetic repairs. However, the joy after installation does not last long and fades before the question of how and with what means to wash plastic windows.

Many housewives believe that the window will remain clean longer if the protective film is not touched until it begins to lag behind itself. This is the deepest delusion. Under sticky tape much more dust will accumulate, and in combination with an adhesive substance, it will create very strong pollution.

Therefore, PVC windows immediately after installation must be freed from all protective elements not only on the glass, but also on the frames and window sills.

After installation, experts advise washing the windows in two to three weeks. Of no small importance is the choice of a suitable arsenal of tools for laundering. Therefore, it is worth sticking to a few rules when solving the problem of how to clean plastic windows.

  • It is not recommended to use abrasive products, as well as hard hard brushes or sponges. Chemical compositions can also damage the surface of the plastic, because they corrode this material.
  • We clean glass by special means, which are sold in hardware and construction stores. If there is no glass cleaner in the house at the time of washing, it can be replaced with dishwashing detergent or a self-prepared soap solution.
  • From improvised means the best option will soft fabric which will not leave stains and scratches on the surface.
  • In order not to bother with the question of how to wash glass and window sills plastic windows, it is recommended to arrange general cleaning twice a year - at the beginning of autumn and at the end of winter.

Choosing the Right Cleaning Agent

As noted above, you need to buy a product that does not contain fine abrasives, includes a minimum of chemical harmful substances. It's worth being guided two principles.

1. The solution must be liquid or gel. It can be both a composition for washing glasses and cleaning glass cooking surfaces. An alternative is dishwashing detergent.

2. The solution can be made independently at home. There is three options:

  • dilute 2 tablespoons of potato starch in one liter of water;
  • dilute one glass of table vinegar (9%) in one liter of water;
  • Dilute two tablespoons of ammonia in one liter of water.

However, home remedies are not as effective as store-bought ones. With them, the process of washing windows will be somewhat longer, but many times safer.

Dirt on the windows outside most often appears after rain. It gets not only on the glass surface, but also inside the frame if the window was open or with a broken seal. Additional sources of dirt are also fingerprints, the consequences of repairs. Therefore, when I wash windows, it is important pay attention to all its elements.

  1. Start first work from window frames. Pay close attention to both the inside and outside. Remove all visible dirt with a damp cloth. After that, treat the surface with soapy water. He will perfectly wash windows from yellowness. Then move on to PVC double-glazed windows.
  2. Double-glazed windows. First, in the same way as with the frames, remove visible dirt and dust with a damp cloth. Detergent is not needed at this stage. Once the layer of dust has been removed, start cleaning the glass by dampening a cloth with the cleaning solution or spraying the glass with cleaning spray. Glass cleaning is carried out from their top to bottom.

A lot of dust collects near the joints, so you can not miss a single centimeter of the glass surface.

soap foam with outer side the glass will be washed with water supplied from a hose or a special device for washing cars. Water should be poured from above.

After cleaning the main surface, wipe all joints with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.

The final stage will be glass polishing with special products containing alcohol (“Master Shine”, “Mr. Muscle”, etc.). Optimal auxiliary material a microfiber cloth will come out.

launder plastic window sill Can in several ways.

  • A solution of soap and water will help out if the stains are fresh. To prepare it, you need laundry soap(1/3 bar) grate and dissolve in one liter warm water. A sponge soaked in this product cleans the surface well.
  • Dishwashing detergent will clean the surface better, but it will also be harder to wash off.
  • A special cleaning powder designed for laminated surfaces will help if the window sill has turned yellow. An improvised tool can be an old toothbrush or the back of a dishwashing sponge.

Cleaned window sill final stage wipe with a cloth soaked in table vinegar. It will remove soap residue and odor, providing additional protection from annoying insects.

Don't Ignore Cleaning Products kitchen surfaces and washing the bathroom. They not only wash away heavy pollution, but also remove yellowed spots, and also help to wash the window sill from soot and soot.

They wash the window sill with the obligatory removal of all plugs and after removing the main layer of dust and dirt.

After the main flush, you need to take care of the PVC window fittings. The most important element is the seal, which should be treated with silicone grease twice a year after each general washing of the products. The same should be done with handles, just use machine oil.

How to wash plastic windows after repair?

After completing the repair, you will see that a lot of pollution has appeared on the windows. different nature. They occur even though Taken measures precautions. No matter how you cover the window sills or hang the double-glazed windows, streaks from paint, adhering mounting foam, splashes from the primer cannot be avoided one way or another.

Do not panic, because with the help of With the following methods, you will be able to remove even the most severe pollution.

1.Dye. It is necessary to wash off paint from PVC windows as soon as its first drops hit plastic or glass. Then it will turn out not to resort to auxiliary means, and the paint will be removed with a damp cloth. If you didn’t catch yourself in time, then you have to use one of the following proven methods.

  • Sunflower oil. They are abundantly lubricated with spots and made up for some time until the paint is completely dissolved.
  • special solvent. It is worth choosing it based on consultation with a specialist. He will tell you the most gentle remedy that will not harm the window surface.
  • soap solution Works well with water based paint.

2.Scotch removed with the following ways.

  • School eraser. They need to carefully rub the soiled surface. The glue rolls up, it can be brushed off with a dry cloth.
  • Vegetable oil. It is worth acting in the same way as in the case of paint.
  • White Spirit. Cotton pads are moistened in it and wipe marks from adhesive tape.

Before you start smearing the visible surface, test the mineral spirits on an inconspicuous area of ​​your window.

3. Primer- the most dangerous material for PVC windows in the process of repair work. This is due to its transparent color, which is difficult to see before drying. After the substance hardens, ugly gray spots appear on the windowsill and frames. In this case will help:

  • warm water. It is abundantly moistened with a stain and left until completely softened. After wipe with a rag;
  • any liquid limescale remover in the bathroom. Glass surfaces can also be treated with these substances. Follow the instructions on the package;
  • solvent. Extreme measure. It is used only when the previous methods have not coped with the task.

If the above methods did not help wash the windows, there is only one way out - to paint them. Today, stores sell dyes designed for plastic surfaces. An alternative would be nitro enamel or spray paint for cars.

Upon completion of the repair work, it remains to wash the premises from construction dirt, debris and dust. Particular attention should be paid to plastic windows. They, in most cases, are installed before the start of the main repair activities. The design of the window is covered with a layer of dirt no less than the room itself. Therefore, many housewives are concerned about the question: “How to quickly and efficiently wash windows after repair work?”. The procedure itself can be divided into two components: cleaning the frame and washing the glass. And this applies not only to the new double-glazed window, but also to the one that has already been in operation.

How to clean the profile from dust and remove traces of mounting foam

In the event that the structure was only after installation and was not removed from it protective film, pasted by the manufacturer, you can simply remove it and wash the plastic with a slightly wrung out cloth. But there are times when the film is removed before installation work or the windows were already in operation. Then the structure is covered with a thick layer of dust and dirt, which will not be easy to wash off. There are several ways to clean windows:

  • It is necessary to take an ordinary detergent, dilute it with warm water and wipe the structure. This procedure, as a rule, is enough to remove a light coating of dust.
  • To remove dried dirt, it is better to apply the product in liquid form to the frame and leave for 10 minutes. When the dirt becomes softer, it can be easily removed with a cloth dampened with water.
  • If after these procedures it was not possible to wash the remains of plaster, concrete or foam, they can be carefully scraped off with a blade or a clerical knife.
  • It happens that after work on the plastic structure there are traces of mounting foam. It is difficult to remove it, but it is quite possible.
  • Take a spatula and carefully remove hardened foam from installation. Usually, it is quite easy to remove without applying special efforts. Only when the foam has soaked into the frame can it be difficult to clean it.
  • It is necessary to take a plastic cleaner or a solvent containing acetone in its composition. Next, wet a piece of felt and cover the rest of the foam with it.
  • As soon as the foam is soaked, it is vigorously washed with felt until all the dirt is removed.

What to do if all else fails and the windows are still dirty

If, after the above steps, the double-glazed window could not be wiped off, you can resort to the process of electromechanical polishing. To carry out the procedure, a small grinding machine or a drill, a liquid product containing acetone, and felt circles with GOI cream will come in handy. The repair process takes place in two stages:

  1. With a spatula and a cleaning agent, remove the maximum possible part of the dirt from the foam.
  2. Put a circle of felt on the power tool and polish the surface. Thus, it will take off upper layer structures with dirt that has eaten into its structure.

By grinding, you can not only remove dirt, but also remove residues from mounting foam and minor defects. If the scratches are deep, it is recommended to cover them with acrylic white color or liquid PVC, which is sold by window companies.

How to wash glass

If caught neat craftsmen means very lucky. Since after them there will be only a layer building dust, and not traces of mounting foam on the glass. To remove dust after repairs, many housewives resort to the standard window cleaning procedure with a rag and plain warm water. This method is simple, however, does not always bring the desired effect. It happens that after cleaning there is still a white coating from the foam. In order to wipe the glass using only an aqueous solution, it is necessary to carry out the procedure at least 10 times. And there is no guarantee that all contamination will be removed.

To clear plastic double-glazed window After repair, the following steps must be taken:

  1. In one liter of warm water it is necessary to dissolve 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ammonia or a glass of vinegar. In the event that this was not at home, you can use bleach, diluted in relation to 50 grams per 1 liter of water.
  2. Immerse the sponge in the water with the solution, wring it out slightly and wipe the glass. Then polish it with a newspaper to a shine.

If it is not possible to reach some parts of the glass, or the design is made with deaf parts, you can use a handle that changes length. It has two surfaces - one with a sponge, and the second silicone. The sponge is dipped into a basin of water, the windows are washed with it, and then excess moisture is removed along with dirt using a silicone nozzle.

  1. Solvents that are not intended for PVC can damage the frame, as they contain acid. Therefore, it is recommended to use them with extreme caution.
  2. When cleaning windows with solvent, wear rubber gloves and protect your eyes.
  3. Care must be taken to ensure that the detergent does not get on the rubber. Since it can deteriorate and the tightness of the window will be broken. In some cases, the problem may not have a solution, since most designs are made with built-in rubber, and it is not possible to replace it.
  4. To wash the remains of building putties, it is recommended to use a tool that removes cement-lime dirt. It is possible to buy it in every supermarket that sells building mixtures for repair.


Some mistakenly assume that scrubbing plastic construction after the repair work is completed, it is very difficult. However, they are wrong. If everything is done correctly, then soon the windows will again shine with cleanliness and whiteness and will become better than they were.

Nowadays, plastic windows are inserted in almost every apartment. Over time, glass and window sills get dirty, so they need care. How to clean plastic windows? There are several ways.

So that washing the window does not give you much trouble, it is better to prepare special items in advance that will help you and not deliver extra hassle, namely:

  • melamine sponge;
  • foam sponge;
  • rubber spatula;
  • special brush for washing plastic;
  • a soft fleece, cotton or flannel cloth to avoid streaks.

How to wash a plastic window from dirt?

Advice! A tool that will help clean plastic windows from dirt is a soapy solution and a soft washcloth.

However, these types of stains on windows can only be cleaned if they are fresh.

Before the hostess, the question will arise, how to wash the stains from the plastic window. Help comes household chemicals. It is possible that the stains will be washed off with dishwashing detergent, but it will take a lot of time to wash it off the window.

To wash, for example, a window sill made of laminated plastic, you can use a regular cleaning powder that will not damage the surface.

A spray bottle is a great way to get rid of stains.

A spray bottle is a great way to get rid of stains, but its strong smell is not suitable for people with allergies.

The cleaning of window sills includes washing the cracks that are located under the frame. In this case, a toothbrush will help you, which will clean hard-to-reach places without any problems.

By the way, the cleaner should be without soda, since its presence in the composition can provoke scratches, which is highly undesirable. If you have soot on the plastic, then Whitespirit will do just fine. However, it is worth remembering that this remedy not suitable for all types of plastic. Some after processing begin to turn yellow. Therefore, in order to avoid such consequences, do not rush to apply the entire product to the plastic, but check its effect on a separate piece.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window after repair

The owners often think about how to clean the plastic window after repair, so that everything in the apartment is perfect. There are several methods.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from concrete, putty and plaster

Important! Any stains that get on the window right away are much easier to remove than to wash off the dirt that got on the plastic window later.

Such substances include concrete, putty or plaster, which have hardened and are quite difficult to wash off from the profile and glass.

Here you can think about the question, how are building materials washed from a plastic window and how not to damage it at the same time.

Basically, building materials have properties to soak

Basically, building materials have properties to soak. Therefore, you need to wet the stains with water using a spray bottle or a rag, and after a while the treated areas will calmly move away from the window surface.

Sometimes it happens that water does not help, and then you need to carefully remove the stain with a blade.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from mounting foam

Building foam is quite difficult to remove from the surface, so it is necessary to monitor the accurate work of installers. If the building foam is on the profile, then it is removed with a scraper or blade, there is an option to treat the place of contamination with a special solvent.

Ways to wash a plastic window from paint

Paint stains containing water are removed with a hair dryer set to high power. The hot air coming from the hair dryer will melt the paint and it can be easily removed with a rag.

Paint stains containing water are removed with a hair dryer set to high.

However, there paint and varnish compositions that can only be removed with acetone-free nail polish.

Drops of paint can also be removed by gently scraping off the surface with a blade.

Methods for cleaning a plastic window from adhesive tape

Important! To carefully remove the adhesive tape, it must be wetted with water using a sponge or treated with steam from an iron.

If it was not possible to remove the adhesive tape qualitatively, then special solvents or laundry soap will help.

What chemicals can be used to clean plastic windows after repair?

What is the best way to clean plastic windows, and what chemicals can it be applied? Will help with this:

  • "Mr. Muscle" is an excellent tool that fights pollution and does not leave stains on the glass when correct operation;
  • If polyurethane foam got on the profile, then "Fenozol" will come to the rescue;
  • "Bref" copes well with this task;
  • "Cosmofen 20" is suitable for washing various kinds of pollution;
  • "Cosmofen 10" and "Cosmofen 5" act as solvents for stains;
  • "Penosil" - an excellent remedy for pollution, is available in the form of a spray;
  • solvent "646", which will effortlessly remove paint, primer or other building contamination;
  • "San Klin" good remedy for glass cleaning.

"Mr. Muscle" is an excellent tool that fights pollution and does not leave stains on the glass when used correctly.

How and how to wash the glass after installing the double-glazed window?

The usual procedure that many housewives resort to in order to wipe the glass after installing a double-glazed window is to wash it with water using a rag. However, this is not effective method pollution control and complicates the procedure.

Therefore, how to effectively wash plastic windows after installation, we will consider in more detail below, namely:

  • 1 tbsp must be dissolved in 1 liter of water. ammonia or a glass of acetic acid. You can use bleach, which is diluted in a ratio of 50 g of lime per 1 liter of water;
  • immerse the sponge in this solution, wring it out and wipe it, finish the procedure with a newspaper, wiping the glass with it to a shine.

How and how to wash plastic after installing a double-glazed window?

How to wash plastic on plastic windows? To do this, do the following:

  • firstly, the plugs are removed;
  • the surface must be wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust after installation and apply detergent;
  • the profile is covered with a cleaner and left for a few minutes;
  • excess agent is removed with a sponge;
  • a rubber spatula cleans all corner butt joints;
  • when the stains are removed, you can rinse off the product clean water.

How often should plastic windows be washed?

In general, to maintain cleanliness, it is advisable to wash the window once a month, although this procedure will depend on where the window goes. IN residential area once every six months is enough, and near a busy highway you will have to wash much more often. After all, the less dirt is removed from the surface, the worse the light passes through the glass.

Once you have washed the plastic windows with any cleaning agent, you need to ventilate the room.

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