Which flowers are right for your kitchen: A definitive guide. Flowers in the kitchen - a solemn interior every day

How to decorate the kitchen with indoor flowers. In the cold season, only the greenery of indoor plants can please the eye. Where do we spend the most time in the house? Of course in the kitchen. Therefore, we will tell you which indoor flowers for the kitchen can become its decoration.

Contrary to popular belief, representatives of the flora in the kitchen feel good - there is high humidity, which most indoor plants love, and a lot of carbon dioxide that they breathe.

There are a few rules to follow when placing green pets. You should consider the size of your kitchen, its lighting and, of course, the location of the stove and sink. Splashes of soapy water and excessive heat of the oven will not endure any plants, even the most resistant ones.

The best flowers for the kitchen.

What are the best indoor plants for growing in the kitchen? First of all, it is an unpretentious chlorophytum, which purifies the air well and is one of the most useful indoor plants.

Begonias do well in the kitchen.

Kalanchoe is also suitable for decoration,

A good choice is zebrina, hypoesthesia,

horticultural bulbs, such as hyacinths

or cyclamens, which can still be driven out by the New Year.

Small blooming light-loving flowers look wonderful on the window - delicate violets

and holiday azaleas.

A wonderful idea for the kitchen is a modest vegetable garden on the windowsill. Plant it there decorative pepper,

or a variety of decorative fragrant greens - onions, parsley, dill and even basil.

Secrets of a cozy kitchen.

If you have a small kitchen, then the main places where you can place flowers are windows and walls. Do not put on windows big plants so as not to darken it too much.

You can arrange small flower pots and planters with low plants both on the windowsill and hang them on top of the window using decorative pendants.

Climbing plants such as tradescantia, ivy, asparagus, cissus (or as it is also called "birch") will look great on walls and upper shelves kitchen furniture. Moreover, unpretentious tradescantia and asparagus will feel good even near the stove.

If you are the happy owner large kitchen, then tall tree-like plants will look good in its open spaces,

for example, Benjamin's ficus, which can be placed on the floor in a beautiful floor vase or a big beautiful tub.

If there are two windows in the kitchen, one of them can be safely made a “green showcase” - this is fashionable and stylish solution. Plants are placed in a window opening, separated from the room by a glass frame. External frames must have double hermetic glazing. Ventilation can be passive or active, in the first case, holes are made in the side walls or ceiling of the showcase, in the second case, fans are used. Such conditions are suitable even for plants that need special care, up to orchids.

But keep in mind that the "green showcase" requires significant costs and effort from the grower.

Plants and flowers can be planted not only in decorative flowerpots, but also in a teapot, from which tea has not been drunk for a long time

or in a glass from an old service.

Flowers should not be overheated and supercooled, it is necessary to spray regularly and periodically wash the leaves under running water. warm water. For additional lighting, you can install special fitolamps next to the plants.

Likes bright light. Requires abundant watering and reacts positively to fertilizers. Grows fast. However, when growing Benjamin's ficus, you should always remember its natural size (up to 20 meters) and not get carried away with transplanting into large pots. It is propagated by stem cuttings. Excellent roots in water. You should not place it on the window, as when airing frosty air can harm the plant. You should also take care of additional lighting.

Decorative pepper.

Decorative pepper is unpretentious, relatively shade-tolerant. He loves bright diffused light, as well as summer "walks" on the balcony. With its multi-colored fruits, the plant resembles a festive firework and will delight you with bright colorful fruits all year round. Propagated by stem cuttings, abundant watering, moderate in winter. Waterlogging and drying of the soil of the plant should not be allowed.


This is a very hardy plant, can exist in both cold and warm room, not afraid of dry air. You need to carefully take care of the leaves of chlorophytum: they are very brittle, easily break and droop, the plant loses its attractiveness. Chlorophytum loves spraying especially in heating season. Propagated by daughter rosettes.

. In terms of ecology, the kitchen is very different from other rooms in our house. Here, at the same time, both high humidity, and air dryness; heat, stuffiness and drafts. In such an atmosphere, we cannot do without our green helpers- colors. They will not only create comfort, but also refresh the air, enrich it with oxygen, and simply delight us with their appearance.

Before answering this question, let's ask ourselves another one - where will we place them?

  • It is better not to put flowers next to the sink - splashes of water with an admixture of dishwashing detergent are unlikely to please even moisture-loving plants.
  • You can not place them next to the stove. Constant evaporation during cooking leads to the fact that the leaves are covered with a layer of greasy dust. Plants begin to suffocate, get sick and eventually may even die. Therefore, do not forget at least once a month to wipe the leaves with a weak soapy water and rinse them in the shower.
  • The best place - wide window sill, but do not forget that most plants do not tolerate drafts well. Therefore, when airing (especially in the cold season), it is necessary to rearrange the flowers to another place. If the window sill is narrow, hinged shelves, various kinds of coasters or hanging planters will help out.
  • With enough space kitchenone or two plants can be located directly on the floor.
  • You can put plants on the upper floors of kitchen cabinets or on the refrigerator, but it should be taken into account that due to dry and hot air, they will often have to be watered and sprayed, and this can harm household appliances and furniture fronts.

What flowers are suitable for the kitchen?

In a previous article we have decided in which part of the kitchen you can place our green helpers. Now let's answer main question: "What flowers are suitable for the kitchen?"

If your kitchen window faces north or the blinds are constantly closed, pike tail (sansevieria), zamiokulkas, and also ficuses with dark dense leaves will feel good on it.

Enough light - we put succulents (plants with succulent fleshy leaves or stems), begonias, crotons, violets, spathiphyllums. However, it is worth remembering that most of these plants should be shaded from direct sunlight.

Very out of place on the windowsill will be and edible plants - spices(parsley, thyme, rosemary, marjoram, coriander, etc.), green onion, miniature varieties peppers and tomatoes, lemons and tangerines.

Can be placed on the floor a coffee tree, the fruits of which can be eaten, or monstera.

For hanging baskets and various coasters fit creepers:

Passiflora is an unusually beautiful vine that grows without support like an ampelous plant. The fruits of one of the species are edible and are used to make sweets and drinks.

Scindapsus is a liana whose branches, if not cut, can reach 5-6 meters.

Tetrastigma (wild grape) - fast growing climbing vine, only suitable if you have a very spacious kitchen.

Philodendron, hanging begonia (ampel), ivy, tradescantia, can also be your green helpers.

And the most useful plant that purifies the air of almost all harmful impurities is chlorophytum (crested). It has a unique ability to neutralize nitrogen oxides formed during the combustion of gas.

Beauty and style are a must modern interiors. However, carefully selected designer pieces and the perfection of the lines and contours of your room can not always create coziness.

The creation of this quivering atmosphere of attraction and harmony is brought directly by the owners of the housing. Therefore, after listening and following all the recommendations of the interior designer, we will settle in our rooms ourselves.

All households, and sometimes guests, spend a lot of time in a warm, friendly atmosphere in the cooking room. Therefore, complete idyll and comfort in this room are vital to us, like light and water. The easiest trick in this case is to place flowers in the kitchen.

However, there are nuances in the design. It is important to decide:

  • how big is your kitchen so as not to overload it with decorative landscaping;
  • not the last role, of course, is played by the design of your kitchen furniture and its style, because the choice of flowers, pots and their location also depends on this.

The best solution to these problems, of course, will be watching the video on our website on this topic.

The wisdom of landscaping

It is worth clarifying that a small kitchen does not accept large ones. planting materials. Flowers for the kitchen are selected based on proportions, so small planting crops, for example: uzambar violet, zebrina, can become a more appropriate landscaping option.

Let there be light

Lighting is also an important factor, so choose plants based on their relationship to light. In this case, it is important which side your windows face (north or east). Remember what doesn't exist shade-loving plants, but there are shade-tolerant ones.

Do not forget this, when the daylight hours are significantly reduced, which means that the flowers require additional illumination. Therefore, arrange your green pets so that they are maximally illuminated from natural and artificial light, this will help them avoid many diseases and abundant leaf fall.

Temperature conditions and air conditioning

It is also important to determine temperature conditions for planting crops. Exhausting heat and high humidity extreme conditions for many plants.

Therefore, to place them near hobs and in close proximity to heating appliances Not recommended.

It is worth remembering this when placing flowers on higher tiers (after all, warm air collects there), so air conditioning in any room should have optimal conditions for keeping flower plants.

Arrangement or Art of Feng Shui

When placing indoor flowers in the kitchen, it is worth deciding on their location. After all ampelous plants look most advantageous in a cache-pot. In this case, you should definitely consider where to hang it so that it does not interfere with opening kitchen furniture and windows.

An ideal option for arranging ampelous crops are do-it-yourself shelves, as well as planters and pots located on hooks opposite the working wall.

A very common design technique is their location in window opening, however, this hackneyed option can also be beaten by hanging several planters at different levels, which will allow you to optimally use the most illuminated space while taking care of green plants.

A favorite place for the location of potted plants is the windowsill. But even in this ordinary version, you can make a revolution and apply innovative methods. If the window sills are wide enough, then you can install multi-tiered coasters on them, where your potted crops will be stylishly located.

Often put decorative flowerpots and on dinner table, one has only to guess with its size, so that there is enough space for serving a family dinner.

The choice of flower crops or a tribute to fashion

What flowers can be kept in the kitchen? This question is very important for beautiful decorative design your premises, because not all plants can take root in conditions of temperature and humidity fluctuations, carbon oxides and constant soot.

  • We must not lose sight of the fact that pungent and poisonous crops are not located in the dining area in order to avoid unpleasant incidents and their consequences.
  • The most famous and popular as a long-liver in the kitchen is variegated and green chlorophytum. He easily endures all the vicissitudes of the kitchen without visible consequences. Easily take root and bloom well begonias and Kalanchoe.
  • Ferns and syngonium will delight with their rich decorative foliage.
  • Ivy, asparagus, tradescantia are perfect for ampelous decoration.
  • Large potted indoor flowers can only be afforded by owners of spacious rooms. As such representatives, ficus Benjamin, dracaena, dieffenbachia take root perfectly.

Advice! When purchasing plants with variegated foliage for your premises, it must be remembered that they retain such a bright color only with sufficient lighting, otherwise it will fade and become monochromatic green. So make sure there is enough light.

Decorative design or how to choose a pot

The most popular containers are plastic, and also made of glazed clay. Their diversity captivates the imagination with the quirkiness of shapes and colors. The price for them depends on the material and size.

However, no less colorful containers can be made with your own hands. And more often, just give free rein to your own imagination and the pot is ready. For these purposes, ceramic mugs are suitable, in which you can plant small flowers (violet, any succulents).

By analogy, glasses, saucepans, clay jugs and vases are used. In order to make holes in the bottom of the products for ventilation, you do not need specialized tools and complex instructions, it is enough to go deep with a puncher to the width of the drill. Holes for drainage in your pots are ready.

A separate position in the world of greenery is now occupied by very popular bamboo shoots, which are most often placed in narrow vases, cylinders or transparent bottles of bizarre shapes.

Indoor plants and flowers in the interior of the kitchen are always beautiful and useful - they freshen the air and add coziness, color, make it habitable. But the kitchen is not the best place to grow a home garden due to sudden changes in temperature, an abundance of greasy fumes and high humidity. Therefore, choosing houseplants and flowers for the kitchen, you should not focus only on them beautiful view. After all, the flowering specimen you liked in the store may turn out to be completely unsuitable for life in the conditions of this room.

But still, there are several plants and indoor flowers that can and should be grown in the kitchen. Let's figure out what kind of plants and indoor flowers they are, how to care for them and where it is better to put them.

10 Ideal Houseplants for the Kitchen (decorative foliage)

So, only drought-resistant plants that can withstand temperature extremes that do not require abundant spraying, greenhouse conditions and complex plant care are suitable for landscaping the kitchen.

Here is a list of indoor plants that are great for keeping in the kitchen:

  1. Aglaonema;
  2. Epipremnums (Scindapsus golden);
  3. Sansevieria;
  4. Zamioculcas;
  5. Aspedistra;
  6. cacti;
  7. Crassula (crassula);
  8. Philodendrons;
  9. Noliny (bokarneya).

Chlorophytum in this list comes first not only because of its unpretentiousness, but also the ability to clean and humidify the air well. So good that they call him an air orderly and keep him even in spaceships where it is impossible to ventilate the space. Therefore, in the presence of plastic kitchen furniture, for example, from chipboard, and gas stove, it is recommended to acquire it, and one flower for the kitchen will be enough. In addition, chlorophytum produces small and delicate white flowers during flowering.

All indoor plants in the interior of the kitchen look harmonious and immediately make it more comfortable. Chlorophytum is no exception.

Place it on top of a headset, high on a shelf, or plant it in a hanging planter anywhere but not in the shade. Partial shade is acceptable, but remember that the closer to the light it grows, the brighter its leaves will be.

The next favorite for the kitchen is the aglaonema, once famous for its "role" as a friend of the protagonist of the film "Leon". It's evergreen herbaceous plant like chlorophytum, it perfectly cleans the air, but it tolerates temperature changes worse and needs more air humidity.

Aglaonema with green leaves can be placed in the back of the kitchen, and plants with variegated leaves it is better to keep close to the window, but not in direct sunlight. The leaves need to be dusted regularly, which isn't that hard since they are relatively wide.

That's how it is home plant looks in the interior of the kitchen.

The next popular species is epipremnum (golden scindapsus). It is also classified as an air-purifying and unpretentious plant, which means it is suitable for the kitchen. Unlike the first two kitchen houseplants, scindapsus is an evergreen tropical vine that grows up to 1.5 m in length.

It can be grown almost anywhere as it is tolerant of temperature extremes and even artificial lighting, because of which, however, it becomes completely green. Where to put it? Best place at the top kitchen set, on the sideboard shelf, in hanging planter etc. Of course, long houseplants in the interior of the kitchen look the most organic.

But in any other style, from classic to Scandinavian minimalism, epipremnum will be appropriate.

Now let's talk about the 4th member of the list best plants for the kitchen - sansevieria, which is also known as "mother-in-law's tongue" or "pike tail".

Due to its bright color and the shape of the leaves, reminiscent of kelp or a flame of fire, the “pike tail” looks very impressive in the interior of a kitchen of any style, and with a large growth it can play the role of an accent. In all modern styles- Scandinavian, in minimalism, hi-tech, modern and sansevieria maintains restraint of lines and shapes, as seen in the photo below.

We considered only the most popular plants, because in one article it is impossible to talk about all 10 species from our list. But zamioculcas, cacti, philodendrons and other specimens are no less interesting. Therefore, we recommend that you study the topic of "kitchen botany" in more detail in special books and video tutorials. In the meantime, we look at the plants and flowers in the interior of the kitchen in these photos (scroll to the right).

10 perfect indoor flowers for the kitchen

What other indoor plants are suitable for decorating the kitchen? Of course, these are indoor flowers, that is, flowering indoor plants - more capricious and demanding on lighting, temperature, air humidity and watering. But for proper care during the flowering period, they will fully thank you with beautiful blossoming buds. Here is a list of indoor flowers that are suitable for keeping in the kitchen.

  1. Spathiphyllum;
  2. Hoya carnosa (wax ivy);
  3. Kalanchoe;
  4. Phalaenopsis Orchid;
  5. Indoor hibiscus;
  6. Saintpaulia, violet;
  7. Hyacinths;
  8. Eucharis;
  9. Begonia.

From this list in our country, the most popular kitchen beauties can be called geranium and orchid.

Let's start with the popular all over the world room geranium. It is unpretentious, beautiful and at the same time very useful flower, about which you can write more than one article. Homemade geraniums are conditionally divided into 2 groups - fragrant and flowering. scented species Geraniums have small, nondescript flowers, but they smell great of apple, rose, nutmeg, and other scents, depending on the species. Beautifully flowering, have large inflorescences and different colors. There are a lot of varieties of geraniums and they all differ in leaves, which are also beautiful in themselves, inflorescence size, color and nuances of care.

These flowers that are familiar to us in the interior of the kitchen in any style look very beautiful.

And here are the orchids in the interior of the kitchen. Perhaps, it is she who can most often be seen in various designer photographs; perhaps only hydrangea can compete with her.

She will feel great on windows facing east or west. The flower loves heat and light very much, but it does not tolerate direct sunlight. Even when the plant fades, it will continue to delight you with green leaves. And you can also place the orchid in a transparent pot - so that the soil and bizarrely shaped roots are visible.

No less popular flowers in the interior of the kitchen are:

  • Saintpaulia, violet, begonia, spathiphyllum, kalanchoe and hyacinths.

How and where to keep flowers in the kitchen

When determining which plants are best suited for your kitchen, you need to consider the amount of light in the room. For north side shade-tolerant specimens are selected - the same sansevieria, zamiokulkas, ficuses with dense green leaves. And for a well-lit kitchen, you can choose a palm tree, hibiscus, croton, or even an orchid.

The most important rule is to find out what the care requirements of plants are before buying. So you avoid unnecessary expenses and disappointments.

Even the most unpretentious flowers in the kitchen will not last long if placed incorrectly. Here are the following recommendations:

  1. Plants are not placed near the sink - none of them can withstand constant splashes of grease and soapy water.
  2. Flowers in the kitchen should match the dimensions of the room - than more spacious room, the larger specimens in it will be appropriate.
  3. Do not forget that decorative foliage is often more unpretentious than flowering. And the latter are very sensitive to the lack of light.
  4. Next to the stove, above the burners, near the window opened for ventilation (in winter), flowers cannot be placed.
  5. At the top, the air is the driest, so the plants located here will have to be watered and sprayed more often.

  1. Strongly scented flowers the best choice for this room, but fragrant spices will be as appropriate as possible.
  2. Potted plants can be decorated and - only it is better to prefer a miniature and completely healthy specimen.

More ways to green your kitchen

The most luxurious flowers in the interior of the kitchen are beautifully flowering specimens decorating the windowsill: begonia and saintpaulia, kalachik (geranium), primrose, azalea. For placement in the center lunch group Schefflera and dracaena are suitable.

Coffee trees, decorative peppers, a miniature pomegranate or an impressive lemon tree will harmoniously complement the kitchen style. At a small distance from the sink (so that detergent splashes do not fall on the plants), you can place calathea, balsam or arrowroot.

Enough light, but do not want to water the plants often? It is worth paying attention to succulents - cacti, agaves, aloe, crassula or spathiphyllum.

If there is no exhaust hood in the room, and the problem is solved by frequent ventilation, then suitable flowers- these are zebrina, tradescantia, chlorophytum, scindapsus, hypoestes, begonia. All these plants are immune to drafts.

Flowers in the interior of the kitchen can also be located in the form of an impressive green oasis. If the room is spacious, then the basis of such a composition will be large plants in tubs - hibiscus, monstera, ficus, yucca, dracaena.

If the kitchen is decorated with racks and shelves, then ampelous plants, such as ivy, passionflower, tradescantia, scindapsus or chlorophytum, will become green decor. For plants of this group, you can also make special decorative coasters or pendants. And do not forget that the kitchen is a place where you can grow spicy herbs - mint and watercress, thyme and.

Choosing unpretentious indoor plants for the kitchen

Indoor plants make the house cozy and moisturize the air well. Indoor plants create comfort in the house. But they are valuable not only because they are beautiful - in houses where there are many plants, there is never overdried air. Plants form an ideal microclimate in which it is easy to breathe. And they are appropriate not only in the bedroom and living room. Plants in the kitchen great option her decor. What flowers are most appropriate here?

Why do we need flowers in the kitchen

Flowering plants on the windowsill can cheer you up on the grayest day. This is especially important in winter and late autumn, when cloudy skies and cold cause depression. AND blooming window sill in the morning is able to set a joyful start to the day and increase efficiency!

Flowers in the kitchen create a favorable microclimate

In the kitchen, the presence of plants is especially important. It is here that the whole family gathers in the morning and in the evening, here they have breakfast before work. Therefore, the creation of the desired morning mood must begin with the kitchen. And flowers do it best.

In addition, flowers are needed in the kitchen because:

  • they create a good microclimate;
  • actively absorb carbon dioxide formed in the kitchen in large quantities during the burning of a gas stove;
  • actively absorb harmful substances;
  • saturate the air with oxygen.

Important: in the kitchen, many flowers feel better than in other rooms, since it is here that the optimal conditions for their growth are created. It is warm and humid here - such a climate is ideal for people from the tropics.

What plants to choose for the kitchen

Before choosing flowering and non-flowering plants for arranging the kitchen, you need to find out if the conditions for their maintenance are suitable for the kitchen. We repeat that a special atmosphere develops in the kitchen - it is warm and sometimes even hot here, there is high humidity and a high content of carbon dioxide in the air. At the same time, it is here that differences in temperature and humidity are noted.

Not every plant is able to exist normally in a kitchen.

Kitchen plants can provide a person good mood for the whole working day
For the kitchen, plants that do not require special conditions are more suitable.

Based on this, it becomes clear that different people will feel best here. tropical plants, succulents. It is worth focusing on unpretentious indoor plants that do not require special conditions of detention and painstaking care. Orchids, cyclamens and capricious roses should be abandoned in favor of the simplest, but no less ornamental plants. These include chlorophytum, succulents, cacti, azaleas, spurge and so on.

Choosing plants for the kitchen (video)

Where to put plants

Where in the kitchen to arrange flowers? If there is a wide window sill, then the owners of the apartment have no questions - a real flowering garden is set up here. But what if the apartment cannot boast of any intelligible size of window sills?

Then there are several accommodation options:

  • flower pots can be hung on the window by hanging them under the curtains - this way you can create a very original greenhouse and decorate the window;
  • flower pots are placed on hinged shelves along the walls of the kitchen;
  • flower pots are placed in special attachments that are attached to the walls;
  • pots are placed on the cabinet.

Large plants in tubs are appropriate only for large kitchens. In small rooms, floor placement of plants is not possible.

The window sill is one of the most the best places to accommodate indoor plants

It is good to hang climbing plants in a flower pot on the walls and let them whip around the perimeter of the kitchen or window. Tradescantia and various ivy will look very nice.

Important: If the kitchen is large enough and there is a bay window, then you can create a real winter Garden. In the bay window, large ones will look great ornamental plants in floor tubs. It is especially interesting to place a lemon tree, coffee, monstera in the kitchen. blooming lemon trees create a special atmosphere. A good flower for such a kitchen is ficus benjman. Especially if you plant several plants in a tub and twist them together, getting an extremely decorative braided trunk.

The main thing to remember is that you should not place the plants where drops of soapy water can get on them or where the heat comes directly from the stove. A sink and a stove are places next to which there is no place for plants. The only exception is tradescantia. It is so unpretentious that only it can be placed even above the stove itself. Not much inferior to her asparagus, which also withstands high temperatures.

Wall fixture for flowers needs a drainage system
Indoor plants can be placed on the top modules of the kitchen set

And one more condition: plants should decorate the kitchen, but should not interfere with moving and working around it. Pots should stand and hang so that it is convenient to open cabinets.

On the windowsill, they should not block the light from the window. Therefore, you should not choose tall specimens such as milkweed for the kitchen, although it is beautiful and unpretentious. It is better to choose plants small and medium.

Useful or pretty?

Which flower is better to place in the kitchen - beautiful or useful? You should not even ask yourself such a choice - there is enough space in the kitchen for both.

If you want bright colors on long winter evenings, then you should pay attention to decorative flowering indoor plants. unpretentious plants. They will help arrange a blooming different colors windowsill. The real hit in this case will be bulbous plants. And among them, Amaryllis belladonna holds the palm for unpretentiousness, which grows under any conditions and blooms almost all year round purple flowers. Not bad feels in the kitchen and hyacinth.

Amaryllis belladonna will perfectly enliven the interior of your kitchen

Beautiful among others flowering plants you can choose azalea, begonia, various violets, geraniums. Geranium or pelargonium feels great in the kitchen and decorates it with bright umbrellas of flowers. In addition, geranium combines two functions at once - it is both beautiful and useful. Its aroma is extremely unpleasant to insects and especially fruity and food moth, and ants. Given that these pests most often annoy the housewives in the kitchen, it becomes clear why it is worth planting a window sill with these flowers and getting rid of uninvited guests.

Kalanchoe is no less easy to keep, blooming all year round with cheerful orange flowers. It is not picky about lighting and watering and is able to grow in almost any conditions.

Chlorophytum purifies the air and fills it with oxygen Pelargonium can be perfectly kept in the kitchen

To unconditionally useful plants include chlorophytum and sansiverria - a pike tail or mother-in-law's tongue in common parlance. Chlorophytum absorbs harmful substances from the atmosphere and actively releases oxygen. In addition, it destroys microorganisms, which is very useful for the kitchen. Many cosmic energetics claim that chlorophytum is able to transform bad energy into good, useful. Negative energy can absorb bamboo, geranium.

The record holder for the production of oxygen and the absorption of carbon dioxide is sansivierria. In addition, both of these plants are absolutely unpretentious and calmly relate to the fact that they are forgotten to be watered.

Choosing a place for plants (video)

Spicy and fragrant

The very place in the kitchen is for spicy and fragrant plants, which will decorate the windowsill and go to the soup! In order to grow ornamental herbs in the kitchen, you can take a seedling box. Not all garden plants agree to grow in closed conditions. Therefore, you need to choose those that can grow like indoor ones. You can try to grow undersized dill, parsley, green onions, mustard. Rosemary grows very well on the windowsill. His beauty is that he is perennial plant and grows on the windowsill for years, supplying the hostess with fragrant leaves all year round. Rosemary is unpretentious and does not require special watering.

In the kitchen, you can keep catnip, which also belongs to the evergreen perennials. Gardeners can go further and dig up a bush of sweet pepper in the country in the fall and plant it in a pot at home. At home, pepper is a perennial: it will continue to grow quietly on the windowsill in the apartment, delighting everyone with its fruits.

Catnip is a perennial and never loses its green color.


Unpretentious succulents in the kitchen feel more than good. Their thick leaves are able to store water for a long time, and therefore succulents are not afraid of interruptions in watering. They prefer moderate lighting, so almost all windows in our northern latitudes will suit them.

There are many types of succulents. And they all differ from each other not only in the shape of the leaves, but also in their color. Therefore, very decorative and interesting compositions can be created from succulents if planted different types in one box.

What plants are suitable for the kitchen (video)


Flowers in the kitchen always look good. If you still come up with for them suitable pots, then the interior of the kitchen will only benefit from this. Do not throw away old teapots, mugs, porcelain tureens. It is better to plant plants of suitable size there - and the kitchen will sparkle with new colors!

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