Frame house or timber house – which is better for permanent residence. The difference between a frame house and a timber frame Comparison of timber and frame houses

Let's divide the note into the following introductory blocks for ease of reading and drawing conclusions:

Price and delivery of the house kit

What is more profitable to build - timber or frame? Many people ask this question. First, let’s look at what the cost of the final project depends on:

  • The cost, first of all, depends on the size of the project and your appetites and budget - than bigger house, the more expensive it is, the higher the ceilings, the more floors, etc.
  • The price of a house also depends on the purpose of using the house. You must decide why you need a house - for summer residence, seasonal or permanent, of course, permanent residence equipment is a priori ideal for all seasons; such a house can be used comfortably both in summer and winter. Please also do not forget that with greater insulation of the project (be it floors, beam rafters and its thickness, or insulation of a frame house as a whole), your heating bill also depends.
  • Delivery – distance from the manufacturer can also play a role big role in the final cost of the house, of course, delivery is more than relevant for remote regions - Murmansk, Crimea, Tatarstan - for example, delivery to Murmansk of a 9x9 house for permanent residence can vary from 240,000 to 300,000 rubles. – on this topic not so long ago, if you haven’t read it, check it out.

The final cost of the house with the assembly of the project on the customer’s site for permanent residence made of profiled timber, or framed at the customer’s site, is often equal. Price of a house from prof. timber 150x150mm is comparable to the price of a frame project with walls under 250-300mm...

Construction time:

Cottage or country house made of profiled timber with a frame attic is assembled slightly faster than a frame project, which can be a slight plus in bad weather conditions.

Construction form factors

Profiled timber can be ordered in three possible configurations:

  • Shrinkable materials chamber drying, or natural humidity
  • Turnkey from chamber-drying materials, or natural humidity (at your responsibility, you must understand about possible consequences such a purchase: from fungal outbreaks to uneven shrinkage). It is important to pay attention to the fact that turnkey houses are built in combined version- the first floor is always prof. timber, attic is always frame.
  • Partially finished house tailored to your budget

Frame projects are also available in three configurations:

  • Frame frame, with possible cross-insulation, as in the catalog of Finnish houses, with exterior finishing and roofing, or without finishing at all
  • The frame is medium - the outside of the house is completely ready, there are windows and external doors, but inside the project is insulated, covered with a vapor barrier, without any finishing. This option is optimal for people who want to decorate the house themselves
  • Frame complete - a fully finished turnkey frame house, excluding communications, but with possible mortgages for water and electricity

As you can see, any technology can be adjusted to your budget and stretch out the construction and expenses of the house.

House operation, pros and cons of timber and frame:

Several advantages of a frame house in terms of operation:

  • Frame house a priori warmer than a house made of profiled timber with the minimum insulation acceptable for the region and competent work on site (whether design or assembly)
  • Frame house easily repairable
  • In any frame project from chamber-drying materials you can immediately live, heat, without waiting for the house to shrink, which in fact is absent in a frame house
  • The ideal geometry of the walls when choosing planed material, again the geometry of the walls does not change, unlike a timber wall, which can crack and burst regardless of drying and shrinkage
  • At any time you can change the design of walls, paneling, etc., without “dancing with tambourines” around timber walls, without any floating beacons, etc.
  • Easy possibility of mortgages for hidden electrics
  • Practically monolithic walls without joints, all joints between insulation and wood in our configurations are additionally insulated
  • At good insulation at home from 200/250mm in central Russia and the North-West of our country, you will receive ridiculous bills when heating your house with an electric boiler, not to mention gas heating, or combined heating with a stove or fireplace. I heat my house with an 18 kV boiler from the Polish company Kospel and live in a house all year round, in my house there are 23 batteries, of which no more than half work with periodic switching on from a sensor, there is also a 200-liter boiler from OSO in the house, an induction stove and a kettle, which we use constantly - so we pay about 5000-7000 rubles per month in winter for everything, with gas heating the volume would be 3 times less! If you chose and insulated it by 250mm, the bills will be 2 times less (my family lives in a larger house).

Minuses frame houses:

  • Personally, I cannot identify any large and significant disadvantages in frame houses, the only disadvantage that can be easily covered in advance is the drying out of the finish, and if you paint the walls after installation, then after the first winter (for the interior) and summer (for the exterior) You will see unpainted locks of imitation timber - the issue is easily resolved by painting the imitation timber “on the ground”, or by painting the grooves and locks in advance. In my house I painted everything on the walls, all the walls in my house are either whitish or white, after the finish dried we only repainted 1 room, in other rooms the grooves fit into the style. Why does drying occur, you ask - after all, the finishing is chamber drying? Yes, chamber drying finish, but after the first winter the humidity interior decoration will drop to 8-9 percent, which will correspond to furniture humidity, with all that it implies.
  • Any new holes in the walls and penetrations must be made as correctly as possible; if in a timber house you can easily cut a passage for a coaxial pipe of a boiler or for supply ventilation, then it is advisable to provide everything in the frame in advance, so that we make all the holes ourselves - we do everything beautifully with competent penetrations, glued vapor barrier and other points. If you do it yourself, then simply “drilling” the walls will not be enough, you will need to remove the imitation timber locally (with our groove this is as simple as possible, on any crown), and make the correct penetration with gluing, otherwise the insulation around the penetration will come in disrepair.
  • The house does not breathe - any frame house should not breathe; the inside walls are sealed with a vapor barrier so that steam from the room and saturated air do not enter the insulation. This disadvantage is easily solved forced ventilation And natural ventilation- a cheap question.
  • Some customers talk about the harmfulness of insulation in frame houses - please do not pay any attention to the insulation at all, any insulation is covered on both sides with films (wind protection and vapor barrier) and you will never come into contact with it, also do not forget that in the same house from timber you will find the same insulation in floors and roofing.
  • A frame house requires more attention to the assembly of components than a timber house, but unlike timber it is more repairable. Again, we maintain total control over all remote objects - new technologies allow it, and we do not hire temporary workers, each foreman is responsible for his own work, just as we are responsible to the customer with almost unlimited warranty obligations.

Advantages of operating and living in profiled timber:

  • Profiled timber - an array with all the consequences (the walls breathe, an excellent indoor microclimate)
  • No need to finish walls made of profiled timber
  • Tribute to tradition

Disadvantages of using a house made of profiled timber:

  • Massive walls – did you mention above that this is a plus? But this is also a minus, profiled timber can burst and crack, live its own life separate from you with all that it entails - alas, this is so, but correct assembly, Availability required quantity dowels minimize these consequences, but do not eliminate them 100%
  • Profiled timber 150x150 is a tear-off point for permanent residence, the thicker the timber, the better and warmer, but the increase in price for 200-250th timber compared to frame insulation will be significant, because not only cubic capacity will be added to the material, but also delivery
  • Number of joints in external walls. Any joint with uneven shrinkage can become a cold bridge; this is one of the biggest disadvantages of any house made of wood, unlike a frame house, where insulation is almost monolithic.
  • A house made of timber requires attention and periodic maintenance many times more often than a frame house

Conclusions, and what would I end up building again?

If considered under year-round accommodation with an attic, I would again opt for a frame house made from chamber-drying and planing materials, with 250/300mm insulation. Regarding a house made of profiled timber, I still classify these houses as country or seasonal, but many will not agree with me, for example, our leading manager from St. Petersburg Dmitry Pestov lives in a house made of profiled timber 150x150mm on 2 full floors, his floors are insulated with polyurethane foam, he lived in a house without external insulation for 2 years and paid for heating like me, having a house area 2 times smaller, this year he insulated the house and is more than happy. Of course, it’s up to you to decide and we don’t insist on any decision, we build houses from profiled timber and frame houses with love, but what I will always insist on is chamber drying and planing materials, don’t skimp on the components!

Log houses made of timber or frame structures? Which technology to choose for building a house for permanent residence? Each technology has strengths and weaknesses.

Since its appearance in Russia frame technology construction, there is a lot of debate about the advantages and disadvantages of such houses and technology in general. For us, this technology is completely new, although in Europe such houses became traditional a couple of centuries ago. Our grandfathers were accustomed to building houses from logs and timber. The log house is a tradition of Russian architecture. What is better: houses made of timber or frame houses? Of course, each technology has advantages and disadvantages, and each of the houses must be evaluated according to different sides. Let's try to be objective and look at a log house and a frame house from different sides.

What is a log house and frame house?

Before comparing a frame house and a timber building, it is necessary to briefly talk about the principles of construction for each technology. The construction of the foundation, roofing and finishing work are very similar in many respects (perhaps the foundation for a frame house will be a little simpler). The key differences between these technologies are embedded in the walls of the house. We will tell you a little about the construction of walls so that beginners in the field of construction have an idea of ​​​​the compared structures.

Log house made of timber

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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The walls of a timber frame are constructed from solid or laminated wooden beam. Wall thickness and thermal insulation properties(without the use of additional insulation) depends only on overall dimensions selected material.

Houses made of timber can be built from several material options:

  • Sawn timber– ordinary sawn lumber with natural moisture or natural drying. The walls are erected using additional sealants between the crowns (jute, moss, tow) and secured along the height of the wall using dowels;
  • Profiled timber with natural humidity or chamber drying– planed solid material, equipped with a tongue and groove, which allows installation without additional seals;
  • Glued laminated timber– the same profiled version, except that in its production, chamber-drying laminated material is used as a raw material. This allows you to avoid shrinkage of the house and produce timber that is free from defects, cracks and deformations during the installation process;
  • Mini-timber, or double-timber construction technology. The walls are erected from milled boards with a tongue and groove, section 47x140 mm. The technology is very young and more similar to frame houses, so we will not take such buildings into account to compare the two technologies.

Frame house

The construction of the walls of a frame house consists of several stages:

  • Construction of the frame;
  • Sheathing of the frame on one side;
  • Filling the frame with insulation;
  • Sewing the second side of the frame.

In addition to the frame and insulation, building films or membranes are also placed in the walls various types depending on the design of the walls and the insulation used.

This is precisely where the main differences between the two technologies lie: timber houses consist almost entirely of wood, while the wall of a frame house consists of dissimilar materials.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each technology.

Cost of building a house

Which is cheaper: or a log house? The question is very ambiguous, especially if we're talking about about the construction of a house for permanent residence. Of course, we are talking about houses of the same area and layout.

The price of a house made of timber depends on the chosen material. Houses made from sawn timber can cost 50-60% less than houses made from laminated veneer lumber. On the other hand, sawn material may require additional sheathing, but you can get by with just sanding the walls.

The price of a frame house largely depends on the chosen insulation and materials for exterior and internal lining. Most economical option is the use of mineral insulation, and OSB-3 as cladding.

If your budget does not allow you to purchase expensive building materials, then your choice should fall on a frame house. This is due not only to lower costs for constructing the walls and roof of the house, but also to the costs of the foundation. With the same area and layout of the house, a frame structure will require a less solid foundation at a much lower cost.

When working with expensive cladding materials, laminated veneer lumber (as implied by the traditions of Finnish frame house construction), a frame house for permanent residence will cost you more, because building a house from laminated veneer lumber practically does not require subsequent finishing. The walls are only treated with protective paints and varnishes.

Reliability and durability of the house

The price should not play a decisive role, because the built house should give you a feeling of coziness and comfort, security and confidence in the future. The durability and strength of your structure will be responsible for this.

When using materials of the same quality category, houses made of timber, of course, surpass frame structures in strength. But here we should make a reservation about the complexity of the project. When building a house with big amount large openings, the strength of a timber building decreases sharply. The strength and reliability of such a building significantly depends on the presence of solid beam runs along the entire length of the wall. The construction of a similar frame structure does not compromise the rigidity of the structure, but requires high qualifications in calculating the frame and its implementation.

The service life of houses made of timber can be judged by the buildings erected by our great-grandfathers. We cannot yet judge the durability of frame structures based on Russian experience, because we began to build such houses only in the 60s of the 20th century. In Europe and Canada, such structures have been in service for more than 100 years, but the experience of their construction there is much greater. The durability of a log house depends on the quality of the wood; the service life of a frame house depends on many factors: quality building materials(including wood), compliance with technology, qualifications of specialists, quality of work performed.

If we talk about Russian construction market, then a frame house is much inferior in durability to a log house; the reliability of the structure depends on the layout, but even here the log house is likely to win, especially when using laminated veneer lumber.

Which house is warmer and more comfortable?

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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With equal wall thickness, a frame house significantly outperforms a log house. This is explained by the much lower thermal conductivity coefficient of wood and any insulation that is used for frame structures.

Another important indicator is the microclimate inside the house. Here timber houses significantly superior to a frame house. A wall made of wood has excellent air exchange with environment. This explains why a log house is cool and has enough oxygen on a hot day. A frame house does not have air exchange with the environment through the walls; this is achieved only with the help of additional forced ventilation, which cannot control the oxygen content, humidity and temperature inside the house and in the environment.

Environmental friendliness of the building

Since we mentioned comfort in the home, we must not forget about the harm and benefits to human health.

Houses made of timber are built on the basis exclusively environmentally friendly material– wood. The most common ones for construction are conifers wood, which, in addition to excellent performance qualities, has phytoncidal properties, that is, they disinfect the surrounding air.

To build a frame house, you will need to use many materials. Each of them, of course, has certificates of harmlessness, but these are still not natural materials. So in this criterion, log houses prevail.

Selection of projects, layouts and appearance

Here a frame house and a log house stand on the same level. Each of these designs is not limited in façade options and internal layout. Both technologies make it possible to realize the most daring architectural ideas. Everything will depend only on the professionalism of the contractor implementing this project.

However, it is necessary to note the issue of redevelopment of the house. In buildings made of timber, almost all partitions are cut into load-bearing walls, which makes it almost impossible to transfer them. In a frame house, there are few or no load-bearing partitions, which makes it easy to move or remove partitions during operation.

Speed ​​of building a house

Here you should know about two construction options: under the roof and turnkey. The construction of the roof of a house made of timber and a frame house takes almost the same time.

During turnkey construction (with finishing and communications), allowances should be made for the shrinkage of timber frames. Frame houses are practically free of this drawback. When building a house from timber with natural moisture or natural drying, you will have to wait at least 1 year before finishing.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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Even houses made of laminated veneer lumber are subject to shrinkage.

Frame-based buildings are built faster, especially when you consider the time required to build the foundation. After all, a frame house can be built on the basis of ready-made concrete piles or on the basis of screw supports.

If we do not take into account the construction of a house from sawn timber, then an almost ready-made set of walls is delivered to the construction site. Do you have a house plan and technological map log assemblies, where the location of each element is indicated. Each element of the kit is marked. The technology for assembling walls can be worked out on the first 2-3 crowns; any mistakes can be corrected by removing the timber.

Another thing is the construction of the frame. At your disposal is a beam, a set of fasteners and your hands. Even with a detailed drawing specifying the dimensions of each element, considerable woodworking skills will be required. Minor errors in working with the frame can lead to problems with sheathing, insulation or finishing. Both a log house and a frame house will require a small set of tools.


In many ways, a frame building lags behind a house made of timber. But if you take into account the low cost, speed of construction and high energy efficiency of a house based on a frame, it becomes clear why the construction of residential buildings using frame technology is becoming increasingly widespread throughout Russia.

One of the most frequently asked questions, coming to our address, sounds like this: “Which house is better: frame or made of profiled timber?” The question itself is not very correct. Why? The answer is further in the text.

Let's start with the fact that both options have a lot in common:

  • these are undoubtedly houses, not temporary buildings;
  • the house will outlive you, your children and will be left to your grandchildren;
  • these are not houses for the poor: frame houses were designed for the US middle class, and houses made of profiled timber for the Scandinavian middle class.

The Volkswagen car was created in exactly the same way. The literal translation is “people's car”, while there are few complaints about the quality of Volkswagen.

You can compare prices of houses directly, but there are other more important criteria:

  • cost of land;
  • expenses for supplying communications;
  • finishing work and “filling” of the house.

These three points, given the low (compared to other technologies) cost of the house, can account for up to 80 percent of the costs.

Frame or profiled timber?

Even if there is money, it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a Winter Palace on 20 acres. After all, any choice of technology involves a compromise: each has both advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of both options:

  • low weight of the structure;
  • high degree of work performed in the factory;
  • low labor costs and costs for construction equipment;
  • high speed of house assembly;
  • the construction of a house does not depend on seasonal conditions.

Frame houses: pros and cons

Advantages of frame houses

The advantages of frame houses include:

  • if everything is done correctly, then - ideal thermal insulation of the house;
  • communications hidden inside the walls;
  • light interior decoration, which has a positive effect on its cost;
  • earthquake resistance (this advantage may seem surprising; although, if you remember that the cause of the decline of the Smolensk Principality was an earthquake, the desire to discount this advantage may disappear).

Disadvantages of frame houses

There are no perfect technologies. The disadvantages of frame housing construction include the following:

  • the house will require care: fire retardants and antiseptics lose their qualities over time;
  • high requirements for ventilation system, which is a consequence of good thermal insulation (an open window is not enough - it can be a complex system in which the outgoing air heats the incoming air);
  • the need for careful adherence to technology in the process of assembling a house: also, there is no such thing as a 50% surgical operation; a similar approach should be applied to assessing housing construction.

Houses made of profiled timber

Advantages of houses made of profiled timber

The advantages of houses made of profiled timber, of course, include:

  • environmental friendliness, although there is one “but”: the timber is always treated (there are fireproof and bioprotective impregnations, which cannot be avoided);
  • low heat loss; nothing new here: 20 centimeters of wood is comparable to brickwork 70 centimeters (the technology of profiled timber is made to minimize heating costs: protrusions and grooves, of course, help with installation accuracy, but they also have another task - in construction this is called removing “cold bridges”);
  • Oddly enough, there is a frequent and worthy argument: “Grandmother had a wooden house” - here there is trust in the experience of ancestors, and support for traditions, and nostalgia.
  • building a house from profiled timber will cost less than building a frame house.

Disadvantages of houses made of profiled timber

Wood - proven over time natural material. However, it has not only advantages, but also some disadvantages:

  • flammability;
  • the tree may become sick: fungus, mold, woodworms (you will need preventive measures, not very frequent - once every 10 years is fine);
  • installation of a house made of profiled timber does not immediately involve finishing works: it will take time for the house to shrink;
  • the appearance of cracks in solid timber is inevitable - this is a property of wood, the same as the presence of knots;
  • Communications cannot be hidden in walls made of timber: load-bearing structures cannot be damaged.

So what should you choose?

The assessment of the advantages of the first or second technology is very conditional. What is important is not the choice of technology, but its adherence. It’s like the joke: the name of the bank does not matter, but the bank must be in Switzerland.

For example, houses in Japan, just like half-timbered houses in Western Europe- This frame house construction. Some of them are 600 years old.

But the museum complex in Kizhi was built about 300 years ago. Moreover, it is built from timber, and this is not a low-rise building.

From the above we can draw the following conclusion. The recipe for the customer is very simple: choose a project that you like and look at the technology with which it can be implemented.

And before you order construction from any company, find out the addresses of previously constructed objects. Go to the place, look, talk to existing clients construction company. The option is reliable, like a Kalashnikov assault rifle. Of course, the Internet and a search engine are an addition.

About frame wooden houses many conflicting opinions. Some consider them unreliable because wood is not durable material and is susceptible to attacks by mold and insects, which also reduces its service life. Others believe that - practical option, since in this way it is possible to reduce labor costs and use the structure in rather harsh conditions climatic conditions. Frames made of timber are considered separately as a more reliable, strong and durable structure.

Features of timber frame houses

Such houses have an interesting and attractive appearance, are practical to use and are gaining popularity.

Advantages of frame house construction

Before deciding whether it is advisable to build a frame house from timber, it is necessary to delve into the construction features and construction technology.

Main advantages:

  • The basis of the building is a wooden frame, so the quality of the wood plays a key role, the service life and reliability of the entire house depends on it.
  • Walls frame structure distinguished from brick, stone and block by thickness. Due to small thickness Space is saved, but strength is reduced. It is easier to destroy a house if a heavy car drives into the wall.
  • Such a house is considered the warmest. Despite the thin walls, it perfectly retains heat inside the room and thus saves money on winter heating.
  • Construction can be done with your own hands due to the light weight of the building components.
  • Construction by specialists can be completed in one season.
  • Construction work is possible in the cold season, provided that there is no need to carry out cement work or use liquid solutions by type of glue.
  • It is possible to choose various options materials, both timber and finishing.

Frame house assembly options

Which timber is best to build from? The frame of the house can be made from either ordinary timber or boards. In the latter case, there is a saving in lumber, but at the same time the rigidity of the final structure is reduced. Also popular is, which has advantages regarding ordinary bars. It is very convenient that the installation of the frame of a timber house can be done in two ways:

  1. Assembly of the structure in vertical position. In this case, the main difficulty is to control the verticality of the elements.
  2. Horizontal assembly of the frame, after which it is installed vertically manually or using a winch.

Preparation for construction includes correct selection materials and their preparation. Frame assembly technology requires sequential execution of all stages installation work, checking the quality of installation and geometry.

One of the main components is the fastening of all elements, regardless of the material and connection system. All this as a whole ensures the construction of a high-quality and quality home, in which it will be comfortable to live both temporarily and permanently.
Read on to learn about the main nuances of building frame-and-timber houses.

DIY timber frame house

It is quite possible to install a timber frame yourself. The main thing is to follow all stages of construction in the correct sequence. It is important to protect the tree from climatic influences and insects - treat it with an antipyretic and antiseptic. The beginning of the work is the construction of the foundation. The frame includes lower and upper trim, elements, racks, and special elements for creating door and window openings.

Installation of the bottom trim

The first step is to mark the area and install the foundation. Wooden frame much easier than, for example, Brick wall, so instead of solid you can use strip base.

After this you need to put waterproofing, for which roofing felt is perfect. It is extremely important to lay it immediately before installing the timber. They can be attached in two ways: anchor bolts or using reinforcement outlets, which are left at the stage of pouring the foundation.

Anchor bolts must penetrate the concrete at least 100 mm, so you need to choose them of the appropriate length. Each beam is secured with at least two bolts. The step between them should be in the range from 1.5 to 2.5 m. For a corner connection, a half-tree or paw cut is most often used. For additional security, you can also use nails or wooden dowels.

Nails must be driven in at a distance of at least 3 cm from the edge of the beam, otherwise it may split. The wooden dowel is selected according to its length, taking into account that it should rise above the surface by at least 100 mm. Its shape can be tetrahedral or cylindrical. Hardwood is used for production. After completion of installation work bottom trim it is necessary to check it for distortion by measuring the angles and diagonals between the beams.

Installation of racks

The next step is to install the racks. If dowels were used for connection in the corner, then it is enough to drill a suitable hole in the end, coat it with casein glue and install the beam. Another fastening method involves the use of steel angles and galvanized screws. It can also be used for intermediate rack connections, however, such material is more expensive.

An alternative, more economical connection method is the cutting method. This type of fastening takes more time and weakens the bottom trim beam. To perform it, you need to make grooves in the beams up to half its thickness, after which the grooves are inserted into the beams.

This work requires careful preliminary check of the design placement of all mullions to take into account window openings. In addition, it is important to check the length of the racks, which depends on the connection method. If corners are used, the length should be in accordance with the length of the floor, and if notching is used, the length should be supplemented by twice the thickness of the notching.

To prevent the racks from becoming loose during installation of the upper part, it is necessary to attach temporary cuts. It is more convenient to use one long bevel for several racks at the same time. If this is not possible, then shorter ones will do. You can also use unnecessary boards to save materials. They can be, for example, those that were used as formwork for pouring the foundation.

Top trim, ceiling beams

The upper strapping consists of connecting the racks to each other in the upper part with a horizontal beam. At the same time, the structure still does not turn out to be rigid enough, so they make additional fastening of the braces to vertical bars. At the end of the frame assembly, you need to install ceiling beams . There are three ways to do this: by cutting, using special brackets or corners.

Notching involves making grooves at the edges of the beam. Their width is equal to the width of the timber, and their depth is 30-50% of its thickness. The connection is made using nails, which must penetrate the timber at least 100 mm. At this point, the building frame is considered complete. The next stage is assembling the roof frame.

Roof and roof installation

There are various types of roofs, so a timber frame house can have an original and unusual design. At the same time, the simplicity or complexity of the shape plays an important role in relation to the cost of the roof.

Roofs are:

  • pitched;
  • flat;
  • conical;
  • attic;
  • forceps;
  • complex structures.

The easiest to install are single slope and flat roofs . Most often they are used for small houses. To install a pitched roof, one wall is higher and the second lower, thereby forming a slope at an angle. This is convenient in winter so that the snow moves away naturally. Gable roofs the most common and familiar. Their installation is a little more complicated than in previous options, but in this case there is room for an attic.

Attic roofs are provided if a warm living space is planned instead of an attic. Mansard roof needs reliable insulation, can have windows and be gable or hipped.

Multi-gable roof relevant for complex architecture. Its installation involves several slopes and valleys. It is difficult to erect such a roof and will require the help of specialists. In addition, installation requires a lot of materials, so the cost is significantly higher.

Conical roofs look like a cone and are extremely rare. More complex configurations should only be considered in consultation with an architect.

Decorating a timber house inside and outside

Finally, the timber frame is sheathed OSB boards. They are not suitable for finishing, because they are not attractive enough in appearance and do not tolerate moisture well. Therefore, it is necessary to protect the walls with facade finishing material.

There are many options here, the most popular are: plaster, painting, siding, PVC panels. Will cost more natural materials made of wood. One of them is wooden lining, which becomes strong and durable after additional processing by special means. If funds allow, you can use it to give the appearance of a structure made of timber.

There are also many options for interior decoration. It could be wallpaper decorative plaster, painting, lining, wood panels, ceramic tile. The choice depends on the idea and design solution, which is planned in the house.

Video: visualization of frame assembly

The construction industry is one of the most receptive to new technologies. This is due to the high cost of work operations, the difficulties of constructing structures, logistics processes during the delivery of materials and many other nuances. The emergence of new construction concepts makes work easier at some stages, but their results do not always live up to expectations. This happened with frame houses, which could completely displace traditional timber due to the mass of advantages. However, this did not happen, and the question of which is better - timber or frame - is still relevant. will help answer this question, but first it’s worth taking a closer look at both technologies separately.

Review of frame house construction technology

The main feature of such houses is that their structure is assembled from pre-prepared frame parts. There are several approaches to the construction of such buildings, but they are all divided into two categories: factory assembly and construction from scratch on a construction site. In the first case, we can talk about finished house, which only remains to be installed at the place of operation. In practice, it is not easy to implement such a technique, so the construction of a frame base directly at the site of use has become more widespread.

It is possible to draw some conclusions about which house is better, made of timber or frame, already at this stage. The factory origin of the prefabricated kit eliminates the risk of defects, so there is a high chance of getting a design of exactly the quality that was planned. However, we should not exclude the possibility of errors occurring during the construction process. At this stage, the assembly of frame panels, thermal insulation, waterproofing, facing works and other events.

Review of timber house construction techniques

The structure of the house is formed by walls made of timber. The elements fit into horizontal position one on top of the other. Can be used as a base columnar foundation, on which a wood covering with waterproofing is installed. To provide uniform distribution loads and increase the rigidity of the structure, the beams can be connected with auxiliary pegs. To determine which house is better, frame or timber, in terms of sealing, it is worth noting that in the first case, complete protection is provided against the penetration of cold currents. For a log house, special sealing is performed less frequently, but in corners this approach is practiced. In particular, polyurethane foam is used to seal joints. On the outside, the material is usually treated with protective impregnations that protect the structure from exposure to precipitation and ultraviolet rays.

Comparison of environmental safety

By by and large both houses are made of wood. However, the degree of environmental friendliness of materials varies. For example, log houses are made from natural spruce or pine. The wood is dried in special chambers, which makes it possible to obtain high-strength laminated veneer lumber. Further, if necessary, the material is treated with antiseptics, which, however, do not reduce its harmlessness. Now we can answer the question: “Glued laminated timber or frame - which is better in terms of environmental friendliness?” Definitely timber, since the material for a frame house, although it is a derivative of wood raw materials, also contains a certain percentage of chemical impurities. These are mainly plywood sheets and chipboards, which, depending on their characteristics, may pose some danger to residents, but, of course, within acceptable limits.

Comparison of thermal conductivity qualities

In a frame house, the walls are formed with almost perfect accuracy, ensuring good tightness. But at the same time they are thinner than those of timber. Thus, the accumulative properties and heat retention ability of frame buildings are lower. Based on this, you can answer the following question: “Beam or frame - which house is warmer?” The timber house wins again. Especially if the gaps and joints in its walls were properly sealed with felt or special sealants.

But there is one point that can have an advantage. The fact is that the thermal insulation qualities wooden houses are largely determined by insulating materials. Therefore, the final conclusion about which house is better - timber or frame - can only be made by comparing the thermal insulation of specific projects. Usually the materials used are identical - mineral wool, polyurethane, foil and other insulators.

Strength and durability of houses

Again, you should refer to the structures, which are a complex of several layers of compressed wood panels. Of course, such a design cannot boast of high reliability. To be fair, it should be noted that the manufacturers of prefabricated kits themselves indicate the service life of such houses to be no more than 20 years. But to answer the question about which house is better, made of timber or frame, one should also evaluate the qualities of the competing object. Glued laminated timber, in particular, makes it possible to obtain a very strong structure. Simple technique assembly, the use of solid wood elements and protective impregnations make it possible to obtain a durable and damage-resistant building.

Which house is cheaper?

Sometimes the durability and performance qualities of houses fade into the background, since financial capabilities do not allow these demands to be fully satisfied. In this regard, it would not be amiss to consider the question of what is better - a frame house or a house made of timber - from the point of view of savings. The very concept of prefabricated panel houses assumes a reduction in construction costs, but in reality this is not entirely true. A frame house requires large investments in finishing and insulating materials. In addition, when ordering such a project, you should be prepared to pay a one-time payment for the entire construction. Of course, log houses are not cheap. Especially quality wood With correct preparation without defects is worth its weight in gold today. One way or another, frame buildings will have one undeniable advantage - they are built quickly and generally bring less hassle during work processes.

How to choose the best option?

If we compare all the pros and cons of both technologies, then at first glance the obvious leader will be a house made of timber. However, in reality there are many aspects that radically change the ratio. In addition, the frame houses themselves, depending on the type, may have different characteristics. After all, there is another type of panel structures, which also belong to prefabricated ones. One way or another, if there is a need to furnish your own home, then you need to clearly decide which house is better - a panel house or a timber house. Good advice The following recommendations will help you make the right choice:

  • If you plan to build in a region with a warm climate, then it makes sense to choose a frame house. Reducing the cost of thermal insulation and additional wall decoration will also save money.
  • If the house is designed to last for several generations to come, then it is better to choose strong timber.
  • For temporary or non-permanent residence, a frame house is suitable, which is also quickly erected.


If we consider the question of the most acceptable technology for building a house more broadly, then, of course, two options will not be enough. But even based on the information provided, one can get an idea of ​​what characteristics private housing can provide modern construction. When determining which house is better, made of timber or frame, you should first of all proceed from your own requirements. These technologies offer two different concepts. The frame house is aimed at the budget sector, offering quick results, although with rather average performance characteristics. Timber is a solid classic that is not cheap, but it lasts for decades and pleases with its natural appearance.

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