Warming the veranda from the inside with your own hands for winter living in a wooden house - an overview of materials and step-by-step diagrams. How to properly insulate a veranda for winter living How to insulate a summer wooden veranda

The veranda is a great place to spend evenings, weekends, meeting guests or Sunday breakfast. But almost everyone perceives the terrace only as a territory intended for summer holidays. In winter, the room is blown by the winds, here in best case, store unnecessary things. If there are no windows, good doors, then in December-February you will have to spend time cleaning snow, branches, fallen leaves, garbage. We will tell you how to insulate the veranda, what needs to be done so that the room can be used all year round, like a regular room or hallway. We'll have to work on the foundation, roof, floor, walls, windows. But the result will please you when you relax with a cup of tea on a cold evening.

IN ideal or terraces was laid simultaneously with the main building. Then the insulation of the foundation will be less laborious, you will not have to spend a lot of time and effort. If the room is attached later, heating is not provided, then 20 or more percent of the heat will go through the concrete. To keep heat loss to a minimum, you will have to work on insulation. Depending on personal preferences, you can choose either foam, or mineral wool, or jute mats.

For high-quality insulation of the foundation of the terrace, it will have to be dug up to a depth of 1 meter. Next, sheets of foam or mineral wool are laid and attached to the base with special glue, self-tapping screws or special anchor bolts. Adhesive base it is more preferable, since holes will have to be drilled under the fasteners, and these are additional cold bridges.

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Sergey Yurievich

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All seams are sealed with sealant or polyurethane foam. The surface is waterproofed with roofing felt or a special film, then a reinforcing mesh is mounted, followed by plastering.

Alternatively, plaster can be replaced with clinker or finishing bricks, siding, porcelain stoneware. Important: all materials must be designed for outdoor work. Otherwise, the warming procedure will soon have to be repeated.

After that, you can dig the foundation back. Important: it is not recommended to work simultaneously around the entire perimeter, you will have to insulate it in parts. If under the veranda or terrace a shallow-depth strip foundation, then dig at least to a depth of 30-40 cm. But it is not advisable to carry out warming work only above the surface of the earth.

Floor insulation

Only warming the foundation of a private wooden house is not enough. It is important to equip the floor accordingly, so as not to freeze in winter and not pay astronomical heating bills. Among the most actual ways elimination of cold bridges, we single out:

  • bulk heaters. The space under the logs, rough and finishing floors is densely covered with expanded clay or slag waste. Ideally, the operation is carried out at the construction stage, after laying the foundation. If it is possible to disassemble the floor boards, remove a different coating, then this option is also suitable for an exploited veranda or terrace;
  • raised floor Its arrangement is determined by the level of the existing floor. It is important to understand that the level of the floorboards will rise significantly. Calculate it so that the additional coating does not interfere with opening the doors. Additional logs are placed on the existing floor, the gaps between which are filled with foam or other insulation. The entire space is covered with a waterproofing film, and a finished floor is laid from a floor lath or tongue-and-groove terrace board;
  • underfloor heating installation. If you plan to turn the terrace with your own hands from a household extension to a wooden or stone house to a dwelling suitable for winter residence, this would be ideal. In the best case, it is better to provide it at the stage of pouring the foundation, since a solid, even base is required - for example, concrete screed. During operation, deformations, ruptures, cracks should not occur; for this, the screed must dry.

In order not to accumulate condensate from the temperature difference between the concrete and the floorboard, before laying electric wire breathers are made. Otherwise, failure of the coating and costly alterations are inevitable. And on the veranda, the air will be constantly humid, which is unhealthy.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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An important disadvantage: increased power consumption. But if it is not possible to install heating radiators, the option with underfloor heating should be considered more carefully.

How to insulate the walls on the veranda

- an obligatory step. Without this, all other work will not make sense. The area of ​​the walls exceeds the combined area of ​​the floor and ceiling. You can spend tens of thousands on refurbishing the foundation and arranging a warm floor, and hot air will escape into the atmosphere through thin partitions.

You can insulate a veranda or terrace both from the outside and from the inside. The choice of option depends on many factors:

  • the presence of external finishes, for example, a ventilated facade;
  • wall material. frame structure can be insulated in any way, where it is possible to remove the lining.

External insulation can be combined with work on the foundation of the terrace, using the same foam or mineral wool.

Stages of work

  • surface leveling. Walls for or bricks are cleaned of dust, cracks, chips are repaired, ledges are cleaned. If the wall is wooden, it is necessary to caulk all the cracks, remove the knots. Large masonry defects are treated with sealant or mounting foam. After solidification, everything is carefully cleaned to get flat surface. Excess foam is cut off with a regular knife;
  • installation of the crate with a step equal to the width of the insulation;
  • laying sheets of foam or mineral wool, fastening with adhesive composition or special dowels. Glazing beads are stuffed over the insulation as an additional fastener. In cold climates, it is recommended to lay insulation in two layers with a mandatory overlap of joints by 10-20 cm;
  • laying a waterproofing film or membrane. If this is not done, condensation will accumulate;
  • performance finishing works with the use of siding, lining, ventilated porcelain stoneware facade and other materials. Make sure that the finishing veranda matches the main building, there is no disharmony and imbalance.

Wall insulation from the inside is carried out according to the same technology with one condition: the waterproofing is not laid on top of the insulation, but under it. Finishing is done either with siding, or drywall or clapboard with appropriate fire retardant treatment. Wooden crate it is recommended to replace with aluminum. Then you can plaster, glue wallpaper, or decorate inner space in a different way.

It is known from the school physics course that warm air rises up. And if there are no obstacles on the way, it will safely escape into the atmosphere, and you will complain that the heater's power is not enough, and it's cold on the terrace. To prevent this from happening, the stage of finalizing the ceiling should not be postponed until later.

Sequence of work:

  • Lathing installation. If there are beams, then insulation sheets are laid between them. If the ceiling is concrete, then you can not do without the crate. Important: there must be an air gap between the foam or mineral wool and the base and a layer of waterproofing membrane so that condensation does not form.
  • Traditional insulation materials can be replaced with polymers covered with a thin layer of aluminum foil, which reflects heat into the room. For most of the premises, this is enough to reduce heating costs.

Insulation of window and door openings

Draft is a rather unpleasant thing. You can carefully work on the ceiling and, but if it blows from under the windowsill, all work will be in vain. It is necessary to eliminate all cold bridges that occur in window and door openings.

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You can avoid unnecessary expenses by replacing the glazing beads, filling the cracks in log walls or at the joints.

Along the perimeter of the glass, under the window sills and ebbs, be sure to go through the sealant. Old architraves and slopes that have served their time can be replaced with new ones with a mandatory pre-treatment all cracks with mounting foam.

The door block can be completely replaced or the existing door can be upholstered with leatherette, laying a layer of foam rubber. If this is not enough, you can purchase and install heat gun or curtain, and then at the entrance you will be met by a stream of hot air. But this option requires significant expenses both for the purchase of equipment and for paying electricity bills.

Warming the veranda with heating

If all the necessary work has been done, but the veranda is still not very comfortable, think about the options for installing heating equipment:

  • water heating. If the house has individual or centralized heating, pipes can be extended to the terrace and standard heating radiators can be installed, taking into account the area and wall material. If you do not plan to use the veranda all the time, taps are installed in front of the radiators to regulate the flow hot water. This will help reduce the consumption of gas or electricity;
  • heaters, electric stoves, infrared emitters. The option is acceptable if the veranda is used from time to time. Constant maintenance comfortable temperature would be too costly
  • gas boilers. Installation of a separate heater only for a veranda or terrace is impractical for many reasons. This is the need to obtain the appropriate permit, and the high cost of equipment, and the constant order of cylinders with liquefied gas;
  • wood stove or fireplace. Options are good for stone buildings. On a veranda or terrace made of logs or in a frame building, they can cause a fire. If it is possible to equip a high-quality chimney, ensure fire safety, then evenings by the smoldering fireplace will soon become your favorite habit.

If you want to expand usable area V country house and use it in the winter, it's time to learn how to insulate a cold porch. This procedure will also not be superfluous for the formation in this room of a more favorable microclimate for the structure. Otherwise, it will freeze, dampen, and as a result will become unusable. With a competent approach to business, it is better to insulate the veranda at the construction stage. But this is not always possible, either for economic reasons or for functional ones. Each structural element (floor, ceiling and walls) has its own characteristics of insulation.

When is the best time to insulate the veranda?

It should be noted right away that by correctly solving the problem of how to insulate the veranda for winter living, and creating a kind of thermos out of it, you can significantly reduce heating costs. This factor will be relevant for baths. There are two fundamental different options how to insulate a cold veranda for living quarters: outside and inside. If possible, it is better to use the external option.

The event is best held in the warm season, since there are materials that can only be used at positive air temperatures. That is, when deciding how and how to insulate the veranda of the house from the outside, you need to focus on the season and weather. If there are negative temperatures outside the windows, then it is worth considering the option of how to properly insulate the veranda from the inside. The event can be held at the construction stage of your country house. But you can solve the problem of how to insulate the veranda with your own hands already in the process of living.

The vast majority of additional premises country houses built from wood. Therefore, it is worth noting that fundamental difference how to insulate a veranda from boards or wooden veranda from the inside, no. Approximately the same, adjusted for building materials, the arrangement of a warm room is carried out in buildings made of concrete, gas blocks, bricks, and so on.

We warm the veranda in stages

When warming the veranda, you should adhere to the following sequence:

  • roof;
  • walls;
  • ceiling;
  • window;
  • doors.

How to insulate the roof of the veranda

In order to solve the problem as correctly as possible, how to insulate the veranda in wooden house, you should first inspect the structure of the roof. If it's a continuation capital roof at home, you don't need to touch it. If this element is a simple overlap, then it is necessary to solve the problem of how to insulate the roof of the veranda.

  1. First, a thorough sealing of the structure is carried out.
  2. Next, we lay a thick layer of insulation material. The best option for the work will be foilizol. It will allow you to carry out the procedure quickly and with little effort.
  3. Do not forget about the vapor barrier so that the roof does not get damp.

When insulating this element of the building, one should take care of the reliability of fastening the structure, since it is difficult to access. Only after work with the roof, you can proceed to the insulation of the veranda as a whole.

How to insulate the walls of the veranda?

To correctly solve the problem, how to insulate summer veranda, you need to start with the walls. This is advisable, since these structural elements will require less effort from the master. When choosing a technology for how to insulate the walls of a veranda, it is better to dwell on the frame technique. Practice shows that the insulation structure is more reliable than when using the method of gluing the material. Mineral wool, polystyrene foam, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam can be used as insulation material. the main objective in the question of how to insulate the walls of the veranda from the inside or outside - this is to stop the access of cold to the room.

  1. The frame method of insulation involves the use of timber, its thickness should be equal to the thickness of the insulation. Before insulating the veranda in a private house, it is better to treat the wood with impregnation to prevent the appearance of mold and fungi. A cellular structure is assembled from a bar with the help of self-tapping screws. The dimensions of the cells must be equal to the dimensions of the material slabs.
  2. Now you can start installing the heater. The slabs are laid in the cells against the frame, without cracks and gaps.
  3. After installing the insulation material on top of the structure, it is necessary to lay a vapor barrier with an overlap of 10 cm. It is attached with a stapler and staples. It is better to glue the joints with adhesive tape. The vapor barrier will protect the insulation from moisture. This is a very important point in the question of how to properly insulate the veranda.
  4. Then you can sheathe the structure with any finishing material: lining, drywall, MDF boards or PVC panels. After the walls are ready, you can proceed to work with the ceiling.

How to insulate the ceiling of the veranda?

Everyone knows that warm air rises and forms an air cushion near the ceiling. But its presence does not prevent cold air from entering the room through cracks and gaps. Therefore, it is better to solve the problem of how to insulate the ceiling on the veranda along with other building elements. It seems to many that these works are rather complicated, but they are not. The main thing is to initially choose the right technology: from the outside or from the inside.

The material of the insulation will also depend on the chosen technique:

  • outdoor work. If you decide to insulate the ceiling from the outside - along the floor of the attic, then it is better to choose frame technology and insulation in slabs, for example, foam. Do not forget to lay a vapor barrier on top of the structure. Attic insulation more often used during the construction of a house, but you can implement it later. The advantage of insulating the ceiling from the outside is that it does not reduce the amount of internal space.
  • Internal work. But with the task of how to insulate the ceiling on the veranda from the inside, using frame technology, difficulties arise. If the bars are attached to the surface with screws and do not interfere with the continuation of work, then the insulation in the plates will simply fall out of the cells under its own weight. It is recommended to immediately fix it with a vapor barrier. Immediately upon completion of installation, the cladding material should be installed. You can also install an already mounted insulation design. The work will be fundamentally simplified if folgoiozol is used for thermal insulation of the room. Now you can proceed to the insulation of the lower structural element - the floor.

How to insulate the floor of the veranda?

Before you independently insulate the wooden floor on the verandas, it is worth opening the flooring and examining the design - are there any lags in it and whether they can be used. With a positive answer, the procedure can be carried out using insulating material in the plates.

  1. Otherwise, you will have to lay the logs on top of the existing surface.
  2. Then fill the cells with insulation material, similar to working with walls.
  3. And complete the work by laying a vapor barrier.
  4. After installation thermal insulation structure you can lay a solid base for flooring, such as OSB boards. All seams should be sealed with sealants.

If you want to simplify your task, you should ask yourself how to properly insulate the wooden floor of the veranda with foil insulation. This is a technological material, it allows you to work with designs of any geometric shapes. Folgoizol can be used to insulate buildings from any materials.

How to insulate windows

The main heat loss in any room occurs through doors and windows. Therefore, when solving the problem of how to insulate the veranda with your own hands with foam plastic or other material, these openings should be given Special attention:

  • The best option for insulation would be the installation of PVC windows. You can install single-glazed windows, but this will significantly reduce the temperature balance in the room. The larger the volume of glazing, the lower the heat saving indicators.
  • Therefore, it is better not to save money, but to immediately insert a double or triple glazing.
  • The tightness of the abutment of these elements should be carefully controlled. Double-glazed windows, as a rule, are foamed, in some cases strip thermal insulation can be put.
  • But PVC glazing is a very expensive undertaking. If you want to save money, you can add a second frame to the existing frame. This is what our ancestors did before the onset of winter. In this case, the slots are filled with foam rubber or other soft material, and a special tape is glued on top.

How to insulate doors

In this case the best option will be the installation of a modern front door. It was originally designed to retain heat in the room:

  • Companies that produce and install metal entrance doors, as a rule, have several models in their catalog designed for installation in a private house.
  • If you want to avoid additional expenses, you need to insulate the structure yourself. For example, it can be upholstered with felt or an old stuffed blanket.
  • It is better to cover the structure, both from the outside and from the inside.
  • In order for the door to look aesthetically pleasing, a leather substitute, matting and other materials are mounted on top of the insulation.
  • Self-adhesive rubber seals must be installed around the perimeter of the door.
  • If you want to radically resolve the issue of how to insulate a summer veranda, put a second internal one, so an additional air layer will appear.
  • After completing the work, you can start decorating the room and continue to use it in the winter.


The veranda requires constant care, as well as the house itself. By insulating this room, you will not only expand the usable space for use in the cold season, but also save yourself from regular updating of the finish and treatment of structural elements with protective impregnations. It is better to conduct insulation already at the construction stage. Take advantage of our unique offer, and you will get a functional and comfortable country home at a bargain price.

Verandas (terraces) of private houses and summer cottages are usually not heated, therefore they are used as living quarters only in summer, late spring and early autumn. In winter, they serve as a kind of vestibule, in which only skis and sleds can survive. Can a cold veranda be turned into an extra room? Yes, you can. Properly insulated terrace will keep the heat in the house, walls unheated premises they will no longer freeze and become damp, and if you spend money on installing a warm floor or turn on a heater, you can fully use the “summer apartments” on frosty days. The choice of thermal insulation material and the method of insulation depends both on the solvency of the property owners and on what stage the work is carried out at: during the reconstruction / expansion of the house or during construction from scratch. How to insulate the veranda for winter living will be discussed below.

How and where does the heat go

On cold days, heat can leave the house in all directions: up, down and to the sides, that is, you should consider thermal insulation of the entire “envelope”: ceiling, walls, floor, windows and terrace doors. Many homeowners are under the delusion that warm air always moves upwards. This is just one form of convection, in which warm currents rise from the floor in the first place. In fact, they move in all directions. General rule: the greater the temperature difference, the greater the heat flux. Thus, the colder it is outside, the faster the heated air leaves the house.

Insulated terrace "save" heat throughout the house

Is it possible to completely eliminate heat loss? It is clear that no. But it is possible to significantly reduce it by insulating the veranda in accordance with all the rules. To do this, you need to know through which parts of the room the heated air “floats away”. About 30-40 percent of heat loss typical house falls on the walls. The roof "takes" about 25 percent, windows and doors - about 20, and the floor - 10. A rather large leak of heated air occurs due to drafts, excessive ventilation and lack of tightness.

Overview of thermal insulation materials

What are the properties of heat insulators

Thermal insulators are distinguished by their structure: some resemble wool, others have tiny cavities - pockets filled with air, which has a low thermal conductivity. The former include common mineral fiber materials produced in rolls or in the form of dense “felt” slabs. The second is polymer-based insulation produced in the form of panels or foams.

Most wood-based products, such as MDF, plywood, fiberboard, also have low thermal conductivity. Therefore, wooden doors, trim MDF walls, clapboard lining of the hatch to the attic help to keep warm.
Some sealants also "work" as heat insulators. They close up cracks and gaps. One of the cheapest sealants is papier-mache, it is easy to make from paper and wallpaper glue.

Good insulating materials not only slow down the process of heat loss, but also have other important properties: fire resistance, indifference to chemicals, wear resistance, non-toxicity, antimycotic (prevent mold development). However, another significant factor is the cost, therefore, when choosing thermal insulation materials, they are guided by the notorious price / quality ratio. Do not forget about the requirements set out in normative documents(GOST 16381-77, GOST 22950-95, GOST 31913-2011 and others).

What materials are used to insulate the veranda

Most often, for the insulation of walls, ceiling, floor, windows and terrace doors, they use:

  1. Mineral (glass, stone, slag) wool is a fibrous material resistant to high temperature. The thermal conductivity depends on the density of the wool.
  2. Expanded polystyrene (polystyrene), including extrusion, is an inexpensive, fairly strong heat insulator, the main disadvantage of which is a high fire hazard. When burned, it releases toxic substances. They produce a modified self-extinguishing polystyrene foam with fire retardants (marking "C"). Fire resistant boards are much denser and heavier than the grades of polystyrene used for packaging. Extruded polystyrene foam is 50 percent more efficient (for the same thickness) than standard mineral wool products.
  3. Penofol - foamed polyethylene, coated on one or both sides with a layer of aluminum foil. Such "sandwiches" of metal foil and plastic insulator are used to reflect radiated heat.
  4. Polyurethane foam in the form of panels or polyurethane foam(foamed polyurethane foam) - a material with low thermal conductivity (0.03–0.04 W / (m K) and high adhesion. Foam is formed by mixing chemicals. When it hardens, it “locks” air in tiny pockets. Since foam can fill cracks and cracks, it is used to seal existing building structures which helps eliminate drafts. Foamed adhesive tapes are used to insulate windows, doors, attic hatches.
  5. Cork sheets made from cork oak bark are an environmentally friendly, but very expensive heat insulator.
  6. Expanded clay - porous granules obtained by firing clay. Used in the form of backfill for floor insulation, ceilings.

Foil penofol reflects about 95 percent of thermal energy

Vacuum insulating panels - innovative technology in insulation

Relatively new material, successfully used in Europe and gradually gaining domestic market, – VIP vacuum insulating panels. They help out in cases where space saving is the main factor influencing the choice of material. The minimum thickness of the insulation allows you to maintain the height of the ceiling and eliminates the need to arrange a threshold between the terrace and adjoining room.

The thermal conductivity of the panels is 0.007W/(m K). In terms of thickness / degree of thermal insulation - this is the best of all available materials for warming. VIP systems usually consist of highly insulated vacuum panels and appropriately thick sealing strips. Such panels are usually installed along the outer edge. Vacuum panel manufacturers supply kits with attached instructions showing the optimal layout of panels and sealing tapes, which helps to minimize the thickness of the insulation system. The new heat insulator has one drawback - the material is expensive.

Ultra-thin VIP vacuum insulating panels are 20 times more efficient than traditional insulating materials

How to insulate the veranda from the outside

Pros and cons of insulation from the outside

  1. All dirty work are carried out outdoors.
  2. The area of ​​the veranda is preserved.
  3. The freezing point is taken out beyond the outer boundary of the walls.
  4. The whole design resembles a thermos: it keeps the room warm in winter, cool in summer.

The disadvantages include the difficulty of performing reconstruction in bad weather.

To carry out work on the insulation of the veranda, no permits are required, therefore, having decided on the heat-insulating materials, they begin the process. It is advisable to engage in thermal insulation of the room from the outside in the warm season.

Ceiling insulation

If the veranda and the house have common roof and the attic, then insulating the ceiling is not difficult. Most convenient way- filling the frame cells with heat-insulating material.

Important! You need to take care of the vapor barrier.

What material to use? Few a budget option: the roofing material is overlapped or joined and glued sheets, and a layer of expanded clay is poured on top or mineral wool slabs are laid. If possible, it is better to use foil-coated penofol, which holds heat well and does not allow moisture to pass through.

The scheme of insulation of the ceiling from the side of the attic

Wall cladding with thermal insulation material

The easiest way is to clad the walls with sandwich panels, in which mineral wool, polystyrene foam or polyurethane foam are used as insulation. The main advantage of such insulation is the combination of thermal insulation with exterior trim, and you can choose almost any version of the outer layer: metal, PVC, and so on. When choosing decorative log or siding sandwich panels, the exterior of the house completely changes.

Thermal insulation with panels made of expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam or mineral wool is performed in two ways:

  1. If the veranda is insulated in a wooden house, then first a crate is stuffed onto the walls. The step corresponds to the size of the panels used. Then, with special dowels (“umbrellas”), a heater is fixed, on top of which it is fixed with a stapler waterproofing layer. Lined with insulated walls with siding, planken, clapboard or any other finishing material- the choice is huge.
  2. on brick or concrete walls mounting adhesive fix heat-insulating panels. Then the reinforcing mesh is fixed, plastered and painted or a suitable facing material is used.

Warming scheme brick wall outside

Insulation of windows and doors

Ideally, it is desirable to install a ready-made front door with thermal insulation provided (for a private house). If it is not possible to change the door, then the old one should be insulated. To do this, foam rubber (you can get by with a blanket) is fixed with a stapler or glue, then leatherette is attached with furniture nails. A seal is laid around the perimeter of the door.

Ready entrance doors thermal insulation for private houses

Same story with windows. It is optimal to replace old windows with double-glazed windows. If this option is not feasible for any reason, they are insulated outside the usual plastic wrap. To do this, the slats are stuffed onto the frame, and the film is already attached to them with a stapler.

Warming the veranda from the inside with your own hands

How to insulate the ceiling

If the roof structure does not allow for external thermal insulation of the ceiling, it is necessary to “take away” the height from the room and insulate from the inside. A frame is mounted on the ceiling, given that the cross section of the beam must correspond to the thickness of the insulation boards. With the help of dowels-umbrellas, the panels of the heat insulator are fixed and a film is laid that protects against steam. The resulting "sandwich" is covered with drywall. If you don’t want to lower the height of the ceiling, then vacuum insulating panels are used, which practically do not take up space.

Important! Be sure to insulate the hatch to the attic: close up the cracks, lay a seal around the perimeter, and sheathe it.

Veranda ceiling insulation technology

Wall insulation

They begin work by removing the old coating and cleaning the walls from dust. When using mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, the surface is first primed and a waterproofing layer is laid. Then the frame is mounted (it is more convenient to use metal profiles) and heat-insulating panels are fixed. The insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film. The final stage is the installation of drywall, puttying and applying the finish coat.

Changing the location of the dew point when insulating walls from the inside

Experts advise using ready-made warm electric floor modules to insulate the walls from the inside and turn on the system on cold days / nights. This method of insulation is very expensive, but it guarantees dry and warm wall.

Thermal insulation of windows and doors

Double glazing is considered effective way reducing heat loss, however, relatively expensive. To save money, you can “preserve” the window for the winter in a different way: attach a regular film to the frame using double-sided adhesive tape. Yes, not quite aesthetically pleasing, but warm. All cracks should preferably be sealed with self-adhesive foam strips. You can also do it the old fashioned way: with paste and paper, previously caulked with cotton wool or foam rubber. Thick curtains with thermal lining are an additional way to protect the veranda from heat loss through windows.

Even when installing modern doors with thermal insulation from below, it usually “pulls”. In Europe, it is customary to make a special roller and lay it under the door. The British jokingly call him a dachshund. It is easy to make such a “dachshund”: the stocking is stuffed with old socks or other rags and tied up (the length of the “sausage” should be equal to the width of the door). The top decorative "pillowcase" can be knitted or sewn.

Floor insulation on the veranda

Basement floor insulation

If there is a basement under the veranda, then it is easier to insulate the floor - there is no need to dismantle the existing flooring.
Stages of work:

  • on the floor beams and the back side of the flooring is fixed with a stapler or mounting adhesive vapor barrier material;
  • if the distance between the beams significantly exceeds the width of the insulation plates, the side faces are “built up” with slats, bars or metal profile, leaving a step a couple of centimeters less than the size of the material (the mineral wool block must be tightly fixed in the cell);
  • install heat-insulating panels;
  • lay a layer of vapor barrier;
  • mount the draft ceiling.

Scheme of wooden floor insulation

Other options for floor insulation

In the absence of a basement under the veranda, work on floor insulation is transferred inside the room. If the owners of the house do not plan to start overhaul terraces, then tearing off the old flooring just for laying thermal insulation is not worth it, as it will turn out to be too laborious and costly way of warming. Usually, logs are installed on top of the existing coating, expanded clay is poured in or heat insulator panels are laid and a new floor is laid. True, at the same time, the floor level rises higher and a threshold appears between the veranda and the next room. How to avoid it? You can use vacuum insulating panels "sealed" in MDF. They will raise the floor by only 30 mm. The second way is to dismantle part of the coating and insulate with ecowool, but this will require special equipment, since the composition is supplied under pressure. Another option is the installation of a "warm floor" system. You can get by with little: carefully seal the gaps between the floorboards, fit the skirting boards well and lay a thick carpet on the floor.

Underfloor heating over existing flooring

Note! With any method of insulation, one should not forget about reliable waterproofing.

Video lesson: insulation of the walls of the veranda from the outside

Insulation of the veranda, despite the abundance of heat-insulating materials and the apparent simplicity of their installation, is a rather laborious process. Therefore, it is better to entrust the work to specialists. construction company. They will make the necessary calculations and insulate the veranda according to all the rules.

The veranda is the best place for relaxation, family tea drinking and gatherings with friends. When the weather is warm outside, the terrace becomes the most popular, favorite and crowded place in the whole house. But when the cold comes, it immediately becomes empty. However, this state of affairs can be very easily corrected.

When creating a veranda, you need to pay special attention to the floor.

To do this, it is necessary to insulate the veranda, in particular, the floor. But it is not enough just to know how to insulate the floor on the terrace. First of all, you need to study the range of available materials and the features of each of them.

Materials for warming the floor of the veranda

The range of materials with which you can insulate the floor on the veranda is quite large. There are samples that have proven themselves better than others. It is they who are recommended to give preference when buying.

Among the leaders in the number positive feedback foam and mineral wool can be distinguished.

A veranda is an open or closed area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe territory adjacent to the house.

These materials allow you to insulate the floor on the veranda, saving money and time. To enhance the created effect, you can use a foam pad. Metallized sheets will reflect the cold air from the street, and retain precious heat. Penofol is a high-tech thermal insulation material, which consists of polyethylene foam and aluminum foil. Such thermal insulation can be used both in combination with other materials, and separately. The first option is much better, as it makes it possible to use the advantages of materials as efficiently as possible.

Of course, in order to insulate the floor on the veranda, you can hire a professional team. However, if you do everything yourself, the veranda will be even more comfortable and warmer. In order to independently insulate the floor on the veranda, you need to choose suitable material. As already mentioned, the most popular are polystyrene and mineral wool, but there are other materials that can be divided into natural (cork, cellulose, granular insulation) and artificial (all other materials).

By type, heat-insulating materials can be divided into bulk (expanded clay, slag, foam glass), sprayed (ecowool, penoizol), bulk (polymer mixtures), rolled (linoleum, mineral wool), tiled (glass wool and mineral wool), etc.

Depending on the type of thermal insulation material, the appropriate floor insulation technology is selected. Under mineral wool, foam plastic and expanded clay, logs and a screed will need to be laid. Rolled heat insulators simply need to be rolled out and covered on top solid material(laminate, boards).

Prepare the tools and materials needed to insulate the floor on the veranda:

Tools needed for work: hammer, nails, tape measure, screwdriver, nail gauge, spatula.

  • Styrofoam;
  • selected insulation;
  • nail gauge;
  • hammer;
  • nails;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • scissors;
  • scotch;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • putty knife;
  • brushes;
  • paint.

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Features of warming the floor of the veranda

Scheme of the floor of the veranda.

Insulation of the floor of the veranda is especially necessary if the floor is not arranged on a solid foundation tape - then cold air will circulate under it, and in winter it will be impossible to be in such a room.

The floor on the terrace can be insulated both from above and below - this will achieve the maximum effect. This moment depends on how the veranda was built. If you are going to insulate the floor of the veranda from below, then the space between the ground and the ceiling can simply be filled with expanded clay, and if free space allows, insulating with slag wool is more laborious, but much more effective. IN this case from below you need to install brackets on which sheets of insulation will be attached.

For the upper thermal insulation of the floor of the veranda, you need to remove the boards (number them so as not to get confused during the reverse laying process) or chipboard. A waterproofing film must be laid on the floor. Next, a crate is created. For this, bars are used (best of all 50x50 mm). Styrofoam is laid in between, and preferably slag wool or mineral wool, covered with a vapor barrier film, after which the removed chipboard or boards are returned to their place. On top, you can lay linoleum, parquet or other coating.

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Scheme of floor insulation with penofol.

Of the modern thermal insulation materials that are recommended for floor insulation, penofol confidently holds the leading position. The easiest option for floor insulation on the veranda is as follows:

  • natural insulation is laid along the edges from the side of the outer walls, for example, the foundation is poured or putty with clay mortar from the inside of the terrace;
  • board seams inside the veranda are carefully puttied and painted, after which their lower part is pierced with penofol;
  • linoleum on a polypropylene basis or felt carpet is laid. Such coatings are excellent for internal insulation.

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Features of insulation with mineral wool or foam

Scheme of floor insulation with mineral wool.

The floor on the veranda can be insulated with mineral wool or foam. This is a more time-consuming process, but it is also quite possible to handle it yourself. Most often, the floors on the veranda are made of special wooden blocks (logs) located under the floor covering, with boards attached to them.

First you need to remove these boards from the floor. After that, the prepared wooden blocks are laid out between the logs and fixed with screws. Thermal insulation material is laid out between these bars. Whatever insulation you choose, it must be laid very tightly between the lags so that there is no free space left. Of the heaters in this case, you can use mineral wool or polystyrene. In the case of using polystyrene foam for floor insulation, the sheets must be adjusted in accordance with the distance between the lags, cutting them with an ordinary knife.

In the case of floor insulation on the veranda with mineral wool, a slightly different technology is used. First, cotton wool is insulated with foil or polyethylene. This will protect the insulation from the harmful effects of moisture. After the heat-insulating material is laid, all voids and cracks remaining after laying must be hermetically sealed with mounting foam.

A gap must be left between the floor of the veranda and the insulation structure. This will provide better air circulation and help prevent mold and rot. A gap of a few mm is sufficient.

The country veranda (closed and open), if desired, can turn from summer to winter, i.e. from cold to warm. From the veranda you can make an entrance hall, a corridor in the house, a full-fledged room or a winter garden, a greenhouse, in general, a warm room that can be used all year round. Therefore, it will be useful to learn how to insulate the veranda for winter living. Below is a step-by-step instruction with photos, drawings and diagrams.

Which side to insulate the veranda - from the inside or outside

Warming cold veranda begins with the choice of insulation and the place of its installation. As a rule, the veranda has a beautiful exterior and interior decoration. And deciding which side to hide under the insulation is not easy.

To make a final and balanced choice, we offer arguments in favor of one or another type of insulation.

Insulation of the veranda from the inside


  • can be performed in any weather;
  • free access to surfaces at any height;
  • in one approach, you can insulate all surfaces: walls, ceiling, floor.


  • requires the dismantling of the existing coating;
  • the freezing point is shifted into the wall, which leads to its destruction.

Insulation of the veranda from the outside

  • the way of life caused by repair work is not violated;
  • all garbage remains outside the veranda;
  • preservation of the veranda area;
  • displacement of the freezing point into the insulation, which reduces the rate of destruction of the walls, and the walls can accumulate heat;
  • veranda decoration. Veranda lined with OSB boards or plywood, can be transformed after insulation with subsequent finishing.

External insulation of a wooden veranda made of timber or logs will protect the wood from getting wet, preserve the interior of the extension, and make it possible to update the facade. Among the minuses: deprivation of the opportunity to observe the state of the veranda-log house from the street.

How to insulate the veranda - materials

With the existing variety of thermal insulation materials, the choice still remains difficult. However, among the well-established are:

1. Penofol

Flexible foil insulation Penofol can be used as an independent heat-insulating material or in combination with other types of insulation.

The material is environmentally friendly, thin, low vapor permeability, easy to install and fireproof. Among the minuses: softness, small thickness.

2. Styrofoam

Rigid material with low weight, which does not change its properties during the period of operation. Easily mounted in both frame and frameless way. Disadvantages: interest for rodents and flammability.

Note. Insulating the veranda with foam plastic saves the owner from installing a hydro and vapor barrier, because. polystyrene has almost zero indicators of hygroscopicity and vapor permeability.

3. Styrofoam

It has all the advantages of foam, and is also very durable, easy to cut. Cons: low sound insulation, collapses at high temperatures (more than 100 ° C), does not burn, but self-extinguishing does not occur.

4. Mineral wool

Flexible (soft) insulation with low thermal conductivity, non-combustible, compressive (for dense types) and tensile strength, provides excellent sound insulation, and is resistant to temperature deformations. Mineral wool is resistant to chemical and biological activity. Cons: needs a frame, loses density over time (caking), which means that thermal insulation properties decrease.

5. Basalt wool

According to the characteristics, the material is identical mineral wool while being environmentally friendly.

6. Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Polyurethane foam insulation is available in three varieties:

  • Dense (solid, rigid) panels
  • Flexible (soft) plates
  • Inflatable (sprayed)

Among the advantages: light weight, ease of installation and application, resistance to chemical and biological activity. Cons: expensive, deteriorates from mechanical stress, subject to aging when exposed to ultraviolet radiation.

Note. The low rate of vapor permeability of PU foam in the slabs will lead to the accumulation of moisture and the destruction of wall surfaces or structural elements.

7. Flax, tow, moss

Materials designed to insulate the veranda from timber and logs without disturbing appearance buildings.

Flax, tow, moss are absolutely environmentally friendly, but difficult to install. In addition, they are desirable prey for birds that use materials to build their nests.

Note. Warming with these insulators is best done at the stage of building a veranda.

8. Synthetic insulation for construction

Polymer insulation eliminates the disadvantages inherent natural materials. For example, the construction of a veranda using warm house technology.

Do-it-yourself warming of the veranda to the house

If you are going to insulate the veranda, you need to remember that insulating only one surface will not give the expected result. After all, heat escapes from it in different directions.

Floor insulation on the veranda

1 way:

we remove the boards of the existing floor and the subfloor (as well as floor coverings: linoleum, laminate);

we fall asleep expanded clay between the lags;

re-laying the floor.

2 way:

we dismantle the flooring or perform work on the existing floor. Then it will perform the function of a rough coating;

we install wooden bars 50x50 on the logs or on the subfloor;

Note. The thickness of the timber should be equal to the thickness of the insulation. Before installation, the beam is covered with a protective compound.

laying a vapor barrier film;

we lay a heater (for example, mineral wool). We make sure that there is no free space between the frame and the insulation. If there is one, it must be filled with scraps of material and blown out with foam;

from above, we cover the material with a vapor barrier or penofol. The foil part of the material turns inside the room. The junction is glued with metallized tape (for example, Isospan Isospan).

install flooring.

Additionally, you can perform insulation of the foundation of the veranda.

Veranda roof insulation

A significant part of the heat escapes through the roof of the veranda (the heat loss of the roof depends on the design and material). How to insulate the roof of the veranda - from the inside or outside? A simple shed roof does not have an attic, so it is difficult to move around on it. To perform insulation, you need to dismantle roofing material. Therefore, the roof of the veranda is insulated at the construction stage or from the side of the ceiling.

Veranda ceiling insulation

It differs in the same sequence of actions as floor insulation. Only the canopy has to do the work. This creates some difficulties in the installation of insulation.

How to insulate the ceiling on the veranda - methods

1 way - wireframe

you need to dismantle the ceiling covering, if it is drywall and replace it with plywood or OSB;

a hydrobarrier film is attached to the surface of the ceiling;

For soft insulation a frame is made of timber (the thickness of the timber is equal to the thickness of the insulation);

insulation is installed between the bars of the frame.

Note. With a soft insulation width of 600 mm. it is recommended to make the distance between the bars of the frame 580-590 mm. This makes it easier to install.

the insulation is covered with a vapor barrier film;

the ceiling is decorated with plasterboard or lining.

2 way - frameless

Suitable for polyurethane foam and rigid insulation. In this case, the insulation is installed directly on the ceiling. Then the surface of the ceiling must be puttied.

Note. Before puttying the ceiling, the foam must be closed with a mesh. This way the mixture will hold better.

Insulation of the walls of the veranda

It can also be done in two ways: frame and frameless. Work is carried out in the same order as with floor insulation.

How to insulate a wooden porch

Many are interested in the result of external insulation. Natural beauty wooden lining will be hidden under a layer of insulation. Professionals recommend dismantling the existing finish, performing insulation, and then installing the lining in place. At the same time, it is necessary to carry out dismantling carefully so as not to damage the lamellas. However, part of the lumber will still have to be replaced. You can even out the difference in shades between the old and new lining by sanding the board.

Insulation of a wooden veranda in a house made of timber and logs

It is carried out by driving natural insulation into cracks (caulking, sealing cracks between logs).

Warming the house using the "warm seam" technology - video

If the veranda from the timber has lost its attractiveness, then the insulation occurs by mounting the frame outside the extension. A heater (heat-insulating material) is inserted inside the frame and sewn up with facing material (for example, lining, siding).

Insulation of veranda windows

Wooden windows can be insulated if they are protected from the outside of the building with a film. At the same time, space must be left between the window and the film. This gap ( air bag) will prevent the accumulation of moisture and destruction wooden frame. The film is attached to the frame using a construction stapler. The disadvantage of film insulation is that the transparency of the window decreases, so it is removed for the warm season.

Note. Users advise that when insulating windows with a film, fill the rails on the frame, and attach the film to them. The film will be removed in the spring, but the slats will remain. Thus, the wood frame is not destroyed as much when mounting/dismantling the film.

Warming the veranda, made in accordance with all the rules, will significantly save heat and increase the temperature in the room. According to user reviews, the temperature in the insulated veranda does not drop below zero. Of course, this is clearly not enough for everyday use. Installing heaters will solve the problem.

Heating of the veranda

Installing a portable electric heaters- the simplest and cheap way solving the issue of heating the extension. The device of full-fledged heating on the veranda requires the development of a project, its approval in the relevant authorities (depending on the type of heating), the performance of work on the heating main, etc. It is easier to install a UFO or an electric heater on the veranda. The main thing is to follow the rules of fire safety.

If you properly insulate the veranda and choose a good heater that matches the area, the extension will become a room that can be used all year round.

Warming the veranda with your own hands requires certain time and material costs. But it makes it possible to obtain additional square meters of living space. And also, this is an opportunity to practice before performing the insulation of the house.

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