Why house fungus on the walls is so dangerous to health. Home mold is a health hazard

Hello dear readers! Why mold develops in an apartment, how dangerous it is and how to get rid of it - many are interested in this question. Mold develops where there is a fungus that spreads in the apartment during the movement of spore organisms in the atmosphere. The temperature that provokes the formation of mold varies within 20 degrees Celsius, and the humidity is about 85 percent. In apartments with such conditions of existence, mold is absolutely formed.

Since the mold has a fungal basis, then, accordingly, the intensity of growth in it differs in progress. In a fairly short period, from a small point, it can flood the entire surface of the wall in an apartment, in a bathroom, in a house.

Of course, you should not immediately rush and make repairs, such actions cannot solve the problem, the most important thing is to find the cause of black mold. The development of such an undesirable effect has reasons for the appearance:

  1. Defects in the construction of a building or a private house, most often black mold appears on walls that are exposed to the action of drops temperature regime(freezing, insufficient sealing of seams in masonry, roof leakage, dysfunction of the sewer system);
  2. Insufficient intake of air masses, poorly developed ventilation;
  3. Penetration of mold spores with parts of clothing, household items or animals;
  4. The location of the dwelling next to the basement, resulting in dampness.

If you characterize the appearance of black mold in simple words, it suffices to say that the main reason lies in high humidity and lack of ventilation in the apartment, in the house, in the bathroom. The fungus, which is formed due to dampness, has different colors, so carefully inspect the surface of the wall coverings and, if any changes are found, immediately take measures to eliminate them. Mold is a living substance that requires a certain amount of nutrients. The fungus can use as food wooden crafts, paper, plants, etc.

Mold in the apartment - what is dangerous

With such negative phenomenon As mold is encountered very often, its danger lies in the fact that it grows rapidly and can form up to several million spores per square meter, which are especially dangerous for children. In the process of life, spores release essential oils which adversely affect the child and adults.

Why is fungus dangerous? mold spores developing for a long time can be modified and penetrate into the human body through skin, nose and mouth. As you know, spores can give rise to the development of serious diseases for children. And adults quite often suffer from diseases caused by fungal etiology.

Mold causes a whole range of uncomfortable situations:

  1. Painful feelings - allergic reactions, asthma attacks, pulmonary insufficiency, disorders of the gastrointestinal intestinal tract, bleeding. For a child, such an atmosphere is completely undesirable;
  2. Destruction of wooden structures;
  3. Violation of the interior design in the apartment.

How to get rid of mold in the apartment

If you find even a small speck on the wall, immediately begin to ventilate the premises and try to ensure systematic air access. Most importantly, do not forget what you have discovered, because in a week you simply will not recognize this place.

In order to finally get rid of the fungus, develop A complex approach which will include the following activities:

  • Mechanical action (cleaning the surface of walls, floors and all hard-to-reach places scraper);
  • Carrying out processing with a specially purchased tool;
  • Destruction of all things affected by black mold spores;
  • Strict daily monitoring of temperature and humidity in the room.

Important: If you find a fungus on things dear to your heart, remember: there is no chance for their restoration, say goodbye and get rid of it, otherwise black mold will not leave you.

Many people have a question: how to remove this infection? For extermination, the following measures are used:

  • treatment with antiseptics, widely represented in all household stores. Antiseptics have some features, so when working with them, take care to protect your hands;
  • the use of an antiseptic primer, the application of such material to the walls will provide a solution to several significant problems: the complete destruction of the fungus and the protection of the walls from the appearance of spores in the future.

How to get rid of mold - folk remedies

Russian people are inventive in all directions, so several ideas have long been invented to combat mold. effective recipes. Folk recipes are not expensive Money and therefore it will not be difficult to carry out such activities:

  1. The use of borax. To do this, dilute the borax with water in a ratio of 1:10, after which the resulting solution is applied to the surface of the wall or floor. As you know, the composition of borax includes substances that inhibit the development of fungal mold spores;
  2. Use blue vitriol. It effectively helps to get rid of the fungus forever, for this you need to prepare such a solution: dilute one hundred grams of vitriol powder in 10 liters of water. After that, the damaged walls should be abundantly covered. There is one minus that needs to be taken into account - the presence of a blue color, this fact should be taken into account when subsequently pasting the walls with wallpaper;
  3. Application of an aqueous solution laundry soap used as a prevention of the appearance of fungus on the walls;
  4. The use of tea tree oil, this consistency is important for minor damage, for this you should dilute the oil with water in a ratio of 1:50. It is convenient to apply such a solution with a spray gun;
  5. Application, this method is perhaps the most effective, since peroxide contains substances that have a detrimental effect on viruses and pathogens. In order to get rid of the fungus, you need to spray a 3% peroxide solution, and then remove the growths mechanically;
  6. The use of bleach, it includes a chemical such as sodium hypochlorite, which, when interacting with fungal spores, has a devastating effect and allows you to forget about the existence of mold for a long time. To prepare the solution, bleach should be mixed with water in a ratio of 1:10;
  7. Preparation of a solution from baking soda and vinegar, first the walls are covered with a layer of soda, and then vinegar is sprayed. After such treatment, it will not be difficult to clean the walls and rinse with water;
  8. Ammonia is a toxic drug. Therefore, its use undergoes some inconvenience. To prepare the solution, ammonia must be mixed with water (1: 1), and then applied to the surface of the damaged area, stand for an hour and rinse with water.

The above folk recipes prove that it is possible to get rid of fungal formations at no cost, the main rule is the observance of proportions and recommendations.

How to remove mildew smell

A huge disadvantage of the appearance of mold is that it entails the formation bad smell. If you smell it, take the time to find the source, most often in the kitchen or bathroom.

If you find a place where black spots are located, be sure that this is mold. Such a focus should be eliminated as quickly as possible, since in addition to an unpleasant odor, the fungus carries with it a whole bunch of particles that are dangerous to health.

The above folk recipes using:

  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • white;
  • table vinegar and baking soda;
  • ammonia.

In conclusion, I would like to suggest that you watch a video where a microbiologist will tell you about ways to combat mold.

That's all the necessary information you need to know in order to forget about mold forever.

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Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

Mold fungi (mold spores) appear in the form of spots on the surfaces of the walls, multiply at an unthinkable pace, and bring the greatest harm, both to the state of health due to harmful fumes, and to the room. She happens different types and delivers damage in different ways. It is necessary to destroy its manifestations immediately, because of it there are problems with damage and loss of health, such as: respiratory diseases, dermatological diseases, allergies, digestive problems and other ailments, everything can reach death.

Mold in the apartment, why is it dangerous? It destroys walls, furniture, wooden structures, wooden products are destroyed the fastest and often covered with a bluish color, especially pine is exposed to this, even the buildings and structures themselves are being liquidated. Thanks to the spores of mold fungi that fly through the air and get into a wet area, they begin to develop. It is better to immediately take instant action to solve this global problem.

What is the danger of mold in an apartment for a person

To some extent, we have already said that mold spores get into moisture, through the air, penetrating inside us, and leads to bad consequences. Eat different kinds fungi, most of the apartments come across black mold, it is toxic to us. Mold in the apartment, what is dangerous for health? Inhaling it inside, the respiratory system is first of all affected, and leads to various diseases: sinusitis, sinusitis, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, asthma and, as a result, there is a risk of pneumonia, but that's not all, you also become a victim of skin diseases, allergic reactions, problems of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, nervous system if the immune system is strong, then he himself will be able to cope with a certain problem, but if for some reason the immune system weakened need to urgently bring this "wonderful" topic to the fore.

You can talk a lot about how dangerous mold is in an apartment for a person, because everyone has individual symptoms of its consequences. In addition, fungi can be in food, which leads to a more serious undermining of health: disruption of the kidneys and liver, activation of oncogenes. At the first appearance of mold on foods, do not risk eating them, even after cutting off the moldy part beforehand.

Is mold on the walls dangerous?

Yes, mold is incredibly insidious and takes a very long time to remove. At the first appearances, if you notice them, you need to quickly get rid of them, and not wage war. Small children whose immunity has not yet been formed and pets are especially susceptible, they are the first to take the brunt of the spores. The chance of death is, unfortunately, very high. But there is no need to put an end to it and mentally prepare a coffin, but urgently get rid of such a cannibal neighbor. It is necessary to carry out disinfection, clean up, let in the sun and open the curtains. Monitor the humidity in the rooms, carry out repair work bathroom and avoid leaks, flowers can also accompany the appearance of mold.

It is best to contact specialists who can protect you and themselves so that you do not get caught during self-processing chemical mixtures. We hope that after reading the article, you understand how dangerous such a problem is, and whether the mold that appears on the walls in the apartment can be harmful to health.

What is dangerous mold on the walls in the apartment

The same danger lies in the penetration, corrosiveness and destruction of the walls. Spores penetrate the structure with roots and eat this or that material, whether concrete, brick, stone or fabric. At the same time, it is quite difficult to withdraw it, there is a full different methods, both folk and chemical, but sometimes the situation becomes hopeless and people turn to specialists for help or move out of the room. How it manifests itself and how dangerous the mold located on the walls in the apartment we have dismantled, now it's up to you, in particular, to get rid of it.

As our Soviet actor Yuri Nikulin said, “Even after a small smile, one small microbe dies in the body.”

Do you know how dangerous mold is? It has been proven that it not only destroys building construction, spoils products, furniture. She is able to destroy all living things. The slow, insidious killer is mold. Let's talk about it in more detail in order to know the enemy in person.

A small speck of mold is a formidable danger signal

Most people quite often do not focus their attention on small spots of black in the area of ​​​​the ceiling, walls and bathroom. But these small and at first glance harmless black spots are nothing more than a fungus that spoils the beauty of the interior and carries a danger to the inhabitants of the apartment and house.

Spots of black in different parts rooms, is a real microfungus. Its spores can appear everywhere, both on products and on furniture, moreover, they can be in the air. Mold forms even in those places where regular cleaning is carried out, but it also does not bypass dirty rooms, so the fungus on the walls is quite a common occurrence.

Causes of mold

It should be noted that mold does not appear from the air, certain reasons influence its formation. But what?

The appearance of the fungus contributes to the increased moisture content of the room. In order for it not to appear, the humidity level should reach no more than 80%, however, often the indicators exceed the norm for various reasons(for example, the bathroom is used to dry wet clothes or there are many indoor plants in the room), as a result of which the fungus appears.

A common feature of the above reasons is the condensation of moisture in the coldest places in the room. Quite often, the fungus is located in the bathroom, on the ceilings, walls under the refrigerator and behind a variety of cabinets. Such places are most attractive for fungi.

What is the harm of mold

The fungus is dangerous not only for the walls of the home, but also for human health. The harm of mold is associated with spores that it places in space, and then they end up in the human body due to breathing, which contributes to the appearance of unpleasant and rather serious diseases.

What is the main danger of mold?

The main danger that mold can cause is the appearance of various diseases. In case of penetration into a living organism, spores can cause the following ailments:

  • various skin diseases (for example, dermatitis or mycosis);
  • respiratory diseases (runny nose, cough); problems
  • associated with the musculoskeletal system;
  • the appearance of pain in the joints;
  • migraine and severe weakness;
  • allergies;

It is not the fungus itself that contributes to the appearance of various diseases in humans, but the spores that form from it. They are considered to be allergens. The spores of the fungus quickly enter the Airways and provoke allergic diseases. Often, the inhabitants of an apartment in which there is a fungus face the problems of bronchial asthma and conjunctivitis.

It should be noted that the fungus spreads spores, both on walls and on human skin, contributing to the subsequent appearance of dermatitis and eczema. Also, the fungus affects the nails, scalp and intestinal mucosa.

The most dangerous of all species is considered to be a fungus called black aspergillus - this is the causative agent of a rather severe and serious illness (pulmonary aspergillosis) that in rare cases leads to death.

The role of spores can be replaced by some volatile particles with a rather persistent unpleasant aroma; they are also allergens. The components enter the circulatory system through the respiratory tract, causing nausea, gag reflex and severe headaches.

Most strongly negative impact components lend themselves to people with weak immunity, as well as small children and adolescents. The unpleasant fact is that most of the diseases that appear due to fungal spores are practically not studied.

Quite often, doctors cannot make a correct diagnosis and mistake the symptoms for a completely different disease. So the consequences negative impact fungi often go untreated.

Hotspots - check these places

Absolutely everyone can fall under the influence of a fungus, even residents of a house or apartment, if suitable conditions are created for its appearance. You should remember the basic rule: "mold does not appear in a place where it is dry." However, no matter how the inhabitants of the house struggle, the fungus will always find a suitable place for its location (plastic windows or an improperly ventilated room).

Mushroom chains appear in those rooms that are rarely ventilated or not ventilated at all. Moisture is another reason for the reproduction of the fungus; more suitable conditions cannot be found for the fungus. In order not to collect fungus in the house, you should get rid of leaking pipes.

Also, the appearance of a fungus can be provoked by improperly arranged furniture in the house: objects large sizes, close to the walls of the room, contribute to the violation of proper air circulation and thereby cause the spread of mold.

Mold appears on window frames when outer profile slowly starts to rot. The reason for this appearance is the use of poor putty for frames. Therefore, it is always necessary to pay attention to the insulation and to control that water does not get into the gap between the glass and the window profile. To maintain the elasticity of windows, synthetic putty will help, it will cost quite inexpensively.

On window PVC profiles, the fungus appears due to a violation of window insulation and an unsuccessfully selected sealant, this is what contributes to the formation of condensate in the glass area and mold on the windowsill. Therefore, the condition of the seal must always be monitored and changed if necessary.

Flower pots are an equally favorable place for the reproduction of fungal spores. The mold rises from the basement through the ventilation shafts and sits on the pots of indoor flowers, which is why small black spots appear on them.

The formation of mold in the area of ​​balconies is promoted by poor-quality waterproofing or improper drainage. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully monitor the external weir and protect it from foliage and large amounts of water.

The most common possessions of the fungus are bathrooms, as they have suitable conditions for its appearance, namely: dampness, warmth and darkness. Fluffy clusters of fungus often appear under the sink.

How to avoid the formation of mold fungus?

To prevent the formation of fungus in the house, a few fairly simple tips will help:

  • ventilate the premises, this will make the conditions for mold to be simply unbearable; in the winter, open only the window, this will help to avoid hypothermia of the walls.
  • regularly warm up all the rooms located at home;
  • do not keep wet laundry in the apartment;
  • regularly replace leaking taps and pipes;
  • reduce the number of indoor plants in your home;
  • provide good ventilation in the bathroom;
  • when building or repairing a house, choose dry materials;
  • cover the balcony floor polyurethane coated This will protect it from moisture penetration.

Summing up, it should be said that mold must be disposed of, since it is dangerous not only for the walls of the dwelling, but also for human life. The fungus contributes to the emergence of various diseases, which are sometimes simply incurable. Try to prevent the appearance of fungus in the premises, because it is very difficult to deal with it.

Kravchuk Elena

Mold is a fairly common occurrence. At the same time, in many cities its concentration is several times higher than the permissible norm. And no matter how a person struggles with it, it always appears again. Perhaps the neighborhood of mold is not so scary? Unfortunately, it causes significant harm to the body of both the child and the adult. But the most unpleasant thing is that a person rarely thinks about what is dangerous and does not always take measures to get rid of it, thereby exposing himself and his children to the risk of serious pathologies.

What is mold?

This is the real fungus. Initially, it appears as a small dot on the ceiling, wall. But soon it begins to grow, and quite intensively. In the case of favorable conditions for the development of mold, it will very quickly occupy a vast area. You should understand how dangerous mold is in the apartment. It is not only unaesthetic appearance but also a favorable environment for the development of many diseases, including oncology.

Characteristics of the phenomenon

Mold can be of various colors:

  • white;
  • black;
  • red;
  • blue;
  • green.

Black is often found in houses and apartments. She settles on the walls of the kitchen, in the bathroom, toilet and other rooms. Especially often it can be found in basements. Mold spores are so microscopically small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye. At comfortable temperature and they multiply very quickly.

One square meter in about an hour it can be filled with millions of spores. Is the apartment dangerous? Of course yes! Children begin to get sick more often, because the mold spreads not only an unpleasant repulsive smell, but also releases toxins.

Causes of the problem

This question often torments home owners who have just got rid of an unpleasant defect, and after a while they noticed it again. Therefore, it is important not only the question of why mold on the walls in the apartment is dangerous, but also why it occurs.

In this case, the following factors play a major role:

  1. Mold spores are often brought into an apartment or house from the street along with shoes, things, animals, and products.
  2. Needed for mold to grow certain conditions. After all, such a fungus is a living organism. And for its development, a nutrient medium is needed. Substances that promote the spread of mold can be paper, wood, houseplants, fabric and more.
  3. For the development of the fungus, a certain microclimate is necessary. Mold develops in a room with high humidity (approximately 50-60%), no ventilation, high temperature. Naturally, such conditions are ideally suited to the bathroom, toilet and kitchen. Not surprisingly, it is in these rooms that most often you can find pockets of harmful mold.
  4. Quite often, the fungus settles in apartments located on the ground floor. The source that provokes the development of mold is a damp basement with poor waterproofing.
  5. Often, the fungus breeds in apartments located on the top floors. The culprit for the development of mold is insufficient insulation of the roof.

Initial symptoms

So, let's figure out how dangerous mold is in an apartment? Most people still believe that the fungus is only an external defect, completely unaware of the danger it poses to the body.

This is not surprising, since the homeowner and his children do not experience a sharp deterioration in their condition. Mold is so insidious that it affects the body slowly.

Initially, the child may experience, for example, a chronic runny nose or cough. Some children have inflammation of the eyes or headaches. But would anyone associate such symptoms with ordinary mold? Obviously, such manifestations are most often attributed to nature, weather and many other factors.

Frequent illnesses

Consider if a fungus and mold have appeared in the apartment, than it is dangerous. It is worth emphasizing once again: get rid of it immediately, do not wait for the next repair. It is very dangerous to underestimate the harm of mold.

The most harmless disease that can be triggered by a fungus is the occurrence of an allergy. Remember, mold spores are extremely toxic and can cause many serious pathologies.

Doctors have experimentally proven that a fungus that has a long-term effect on the body can cause a number of serious diseases:

  • laryngitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • pneumonia;
  • tracheitis;
  • asthma;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system;
  • dermatitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • eczema;
  • damage to the kidneys, liver;
  • internal and nasal bleeding;
  • thrush.

This is an incomplete list of all the pathologies that such a harmless, according to most residents, mold can cause.

If children often suffer from headaches, chronic fatigue, unexplained vomiting and nausea, the cause may be hidden not only in overwork or poisoning. Mold can also cause these symptoms.

Beware of cancer!

The harm of mold in its allergic effects and toxicity. Fungal colonies produce aflatoxins - poisons. Getting into the body through the nasal passages, skin, mouth, they are able to accumulate.

Doctors constantly warn about the dangers of black mold in an apartment. Toxins accumulated in the body can eventually lead to the development of liver cancer. After all, it is this body that tries to neutralize all poisons. However, if their number exceeds allowable rate, the liver is not able to cope with such an onslaught of harmful toxins. As a result, the process of poisoning the body begins.

In addition, as noted above, many systems suffer. Mold ingested with food can become a source of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, a wide variety of diseases develop in various forms.

Mold is extremely dangerous for babies.

Children are the most affected by mold. After all, their immune defense is still being formed.

How dangerous is mold in an apartment for children? The development of all of the above pathologies. Only in a growing organism such diseases, as a rule, develop much faster and can carry more serious consequences.

Therefore, having noticed an allergic reaction in a crumb, do not postpone a visit to the doctor. An experienced specialist will help identify the source that provoked pathological symptoms.

Damage to property

The fungus has an extremely negative effect not only on human health. Thinking about how dangerous mold is in an apartment, carefully look around. The fungus can damage your property. Particularly susceptible to damage wooden structures. Certain types of mold are capable of making dust out of furniture in a short time.

Almost everywhere there are spores of the fungus: in the air, water. And only once in a favorable environment, they begin to multiply rapidly. Building and finishing materials, regardless of quantity and cost, are also susceptible to mold.

The main symptom that characterizes the occurrence of the fungus is the presence of an unpleasant smell of dampness and sharpness. And only then there are characteristic spots of white, gray or black.

Imagine that they brought you new computer the latest model and you are very satisfied. You put off everything, press the “Start” button, the fan starts to work barely audibly, and suddenly – bam! - You can see that on the monitor in the upper right corner there are a lot of dead pixels, forming a blurry spot. At first you do not believe, because everything is new, this cannot be! Then you realize that you have to do a lot of unnecessary actions to change the monitor, that it will drag on for a long time, but in reality everything turns out to be even worse.

This is exactly what happens with black mold. At first you won’t even notice it, but when you find it, you will face many problems, both with the removal of an uninvited guest and with your health. Why black mold appears, how to avoid it and what to do to destroy it - read in this article.

Now there are enough varieties of mold, although they all have the same reasons for the appearance. So, the first place is occupied by poor ventilation: in rooms where the air stagnates, mold occurs extremely quickly and multiplies just as quickly. As a rule, this happens due to the apartment in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

The second place in the ranking of causes is high humidity. As we already wrote in one of, high level humidity in rooms contributes to the formation of condensation. It is the latter that is an excellent medium for the reproduction of bacteria of the fungus and their rapid development. Again, this applies primarily to the bathroom and kitchen. It also often shows up in garages, basements and cellars.

The third place gets a sharp temperature drop. This often happens in new homes, when the mixtures laid in the walls have not yet dried to the end. In this case, condensation also appears on the walls, which, as we found out, contributes to the development of mold at the junctions of a wall from the street with any other.

Where does black mold appear most often?

You don't have to go far to guess right away: the best place in an apartment for the appearance of mold fungi - this is a bathroom. Poor ventilation, high humidity, often closed or covered bathroom door - ideal conditions for dispute. As a rule, black mold in the bathroom appears at the joints between the tiles, on the sealant between the bathroom and the wall, on the walls and sometimes under the tiles themselves.

In second place, which is logical, is the kitchen. This room may have a weak hood if one is not installed separately, and frequent temperature changes due to cooking, as well as constant washing and drying of dishes, add favorable conditions for mold. Quite often, even rags provoke its appearance, which, when crumpled, do not have time to dry. Disputes do not always appear in prominent places - they are attracted to the kitchen by heat and, and this can be achieved in places that a person rarely checks or does not check at all. Many residents have repeatedly encountered mold precisely at the time of cosmetic or overhaul kitchens.

Some of us remember that in the village, between window frames no, no, yes, and black mold will peep through. It's another one a good place for its development, because due to the lack of tightness of the frames, the very sharp temperature drop occurs, which we talked about in the reasons for the appearance of mold.

In addition, do not forget about garages, basements, cellars - there the fungus is almost a regular guest precisely because of air stagnation and the inability to ventilate the room. The problems that may be associated with this lie in the deterioration of vegetables stored in basements. These foods are extremely dangerous to eat. In addition, in garages, and in basements, and in cellars, spores negatively affect the walls themselves, seams, and ceilings. If you feel wet musty smell, then you should immediately start looking for a source of mold.

Black mold on the walls: the impact on health and on the home

The appearance of black mold in a house at first, apart from the aesthetic impact, may not appear so obvious, but over time the wallpaper will begin to peel off, the wood will rot, the paint will peel and fall off, and even concrete pavements in speed can lose their properties. Aspergillus black has a detrimental effect on all surfaces on which it settles. Is it on the skin too? Yes, fungus spores are easily airborne and can easily settle on human skin, and get inside when breathing. Spontaneous cough, itching of the skin, deterioration of health, rash and redness are some of the symptoms of the mold neighborhood. Sometimes doctors spend a lot of time to identify the main source of the disease, so it is better for patients who have a black mold outbreak at home to warn a specialist about this in advance. Otherwise, they will put atopic dermatitis, which is standard for such cases, and will treat you with a series of creams when the cause is completely different.

If speak about internal state of a person, the lungs will first of all make themselves felt. First, a cough will appear, which will progress into chronic bronchitis, if the conditions of the person's stay are not changed - read "do not clean out molds", - and then everything can end with asthma. Some medicines prescribed in this case may provide temporary relief, but they will not get rid of the disease.

We go further - penetrating into the stomach, the fungus will easily cause an allergy to black mold. The number of patients with rhinitis is growing every day around the world. Spores do not have to be in the air to enter the human body - they easily do this through spoiled food. How often do you throw out whole bread that is moldy on one side only? A fairly common picture: in such cases, many simply cut off the affected part, and the other feast on dinner. So that other part is also infected with mold spores, but they are simply invisible. Throw away whole foods, even if signs of damage have only just appeared and are barely noticeable.

Mycotoxins: what are they?

Speaking about the influence of black Aspergillus on the human body, it is necessary to mention such a thing as mycotoxins - these are toxic substances produced by mold. Quite a dangerous poison for a person, provoking a change internal organs and also strongly affecting the baby during pregnancy. It is believed that mycotoxins contribute to the development oncological diseases. The appearance of mycotoxins in the human body, or mycotoxicosis, as a rule, occurs just after the use of products affected by mold: nuts, legumes, beer, wine, and others.

There is a more serious danger than mycotoxicosis - aflatoxins. These are the same toxic substances produced, as a rule, by mold spores from nuts and corn. These substances are very dangerous for animals and small children. An adult body is able to overcome the influence of this poison, but children do not have such strong immunity, so the first signs of poisoning will appear after 20 minutes: pain in the liver, headache, then convulsions are possible - this is already a direct reference to calling an ambulance.

In general, the effect of mold spores on the human body can be quite long-term. The body will simply get tired of fighting the eternal presence of the virus inside, and constant headaches, loss of strength and a decrease in immunity in principle will begin. So let's take a look main question this article.

And here the very actions begin, which at the very beginning we compared with a broken monitor: actions will be enough. So, how to get rid of the fungus, including in the bathroom or on the walls?

  1. First you need to clean out the focus of molds that have already appeared. This can be done with an ordinary scraper, brush, hard sponge and other improvised means.
  2. After that, it is necessary to treat with antiseptics, which you can buy at any hardware store. Just explain for what purpose you need an antiseptic, and the seller will tell you the right option. Just do not forget about safety precautions: as a rule, such antiseptics are quite dangerous not only for mold, but also for the person himself: a good respirator and latex gloves will be enough to be safe.

And now we will report one sad news: if the black mold fungus has already managed to hit interior items, such as a sofa or carpet, then trying to clean them from it with the hope that everything will pass is pointless. With this action, you will reduce all the work to remove mold to zero. Alas, it is better to throw such furniture in a landfill.

If the spores of the fungus did not have time to penetrate deeply, the usual whiteness, which has been used by the people for a very long time, will quite help you. This type of treatment is not suitable only if the fungus has settled deep enough. In this case, the effectiveness of whiteness is a matter of time. You can also use vinegar or hydrogen peroxide. After applying them, it is better to immediately ventilate the room and continue to monitor the cleanliness and freshness of the air. With the same success, a soda solution is used, which does not smell, and you can leave it for a while, since it also prevents reappearance mold.

Prevention or how not to face the problem of black Aspergillus spores?

by the most the best way mold control is prevention. Once again, we recall the causes of the occurrence of the fungus and identify ways to prevent:

  1. Moisture - check all rooms for high humidity and install dehumidifiers if such rooms are found.
  2. Air - it must be fresh, and the room must be sufficiently ventilated so that there are no problems.
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Minimum wage (minimum wage)
The minimum wage is the minimum wage (SMIC), which is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation annually on the basis of the Federal Law "On the Minimum Wage". The minimum wage is calculated for the fully completed monthly work rate.