Garden garden cottage all the most. Garden, garden, cottage: all the brightest and most interesting with your own hands. Flowerbeds from plastic bottles cheer up

Dacha is not only a place where you grow vegetables and fruits. On the standard six acres (and some may have more) you can let your imagination unleash for real! In the country, you can bring to life a variety of and, at times, even wild ideas. Many of them will not only decorate your garden, but will also be very useful in the hard work of a gardener. And most importantly - country homemade products will give new life things that, it would seem, are long overdue for going to the landfill.

What can be created from country crafts with your own hands? Now you will be surprised, but everything can be used! Don't rush to throw away trash can things that have served their time or at first glance seem like garbage. Imagine a little - maybe this old shoe is still good for something?

ThingsTransformation Ideas
Plastic bottlesLemonade, milk, juice bottles are perfect as any details for creating interesting figures, as well as for creating fences around beds or an irrigation system. The material from which they are made is very durable and moisture resistant and will last more than one season in the country.
Milk boxesExcellent "pots" for seedlings! This has been known to gardeners for many years.
old shoesCreate from the "battalion" of old shoes original planters for flowers.
TiresCar tires can be used not only as flower beds: you can create amazing animals and birds from them, and if you sheathe them with fabric or twine, you will get excellent seats.
Lumber trimmingsThere is no need to burn the remains of the boards in the oven - it is better to use them to decorate the fence, creating an interesting ornament, or to create small flower beds, paths, shelves.
old technologyThe skeleton of an ordinary Soviet bicycle, a rusty car, a broken motorcycle do not have to be scrapped - arrange them as a flower bed!
aluminum cansOf these, you can make a device that repels moles. It is enough to put a jar on a stick buried in the ground.
Broken glasscolor broken glass will help to decorate the fence: drill holes in the boards and insert glass pieces there. On a sunny day, you won't recognize your fence!
Plastic bottle capsThey will help shape your country house unique. Create patterns using lids attached to the walls of the house with small studs.
Old clothesScarecrows are still in demand. Put together two slats crosswise, dig the frame of the scarecrow into the ground and dress it up in your old things. To make the scarecrow "kind", make him a pretty face and dress him in a colorful dress.
old rakeDo you have an old and rusty rake that has served its time? Don't rush to get rid of them. Hang it on the wall of a barn or house and you will have a great hanger for garden tools.

This is just some of the obsolete things that can be used in the country. Remember: each item can find a new use, you just have to dream up a little. Now it's time to give more detailed instructions to create various country homemade, serving both to decorate the estate, and bring considerable benefits.

Do-it-yourself mini-pond

A do-it-yourself mini-pond, vaguely reminiscent of a fabulous swamp where the Frog Princess lives, is very easy to create. For this we need:

  1. an old bathtub or other large water-tight container;
  2. old slate;
  3. old rubber hose;
  4. a piece of polyethylene dense film;
  5. stones, sand and other elements of "decor";
  6. plants that live in water.

Technology for creating a mini pond on the site

  1. We bury the bath so that its edges are flush with the ground.
  2. We dig in slate around the bathtub so that its edges are 20 centimeters higher than the surface of the earth.
  3. We stretch a hose cut along the edge of the slate (it will protect the polyethylene from rupture).
  4. We close the bathtub and slate with polyethylene, carefully spreading it along the bottom of the future reservoir. The edges of the film can be sprinkled with earth and pressed down with stones.
  5. Pour water into the "reservoir".
  6. We decorate with stones, plant around the plant, and water lilies can be placed in the pond itself.

Idea - a small pond on the site

Neat beds

Who doesn’t love it when the beds in the garden are not just raised above the ground, but also neatly decorated? Everything must be in order! We offer to arrange the beds with the help plastic bottles. We will need:

  1. a lot of plastic bottles;
  2. sand;
  3. paint - optional;
  4. shovel.

Work performance technology

  1. Choose bottles of the same size and color. Colors can be combined as desired.
  2. Fill the bottles halfway with sand.
  3. Dig a shallow trench along the bed.
  4. Place the bottles upside down in the trench and dig in.
  5. You can paint the bottles with water-based paint, but this is not necessary.

Video - interesting crafts for giving


Do you want lions and tigers, chubby pigs, bright bugs, giraffes and zebras to live in your country house? Bring the idea called "Safari" to life. An impromptu do-it-yourself zoo can be created using completely different objects. We will need:

  • plastic bottles of different sizes;
  • old tires;
  • brushes and paint;
  • stones different sizes or old construction helmets, basins;
  • shovel.

The most common representatives of the fauna that summer residents create are giraffe, zebra, pig, beetles. We will try to arrange them with you on our site.

Giraffe and zebra are made using the same technology. Differences - in the color and length of the neck of animals.

  1. Dig halfway into the ground old tire- this will be the body of the animal.
  2. After cutting off the bottom and tops, connect several plastic bottles to each other to make a neck. Dig in the "neck" in front of the dug-in tire.
  3. Cut one bottle lengthwise, cut off the neck - you get a head. Attach it to the "neck".
  4. The animal is almost ready! It remains to paint. Color your ungulate in the necessary colors: giraffe in yellow and orange, zebra in black and white.

An interesting idea - a safari on suburban area

By analogy, you can also make palm trees, birches and other plants, decorating your "oasis" with them.

Making a piglet is even easier:

  1. Take a large "pot-bellied" plastic bottle and fill it with sand to give it mass.
  2. Make ears out of a piece of plastic and insert them into the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "head" of the piglet (where the neck of the bottle is).
  3. With pink paint, paint the bottle, and with black paint, draw the eyes and piglet on the piglet. Piggy is ready!

An interesting idea - piglets from plastic bottles

Cheerful multi-colored bugs can be made from any rounded containers and put on beds and flower beds as a decoration. Even stones are suitable for manufacturing: it is enough just to paint them with paint by drawing dots like ladybugs, mustache, eyes.

And from an old basin you can make a turtle Tortilla. By cutting the tires and bending their parts in a certain way, and then painting them with white paint, we get a swan.

Convenient sprinklers

Another convenient and practical way use of plastic bottles - creation convenient system watering the beds. We will need:

  • plastic bottles;
  • thick nail;
  • shovel;
  • water.

Work performance technology

  1. In plastic bottles on the sides, we make small holes with a nail or a thick awl.
  2. We dig the blanks upside down into the soil next to the plant.
  3. Water is poured into bottles through the neck.
  4. Water from bottles through the holes will gradually flow into the ground and nourish the roots of the plant.

Hands-On - Plant Waterers

From soda bottles you can organize and drip irrigation, which is very convenient for use in greenhouses. To do this, cut off the bottom of the bottle, and pierce several holes in the cork so that the water flows slowly. In order not to be mistaken, first make very small holes - it is better to expand them later.

After creating the blank, dig a hole (about 15 cm deep) not far from the bush, at a distance of 20 cm from the stem, and dig the bottle down there with the neck at an angle. It remains to fill the bottles with water, and the system is ready.

You can organize watering with bottles in another way. To do this, a bottle without a bottom is hung upside down on the side of the plant, filled with water. By unscrewing the cork a little, you can regulate the flow of water. Place tiny pieces of polyethylene under the bottle to avoid soil erosion from dripping.

Winged swing

After working in the garden, you also want to relax: for example, sit on a bench and drink tea. But it is more interesting to relax on a swing, especially with children. We offer to make an unusual and even shocking swing from ... an old sofa! The main thing is that a strong and tall tree with powerful branches, for which with the help of strong ropes or chains you need to firmly fix old sofa. And it will be soft and comfortable to swing on it. From the rain, it is better to cover such a means of entertainment with a film, and clean it indoors for the winter. But on the other hand, no one will definitely have such a swing!

You can also make a swing from an old chair seat: just hang it from a thick and strong tree branch and swing to your health.

Such different flower beds

Flowerbeds from old tires used as in original form, and cut in every possible way, every hostess knows. But not everyone will guess to make “homes” for flowers from old bicycles, cars, cars, shoes or teapots.

It is quite possible to fix an old bicycle in the ground by digging in the wheels, and supplement it with small pots in which flowers are planted. In addition, let him climbing plant: it will grab the skeleton of a two-wheeled vehicle and turn it into an unusual flower bed.

An interesting idea - a flower bed from an old bicycle

From old rubber boots, painted different paint, bright flower pots are obtained. Fill them with soil and plant plants there. Don't forget about drainage holes in the sole of a former shoe! You can place such planters anywhere: on the veranda, fence, between the beds, and this is their huge advantage. By the way, do not write off non-rubber shoes either: they can also be filled with earth and flowers can be planted in them, they will simply serve less than rubber ones.

A flower bed of old shoes is an amazing and very beautiful idea.

We save correctly

Old metal teapot- also a great flower bed. Attach ropes or chains to the handle, hang it on the veranda from the ceiling, pour earth and plant a birch-type climbing plant.

An old metal teapot is a great flower bed

Video - do-it-yourself homemade products for giving

The garden plot can be significantly transformed. Using improvised means and your imagination, you can make your garden a real place to relax.

Each garden plot can become not only a place to grow your own fruits and vegetables, but also a place of rest. If you have a garden, a vegetable garden and a dacha, all the brightest and most interesting (photo) can be done on your own. The article describes examples of the most common and simple additions for your garden plot.

In the garden, you can give the beds familiar to the eye the new kind. They can be broken down into small areas, fencing which you can get separate places for growing garden plants.

This method of decorating sites has a number of positive points:

  • Ordinary beds take on an unusual look.
  • The convenience of processing such areas is increased. All garden crops sit as close as possible, so there is no room for weeds at all.
  • Irrigation efficiency increases. Due to compact plantings, water consumption is significantly reduced. This greatly saves finances in the face of ever-increasing tariffs.
  • Compact planting significantly saves space in the garden.
  • Ease of manufacture. When creating such fenced beds, you can use improvised means.

However, there are also negative points:

  • Compliance with crop rotation. It is known that it is not recommended to constantly grow garden crops in one place. By dividing the plot into separate beds, the area for changing the place of growing plants is reduced.
  • A garden, a vegetable garden and a dacha (all the brightest and most interesting do-it-yourself photos), in which plants are grown in a compact way, often thicken. This creates conditions for the development of fungal diseases and pests that prefer wet and cool places.

Having decided to create such a decoration in the garden, before planting the plants, you should prepare a plan for which plants and in what quantity will grow there. Any base can be made. For example, from brick, pieces of slate or wood. The wooden base can be decorated with various patterns.


A garden path will be a great decoration for the garden. The garden path can be made of stone or wood. The log should be cut into small circles. It is from them that the garden path should be laid out.

Wooden paths will look unusual, it is recommended to use stone for its manufacture. Wood, even treated with special solutions, is highly susceptible to decay. To avoid the spread of such a path, you must first make a curb.

Exists a budget option garden path from glass bottles. They are simply buried upside down, leaving only a small part of the bottom on the surface. Using this option, you can create unusual patterns. Use your imagination for non-standard options garden path decorations.

Place to rest

A garden, a garden and a cottage (all the brightest and most interesting in the photo) can be a great place to relax after labor day. Using improvised means, you can create comfortable conditions for this.

The easiest way to create a gazebo is to buy a ready-made version and install it on your garden plot. However ready-made options gazebos do not always suit garden owners.

The gazebo can be made by hand. A simple option is to install a wooden or metal carcass and decorate it with a crate. Grapes or other plants can additionally decorate the gazebo, enveloping it with their vines. After a while, you will get a completely natural place to relax.

More complex options gazebos will require some time and money from the gardener. Using your imagination, you can create unusual jewelry for garden.

For the rest of the children, you can build a small sandbox in which they can have fun while their parents work in the garden.

To create a simple sandbox, you will need several boards from which to make the base.

  • The number of boards depends on the size and height of the sandbox.
  • Children should have enough places for entertainment, and they should also get there freely.
  • Sand for the sandbox is better to take sea. It must be carefully sieved to prevent the ingress of foreign objects into it.
  • It is recommended to provide a lid for the sandbox so that debris does not get there, and the animals do not bury the results of their life there.

A garden, a vegetable garden and a cottage (all the brightest and most interesting do-it-yourself photos) will be a great place for a children's sandbox.

flower bed

To create a flower bed, any handy tools are suitable. Amazing flowerbed options are obtained from a car tire. The simplest flower bed can be made by filling inner part earth. car tire can be dyed to different colors, increasing its level of attractiveness.

If there is a whole car wheel with a metal disk, then you can create a real flowerpot. In this case, you will need to thoroughly tinker. The tire is cut on one side and turned inside out. In this case, the metal disk becomes the basis for the flowerpot and will keep its balance.

A flower bed can also be made from plastic bottles. They are filled with earth and dug into the ground by a third with the neck down. The bottles installed around the perimeter will give the flowerbed an unforgettable look.

Summer shower

It's always nice to take a refreshing shower in the summer heat. To be able to do this at your summer cottage, you can create a shower stall from improvised materials.

You should choose a place and make a frame on which the sides will be attached. They can be made from slate, wood or opaque film. It is recommended to use as a frame metal pipes to be concreted. wooden frame use is not recommended, as it is often prone to decay.

Designer outdoor shower

With the help of fantasy, a garden, a vegetable garden and a summer house (all the brightest and most interesting, photos) can be significantly transformed. New decor elements can visually change the garden plot, and new places to relax will help you relax and gain strength.

Today, a garden is not only a place for growing various crops and plants, it is, first of all, a real outlet for a city dweller, a cozy environment where you can enjoy nature and get away from the bustle and noise of the city. Therefore, original ideas for the garden are more relevant than ever.

You can turn the garden into real fairy-tale magic with the help of beautiful flower beds, flower beds, mini ponds and other landscape techniques. We offer you to look at some of the most popular and amazing options.


Interesting site design options can be created using wattle. Of course, it is unlikely to replace modern fences, but it will definitely provide a fabulous atmosphere of Gogol and Pushkin times!

Willow wattle is considered the highest quality. However, raspberry bushes also serve as excellent material for such a fence. By combining different rods, you can create an unusual range of colors and a relief pattern if you twist rods of different thicknesses.

For decor and a special mood, the wattle fence can be decorated with pretty clay pots.

Flower beds and flower beds

Flower beds are the first thing gardeners start decorating their site with. When choosing plants, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each species. The first step is to highlight the soloist flowers, that is, the main plants in the flower bed.

It is also good to use leaves in decoration. unusual shape and ornamental grasses. With them, the flower garden will look original, even at a time when the flowers have not yet bloomed.

It is important to observe harmony - too much various colors and plants will look intrusive and create a sense of chaos in the garden. The flowerbed should be holistic and concise.

Just beautifully planted flowers are half the battle. Flower beds with decoration around look much more interesting. This bright accent at the end of the composition.

water beds

Flower beds are a special pride for gardeners. Color selection different shades, petal shapes, stem height, aroma, leaf density and flowering periods are just a small part of the design that a gardener uses when forming a flower bed.

New ideas for decoration can be embodied with your own hands from improvised materials in the form of various structures. But not every gardener has original water beds made by himself. Meanwhile, creating such a masterpiece in the garden or in the country is not at all difficult.

The procedure for designing a water bed:

  • dig a hole no deeper than 50 cm;
  • lay a brick around the perimeter of the flower bed;
  • cover the bottom of the flower bed plastic wrap and cover with sand in a layer of 5 cm;
  • in the center, install plants planted in pots: capsules, water lilies, nymphaeums;
  • the sand layer along the edges should be 10-15 centimeters thicker, and plants such as chastukha, water iris, calla are planted in the ground;
  • fill the flower bed so that the leaves of the plants float on the water surface;
  • for additional decoration, you can use aquatic plants that do not require adhesion to the ground - pistia, duckweed, water paint, rogulnik, azolla, eichornia.

If you fill at least half of the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flowerbed with plants, live decor will delight you throughout the season. Additional decorations in the form of cute fairy-tale characters can be used to decorate foam pads in a flower bed.

garden paths

Garden paths created by you will remain your pride for a long time. Improvised materials can serve as river pebbles and bricks.

The layout of the tracks should begin with the markup. At the dacha or garden plot, for sure, the favorite paths have already been trodden. They are best used for future markup. Try to lay out the track in such a way that the surface is as even as possible, and the width is the same along the entire length.

After leveling, the marked path must be covered with crushed stone, the layer thickness of which is about 10 cm. Compact with a vibrating machine. Next, pour a special solution onto the prepared area and level it again. Pre-washed pebbles are pressed into the solution with a dense, pre-designed pattern. At the end, a brick border is laid.


Rutarium - pretty unusual way designing a garden plot using original snags and tree roots. It is also often referred to as the root garden.

If desired, even small plot you can create unique magic. Many of us have met the most bizarre forms of roots. At the sight of special specimens, the imagination immediately draws a vivid plot of some fairy tale. folded by hand beautiful compositions from snags they create such a rutarium, at the sight of which it is simply impossible to take your eyes off.

Old furniture for decoration

Don't rush to throw away old furniture- it can serve as a colorful decor item in the country for many more years. Just enough to clear old paint and repaint.

Using car tires in garden decoration

One of the most common garden decor materials are car tires. From durable and flexible rubber, you can create ochcarving pots, figurines of various animals, a sandbox, children's swings, etc.

Decorations from plastic bottles

Plastic is an inexpensive and readily available material. Experienced gardeners with creative imagination know a lot of options for its application. Such qualities as flexibility, strength, durability of plastic allow you to create a variety of sculptures, flower garden decorations, borders and other interesting compositions from plastic bottles.

Figurines and feeders

A variety of figurines give a special charm and atmosphere to the garden. To create them, you can use Construction Materials like plaster, polymer clay etc. Design solutions depend on your imagination.

Cute bird feeders great way attract birds to your site. They can be made from twigs, a plastic bottle or a tree trunk.

unusual fence

The best aspect of the uniqueness of a garden plot is its fencing. In addition to the protective function, the fence is an eye-catching business card owners. simple iron or wooden version- it's trite. You can decorate the fence in different ways. Some clear examples shown in the photo.

Children's Corner

Being engaged in decorating and landscaping summer cottages and gardens, do not forget about the smallest fidgets. For them, you need to allocate their territory for entertainment and exciting games.

Arrangement of a recreation area

Outdoor seating - required condition comfortable pastime in the country or in the garden. Here everything will depend on the desires and preferences of the owners. There can be a lot of options: gazebos with comfortable furniture, wide swings ( great idea- put hinged structure in the shade under the trees), hammocks or just a platform with comfortable chairs and a table.

DIY garden ideas: photos of vivid examples

Whatever ideas you have in decorating a dacha and garden, always remember that a dacha is, first of all, a place for relaxation, comfort and solitude. The environment here should inspire and please the eye. Therefore, it is important not to overdo it with design creative solutions- in everything you need to know the measure.

A garden, a vegetable garden, a dacha, all the brightest and most interesting things with your own hands can be done very simply, the main thing is not to forget about imagination and demonstrate perseverance, and you will definitely succeed. Our ideas will be able to whip up your imagination, and then the thing is small, to bring ideas to life. It will not be difficult to make such crafts from improvised materials, because in almost every courtyard or cottage there are suitable ones that no one needs: tires, stumps, plastic bottles, or stones, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the photo and video materials on this topic so that after your own experience you will be convinced of the simplicity of these actions.

We have repeatedly written about what can be done for a summer cottage, but since this material is in great demand, and there are quite a lot of ideas, we will touch on this topic a little today. In view of their availability, tires adorn almost every suburban area, so you will have to try hard to stand out. original ideas you can learn from the following photos:

But, you can do a lot of other interesting things from tires, for example, to please children with a fun swing, you won’t need much time for this, but you will make a real holiday for children.

But not with tires alone, to make a garden, a vegetable garden, a cottage the brightest and most interesting with your own hands, you can also use stones, it is also very cheap and simple. You will only have to buy paint and brushes, so that later you can paint the cobblestones to your liking.

Garden crafts made of stone, photo:

What original crafts in the garden and in the country can be made from plastic bottles.

You have probably already seen areas decorated with plastic bottles more than once, this phenomenon is becoming more and more popular, so in order to stand out, you need to show remarkable imagination. But if you don’t have any thoughts yet, we suggest that you get acquainted with the ideas that are original in our opinion, the execution of various decorations from plastic bottles.

We also offer to decorate your garden with a useful figurine, make a scarecrow that will not only add color to your site, but also scare away unwanted feathered guests. Here you can make funny and original scarecrows with your own hands:

How to make an original and bright flower garden for a garden, garden, cottage with your own hands.

You can simply make it from the same old tires, which can be painted in any color you like using ordinary paint. It often happens that it is this decoration that your guests remember in the first place.

In addition to tires, ordinary boulders and stones, or very small pebbles, can be used to decorate a flower bed. They are often decorated with paints, it looks very cool, while you do not spend a lot of resources on such decor. Also, you can use an ordinary tree by making a small, neat fence.

Beautiful flower beds can be made more original in appearance, but no less simple in execution, the so-called flower streams. When a person looks from the side, it seems that a whole stream of flowers flows out of a large container, it looks really very beautiful. How to plant such a stream? Yes, it’s very simple, outline the route of the stream, and plant flowers in it, also make a place at the beginning from where the stream will begin. For such a flower bed, it is better to choose so as not to replant them from year to year.

You can plant flowers in the most unexpected objects that only come to your hand. See for yourself by looking at the following photos.

They use for this, even old bicycles, ears and unnecessary bedside tables, it turns out very well.

Often, in order to make a garden, a vegetable garden, a summer residence, all the brightest and most interesting things with their own hands are also used by special weaving plants - creepers. This is a famous move landscape design, allows you to do it simply and beautifully, while being quite cheap, you just have to buy plant seeds, plant them and take care of them properly after that. Lianas will completely change very quickly appearance your suburban area, braiding everything in its path.

How to make bright country and garden furniture with your own hands from improvised materials with your own hands.

Make beautiful country furniture it can be very simple, there are a huge number of options for how to do this, you can even use ordinary pallets to get a decent result that will be both practical and spectacular. As an example, such a comfortable sofa, and a table for a snack.

You can make a whole kitchen set from stumps and beams, while it will not look cheap at all. And from stumps you can make comfortable chairs, simply by equipping them with soft upholstery.

From large stumps you can make beautiful tables, first they are polished, and then varnished.

To make a garden and a vegetable garden, in your summer cottage bright and original with your own hands, decorate the furniture made bright colors, this will give Have a good mood to anyone who comes to visit you.

High bed, do it yourself in the garden, photo:

To streamline their garden, gardeners very often resort to the formation high beds, it not only looks more attractive and compact, but also greatly simplifies the care of plants. Besides, Sun rays better penetrate into such soil, and thereby contribute rapid growth vegetables. The walls for the beds are made from improvised materials, they use: slate, wood, bricks and stones.

That's actually all that we managed to tell you. A garden, a kitchen garden, a dacha, all the brightest and most interesting things with your own hands are done very easily if you take up the work creative person, armed with knowledge of your business, a little inspiration, you probably took from this article, it remains only to realize your plan, and make the dream of beautiful garden into reality. On this we say goodbye to you, all the best, until we meet again and good luck!

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