The amazing feijoa fruit. Where does feijoa grow? Where does feijoa grow in Russia? How to grow feijoa at home

When autumn ends, small exotic fruits with a funny name - feijoa - appear on the markets of the city. Many residents of our country have not yet really understood what kind of "fruit" it is and what is the use of it. But the benefits of these small fruits can really be great.

Feijoa fruit - get to know it better

The feijoa genus is a tropical South American tree. At present, they have begun to be grown quite widely in the southern part of our country, in the subtropics of the Crimea and the Caucasus, as well as in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. It is mainly from these places that feijoa fruits reach the markets of our cities.

Feijoa tastes and smells like a cross between strawberries and kiwi, and some feel the taste of pineapple. You need to be able to choose these exotic fruits correctly. In any case, in order to taste the taste of feijoa well, you need to eat ripe fruits. They are easily damaged and deteriorate very quickly, so most often not quite ripe fruits are on sale.

Useful properties of feijoa

What are the benefits of these fruits? Iodine is considered their main wealth. Its amount of feijoa can compete with fish and other seafood. It is very important that this tropical plant contains water-soluble iodine compounds.

What is feijoa used for?

The benefits of feijoa don't stop there. The fruits are very rich in vitamin C, they contain large amounts of sucrose, pectin, fiber. Such characteristics allow us to recommend feijoa for weight loss as light diet product, in the treatment of atherosclerosis, diseases of the digestive tract, pyelonephritis, colds and in cases where it is necessary to strengthen the immune system.

The peel of these outlandish fruits is rich in antioxidants, but it is excessively tart, so the fresh peel is rarely eaten. In order to preserve this valuable product, feijoa peel is dried and then consumed, for example, as an additive to tea.

It is extremely important to choose the right fruits. Look at the cut feijoa fruit - its flesh must certainly be transparent. In the event that it is white, it means that the fruit is not ripe, but Brown color- at the spoiled fruit. Unripe feijoa can be bought - at home, they will reach the desired condition in a few days.

Feijoa application

To solve the problem of how to use feijoa, you must first decide whether you want to eat feijoa separately or include it in some dish. How do you eat feijoa? If you want to use a recipe where feijoa is present, first remove the peel, then grate the flesh or cut into small cubes. As a separate fruit, feijoa is eaten differently - without removing the peel, cut the fruit in half and use a teaspoon to eat the tender pulp.

The fruits of the exotic feijoa fruit can not only be consumed fresh. They are used in salads and other dishes. Recipes for dishes with feijoa are original, and dishes have an unusual taste. Feijoa is added to both vegetable and fruit salads, spicy sauces are prepared with it for meat dishes. This fruit is used for desserts and as a filling for cakes and other pastries. Gourmets highly appreciated the feijoa with oranges - this is very original and tasty dish. A variety of jams are prepared from feijoa or fortified drinks are brewed. For example, very delicious recipe feijoa dessert - grated fruit with nuts and sour cream.

Feijoa contraindications

Feijoa is beautiful tree from South America, having bright green fruits weighing approximately 20 to 100 grams. The feijoa plant was first found in Brazil in the 19th century. The first appearance of the plant was noted in 1890 in France, and from there it spread to all the southern countries of the Mediterranean, and also spread to the Caucasus and Crimea.

The origin of the plant is explained beautiful legend telling about a young boy in love with a sea princess. He confessed his love to her and agreed to live with her in her sea kingdom. But he could not find a place for himself, because he was very homesick for his native land and home. Then he decided to go back, and the sea king became angry and cursed him.

He turned it into beautiful tree, which will later be called feijoa. The fruits of this tree had a light aroma of the sea breeze, as a reminder of the betrayal of the love of the sea princess.


The fruit is completely suitable for consumption. Its peel is slightly tart in taste and very dense, but the flesh, on the contrary, is sour-sweet, juicy and soft. Many people prefer only the pulp, not suspecting how many useful elements are contained in the peel.

The fruits themselves are bright green in color and plum-shaped. The surface of the peel with small tubercles, somewhat reminiscent of a lemon peel. The fruits begin to ripen in October, and this process continues until the beginning of winter. Therefore, this plant has gained great popularity in southern countries with soft climatic conditions. In order for the taste of the fruit to become saturated, the fruits are allowed to lie down in a cool place for several days.

Feijoa, like, is also popular with plant lovers due to its beautiful flowers. Many breed it at home, watching its beautiful flowering. Its flowers are very unusual: against the background of snow-white petals with a pinkish tinge with inside dark red stamens stand out.

It begins to bloom in May, while there are always a large number of flowers. Over time, the plant takes on the shape of a small beautiful and neat tree. The leaves of the plant are slightly stiff, smooth on top, and slightly fluffy below.

Feijoa Care

The plant belongs to tropical species. That's why temperature regime for it should resemble the conditions of the tropical zone. IN summer period the flower can be taken out to the balcony, because it has been established that a temperature of 30 ° C does not harm it at all. IN winter period he needs rest, which means that the temperature regime should be moderate, the temperature should not exceed 14 ° C.

The plant does not like direct contact with it. sunlight especially at midday. After all, they can easily burn his dense, but very tender leaves, and rather fragile flowers. Therefore, at this time it is better to shade it. When the plant is in a room with very poor lighting, it will be better to additionally illuminate with lamps.

On hot and very dry days, in addition to watering, it is often necessary to spray its leaves. This will give impetus to abundant flowering and very good growth. This is especially true for plants that grow indoors. They require frequent spraying even in winter time especially when the air is dry.

top dressing

It is noticed that this plant loves constant feeding. In this case, do not add all the fertilizers at once. It is worth feeding the plants in several stages. For example, in the first weeks, only nitrogen fertilizers can be applied, for which bird droppings are perfect. In the following weeks, it is necessary to switch to other fertilizers, for example, potash.

You can take ordinary ash. And after another week, you can move on to phosphate top dressing. It is worth remembering that any top dressing is not applied as the main watering, but only after it.


Feijoa belongs to the representatives of plants with very fast growth. Therefore, the first three years of a flower's life, it must be replanted annually. After that, you can transplant only once every two years. Before transplanting a plant, prepare the soil. It is necessary to take in equal frequent sand, peat, sod and leafy soil, as well as humus.

It is not necessary to completely clean off the old soil from the roots of the plant. Complete removal land is needed only for a diseased plant. For transplanting a plant, it is better to call an assistant, and not to carry out this process alone. After all, the leaves and branches are quite tender and brittle. You can easily break them and destroy the whole flower.

When propagating, plants use the two most common methods: propagation using root processes and cuttings.

Cuttings require more time. In this case, you should find the uterine feijoa. After finding such a plant, you should choose the largest branch from the crown and remove all leaves from it, except for the top ones. Before planting, for better root formation, the branch should be left for 16 hours in a heteroauxin solution. After that, you can safely proceed to landing.

It is worth planting so that only 1/3 of the branch remains on the surface. The soil at the same time should combine sand and humus in equal quantities. In addition, the soil should be disinfected.

In this way, it should be transplanted in the fall. But at this time, the plant will feel a lack of heat and light. Therefore, you should take care of artificial lighting. Also, do not forget about constant spraying and maintaining air humidity. Can be sprayed on the plant warm water and then cover with a clear glass jar on top. The formation of roots and strengthening of the plant occurs within one month.

Propagation using root shoots is quite simple. Therefore, most people choose this method. Since the plant gives a rich dense growth, there are no problems with it. For reproduction, when transplanting an adult plant, cut off the required number of processes.

In addition to these methods, like any other plant, it reproduces in nature with the help of its seeds. You should not take the seeds of the plant in the store, as they may offer low-quality material. If available mature plant, then you can choose the necessary seeds yourself. So it will be more reliable, and the guarantee of obtaining a beautiful tree increases many times over.

Before planting seeds, it is worth choosing a fruit, you must choose an unripe one. Seeds should be washed well and dried for 6 days and no more. After that, they are laid out on the surface of the prepared soil and more earth is poured on top with a thin layer, no more than 5 mm. The soil should be a mixture of equal amounts of peat and leafy soil with a small amount of sand added.

Since the seeds of the plant are quite small, it should be watered so that it is not disturbed. upper layer earth. To do this, just put on the pot paper towel or a regular napkin. This method of watering will help preserve the bulk layer of the earth and prevent the deepening of the seeds. If the planting of seeds took place in winter, then the first shoots should be expected only after a month.

In the summer, sprouts appear after a couple of weeks. Moreover, with this method of reproduction, the fruits will appear on the branches only after 6 years. But reproduction by cuttings or shoots shortens this process by half.

plant pests

Feijoa can feel threatened by pests such as false scale insects and red spider mites.

The mite can cause tremendous damage, especially to small young shoots. You can get rid of it with a solution of celtan. This requires mixing 2 grams of celtan with one liter clean water. And after 40 days you can see how the plant is cleansed and restored.

It is worth fearing only hot sunny days. Indeed, when treated with celtan on such days, you can get a severe burn of the plant.

False shields are disposed of with the help of karbofos, diluted in water in a proportion of 6 grams per 1 liter. Spray the entire plant liberally with this solution. Processing is carried out at least three times with a break of a week.

Collection and storage of fruits

Fruit should be harvested before they ripen. This allows them to be transported over long distances without severe damage. During transportation, they have time to ripen. When buying in a store, you should take into account the softness of the fruit and examine its visible damage.

If only hard fruits are found, then do not be afraid. You can always put them in a well-ventilated, warm room with a temperature of 20 ° C or more for a couple of days for it to fully ripen.

It is worth paying attention to the inner pulp of the fruit. White color indicates an unripe fruit, and brown indicates that the fruit has already deteriorated.

It keeps well in the refrigerator. But its shelf life is short, no more than 2 weeks. With long storage, the fruits quickly lose moisture. This only makes it sweeter. To preserve for the winter period, jam is made from it. To do this, grind it and add sugar. In this form, feijoa retains all useful elements for a long time.

Useful properties of feijoa

One fruit contains many useful elements. These include vitamins of groups B, PP and C, various macro- and microelements such as phosphorus, iodine, iron, calcium and others, as well as malic and folic acid.

In addition, the fruits contain essential oils. The pulp of the fruit is often used as a dietary food due to the presence of easily digestible fats and proteins in it. They allow you to reduce weight and supply the body with useful and necessary components.

The plant has a huge amount of iodine in soluble form. As a result, it is very easy to digest. Doctors recommend using it for various diseases of the thyroid gland, as well as for very active mental stress. At the same time, it is often used in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in the prevention of beriberi, gout, gastritis, pyelonephritis and many other diseases.

The peel of the fruit, which is so often discarded, contains leukoanthocin and kahetin. They are excellent substances in the prevention of cancer. And vitamins of groups B and C, as well as essential oils, are used in the prevention of influenza, SARS, and also to maintain immunity.

Use in cooking

As mentioned earlier, it is great for making jam. It also makes various salads. The main thing is to choose the right products for it. It pairs well with citrus fruits, apples, and vegetables such as carrots or beets. This salad is best seasoned with sour cream or yogurt.

Feijoa jam without cooking for the winter

Use in cosmetology

Very often, women use the pulp of the plant in masks. They give a rejuvenating effect, as well as relieve inflammation and nourish the skin of the face. The most common fruit cosmetic mask includes:

  • 1/3 feijoa pulp
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh cottage cheese,
  • 1 yolk,
  • 1 st. a spoonful of olive oil.

These components should be mixed well and applied to the décolleté, neck and face. Keep the mask should be no longer than 20 minutes. The mask is washed off with just warm water.


Due to the presence of a large amount of sugar in the composition of the fruits, they are contraindicated for everyone who suffers from diabetes. In addition, it is worth considering the tendency to obesity and allergic reactions. Due to the high content of iodine, it is not recommended for people with thyrotoxicosis.

Doctors advise before the first use to test your body for allergic reactions to its fruits. It should also be given with caution to young children.

In addition, feijoa has its own limitations in use. Too much fruit eaten at a time can lead to fever, heart palpitations, nervous anxiety, as well as decreased performance and fatigue and fatigue.

How to eat feijoa

How to grow at home

Read everything about here.

Feijoa is a slightly unusual fruit for us with a specific taste, although it is becoming increasingly popular among exotic lovers. But where does the feijoa grow? interesting plant the Mirtov family? Despite the fact that it is quite frost-resistant and tolerates drought well, it still prefers soft Brazil, where feijoa grows, the country where centennial history cultivation of an exotic fruit. And the name was given in honor of the famous breeder Joanie de Silva Feijo.

Where does feijoa grow

Let's deal with this issue in detail. Where does feijoa grow today, besides its original homeland? First of all, these are Paraguay, Uruguay, Northern Argentina, the warm countries of the Mediterranean, where it was introduced at the beginning of the 20th century. A little later, they learned about the plant in Central Asia and the Caucasus, whose climate made it possible to grow this very useful fruit. By the way, initially, because of its unique beauty during flowering, the tree was planted for decorative purposes, decorating their houses and plots. Lilac-red flowers with an original tuft look amazing and spectacular. It was only later that strange-tasting fruits began to be eaten, used in medicine and cosmetology.

Where feijoa grows, the photo of which gives a visual representation of it, it is traditionally customary to eat the fruit raw. But many people have learned to make all kinds of jams, fruit salads and nutritious drinks from it, and the amazing fruit gives them a delicate aroma and special taste.

Feijoa benefits

For those who have not heard anything about feijoa, where it grows, how to eat it, what properties it has, first of all, we will talk about the benefits of the fruits of this tropical tree. The main thing is an incredible, rich composition, which includes a huge amount of coarse fiber, vitamin C, malic acid, sucrose, pectin. Interestingly, their content progressively increases as the fruit ripens.

In those countries where feijoa grows, they have long known that it contains unique biologically active antioxidants - kakhetins and leucoanthocyanins, which help the human body fight against oncological diseases and anti-aging. This is especially true of the fruit peel, although a significant drawback is its too astringent taste, due to which most people peel the feijoa before eating. And so the benefits of green berries are unimaginably many!

For those places where feijoa grows, it has become a true find, as it is recognized as a magnificent healing fruit. In particular, official medicine strongly recommends the use of ripe fruits in the treatment of iodine deficiency, atherosclerosis, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach and intestines. If you need prophylaxis against common seasonal colds and acute viral diseases, then it is feijoa that will help to quickly strengthen the body's immunity. Another very important property- absence allergic reactions on a plant. That is why almost everyone can safely enjoy a healthy fruit. We will talk about minor exceptions a little later.

Feijoa in cosmetology

Residents of all Russian Federation miracle fruit is also available. For those who are interested in where feijoa grows in Russia, we will tell you that dense, strong bright green fruits are considered, among other things, a unique tool for maintaining beauty. After all, their core and vitamin skin turgor tone and relieve skin inflammation. Feijoa visibly corrects cosmetic imperfections such as rosacea.

It is useful to use a delicious fragrant fruit for the preparation of cleansing and nourishing masks, which are indicated at any age and for any skin type. This makes the plant a versatile natural product of its kind.

We offer a wonderful recipe especially for those who want to rejuvenate their skin with an anti-aging mask: mix 2 tablespoons of feijoa pulp with a teaspoon of almond oil and 1 tablespoon of oatmeal soaked in chamomile broth. Apply to the skin and wash off after 20 minutes. If you apply this tool twice a week, a stunning effect will be noticeable in a month!

Feijoa harm

Not surprisingly, feijoa is not as harmless as it seems. The obvious fact is that the feijoa fruit (where it grows, this is already known) has some contraindications - individual intolerance to the components, diabetes and obesity. The last two points are due to the high content of quickly digestible sugars in berries.

So the measure is needed in everything. Fans of these exotic fruits should remember that with increased thyroid function, one should not consume too much iodine-rich feijoa. Otherwise, you can indulge yourself with cocktails and salads made from these vitamin fruits, add them to original sauces, eat in in kind, as they say, on health!

Feijoa calories

As for the energy value, there are only about 50 kilocalories per 100 grams of a green product, which is 3% daily allowance, and 26% carbohydrates. Light vegetable fats and proteins are contained in equal proportions, but water - 60%. That is why, unique in its kind, feijoa is considered a real dietary fruit.

Sauces made from it in combination with meat or fish will be healthy, fragrant and tasty. By the way, you can also eat the fleshy sweet petals of the plant, which serve as an excellent spicy addition to fruit and vegetable salads.

Where does feijoa grow in Russia?

Those who are just getting acquainted with the exotic guest of feijoa, where this wonderful fruit grows in Russia and in what form it can be eaten, will be interested. In our climate, it also took root well: in Krasnodar Territory, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan. But this is not all places. There are other republics where feijoa grows - in Abkhazia, Georgia and Azerbaijan.

Having adapted to somewhat unusual conditions, the plant bears fruit well on our lands. It is very convenient that the fruits ripen in November, December and January, because it is at this time that we are used to replenishing the body with vitamins to strengthen immunity and prevent colds.

You can make a very fragrant and nutritious jam from fresh feijoa berries by rubbing them through a grater along with the peel and adding sugar to taste. Citrus lovers can enrich this fruity dish with orange, lemon or lime. Jam is stored for a long time in a cold place, and in Abkhazia on hot days, a tonic cool drink is prepared from it, just diluted with water.

Feijoa in Ukraine

And where does feijoa grow in Ukraine? In the Crimea (although now it is already Russia), this fruit is in great demand, and not only because it is a dietary product, but, first of all, because of the lack of iodine in the water. The peninsula, according to statistics, overtakes other regions in thyroid diseases, so official medicine recommends "tasting" the subtropical gift in the form of feijoa fruits and including it in your usual diet.

How to grow feijoa at home

A miniature feijoa tree can be grown at home in a large flower pot, and in four to five years it will definitely begin to bear fruit. Although the fruits on it will most likely be small, but to the question of friends about feijoa: "Where does this rare view?”, you will proudly answer: “At my house!”

The pot can be wooden, plastic or ceramic. room temperature the plant is enough, and you need to take it out only in the summer to please it with fresh air and warm sunbeams. If the pot is on the windowsill, in winter you need to make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass, otherwise cold burns will occur. A light-loving tree should not be placed in a dark place. In general, it is very unpretentious.

How to plant feijoa

Can you plant feijoa yourself? Where does this marvelous fruit grow in Russia? Here are some tips for beginner gardeners. It should be planted with a cutting, first pouring a layer of expanded clay into the pot, then sand (no thicker than three centimeters), and then special soil. The transplanted tree is slightly moistened. First-years are usually not branched, but their leaves are very fragile. For the growth of side shoots, the top below three leaves is pinned. Multiply fruit tree can be seeds, from roots or cuttings.

Feijoa seeds are selected from a ripe fruit, and dried for 5 days before sowing. It is best to do this at the beginning of winter. Most the best option- sow in a light mixture of peat, foliage and sand in a ratio of 2/2/1, although regular planting soil will do. The seeds are deepened half a centimeter into the mixture, buried and covered with a film or glass on top. The key is regular watering. When shoots appear, the film is removed.

Subtropical feijoa loves good regular watering and occasional spraying, with the exception of winter time when it does not require frequent moisture. During the vegetative period, top dressing is needed, for example, with fermented manure, alternating it with diluted mineral fertilizers. Then a strong and well-bearing tree will grow in your house for the benefit of your health. In winter, you can do without additional food.

Thus, anyone who wants to have grown with my own hands tropical tree with delicious vitamin fruits can easily do this. A little patience, and in four or five years you will be proudly treating your loved ones with healthy fruit juices and feijoa desserts, enjoying an unusual exotic taste and bright colors on the bush.

Feijoa was originally used in landscape design, decorated with evergreen flowering shrubs park areas. Today it exotic plant with amazing tasting fruits.

Feijoa is gaining popularity not so much because of the taste, but because of the benefits. Compilation amazing facts will allow you to take a fresh look at this tropical fruit.

According to the classification, they belong to the family of myrtle plants. The height of the shrubs reaches 3 meters. It looks especially beautiful during the flowering period. Feijoa blooms with bright crimson inflorescences with white and pink splashes.

The leaves are dense, dark green. The fruits look like unripe walnuts. Inside the berries are juicy pulp. It tastes like sweetness of strawberries and tartness of kiwi.

The amazing properties of the shrub allow it to be evergreen. The plant tolerates frosts down to -14°C. The crop has the ability to not deteriorate for a long time. Well transported.

Feijoa grows in Russia - in the Crimea, Krasnodar, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine

Due to insufficient information, the overseas fruit has not found wide application in our country. Those who are familiar with feijoa, eat fruits in their raw form, prepare jams and preserves. You can buy feijoa in the markets and large supermarkets.

Thanks to the work of breeders, the tropical plant has become widespread in Russia - in the Crimea, Krasnodar, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine.

Depending on growing conditions, there are small, medium, large fruits . They eat whole fruits or scrape out the pulp with a spoon.

Because of its composition, tropical culture is used to treat a number of diseases. Especially appreciated medicinal properties fruits during beriberi for a weakened organism.

How to choose feijoa:

The benefits of fruit, useful and medicinal properties of fruits and leaves

The chemical composition of feijoa indicates its benefits. This fruit can rightfully be called not only the "miracle of the tropics", but also a panacea for many problems.

Among Europeans, berries gained popularity at a time when they found a high concentration of iodine.

Pot growing of feijoa does not guarantee a rich content of iodine, it is abundant only in fruits growing on the coast. Benefit:

  • feijoa has a high content of nutrients, vitamins C, P and B;
  • essential oils are present in the fruits with an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • feijoa extracts and oils are widely used in dermatology and cosmetology;
  • contain iron, zinc, manganese, copper, organic compounds iodine;
  • in value, the fruits are equated to iodine-containing seafood;
  • essential oils promote rejuvenation;
  • juice and pulp help fight rosacea, after using masks, capillary nets on the face disappear;
  • in depressive disorders, fruit seeds are used;
  • tea is prepared from the leaves, useful for the body.

Calorie content is only 49-50 kcal per 100 grams of product.

The tart taste of feijoa is not accidental, it is associated with the content of antioxidants. They are considered a valuable product for the prevention of cancer.

Endocrinologists agreed that tropical berries are needed for the thyroid gland.

With regular use, by lowering cholesterol levels, an improvement in blood composition is observed. Due to the content of phenolic compounds in the skin, they are taken to stimulate metabolic processes in the digestive organs.

The benefits of feijoa for men are priceless. Urologists recommend using for problems with the prostate.

Women will be able, thanks to an exotic fruit, to maintain their figure and youth. Replacing confectionery feijoa, you can throw off those extra pounds.

Important: 100 grams of feijoa account for 0.5 mg of iodine compounds that are rapidly soluble for the body.

What is useful feijoa berry:

Harm and contraindications for use

Ripe feijoas render positive influence on the body, in unripe fruits adversely affect the digestive system. They can even cause poisoning.

If unripe fruits are bought, it is better to put them to ripen at room temperature.

A tropical plant is contraindicated:

  • direct contraindication - with an excess of iodine in the body;
  • use with caution in diabetes;
  • it is not recommended to mix with milk (may cause indigestion);
  • due to poor digestibility, do not give feijoa to children under one year of age;
  • Pregnant and lactating mothers should use minimal amounts.

A large number of fruits eaten can be harmful - cause nervous excitability, anxiety.

Do not forget that overseas fruits can contribute to allergic reactions. Start your acquaintance with the fruits in small portions.

Important information: to avoid consequences, be careful when feeding feijoa to children.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The richest natural source of nutrients for pregnant and lactating women is recommended with caution. In order not to cause side effects due to excess iodine, you should not overdo it with their use.

Regarding the exotic fruit, the opinion of experts was divided, some recommend them during pregnancy, others associate them with risks. In everything you need to know the measure.

Feijoa is especially useful at the 12th week of pregnancy, during this period the thyroid gland of the child develops.

It is difficult to predict how the pregnant body will behave if you try the berry for the first time. The same can be said about breastfeeding. If in doubt, it's better consult a doctor and check the reaction of the body.

Culinary and beauty recipes

The topic below the material presented is devoted to recipes from an exotic fruit. They make jams, mousses, jellies. The popularity of these recipes is due to the rich content of pectin.

For treatment, healthy decoctions are prepared, ground with honey, nuts. Add as a flavoring additive to salads. They make face masks.

Sugared fruits

Proportions: for 1 kg of feijoa take 1 kg of sugar. Take ripe fruits. Wash them well, dry them on a towel.

Finely chop with a knife, add sugar. Rub with a wooden spatula. Keep refrigerated. Apply as needed. Candied fruits are an excellent remedy for protecting the immune system.

Feijoa jam without cooking for the winter:

diet salad

Proportions: take a handful for 5 fruits walnuts and 1 boiled beet. Feijoa and beets cut into strips. Lightly dry the nuts in the oven and crush them. Drizzle salad with olive oil.

To enhance the taste, add spices, herbs or garlic. This easy-to-make salad will help you lose weight.

Vitaminized cocktail

Proportions: 4 feijoa, kiwi, apple, cinnamon, 150 ml fat-free kefir or yogurt. In the blender bowl, place the fruits of an exotic fruit, kiwi, apple. All pre-wash, peel, cut.

Pour in the fermented milk product, add a pinch of cinnamon. Grind with a blender until smooth. A fortified shake is the perfect start to the day instead of breakfast.

Feijoa with honey

Proportions: honey with feijoa in the ratio 1:1. Grind the pulp of ripe fruits with honey, arrange in sterilized jars. Cover with lids or paper. Keep cold.

Use in the morning on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. spoon. The composition allows you to quickly recover from illnesses. The remaining outer part can be frozen or dried.

Compote with lemon balm

Proportions: for 1 glass of sugar 180 gr. feijoa, lemon balm sprigs. Wash the fruits, prick them with a toothpick. Pour in water, add sugar. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat in the oven. Boil for 3-5 minutes.

Remove from heat, strain, add lemon balm. pour over glass jars. Store inside refrigerator. Chilled drink - tones up, calms the nervous system.

leaf tea

Proportions: 1 tsp. dry leaves in 250-300 ml of boiling water. Leaves wither in partial shade. Carry out fermentation fresh air or in a dry, ventilated place to the state of a tea leaf.

Brew like regular tea, you can add sugar or honey. The taste of tea is very unusual, with a slightly tart aftertaste.

Pulp jam with lemon

Proportions: for 1 kg of ripe fruit you need 1 kg of sugar and half a lemon. Wash the feijoa, prick with a toothpick. Boil syrup from sugar and 200 ml of water. Fill them with fruits.

Cook in 3 stages with complete cooling of the jam for 5 minutes after boiling. At the final stage, add lemon slices.

Pack in clean dry jars. Cork and refrigerate. Jam will help out to raise immunity during respiratory diseases.

From feijoa you can cook jam - with lemon or nuts

Mask for the face

Proportions: 2 pcs. feijoa, yolk of one egg, 5 gr. honey and 5 ml. olive oil. Beat the ingredients, slightly warm in a water bath. The temperature of the mask should be 36-37 degrees.

Apply to cleansed face. Hold for half an hour. Wash away. The vitamin composition moisturizes, softens and tightens the skin. Can be used for rosacea.

The use of a natural source of iodine is especially important in large and polluted cities.

The material dedicated to the benefits of feijoa will be of interest to both men and women. Using recommendations for the prevention and treatment of diseases, you can maintain your health for a long time!

There is an acute shortage of fresh. At the same time, the fruit is not only tasty, but also very useful: it is actively consumed in, and.

Calorie content and chemical composition

Eating the peel of the fruit, which is powerful, can significantly slow down the process and prevent, fight, diseases,.

During the period of exacerbation of respiratory viral infections, the immunostimulating properties of the fetus will help fight diseases, recover from operations and serious illnesses.

In the area where feijoa grows, not only the fruits, but also the leaves of the plant are used for medicinal purposes. Of these, together with the dried peel, they cook.

A decoction prepared from the bark, fruits and leaves of the plant is good antiseptic. It is very effective for treating deep wounds and. contained in the fetus, cope well with pathogenic microflora, have a powerful antibacterial effect. The same decoction can be used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of pyelonephritis.
Interestingly, the skin of the fruit contains much more nutrients than the flesh of the feijoa itself. How to eat a fruit - with or without a peel - is up to everyone to decide for themselves. Definitely, astringent skin spoils general impression, but without it, the berry will be less useful.

Did you know? The amount of iodine in the feijoa fruit depends on where it grows. Berries from trees growing on the coast can contain 3.5 times more iodine than plucked far from the sea.


Akka Sellova is not only tasty, but also a very healthy fruit. Therefore, it is widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology.

In cooking

This green fruit with a delicate aroma and great taste is actively used in the preparation of many dishes. It is mainly consumed fresh, but during heat treatment, the taste of berries is revealed in a new way, and the loss of nutrients is minimal. They are in perfect harmony with vegetable and fruit: from, fresh, and. Also from this fragrant berry make fillings for and pies. You can save the delicious benefits of fruit for the winter with the help of compotes and canned fruit platters, jams and marmalades.
The piquant taste of the berry is interesting as sauces for and or masses for stuffing them. Vitamin elixirs are also prepared from the fruit - fresh berries are rubbed with sugar or. Not infrequently, the berry is used to make liqueurs and liquors.

Dried and dried feijoa berries will delight lovers of original flavors.

In cosmetology and dermatology: recipes

  • Sour cream mask. You will need the crushed pulp of two ripe berries. To it you need to add a spoonful of medium fat content. Feijoa skin should not be thrown away, it can be gently applied to the area around it to smooth out and remove black circles. Apply the mask itself on and leave to dry, then rinse and apply nourishing.
  • Body peeling. Mash the pulp of berries with seeds to a mushy state. Add some thick and. Peeling is ready. It has a wonderful and effect, while it is completely natural.
  • Baths with starch. An infusion of the peel should be prepared in advance by pouring boiling water over thin strips of the peel (in a ratio of 1:3). Starch should also be diluted in hot water(one spoon per glass of water). Combine both solutions and you're done.

15 minutes daily for a week is enough for the skin to become more elastic and remain soft for a long time.

Used in dermatology essential oil feijoa, which has an anti-inflammatory effect. Masks from berries are used for treatment, decoctions from the bark, leaves and fruits - for the healing of wounds and ulcers.

In folk medicine

Advises the use of feijoa for the prevention and treatment of thyroid diseases and atherosclerosis. Also, this berry is used to normalize arterial, in the treatment of bronchitis. Rinse the mouth with a decoction of the leaves of the plant to eliminate bleeding gums and relieve. The fruit is recommended to be used to alleviate the condition with painful in women, and gout.

Of course, the rich vitamin composition of feijoa makes it an indispensable assistant in the fight against various SARS and weak immunity.

How to choose when buying

Unfortunately buy ripe berry in our latitudes it is impossible, since the ripe fruit is very soft and resembles jelly in consistency. This makes it impossible to transport.
Therefore, when choosing a feijoa, you need to pay attention to the following important points:

  • the skin of the fruit should be bright green and without damage;
  • a ripe and soft fruit may well be overripe;
  • the flesh of fresh fruit should be white, brown indicates overripe fruit.

Did you know?Feijoa, despite its delicate texture, can tolerate frosts down to -15° With no major damage. This allowed the plant to win the glory of the most frost-resistant tropical fruit.

How to eat feijoa

Do I need to peel feijoa before eating ? - question, the answer to which depends on the way the berry is consumed. If it is part of any dish, then the skin is removed, and the pulp is used in cooking, grated or chopped in a blender.
If the berry is eaten on its own, then there is no need to remove the peel. The fruit is cut into two parts, the contents are removed with a teaspoon.

Important! The use of feijoa will help to compensate for the lack of iodine and folic acid, as well as improve the digestion of the expectant mother. But feijoa should not be abused - the daily dose should not exceed three berries.

How to store at home

Since berries should be bought only in an unripe state, they must be put in dark place. Ripe feijoa fruits should be stored in no more than a crescent. Long-term storage can cause the berries to spoil. You can significantly extend the “life” of this fragrant berry if, by adding sugar, you process it into raw jam.

Contraindications and harm

The fruit has no contraindications for use, except for individual intolerance. fruit does not cause reactions.

The fact that feijoa contains a high concentration of iodine speaks of the possible negative consequences of eating this berry for people with hypersensitivity to this element.

A unique combination of taste and benefits, the almost complete absence of contraindications allow feijoa to take its place. place of honor among other fruits and berries. Widely used in pharmacology, traditional medicine, cosmetology and cooking, feijoa refutes the assertion that medicine cannot be tasty. It is a pity that the merits of these fruits have not yet been evaluated at the proper level, so they can be found on sale extremely rarely.

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