Lawn grass destroying weeds: photo, how to choose and plant. Rolled or seeded lawn to prefer, and which grasses are better to choose

One of the important parts of each suburban area is a thick, emerald lawn. Every gardener dreams of a silky, bright lawn. Green carpet covering can emphasize not only the beauty of the territory, but also create a unique microclimate. This begs the question: what grass is better for a lawn in the country?

Seed selection

In order for the lawn to serve for many years, it is necessary to approach the acquisition of seeds with special care, thereby proceeding from their functions of purpose and performance of the green cover. Also, when buying seeds, do not forget about the climatic conditions of your area, soil characteristics, groundwater levels, artificial lighting area and frequency of care. Compliance with planting methods and systematic lawn care will provide the cottage with a beautiful, emerald coating.

The best varieties of grasses for the lawn

Having familiarized yourself with the characteristics and types of lawn grass, it will not be difficult to choose the most suitable grade and decide: what grass is better for a lawn in the country?

  1. Meadow mint - ideal for fertile soil. Easily tolerates frost, drought and is not trampled. It can hold out on a personal plot for up to fifteen years.
  2. If the site is dominated by dry, sandy and poor soils, then sheep fescue is the plant that will ideally fit and take root. The lawn of these herbs will be beautiful and thick, the only rule is timely feeding. This lawn grass is easy to mow, does not trample, grows well in the shade. Ideally combined with red fescue, life expectancy is 5 - 6 years.
  3. For moderately moist soil, meadow fescue is suitable. Often it is used in combination with mixtures, as it is quickly trampled down, it does not differ in life expectancy and long period development.
  4. Ryegrass prefers a heavy soil composition. Grows in both shady and sunny areas. It grows rapidly, forms a dense, uniform cover, sprouts one month after sowing the seeds. Retains natural color until frost. Life expectancy is not more than five years.
  5. White clover, this grass is designed for an amateur. This is due to the fact that it does not have a single green coating and is distinguished by small leaves. In addition, it does not take root in the shade, so the landing site will have to be carefully selected.

Before planting lawn grass, all vegetation that grows on the site should be destroyed.

Simple mowing will not work, it will require the removal of the root system of plants! Otherwise, weeds will clog the planted lawn. Ideally would be: completely remove upper layer soil and fill it with new!

Rules for planting lawn grass in the country

In order for the lawn in the country to be dense and durable, it is necessary to adhere to some planting rules:

  • Start tillage early.
  • The proposed future lawn needs to be fed: peat, mineral fertilizers, possibly new soil.
  • Apply in the summer, it will contribute to rapid growth.
  • IN autumn time the site needs additional feeding of phosphorus and potassium. The root system is strengthened, cold winters are more easily tolerated.
  • Before sowing lawn grass, divide the area into parts, and then distribute the seeds.
  • Carry out regular, uniform watering, using a watering can or sprinkler.

In order for the lawn grass to decorate the cottage and delight the gardener's eye, it is necessary to make constant haircuts as soon as the height of the grass reaches seven centimeters.

Mastering a new suburban area, many plan to arrange a lawn. If the land in the chosen place is flat, some kind of grass grows on it, you can just start mowing it regularly - and you will have a green lawn. But if there was a forest on the site of the site, or the land needs to be dug for other reasons, you will have to start planting the lawn in accordance with all the rules. We will tell you how to make a lawn in the country with your own hands, which lawn grass buy how often the lawn needs watering and mowing.

What is a lawn? This is a specially arranged, leveled area, sown with various turf-forming or creeping low-growing plants. Lawns can be sports, decorative and special purposes.

Sports lawns are created at stadiums, hippodromes and other sports grounds. Special-purpose lawns are needed at airfields, slopes of highways and railways, hydraulic and other structures. Ornamental lawns adorn gardens, parks, boulevards of cities, backyards and summer cottages. Depending on the location and composition of growing herbs, they are divided into the following classes.

First class (highest) - parterre lawns. They are created in the main parts of the architectural composition of the garden, near fountains, sculptural groups, ornamental ponds and so on. The main requirement when designing parterres is that the area of ​​the main background should prevail over the area of ​​flower beds and other details in the composition. If the area of ​​flower beds is equal to the area of ​​the herbal base or prevails over it, the impression of fragmentation and variegation is created, there is no integrity in the perception of the whole picture.

The second class is landscape gardening lawns. They must be decorative, long-term, shade-tolerant, resistant to mechanical damage, as well as in certain conditions and drought tolerant. Herbs in this case must be selected with a solid turf and various types tillering.

Third class - meadow lawns. They are created by improving the existing herbage, surface treatment of the turf and overseeding with appropriate grass mixtures.

Lawns have been known for over 3,000 years. We find the first mention of grass-sowing in the Bible, both in the old and in the new Testament. In Persia, so-called grass carpets were made in gardens before new era. Hundreds of years before the new era, one of the first lawns was created in the Chinese imperial park Cheu.

Do-it-yourself lawn: site preparation

First of all, carefully remove debris from the site (stones, bricks, slabs, boards and chips, foil, plastic bottles, bags, film). Never bury rubbish in the ground. This will create unfavorable conditions for the growth and development of grasses. Plants in the places of such burial grounds will lag behind in growth, overwinter poorly, and get sick.

The soil for the lawn should be sufficiently moisture-absorbing so that the plants do not experience a lack of moisture. At the same time, water should not accumulate on it, as this leads to the loss of plants. Drainage obligatory in those areas where water stagnates after snow melting, rains, irrigation. Arrange it as follows.

Remove the fertile layer. A layer of gravel (10-15 cm) is laid on the infertile subsoil and compacted. Then a layer of sand (10 cm) is poured and also compacted. Fertile soil (10-15 cm) is sprinkled on top, rolling it with a roller weighing at least 100 kg. The skating rink can be replaced with a barrel by pouring water into it.

On heavy clay soils, before digging, from 10 to 15 kg / m2 of sand is added and, while digging, mix it with the soil. On light sandy soils add 4-5 kg/m2 of peat.

Digging the soil- one of the most necessary and difficult activities in preparation for sowing. The time for digging the site is dictated by the weather: the soil should be slightly moist, not dry. During digging, it is necessary to carefully select and remove stones, roots of trees and shrubs, perennial weeds from the site, break up clods of earth.

The earth is compacted when it is slightly weathered and dries out after digging. Using a long (2-3 m) flat board, tying a rope around its edges and dragging it around the site, check whether its surface is sufficiently leveled. Stomp on the site, walk along it in small steps. When trampling down, do not let go of the rake: level the ground, collect stones, roots, debris. In addition, it is advisable to walk on the ground with a skating rink.

After digging, compacting and leveling, it is recommended to keep the area under fallow and for several (4-6 or more) weeks to destroy weeds, dormant seeds or pieces of rhizomes that will gradually germinate. To stimulate the germination of weeds, the site is watered immediately after leveling. These procedures take a lot of time, but very effectively clear the site of weeds.

In Europe, lawns appeared after crusades. From the 16th century, lawns began to be arranged for various games. First in the Netherlands for golf. Then this game (and for her, the lawn!) spread widely in Scotland and England, and later in the USA.
IN late XIX century sports lawns appeared in Russia. The first lawn mower was invented by Edwin Budding in 1830 in Great Britain. English landowners can also be considered the pioneers of lawn laying: it was in the first half of the 19th century that types of grasses were selected that give top scores when sowing.

Lawn grasses, lawn planting and watering

For sowing, as a rule, mixtures of herbs are used, and not certain types. A mixture of several (3-5) types of grass adapts and survives on the site more easily under various weather conditions than lawn grass of the same type.

The composition of the mixtures usually includes the following types of grasses: fescue (red, sheep, reed), bent grass (thin, or shoot-bearing), meadow bluegrass, perennial ryegrass. They are unpretentious, have a low growth rate, high winter hardiness and drought resistance, actively resist pathogens, pests and weeds.

How many seeds are needed for sowing? Sow 40-50 g / m2, or 4-5 kg ​​per 1 weave. When buying seeds, keep in mind that in the spring of next year, for overseeding and repairing the lawn, an additional approximately 0.5 to 1 kg of seeds per hundred square meters will be required. When stored for a year, the germination of seeds decreases, but slightly (by 1-2%).

The best time to sow a lawn- spring (May) or late summer (second half of August), when the soil is warm and there is enough moisture. You can sow throughout the summer, even in the very heat, if you regularly water the plants and protect the crops with covering material (lutrasil, spunbond). Covering materials can protect the lawn from birds and wind.

Before sowing, the seeds are thoroughly mixed by adding sand or dry earth (1: 1). The mixture is divided into two (or more) equal parts and one part is distributed over the surface of the soil, passing along the site, the other - across. Places along the paths and along the edge of the lawn are sown somewhat thicker. The sown seeds are lightly covered with a rake into the ground - this will protect them from drying out.

Water the crops in the evening, with soft sprinkling, so that the seeds do not wash out, abundantly, so that moisture penetrates the ground to a depth of 10 cm, but do not allow the formation of puddles and prolonged stagnation of water. In dry, hot weather, hopes of rain can turn into death of seeds if you leave crops without watering for several days. At the same time, the seeds will swell and hatch, and then dry up before they germinate.

Seedlings appear on the 7-21st day after sowing, depending on weather conditions. On average, it takes 2 weeks for seeds to germinate.

In the middle of the 20th century, there was a revolution in lawn science: special varieties of grasses were bred, highly effective pesticides were created to control pests and pathogens, complex mineral fertilizers for lawn grass stands, the main processes in the care of grasses were mechanized.

Lawn Care: Mowing

In the first year, do not give the lawn a big load, try to walk on it as little as possible. Try to protect it from pets, especially dogs.

lawn mowing not only support it appearance but is also an excellent weed control agent. Most of them do not tolerate haircuts, and after two or three such procedures, you will say goodbye to them forever. Mowing also helps plants to grow on the surface of the soil, forming additional shoots, creating a dense sod, growing with rhizomes.

We must also take into account the fact that each mowing is a great stress for plants. It is easier for them to recover if no more than 1/3 of the stem is cut at a time, no matter how high it is.

The first mowing, as a rule, is carried out during the period when the soil and grasses are dry and the latter reach a height of 10 cm. For the first time, the very tips of the grass are cut off, no more than 1 cm. Lawn mower knives must be sharp. During subsequent haircuts, the knives are gradually lowered lower and lower.

Grass density, its resistance to trampling largely depend on the root system of plants. The more often we mow the lawn and the more we walk on it, the worse the grasses take root, the mass of the roots decreases. To save and restore root system, give the grass rest periods. This is possible if the ground part grows to a height of 12-15 cm.

Next time we will tell you how to protect the lawn in the country from diseases.

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Comment on the article "Lawn with your own hands: what lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow"

What kind of lawn is better to sow. ... I find it difficult to choose a section. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. To plant and not care for this? It turned out not to be a lawn in the full sense, but a flowering meadow. Advise, pzhl, lawn grass. now we have become the owners of a plot of several acres, which until ...


If in the Moscow region, then I was advised to take bluegrass. Yesterday I went to OBI and did not find one bluegrass, but bought 50% bluegrass, and the rest is other grass. In general, the lawncity company, called MINIMUM, rarely mows and is unpretentious (as it is written). Let's sow zatra :-)

We planted our first lawn in the country in 2000, we bought very high quality seeds in Germany, now the lawn looks like in the picture Do-it-yourself lawn: what lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow. only we mow with a lawn mower, in two years an excellent lawn.


I really like clover lawns. undersized white clover quickly forms a very dense turf, very beautiful in appearance, it is pleasant to walk on it and it is difficult for weed seeds to penetrate into it.
this is just IMHO
also, it is better to lay the lawn in the fall, when the weeds have already flourished

only we mow with a lawn mower, in two years an excellent lawn.
Don't waste your money and energy.

Lawn grass. Arrangement of the site. Dacha, garden and vegetable garden. Dacha and country plots: purchase Need advice on the lawn. grass. Do-it-yourself lawn: what kind of lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow. Lawn grass. Background: 3 years ago, at the dacha, I leveled the beds and sowed a miracle ...


I just sowed on top and covered with a film, as it rose - a week later - I opened it. Every year I finished sown 2-3 kg. My lawn occupies 2.5 - 3 acres, it was enough for the first time 4 kilos. I took sports grass. children run over it. The only thing this year is that my lawn is almost completely gone, the winter is without snow and you can see the roots are frozen. Doseela in early May 4 kg. My lawn is not only made of grass, but also with clover, very soft due to this. Sports lawn - the grass is more rigid and the leaves are wider, while in other species the leaves are thin and delicate, but the wear is strong. IMHO And even the sand would not hurt, that the earth would be softer. And it is also very difficult to get rid of grassy bumps that appear over the years.

Lawn sowing, lawn mowing, lawn watering. On the new site, we will now sow a lawn for the lazy. Lawn with our own hands: what kind of lawn grass to buy, how and when to sow. We planted our first lawn in the country house in LAWNS. And is it possible to buy seeds for the future.


I regularly see this result. This is my neighbor, her lawn is 7 or 8 years old, about 20 acres of clean lawn. She cuts her hair weekly, but she has nothing to do - they only have a lawn and trees, a haircut takes two to three hours. Looks great. I myself have been cultivating such a "lawn" for the second year, now instead of tough grass - a small clover has grown by itself. The main thing is not to let it outgrow and cut it regularly.

03/05/2007 10:04:54, Auroric.

The lawn creates harmony in the garden, emphasizing the beauty flower beds, lush greenery of sprawling shrubs and neat paths, and also gives the site an aristocratic look. Thanks to the lawn, the chances of weeds to conquer the territory are significantly reduced, the garden looks more well-groomed and, in addition, green grass absorbs dust and improves the microclimate around your home. There is no doubt - the lawn has a lot of advantages, and if everything is done correctly, it is unlikely that you will later have to regret the time and money spent. But which lawn is better: rolled or seeded, parterre or regular?

Which is better: buy a rolled lawn or sow the grass yourself?

On the question of how to choose a lawn, opinions often differ. Someone wants to decorate the territory with an ideal emerald lawn as soon as possible, while the price of the issue does not play a special role, while others prefer to save money and sow the area with grass on their own, having previously studied the lawn structure and selected the most suitable grass mixture.

Lawns for the lazy can also include clover and Moorish lawn

Grass lawns are also different: parterres need to be carefully looked after to maintain their impeccable appearance, ordinary garden lawns do not look so elegant, but they are easier to care for and you can safely walk on them. The so-called lawn grass for the lazy is gaining popularity - special grass mixtures from undemanding plants that do not require frequent cutting and watering. Lawns for the lazy can also be attributed, but they have their pros and cons, which you should definitely pay attention to.

Video about lawn in rolls or seeds, which is better

If you do not take into account the cost of the lawn in rolls, you can count it a lot of advantages:

  • rolled lawn grass is resistant to frost, so it can be laid until late autumn, without fear that the turf will not have time to take root and freeze;
  • there is no need to wait for the grass to grow, the lawn looks impressive immediately after laying;
  • weeds on rolled lawns do not appear within one or two seasons;
  • the quality of the finished turf is very high, it does not fall apart, it has a good density and a uniform saturated color;
  • lawn in rolls is resistant to weathering, drought, heavy rainfall and trampling.

Most likely, it will not work to roll out the rolls alone, so immediately lay down the costs also for attracting assistants

Despite such a number of advantages, the rolled lawn has mixed reviews. Firstly, it does not grow well in shady places; secondly, felt may soon appear under the grass, which contributes to the spread and spoils its appearance; thirdly, the lawn in rolls is less durable than seeded. In addition, the installation of a rolled lawn requires several hands due to the severity of the turf. Most likely, it will not work to roll out the rolls alone, so immediately lay down the costs also for attracting assistants. look after rolled lawn it will be necessary in the same way as for the seeded one: regularly cut, water, feed, comb and aerate the soil.

Of course, arranging a lawn with your own hands takes a lot of time and requires a lot of effort. This is the main disadvantage of seeded lawn. In addition, you will have to be patient: at the beginning of the summer, you will need to complete all necessary work, sow the grass mixture, then, throughout the season, conscientiously look after the grass and prepare it for winter properly. And only next year you will be able to evaluate the result of your efforts.

Sometimes it is not easy to decide which lawn to choose, because both rolled and seeded lawn have their drawbacks.

But the following advantages of a seeded lawn will be your reward:

  • durability and impact resistance environment- provided that the grass mixture is properly selected, the cereals sown by you immediately adapt to the local natural conditions and the type of soil in your area;
  • a variety of lawn grasses allows you to choose a grass mixture for any conditions (adapted to growth in shady places, to trampling, intended for outdoor activities or for decorative purposes);
  • in case of bald spots on the lawn, you can always sow grass;
  • seeded lawn is more unpretentious than rolled lawn.

Sometimes it is not easy to decide which lawn to choose, because both rolled and seeded lawns have their drawbacks. But no matter what option you choose, the appearance of the lawn will depend largely on how proper care in the future you will provide it.

An experienced consultant in a specialized store will definitely tell you how to choose lawn grass according to your wishes.

What lawn grass to choose for creating a lawn with your own hands?

If you decide to try your hand at planting the lawn yourself, you will have to figure out which grass is best for the lawn, taking into account the characteristics of the climate, soil and the degree of expected load on the lawn - will it perform exclusively decorative function or you intend to walk on the grass and play active games on it.

As the lawn is defined, it consists mainly of perennial grasses of the grass family. Most often, grass mixtures contain a certain percentage of bluegrass, fescue and rheigras seeds. Various combinations of these main components with a slight addition of other plant species provide a huge variety of grass mixtures on the market. An experienced consultant in a specialized store will definitely tell you how to choose lawn grass, taking into account your wishes and the conditions in which the grass will grow.

Bluegrass meadow

With insufficient care, it loses its beautiful malachite color and gloss, thins out, but is able to recover quickly

Resistant to early frosts and frosty winters, durable, but very weak in the first year, may freeze or suffer from weeds. By the third year, it turns into a thick carpet of a pleasant color. It begins to turn green earlier than other grasses and grows well in a sunny place for decades, but in the shade it can get sick with powdery grass and die. It does well with abundance of water, loamy soils and liming. With insufficient care, it loses its beautiful malachite color and gloss, thins out, but is able to recover quickly if you remember about it in time.

red fescue

Drought tolerant shade plant, in the first year grows slowly, and then grows rapidly. Forms a dense turf, soft and silky. This is lawn grass for the lazy - even if you forget to water it on time or feed it, the plants still won't die.

bent grass

It grows rapidly and is characterized by increased endurance, forms a very dense turf, it is almost impossible to trample it. Ideal for playgrounds.

Video about growing a lawn with your own hands

perennial ryegrass

Quite tough dark green grass, grows quickly and is little trampled down. Due to the fact that rheigras is much brighter than other types of grasses in grass mixtures, on the lawn it will stand out against the background of delicate greenery.

Bluegrass and fescue coexist perfectly on the same lawn, complementing each other, these plants the best way suitable for creating a quality lawn in any climatic conditions, on different types soil. The addition of ryegrass is necessary in order for the lawn to turn green as soon as bluegrass and fescue are gaining strength. The main thing is that there should not be too much ryegrass in the grass mixture, otherwise it will crush the seedlings of the main lawn plants.

From right choice lawn grass depends a lot. Whether the lawn will be perfect - this is affected by the composition of the lawn mixture. There are several types of lawn plants. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages. When choosing a mixture, it is important to take into account all the nuances and then it will not be difficult to grow a rich European lawn near the house.

The main mistake when creating a lawn

In order to plant a beautiful thick lawn near the house, it’s not enough just to go to the store and sow the seeds. To create a chic living carpet, certain knowledge is required. Otherwise, after a frosty winter, the grass will sprout with bald spots, and you will have to sow the mixture again. To avoid this, it is important to choose right seeds for the future lawn. They must be suitable for planting in areas with a certain climate, be perennial and reproduce vegetatively.

The most common mistake when planting a lawn is choosing the wrong seed mixture. When choosing such a mixture, it is very important to pay attention to the type of lawn grasses that are included in this composition. Many lawn components are sourced from European countries. Planting these types of herbs in the Old World enjoys well-deserved popularity. But they are not suitable for the Russian climate. The seller in the store does not always have such information, and an attempt to grow a living carpet on his lawn is doomed.

If the grass mixture is not frost-resistant, then the next spring the lawn has to be restored: it will not grow into a uniform canvas and is unlikely to look like a lawn at all.

But an important advantage of the lawn is that the grass is capable of tillering, it grows by itself and compacts the entire surface without requiring new landing Every year.

lawn grass requirements

Lawn grass should be perennial. It does not depend on what kind of lawn it will be used for. This is because the soil is created for several years, so planting a one-year-old plant on it does not make sense.

To form a lawn, it is better to use the seeds of the cereal group. They are more adapted to the harsh Russian climatic conditions. But not all cereals are suitable. The composition of the lawn mixture should include those seeds that meet the following requirements:

  • frost resistance;
  • decorative qualities - height and density of cover, uniform juicy green color;
  • the ability to develop a powerful turf;
  • growth rate after mowing;
  • the ability to reproduce vegetatively.

Important! If the seeds meet all the parameters, this does not guarantee success when planting a lawn. First, you need to prepare the land for planting, level it, remove all debris and weeds.
A special seeder will help to sow the seeds evenly over the area. If it is not available, then you can mix the seeds and manually. The lawn mixture must be combined with sands in a ratio of 50:50. After that, the mixture can be sown in the ground. In the spring, planting can be repeated if the first year the lawn has grown with bald spots.

Lawn types and nuances of choice

Only at first glance it seems that the lawn grass is all the same. In fact, the choice of lawn seeds in stores is great. But there are several main types that have different varieties. Having these seeds in your lawn mix can ensure that your lawn grows well.

Bluegrass (poa)

This type is the basis for all lawn mixtures. It is resistant to mechanical stress, it is easy to cut. The dense cover of bluegrass is unpretentious to light and moisture, is not afraid of temperature changes: even frosts will not lead to death of the plant, it has a beautiful color - bright diamond.

The disadvantage of this type of lawn is that in the early years the plant slowly gains density. The bluegrass color may not suit everyone. In order to get darker cover, you need to choose a mixture of herbs in which bluegrass will prevail 30% more than other species. These proportions guarantee high quality future lawn.

The annual mint is not suitable for cold countries, including Russia.

Ryegrass (lolium)

This type of lawn produces dense turf. Therefore, weeds will not break through the lawn. Ragries grows in any soil, not whimsical to the weather. Propagated vegetatively, so it is great for forming a lawn to any size. But there is a type of ryegrass that is not suitable for planting in Russia. The perennial fails to survive the harsh winters of the country.

Fescue (festuca)

The plant has the same qualities as the above. Fescue endures the cold, turns green even in frost, gives a good dense turf. Such a lawn is not threatened by trampling.

Fescue is a low grass, has a rich green color and can even be gray-green in color. The leaves at the root are narrow and long, while the stem leaves are broad and flat.

Before heading to the store for lawn mix, you need to find out how boring seed names sound in Latin. On the packaging, the composition is indicated in this language. Also, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the mixture: the largest percentage should be precisely this variety.

When choosing seeds, you need to consider several parameters:

  • seed quality must be confirmed by a certificate;
  • the growing climate must be indicated on the packaging;
  • with a lawn mixture, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the site (soil quality, lighting).

Also, when choosing a mixture for a future lawn, it is necessary to take into account the longevity of the plant. This is important, because otherwise the grass will be trampled down. To have a dense lawn, without bald spots, it is important to pay attention to the longevity of plants. Durable plants include:

  • bluegrass;
  • ryegrass;
  • fescue;
  • clover;
  • timothy meadow and small.

Clover is an unpretentious wild plant known to everyone. It grows well on its own, has a powerful root system. Clover requires special care in the first year after it has been sown. In order for the plant to take root on the site, it must be moderately watered and regularly remove weeds.

Timofeevka is absolutely not capricious plant. It is desirable to plant it on rich and moist soil. Timothy grass itself will cover all the weeds when it has dense seedlings. If desired, such a lawn should be cut more often.

Durable plants do not require special care and have a powerful root system. Short-lived herbs are considered:

  • comb;
  • ryegrass flower;
  • wheatgrass

These species also have a right to exist, for example, for the decoration of flower beds or as additions to lawn mixtures.

For an ordinary garden lawn or personal plot an indispensable option would be a mixture of bluegrass and fescue. For chic decoration country flower beds clover will do. He will create a kind of "undercoat" on the site.

On the site in front of the house, it is best to sow small timothy. After mowing, the lawn acquires a rich European look. He will also serve for a long time even if you constantly walk on it.

But for a playground, a mixture with ryegrass, clover, timothy or fescue is perfect.

Lawn unsuitable for Russian climate

In Russia, the climate is harsh compared to Europe, so it makes no sense to plant some types of lawn grasses here: they will not take root.

Herbs unsuitable for the climate of Russia include the following types:

Perennial ryegrass - this type of lawn grows in an excellent dense cover. It differs from its counterparts in high decorative properties, but after the first winter, part of the "hair" of the grass cover dies. Ugly, dried-up bald spots disfigure the lawn. In the right climate, ryegrass can delight others with its lush green cover for up to eight years.

Bluegrass annual - often found in lawn mixtures, as an additional component. Bluegrass is unpretentious. Grows fast. But its main drawback is propagation by seeds. In the Russian cold climate, this method of planting a lawn is not possible. Another disadvantage of these seeds is the lack of offspring. The next year the green cover will be overgrown with weeds.

The right composition of long-term seeds in the lawn mix guarantees the emergence of a dense green lawn. In order to purchase desired mixture, it is important to decide what kind of lawn you need. Also important is the fate climatic conditions where the grass will grow. If all the parameters are observed, planting the right lawn is not difficult.

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