How to process parsley seeds so that they sprout faster. Leaf parsley: sowing and cultivation. Curly parsley varieties

It is difficult to imagine a farmer who does not grow greens on his plot. Any gardener will definitely allocate a bed for sowing parsley. No summer dish is complete without this herb. Parsley has a fairly wide range of uses. It is added to hot dishes, salads, used for decoration, prepared for the winter in a dry or frozen form, eaten raw as a spicy herb. With proper care, planting in open ground both before winter and in spring is not difficult.

Parsley is of two types - root and leaf. Contains a large number of useful substances:

  • vitamins PP, E, C (5 times more than in lemon and rose hips);
  • elements P (phosphorus), Ce (selenium), K (potassium);
  • calcium, iron, magnesium;
  • a complex of water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins thiamine, riboflavin, retinol.

The root differs from the leaf in that it is used for food. root vegetable formed at the end of the season. It has the same taste properties as the leaf.

Used for making marinades and pickles.

Sheet can be - regular and curly. Curly is used to add to dishes and as a decoration.

Proper sowing of parsley seeds in the garden in spring

Sowing work must be carried out in April as soon as the frosts pass and the earth warms up to +5 degrees.

Soaking for successful germination

It should be noted that the seeds contain essential oils that prevent germination. In order for the seeds to germinate faster before planting, it is necessary to soak them.

You can do this in one of the following ways:

  • Method 1. Before soaking, the seeds are dipped in hot water (not boiling water). Under influence hot water essential oils are washed off the seeds. Then pour water into the bottom of the saucer room temperature(19-23 degrees), pour out the seeds and leave for 12 hours. Then the seeds need to be soaked in a growth stimulator. During the soaking process, they need to be pulled out every 3 hours so that oxygen enters the seeds. After three days, the seeds are ready for planting.
  • Method 2. Before soaking, pour vodka into the bottom of the saucer and dip the seeds wrapped in cheesecloth into it for 15-20 minutes. You should carefully monitor the time so that the seeds do not get burned. After removing from the saucer with vodka, the seeds must be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried.

Both methods will help the seeds germinate faster.

Also, some gardeners use soaking parsley, carrot or dill seeds in milk and are happy with the result.

What to do the processing and preparation of soil for cultivation

Before planting seeds in the garden, it is necessary to prepare and process the soil. The soil begins to be prepared in the fall. The beds are dug up and brought into the soil mullein.

If the soil is predominantly clay, add sifted river sand and sawdust. In the spring, the earth must be well loosened and applied mineral fertilizers(parsley is best planted in fertile soil).

For the growth of greenery, a garden bed is best suited, where tomatoes, zucchini, onions, and cucumbers were previously grown. The beds should be in the sun, or slightly shaded. Seeds need to be sown no deeper than 1 cm. Sprinkle the grooves with earth, water well, mulch with humus or cover with polyethylene.

Care after planting in open ground

When the first shoots sprout loosen the soil and thin out seedlings. The first thinning is performed in the presence of 2-3 leaves. The distance between the bushes should be more than 2 cm.

The second thinning must be performed when there are 5-6 leaves. Leave between plants no more than 6 cm.

Fertilize during the season 2 times and be sure to loosen at least 4 times. The first dressing is applied to the soil if the seedlings have 2-3 leaves. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers are best suited for this purpose.

Need to cut stems as close to the ground as possible. It is not recommended to immediately cut a large number of leaves from a bush in one day. You need to cut 1/3 of the bush to give the bush time to recover. If you do not plan to collect seeds, then the stem with inflorescences must be removed, since new leaves will not grow.

A prerequisite cultivation for a good harvest is regular watering, removing weeds and loosening the soil. Watering must be done in the evening. Loosening is necessary to give access to oxygen to the roots of the plant. If there is a need to harvest before late autumn, parsley is recommended to be sown twice a month.

  1. Leaf parsley " ordinary". Refers to early maturing varieties. Ripens in 70 days. The taste is spicy, the leaves are dissected, the rosette is powerful. Only the leaves are edible.
  2. » - sheet. Aging period 80 days. The taste is delicate, retains freshness and taste for a long time after cutting.
  3. « Aster"- curly variety. Ripens in 65 days. After the cut, the bush quickly recovers and grows back.
  4. "- a variety of root greens, has a pointed root crop. Aging period 130 days;
  5. "- leaf parsley. Ripening period 56-65 days. The leaves are dark green in color, fragrant, strongly dissected. Grows well after cutting.

How to sow seeds for the winter

Sowing parsley for the winter is good because the greenery will begin to appear as soon as the snow melts and it becomes warm.

Seeds that have overwintered in the ground germinate very active. Having cut off the first greens, the bed can be used again.

The soil for planting should be prepared in the fall. After digging up the bed, you need to apply fertilizer. For this purpose, it is better to use mullein.

In November, after the onset of frost, when upper layer the soil will freeze by 2 cm, you can sow the seeds. seeds not recommended to soak so that they do not rise before the onset of frost.

In the soil, it is necessary to make grooves 2 cm deep with a distance between rows of 15-20 cm. Pour a layer of quicklime 0.5 cm thick into the grooves and sow parsley seeds densely in them. Sprinkle the grooves with earth and mulch with humus. The humus will keep warm and protect from the wind.

In the spring, as soon as shoots appear, it is necessary to water 3 times a week warm water . Plants should be watered in the evening.

After the appearance of 2 leaves on shoots, the first thinning must be performed. Only the strongest seedlings should be left. The second thinning is performed when there are 5-6 leaves on the seedlings. The distance between the bushes is 10 cm.

Feeding needs to be done twice. The first time after the leaves appear. The second top dressing is carried out in two weeks. After top dressing, watering is necessary in order to nutrients well penetrated into the soil and dissolved there.

If the soil is not depleted, fertilizing is not necessary, since parsley does not like an abundance of fertilizers.

Reasons for poor seed germination

Even experienced gardeners sometimes face the problem of poor parsley germination. Let's try to figure out the reasons why it may not rise:

  1. Increased soil acidity. You can normalize the level of acidity by adding ash to the soil;
  2. The soil is heavy. If parsley seeds are deeply planted, they cannot break through a thick layer of soil. It is necessary to sow to a depth of no more than 1 cm in spring and 1.5 cm in winter. In the event that the soil is clayey, it is necessary to add sifted river sand and sawdust to the soil;
  3. A bed in the shade. Greens grow well in sunny beds. In the shade it may not rise at all. In the case of seedlings in shaded beds, it will be very pale, with a weak aroma and poorly pronounced taste;
  4. Seeds with poor shelf life. Remains viable for only three years. To obtain good harvest it is necessary to sow only fresh seeds;
  5. Long germination period. The high content of essential oils in the seeds repels water and makes it difficult to germinate. To speed up the process, the seeds are soaked in hot water.

One of the reasons for poor germination is seeds with poor shelf life.

Harvesting and storage

Parsley greens can be harvested throughout the season.

The best way to store leaf parsley is freezing. Why? - When frozen, parsley does not lose its aroma, the color remains the same, the taste does not change.

Wash the parsley leaves, dry with a towel, finely chop. Fold the chopped leaves into a plastic bag and put in freezer even when frozen, they will look great.

If necessary, right amount easy to separate from the total mass (frozen parsley is cut easily). Gather parsley stalks into small bunches and freeze.

Their used in the preparation of any hot dishes. It is enough to lower the bunch of stems into a hot dish for 5 minutes before the end of cooking. This will improve its taste. Parsley can also be stored dry, after drying it in a dry room with low light.

Parsley root is harvested in late autumn, before frost. The leaves are cut off and stored in the basement, sprinkled with sand.

It's spicy and useful plant at proper fit and proper care will surely please you with a rich, vitamin-rich harvest. Planting and growing it is easy, the main thing is to perform seed treatment and care properly.

If you ask from experienced gardener how to plant parsley, then in response you will hear that there is nothing easier. Indeed, parsley is grown even in a pot on the windowsill or in a flower garden on the balcony. And you do not need to be seven spans in your forehead to buy parsley seeds and sow them in the garden, in the greenhouse or at home in prepared boxes. Yes, yes, it is in the greenhouse that parsley grows very well and grows earlier than other garden crops, unless of course there is a well-equipped greenhouse.

By the way, along with this crop, others can be cultivated in the greenhouse, such as dill, lettuce, celery, basil. Moreover, both for their own needs and as a profitable business, it's no secret that the trade in greenery is profitable, especially in winter and in early spring when not herbs and vegetables from your garden.

How to choose parsley for planting?

There is a common and curly parsley- two identical plants of the same family (Umbrella), but at the same time differing in taste and appearance. So, curly parsley has an attractive appearance, is effective in the preparation of dishes, but is inferior in aroma to ordinary parsley. leaf parsley, the leaves of which are straightened.

Many varieties of these two varieties of greenery have been bred, which makes it possible to find suitable plants in terms of ripening, shape and height, yield and grow them. It is noteworthy that there are varieties that grow especially well in a greenhouse, and if you plan to plant parsley in closed ground, then ask the seller for just such varieties.

Leaf parsley with smooth dissected leaves is also represented by numerous varieties. The most popular are Harvest, Fragrant, Carnival, Commune. They are valued for their fragrance and high yield. In general, such parsley is grown because of the lush rosette of leaves, but does not have a well-developed root.

As we noted, parsley is more valuable for its aroma, which is contained in all parts of the plant. For culinary purposes, roots are taken from root parsley, which is not uncommon in our country. "Sugar" and "Berlinskaya" - the most famous varieties of root parsley, with well-preserved in winter time root crops of high palatability.

greenhouse parsley

Consider the advantages of growing parsley using the example of a small home greenhouse, which is not a problem to build for a true connoisseur of fresh herbs and roots that complement dishes with wonderful aroma and taste. Without a doubt, you can use the feature of parsley to maintain its qualities during storage and prepare greens from the summer in ice cream, dried form or as a pickle. But still, fresh spice just from the garden is much tastier, its taste cannot be replaced.

The advantages of planting parsley in a greenhouse include the ability to get several crops in one season; after cutting, it grows well. Moreover, you can choose any time when to plant parsley. The main thing is to ensure proper conditions inside the greenhouse. Parsley can be propagated by seeds and roots, depending on the availability of seed. But most often seeds are sown, since, unlike roots, they can be bought at any time of the year, and the price of seed is low.

garden parsley

A very controversial question is whether every summer resident will build a greenhouse to grow greens in it. On fresh air it is easy to grow in open field, requires little care and low financial costs for the entire growing season. The plant prefers dug loose earth, saturated with organic fertilizers.

Since parsley can be grown from early spring, literally with the snow melting, it is possible to grow early greens in the open air, without fear of frost and bad weather. Note that in order to continuously obtain fresh greens, it is planted from time to time during summer season making new beds. In conditions of well-moistened soil with a plant, as a rule, there are no problems.

Also, seeds are planted in late autumn, so that in early spring, when the snow melts, young greenery will already grow.

Germination of seeds: how easier and faster?

Among the many benefits of growing a parsley crop, there is still a “bitter pill” - germination. Due to the fact that parsley seeds are saturated with oils that are concentrated in the shell, the culture sprouts for a long time and not very willingly. The seed needs time to break through the tough outer layer, so there are several ways to speed up this process.

The impact on the seeds is carried out in order to soften them. Usually, dry untreated seeds are not planted at all, but soaking is carried out first so that the planting of parsley is successful. If the seeds are not treated, then the germination time can be up to 20 days.

Seeds suitable for sowing can be germinated before planting. In most cases, a wet cloth or gauze is used for this. Grains are wrapped in such material for several days (4-5). A prerequisite is the constant wetting of the fabric. As soon as the shell begins to burst and sprouts are visible, the seeds must be sent to the refrigerator for ten days, where they should be left in the dark at a temperature of about 1 degree Celsius. This procedure is performed in order to accelerate the growth of parsley three times after planting.

Another curious way is used by summer residents to accelerate the germination of parsley seed - soaking in vodka. It is believed that alcohol dissolves the oils on Umbelliferae seeds faster than water. However, exposure to alcohol can damage the seeds if left in it for a long time. You can soak, but in a small amount of solution and no more than 20 minutes. It should be noted that the seeds taken out of the alcohol solution must be washed, dried and only then planted in the ground.

Warm water will also help remove the “fatty” film from parsley seeds. One has only to douse them before soaking with heated water, but not with boiling water, and then leave them to soak overnight in water at room temperature.

This is how, at home, the germination of seeds of one of the most popular spices in Ukraine, parsley, is accelerated. As you can see from our examples, all methods are available, do not require special skills and additional costs.

Soaking is one way to prepare parsley seed.

Seeds are placed in slightly warmed milk, they swell there, absorb moisture and begin to “wake up” and develop more actively. Also, natural fresh milk is a natural source of biologically active components and trace elements that have a beneficial effect on the growth of the green germ.

Why soak in milk? Parsley seeds are distinguished by a dense shell. During soaking, it becomes thinner, and as a result, the sprout breaks through easier and faster.

Milk has a certain percentage of fat content. Due to this, it envelops the seeds, protecting them from possible burns. For best effect at the same time as soaking the seeds, you need to prepare the soil.

How fast is germination?

Parsley is characterized by a long period of seed germination. After sowing, an average of 20-25 days pass, and only then does the first greenery in the garden become noticeable. Soaking in milk and cultivating the soil with lime significantly shortens this period. Germination occurs much earlier: 7-10, or even 3-5 days after the prepared seeds get into the ground. The final term depends on the condition of the soil, humidity and weather conditions.

Natural product or powder: which is better?

It is better to give preference to fresh natural milk, since all fats and trace elements in the right amount are stored only there. From the powder (powdered milk) there will be no sense. When diluted with water, a fat-free product will be obtained that will not protect the seeds in any way.

How to choose natural milk?

  1. Pay attention to the expiration date. Real milk is stored for no more than a couple of days.
  2. The package should say "milk". Inscriptions " milk product" or "milk drink" - evidence that this is a powder product.
  3. Pour milk into a glass. If white marks remain on the walls, which slowly flow down, this is a suitable product (such milk has a fat content).

For soaking parsley seeds, it is better to choose fresh or whole milk with a high percentage of fat content. Pasteurized, melted, reconstituted from dry are not suitable for this procedure.

Step by step instructions on how to soak

Before the procedure, it is important to pay attention to the expiration date of the seeds. Expired parsley seed may not sprout even with good pretreatment.

Seeds of any umbrella crops are allowed to be stored no more than 2-3 years after collection. When buying seeds in a store, the expiration date is indicated on the package.

  1. Capacity. For convenience, it is recommended to take shallow dishes (plate or saucer). You can also take a small cup. Cover with a lid or cling film.
  2. Inspection and selection of seeds. The goal is to exclude low-quality, broken and moldy specimens. Can be inspected visually: discard all damaged seeds. You can soak in slightly warmed water: full-weight and healthy seeds will remain at the bottom.
  3. Duration of action (or how long to keep). Heat a small amount of fresh milk to 40 degrees and place the seeds in it. Cover the container with polyethylene and place in a dark, warm place. Leave for 10-12 hours. If you overcook the seeds, the milk will turn sour. IN sour milk microflora changes. Even healthy parsley seeds that have been in sour milk may not sprout at all.
  4. Further processing. After soaking, it is better to put the seeds on paper or parchment and dry a little. No rinsing is required as the water can wash away the thin protective milky film.

Actions after the procedure: when can I land?

During the soaking of the seeds, it is necessary to prepare the site in parallel (sprinkle with lime, dig or loosen, moisten). Soaked seeds should be planted immediately after swelling: on average, 1 hour after they have been removed from milk and dried.

Seeds need to be placed in the ground, then sprinkled a little with earth and moistened. the best way V this case will be sprayed through a spray bottle. It is forbidden to dig deep and abundantly fill the seeds. This will increase the waiting time for seedlings: instead of 7-10 days, parsley will germinate up to 1 month.

What can be replaced?

There are many more variations for soaking parsley seeds. The following is a list of substitutes for milk.

  • Spring or purified non-carbonated water.
  • Soap solution. Cooking with laundry soap.
  • Vodka or alcohol diluted to 40 degrees.
  • Baking soda.
  • Strong infusion of chamomile or valerian. You can also use aloe juice.
  • Special bioactive preparations (Epin, Gumat and others). You can buy them in specialized stores.
  • Solution complex fertilizer(nitrophoska, ash solution).
  • Bubbling (treatment with air in water, a more professional option for industrial cultivation).

So, pre-soaking parsley seeds is a guarantee of fast germination.

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Parsley seedlings in the photo

Parsley is a biennial plant, without which not a single garden can do. Growing parsley from seeds often causes some difficulties for gardeners - planting material sprouts poorly or does not germinate at all. Root and leaf varieties are grown in our gardens.

Parsley seeds germinate for a long time - 15-20 days. This is due to the fact that they are covered with essential oils, which prevent germination, prevent the seed coat from getting wet, and do not allow moisture inside.

There are several ways to prepare parsley seeds for planting to speed up germination.

  1. After sowing, cover the beds with foil to keep the soil moist. Do not remove the shelter until the sprouts appear from the ground. If all these 15-20 days required for germination are kept moist, then it is not necessary to soak the parsley seeds before sowing.
  2. You can speed up germination by soaking the seeds in water overnight before planting. Water practically does not dissolve oils on the surface of seeds. Therefore, parsley seeds should be poured over before soaking. hot water(not boiling water) to wash essential oils off their surface.
  3. You can soak parsley seeds in vodka before planting, as essential oils dissolve in alcohol-containing solutions. Pour some vodka into the bottom of the saucer. Then pour the seeds on a small piece of a wide gauze bandage. Dip parsley seeds on cheesecloth in vodka, leave for 15-20 minutes. You can’t take longer - you can burn the seeds. Then lift the bandage with seeds, rinse under running water. It is a must to rinse. Then dry the seeds. Everything - parsley seeds are ready for sowing. This method of seed treatment allows them to germinate twice as fast.
  4. To speed up germination, the seeds are washed in warm water, and then soaked for a day to swell. You can add 1 tbsp to the water. spoon wood ash for 1 liter of water.
  5. Pour the dry seeds into a bag of cloth and bury in the garden in damp, unheated earth to the bayonet of a shovel deep. Do this about two weeks before sowing. Before sowing, take out the seeds, lay them out on paper, dry them until scattered and sow. Seeds prepared in this way germinate in 4-5 days.
  6. Soaking seeds in wood ash infusion. For this, 2 tbsp. spoons of ashes are put in liter jar, fill it with completely warm water and insist 2 days, stirring occasionally. Then the resulting infusion is carefully drained, the seeds are immersed in it in a gauze bag and kept in it for 4-5 hours.
  7. Many of us grow greens for the table on the windowsill or balcony. Prepare a container with earth, moisten it, sprinkle the earth quicklime three times every 10-15 minutes. Sow parsley seeds pre-soaked in milk. The seeds will sprout in three hours. The room should be warm, not lower than 20 ° C.

Planting parsley seeds for outdoor cultivation

To provide a personal garden with parsley seeds, 3-5 plants are enough, therefore, having bought parsley seeds once and sowing them, in the future you can provide yourself with planting material on your own.

Parsley seeds are planted in early spring at the rate of 1 g of seeds per 1 m2 to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Seeds are sown in rows with a distance of 45 cm between them, the distance between plants is 6-8 cm. After 15-20 days, when they appear seedlings, parsley is thinned out, leaving one plant for every 20 cm. When growing parsley from seeds in open ground, when 2-3 true leaves appear, the plants are fed the first time, after 2-3 weeks - the second time.

Choose two or three good, strong plants and leave them to grow all summer. In autumn, they should be mulched with dry peat, sawdust, humus and left to winter in the soil. At the beginning of the next summer, these seed plants form a flower stalk. Before flowering, plants intended for seeds are fed with superphosphate and potassium salt at the rate of 15-20 g of each fertilizer per 1 m2. Parsley blooms for 30-40 days, after which seeds are formed.

When the seeds ripen, they crumble easily, so you need to carefully cut the seed umbrellas. The cut umbrellas are dried in a ventilated area, the seeds are removed and kept warm.

In order to achieve the maximum level of seed germination, it is necessary to carry out painstaking preparatory work before boarding them. The list of works includes sorting seeds by size, preventive treatment disinfectants and soaking. This will improve the quality seed material and will help you get more yield.

The process of soaking the seeds in water or in a bio-solution allows them to germinate much earlier. This is necessary to save planting material, since the seeds can be eaten or damaged by pests or begin to rot due to being in moist soil for a long time. And soaking allows the seeds to germinate not only quickly, but also massively.

Soaking seeds should be carried out only after the mandatory disinfection treatment and preferably before planting them in the soil.

It is necessary to prepare not only the seeds, but also a small piece of gauze, water and a container for it (for example, a saucer or a wide plate). Water must be necessarily purified, melted or bottled non-carbonated. It will be even better if the water comes from a spring or other natural source. Most gardeners and summer residents do not recommend using tap water for these purposes, although you can take it.

Soaking is especially necessary for seeds with a compacted shell, which slows down the process of their germination and for those that contain a large amount of essential oils. Pumpkin, watermelon, sweet and hot peppers, zucchini, tomatoes and cucumbers, peas and beans have seeds with a thick shell. And the seeds of crops such as parsley, celery, dill, carrots and parsnips contain essential oils that interfere with rapid germination. These oils are washed out when soaked, and the process of sprout emergence is accelerated.

In the prepared dishes, you need to put a wet piece of thin cloth or gauze, on which the prepared seeds are laid out, and on top - the second layer of the same moistened cloth.

Heat water to a temperature of about 35 degrees and fill it with a container with seeds in gauze. The water must be clear. If the liquid has darkened or changed color, then you need to replace it.

The volume of water and seeds is the same for crops such as beans, peas, beets, dill and parsley. But for seeds of pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini, cucumbers and tomatoes, the volume of water should not exceed 50% of the volume of planting material.

Soaked seeds are best kept in dark room at a temperature of 21-25 degrees Celsius from two hours to two days, depending on the culture.

Since the seeds do not need air, it is possible to pack the seed container in a polyethylene bag. Such a mini-greenhouse should be in a warm, darkened room.

The duration of the stay of seeds in water should not exceed a certain time, as they may die. For example:

  • For zucchini, cucumbers, watermelon, tomatoes and beets - 17-18 hours.
  • For dill, parsley, carrots, onions - two days.
  • For large seeds with mealy structure - from 2 to 4 hours.

Biological solutions that help seeds germinate faster can be bought at specialized gardening and gardening stores. Their range is very rich and varied.

Zircon- a biological product that contains chicory acid and promotes rapid growth. The drug is considered one of the strong stimulants, which helps the speedy growth and development of not only shoots, but also the root of young seedlings.

Appin- the drug is made on the basis of plants and helps to strengthen the immunity of plant crops, as well as their ability to adapt to adverse weather conditions(for example, decrease in air temperature, lack of lighting). The process of adaptation of seedlings to new living conditions is almost painless.

Humate- environmentally safe drug based on humic acid.

In addition to ready-made purchased drugs you can soak the seeds in self-prepared infusions. Such biological solutions are prepared from different components depending on the culture. For example:

  • for cabbage, radish, peas and beans - chamomile infusion.
  • for tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, carrots, dill - valerian infusion.
  • for spinach, beets, zucchini - infusion of mullein.

Soaking cucumber seeds

The first thing to do before soaking is to thoroughly dry the seeds for 1-2 hours near a warm surface (for example, near heater or batteries central heating). The second step is seed sorting. You need to discard all low-quality copies. And only the next step is soaking the seeds in a natural biological solution or in a biostimulant. During the time spent in a special solution (for cucumbers - this is 12 hours), the planting material will not only swell or begin to germinate, but will also undergo a disinfecting preventive treatment.

Experienced gardeners advise the same procedure to be carried out with seeds and some other vegetable crops: pumpkin, radish, watermelon, cabbage, zucchini and squash.

Soaking dill and parsley seeds

The planting material of these crops contains a large amount of essential oils, so the soaking procedure lasts for two days. Essential oil inhibits the emergence of seedlings and must be washed. Seeds are recommended to be left in melted or spring water (or purified) a few days before planting for at least 48 hours. After soaking, the seeds need to be allowed to dry. This process should take place in a dark room. If all stages of the procedure are performed correctly, then the planting material after drying will be crumbly.

April is considered a favorable time for sowing greens (dill and parsley). Together with them, you can prepare the seeds of vegetables such as parsnips, carrots and lettuce in the same way for planting.

Soaking Beet Seeds

The process of swelling of beet seed material lasts for a day. Water for soaking should be between 20 and 25 degrees Celsius. You can take purified or settled water, as well as ordinary tap water. It is very important that in the first ten hours, every two hours, the water in the container with the soaked seeds should be changed to fresh.

The abundance of the crop depends on the quality of planting material and on proper preparation seeds for planting. If the soaking of seeds is carried out taking into account all the tips and recommendations, then high germination and a large yield will be guaranteed.

How and in what to soak the seeds before sowing? What drugs to use? (video)

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