How to transplant a rose to a new place in the fall: some useful tips. Is it possible to transplant a rose in summer

Any grower will definitely plant the queen of all flower beds - a rose - on his site. The beauty of her flowers and the most various shades will serve the best decoration every courtyard. A single bush has its own individual aroma, and the smell from it will be heard throughout the site. For beginner gardeners, the question arises, how to properly plant or plant this flower? And how important is it to transplant it in the fall?

Why and why to transplant a rose

There are several reasons for transplanting rose bushes in the fall:

  • When the bush is already old enough and old, it must be replanted, as the flowers become small, dull and not very beautiful;
  • Depending on the soil, transplantation is needed due to either a strong deepening of the root into the ground. Or, conversely, in sandy soil, the roots come out of the ground, which is why they dry out;
  • In cases of transfer garden beds from one place to another. Or the growth of neighboring plants and shrubs, you have to replant spray roses;
  • It happens that some buildings on personal plot shade the bush, interfering with proper development, so a transplant is required;
  • It happens that the bush begins to hurt, develops poorly, its shoots wither, or even stops blooming. Here a transplant is simply necessary;
  • In areas that are very close ground water, rose flowers need repotting. If this is not done, the root, being in constant moisture, will simply rot.

Before transplanting, you must first choose the right and most favorable place so that your rose garden glows with flowering.

Each grower should know for himself that these flower shrubs do not tolerate drafts at all, so they should be protected from them as much as possible. And it is best that they are well lit by the sun for most of the day, the southeast side of your yard is suitable for this.

When is the best time to repot roses?

The best time to transplant would be autumn period, namely until mid-autumn. Because the bush needs to take root and take root well. Only then will this royal flower be able to meet the first frosts and winter.

It is best to transplant roses in the fall at least three weeks before the onset of severe cold and frost. Then the cold soil will no longer be terrible for the root system of flowers.

It is important to remember that before transplanting adult roses, the bushes must be carefully dug up without damaging the root system. Then lightly cut dry and too long branches so that they give the bush strength to take root. But in no case should autumn pruning be confused with spring pruning.

Rose bushes, in terms of autumn transplantation, take root and take root better. Such plantings are considered stronger and healthier in the future.

So, roses are best transplanted in the fall because:

  • After summer, the earth is well warmed;
  • Since there is more rain in autumn than in spring, this allows the roots to take root well;
  • IN spring period the weather is unstable, and it is more difficult to find the time for a transplant.

How to transplant a rose in the fall

In order for it to take root, grow well and bloom, it must be transplanted, following the following rules:

  • If seedlings are transplanted, then you need to carefully examine the roots. Which are too long or dry, they are carefully cut off. Then inspect the place of the cut, it should be white color. A dark cut indicates that the root is starting to rot, so cut it strictly and in a light color;
  • To transplant an adult rose, you need to make deep grooves in the ground in a circle, half a meter from the root collar, that is, dig it. Then gently prying a clod of earth, pull out a flower;
  • In a place prepared for transplantation, dig a hole of such depth that the bush fits well into it (no deeper, and no higher than it used to grow);
  • Flowers are planted at a distance of half a meter from each other so that they do not obscure the neighboring bush;
  • In autumn, after transplanting, rose bush arnica should be watered with any growth stimulant to help the root take root faster and better.

Transfer climbing rose, proceeds in the same way as usual. That's only if, before transplanting an overgrown spray roses, the branches are cut 30 cm from the top, then in curly ones, they are cut to half the length.

If the transplanted bush needs to be transported from one place to another, then the rhizome is wrapped with a well-dampened rag and tied at the top with a knot. This is done so that the earth does not crumble from the roots, and they are not disheveled on the road.

When planting such a bush in a new place, the rag does not have to be thrown away. It will eventually rot in the ground anyway. It is only important not to forget to untie the knot, which will further inhibit the development of the flower.

Care of roses after the autumn transplant

It is important to know what not to do in the fall after transplanting roses:

  • Transplanted flowers should not be fed with nitrogen fertilizers. They stimulate the growth of the bush too much, this is not necessary before wintering. And here potash fertilizers will benefit the root and prepare it for the winter;
  • It is impossible to do pruning in the autumn, as in spring. Otherwise, such a procedure will stimulate the appearance of young, green shoots that will not survive the winter;
  • You can not water the roses too abundantly, allowing them to develop as much as possible. If there is enough natural precipitation in the fall, then watering is not necessary at all.

If the transplanted rose bushes are too tall, make a strong support for them to which you can tie them. Otherwise, under the influence of strong wind or snow, the flower may bend and twist. In the spring, the rose bush is already well established and will be much more difficult to level.

Roses are rather finicky and capricious flowers. Therefore, the transplant procedure must be taken seriously. After some time, having received certain knowledge about, there will no longer be any difficulties in transplanting them.

Every gardener knows that there is nothing permanent in the garden, so plants can often change their place on the plots at the request of the owner. At the same time, it is necessary to plant and replant not only young and recently purchased seedlings, but also already adult plants, for example, rose bushes. And in order to properly transplant a rose, you need to know a few subtleties of this process.

When to transplant a rose?

The best time to transplant an adult rose is early spring or late autumn. In regions where frosts come earlier, it is worth giving preference to spring, then there should be no problems with the wintering of the bushes. If it is not possible to transplant in the spring, then it is better to do this in late August - mid-September.

Is it worth repotting roses in summer?

In most cases, it happens that the redevelopment of the garden is a spontaneous decision made against the backdrop of already blooming "beginners" in the midst of summer, when no one is thinking about winter yet. Summer is not the best best time for transplanting roses, but if there is no other way out, then this option is possible. Then the gardener will need additional efforts to help the plant take root in a new place: you will have to sacrifice flowering and make a “strong” pruning.

A large bush is cut to 40-50 cm, and some of its shoots can be completely removed to save the strength of the rose in the future. It can also be a chance to give the bush the desired shape. If the bush is still small, then it will be enough to cut off the unripe shoots and remove the existing buds and flowers.

A rose transplanted in summer will require abundant watering in the first month. The earth around it should not dry out. good decision will shade the plant for a while and carry out daily spraying of the leaves with plain water. Naturally, the transplant itself should take place on a cloudy day, when there are no scorching sun rays.

Transplanting an adult rose

At the very beginning, you need to make sure that the conditions for growth and flowering in the new place will not differ much from the previous ones. It is better to try to provide the rose with the usual amount of light and protection from the wind at least in the first 2 weeks after transplantation.

After choosing a place, a landing pit is prepared, from which all the roots of weeds are removed. The bottom is filled with compost mixed with horn shavings, which should provide a bush nutrients and, most importantly, nitrogen. Compost can be replaced with rotted manure. It is advisable to let the pit settle so that the earth and fertilizers settle inside, after which you can start digging up the rose.

It is best to dig a plant approximately according to the projection of its crown, but this is not always possible, so it will be enough to try to dig a bush with the largest possible earthen clod. In rose gardens, equipped according to all the rules, this is quite difficult, because the earth is usually light and loose. Therefore, you need to water the rose well so that the soil better adheres around its roots. The lump should be of such a size that it is possible to transfer the plant without damage to a new place.

First, it is better to dig around the bush, and then gradually deepen the resulting trench, trying to get to the base of the bush. In order not to damage the earthen ball and roots, you can wrap the earth from the side of the bush with a cloth or plastic wrap. long roots that interfere with the extraction of the bush can be chopped off. With further proper care the rose will be able to quickly restore its root system.

If there are difficulties in pulling out the bush, then you can use the lever, for the role of which a simple crowbar is best suited. A shovel and a wooden stick are unlikely to be suitable for the role of a lever, as they can break. After you managed to get a bush, it should be immediately transported to a new place. If a long journey is required to reach a new location, then it is best to wrap the earthen ball and protruding roots with a damp cloth from drying out.

After that, earth (or a mixture of compost, rotted manure and horn shavings) is poured up to half the pit and watered abundantly. Then the earth is filled up to the required level and watered again. When the water has soaked into the ground, more earth is added around the bush and compacted well so that there are no large air voids around the roots.

If during digging it was not possible to save an earthen lump, then you need to carefully examine the root system and get rid of diseased and damaged roots. Places of cuts can be treated with liquid clay. Then the bush is placed in a planting hole and gradually buried in order not to damage the roots.

There are times when plants do not notice the changes that have occurred. However, in most cases of summer transplantation, the rose “sits” for a long time before starting active growth again. But do not forget that roses are tenacious enough to endure the manipulations described above.

Transplant garden beauty possible both in spring and autumn, however, in areas with cold winters, spring is the most preferred time for planting a plant in open ground. This applies especially to standard roses- planted in the spring, they will have time to prepare the root system over the summer and will not die in winter frosts.

Features of spring transplantation of roses

Usually, the landing time falls in April, when the cold has already receded, and the first buds have not yet woken up and the plant is ready to spend vitality to take root in a new place.

However, to prepare for this responsible procedure, the gardener need in advance, three weeks to a month before the scheduled date of transplanting the rose bush.

Transfer equipment:

  • tools (shovel, pitchfork, secateurs, bucket, watering can);
  • rags (burlap, natural fabric);
  • spruce branches or screen for shading from the sun.


  1. Decomposed manure (cow, horse or chicken), compost.
  2. mineral fertilizers.
  3. Ash or lime, bone meal or egg shells.
  4. Nitrogen fertilizers.

The first thing to worry about before transplanting a flower princess is choosing a suitable location for her new home. Loving the warmth of the sun and open space, the rose feels great on the southern slopes, protected from the cold wind.

At the same time, she does not like the proximity of buildings that create stagnation of air. The rose is also picky about other plants located in the neighborhood, which must be taken into account when choosing a site for transplantation.

Site preparation

Cluster melt water spring and stagnant rainwater are detrimental to roses, so when preparing a place for transplanting, you need ensure good drainage and raise the site if the groundwater is close to the soil surface.

The soil before transplanting roses is prepared in advance. Not less than 40 cm create a layer of loose, organic-rich earth with a slightly acidic reaction.

To do this, mix the soil and well-rotted manure or compost in equal parts, add a little ash or lime and bone meal. As a result, the acidity level should be at a pH level of 6.5-7.

Pit preparation method

The size of the pit or trench is made with a margin so that a clod of earth fits freely into it, along with which the rose will be transplanted. You can navigate by the crown of the plant - its projection on the ground approximately corresponds to the area occupied by the root system.

The size of the hole is usually considered sufficient 60 cm wide and 45 cm deep. If it is not a pit that is being prepared, but a trench, then it is better to place it from north to south - this will improve lighting for future plantings.

On sandy soils, the bottom of the pit is filled with a seven cm layer of clay so that the soil dries out less. For clay areas, on the contrary, the bottom is covered with a large sand and gravel, preventing waterlogging of the future residence of the rose bush. The prepared pit should be allowed to settle for 2-3 weeks, after which the intended rose bush can be transplanted into it.

Preparing a bush for transplanting

Having noticed the width of the crown of the rose chosen for transplantation, it is tied tightly so that the branches of the bush do not interfere with work. To form a dense clod of earth around the roots, the plant is watered abundantly.

When the water is absorbed and compacts the soil, you can begin to dig in the bush around the previously outlined area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe roots. Grafted roses have a central taproot that goes deep into the ground.

Such a root just have to cut. Ungrafted bushes are characterized by a superficial location of the root system, so this problem will not arise with them.

When the trench around the bush is dug to a depth of 30-40 cm, you can remove the plant and lay it together with an earthen clod on a previously prepared rag.

If the bush and the corresponding clod of earth are very large, tying with rags can be done as the trench is dug, carefully laying the fabric around the bush and, having well secured the earth with cloth, remove the rose from the earth.

If the place where the rose is to be transplanted is far away and the transportation of the bush will take long time, the fabric holding the earthen lump, it is necessary spray regularly.


So, the rose bush has been delivered to the place of a new residence and is ready for transplantation. The fabric that keeps the earth from shedding can be removed, or it can be left if there is a fear that this procedure may damage the integrity of the earthen coma.

A pit prepared for transplanting a plant, should be well shed, and, until the water has been absorbed, install a rose bush in it, trying to maintain the same depth at which the rose grew in its original place. At this stage, you can add a root growth stimulant to the water.

In several stages, the rose is covered with earth and watered so that voids do not form. Having rammed the soil, around the new settler apply mineral fertilizers, retreating 15 cm from the shoots, and loosen the ground under the bush, but not deep, no more than 10 cm. After that, the rose is watered again and the ground around it is mulched.

If, when transplanting a rose, it was not possible to save an earthen ball and it still crumbled, there is no need to panic, the plant will not die, only the transplant procedure will change.

Since the roots of the rose are bare, it's time to take the opportunity to inspect them and cut off the damaged ones. For two hours, you can soak the roots in a solution that stimulates their growth, a product suitable for this variety.

At the bottom of the pit prepared for transplantation, an earthen mound is poured, along which the roots of the rose are distributed so that the root neck of the grafted rose is 3-5 cm below ground level.

The bush is grafted towards the south, for a native-rooted rose it is level with the ground, and for a climbing rose, the root collar will have to be deepened by 10-15 cm.

Alternately adding water and earth, the plant is tamped, and when the pit is completely filled, they trample down so that the soil fits more tightly to the roots of the rose and does not contain air voids. Further, land water, loosen, fertilize and mulch in the same way as they do when they transplant a rose along with a clod of earth.

The branches of the rose, tied to make it easier to replant the bush, should now be freed and brought into line with the root system, inevitably damaged during manipulation.

The shoots are cut at a distance of about 25-30 cm from the neck of the root, making a cut above the outer bud. Cut out all broken and unripe stems, remove dried leaves. When pruning and shaping a bush, they are guided by the features inherent in this particular rose variety and recommendations for them.

Post transplant care

The first time after transplantation, somewhere within a month, it is desirable to shade the plant, covering it from direct sunlight. To protect the rose that has weakened after transplantation from the invasion of aphids, it is sprayed solution blue vitriol and some kind of pesticide.

The first three to five days after transplantation, the plant is not disturbed, they allow it to recover. After these days the rose start watering regularly, and after 10–12 days nitrogen fertilizers are applied.

In the first year after transplantation, if the rose bush is still weak, you will have to sacrifice flowering and remove all buds, in order to give the plant a proper strength and develop the root system. It is recommended to transplant a rose again no sooner than after three years.

For many people, the rose is associated with the queen of flowers, the favorite of the Little Prince from a fairy tale, or a symbol of love. Her bushes can be found both in potted apartments and on open areas. At the same time, just planting a bush and forgetting about it will not work: a rose requires certain care, one of the points of which is a transplant.

These rules must be observed during the initial planting of bushes, during reproduction and during transplantation.

Feeding rules

From the second year, you need to regularly feed. During the season, it will need to be paid 4 times:

  1. In the spring, immediately after pruning and after 2 weeks, ammonium sulfate is added - 20 g per 1 sq. m;
  2. When forming buds, universal fertilizer is applied;
  3. After flowering, they are fed with fertilizers with trace elements - 30 g per 1 sq. m;
  4. In September, it is the turn of phosphorus and potassium - 30 g per 1 sq. m.

Instead of mineral fertilizers you can make organic: ash, bird droppings, manure;

bush pruning

The bush is cut 3 times:

When pruning, it is best to remove the old branches, leaving the youngest and strongest. You can determine the age by the color of the bark: the darker it is, the lives longer knot.

Transplant Features

This necessary procedure for almost all rose bushes. It is necessary to separate too dense bushes, propagate plants and change the landscape itself, and poor neighborhood or deterioration of the soil can also be the reasons. It is best to transplant a 2-3-year-old bush: the younger ones are still weak, and the adults have taken root in place. But if necessary, you can transplant the "oldies".

When transplanting, it is important to comply with all the above conditions, as well as choose the most suitable time.

When to transplant

Often the question arises of when it is better to transplant a rose - in autumn or spring. You can do this at any time, but each has certain pros and cons.

Location selection

In order to transplant a rose, you first need to choose a suitable place. It should be a well-lit area with suitable soil and without unnecessarily "large" neighbors. Next, you need to prepare it:

Bush preparation

In addition to the earth, you need to prepare the rose itself:

Features of spring and autumn transplantation

If the transplant takes place in the spring, complementary foods are immediately introduced under the bush (20 g nitrogen fertilizers and 15 g of potassium-phosphorus), the soil is loosened. Watering can be started in 3-4 days, the first 3-4 weeks it is necessary to protect the plant from direct sunlight.

The autumn transplant procedure is no different from that described above, only there is no need for watering and fertilizing. The ban on nitrogen fertilizers is especially strict.

Transplanting an old rose

It is not recommended to change the “place of residence” of the old bush, but if such a need does arise, you must try to ensure that the rose receives as little stress as possible.

How to transplant a blooming rose

Before digging, all flowers and buds are cut off from the bush, otherwise they will draw the juices onto themselves, and when transplanting, it is necessary to form a root system. Leaving the buds is useless, as they will quickly wither anyway.

Transplanting a climbing rose can cause certain problems. First of all, it is necessary to remove the plant from the support and shorten it by a third or even half, otherwise it will be difficult to transplant it. This is especially true for climbing.

"Ramblers", which usually do not grow more than 3-4 m, should be left, but in August they pinch their top, and after flowering, all stems older than 2 years are completely removed. This will help update climbing rose.

If the transplant took place before winter, you will need to immediately prepare the climbing rose for the cold:

  1. Rose stems are tied together;
  2. Arcs (preferably metal ones) are installed above the bush, spruce branches are laid on them;
  3. On top of the spruce branches are covered with polyethylene or roofing material. The whole structure is up to 50 cm high and looks like a hut;
  4. In the spring, the first step is to remove the film and leave the branches for a while so that the rose does not get burned. When the air warms up, remove all shelter.

Despite some difficulties with growing and transplanting, the rose remains one of the gardeners' favorite flowers. If you replant the bush correctly, maintain health and appearance roses are easy.

Many gardeners are engaged in growing roses both at home and in the country. To the beauty of these flowers for a long time pleased the owner, you need to know when, how and for what purpose they are transplanted. Very often it is associated with improving the decorativeness of the territory or the growth of the bush. It happens that the plant begins to hurt and stops growing. Realize this procedure preferably in spring or autumn. But each of these periods has its own characteristics.

Transplantation of indoor roses - features of the procedure

A room rose is a special kind that differs significantly from a garden rose. An annual plant transplant is one of the elements of care. Any time frame is suitable for this. The roots are growing all the time, there is not enough space for them. The new container should be each time larger than the old one - 7 cm in height, 3 cm in diameter.

Home culture can be transplanted two weeks after the purchase has occurred. All wilted leaves, dried stems, buds and flowers are removed. The plant needs drainage to prevent root rot. Pieces of foam or expanded clay are used as a permeable material.

A purchased rose in a pot is lowered for two hours at warm water. At the same time, the plant itself should be watered. The old earth is not taken into work, it is necessary to plant only in a new flower mixture.

Transfer algorithm:

  1. 1. A centimeter layer of drainage must be poured into a new pot.
  2. 2. From old container with the soil soaked in moisture, get a flower. If there are several bushes, separate them.
  3. 3. Place the plant in a pot and fall asleep ready ground. Between the edge of the container and the surface flower mix leave 3 cm.
  4. 4. You do not need to water the culture, it is enough to sprinkle the leaves.
  5. 5. The transplanted flower must be placed in a dark place for a day.

One day after transplant home rose it is placed on the south or east side.

If in the room heat air, then it is worth placing the pot with the plant in a pan filled with water.

Time and place of transplanting garden roses

Favorable time for transplant garden roses to another place is the end of September - the beginning of October. The flower will take root well when the influx to its roots begins useful substances. Flowers transplanted at this time take root faster. The advantage of autumn work:

  1. 1. The soil is well warmed up after summer.
  2. 2. Autumn is rainier than spring, which allows the plant to take root faster.
  3. 3. In autumn, the weather is more stable than in spring, so it is easy to find the time to transplant.

You need to start preparing in August, stopping top dressing, reducing watering of crops and leaving inflorescences on the bushes.

In order for the flowers to quickly take root, it is important to choose the right place for the rose garden. Basic conditions:

  1. 1. Illumination. The site should be well lit, especially in the morning. The shadow from third-party objects will negatively affect the flowering process.
  2. 2. Humidity. The outflow of moisture must be good, otherwise the plant will begin to rot. And in winter, due to stagnant water, the roots can freeze.
  3. 3. Soil composition. The soil for growing roses should be clay and saturated with minerals.
  4. 4. Protection from the winds. The flower must be protected from the north and northeast winds and aggressive weathering.

Site preparation

The area should be weeded and all weeds removed. The landing pit must be prepared. The hole is best done in the spring. Its dimensions are up to 0.7 m in depth and 0.5 m in width and length. If this has not been done, then it is dug out 2 weeks before the start of work. The distance between them depends on the crop variety.

Landing hole when saturated fertile soil make 10-15 cm more than root system a flower along with an earthy clod. On depleted soils, the recess is made 30 cm larger.

The soil is removed from the planting hole in layers. Upper layer after mixing with organic fertilizers lay on the bottom, add one glass of bone meal or ash, a handful of lime and pour water. The rest of the soil is used to make compost.

Bush preparation

Before digging up a flower for transplanting, it should be well watered. Two days later, having retreated from the base to 0.3 m, the plants are taken out of the ground. The main thing is not to damage the root system. An earthen ball, together with the dug out root, is placed on a cloth for easy carrying to a new place.

A quality seedling should have at least 3 intact shoots with big amount thin roots. Unripe or broken ones are cut off, and all leaves are removed from healthy ones and shortened to an average of 0.3-0.35 m. The scale of pruning depends on the type of rose. The remaining branches should be tied up to facilitate further actions.

The root system of a bush dug out without soil is cut from 0.25 m to 0.3 m, and if rotten roots are present in it, they are cut off completely.

For the purpose of disinfection, the culture is treated with a 3% solution iron sulphate. For plant survival, the roots are dipped in a pre-prepared solution, consisting of one part of mullein and two parts of clay.

If the root system of roses is open, then before transplanting it must be soaked in water for a day.

Ways to plant a crop in a new place

To minimize stress on the plant, the new place is prepared as comfortable as possible.

A bush dug out with an earthen clod is placed in a new landing pit. root collar the flower should be up to 8 cm below ground level. The roots are buried gradually, alternating watering and tamping the soil.

The soil for filling in the planting pits is prepared in advance. It consists of (based on a 10-liter bucket):

  • garden soil - 1 bucket;
  • humus, peat, sand - 0.5 buckets each;
  • clay - 0.5 buckets;
  • ash and bone meal - 200 gr each;
  • superphosphate - 100 gr.

Transplantation of roses should be carried out on a warm and calm day.

If the culture is without land, then after inspecting the root system, planting can be done in one of the following ways:

  1. 1. Wet. A bucket of water is poured into the prepared pit, in which a drug that stimulates root growth is diluted. A bush descends into the hole, the roots of which fall asleep earthen ground. The earth is compacted and watered abundantly.
  2. 2. Dry. To the bottom landing pit pour the finished soil, lower the bush, straighten its roots, fill in the soil, which is tamped around the bush and water the plant.

The branches are untied, and the flower is mulched. At first, it should be often watered with warm water.

A climbing rose is transplanted in the same way as a regular one, only the branches are cut to half the length.

Proper care of roses will allow you to admire flowers without a transplant for up to 10 years.

In rainy autumn, watering stops after planting. If the weather is dry, the plants are watered once a week. But before the cold weather, each bush is abundantly moistened at the rate of 30 liters per unit.

The flower does not need to be fed in the fall after transplantation, since fertilizers are applied during soil preparation, which will last until spring.

Since autumn is the breeding season for rot and bacteria, the bushes should be sprayed with 1% Bordeaux liquid.

As soon as the air temperature outside becomes negative, you need to start covering the rose garden. Hilling is one of the ways to protect the root system from frost. Soil from the earth, peat and sand should not be raked from the place where the flowers grow, but brought from another site. Additionally upper shoots the bush is covered from above with fallen leaves from the garden.

Can do wooden frame or buy a special metal one in the store. It is installed above the bush and covered with plastic wrap, burlap, thick rags or agrofibre.

Growing any roses will not cause difficulties if all the rules required for the growth, transplantation, care and flowering of the crop are observed.

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