How to heat a frame house from sip panels with electricity. Heating in a house from sip panels Electric heating in a house from sip panels experience

Absolutely no different from the heating of any other buildings. Put at least a Russian stove, at least a solar collector, at least a boiler or a fireplace. Still warm canadian house heating is much cheaper than brick or block buildings.

How to heat a Canadian house

You do not need to have thermodynamic knowledge, understand the values ​​\u200b\u200bof thermal conductivity coefficients or calculate temperature gradient changes to make sure that heating is economical frame house from SIP panels.

! Heating a Canadian house costs the owner 5 times cheaper than heating a house of equal size from any other building material (including wooden beams)!

The frame house is warm in itself. But since we do not live in Africa, already at the stage of choosing a project, it is necessary to take into account what the heating system will be like. Especially since modern possibilities give us huge selection in this matter.

You can use the energy of the sun, wind for this. But so far, such sources of heating, unfortunately, are not very common in Russia. And if you do not belong to the "heating revolutionaries", then the liberated thermal energy during combustion natural gas, diesel or solid fuel(pallets, coal, firewood) traditional will warm your "family nest", frame house.

Choosing a boiler

As you know, the fuel being burned is in the boiler. Depending on the type of energy carrier, boilers are divided into:

  • liquid fuel;
  • gas;
  • solid fuel;
  • electrical;
  • combined.

The latter operate on different energy carriers, but their cost is higher than the others. The gas boiler is considered the most economical and traditional. But, unfortunately, not all sites have a gas main.

Therefore, an alternative to gas is most often a solid fuel boiler. The cost of raw materials for its operation is not so high. But the need to load, say, firewood into it every 12 hours does not attract many.

The electric boiler is a great unit. True, the bill for the consumed energy is unlikely to please. Although, if we compare the possible costs for gas or firewood, in fact, the numbers will not differ much. Moreover, in this case it is possible to mount a heated floor.

For homeowners with young children, this is especially true. Although adult uncles and aunts are also always pleased, leaving the bathroom cubicle, to step on the warm floor.

! Count the fireplace effective tool heating is hardly possible. 80% of the heat received in it "warms the sky". That is why it is possible to warm up “by the fireside” only by sitting next to him in cozy armchair. And having moved two or three meters away, you can safely throw on a padded jacket!

Choosing a coolant in a frame house

Having done the wiring heating system in a frame house, you need to make an informed decision about how to fill the pipes. The following options are available here:

  1. water;
  2. antifreeze;
  3. oil.

It is clear that only air is cheaper than water. Therefore, if you live in a frame house all year round, then this economical option is completely justified.

But if your Canadian home is a summer haven, and the family lives there only from Vienna until late autumn, then you will have to pour antifreeze into the pipes. In this case, having called after a fierce winter in country house, you certainly will not faint from pipes bursting from frost. Although, moving down to " winter quarters”, you can drain the water from the heating system, and just as calmly come to the dacha in the spring.

Wealthy people allow themselves to pour oil coolant into the heating system of a Canadian house. The thing is so effective, no doubt. But oil costs almost as much as red caviar ... Therefore, having a warm Canadian "family nest", choose the method of heating a house from sip panels, focusing only on your wallet. Because any of the above home heating systems from sip panels will still reliably heat your home even in the most severe winter.

In a word, the main thing is to decide to build a frame house from sip panels, and you will find an effective and low-cost way to heat it!

Heating of SIP houses is carried out according to a unique Canadian technology.

Today, houses that have been insulated using this method are considered the warmest, and this figure is six times higher than that inherent in brick buildings.

However, Canadian technology provides for a number of features that should be considered when choosing heating.

If the choice is not made correctly, it may turn out that living in such a house will not be very economical and comfortable.

Heating houses from SIP panels

SIP at home can be compared to a thermos. This comparison comes from the fact that such houses do not allow heat to leave the house. As a consequence, respectively, fresh air also becomes minimal in CIP. panel houses.

In order for the microclimate in the house to be favorable, it is necessary to choose the right heating for SIP houses.

The heating system in houses made of Sip panels must be equipped ventilation system. With its help, the house will be able to fulfill its energy-saving properties and provide you with heat and flow. fresh air simultaneously.

The most effective is the air heating of SIP houses, but you can also use:

  • electric heating;
  • gas;
  • furnace.

Air heating SIP houses

This of the SIP panels also consumes electricity, but it needs to be said separately.

It is difficult to carry out air heating in the SIP house yourself, so you will need to call a specialist.

However, resources with this option are saved well, and temperature regime it is possible to set it yourself, just as in the case of using an air conditioner.

Air heating of SIP houses and ventilation with an area of ​​more than 250 sq. meters will cost you less than installing water heating.

Advantages air heating in SIP houses:

  • lack of drafts;
  • air purification from dust, mold, smoke and unpleasant odors;
  • provide the necessary air humidity;
  • receive metered heating flows in SIP crowbars;
  • opportunity to build desired temperature air;
  • economy.

Electric heating in SIP houses

Heating of houses from SIP panels can be made different ways, but one of the most suitable is the application electrical devices:

  • warm floor;
  • radiators;
  • convectors.

Sip houses retain warm air in the same way as water is poured into a thermos.

So, great solution there will be a purchase of the "" system, but it needs to be designed at the construction stage. Underfloor heating is appropriate in homes where heat is retained for a long time, and heating occurs quickly.

One of the advantages of underfloor heating is that it radiates heat from below rather than from the side of the walls. Wall-mounted radiators are not convenient because the heat is directed straight up.

Radiators will be next good option For electric heating SIP houses.

They are good because you can save on resources without laying a device in each room. If some rooms are not in use, they can be temporarily not heated, which will not affect the temperature in other rooms.

The radiator is easy to manage, you can turn the device on or off at any time when the house has already warmed up. Electric heating lasts for a long time, and frequent shutdown of the appliance from the network will not affect wear and tear and will not take a lot of electricity.

Another suitable option electric heating for vulture houses - purchase of convector equipment.

This type is useful in that it can also be hidden under flooring, however, when , you need to take this into account so that the space under the floor matches the size of the equipment.

The convector consists of a grid and the device itself, consisting of a heating element. When the device is working, it is silent, moreover, appearance heating will not spoil, as it will be located inside the floor.

Gas heating

speakers, gas boilers and other powerful equipment is suitable for brick houses, it is designed for large heat losses.

In addition, gas heating in SIP houses can become burdensome in terms of gasification of the house.

Price gas heating not cheap, especially since gas heating in SIP houses requires constant heating.

In connection with the above characteristics, it is inexpedient and unprofitable to install this type in SIP panel houses.

Furnace heating in houses from SIP panels

Stove heating cannot be called unprofitable, but it can only be used for beauty, since it will be difficult to heat the whole house with a stove.

Furnace or has already outlived its usefulness and is of little use in modern times.

Heating houses from SIP panels with a stove is very expensive and unhealthy.

Is it possible to build a house in two weeks?

Is it possible to make heating in the house in 1 day?

Is it possible to move into a new house after 15 days and start living in it?

How would you answer these questions?

Let's go in order!

Of course, everyone has heard about the technology of prefabricated houses: there are quite a lot of them. But perhaps the fastest today is the construction technology of SIP panels. Full time construction of such a 2-storey house with an area of ​​​​about 150 square meters. m using screw piles as a foundation is no more than 14 days. Just think: 14 days, and you are the owner of the new house you dreamed about. New house in a place where 2 weeks ago there was nothing! So the answer to the first question is YES!

Wouldn't it be nice to have the same fast heating in this house, for example, in 1 day? You say it's impossible? And if possible, then probably very expensive? And you can: quickly, inexpensively and with low monthly expenses? And we are ready to answer this question - YES! But how is this possible? - you ask. Elementary!

With an Air Heat Pump that generates from 2 to 5 kW of heat for each kW of electricity consumed. This allows you to approach such monthly expenses as if you had main gas. Now the heat generated by a heat pump costs only 20-30% more, but taking into account the upward trend in gas tariffs, it will equal it in the next 2-3 years, and then become cheaper. Electricity in a heat pump is not spent on heat production, as in electric heaters, but on the process of transferring heat from outside the house to the inside. This work is performed by freon, circulating in a closed circuit with the help of the compressor, which is the heart of the heat pump. Evaporating in the heat exchanger of the outdoor unit at a low temperature, freon takes heat from the surrounding air, which contains the stored energy of the sun in a low-potential form (for example, heat can be taken even from air with a temperature of minus 15 ° C, as a result of which its temperature will drop to minus 20 ? C, and 5 degrees will go to freon). Moving further along the circuit, the “warmed up” freon is compressed by the compressor in the indoor unit, as a result of which its temperature rises to + 20? С ... + 45? С (depending on the degree of compression). This hot freon warms the air circulating through the heat exchanger indoor unit. In turn, this warm air heats the room. Thus, a heat pump is a device capable of taking energy even from cold outside air, and then converting it into a high-temperature form that is convenient for use. By transferring hot freon into the room, you can heat the air, which heats the house. The air source heat pump is installed in 1 day and immediately starts working. Therefore, the answer to the 2nd question is also YES!

Having built a house in two weeks and installed an air source heat pump in it as a heating system in 1 day, you can call in and live in such a house! It remains only to arrange the furniture!

And now let's discuss what advantages a heat pump has in SIP houses, in addition to its quick installation.

A house built from SIP panels is energy efficient: heat losses in it are very small. In fact, this house is a thermos. For a comfortable stay in the house, you need to have a room temperature in the range of + 20? С ... + 25? С. All traditional heating systems are based on burning fuel and creating a source of elevated temperature in the house, which heats it up throughout the house. But the combustion temperature is too high for a person, so you have to use an intermediate agent - a heat carrier (water, ethylene glycol), which, taking on high-temperature combustion energy, carries it around the house, warming the air through water-air heat exchange devices - radiators or batteries. But the water temperature +50?С…+90?С is still high compared to the required air temperature. That is, using traditional boilers, we are forced to greatly overheat the coolant (water), while spending extra energy. In addition, there is the so-called "TEMPERATURE SAW" (heated - cooled down), because. any boiler operates in the "On-Off" mode. This leads to a strong fluctuation of the water temperature (and, accordingly, air) near the set temperature in the range of 5?C ... 7?C and additional excessive fuel consumption. Only a house made of massive brick or stone is able to smooth out these fluctuations.

In contrast to the above, an inverter heat pump heats air or water exactly up to minimum temperature(not higher than +45?С), which is necessary to obtain comfortable +20?С ... +25?С. Maintains the temperature that you set, with an accuracy of 0.5 ° C, with the help of a smooth change in its performance.

Nothing burns in it and does not explode: it is fireproof. The installation of such heating does not require any approvals from supervisory authorities. The heat pump is a completely autonomous system capable of maintaining the air temperature set by the owner even in his absence. In the event of a power failure, it automatically restarts when the power supply is restored. Supports economy mode +8?С…+10?С, saving money and not allowing the house to freeze. Efficiently heats the house even when outdoor temperature air minus 25?С and at the same time costs less than any traditional heating system.

The indoor unit of the heat pump directs the warm air vertically down towards the floor with the help of louvres. Warming it, warm air, swirling, fills everything inner space at home, rises up and warms the walls and ceiling. Mixing well due to the initial speed and convection, warm air fills the premises and warms them up. When the house is already warmed up, the heat pump works in the mode of maintaining the set temperature, while spending a minimum of electricity. Necessary condition effective heating of all rooms is the possibility of penetration there warm air. To do this, it is necessary to keep the doors to isolated rooms ajar for at least part of the day. Or install several heat pumps in the house, each of which covers its own isolated zone. A thermal power The device is selected based on the size and nature of the room.

Of all the manufacturers that are present on the air source heat pump market today, 2 manufacturers have advanced the farthest: Mitsubishi Electric and General-Fujitsu. It is their heat pumps that show best performance heat output at low outside air temperatures -25?С..-30?С. On average, for heating season, which is about 7 months in our latitudes, an air source heat pump generates 3 times more heat energy than electric heater, with the same power consumption. That is, such a heat pump, on average, produces 3 kW of heat for every kW of electricity consumed. Electricity is spent only on the operation of the compressor and control electronics. With a low initial cost (for example, a 3 kW heat pump costs from 65,000 rubles), it pays off in 2-4 seasons, and lasts 15-20 years. For comparison, 1 kW of gas heating heat costs about 70 kopecks, and for a heat pump about 90 kopecks. But it's NOW! And where there is no gas or it is expensive to supply, there are no alternatives to an air source heat pump. Even with a LIMIT of electricity, which is usually 5 kW, you can organize sustainable full-fledged heating, because you will get 3 times more heat! Heat pumps work most efficiently and economically in houses with low heat losses (less than 100 W / m2), namely, houses made of SIP panels. Here the heat pump pays for itself even faster. Thus, heating SIP houses using air source heat pumps is optimal, both in terms of initial costs (relatively inexpensive) and monthly costs comparable to main gas, which allows you to quickly recoup your investment.

And if you are going to become or have already become the proud owner of a house built using CIP technology, then you should use such “low-temperature”, fireproof heating systems as air source heat pumps to heat it. In addition, by installing them, you get another important advantage: in the summer, in the heat, they can cool the air in the house, working as air conditioners, keeping the house comfortable and cool. In this case, the street and the house change places: heat is taken inside the house and transferred outside, and this is cooling. Add to this the air purification and disinfection features found in many air-to-air heat pumps, and you have year-round Universal Home Climate System, which warms in winter and cools in summer, creating comfortable conditions for households. It doesn't matter what the weather is outside. Inside you always have comfortable +20?С…+25?С!

Houses made of SIP panels are economical not only at the construction stage, but also during operation. SIP panels are characterized by low thermal conductivity, and if there is no draft in the house, and there are no cold bridges in the walls, very little energy will be spent on heating.

How and with what can such a house be heated, and which option would be the best solution?

Types of heating systems for the house from SIP panels

Heating in such a house can be any:

  • steam;
  • water;
  • electric.

Steam and water systems can be operated from gas, liquid and solid fuel boiler. It is also possible to use an electric boiler, but it makes no sense: it is easier to install infrared heaters.

Manufacturers of SIP panels guarantee low fire hazard and high fire resistance of materials, but still, stove heating should not be used in such a house: it is too dangerous and not convenient enough, and it will be difficult to adjust the temperature accurately with the stove. If you value autonomy, it is better to choose a solid or liquid fuel boiler.

Electric heating

Strictly speaking, such heating cannot be called a “system”. It is rather a complex of devices that are enough to arrange in rooms. Infrared heaters work well. Oil guns will not be as comfortable, and air guns will dry the air.

The ideal option is a combination of IR screens installed under the ceiling with a “warm floor” system. Underfloor heating can also be equipped with electrical equipment. It will be convenient solution for an easy home.

The main advantages of electric heating are the absence of high costs for installing the system, the ability to quickly turn the system off and on, and ease of adjustment. There is also a drawback - electrical appliances consume a large amount of electricity. However, in an insulated house made of SIP panels, the costs will not be as large as in a brick one.

Water and steam heating

Steam and water heating systems are almost identical, the difference is only in the coolant and some design features. The advantages of such a system are obvious.

These are low fuel costs (gas will be much cheaper than electricity, low costs for both solid and liquid fuel) and the possibility autonomous heating. Alas, this is where the real advantages of the classical heating system end. The myths begin.

For example, it is considered that water system much more reliable than any electrical appliances and wiring. This is wrong. Damage to the wiring occurs much less frequently than in metal pipes. Instead of them, of course, you can put plastic, but what to do with a heating radiator?

The second myth is that the gas boiler will eventually justify high costs for installation. Alas, no one knows how much gas will cost in 10-15 years (at least as much as it will take to compensate for the initial costs).

Finally, the third myth is comfort. Maybe, water heating and does not dry the air like some heaters do, but in terms of usability, such a system is not the best choice.

There are only two reasons why it is worthwhile to carry out water or steam heating in a SIP-panel house. The first is the need for hot water(if you buy a double-circuit boiler, you will also solve the issue with hot water). The second is the need for autonomy. Alas, electrical system will never be autonomous, but the water one is completely.

What to choose?

It all depends on your situation. If you have a dacha that you rarely visit in winter, or a private house near the city, in an area where there is never a power outage, best option- electrical system. If you live far enough away and have suffered inconvenience due to emergency shutdowns more than once, it is better to invest in a boiler. Ideally, solid or liquid fuel.

More information

Heating a private house from SIP panels with electricity raises many questions and doubts, this method is considered to be expensive. However, you can choose an electrical appliance suitable for heating any home.

Oil heaters

In shape, they resemble ordinary heating radiators. Modern models equipped with a smooth or step heating controller, built-in protection, sometimes a fan heater. The power of oil-type heaters is from 0.8 to 2.5 kW, which allows them to be plugged into a household outlet.

They are suitable for periodic or additional heating of SIP at home, since they are not economical and dry the air, burning out oxygen. Long-term operation of the oil cooler in the room can cause malaise. If the case is damaged and oil leaks, the radiators become a fire hazard, which is a serious disadvantage for a CIP at home.

Fan heaters and thermal curtains

Their distinguishing feature- the presence of a fan that directs the flow of heated air. Suitable for rapid heating rooms or creating a barrier to cold air and drafts.

A serious drawback is the noise during operation, therefore, in residential buildings from SIP panels they are rarely used and only for heating certain areas:


The operating principle is based on physical laws convection. Heating elements are located inside the housing, they heat the cold air coming from below, after which it enters the room through openings in the housing. When the convector is on, there is a constant circulation of air masses, the room quickly heats up to the temperature set on the controller, after which the automation turns off the heating until the air cools down.

Convectors are silent, safe, but they mainly heat the air, which in houses built using SIP panel technology cools down at the slightest draft. Heating with convectors is not economical and is mainly suitable for a country SIP at home or as a temporary measure before connecting a heating boiler or stove.

Infrared heaters

Their working principle is based on infrared radiation capable of direct heating of objects even at a considerable distance. They are installed in the upper part of the room, for example, under the ceiling, while the floor, walls, and furniture are heated. They, in turn, give off heat and heat the air. Thus, all levels of the room are evenly heated.

Minus infrared heaters- absorption of oxygen during heating, with their prolonged use, it is necessary to ensure the flow of fresh air. Constant ventilation is one of the requirements for building a house with SIP panels, so it can be heated using infrared heaters.

Warm floor

A popular way to heat rooms, especially those where it is possible high humidity: bathroom, kitchen. Space heating with underfloor heating can be permanent.

When installing the “warm floor” system, the entire surface of the floor becomes a heater, while heating it does not exceed 30 degrees, oxygen is retained in the air, and the humidity that often occurs in houses made of SIP panels is stabilized.

Heating with electricity using underfloor heating is performed using two technologies:

  • using a heating cable;
  • with laying of infrared heating mats.

Due to its thickness, the cable is used under the screed, on which the finish coat is placed. It has increased electrical insulation compared to infrared mats, it is often used for underfloor heating in the bathroom and in the kitchen.

The cable can be sold in a coil or in the form of mats in which it is fixed at a distance necessary for uniform heating. The second option is more convenient - you do not have to perform calculations, the power of the heating mat is indicated in the documentation.

Infrared mats have a small thickness, so they can be laid directly under the finish coating: linoleum, laminate, carpet. Mats come in different widths and power - from 150 to 220 watts per square meter.

Electric boilers

Heating a house built using SIP technology using an electric boiler is the most popular method after heating with gas. Electric boilers for heating a house from SIP panels have a number of advantages:

The disadvantage of electric boilers can be called high cost tariffs for electricity, but compared to other options for heating with electricity, they are economical.

The principle of operation of the boiler is as follows: in the tank of the device there are heating elements that heat the coolant - water or antifreeze. The boiler is connected to a system consisting of radiators, pipes and related devices that ensure uninterrupted circulation. The heated coolant moves along a closed circuit, giving off heat to the radiators, and they, in turn, heat the space of the house.

There are several types of electric boilers according to the principle of heating a liquid:

  • heating elements;
  • induction;
  • electrode.

Electric heating elements boilers

Heating elements consist of a heating element, most often a nichrome coil, placed in an insulating ceramic tube. heating up high temperature, The heating element gives off heat to the surrounding water. It is forbidden to turn on the heating element boiler without a coolant - it will burn out!


  • simple design;
  • low requirements for the composition of the coolant;
  • small dimensions, the boiler can be placed on the wall in a convenient place;
  • moderate price.


  • when using untreated hard water, scale gradually forms on the walls of the boiler and heaters, which reduces the performance of the boiler.

To control the temperature, two types of sensors are used: installed on the boiler itself or remote, located in the rooms. The second type of sensors allows you to more accurately set the modes and make heating more comfortable.

Induction boilers

In them, the heating of the coolant occurs due to the induction currents flowing through it, for which the boiler is equipped with an inductor operating on industrial or industrial currents. high frequency. The use of currents with a frequency of several tens of kHz allows you to make the boiler silent, older models at a frequency of 50 Hz emit a slight hum during operation.

Advantages of induction boilers:

  • high speed heat carrier heating;
  • boilers are not demanding on the quality of the coolant, you can use water of any hardness - due to constant vibration, scale does not form;
  • there are no heat losses for heating heating elements, heating is cheaper;
  • inside the boilers there are no detachable connections through which leaks are possible;
  • there is no contact between the coolant and the electrical part of the device, which increases its reliability.


  • the main disadvantage of induction boilers is their high price;
  • dimensions are larger than those of TEN boilers.

Electrode boilers

They only work on systems closed type with a specially prepared coolant: water in which salts are dissolved. The principle of operation is based on the splitting of solution molecules into charged ions and their subsequent movement to oppositely charged electrodes. Boilers operate on alternating current, the direction of movement of ions is constantly changing, which leads to heating of the coolant.

Advantages of boilers:

  • compact dimensions;
  • boilers do not fail when the coolant leaks - the heating process simply stops in them;
  • the declared efficiency of induction boilers is higher than that of heating elements.


  • flaw induction electric boilers- high requirements for the quality of the coolant;
  • the price is higher than that of heating elements of similar power.

Heating a house from SIP panels with electricity is affordable and efficient, and the combination various types heaters will create the necessary microclimate and comfort in the house.

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