How to get spiders out of your house permanently. How to get rid of spiders in the house: folk remedies and chemistry. Horse chestnuts or walnuts

Spiders are more beneficial than harmful as they destroy flies, cockroaches, ants, moths and others. small insects. If there are too many of them, you can get rid of spiders much easier than other uninvited inhabitants, because there are effective means to destroy them

How to use spider killer

Walk with a broom in all corners of the house, collect the accumulated web along with spiders and spider eggs and burn it. You can take them outside and shake them out, in the warm season they can find a new home for themselves. After cleaning the corners, you need to carefully treat the premises with special insect repellents: aerosols, pastes, crayons, gels. Apply chalk or gel to all walls and baseboards in closed strips. Spray all walls with insect repellant.

Particular attention when treating with insect repellents should be given to hard-to-reach places in the house. If this is not done, all corners will soon be occupied by new spiders.

To destroy spiders, you can use a special aerosol based on boric acid. Treat all walls and corners with the product, close the windows tightly and leave the room for three hours, closing the door tightly. After this time, you need to carry out dry and wet cleaning of the house.

How to get rid of spiders

To get rid of spiders in the house forever, you need to do a general cleaning. Take carpets, pillows, mattresses outside, ventilate them and knock them out. Vacuum the house thoroughly Special attention giving corners, floor under furniture. Do a wet cleaning. Wash the chandelier: spiders or their eggs can also hide on it. Wash the furniture, check the contents of tables and cabinets. Rinse radiators and heating pipes. Wash the floor, including under sofas and cabinets. Disinfectants must be added to the wash water.

To prevent spiders from reappearing, close ventilation holes gauze or fine mesh

If the house has old, falling off wallpapers, they should definitely be changed, because various insects or their eggs can hide under them, which will nullify all efforts. All cracks in baseboards or windows must be sealed. silicone sealant. An old whitewashed ceiling can be repainted, spiders do not like the smell of fresh whitewash or paint, and this will be an additional measure in the fight against them. The basement must be cleared of debris, cobwebs must be collected and the walls whitewashed with lime.

It will not be possible to get rid of spiders in the house for a long time if they also live in the attic, in the basement, in the apartments of neighbors. In this situation, it is necessary to unite the efforts of all residents. You can involve special services in the fight against insects. After disinsection and further compliance sanitary regulations spiders or insects will not bother all residents of the house with their presence.

Taking care of the comfort of their apartments, many owners pay special attention to the sudden appearance of uninvited guests, in the role of which spiders sometimes act. Often, these insects prefer to settle in secluded corners, gradually weaving their living space with cobwebs. In most cases, spiders cause very unpleasant emotions, frightening with their appearance. Young children are especially afraid of them, and some of their species can scare even an adult with a strong nervous system. You can get rid of these unpleasant guests of your home using proven folk methods, as well as using means industrial production.

Spiders. What do we know about them

You can meet a spider not only in the house and on personal plot. Currently, there are more than 42,000 species of these unique insects, densely populating almost the entire Earth. As you know, the spider belongs to the order of predators, eating not only insects, but also small animals, as well as birds. Universal Tool designed for catching prey, for a spider is a web, the strength of which many modern manufacturers of natural and synthetic fibers can envy.

Interesting facts about the web

To kill its prey, the spider uses poison injected into the immobilized body along with digestive juices. After a certain period of time, it begins to suck out the nutrient solution, becoming saturated as it is consumed. In addition to the very harmless representatives of this family, there are spiders in the world that are fraught with great danger to humans. These dangerous varieties are often found in southern countries. The bite of such a spider, in some cases, can cause death.

Among the spiders most often found in our apartments, there are the following varieties:

  • Spider harvester. This spider does not pose a danger to humans, living in dry and warm places. The pigtail spider, as it is also called by the people, prefers to weave its web near the window. The length of the legs of this insect can reach a length of 20 mm, while the length of the body can be from 2 to 10 mm. In the warm season, this spider, like many of its fellows, prefers to live on the street, however, sometimes it can also be found in houses.
  • Tramp spider. This species is very rare in domestic premises. Its peculiarity lies in the lack of the ability to weave a web. This spider prefers to hunt while in in constant motion. The prey of this small predator are mainly small insects.
  • Spider spider. This spider can be found in apartments at any time of the year. A large and geometrically correct web will testify to its appearance. The body of this insect is quite massive, and the color is closely brown. If you look closely at the abdomen, you will notice a beautiful pattern in the form of a cross on the pink. This insect prefers to settle between window frames and almost around the clock stays in sight, almost not afraid of prying eyes. It is popularly believed that this spider is able to predict the weather. Before the start of the rain, he hides.
  • Black house spider. This spider is easy to recognize among many others by paying attention to its web. Thick, resembling a thin layer of cotton wool, it forms a tunnel in which the owner himself sits. Such a spider prefers to nest in basements, on balconies and in secluded corners of houses, feeding on small insects.

ABOUT house spider

The appearance of spiders in the house is usually associated with the presence of a sufficient amount of food that attracts this type of insect. Most often, they make their way into living quarters from the street, attics and basements. And sometimes we ourselves bring them into the house, along with things. You can meet these uninvited guests anywhere. Usually, for arranging housing, spiders choose all kinds of corners and other places where they are least bothered. It is for this reason that they are most often found in garages, cellars, on balconies and on building facades.

Here for them there are optimal conditions that allow round-the-clock hunting. However, sometimes a spider can settle in your bedroom, kitchen, bathroom or toilet. Having found it there, you should not instantly panic, because none of the representatives of the types of danger described above poses a danger to humans.

An alarming sign for the owner of the apartment can be a sharp invasion of spiders, which can be provoked by an abundant number of other types of harmful domestic insects. In such cases, it is necessary to use a variety of industrial production or folk methods, because many of them can pose a serious health hazard. By getting rid of crawling and flying named guests, you will automatically get rid of spiders.
At the same time, in some cases, the most effective and justified option may be to order a professional pest control service provided nearby. specialized companies. Using reliable and proven means that are as safe as possible for humans, specialists will be able to as soon as possible perform a comprehensive treatment of the entire house, relieving it of various kinds harmful insects.

In their work, these companies use funds purchased in retail almost impossible. Thanks to the excellent technical equipment they are able to treat the least accessible places, which provides an excellent result. When reappearance insects before the expiration of the warranty period, such firms provide re-treatment services for the premises without charging a fee.

If necessary, you can order a professional disinfestation of a single apartment. However, a noticeable disadvantage in this case will be the need to leave it for several hours. After completion of the procedure, it is desirable to make a thorough cleaning of the room.

Spider signs

Means and methods to get rid of spiders in the house and in the adjacent territories

Wanting to avoid meeting with spiders in the apartment, you can resort to many various ways to effectively get rid of them. However, before using heavy artillery in the form of industrial tools that may be unsafe for humans and pets, you can use folk methods.

  • If you notice a cobweb in the house, take a broom or mop and wrap it with a rag. Then carefully sweep the web from the walls and under the ceiling along with its owners. It is quite convenient to use a vacuum cleaner equipped with a narrow nozzle;
  • do not be too lazy to look behind the furniture standing against the walls. It is there that you can also find intruders along with egg-laying. Carefully sweep them with a broom or a rag on a scoop, then flush them down the toilet or shake them out into the street in the warm season;
  • carefully check the apartment for the presence of other types of insects, because they attract spiders to your house, being the main source of food.
  • Try to block all access to such uninvited guests by carefully sealing the cracks in the walls and along the baseboards, as well as water risers, sewers and near the doors;
  • equip the ventilation openings with gratings with a fine fraction, and install reliable mosquito nets on the windows;
  • Clean your home thoroughly with detergents and cleaners. This will allow you to detect spider nests and get rid of them in a timely manner;
  • sort out the rubble of old and little-used things that can act as a refuge for this type of insect;
  • clean tables thoroughly after meals, sweep and mop floors, and keep trash can clean. Food leftovers can potentially attract others dangerous insects, which are tasty prey for spiders;
  • for storage of bulk food products use airtight containers that can also prevent the reproduction of harmful insects;
  • When using outdoor lights, try to turn them off often, as light sources attract large numbers of midges, which are a valuable food source for spiders. It is for this reason that they prefer to weave their web on windows and in the immediate vicinity of street lamps. By using thick blinds or curtains, you can also effectively block out interior lighting, which will also reduce the amount of spiders sitting on your windows;
  • gas-discharge sodium lamps can be used as light sources. The light they emit is less attractive to insects, and this will insure yourself against the appearance of spiders;
  • reduce the amount of vegetation adjacent to the outer part of the walls as much as possible. It is she who is a great hiding place for spiders that can easily enter your house through window cracks.

Folk methods for cleaning an apartment from unwanted residents

Spiders, like many other insects, do not tolerate strong odors, which makes it very effective to use such weapons against them.

Essential oils

  1. Take a spray bottle and fill it with water, add 20 drops of oil to it. peppermint, which can be purchased at a pharmacy.
  2. Then spray the resulting composition around the apartment, paying special attention to windows and front doors.

Smelling a rich minty aroma, spiders will leave your home on their own.

To enhance the effect, you can use undiluted oil. To do this, dip it in a cotton swab and wipe the places where spiders most often prefer to settle. Citrus essential oils, tea tree oil, lavender and eucalyptus also have a similar effect. This treatment is recommended to be carried out once a week for a month.

Attention! Tea tree essential oil is not safe for pets.

diatomaceous earth

An excellent effect in the fight against spiders and other domestic insects can be provided by diatomite, which is universal remedy. Having defended Airways gauze bandage, sprinkle the powder around the perimeter of the room in a thin layer. Due to the individual characteristics of this substance, spiders and other insects receive serious injuries upon direct contact with it, leading to death.


You can also scare away spiders with vinegar.

  1. Take a few saucers and fill them with water.
  2. Add a few drops of acetic acid to each of them.
  3. Arrange saucers in places where insects appear most often.

Chestnuts and hazelnuts

Chestnuts and hazelnuts are famous for their very unusual effects on spiders. According to observations, their specific aroma is able to expel insects from the house in a short period of time.

  1. Take a few hazelnuts or chestnuts and break them into pieces.
  2. Arrange the fruit on window sills and in any other places where spiders are found.
  3. Literally the next day you will not find them in their usual places.

Aromas of citrus

Spiders also cannot tolerate the smell of citrus fruits, which can be used as a repellant. To provide such protection, you need citrus juice, which can be purchased at the store, preferring a product without sugar. Or squeeze yourself out of fresh fruit. You can also use store-bought citrus-scented air fresheners that contain natural citrus oils.

  1. Fill a spray bottle with water and add a few tablespoons of juice to it, or use any of the other products listed that have a rich aroma.
  2. Treat various surfaces in the apartment with the resulting composition (countertops, kitchen cabinets, doorways, window sills)

    Attention! Before treatment, painted surfaces should be checked in advance for their reaction to such substances. Plastic surfaces cannot be treated with citrus juice, this will lead to their deterioration.

ground cinnamon

As effective repellent you can also use ground cinnamon, which has a rich spicy aroma, against spiders. To do this, sprinkle cinnamon powder in various parts premises.

Ground red pepper

Hot peppers will help to cope with spiders in the apartment.

  1. Take 30 g of hot red pepper, mix it with 120 ml of vinegar.
  2. Dilute the resulting composition in 1 liter of water.
  3. Pour the scented liquid into a spray bottle and spray it on where the spiders are.

How to get rid of spiders living on balconies, basements and adjacent areas

Wanting to get rid of spiders living on adjoining territory you can use the following methods.


Tobacco can provide a good effect in the fight against these insects.

  1. Measure out 4 liters of water and boil it.
  2. Add a package of chewing tobacco, or pipe tobacco, to the boiling water.
  3. The resulting solution should be infused and cool completely.
  4. Use a fine strainer to strain the liquid and pour it into a clean container.
  5. Take a spray bottle and pour 1 cup of the resulting infusion and 0.5 cups of any lemon-scented dishwashing detergent into it.
  6. Treat the composition of the balcony, open verandas and any other places located in the garden.

With this tool, you can get rid of not only spiders, but also various types of beetles, mosquitoes and other pests. However, this tool is radical and can also destroy beneficial insects living near you. In addition, do not forget that spiders living in natural conditions, bring invaluable benefits to the garden, destroying many harmful insects as well as flies and mosquitoes.

Vases with lavender and mint

Some plants will help scare spiders away from your balcony. Arrange flowerpots with mint or lavender on the windowsills and these unforgiven guests will bypass your house on the tenth road.

Methods involving the use of aromatic substances can only scare away spiders, but not destroy them. Usually, their validity period can be no more than 2 weeks. To prolong the effectiveness of such substances, it is recommended to update them until the spiders completely disappear from your home.

Which of the industrial means is most effective in the fight against spiders

In addition to folk methods of dealing with spiders, there are many industrial production tools that allow you to quickly and effectively deal with such a problem. With their help, you will be able not only to protect your apartment from arachnids, but also to avoid the appearance of other harmful insects.

  • Among the rich assortment of various insecticidal agents the best choice there will be specialized sprays and aerosols capable of destroying the spider on direct contact. With their help, you can easily process even the most hard-to-reach places indoors while providing long-term protection.
  • Significantly less effective assistants in the fight against such insects will be insecticidal gels. With their help, you can reduce the number of other crawling insects (woodlice, cockroaches, ants, silverfish), but the spiders themselves are unlikely to feel their impact, given the lifestyle.
  • The use of fumigators indoors may also be of little use against spiders. However, with such devices, you can reduce the number of small flying insects that act as food for these predators, which may force them to look for more suitable places to live. However, fumigators that function on the basis of the use of allerin will not cause any harm to spiders.
  • Perhaps the most useless option would be to this case purchase of ultrasonic repellers. As many years of practice shows, these devices do not have any effect on spiders.

Rating of the most popular tools, compiled on the basis of feedback from Internet users

Thanks to the analysis of the feedback from the majority of network users who are faced with the need to destroy spiders in their apartments using industrial production, it was possible to rank the most effective drugs that guarantee the desired result.

  1. Raid from ants and cockroaches. With this aerosol aimed directly at the insect, you can instantly destroy the spider. The active substance does not have a pungent odor, and its effectiveness lasts about four weeks. It is recommended to use the drug only in enclosed spaces where children and animals do not stay at the time of treatment. Using this insecticide, you can also rid your home of the invasion of cockroaches, and ants. Hazard class 4.
  2. Spray Joker Bun. This drug is specially designed for the fight against spiders. Not having a strong odor, it has a strong effect on other domestic insects, however, it is prohibited for use in establishments. Catering. Spraying the substance in the area of ​​window and doorways, as well as along skirting boards, pipelines and in the corners, you will be able to protect your apartment from spiders entering it. Upon direct contact with the aerosol, spiders die instantly. The product is not safe for children and pets until completely dry on surfaces. Hazard class 3.
  3. Aerosol Raptor from crawling insects. This insecticidal spray has a minty scent and is able to quickly destroy a large number of varieties of crawling insects, including spiders. With it, you will be able to protect your apartment from their penetration for 3 months. And with the help of one cylinder, it will be possible to process a room whose area does not exceed 60m2. Hazard class 3.
  4. Specialized aerosol against spiders Bros. This drug is the best option for processing not only apartments, but also utility rooms, as well as open verandas and terraces. The principle of action of the substance is based on the use of microcapsules that enter the body of an insect through direct contact. When sprayed directly on a spider, the drug instantly kills the insect. The activity of the aerosol is maintained for four hours after application, and the period of effectiveness is three months. Hazard class 4.

Preventing the re-emergence of insects in the walls of your home

Here are some steps you can take to prevent spiders from re-entering your home:

  1. Ensure the sealing of the apartment by eliminating cracks and gaps in the walls.
  2. Install mosquito nets on windows and bars on vents.
  3. If possible, do not use outdoor lighting near the house.
  4. Get rid of vegetation adjacent directly to the outer walls of the building.
  5. Maintain cleanliness in the house, getting rid of food debris in time, which is a favorable environment for the life of various domestic insects that attract the attention of spiders.
  6. Provide airtight food storage using a variety of resealable containers and food containers.

Spiders tend to prefer natural environment habitats, but they may well “make happy” with their presence the owners of private houses or apartments, penetrating into households in search of shelter and food. in the perfect way secure your home from uninvited guests - simply do not let them inside, taking appropriate measures. However, if this moment is missed, there are many ways to get rid of unpleasant insects.

Preventive measures

If peaceful coexistence with spiders is not in your plans, then the first thing you should do is to treat all the holes and cracks through which insects can enter your house.

For this, ordinary putty is used, with the help of which cracks on windows and doors are filled. Torn mosquito nets should be replaced, as arthropods can freely penetrate even through small holes.

If necessary, it is better to turn off the light outside - it attracts the attention of not only spiders, but also other insects. blackout curtains or blinds that block the light in the room will also make it impossible for spiders to succumb to the temptation to visit you.

Attract insects and poorly carried out repairs, and cracks in the ceilings and floors.
You can bring a spider into the house by accident if it clings to clothes with its tenacious paws.

Since the main food of spiders is other insects (ants, two-tails, mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches), it is necessary to ensure that they do not appear in the dwelling.

To prevent the spread of this misfortune in the house, you need:

  • clean up leftover food, crumbs and other food debris;
  • keep clean, sweep the floor, vacuum carpets and carry out wet cleaning, including hard-to-reach areas;
  • dispose of rubbish in a timely manner;
  • use plastic containers for storing things and products.

If preventive measures did not help or were not observed in full force, do not despair, spiders can and should be fought. And they will help you with this:

  1. A vacuum cleaner with which you can collect both adult spiders, and cobwebs, and bags with laid eggs.
  2. Traps (adhesive strips), which should be placed horizontally and thrown away as soon as several spiders fall into it. However, this method will only help get rid of adults.
  3. A brush that sweeps away insects and cobwebs.
  4. Wet cleaning. The rag that was used should be burned, as thousands of insect eggs can be laid in the web.
  5. Intexicides. They spray corners and crevices. Before use, you should carefully read the instructions to reduce the risk of poisoning people and pets. However, it is important to understand the possibilities chemicals if aerosol spraying did not occur at the places of direct accumulation of insects, then the poison will not affect them in any way.
  6. "Panicle" of reed cane or stems. If you walk it in all corners of the apartment, there will be no trace of spiders.

If you are unable to cope on your own, you can resort to the help of specialists by contacting the appropriate organization. A professional, having treated the room with chemical pesticides, will clean the house of spiders, however special means very powerful, so it will not be possible to stay indoors for several days in order to avoid poisoning.

Some hosts prefer humane way getting rid of spiders - transportation, simply sweeping insects into the street.

Folk ways to deal with spiders

To date, many are known folk ways insect control, which were successfully used by our grandmothers.

Spiders are very afraid of chestnuts. Break the nuts, spread them in places where insects accumulate, and soon there will be no trace of them. There are no scientific explanations why insects cannot stand chestnuts, but the fact remains, this remedy very efficient.

Helps with spiders and peppermint oil. Add 20 drops of oil to water, stir and pour the liquid into a spray bottle. Spray the solution into the corners and crevices of your home, especially before entering. Or, soak a cotton swab in oil and wipe all the corners, cracks and places where spiders can accumulate.

If there is no peppermint oil, then it can be replaced with tea tree oil, lemon or eucalyptus oil, they have a similar effect.

In basements and other non-residential premises that spiders have chosen for themselves, you can treat the walls and ceiling with lime or paint, insects categorically do not like the smells of paint and whitewash.

Vinegar - main enemy spiders. Mix equal parts water and vinegar, pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Spray all surfaces of the room and directly on insects, they will not survive the vinegar attack. Saucers with vinegar can be placed in the corners. No less than vinegar, spiders hate the smell of lemon and tobacco.

If you love animals, get a cat. A huntress by nature, she will catch spiders with great passion.

Spiders cannot harm a person, unless, of course, we are talking about poisonous species. However, the presence in the dwelling of unpleasant multi-legged creatures, even if they do an excellent job of killing flies and mosquitoes, few will like. Moreover, some people are terrified of them. Now that you know the measures to combat these insects, it will not be difficult for you to get rid of uninvited guests.

It's no secret that in addition to your family and you, unwanted lodgers can live in the house: flies, cockroaches, ants? And it's not complete list! Explore the corners in the room. See the web? This means that there are also spiders in the house. These arthropods can often be seen in nature. But out of a thousand species that live in our latitudes, three species still prefer to have a roof over their heads, so they settle with great pleasure in dwellings next to a person. Note that this does not at all cause mutual joy in ourselves.

Neighborhood with spiders in the middle latitudes is not at all dangerous. These domestic individuals are completely harmless and even benefit their owners. The weightless web of spiders collects household dust, perfectly cleaning the air in the rooms. They also help fight annoying insects. If you decide to declare war on these furry tenants, then you also need to get rid of their source of food - insects. So, everything is in order!


First, try to get rid of the web and adults. Collect them in all rooms, closets, pantries. Put a rag on the broom, walk in all corners. Or use a vacuum cleaner, just change the nozzle to a narrow one. Wipe or vacuum very thoroughly rear walls furniture. It is there that nests with testicles can hide. If you do not get rid of the egg-laying places in time, small spiders will appear in the house, and you will have to deal with furry tenants in a new way.

Ask what insects still live in your house, because it is their presence that encourages spiders to stay with you for permanent residence. Try to simultaneously pickle ants, cockroaches, flies, which are food and excellent bait for these predators.

Overlapping inputs, outputs

Most often, spiders in the house appear due to our carelessness. Poor repair, the presence of many cracks in windows, doors, baseboards, breeding other insects - all this only plays into the hands of spiders. It happens that we ourselves bring them with things, on clothes. Burning with the desire to get rid of them quickly, but do not know how to deal with these miniature monsters? Seal all cracks, close the openings that go out. Patch the damaged mosquito net on the windows. Close the hood, fireplace, ventilation openings with a fine grate.

Close all possible loopholes through which the spider population can again replenish or a new batch of food can appear for them.


Sticky tape traps are not very effective for dealing with builder spiders that live under the ceiling. But for a terrestrial arthropod, these sticky traps can be set up. Place them horizontally on the floor and throw them away immediately if several individuals get into it. Only in this way you will not be able to get rid of the eggs.

We use a chemical

How to get rid of spiders in the house with chemicals? If you manage to completely seal all the cracks and in the process general cleaning get rid of the web and all the places of egg laying, then you won’t have to poison anything.

Still decided to use chemistry? It is best to fight spiders with the help of poisons, which include pyrethroids. Ordinary aerosols against insects cannot harm the spider. Spray the liquid in places where spiders are most numerous: in corners, crevices, behind furniture. But the remedy only works if it hits the spider directly. Otherwise, the furry lodger will remain alive.

We use a folk remedy

  • Arrange the crushed horse chestnuts in the corners. The specific aroma of the fruit will scare away these arthropods.
  • They do not like spiders and the smell of peppermint. Take advantage of this - lubricate the cracks, cracks with the appropriate essential oil or lay out a fresh plant.
  • The walls in the closet, the basement, where these insects love to live, whitewash with lime, the smell of which they cannot stand.
  • Spray insects with a spray bottle of vinegar. There is an opinion that acetic acid, when it hits an insect, simply burns it. And the smell of vinegar itself can scare away.
  • Finally, get a cat. This home hunter will gladly arrange an arthropod safari.


  1. Do not attract insects that serve as food for spiders. IN dark time do not turn on the lights outside for 24 hours, use blinds and curtains so that the internal light does not break out. Do not leave food waste that attract pests.
  2. Do you live in a private house? Try to get rid of trees, bushes and climbing plants growing very close to the building. Constantly clean the area, remove leaves, stones, mulch, where arthropods love to hide.
  3. Keep your home clean. Don't store things carton boxes in the corners, it is better to use plastic containers with tight-fitting lids for storage.

On the other hand, if you clear the house of all the spiders, how will you know when to expect guests? Indeed, according to signs, a spider descending from the ceiling - to the guests!

These nasty-looking insects don't really do any harm in the garden, unless you count the cobwebs hanging all over the place, which largely spoil appearance. Precisely focusing more on aesthetic reasons, many summer residents, and especially summer residents, do not want to endure such a neighborhood.

Firstly, it is worth starting with prevention - regular wet cleaning, periodic painting and whitewashing of distant surfaces - all this does not contribute to the appearance of cobwebs in your country house.

A large number of spiders may indicate a variety of insects living nearby - the food base of these predators. Worth thinking about.

Now I propose to consider the main methods of dealing with spiders:

  1. With a damp cloth, securely wound around a mop, regularly collect all the cobwebs in the house. Try to capture the spider itself along with the web.
  2. Handle corners, skirting boards and various "far" corners special aerosols against spiders, which are widely represented on the market.
  3. On sale appeared ultrasonic repellers against spiders. Some who have tried them say that they are quite effective, others, on the contrary, did not see the difference.
  4. Perform scheduled repairs. For example, carry out wallpapering or painting internal walls. smell of paint and wallpaper glue for a long time will scare away these insects from the country house.
  5. If in your country house there is a basement, clean it of rubbish that has accumulated there over the years. Whitewash the walls and ceiling with lime.
  6. In the garden, spiders primarily settle in greenhouses, regularly clean the nooks and crannies from the cobwebs.
  7. Spider clutches - collect and destroy white spider balls.
  8. Plant on garden plot more peppermint. The smell of this plant repels spiders.

Remember that spiders bring much more benefit than harm. Getting rid of this link in the food chain can lead to the over-thriving of various insect pests, for example encephalitis mites. Therefore, put the rooms in order, clean the cobwebs in the corners, but you do not need to poison these insects.

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