How can you anoint a child with mosquito bites. How to smear mosquito bites so as not to itch? Repellent - effective protection

Summer, sunshine, nature outings. What could be better? Only lack of mosquitoes on vacation. Today, the industry offers a great variety of sprays, ointments, creams to repel harmful insects. But they still find a loophole and dig into the skin. How to smear mosquito bites? Some say nothing. But it itches, itches, it hurts. Sometimes blisters appear. Some begin to rub the bite site with their nails. As a result, the inflammation intensifies, a boil appears, then a scar remains. Today we will figure out how to alleviate your fate.

Means that relieve swelling and eliminate pain, itching, are divided into two groups:

  • pharmacy
  • folk

Soda. The most famous ambulance with mosquito bites. The method has been tested by many generations, it works 100%. It is enough to moisten a cotton pad or a piece of cotton cloth with plain water, then gently dip it in soda. Now all this is applied to the site of damage, for about 40-50 seconds. Then the cotton wool is removed, the soda is not washed off, but shaken off after drying. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated, but usually this is no longer required.

Salt. In a 200 ml glass of ordinary water, dilute half a teaspoon table salt. Then they take a piece of gauze, bandage or cotton wool, moisten in a solution. Apply to a mosquito bite for 12-16 minutes. As a rule, itching, pain and swelling go away fairly quickly.

Toothpaste. Another legendary tool. The paste does not need to be rubbed. It is simply applied to the bite site with a thin layer and left to dry completely. You can take the cheapest toothpaste, but always mint. It is menthol in the composition that has an anti-inflammatory and soothing effect.

"Star". A well-known balm that perfectly relieves discomfort after mosquito bites. It is also applied in a thin layer, you can put a piece of gauze on top and make a bandage. It is necessary to keep such a design until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.

Apple vinegar. bred plain water in a ratio of 1 to 1 and make a light compress. You can simply periodically wipe the bite site with a piece of bandage or cotton wool soaked in the solution. According to reviews, the itching subsides almost instantly.

By the way, the smell of any vinegar very effectively repels the mosquitoes themselves.

Dandelion juice. They are simply generously lubricated with swelling from a mosquito bite over the entire surface and covered with a gauze bandage. Not a compress! The bandage can be removed after about 2 hours.

The method is convenient on a hike or on a picnic when no funds are at hand.

Sour cream or curdled milk is present in the refrigerators of many rural residents. But few people know that these products are great for relieving pain and swelling from mosquito bites. You just need to apply a small amount of the substance to the damage, but do not rub. Then you should wait for drying and repeat the procedure. Usually, after the third application, there is no trace of a bite. Unless it's an allergy.

Calming plants. Being in the country or on a picnic, mosquito bites can be dealt with very easily without a trip to the pharmacy. Mint, aloe, chamomile, plantain, parsley. It is enough to knead a few leaves into a pulp and put on a blister. Top with a sheet of plantain or cabbage, then wrap with a bandage. After about 3-4 minutes healing juice starts to act. The dressing can be completely removed after 3 hours.

Tablet. Validol, diphenhydramine, anestezin. Any of these tablets can be moistened with plain water, and then lightly rub the mosquito bite. If the touch causes discomfort, then the medicine can be crushed. Then it is enough to add some water, and put the resulting slurry in a thin layer on the edema. It is not even necessary to cover with a bandage, because it acts very quickly.

Important! This method can be used only with absolute certainty that a person is not allergic to these drugs. Otherwise, instead of relief, anaphylactic shock may occur.

Onions, potatoes. Wash a raw onion or potato well, then cut it up. A cut is lubricated at the site of a mosquito bite when discomfort occurs. Or cut off a thin plate of a vegetable and apply it to the damage, wrapping it with a bandage. After 3 hours, change the plate to a fresh one. Repeat until the pain and itching subside.

Coconut oil or tea tree. Today, many people are engaged in home soap making, so most people have such oils at home. And they very well relieve inflammation and significantly accelerate healing. Moreover, just a couple of drops of tea tree or coconut oil the size of a match head are enough to smear the bite.

How not to smear mosquito bites

  1. Oily cream. A cosmetic product will not relieve pain and certainly will not help relieve swelling or itching.
  2. Potassium permanganate. Any solution of potassium permanganate can be on the skin without consequences for a very short time. If you make lotions out of it, then a chemical burn will definitely occur. But for washing, a solution of manganese is great.
  3. Soap. Some sources recommend smearing mosquito bites with regular soap. After drying, repeat the procedure. They just do not explain what the benefits of such manipulations are.
  4. Iodine. Inappropriate transfer of funds. Iodine does not help at all with mosquito bites. But the brilliant green allows the wound to drag on a little faster.
  5. Pomade. Yes, there is such wonderful advice. Probably from the category of fantasy. Because cosmetic product does not carry any useful function, except for decorative. A mosquito bite and without lipstick will be red and eye-catching.

How to smear mosquito bites? Any of the above. Most of them are readily available, and the effect exceeds all expectations. Take care of yourself.

Video: how to treat mosquito bites in a child

With the advent of warm days, we spend more and more time on outdoors. It is during this period that parents often face such a problem as How to smear terrible red blisters if your baby is still quite a baby?

Surely you have already noticed that most of those sold in a pharmacy are recommended for children from one and a half years old. Nevertheless, annoying insects bite your beloved child much earlier than this age. The skin of the crumbs is so delicate that even if the mosquito did not have time to suck out the blood, a huge red spot still swells from the slightest bite. It does not heal for a long time and at the same time it itches terribly. the child may not go away for several weeks, and sometimes even causes allergies. This issue should be taken seriously and consult a doctor.

In some cases, it is also necessary in children. Many

Moms always have a product with them that quickly relieves redness, swelling and relieves itching. But, of course, you don’t want to poison your beloved child with medications, so you can use other means when there are mosquito bites in children.

How to smear a swollen place when there is nothing at hand? Sorrel leaves, which grow even in the field, will do a good job of this. It is enough to grind one leaf in your hands so that the juice appears and anoint the redness. It will seem surprising, but the unpleasant sensation will disappear almost instantly, and the itching will stop, although the bite itself will heal for a long time. You can use plantain leaves in the same way if there is a wound or mosquito bites in children. How to smear a baby with different chemistry, it may be better to try natural remedies, which cope with their tasks no worse than gels and creams.

Another excellent folk remedy is baking soda, which quickly neutralizes mosquito bites in children. How to smear a red spot if it does not go away for a long time? Of course, you probably remember how mothers applied a cotton swab dipped in a weak soda solution. It is odorless, does not sting and does not cause any discomfort to the child, so the baby will not resist when using it.

But, as you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it later. Tansy flowers repel insects, including mosquitoes. If your child does not have allergies, then try to make him beads or a bracelet from her inflorescences. Vanillin is another effective insect repellent. You need to dilute one sachet in a glass of water and sprinkle the baby with it. This solution quickly disappears, so it will have to be applied quite often; And still need to use precisely vanillin, not vanilla sugar.

When your child sleeps outside, be sure to use mosquito net, which is also desirable to sprinkle with a solution of vanillin or “decorate” with tansy.

We hope that you will save the crumbs as much as possible from such trouble as mosquito bites.

Mosquito bites are sometimes extremely dangerous for human health, especially if they have suffered from them. Small child. Puffiness, itching, pain, hyperemia of the skin are the mildest symptoms that these insects can cause, violating the integrity of the human epidermis, while injecting substances into the dermis layer that cause a sharp reaction in the human body. The consequences of this can be more serious, and are expressed with the help of severe allergic reactions, or even infection with dangerous infectious diseases.

As a result, many parents have a completely logical question: how to smear mosquito bites on a child? What medications will help relieve swelling, and are there folk methods fighting rashes caused by contact with these insects? Safe Ways relieve symptoms from mosquito bites, yes, they can be safely used even by small children.

Pharmacy remedies for mosquito bites for children

Mosquito bites can cause itching and pain

Before you think about how to treat mosquito bites in children from pharmaceutical preparations, it is better to ask the advice of a doctor who treats such skin lesions. In such a situation, you need to talk to a dermatologist, but if this is not possible, then you can contact an allergist, pediatrician or therapist. This is necessary to exclude an allergic reaction to the agent used, because many of them are strictly prohibited for children.

Let's take a look at the list of the safest medications helping to get rid of unpleasant symptoms after mosquito bites for children.

If the child was bitten by a mosquito, and swelling quickly appears at the site of the bite, then an ordinary solution of hydrogen peroxide will help to cope with it. This universal remedy used for the treatment various damage and skin diseases. In addition, it has a disinfecting effect and practically does not cause allergies.

Lubricate sore spots with peroxide several times a day. If the remedy did not help, and the swelling from the mosquito bite remained, this means that you need to resort to a more serious pharmacy drug.

If you do not know what to do with a mosquito bite, if the child has redness, accompanied by swelling on the skin, then Fenistil gel will become an indispensable tool. It stops the allergic reaction, relieves itching, removes the burning sensation of the epidermal integument. You can treat bites with this medicine 2-3 times a day. As a rule, by the end of the day, unpleasant symptoms should completely disappear.


Vietnamese balm "Asterisk" is probably known to everyone. This is a remedy for “a hundred diseases”, it is used to combat all sorts of ailments: with headaches, miremen, sinusitis, chronic rhinitis, acute respiratory infections, throat diseases (externally), etc. It also helps with a mosquito bite.

Attention! This drug is a powerful allergen, so before using it to relieve unpleasant symptoms from contact with insects, it is imperative to test for sensitivity to its components!

You need to smear mosquito bites in a child 3 times a day, if there is no allergy. It may be necessary to carry out the procedure for 2-3 days in a row until the bumps completely disappear, but this ointment removes itching and swelling on the same day.

Ointment Asterisk is a strong allergen, so it should be used with caution in the treatment of children.

Rescuer is an effective remedy used for all kinds of skin pathologies and injuries. They can treat burns, wounds, cracks, ulcers localized on the surface of the epidermis. This cream also helps with insect bites.

However, you need to be careful with it, because it contains beeswax and therefore may cause an allergic reaction. If not, then apply the product to the damaged areas of the skin should be a thin layer 3 times a day. This will be quite enough to get rid of pain, burning, severe itching.

So, what to do if the child was bitten by mosquitoes? Which drug is better to choose to combat unpleasant symptoms, only a doctor can say with accuracy. You can choose a medicine from the list above without fear of causing side effects at the baby. Of course, if he is not prone to allergies, and you treat him skin Right.

Folk remedies for combating mosquito bites in children

How to treat a mosquito bite in a child if there is not one at hand pharmaceutical agent? You can remove swelling, while simultaneously stopping itching, with the help of folk remedies that relieve inflammation and have a calming effect. Everyone has some of these components at home, so you don’t need to run to the pharmacy, especially in the middle of the night, to find an ointment for mosquito bites or allergy pills.

drinking soda

With mosquito bites, lotions from the solution help well baking soda and water

It would seem that an ordinary white powder, which is added to the dough, and which is used for diseases of the oral cavity and respiratory tract. drinking soda also helps to relieve itching from a mosquito bite, and stop inflammatory process. Therefore, if the child has been bitten by insects, you can prepare a soda gruel or solution.

In half a glass warm water dissolve 3 g of soda, mix well so that the mixture becomes homogeneous. Soak a clean cloth or cotton swab in the resulting liquid and compress the bumps.

To prepare the gruel, you should add a little water to the soda. The consistency should be creamy in order to lubricate the sore spots with the mixture obtained. As a rule, after such procedures, the bites stop itching, the itching from a mosquito bite completely disappears. The advantage of this tool is that it can be used as many times a day as needed - soda will not be able to harm the delicate skin of the child.

If the bitten area itches badly, swelling and redness appear on it, then an alcohol compress can help relieve these symptoms. You can choose both ordinary, 70% medical, alcohol, and ammonia. However, the second option is less safe and can burn the skin, so it should be used with extreme caution to treat mosquito bites for children.

Treatment of a rash caused by contact with insects with alcohol should be carried out if there is severe redness and itching. He is also considered indispensable assistant if there is a risk of infection joining the resulting bite.

On a note. It is necessary to treat the damaged areas with alcohol carefully, and no more than 6 times a day. In this case, you should carefully monitor the reaction of the child, and abandon this remedy if it causes him discomfort.

Alcohol lotions should be done carefully so that the skin does not burn.

3% vinegar

Vinegar is another effective home remedy for mosquito bites. In order not to harm the skin of a child, you need to know how to treat bumps and wounds with an vinegar solution.

To do this, you need to take a 3% remedy, since it is considered the safest due to low content acetic acid. On sore spots, it is necessary to make lotions from clean cotton wool or sterile gauze soaked in a solution. If the child feels a burning sensation, the vinegar can be slightly diluted with warm water.

Herbal juices

Medicinal herbs whose juice helps with mosquito bites

If you are looking for a way to relieve swelling after a mosquito bite without consequences for the health of the child, then in such a situation you can resort to using the juices of various medicinal herbs. Many of them have anti-inflammatory, antihistamine and bactericidal properties. The calming and analgesic effect is also not to be discounted.

Treatment can be carried out with juices:

  • plantain;
  • parsley;
  • peppermint;
  • dandelion;
  • Luke;
  • aloe etc.

Such procedures for treating mosquito bites are not contraindicated for children. On the contrary, these are the most safe means, so you can safely smear the fresh juice of the selected plant on the bumps on the skin of the child.

Menthol or mint toothpaste

Often, mosquito bites are smeared with menthol or mint-based toothpaste. However, remember that you need to apply the product in a thin layer, since it can lead to burns. Care should be taken with children, as their epidermis is too delicate and sensitive.

Such a paste cools the epidermis well, due to which pain, redness and itching are stopped. How it works?

Brush the bite with toothpaste, then leave it to dry completely. When it starts to peel off, you can smear the spikes again.

Remember! Do not overexpose the paste on the skin - it will be enough for 12 minutes, after which it can be carefully removed with a cotton swab dipped in water.

Reduce itching from a bite will help toothpaste

How to help a child under one year old with mosquito bites?

Many parents begin to worry about the condition of their crumbs, not knowing how to anoint a mosquito bite to a child up to a year old. However, experiences are absolutely in vain, since there are means, and absolutely safe. Of course, this does not apply to all pharmaceutical ointments and creams, since many of them can adversely affect the health of children's skin.

So how to relieve itching and redness, and what medicines are allowed for mosquito bites for children under one year old? Here are the most harmless effective means:

  • balm Golden Star;
  • gel Fenistil;
  • powder for external use Fenkarol (antihistamine);
  • ointment Irikar.

These drugs do not contain substances that can harm the baby's skin or cause an allergic reaction in him. If the bite cannot heal for a long time, it can be treated with a solution of brilliant green.

Folk remedies

As you know, on babies, or rather, on their epidermal integument, any damage heals much faster. This is due to the fact that their cell regeneration occurs more rapidly than in adults.

Many mothers use different folk remedies control of mosquito bites in children under 1 year old. Someone smears them with soda gruel, someone treats them with juice medicinal plants(see list of herbs above). Both options are correct, and cannot harm the child, but it is safest to apply on bitten parts of the body. dairy products- kefir, sour cream or yogurt.

As you can see, the treatment of mosquito bites in children and infants under one year of age is not a serious problem. Your main task, as a caring parent, is to follow all the instructions that were described earlier. Contact with various insects may have backfire for children's health, to the prevention of which you must direct all your efforts by providing timely assistance to the child.

Even though the mosquito is one of the most widespread and annoying insects they are considered harmless. If we mean our mosquitoes, not malaria.

Even a large number of mosquito bites cannot somehow seriously harm human health. These buzzing bloodsuckers are simply an inconvenience with their brazen behavior and intense itching at the bite site. The presence of a sharp and long nose makes it easy to pierce human skin and extract blood from the vessel by imperceptibly injecting an anticoagulant before that. Thus, poison enters the human body, which can immediately provoke an allergy. The anticoagulant, getting under the skin, causes itching and redness. This itching is hard on adults, let alone children. For babies, even a simple mosquito bite can become big problem and have negative consequences.

Risk of infection from a mosquito bite

An ordinary mosquito bite for a baby is dangerous because the baby can unconsciously comb the bite site to a bleeding wound, which becomes an ideal place for infections to enter. Subsequently, the bite site may swell, turn red, or even become very festering. by the most dangerous case considered a mosquito bite in the neck and face. The baby may develop swelling in this area, which can provoke swelling of the mucous membrane and larynx and subsequent difficulty in breathing.

In some infants, mosquito bites can provoke an allergy, namely allergic dermatitis. And this adds diarrhea, vomiting and fainting to attacks of suffocation. Also, a seemingly harmless mosquito bite can provoke the development of anaphylactic shock, serum sickness, and ultimately lead to damage to the central nervous system. All of the above consequences after a common mosquito bite are rare, but they still occur. The main thing is not to get confused and immediately contact the doctor for hospitalization and start intensive treatment.

If, nevertheless, you did not save your child and found mosquito bites on the body, make sure that the baby has constantly clean hands and short-cut nails. This naturally will not be able to force the child not to scratch itchy wounds, but will reduce the possibility of infection of the wound by introducing dirt into it.

Today there are a large number of ointments that will remove itching, inflammation and significantly reduce swelling. These drugs include: "Psilo-balm", "Fenistil-gel" and "Irikar" ointment, which can only be purchased at a homeopathic pharmacy.

If the "bloodsuckers" attacked your child unexpectedly, and there is no way to use any medications, then initial stage even a hypoallergenic baby cream will help soften bites and relieve primary redness.

If adults can use different ointments and lotions for mosquito bites, then pick up suitable remedy for the treatment of a one-year-old child will be several times more difficult. This is due to the fact that most of the drugs contain toxic components, and they can adversely affect the still completely unformed child's body, immunity. May cause severe allergic reactions.

To date, special mosquito bracelets are becoming very popular, they are completely harmless and can even be used to protect newborns. The only downside to this product is its bad smell, which scares away mosquitoes, and can also provoke a migraine in adults. If parents can conduct experiments on themselves at will, then not everyone will want to experiment on their children.

Try to use only natural insect repellents (herbs, oils) in the children's room. Initially try any recipe on yourself and if even the slightest unpleasant symptoms appear, then you do not need to introduce this remedy into the nursery.

An effective and harmless means of protection remains essential oil lavender, it will not only repel insects, but will also have a calming effect on the central nervous system baby and will be the key to sound and healthy sleep.

Lavender oil is probably the only essential oil that is recommended by doctors for use from the very birth of a baby.

However, everyone knows that better than the most qualified treatment is the prevention of the disease. In our case, this refers to mosquito bites. It is better to try to prevent their appearance than to heal wounds on delicate children's skin for a long time.

Methods for protecting babies from mosquitoes

In the warm season, with the onset of evening, mosquitoes begin to actively fly and look for a future victim. To protect the baby from attack blood-sucking insects in an apartment or house, a mosquito net is used on the windows and balcony doors. You can also try to protect yourself with a fumigator, which can be purchased at any hardware store. The manufacturers of these devices assure buyers that the special plates and liquid, which are the main working component of the fumigator, contain only natural ingredients. One can naturally argue with this statement, but let it remain on their conscience. You will have to choose one of two or Fresh air in the room, or the absence of mosquito bites on the baby's body.

Effectively repel mosquitoes all products containing 20% ​​insecticide - diethyl-toluamide. This substance leads to a decrease in the sense of mosquitoes for CO2, and it is he who attracts mosquitoes. Before you go out for an evening walk with your baby, treat his body and clothes with mosquito repellent sprays; they will prevent the “bloodsuckers” from smelling potential food.

Probably everyone noticed that mosquitoes bite some people more than others. This feature depends on sweat secretions, the more lactic acid they contain, the more mosquitoes will bite.

During a walk, you can fasten a mosquito net even on a stroller, and treat the baby’s arms and legs before the walk by special means against mosquitoes. These can be creams, lotions, wipes, such as Nekusaika, Zan-sarin. But these funds have their contraindications and are not suitable for everyone. For example, children under one year of age cannot use such mosquito repellents. What about infants? For them the most optimal way mosquito control will folk recipes proven over the years and transmitted from grandmothers to mothers, and from mothers to daughters.

In general, all mosquito bite remedies for children are divided into:

- medical

Folk methods for mosquito bites of babies

Folk recipes mainly play on the sensitive sense of smell of a mosquito. This small insect does not like unpleasant odors and flies away from them. Therefore, to get rid of the constant buzzing of mosquitoes over your baby's stroller, sprinkle the stroller itself with vanillin, and treat the baby's arms and legs with a solution of vanillin. Believe me, not a single mosquito will sit down even on a stroller, let alone on the child himself.

Also, these insects do not tolerate the smell of cloves, mint, eucalyptus, anise, basil, cedar and fir. Any oil from this list will be able to provide you with a normal walk through the forest and the park. A few drops of oil can be left on the child's things, this is better than applying essential oil to the baby's body. And the smell from children's clothes of any of the above oils is easily removed during washing.

After the mosquito has already left a red mark on the child's body, you can reduce the itching in this place using improvised means and recipes. traditional medicine. Well relieves severe itching with a strong solution of soda, which lubricates the bite site. One of the easiest ways to relieve itching is to dip the bitten body part in salted water. Also well relieves inflammation and itching gruel from finely chopped parsley with chamomile. An alcohol solution of calendula and aloe leaves (its pulp) also work well.

If a bite is found on the street, then a pounded leaf of plantain or mint will quickly relieve swelling and itching.

Lubricate the bitten skin surface inside banana peel itching and irritation can be reduced.

Well removes increased puffiness at the bite site ammonia. It is gently applied to the bite site with a cotton swab or cotton swab.

Removes the desire to scratch the bitten place with toothpaste applied to the reddened area of ​​​​the skin.

Medical remedies for a mosquito bite of a baby

Medical devices work faster and more reliably. But before buying an ointment or lotion, it is worth examining the child's body. If you find several small bites, you can simply apply cold to them for a while. However, if mosquitoes have bitten the child completely, it is no longer possible to do without special treatment.

Buy at the pharmacy any herbal or antihistamine preparations that are safe even for children, but before treatment, do not forget to talk to the local pediatrician about the possible consequences.

To lubricate a mosquito bite, with some kind of medicine, you need to determine in advance the degree of an allergic reaction. If the swelling and itching are abnormally large, then the use of a hormonal ointment is recommended.

Unlike hormonal ointments, Rescuer or Boro Plus creams help speedy healing in the shortest juices. These two ointments contain thermal water and trace elements, which contribute to the rapid healing of wounds.

If the child actively combs the bite sites, then a special children's lotion, which includes zinc oxide and kylamine, can avoid possible infection of the opened wounds. Both substances well remove both redness and irritation at the site of the bite, and also dry it.

Do not let the child scratch the bite, as this releases the "poison", which leads to even more scratching of the wound. Hard scratching can scratch or even damage the skin, increasing the chance of infection and scarring at the site of the bite.

If you are being treated time is running, and the swelling, redness and pain remain in place or have increased, then do not delay the trip to the doctor.

In order not to engage in long-term treatment of wounds from mosquito bites on the body of your child, learn how to properly protect it. The means of protection offered by us will help with this!

Tired of mosquitoes? The body itches, itches, swelling appears? To get rid of these unpleasant symptoms and protect yourself from infection of wounds, you need to use an ointment from mosquito bites.

"Fenistil gel"

This remedy is characterized by a double action - antihistamine and antipruritic. It also relieves irritation and reduces swelling. The volume of the tube is 30 grams. average price- 350 rubles.

Fenistil gel is not suitable for children under 1 year old!


The drug is intended for the treatment of streptoderma in children, but can also be used to lubricate mosquito bites. This ointment does not have any contraindications, but it is almost impossible to find it on sale.

The volume of the tube is 5, 10, 20 and 50 grams. The average cost is 300 rubles.

First aid after bites from "MOSQUITALL"

The balm gel contains plant extracts, menthol, d-panthenol and silver ions. These components quickly remove the effects of mosquito bites and other insects, disinfect wounds and reduce inflammation.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average cost is 110 rubles.

If after applying this or that ointment side effects appear in the form of shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat, immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance!


How to smear mosquito bites? Try a universal remedy, which is based only on natural healing ingredients:

  • Oils - olive, sea buckthorn and ghee;
  • Extract of calendula;
  • Vitamins A and E;
  • Wax;
  • Naftalan oil (refined).

As you can see, there are no antibiotics or hormones in The Rescuer.

The ointment promotes rapid regeneration of the affected areas of the epidermis and prevents the appearance of puffiness and blisters. Suitable for pregnant women and children.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 110 rubles.

Ointment "Rescuer" can not be used in case of intolerance to its components!

"Golden Star"

This is another antiseptic universal drug that heals the skin after various injuries, including the bites of the most different insects. Balsam "Gold Star" contains only natural ingredients - menthol, camphor, peppermint, as well as clove, cinnamon and eucalyptus oils. The drug is suitable for everyone. The only exceptions are those patients who have an individual intolerance to its components.

The volume of the tube is 5 grams. The average price is 50 rubles.

Advice! This tool can be applied both for the treatment of mosquito bites, and for their prevention. The rich pungent smell of the Golden Star scares away bloodsuckers for a long time.


This gel is successfully used for the bites of mosquitoes, mosquitoes, horseflies, midges and even ticks. It heals the affected areas of the skin and has a repellent effect. When using this remedy, make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes!

The volume of the tube is 40 grams. The average cost is 70 rubles.

On a note! When choosing baby remedies for mosquito bites, be very careful. Most of these drugs are not suitable for children with sensitive skin and can lead to severe side effects.

"Comarex" has an anti-inflammatory effect and, at the same time, drives away insects


This cream is included in the pharmacological group of corticosteroids and has a persistent antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect. The disadvantages of the drug can be safely attributed to a fairly large number of contraindications:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Age up to 2 years;
  • The period of breastfeeding;
  • Intolerance to components;
  • Syphilis;
  • Skin infection of a bacterial nature;
  • Tuberculosis.

The volume of the tube is 15 and 45 grams. The average cost is from 300 to 400 rubles.

Advice! Do not apply the drug very often. As a rule, its action lasts about 3 hours. You can find out the exact dates on the packaging.


Baneocin is a synthetic antibiotic that is actively used for insect bites. Available in two forms - cream or powder. The product has no contraindications, so it can be used from birth. According to reviews, unpleasant symptoms disappear after the 2nd application.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average price is 300 rubles.


Ointment "Arnica" is a homeopathic preparation created on a natural basis. Its main active ingredient is the plant arnica montana, and additional means Vaseline appears.

The drug is famous for its powerful sedative, antimicrobial and antispasmodic properties. It also enhances defensive forces body and increases its resistance to allergies and other effects of mosquito bites.

Unfortunately, Arnica ointment has many contraindications. These include pregnancy, intolerance to certain ingredients, age under 18, and breastfeeding.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. Average price - 170 rubles

Tips to help with mosquito bites:


The main feature of Nezulin cream-gel is the natural repellents included in the composition. In addition, the product has a calming and antihistamine effect, kills bacteria, reduces itching, inflammation and swelling, improves the protective functions of the epidermis and promotes its regeneration. There is no list of contraindications (except for individual sensitivity).

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average cost is 900 rubles.

Advice! Due to the non-hormonal basis, the gel is suitable for long-term use. But before that, a consultation with a dermatologist is required.


A popular cream-balm for mosquito bites, which has no contraindications and is suitable for victims of all categories. It acts sparingly and quickly, treats the focus of inflammation, eliminates severe itching.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.


A well-known external remedy that heals and moisturizes the skin, as well as relieves inflammation. Release form - gel, ointment and cream for nursing and infants. The therapeutic effect is achieved due to the active substance dexpanthenol. Results are visible after the first application. Contraindications are limited only by individual intolerance to the components.

The volume of the tube is 30 and 50 grams. The average cost is 400 and 600 rubles, respectively.

"Bepanten" is shown even for nursing mothers and babies from the first days of life

Advice! Never use expired creams, ointments or gels.


This is a hormonal remedy, which is based on the active substance of the same name. It is due to the presence of hydrocortisone that the ointment relieves swelling, redness and itching. It should only be applied to cleansed skin. Although the tool is sold without a prescription, it still requires special care. Contraindications to its use are pregnancy, sensitivity to individual components and open wounds caused by bacteria, viruses or infections.

The volume of the tube is 10 grams. The average price is 50 rubles.

On a note! Hydrocortisone is intended not only to relieve allergies to insect bites, but also to treat many skin diseases.


Excellent ointment after a mosquito bite. It helps to reduce itching and swelling, as well as the rapid healing of wounds. Due to side effects, a preliminary consultation with a dermatologist is required.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.


A delicate preparation that is intended for both children and adults. This medicine is most often used for dermatitis and various skin injuries. It relieves itching, eliminates swelling, reduces the manifestations of a rash. Ideal for treating mosquito and bed bug bites.

The volume of the tube is 30 grams. The average price is 450 rubles.


Medicinal creams, ointments or gels based on panthenol are produced by many pharmacological companies. It quickly relieves itching, heals wounds and restores the epidermis.

In order not to overpay for the brand, choose the cheapest option. In this case, you will pay only for the active component.

The volume of the tube is 50 grams. The average cost is 100 rubles. Combined products based on panthenol will cost much more - from 300 to 500 rubles for the same volume.

"Gardex" and "Taiga"

Children's creams for mosquito bites are represented by the Taiga and Gardex brands. These are delicate preparations that allow you to quickly relieve itching and protect yourself from subsequent insect attacks.

The volume of the tube is 40 and 60 grams. The average cost is 40-50 rubles.


A common antipruritic and anti-inflammatory drug intended for external application. It is widely used to treat various diseases of the epidermis, including mosquito bites. Available in the form of cream and ointment. The composition of both options is the same, and the main active ingredient is methylprednisolone acetonate.

The volume of the tube is 15 grams. The average cost of the gel is 550 rubles, ointments - from 300 to 400 rubles.

All external agents used for mosquito bites have a local effect and can only resist local manifestations of allergies. If the reaction of the body is complex, take an antihistamine.


The active substance of this ointment is bamipin lactate, intended for the treatment of insect bites, burns different nature(thermal, UV and jellyfish), as well as frostbite. Bamipin does not enter the bloodstream and therefore has a small set of contraindications - pregnancy, breast-feeding and under 12 years of age. But most importantly, the drug is strictly prohibited for people suffering from intolerance to propylene glycol.

Apply this antihistamine antipruritic ointment with a thin layer on all bites - the skin must be pre-cleaned. It is important not to wash it off!

The volume of the tube is 20 grams. The average price is 150 rubles.

"Psilo Balm"

Enough effective ointment against mosquito bites, which includes diphenhydramine (diphenhydramine). It is this active ingredient that is responsible for eliminating swelling, redness, itching and inflammation. The drug has a mild effect, but is not suitable for allergy sufferers, expectant mothers and babies under one year old.

The volume of the tube is 20 grams. The average price is 200 rubles.


A cream with a very strong effect. Quickly relieves inflammation and itching. Treatment takes place in courses. Contraindications include age up to 3 months and the presence of wounds with suspected fungal or bacterial infection.

The volume of the tube is 15 grams. The average cost is 1000 rubles.

"Elidel" can be used only in cases where a person has a serious allergic reaction- eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Any, even the most effective means before local application must be tested for compatibility on small area skin. If discomfort appears within a quarter of an hour, stop using this drug.

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