How to get rid of flies in a country house - methods of struggle. Invasion of flies: how to get rid of annoying insects


For this petty mess, simple non-spill traps are suitable. Cut off the neck with a straight line plastic bottle from under the soda, turn the neck over and insert it inside the bottle. Secure the edges with tape.

Pour some water, four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a teaspoon of dish soap into the bottom. Vinegar attracts insects, while soap keeps them out of the trap.

Place a couple of traps in the kitchen or in places where flies gather. When the problem disappears, the traps can be removed.

Yes, and look for the original source, a breeding ground for flies. It can be both rotten vegetables or fruits, as well as bread or cereals.


One of the most simple ways to protect the house from flies - cloves (spice), whose smell they cannot stand. Hang a few sachets of cloves near the windows, and the flies will fly around your apartment.

It is even more effective to stick 20-30 dry cloves into an apple and leave it on the windowsill. The apple juice will moisten the cloves and enhance their flavor.


If you started barbecues, flies can ruin your whole holiday. Take care of the cleanliness of the site from the night.

In the evening, arrange in strategic places (on the barbecue area, on the corners of the house, near garbage heaps, toilets, compost heap, barrels of water, etc.) sticky flakes.

Any junk utensils will do, even cans. Mix liquid honey or sugar syrup with starch so that a sticky mass is obtained. And put them in traps. The flies won't bother you all the next day. They breed quickly, so the effect of the traps will last about one day. During the day, the mass simply dries up and pests stop sticking to it.

Annoying as a fly. It is no coincidence that the annoying insect became the "hero" of the saying. Once in the room, it continuously buzzes, unceremoniously climbs into the plate, crawls over the most sensitive areas of the skin. In the morning, when the dream itself, and strives to sit on the face. It especially annoys the residents of private houses, but the problem of how to get rid of flies is not alien to urban residents. In addition, psychological discomfort is the most harmless part of the fly neighborhood, much worse than pathogens that enter the apartment along with uninvited guests.

A harmless at first glance insect - a carrier of terrible diseases - typhus, dysentery, tuberculosis

dangerous neighborhood

Flies living with a person have become commonplace, they are even called indoor flies. Sometimes we do not notice their presence, brushing aside, we eat bread, fruits, on which insects have managed to be noted. We are thinking about how to get rid of flies in an apartment, only when their number exceeds allowable norms and it starts to get annoying. And the neighborhood is not so harmless.

An adult female lives for about one and a half months and literally two days after hatching begins to lay eggs. A lot - up to 2000 pieces for your short life. Places for oviposition are chosen “favorable” for future larvae - rotting food waste, feces, dung heaps, cesspools. Now imagine, having laid eggs, a fly flies into the room. What will she bring on her paws?

Given that the main food source of flies is human food, they are carriers of dangerous intestinal infections, including:

  • diarrhea;
  • dysentery;
  • helminthic invasion;
  • typhoid fever;
  • tuberculosis;
  • cholera, etc.

As you can see, intrusiveness is not the only reason to get rid of flies and isolate living quarters from them as much as possible.

Note! The full cycle of insect transformation (egg - larva - pupa - adult) passes very quickly - in 25-30 days. Behind warm season is replaced by 6–9 generations of flies.

Why do flies try to get into the house?

To paraphrase a well-known saying, we can say that the wings feed the fly. Randomly circling in the air is nothing more than a constant search for food, as well as a place to breed offspring. What attracts flies indoors?

  1. First of all, decaying food and waste products of human and animal life. First of all, the insect rushes to the trash can, to the toilet, to the cat's pot.
  2. Flies will surely land on available food products. Favorite smell - meat, in second place in popularity - sweets. With this feature in mind, many are made using sweet fermented filler.
  3. Flies love the smell of sweat, stale linen, they will not miss dirty kitchen towels. There were cases when the insect managed to lay eggs in wounds and abrasions on the skin of animals.
  4. Pets, especially dogs, are the fourth most popular attraction for flies. The smell of wool plays a role here, as well as dishes, food leftovers, which, as a rule, are always in the house where four-legged pets live.

It should be remembered that flies are susceptible to smells - the more unpleasantly smelling dirt in the apartment, the more actively insects inhabit it. They are also keenly aware of frightening odors. Knowing them, you can effectively deal with insects.

Prevention is easier than defeat

In most cases, we first "invite" ourselves, and then look for ways to get rid of flies in the apartment. You need to start with the protection of the premises. We recommend prevention in two directions - blocking access to insects and eliminating sources that attract them. Here are activities that will significantly reduce the number of annoying neighbors.

  • Install mosquito nets on windows open doors verandas - special curtains.
  • Keep your apartment clean, especially the kitchen. Always remove or cover food, even if it is fruit or candy. No blockages of dishes in the sink - wash them immediately after eating.
  • Keep trash cans covered and clean them often. disinfectants. Take out the garbage every day, preventing the smell from appearing in the room.
  • Do not put spoiled meat or fish cleanings in the bin, immediately throw them into the garbage chute or on the compost heap.
  • Wash pet dishes daily. Do not leave leftover food in the bowl.
  • Purchase a dirty laundry basket. You have no idea how attractive the smell of unwashed socks is to flies!
  • Compost heaps, pits for food waste equip away from home. If possible, cover them with lids.

It is more difficult to deal with insects if you breed birds, rabbits or livestock like getting rid of flies in an outdoor toilet.

  • Place manure heaps at the maximum distance from residential premises.
  • Keep the toilet point and cesspool closed. From time to time, sprinkle the contents of the outhouse with bleach.

How to give "turn from the gate" to uninvited guests?

There are many effective ways how to deal with flies. Conventionally, they can be divided into 4 groups.

  1. Mechanical. Assume the capture or destruction of the insect. These include fly swatters, all kinds of traps, Velcro, bait.
  2. Physical. It's about O household appliances, which destroy or repel flies with the help of an electric discharge, ultrasound, electromagnetic waves.
  3. Biochemical. These are insecticide-based fly repellents (kill) and repellents (repel).
  4. Preventive. There are chemical and natural repellents that prevent the penetration of insects into the room.

Consider the principle of action, the pros and cons of the most popular methods of dealing with flies.

Mechanical methods of insect destruction

Among the pluses mechanical methods struggle is harmless to humans and animals. But chasing flies or trapping them, achieving 100% results is problematic. However, if this city ​​apartment, where insects are randomly flown single specimens, mechanical traps may be quite enough.

Duct tape

Coming to us from the Soviet era, but quite an effective remedy for flies is sticky tape.

It works like this. Strips of paper are impregnated with an attractant (attractive aroma), the surface is covered with a sticky substance. Ribbons are hung around lighting fixtures, in the kitchen, baguettes. Flying on the smell, the flies stick and cannot get out of the sticky trap.

The disadvantage of this method is the aesthetically unattractive appearance of the oversized stripes.

Traps with light

This is a modern version of sticky tapes that performs the same function - lure and destroy. Only pretty flashlights or neat screens attract flies not by smell, but by bright light. Inside is a sticky substance. Once bogged down, the insect will not get out.

Traps with food bait

An effective fly repellant is a poison bait trap. It is easy to make it with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle. How it works?

A sweet liquid is poured into the bottom of the trap, to which a poisonous substance is added. The insect gets to the bait through the inverted neck of the bottle, but there is no way back. What can be prepared for a "treat"?

  • Add a pinch of ground black pepper to sweet syrup or jam.
  • Soak a piece of bread with a mixture of milk (a quarter of a glass), soda (1 tablespoon), formalin (half a teaspoon). This bait can simply be laid out on saucers and placed in places where flies accumulate.
  • Soak bread, a napkin with a solution of honey with the addition of saccharin. Per glass warm water you will need 10-15 g of sweetener. Despite the love of sweets, insects cannot stand it.

Home appliances for fighting flies

On the Internet you can find many tips and recipes on how to get rid of flies using homemade devices. But the game is not always worth the candle. It is much easier to purchase inexpensive and effective devices for repelling or killing insects. Their advantages:

  • harmlessness to humans;
  • 100% guarantee of cleaning the premises;
  • small sizes;
  • modern, aesthetically pleasing look.

electric trap

This device is a screen with a light source, covered with a metal grate, through which a weak discharge occurs. electric current. Ultraviolet radiation attracts flies, but when they touch the energized grate, they drop dead.


A device that has received popular recognition is an electric fumigator from flies. The principle of operation is simple - from electric charge a plate impregnated with fumigants begins to heat up and evaporate the poisonous substance - vaportrin. It is absolutely harmless to humans and warm-blooded animals, but paralyzes the respiratory system of insects.

Arguments in favor of the fumigator.

  • The device is easy to use.
  • Durable, you only need to change the plate or bottle of liquid.
  • The fumigant is odorless.
  • Wide spectrum of action - flies, mosquitoes, midges, wasps.

The disadvantages of the fumigator include the rapid consumption of plates. If the house is large, you will need several appliances.

Chemical control agents

If you need to quickly destroy a large number of insects, the best remedy from flies - insecticides. They must be used carefully, especially if there are small children, animals, aquarium fish in the house. Insecticides are produced in the form of aerosols, granules. Modern means, in addition to the immediate destruction of flying pests, have a prolonged effect, they prevent the appearance of flies after processing the premises.

Sprays, aerosols

The choice of how to poison flies is large among aerosols. The most famous drugs:

  • Raid;
  • Raptor;
  • Mukhoyar;
  • Dichlorvos.

The disadvantage of this method of dealing with flies is the need for thorough ventilation of the premises after treatment.

Granular insecticide Agita

Among the insecticides of the new generation is Agita from flies. This is a granular preparation that, in addition to a toxic substance, contains a sex pheromone. It attracts flies, and having tasted treats, they quickly die. Agita does not smell, has a wide spectrum of action - cockroaches, fleas, ants, wasps will additionally die. The drug can be diluted for spraying or lay out granules in places where insects accumulate. After processing the premises, there will be no flies for 4-8 weeks.

Note! Other insecticides have characteristics similar to Agita. Flybait retains the effect for 3 months (once sprayed and for the whole summer). Jet kills adult insects, larvae, eggs. The executioner emulsion will destroy all flying, crawling pests in the apartment.

natural repellents

There are many repellents in nature, with which you can both block access to the room and get rid of flies. What smells are annoying insects afraid of, how to use it to fight them?

  • Plant near windows front door lavender, Snapdragon, ferns, tansy, flies will fly around your house.
  • The same effect will houseplants- geranium (pelargonium), myrtle.
  • Fill the room with unpleasant scents for flies. In aroma lamps, use essential oils of mint, eucalyptus, lavender, and cloves.
  • Sachets with these plants, bouquets of dried flowers will perform the same function.
  • While cleaning the apartment, add vinegar or a few drops of turpentine to the water. The smell is almost indistinguishable to humans, and it will scare away insects.

effective drugs, interesting methods a lot to fight the flies. But don't count on winning if cleaning your apartment isn't a priority. Sometimes a bucket of water and a rag is more effective than an aerosol or fumigator.

How to get rid of flies:

The well-known axiom that it is easier to prevent the occurrence of a problem than to overcome it later is quite true in relation to the fight against flies. Timely cleaning of the house, keeping all rooms clean, storing food in places inaccessible to insects will serve as such prevention.

Traditional fly repellents

The traditional set of tools includes mosquito and gauze nets installed on doors and windows. They, of course, increase the impregnability of the dwelling for insects, but do not solve the problem entirely, since some of these annoying creatures still manage to get inside.

Sometimes in apartments or shops they use sticky tapes to catch flies.

But, frankly, such ribbons with adhering flies do not decorate the home at all, so it makes sense to look for other means.


Before going to the store for poisonous agents (by the way, flies quickly adapt to various pesticides), you can try using plants. The smells of some plant species are absolutely unbearable.

Flies really do not like the smell that black elderberry and fern emit. It is enough to collect a few branches of these plants and arrange them in different places at home, and soon the pests will disappear. And you can also tie the branches with a thread and put them in vases, it will also be aesthetically pleasing.

Several pots with tomato bushes can become an effective remedy against flies, the smell of the leaves of these plants is also extremely unloved by them. The best strategic position for placing your tomato "air defense" would be a balcony or window sill. By the way, the specific aroma of tomato leaves will turn away not only flies, but also other flying insects from your home.

Helps get rid of insects and common indoor geranium, which is kept in many homes. Its aroma has a disinfecting effect and repels insects. Myrtle and eucalyptus will be good helpers in expelling flies, putting pots of these plants on the windowsill will create an invisible but effective barrier.

You can also offer a rather exotic way to solve the question of how to get rid of house flies- use carnivorous plants, for which flies will serve as food. A couple of pots of sundew, oilwort or venus flytrap will quickly reduce the number of house flies.

Folk methods

People's ingenuity also developed several simple but effective means. It has been noticed that the smell of bay oil is very unpleasant for flies, which means that you can use it to get rid of flies in the apartment. To do this, rub the openings of doors and windows with laurel oil, and also wipe the furniture with it.

Do this procedure a couple of times a month, and the problem of flies in the house will be solved.

Another method is the use of poisonous feeders. Pour a little black pepper into sweet water, which is extremely poisonous for flies, and put this saucer with a "treat" in the place of concentration. After 2-3 days, the fly rows will thin out considerably.

Insect control in the house (video)

Surfaces that flies often sit on are recommended to be rubbed with wax or castor oil. The smell of these substances is detrimental to them. They also do not like the smell of kerosene and turpentine, but these aromas are not particularly pleasant for people, so they are not suitable for fighting in apartment conditions.

Flies in the country

If you have to fight flies in a garden or personal plot, then the first step is to process the waste dump, compost and cesspools. For these purposes, an aqueous emulsion of karbofos is used, which is obtained by diluting 10 g of the substance in 1 liter of water. Spray areas of concentration at least once a month during warmer months. An aqueous suspension of bleach (10 g / 1 l) and a soap-kerosene mixture also have an anti-fly effect. Waste around which flies swarm should be covered with soil to prevent further reproduction insects in this area.

House flies, whose homeland once upon a time became the steppes of Central Asia, have spread to all countries and continents. Nowadays, they are found in large numbers both in megacities and in countryside. In residential areas, these fast-flying insects feel very comfortable. Flies eat food and garbage, they are able to eat even feces.

Fly Control Methods

In order to protect your home from houseflies, you should give increased attention simple preventive measures. Mesh, which are installed on the windows, prevent the penetration of flying insects into the house. Don't make your kitchen attractive to flies. Do not leave food and leftover food in places accessible to these insects. Pay attention to the storage of waste and sewage.

To repel insects, tansy and other plants with a pungent odor have been used for a long time. If, nevertheless, flies appeared in the house, then you can fight them different ways. It is known that these insects do not like drafts. By regularly drafting, you can be sure that a significant part of your house will leave. With the rest of the flying pests, you can try to cope with the help of various measures of a fighter nature.

For decades, they have been used sticky tapes that are sold in stores. You can make these traps yourself. Put 20 g of castor oil in a metal jar, add 30 g of rosin. Heat up the jar to melt its contents. Put honey or jam as a bait and spread the leaves with the mixture. thick paper, which should be laid out in different places.

You can also fight flies with the help of well-known aerosol preparations (dichlorvos, chlorophos). True, not all housewives decide to use potent chemicals in the house. Men often prefer to fight these flying insects with a fly swatter, the simplest version of which is a newspaper rolled up into a tube. True, this method involves the presence of unpleasant marks on the walls from the destroyed flies.

  • An effective way to deal with houseflies

It is best to entrust professionals. Specialists of the company "Dezsluzhba Grand Service" have extensive experience in the destruction of flies and disinfestation of premises (houses, apartments, enterprises Catering, shops and other buildings). During the necessary work We use highly effective certified fly killers to quickly get rid of annoying insects.

How to get rid of flies that fly into the house and haunt the annoying buzz? This question arises annually from early spring to late autumn. Simple chemical treatments help for a short time, and can cause allergies. Today we will consider effective folk methods of dealing with harmful insects.

Why are flies dangerous?

Before proceeding to a description of the methods of fighting flies, let's figure out why such a neighborhood is dangerous.

  • Moving from place to place, they sit on food, infecting them with harmful microbes, which can cause not only severe poisoning, but also death.
  • The habitat is perfect for the spread of diseases. In the process of life, flies sit on garbage, dirt or feces. After that, these bacteria are transferred to food.
  • Here are just a few of the ailments carried by these insects: diarrhea and dysentery, typhoid fever and typhoid fever, conjunctivitis and cholera.
  • They are sources of salmonellosis, tuberculosis and ulcers.

Cycles of development and reproduction of flies

There are 4 stages of development in life cycle this insect.

  • The deposition of eggs. One individual can lay about 150 eggs at a time. They are deposited in a humid environment. This compost pits, manure or garbage.
  • The larva develops. From the moment the eggs are laid to the moment the development of the larva begins, very little time passes. Approximately the time period is from 8 hours to a day.

  • The larva pupates. Before starting this stage, the larva moves to a dry place in the house, where it turns into a chrysalis. The process takes three to four weeks.
  • The birth of a fly. Approximately one individual lives for a month. During this time, she lays from 500 to 2000 eggs.

Stages of getting rid of flies

The fight against flies consists of two stages:

  • Identification and elimination of breeding sites. By cleaning and cleaning up distribution areas, you will significantly reduce the total number of adults. Take out the trash in a timely manner garbage bins so that insects do not fly in and do not lay offspring there. Treat them with vinegar as they get dirty. Vinegar remedy which is hated by insects. IN apartment buildings the place of accumulation of these flying creatures is the garbage chute. Washing is the responsibility of the housing office, but everyone must throw away waste in tightly tied bags.
  • Getting rid of adults. Kill the flies big size in the apartment you can use both chemicals and folk remedies, after all household chemicals not always safe for the respiratory system of people.

Folk methods of dealing with flies

  • Vodka. Flies can't stand the smell of alcohol. The method can be successfully applied in the yard of a private house or in the garden. Spray or rub a handful of vodka onto your skin. In this case, insects will not annoy you with their importunity.
  • Essential oil. Lavender, eucalyptus, lemongrass, mint - oils of these plants effectively repel flies.

  • Carnation. The dense aroma of cloves repels insects. In the kitchen, leave 10-15 buds in a plate or vase. It is possible to use essential oils of this spice. A lemon cut in half, with clove buds stuck in, is possible.
  • Hazel based lotion. Mix half a glass of hazel broth with the same amount of vinegar, add 30-50 drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Such a composition can be smeared open areas skin.

  • Sugar trap. Mix water and sugar into a sweet syrup. Pour it into a jar. Make a cone out of paper, insert it into a jar with a sharp end. Make sure that the edge of the cone does not touch the liquid syrup. Crawling into a sweet trap, the flies will not get back.
  • Black pepper bait. Combine a glass of water, 4 tablespoons of sugar and 2 tablespoons of black hot pepper. Pour this solution into a saucer. Having tasted such a delicacy, the fly will go to another world in a couple of days.

  • Mechanical means of fighting flies are represented by the most common type - fly swatters. This method, one way or another, was used by everyone, whether it was a rolled up newspaper or a magazine. A significant minus is ugly dirty spots on furniture, walls and ceiling. In addition to the most common fly swatters, there are vacuum and electric types.
  • Velcro at home is used most often. They are called "whiskers". The downside is that this design looks rather unsympathetic. Often, instead of insects, careless owners also fall into a sticky trap. Such a device can be bought at the store and made independently. Boil a strong sugar syrup, add honey or jam to it. Cut strips of craft paper, which you soak in the resulting solution. Dry, hang in the right rooms.

  • If you wash windows, slopes, doors, boats with the addition of turpentine or castor oil. Diptera will not fly into the room.
  • Pour a special solution into small jars. Spray dichlorvos into a glass of water and add two tablespoons of sugar. Arrange baits throughout the house.

Exotic plants from flies

Flower houseplants can literally feed on flies as predators or scare them away. It is rather a curiosity, and to eat flies in large quantities They can not.

  • Venus flytrap;
  • sundew;
  • zhiryanka.

Plants and herbs for fly control

Some herbs help to drive flies out of the house. Plant plants around the house. Herbs are ideal when you have a veranda open type or a separate gazebo fresh air where the whole family dine.

  • Geranium. This plant is very common among the decoration of the estate and premises. Pots with bright inflorescences attract the attention of a person and drive away flies.
  • Basil. spice plant widely used in cooking. Its leaves exude a delicate aroma, from which these insects flee. If you live in the country, you can plant the spice in pots near the house. In a city apartment, basil grows beautifully on the windowsill. In the absence of fresh herbs, use dried spices or essential oils.

  • Bay leaf. This ingredient can be found in the kitchen of any housewife. The smell of laurel is hated by ordinary flies, fruit flies, and even.
  • Peppermint. Use both fresh and dried mint to repel. This plant will help mosquitoes and rodents. Cut the mint in a saucer and leave near the dining area.

  • Tansy or wormwood. Hang bunches of herbs around the house, this prevents ticks, mosquitoes, ants and bedbugs from multiplying.
  • The onion fly, which can attack the onion crop in the barn or basement, is a very insidious pest. You can get rid of it ammonia. Take 2 tablespoons of ammonia per 10 liters of water. Water plants under the root in evening time. 2-3 such waterings per season will protect vegetables from spoilage.

  • Tear off fern or elderberry sprigs and place in a vase as a bouquet. This will drive away all Diptera.

  • Install mosquito nets on windows.

  • Try to keep the house clean and tidy.

  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink and a full trash can.
  • Put food in the refrigerator in time, and dispose of the missing food. This will prevent the appearance of cockroaches and mice.

Which one of us likes flies? Most likely no one. These ubiquitous Diptera can ruin the life of even the most accurate housewife. Folk methods indispensable in the fight against insects, because they are completely natural, effective and safe for human health.

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