Which siding is better - vinyl or acrylic (reviews). Vinyl and acrylic siding: comparison of materials and choosing the best option Vinyl and acrylic siding, which is better

Having decided to choose as finishing material such a product, use the entire range, characterized by a variety of textures and shades. Siding - durable material, it is able to reliably retain its original properties for three decades. With finishing options available, homeowners want to know what material to use. wooden house It’s better to use vinyl or acrylic, or maybe metal.

Areas of application

This material is used not only for decorating the facade. It is also used to protect walls from negative atmospheric influences. Siding hides the imperfections of facades; it removes condensation along its internal plane. By choosing this particular finishing option, the homeowner receives a huge variety of decor options - with different structures and color schemes.

Precisely because siding is presented by the retail chain in such a large assortment, homeowners are perplexed about what material to choose - vinyl, or maybe acrylic or metal.

Criteria for choosing material for cladding

To choose the right finishing material, carefully understand how its options differ, evaluate all operating factors:

  1. Price. A decisive parameter that usually influences the choice. The difference in this regard is significant: vinyl material is cheaper. If you count total area The finishing that will be achieved by covering the entire facade makes such a huge difference that homeowners cease to doubt what to prefer.
  2. Accessories. It is also necessary to take into account the need to purchase additional accessories for installation. If you choose acrylic finishes, they will also cost more, which will increase the overall cost.
  3. Climate. The nature of the climate for a particular area plays an important role in the choice of cladding. When ultraviolet rays actively affect the cladding, prefer a material that is resistant in this regard. Then would be better suited acrylic. To save money, we recommend that when purchasing material, you make a calculation so that you cover only those surfaces that face the sun with expensive plates. Cover the remaining walls with vinyl siding, choosing the appropriate combination of shades.
  4. Installation option. Although the principle of assembling any lamellas is almost the same, there are still slight differences in different materials. They consist of different fastening locks. Since this parameter does not affect the overall functionality of the cladding, it can be ignored. The installation algorithm is almost identical: first the walls are prepared, then the frame is created. Then the strips are attached to the facade.

Regarding further use, the requirements are identical: any material can be washed with soft, non-aggressive agents. detergents. If necessary, damaged elements can be easily replaced without disturbing the rest of the surface at all.

Summarizing the listed properties, it is necessary to emphasize that acrylic material benefits only in terms of a greater variety of colors and resistance to ultraviolet rays. Only the homeowner can decide whether such benefits are worth paying more for.

Features of vinyl siding

When vinyl material is chosen for cladding, the homeowner will not have to worry about the appearance of the facade by periodically tinting it. The excellent appearance of this finish is guaranteed for at least 10 years, you will have to spend minimal effort care

Vinyl practically does not fade, it resists perfectly low temperatures(as well as extremely high, reaching +50°). When you decide to purchase vinyl siding, take into account its advantages and disadvantages in advance. Advantages:

  • the material is not afraid of mold infection, it does not allow harmful insects to enter;
  • the material is not afraid of moisture and does not rot at all;
  • Homeowners are attracted to vinyl because it is a dielectric, making it safe to run electrical wiring over it.

Features of acrylic siding

Experts recommend acrylic material because of its certain advantages over vinyl material. At the same time, it has other advantages. These include high resistance to intense ultraviolet irradiation. The material perfectly retains its strength parameters throughout the long period of operation.

Acrylic panels do not weaken in the places where they are fixed. This material can easily withstand high temperatures (up to 85°). The cladding is absolutely resistant to chemical solvents, so it can be cleaned with synthetic, fairly aggressive detergents. Although acrylic siding is not so flammable, in the event of a fire the house will still be completely engulfed in flames.

Features of metal siding

Any metal siding is recommended only for cladding non-residential premises. This material has increased strength and excellent resistance to impact loads. Color palette metal products are represented in a full palette. Such panels are indispensable if the construction is subject to increased requirements regarding fire safety, resistance to mechanical damage and durability.

But metal weighs much more than vinyl and acrylic, so use it for cladding residential country house allowed, but only if there is a powerful foundation designed for increased loads. The material is easy to maintain; it allows the use of any type of detergent.

If you decide to use metal siding, it is better to choose aluminum siding. It perfectly resists corrosion, has a low specific gravity, and the material has a low degree of flammability. To extend the service life of aluminum cladding, it is recommended to periodically carry out anti-corrosion measures. They consist of applying polyvinyl chloride film to the panels or painting them.

Color spectrum aluminum panels presented in all shades of the rainbow, their surface can be smooth or embossed. A significant drawback of such products is their poor resistance to mechanical stress, after which noticeable dents remain on the casing.

Metal siding is an airtight material that can corrode. Also among the disadvantages heavy weight, considerable cost of panels.

When solving a difficult question on the topic of what kind of siding should be purchased for cladding your own residential building, you need to compare all the advantages and disadvantages of each of the recommended materials. You need to clearly decide for yourself which parameter to take into account - one-time costs or a long term of operation. We hope that the publication will help you make the right and informed choice.


Not so long ago, siding has gained wide popularity among private developers. It is intended for exterior finishing facades. The material perfectly hides defects in the old coating and protects it from various influences. Condensation is drained along the inner surface of the panels, which prevents the formation of mold and mildew. Many consumers are interested in which siding is better: vinyl or acrylic? It’s worth understanding each type of popular cladding in more detail and choosing the right one for your home.

Features of choice

A wide variety of material shades allows you to make your home design individual. Siding is a durable and strong material that can be used for 10 to 50 years without changing its properties.

Siding is easy to install without the involvement of professionals. The material has many advantages that have already been appreciated by many owners of private houses. Among the advantages of the material are a wide selection of colors and ease of care. However, some consumers cannot decide whether to purchase vinyl or acrylic siding?

Advice! For exclusive exteriors, it is better to choose siding together with a store representative. This applies to cases where the house has a unique geometry. This solution will not be much more expensive than ordering material with standard sizes.

The cost of the material is no longer the main selection criterion building materials. Consumers pay more attention to quality and technical parameters. You can verify the seller’s integrity by asking for a product certificate.

The list of important parameters includes:

  • Durability of the material. Its service life and preservation appearance for a long time.
  • Aesthetic surface, the ability to choose any design for cladding.
  • Ease of installation.
  • Weather resistant.
  • Not exposed to seasonal and daily temperature changes.

Products presented in many catalogs often do not reflect the quality of the products. They are aimed at showing the external attractiveness of models. This can confuse the consumer who will choose a product without knowing its characteristics.

Therefore, it is important to first understand the features and benefits of using different types siding, and then make a choice in favor of one of them.

Vinyl siding

It is made from polyvinyl chloride High Quality extrusion method. The panel includes the following layers - internal (impact-resistant) and external (has a high degree of resistance to paint fading).

Advantages of siding made on vinyl based, manifest themselves in the following properties:

Such advantages have ensured the high popularity of vinyl siding among owners of country houses.


This type of siding is made from acrylic polymers. Its properties are very similar to vinyl. However, it is produced using a different technology. Distinctive aspects of acrylic siding:

  • Low sensitivity to ultraviolet rays.
  • The strength of the material does not decrease throughout the entire service period. There are no weaknesses in the places of fixation to the frame.
  • Able to retain its shape under the influence of high temperatures - up to +85 degrees.
  • Not affected by chemical solvents. It can be cleaned with synthetic products without the risk of damaging the coating.
  • It self-extinguishes when ignited, and releases a minimum of harmful compounds when exposed to flame.
  • The cost of covering a house with siding will be higher than when choosing vinyl products. However, they are compensated by a long service life.

These features of acrylic siding characterize it as a durable and reliable material.

Selection factors

Both materials are characterized by non-toxicity. This property is provided by using modern equipment in the production of material. Therefore, it is used for finishing public buildings and children's institutions.

For final determination suitable type siding, several important factors must be weighed. Among them, it is worth highlighting the cost of materials. Vinyl models are cheaper than similar acrylic ones by 60-80 rubles per 1 m². Considering the square footage of the building, you can notice a significant difference in price. The price of components for different types of panels is also taken into account.

When considering each cladding option, it is necessary to take into account the region in which the house is located. If work is carried out in a southern area, preference should be given to acrylic siding. It will cope more successfully with aggressive ultraviolet rays.

When located on sunny side Only one or two sides of the building can be finished with acrylic-based panels, and for the rest you can choose vinyl. This will significantly reduce costs.

Canadian or American siding will last 50 years without losing color or shape. Domestic producers however, they can only provide a 10-year warranty. Such features of the material affect its price. It is important to consider the quality of the frame and the availability of insulation materials.

One of the important factors when choosing siding is the ease of installation. The installation of lamellas made of acrylic and vinyl is practically the same. The work is carried out according to one algorithm: preparation of the building, creation of sheathing, installation of panels. The differences are only when installing vertical and horizontal models.

Care is also carried out almost identically. Both materials can be easily cleaned with water. No need to use gentle cleaning products or additional compounds. Repairing siding based on acrylic and vinyl is very simple - just replace the damaged element with a new one.

We can say that vinyl siding is inferior to acrylic-based products only in the degree of protection from UV rays. However, it has more low price. The consumer chooses the material, setting priorities.

The choice of material for cladding a house depends on the renovation budget and the location of the house. The cost of different types of siding differs significantly, but in terms of characteristics and operating properties they are almost identical. The durability of acrylic panels is greater. This characteristic sometimes becomes the reason for choosing this type of cladding.


Acrylic and vinyl siding are popular materials used for finishing private homes. On Russian market they are spreading at a rapid pace. There are no concerns regarding the use of these materials. Acrylic-based products are more resistant to ultraviolet radiation. However, the price of vinyl siding is significantly lower.

Having understood the features of each type of siding, each owner of a country house will be able to independently choose suitable option, taking into account your wishes and features of the location of the house. Often the choice depends on the cost of the models. For regions with temperate climate You can safely choose vinyl panels.


Polymer siding is popular among developers: it is relatively light in weight, easily attached to a wall or frame system, is varied in design and color solutions. But few people know that panels are made from different polymers; accordingly, the products differ in a number of properties. Next, let's look at how vinyl siding differs from acrylic siding.

Composition and scope of application

The first thing that comes to mind when comparing products for facade cladding is an overview of the composition and production methods of the panels.


Vinyl is polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the most common type of siding panels. The product is uniform throughout its entire volume: a dye is introduced into the polymer, then the desired profile is stamped from the resulting mass. The advantages of this material include:

  • Low cost of the product;
  • Flexibility and ability to withstand mechanical stress;
  • Light weight;
  • Scratches on the surface are practically invisible due to the homogeneity of the material.

PVC panels can have different shapes and texture, they are used to imitate traditional materials: brick, masonry, wood. Vinyl siding used for cladding facades of residential, industrial and public buildings of various sizes.


Relatively new material for cladding facades. Its panel is a polymer monolith of acrylics.

Characteristics of acrylic siding:

  • The polymer is durable and tough;
  • High resistance to fading and discoloration;
  • The panels do not shrink, the fastening points are not disturbed;
  • Not afraid of atmospheric influences and moderate mechanical loads;
  • Does not melt at temperatures up to +85°C.

Types of acrylic siding according to the method of attaching panels:

  1. Vertical;
  2. Horizontal.

The sheathing can be attached to perfectly flat wall or on the frame if you want to hide surface imperfections.

Differences between acrylic and vinyl

Despite the same nature of origin - polymer, the materials differ from each other.

Comparison parameter Acrylic Vinyl
Resistance to impacts and mechanical stress High at any time of the year High in summer, low in winter
Ability to retain color Doesn't burn out, isn't afraid sun rays Heats up under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, can transfer heat to the wall, but the color changes little
Color spectrum Wide, color applied to the panel Limited to primary colors of light shades - these heat up little in the sun
Installation At flat surface without frame, if damaged - with guide profiles
Varieties Imitation wood or smooth timber (block house) Imitation of stone, brick, wood
Expressiveness of the structure High, close to the original Conditional
Need for progress No No
Life time At least 50 years At least 30 years
Price High Low

It turns out that vinyl and acrylic differ not only in composition, but also in properties. External data does not have any special differences, so you need to follow according to the situation:

  • If the house is located in a sunny area, choose acrylic - resistant to heating and fading;
  • For minor snow and mechanical loads, vinyl can be used;
  • For use in extreme conditions weather conditions For example, closer to the Arctic Circle, only acrylic products should be used.

The difference in the price of materials is significant - about 30% in favor of strong acrylic, respectively, more cost components and additional elements.

The optimal solution is a combination of siding panels:

  • The base is covered with acrylic;
  • The walls are vinyl.


Manufacturers of acrylic siding of proven quality in Russia:

  • Alta profile;
  • FineBer;
  • Blockhouse;
  • Quadrohouse;
  • ORTHO.

Among the imported representatives, Canadian and US brands stand out - they are highly durable.

To understand which siding is better to use, acrylic or vinyl, it is worth studying the main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of panels made from both materials.

Vinyl siding for facade cladding

Polyvinyl chloride is used to produce this material. 80% of this product consists of vinyl, the rest is occupied by various additives that improve the properties and characteristics of the material. This includes stabilizing additives, various coloring pigments and modifiers that ensure the product’s resistance to external negative factors.

These and other additives allow you to get rich color, matte or glossy surface, improve the elasticity and resilience of the material, as well as ensure its durability.

Types and characteristics of vinyl siding

Externally, the panel can be made with imitation under ship plank, herringbone trim or log wall. In addition to the finishing material itself, to cover the facade with vinyl siding you will have to purchase a complete set of additional elements, without which installation of the panels is impossible. These include:

  • start profile,
  • finishing line,
  • outer and inner corner,
  • end and connecting profile,
  • soffits for lining the eaves of the roof.

Please note that the thickness of vinyl wall finishing material can be in the range of 1-1.2 mm. For greater reliability and durability of the cladding, it is recommended to buy vinyl siding with a thickness of at least 1.1 mm.

Benefits of vinyl siding

The material is characterized by high resistance to moisture and solar radiation. Vinyl siding can withstand a temperature range from -50°C to +50°C. It is also resistant to the aggressive effects of moderate alkalis and acids.

Vinyl siding is resistant to damage and can withstand medium and light mechanical impacts well. The material does not delaminate, does not crack, and roughness does not appear on the surface over time. Even after prolonged use in conditions high humidity it is not subject to corrosion and rotting, and it is also not damaged by insects and rodents.

The panels are easy and quick to install, and you can easily do it yourself, since installation and fixation do not require special skills or equipment. Vinyl siding can be installed at any time of the year.

Also, the advantages of this material include:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • durability (up to 30 years);
  • dielectric properties (does not conduct electric current);
  • contains no flammable or toxic components;
  • easy care (wash with running water);
  • the ability to equip a ventilated facade and avoid the accumulation of condensation behind the material;
  • no special maintenance or repair required.

Disadvantages of vinyl siding

When exposed to high temperatures, vinyl siding material begins to melt. If the panel was fastened without following the installation rules, then during temperature fluctuations it may bend or even crack.

If you have to install vinyl siding in temperatures below -10°C, keep in mind that the panel becomes brittle and may crack when cutting or during installation. To avoid breaking, it is better to cut the material with a grinder.

Acrylic siding for facade cladding

To understand the difference between acrylic and vinyl sidings and make a deliberate choice between them, you should understand the characteristics and properties of acrylic panels. The acrylic panel consists of two layers of polymer composites, which are made by coextrusion.

One layer is acrylic polymer. Thanks to this material, the panels become resistant to high temperatures, sunlight and retain their color unchanged for a long time. For acrylic siding, the degree of glossy surface gloss varies between 60-90 units.

In addition to acrylic, the panels in production include the following components:

  • dyes to obtain a certain shade;
  • flame retardants for fire protection;
  • titanium dioxide for color fixation;
  • various modifiers to increase mechanical strength panels;
  • a number of special chemical components to ensure the elasticity of the material;
  • antistatic agents to protect against the accumulation of static electricity.

Depending on the desired appearance, you can purchase acrylic panels imitating a ship's plank, vertical products and elements imitating a block house. The shiplap panels are produced in a length of 3.66 m and a width of 23 cm.

Vertical acrylic siding is available in a length of 3.1 m and a width of 20.5 cm. Products for a block house can be found in a length of 3.1 m, and the width of a single panel will be 20 cm, for a double element this value will be 32 cm. The thickness of all acrylic panels is the same and is 1.1 mm. Moreover, their surface may have different colour and texture.

Advantages and disadvantages of cladding with acrylic siding

The advantages of this material for cladding the walls of a house include the following:

  • The material is quite durable and withstands mechanical stress well.
  • The product retains its shape when high temperatures(up to +80°C).
  • The material does not contain toxic or harmful components.
  • High degree of fire resistance.
  • The material is resistant to various alkalis and acids.
  • The surface of the acrylic panel does not fade under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and the color does not change its shade over time.
  • The service life of the material reaches 50 years.
  • Acrylic siding can be installed on the façade of a house just as quickly and easily as vinyl siding. This does not require experience, complex devices and tools.
  • Acrylic panels are easy to care for. It is enough to wash walls covered with such siding with water from a hose once a year. The material does not require any other maintenance.

Among the disadvantages, it should be noted that if you purchase low-quality acrylic panels that are made without following production technology, proportions of components, or using outdated equipment, then the quality of the cladding will greatly disappoint in the first year.

Since high-tech siding with a front layer of acrylic costs a lot, there is always a desire to save money, and as a result, you purchase a product from an unscrupulous manufacturer. Usually, negative reviews home owners relate specifically to such acrylic panels.

How to determine which siding will be better

To decide on the best material for your operating conditions, tasks and capabilities, it is worth comparing the characteristics of both sidings according to several indicators.

Lifetime. In this regard, acrylic siding is superior to vinyl siding because it can last quite a long time. According to manufacturers, vinyl panels retain their properties for up to 30 years, and acrylic products for up to 50 years. Consumers especially note the high strength of acrylic siding at joints and fastenings. Also, thanks to the special manufacturing technology of acrylic panels and the components used, the material is less susceptible to temperature deformation, and therefore is preferable for cold regions.

Resistant to fading sunlight. This factor influences the preservation of the presentable appearance of the façade cladding. Here again, acrylic coating has an advantage, as it is more resistant to fading and fading. The resistance of a material to ultraviolet radiation depends on the concentration of titanium oxide in the material. There is more of it in acrylic siding, so these panels are 10 times more resistant to fading than vinyl ones.

If the house is located in a place constantly illuminated by the sun, then the choice in favor of acrylic siding would be more reasonable. However, if you are going to tidy up your house white, then the burn rate will not matter. If you plan to make a combination of light and dark tones on the facade of the house, then you can purchase vinyl siding for light shades, and acrylic for dark ones.

The impact of "chemistry". If your home is located in an area where there is a large amount of dust and soot in the air due to natural causes or due to industrial facilities nearby, you may need to frequently clean the siding of your home using household chemicals. In this case, it is best to choose siding with an acrylic front layer, since this material responds better to treatment with acids and alkalis.

Price. Vinyl siding is two times cheaper acrylic material. Accordingly, the cost of components for the panels also differs.

Thus, we can conclude that the main advantage of more technologically advanced and expensive acrylic siding compared to vinyl is that during operation on the cladding of a house, photodestruction of the top layer of acrylic does not occur and it does not fade. Also, the durability and frost resistance of acrylic is superior to vinyl. Otherwise, the characteristics of both materials are very similar. Builders agree that if there is no urgent need to save money, then acrylic siding will the best option for cladding a house.

Exterior decoration of houses, buildings and structures – great way create an individual appearance of the building and embody traditional or unusual design ideas. Siding among modern facing materials has been very popular for many years due to the variety of types of panels according to the type of coating, color scheme, a combination of specific technical characteristics and affordable cost. Consumers are often simply lost in choice, and manufacturers periodically offer new developments, unique technological solutions. For example, to understand which siding is better, vinyl or acrylic, you just need to consider several aspects in detail.

Vinyl siding - production, characteristics and features of the material

The main raw material for the manufacture of vinyl panels is polyvinyl chloride. In addition to it, the siding composition includes various modifiers, dyes and pigments, others chemical substances and additives. A certain plate profile is obtained using the extrusion method - the alloy is extruded through a hole with a given shape and then cut to the required size.

With this production technology, vinyl siding is formed in two layers:

  • the inner layer provides rigidity and strength to the panel due to the addition of calcium carbonate to the composition;
  • the outer layer, thanks to the presence of titanium dioxide, creates protection against external factors and weather conditions.

The optimal selection of components for the manufacture of vinyl siding guarantees its main advantages:

  • durability in operation subject to installation technology;
  • the material does not absorb moisture, does not rot and does not require additional processing by special means against rodents and other pests;
  • ease of fastening and installation of panels due to their low weight and interlocking overlap;
  • use of panels in the temperature range – from -50°С to +50°С;
  • protection against fading when exposed to sunlight;
  • Easy to care for – minor stains can be cleaned warm water, and small scratches are almost invisible on the surface due to the uniform outer layer;
  • a variety of shades (light and pastel) and textures, including imitation of natural surfaces - stone, wood.

Acrylic siding is a new and improved modification of vinyl

Acrylic panels are produced using the same technology as vinyl. The qualitative difference lies in the preparation of the raw materials and the special selection of components. The basis for the outer layer is acrylic polymers, special polymer additives ASA (Acrylnitril-Styrol-Acrylester) are added to them, which makes the siding even more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, mechanical damage, thermal effects. Additionally, the following are added to the composition: biochemical stabilizers, antistatic agents, fire retardants, special reagents.

It is this balance of components that helps to obtain distinctive properties acrylic siding panels:

In general, acrylic siding retains all the advantages of vinyl, and in some respects it is much superior to it.

Taking into account the addition of special pigments and dyes, acrylic panels acquire a variety of rich, bright shades, sometimes even with an external gloss, depending on the type of coating. The facade of the house can be decorated in any style, embodying original design ideas. Moreover, acrylic siding, like vinyl, can be installed on a prepared frame horizontally or vertical way fastening plates.

The main differences between the two types of panels

Acrylic or vinyl siding has its own characteristics. It will help in making the final decision to purchase the material. comparison table parameters:

Comparison characteristics Type of panels
vinyl acrylic
Mechanical strength (impact and directional impact) high in the summer months, much lower in winter high regardless of season
Guaranteed service life at least 30 years old at least 50 years old
Color retention ability Over time there is a noticeable change in shade do not fade with direct and prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation
Possibility of deformation when heated change size when exposed to heat for a long time don't heat up
Maximum temperature value up to +50°С up to +80°С – 85°С
Color palette and type of coating mostly light, wood, brick, stone dark, bright, glossy, wood effect
Appearance do not have a clearly defined structure full imitation of natural coatings

From the characteristics comparison table, it becomes clear what fundamental difference between panels. However, higher operational properties acrylic siding affects its cost - it is 40 - 50% more expensive than vinyl siding. As an example, a short overview of panel manufacturers:

It is important to note that the cost of additional elements and components for acrylic panels is also higher than those made of vinyl.

Main criteria when choosing material

In each specific case, choose which siding is best for exterior finishing vinyl or acrylic, recommended taking into account the following factors:

  • planned budget for the total set of materials - often financial restrictions significantly influence the final choice,
  • expected service life (maximum),
  • appearance and shape of panels, type of coating,
  • method of fastening panels and main installation features,
  • climatic conditions in the region and level of impact ultraviolet radiation– resistance of panels to temperature fluctuations and exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

According to experts, if the house is located on the sunny side, it is optimal to choose acrylic siding for installation - it is resistant to heat and preserves the original color of the panels. Vinyl siding can be used for finishing buildings with light snow loads and in areas with a temperate climate. And, on the contrary, in regions with extreme climatic conditions the best option would be acrylic panels. Sometimes, in order to save money, you can choose a combination of siding panels:

  • decorate the base with acrylic,
  • walls - vinyl.

It is important to know

Remember that siding can be produced from unscrupulous manufacturers from recycled materials, so such panels will have a low level of quality. As a rule, they do not even have a certificate.

High-quality siding, both vinyl and acrylic, is easy to determine by visual inspection - the panels have the same thickness throughout the entire sheet and a uniformly colored surface from the front and inner sides. High price for acrylic siding is fully justified by its longer service life without losing the main advantages of the material. Cladding with vinyl panels in most respects is practically not inferior to finishing with acrylic and, with a limited construction budget, is a profitable replacement.

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