Schemes for the arrangement of ventilation systems in an apartment building. Systems and schemes of natural ventilation of a multi-storey residential building Ventilation in a multi-storey building extract from the ceiling

Let's remember the main purpose of apartment air exchange: ensuring cleanliness, humidity, as well as the appropriate temperature characteristics of the air flows entering the room. How is ventilation in apartment building? How can existing indicators be improved? What is the most efficient ventilation method?

Air exchange is vital for all of us. The air overflowing with carbon dioxide is discharged into the atmosphere due to the inflow of external flows. Thus, simple natural ventilation is carried out. But what do we know about air exchange in general?

Residential building ventilation structure

Brief information about ventilation

It is customary to distinguish between two types of air exchange systems:

  1. Natural ventilation;
  2. Mechanical (artificial) forced air exchange.

With natural ventilation, air is supplied into the room through various arbitrary slots and openings in window fittings. The advent of plastic windows eliminated this very possibility. Therefore, the only way to let fresh air into the apartment is “volley ventilation” (periodic opening of windows).

As you understand, in the cold season, this can cause serious inconvenience. Why install energy efficient windows and let the heat out of the rooms?

Metal-plastic windows and doors

Removal of exhaust polluted air occurs due to its natural displacement into the ventilation shaft. Such mines are located in the so-called household rooms- Kitchen, bathroom, bathroom. Without a difference in pressure, this type of air exchange is inefficient.

Ventilation classification

The use of various devices (supply, exhaust, combined) leads to forced ventilation. It can be classified as follows:

  1. Supply - artificial supply and natural displacement of air;
  2. Exhaust - the intake of air flows in a natural way and mechanical utilization;
  3. Mixed air exchange provides for both the supply and removal of air masses mechanically.

Forced ventilation

In general terms, we examined the principle of air exchange. However, this is an extremely complex topic. The organization and installation of the ventilation system provides for a number of responsible complex measures.

In houses with a small number of floors, each of the channels has its own roof outlet. Such an organization takes up too much space. Therefore, usually in houses with more than four floors, the ventilation complex itself looks like this. Satellite channels are connected to a single channel. Through the "vent", the exhaust air enters such branches, and on the next floor, all this is discharged into the collection main channel.

In the attic of the house, all these shafts are covered with protective gypsum-slag boxes. By means of a vertical exhaust channel, the spent flow that has passed through the mines is discharged into the atmosphere.

Ventilation scheme apartment building

As a rule, air exchange in most apartment buildings- natural. The extraction of air is carried out due to the difference in volumetric weights. A lighter warm air flow rises unhindered through the shafts.

Benefits of the natural system

What are the advantages of natural extract? First of all, low cost and ease of maintenance. Among the shortcomings, one can single out too large, in comparison with a mechanical artificial hood, the cross section of the ventilation ducts. However, the most serious disadvantage is the absolute dependence on environment.

Air movement pattern

In order to organize productive traction, an outside temperature of no more than + 5 ° C is needed. In this case, there should be no wind, and the windows in the house should be kept open. In addition, ventilation is also affected by factors such as:

  1. The height of the building itself;
  2. Apartment layout;
  3. Connection of apartments with the stair-lift zone;
  4. The size of the windows, their breathability.

Ventilation equipment in apartments

How can all the difficulties associated with natural ventilation be overcome? In our apartments, we can place supply and exhaust equipment that can guarantee optimal microclimate performance.

Ventilation system

First of all, supply devices:

  1. window ventilators;
  2. KIV (air infiltration valve).

Both of these products are able to provide free air circulation. However, unlike a window ventilator, which is mounted in a frame, infiltration dampers are placed anywhere on the wall. As a rule, they are "hidden" behind the battery. Due to this, the air entering the apartment is passively heated. In addition, the valve cleans the supply flows. You can independently adjust and control the intensity and direction of the air.

Air infiltration valve

Supply ventilation depends on a well-organized hood. Checking its functionality is quite simple. It is enough to bring a lighter to the grate of the exhaust channel and make sure that the light is drawn into the shaft. This is evidence of active traction.


The heart of the forced exhaust system is the fan. This device is able to artificially increase draft in the ventilation duct, due to which dirty air is removed from the room much faster, and fresh flows immediately take its place. Proper air exchange ensures that the amount of air displaced is necessarily equal to the amount of air entering from outside.

Exhaust blower

In combination with a window ventilator or infiltration supply device fans are able to provide a fairly efficient air communication in the living space.

At the same time, an autonomous supply and exhaust air conditioner is by far the most best method organization of apartment air exchange. In addition to the artificial supply and disposal of the flow, such installations perform a number of additional useful operations:

  1. Air cleaning;
  2. Moisturizing;
  3. Heat;
  4. Cooling.

Supply and exhaust ventilation equipment

Recently, installations providing for thermal recovery have been very popular. Such devices help you save on energy. As you know, already heated exhaust air is removed from the room. Engineers have developed the possibility of transferring (recovering) this heat to the supply channels of the installation without the need to mix them.

Such a monoblock type heat exchanger is a huge step forward in solving issues related to high-quality ventilation and heating of the air atmosphere in apartment buildings. Agree that saving up to 90% of heat (an indicator of paper recuperators) is a tangible support for any family budget.

Air recovery scheme

Organization of air exchange

Modern apartments are designed for the convenience of people living in them. Long gone are the days when an apartment was just a roof over your head. Today, furniture Appliances, communications - everything is put at the service of human comfort. This statement also applies to the air exchange system. Ventilation in an apartment building, the scheme of which, in many houses, has remained the same, despite all the technologies of modern society, can significantly worsen living conditions, reduce the expected level of living comfort. And this is when the health of residents and the safety of property depend on the correct and efficient functioning of ventilation.

Because most of modern apartments still located in buildings built twenty or even thirty years ago, the most common air exchange system now is the natural network.


Natural air exchange

An apartment building, as a rule, is equipped with an air movement shaft common to all apartments, from which ventilation ducts are diverted to each apartment. Such channels inside the apartment are closed with ventilation grilles and serve to remove exhaust air. The air flow at this organizational chart carried out through windows, doors, ventilation slots of the house.

In other words, schematically and sequentially, the process of exchange of air masses in the apartments of the house is carried out in the following order:

  1. Air flow through windows and vents in the living room, bedroom, nursery, i.e. residential premises;
  2. The movement of air around the apartment in a circular manner - from the living rooms to the corridor, then to the kitchen, bathroom and toilet;
  3. Contaminated waste stream output through air ducts equipped in the "office" premises;
  4. The movement of air flows through the channels and ventilation shafts of the house;
  5. Conclusion of dirty air through the attic to the roof, release back into the atmosphere.

Air movement in the house

Standard operation of systems

As in any area of ​​civil and social activities, in construction there are certain norms and rules according to which work is performed. There are such rules for organizing air exchange in apartment buildings.

When constructing a building with natural ventilation, the design company takes into account several parameters. These options include:

  1. Temperature regime in the construction region;
  2. Outdoor air pressure mode and estimated pressure inside the finished building;
  3. The strength of the wind in the region and its direction.

All of the above parameters are of great importance for the subsequent functioning of the ventilation network, the calculation of the air exchange rate required for apartments in the building, as well as in all rooms of the apartments themselves.

After clarification, and possibly measurement of all listed indicators, it is necessary to calculate the air exchange rate. It is determined, as a rule, per 1 cubic meter of a certain room per 1 person.

Schedule for calculating the air exchange rate

Regulatory Requirements

Building codes define the following indicators:

  1. The frequency of air change in the toilet is 25 cubic meters per hour per 1 person;
  2. The rate of air change in the bathroom is 25 cubic meters per hour per person;
  3. The air change rate in the kitchen is 60-90 cubic meters per hour;
  4. The rate of air change in living rooms is 25 cubic meters per hour per person.

Thus, if 3 people live in an apartment, then the frequency of exchange of air masses in the rooms should be 75 cubic meters per hour, if 4 - 100 cubic meters, and so on.

Bathroom ventilation

In addition to the requirements listed above for organizing a ventilation system in an apartment, there are also additional, not so strict, rules and regulations. They relate to the type of installed windows, interior and entrance doors, material of execution of air duct channels, and other parameters.

Door with supply grille

Intra-apartment parameters

SNiP in particular determine the following parameters:

  1. Any dwelling must have at least one opening window or window through which fresh air from the street will enter the apartment;
  2. The windows of the first floor, inlets for air intake, should be placed at a level of 1 meter from the expected snow cover in winter period, in other words, 2 meters from the surface level;
  3. The cross sections and diameters of the air movement channels are equipped in compliance with exact dimensions: 150 square centimeters for the kitchen, 100 square centimeters for the combined bathroom and living quarters, 100 square centimeters for the bathroom and toilet (separate);
  4. The air circulation scheme (this was already mentioned above) passes from living quarters to service rooms with air outlet through the bathroom or kitchen;
  5. It is forbidden to lay additional communications in the mines and ventilation channels;
  6. It is forbidden to lay ventilation routes so that they cross other pipelines and cable ducts.

Air movement pattern

Should be paid Special attention that the effectiveness of the natural ventilation scheme in an apartment of a multi-storey building also depends on the behavior of the apartment owners.

So, the inflow and circulation of air in a single apartment will be blocked if you install metal-plastic windows that are not equipped ventilation valves, and also put interior doors, which will not have a gap with the floor or air holes.

Such windows and doors are quite capable of leading to the formation of excessive moisture in the apartment, contribute to the appearance of mold and fungi, condensation on the windows, and also significantly reduce the level of well-being and cheerfulness of residents.

Window vent valve

Smells and carbon monoxide from the kitchen will be carried throughout the house, forming greasy coating in the air ducts and clogging them if you install an exhaust hood in the kitchen, the power of which will be several times higher than the power of the natural system. In this case, the exhaust and polluted air from the kitchen will be blown under pressure into the neighboring apartments and the front door.

Contaminated ventilation duct

Auxiliary ventilation devices

For various reasons, many owners of apartments in apartment buildings install additional devices to ensure the necessary level of air exchange in the home. Such devices include:

  1. Supply valves;
  2. Exhaust fans;
  3. Supply and exhaust devices.

Supply valves are installed in pre-perforated through outer wall openings, providing the necessary level of air circulation. They do, however, reduce the overall temperature of the apartment. Also, in the case of a non-working or not fully working exhaust of the general system, the supply valve itself will not give the expected result.

Supply valve

Therefore, in addition to it, exhaust fans are installed to ensure the removal of all incoming and already exhausted masses. As a rule, such devices are installed at the entrance to an existing general ventilation shaft. To save on energy costs, they can come with motion and humidity sensors, as well as be connected to the power grid so that they turn on with the light in the bathroom.

Supply fan

Some owners of apartments in houses go even further and install supply and exhaust systems (possibly with heat recovery), which require the laying of air ducts and the preparation of fittings. New houses are equipped with industrial air exchange systems combined with air conditioning, ionization and heating. Such systems are complex both in preparation and installation, but they are worth the effort and money spent.

Air exchange network in the house

The ventilation system for a residential building should provide a comfortable microclimate, and most importantly, clean and fresh air. Properly installed ventilation should provide a constant exchange of air to remove moisture and harmful substances from the house. To remove polluted and supply fresh air, ventilation is divided into natural, forced and mixed.

Ventilation of an apartment building

At the ventilation system apartment building several tasks: to maintain the optimum temperature for a person, humidity, air purity: Therefore, air exchange is constantly going on inside the premises. Warm, saturated with odors, carbon dioxide and combustion products, the internal air escapes into the atmosphere through the air ducts. Instead, through the leaks of the window and doorways fresh and cooler air is sucked in.

In low-rise buildings, each ventilation duct has own access to the roof. But it takes up a lot of space. Therefore, in houses above four floors in general view ventilation system looks like this. To the vertical channel -<стволу>- on floors side branches join -<спутники>. Air enters this<спутник>through the exhaust openings in the kitchen, bathroom, toilet, and on the floor above it is transferred to the main collection channel. Such a system is more compact than individual channels and complies with fire regulations.

In the attic, the ventilation ducts are covered with gypsum-slag boards. Through a vertical exhaust shaft, the air from the box is thrown out. At the same time, the attic must be warm enough, otherwise the exhaust air will cool down, its density will increase and circulation will be reversed. If brick walls, then the channels during laying are left in the form of voids, their size is a multiple of half the brick. The minimum size of the channels in such a ventilation unit is 140x140 mm. It happens that channels cannot be placed in internal walls. Then they are made attached. In this case minimum size channel 100x150 mm.

In block and panel houses a special ventilation panel with round or rectangular voids is used. The diameter of the round voids is 150 mm. Each ventilation duct serves the same purpose rooms. You can not combine the hood from the kitchen and bathroom. The channel begins with a ventilation grill, which can be adjustable or non-adjustable. Adjustable gratings are equipped with a valve with movable feathers. In the vast majority of residential buildings, ventilation is natural. Extraction occurs due to the difference volumetric scales. Warm air easily rises up the ventilation ducts - it is lighter than cold street air.

The advantage of natural exhaust ventilation systems - in the absence of energy costs and low cost of maintenance. The disadvantage is that a relatively large cross-section of channels and ducts is needed compared to a mechanical hood. Natural ventilation has a short range: no further than six to eight meters. And completely dependent on the outside temperature.

What does the last paragraph mean? For good traction it is necessary that the temperature<за бортом>it was no more than five degrees Celsius, the weather was calm, and all the windows were wide open. With a further decrease in the temperature of the outside air, the draft increases, the ventilation of the apartments improves. In addition to weather conditions (temperature and wind), there are other important quantities on which the good job ventilation. Here are the height of the building, and the layout of the apartment, its connection with the staircase and elevator assembly, the size and breathability of windows and entrance doors.

Typical Organization Chart exhaust ventilation residential building(section, side view) The air environment in the apartment will be better if the apartment itself is provided with through or corner ventilation. Architects try to plan apartments in such a way that this condition is met. However, numerous complaints about the operation of natural ventilation systems have raised the question: is such a system capable of working well under various conditions? weather conditions? A mathematical model of the building was built, and calculations showed that with breathable windows, normal ventilation is provided only in the most cold period of the year.

But in apartments with a two-way orientation, natural ventilation works well for most of the year, if properly calculated and installed. However, in hot weather, only a strong wind can provide the required air exchange.

Thus, natural exhaust works well only in winter. And in the summer you have to open the windows wide to ventilate the rooms or get rid of kitchen odors. In some standard series apartment buildings in the attic or technical floor a fan is installed above the ventilation ducts. There is no concern for residents from it, because the engine is mounted on a spring base, which dampens vibrations. Such a system, where the exhaust air is removed under the influence of fans, is already considered mechanical.

Abroad mechanical systems exhaust ventilation of high-rise buildings is the rule rather than the exception. They work steadily at any temperature. They use low-noise and reliable roof fans. And in window frames be sure to install supply air valves - aeromats.

Unfortunately, Russian experience in the use of mechanical ventilation systems is not very limited. good example operation of buildings of the I700 A series. They were recognized as emergency due to the state of the air environment. Deficiencies in design and installation, illiterate operation (non-working fans) led to insufficient air removal and its flow from one apartment to another. In addition, the system turned out to be leaky and difficult to assemble.

A compromise way out of the situation is the installation of individual fans in the apartments instead of ventilation grilles. At least on the last floors of most typical buildings, during the overhaul, small axial fans are now installed in individual exhaust ducts.

natural ventilation

With natural ventilation, the air velocity in gratings and air ducts is no more than one or two meters per second. Based on this, determine required size(cross section) of air ducts.

According to the norms, 60 m3 of air per hour is removed from the kitchen with an electric stove through the exhaust system. If the stove is gas, then 90 cubic meters. From the combined bathroom, 25 m3 of air is drawn out per hour. And if the bathroom is separate, the same 25 m3, but separately from the toilet and bathroom.

The dimensions of the ventilation ducts are calculated based on these figures. If an extractor hood from built-in appliances is additionally connected to the channel leading from the kitchen, then the operation of the ventilation system will deteriorate. When calculating ventilation, initially take into account<вредности>removed from household stoves. Local extracts, which catch them at the place of formation, in this case only duplicate the general exchange system.

The standards do not directly say that this cannot be done, but it is better in such cases to consult a specialist or even order a special project with the calculation of air exchange. There are other ways to determine air exchange. For example, by multiplicity in relation to the volume of the room, by the absolute amount of air per person or piece of equipment, by excess heat from equipment and people. When a new series is being developed typical houses, all these quantities are included in the calculations. But as a result, they can also be converted to cubic meters per hour.

General rule of ventilation

General rule ventilation says: how much air is removed from the room, so much needs to be supplied to it. Before the era of plastic windows, this was easily solved - wooden frames sucked in the required amount of air through natural leaks. Modern sealed double-glazed windows, plastic or wooden, do not provide such an opportunity. As a result, an imbalance in inflow is created, a small rarefaction, which healthy man won't feel. But the lack of a full-fledged air flow is fraught with a decrease in traction in the exhaust ducts. Generally speaking, modular double-glazed windows were intended for rooms with forced ventilation - both supply and exhaust. If such windows are installed in an apartment without a mechanical air supply, it is worth ordering an air valve for them - an aeromat.

Initially, these valves are not in the plastic windows; they are purchased separately. When ordering, you need to warn the measurer that the windows must be with inlet valves. Then the airmat will be cut into a plastic frame in advance and a ready-made window will be installed in place. Working on the inflow, the valves allow you to adjust the amount of air passing through them, and if necessary, they are completely blocked manually. Such dampers are necessary only for the windows of living rooms and kitchens - premises that communicate directly or through open doors with the exhaust grilles of natural ventilation systems (those in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bathroom). On glazed balconies, these valves will not work, because the door from the balcony to the room is closed most of the time.

The supply valve is installed in the upper part of the window, the flow of outside air is directed to the ceiling. There it mixes with warm air and, without creating drafts, is evenly distributed throughout the room. That is, the airing goes on constantly, even during the day, when for security reasons it is impossible to leave open window in an empty apartment. There are air valves with normal and reinforced sound insulation. There are valves that react to humidity? - the higher it is, the more the valve opens. Fresh air rushes in, preventing windows from fogging up and mold from growing. The air valve does not require maintenance - inside it is a movable damper that regulates the amount of air passing through it. The damper does not need power to operate - its position is set by a special actuator that reacts to the level of humidity in the room. After all, air is a mixture of dry gases (nitrogen, oxygen and others) with water vapor. When heated, the humidity of the air decreases, when cooled, it increases.

For example, if there are a lot of people inside, then the humidity increases, the damper of the air valve opens slightly, increasing the flow of fresh air. If there is no one in the room, the humidity will not increase, and the air flow will decrease. Experience shows that one valve per 15-20 m3 of living space is enough for normal well-being with standard height ceiling 3 m.

What do you do when you know what your neighbor is having for lunch?

Of course, it is desirable that each apartment has separate exhaust channels. This is the case in low-rise buildings. But consider the case when, to save space, the channels<спутники>from homogeneous rooms are attached to the prefabricated vertical<стволу>. It happens that ventilation starts to work as if in reverse side, smells from one apartment flow into another. Reverse thrust most often occurs in windy weather, at low atmospheric pressure. In this case, the exhaust air from the housing is not able to overcome the counter resistance of the outside air at the mouth of the ventilation shaft on the roof and is thrown back into the ventilation duct. Since the upper floors suffer more from overturning thrust, it is taken on the last two floors tall buildings make individual channels that are not combined with the main<стволом>. At the floor of the attic above the ventilation unit, a cap is arranged, inside which the side channels of the last two floors are connected to the main one. Air in general<стволе>at the exit to the prefabricated ventilation shaft, it moves at a high speed, so the exhaust air from the side channels of the last floors is sucked in and carried away into the atmosphere.

In some cases, the flow of air through the ventilation network from one apartment to another occurs when the joints between the ventilation units of neighboring floors are not hermetically sealed. Until recently, ordinary cement mortar. When installing the next block, the solution was squeezed out, partially blocking the cross section of the ventilation ducts, after which normal work ventilation became impossible. Today, the issue is solved by using special sealants - both in new construction and in the repair of existing houses. Although in the second case, the operation of sealing the seam is rather laborious due to the difficulty of accessing the joint.

Violation of the ventilation

The higher the floor, the more space occupies a block of ventilation ducts. And the more tempting to use this<загадочную пустоту>. All redevelopments that lead to disruption of ventilation have one thing in common - they were made without permission, without a project, without approvals.

If the ventilation unit is partially or entirely eliminated, then the apartments below will not only be left without ventilation - in the end, the apartment can be ventilated by opening the windows. Everything is much worse. Warm exhaust air, rising through the preserved channels, will run into a barrier. And the unorganized flow will begin. Peculiar<воздушное хулиганство>, the revenge of the air trapped in the ventilation. First of all, he will rush into the ventilation grilles of those apartments where the windows are open and good natural draft is created. As a result, the more we ventilate, the worse the result.

The consequences of illegal dismantling of ventilation ducts are felt immediately and in full if this happens in winter. In summer, when ventilation is already weak, the deterioration is less pronounced.

Re-equipment and redevelopment of ventilation independently are not allowed

Of course complain. First of all - to your management company. According to the Housing Code, it is her task to ensure uninterrupted and reliable provision of consumers with housing and utilities. To find out the reason why the ventilation does not work, a commission examination is first carried out. The floor where<снесены>ventilation ducts, easily determined even without visiting the apartment.

A load is lowered from the roof into the ventilation shaft on a cable (this is called hanging the ventilation duct). He stops at the upper level of the apartment where the block of ventilation ducts is destroyed. Further - a floor below, an anemometer is brought into the side outlets of the channels in the kitchen, in the bathroom, which determines the air speed and shows the reverse thrust. After that, the commission draws up an act-instruction on the need to restore the unauthorized dismantled ventilation units.

But very often the order is not followed. The elimination of ventilation ducts is only part of large-scale overhauls with unauthorized redevelopment, with demolition interior partitions, sometimes even with the elimination of load-bearing walls. Therefore, few people immediately agree<вернуть всё как было>. Disassembling is always easier than repairing. A hard fight begins. In this case Management Company entitled to sue. If the owner of the apartment without a good reason does not appear at the meeting, then the case can be considered without his participation. A final judgment is issued and is binding. Of course, by a court decision, a dwelling can be kept in a rebuilt state, but only if the rights and legitimate interests of citizens are not violated or this does not pose a threat to their life or health.

The essence of a civil lawsuit is to bring the dwelling to its original state. The plaintiff is a management company. apartment residents,<отрезанных>from ventilation,? - a third party. Based on Article 29 of the Housing Code, the owner of a dwelling that has been arbitrarily rebuilt is obliged to bring it back to its previous state within a reasonable time. After the court satisfies the claim, thirty days are usually given to bring the dwelling to its original state. And another five days - to present the results of restoration work to the commission. In case of violation of these obligations, the owner is liable for all consequences resulting from emergency and other situations. The case is referred to the court bailiffs. We read article 17 of the Housing Code Russian Federation: <Пользование жилым помещением осуществляется с учётом соблюдения прав и законных интересов проживающих в этом жилом помещении граждан, соседей, требований пожарной безопасности, санитарно-гигиенических, экологических и иных требований законодательства, а также в соответствии с правилами пользования жилыми помещениями, утверждёнными уполномоченным Правительством Российской Федерации федеральным органом исполнительной власти>. Article 30 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation provides that the owner is obliged to maintain the dwelling in proper condition, preventing mismanagement of it, to observe the rights and legitimate interests of neighbors, the rules for the use of residential premises, as well as the rules for maintaining the common property of the owners of premises in an apartment building.

According to Article 40 of the Housing Code, if the reconstruction, reorganization or redevelopment of premises is impossible without the addition of part of the common property in an apartment building to them, then the consent of all owners of premises in an apartment building must be obtained for such actions. In 2003, the Gosstroy of Russia adopted the Rules and Regulations technical operation housing stock. They say that the refurbishment of premises in residential buildings can be made only after obtaining permits in the prescribed manner.

Re-equipment and re-planning, leading to disruption of engineering systems and worsening living conditions, are not allowed.

Video: Ventilation principle of operation

From how the ventilation device is made in high-rise buildings, will depend on the composition of the air and the health of the residents there.

Many people want to make their living more comfortable and cozy. But the opposite is happening. Without thinking about the consequences or out of ignorance, they disrupt the air exchange, which leads to negative consequences. The purpose of this article is to explain how the ventilation system in an apartment building functions, what factors disrupt its operation and what problems this leads to.

Selection criteria, types and elements of ventilation in an apartment building

The presence of certain elements will directly depend only on the type of system. But, regardless of the option chosen, it will contain the following mandatory components:

  • air channels;
  • ventilation shaft;

Regardless of the type, it will be necessarily a supply and exhaust. Accordingly, it is necessary to ensure not only the hood, but also the arrival in the same volume.

Depending on the type of thrust initiation, such systems are usually divided into:

  • natural - draft appears due to the difference in temperature and pressure in the street and in the room;
  • combined - exhaust or injection is carried out electromechanically;
  • forced - draft and injection occurs with the help of special fans and other devices.

If natural ventilation of residential buildings is used in a multi-storey building, the presence of a ventilation shaft is mandatory.

Scheme of a typical house ventilation shaft

The requirements for its arrangement are simple and the same for all buildings:

  • tightness;
  • throughput corresponds to the design volume;
  • compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • fire safety.

Also, depending on the air exchange scheme, the system can be with mixing or displacement. The first method is typical for impenetrable walls with vapor barrier. The flow goes through ventilation holes and various gaps. Due to the relatively high initial speed, outdoor fresh air is mixed with polluted air. With improper organization of flows, it will be difficult to extract air polluted with impurities in this way.

To select the type of ventilation, all factors must be taken into account, such as:

  • number of floors;
  • location relative to other structures;
  • the level of external noise;
  • environmental pollution.

For houses with an intra-quarter location and noise up to 51 dBA, it is recommended to install natural ventilation. If the building is located in a particularly polluted area, or the noise level is more than 51 dBA, it is necessary to apply supply system and it is desirable to carry out filtering.

Arrangement of ventilation elements in a high-rise building

The location of the air intake from the street is equipped in certain places, depending on how the ventilation is arranged in an apartment building. If the heating of the intake air is not provided for in the system under consideration, it must be brought as close as possible to the ceiling of the room. This will ensure its complete mixing with more warm air rooms.

In order for the penetrating air to be heated under the influence of heating devices installed in the apartment, the input is carried out near these devices.

When heating takes place directly in the blowers, the supply is equipped at the bottom of the room.

Despite the type of system, the inflow occurs only in the living rooms, and the exhaust hood in the kitchen and bathroom. The hole for the hood is equipped at a height of at least 2 meters from the floor. The ventilation scheme in a multi-storey building assumes the absence of air movement from sanitary and additional premises to living rooms.

ventilation ducts different rooms with natural exhaust of polluted air, it is recommended to provide separate, excluding single-level assemblies. If this is not possible in an apartment building, it is necessary to provide for the supply of individual pipes to one vertical shaft.

They join such a shaft mainly once every two floors. Ventilation on the top floor is output separately, it is not recommended to connect it to the shaft.

Features of arrangement and functioning in panel houses

If we talk about such a common type of houses, then there the air exchange is arranged according to a natural principle. The system works in the same way in old brick houses, as well as in low-budget new buildings. Outdoor air is sucked in through cracks and leaks in old frames or through special holes provided in modern plastic ones.

Removal in them occurs due to the presence of a constant draft present inside the ventilation shaft-duct, which rises above the roof ridge or goes into attic space. Outdoor air, getting into the living quarters through the windows, due to the draft in the channel, tends to the exhaust outlet in the bathroom or the hood in the kitchen. It turns out that the air, passing through all the premises of the apartment, gradually displaces the polluted into the street.

The order of operation of ventilation on the example of a typical project

The most common panel project is a nine-story building. The principle of operation of the hood is the same for them. Air from the street, through windows and cracks, enters the apartment. Extraction occurs through satellite ventilation ducts in the kitchen or bathroom. One, less often several channels from the hood are brought to the main pipe. These channels are connected to the main shaft through two floors. These shafts are quite bulky and take up a lot of space. Such a system, most likely, will be equipped with a large-panel house.

Such a scheme at a house of 9 floors implies the presence warm attic. The outlet from the 8th and 9th floors goes directly into the atmosphere, bypassing the common channel. The scheme for a 9-storey building was designed based on the complete absence of wind and outdoor temperature air +5.

Despite the fact that natural ventilation in such houses is not very efficient, it requires almost no maintenance, blockages rarely occur. There were cases when the ventilation ducts were clogged building materials during the construction of the house. Such a surprise later affected the quality of the hood. Most often, cleaning the mine is required once every 5-6 years.

During repairs, many people block the air flow in some place. They unknowingly think that this will not affect the hood, but the process of air renewal in the apartment is hindered or stops completely.

The most common actions that lead to interference and malfunctions in natural ventilation are:

  • installation of sealed plastic windows;
  • interior doors with seal;
  • installation of various fans in the hood.

In order not to disrupt the operation of the natural ventilation draft, it is forbidden to obstruct the inflow and outflow of air. For plastic windows, it is necessary to install air inlets or arrange an external inflow separately. Doors between rooms are equipped with bars at the bottom. The cross section of the exhaust duct must not be blocked by fans.

Possible options for arranging ventilation in high-rise buildings

Modern ventilation in panel house equipped with single exhaust pipes. From the bathrooms, from each floor to the roof there is a pipe. In this embodiment, there is no possibility of penetration of foreign odors and the entire system functions evenly and reliably.

Another good option is when all vertical channels go to a common horizontal prefabricated manifold, which is located in the attic. The air from it goes outside through one common pipe.

The most unstable way can be called the option when a small satellite channel from each apartment is included in a common ventilation shaft. Such a ventilation scheme in a panel house is much cheaper in arrangement and increases the living space, but constantly brings a lot of problems to residents. The most common is the flow of various odors from one apartment to another.

The best option for ventilation are electromechanical forced air supply and exhaust systems. They are used in modern new buildings, except for low-budget ones. Supply unit such a system is located in the basement or on the side of the main building. It supplies filtered and heated or cooled air to all rooms and premises. On the roof, in turn, an exhaust electric fan is installed with exactly the same rated power as the supply one. It is designed to remove the contaminated mixture from the apartments through the hoods.

This is one of the primitive schemes of the device. A more complex one, which can be equipped with a modern high-rise building, is being equipped using new energy-saving technologies. For example, recuperators are devices that allow you to take heat or cold from the exhaust air and give it to the supply air.

The consequence of the installation of modern sealed windows and doors is the unsatisfactory operation of the ventilation elements and its non-compliance with the recommendations of SNiP. Few people are ready at any time of the year to keep the windows ajar for the influx of the required amount of air, even in cold weather. In the absence effective work the hood increases the humidity index, the saturation of the air with carbon dioxide increases, and oxygen decreases. In such a microclimate of the room, when the air humidity is above the norm, mold and various fungi multiply perfectly. It is very harmful to the human body and not aesthetically pleasing in appearance.

The way out of the situation is quite simple. It is necessary to acquire. It will eliminate the problems of air renewal, and the use of a recuperation system allows you to maintain a comfortable microclimate and fresh air with minimal energy consumption.

Ventilation in an apartment building is one of the most important engineering system, which is equipped at the time of construction of the structure. From its correct and coordinated work with heating and air conditioning systems depends on the creation of a microclimate that allows you to fully call life in such a house healthy, comfortable and of high quality.

With poor-quality air, work capacity quickly decreases, fatigue increases, and old sores begin to bother. It is difficult to call such a life healthy. In order to provide fresh air to our homes, entire institutions work, all kinds of rules and regulations are drawn up, calculations are made and the most incredible structures are designed. And by by and large, ventilation should perform only one function: to ensure good air circulation.

Features of the device in high-rise buildings

  • Air flows should move from the rooms towards the kitchen and bathroom, that is, remove the air saturated with various odors, carbon dioxide and human waste products.
  • The force with which air is drawn out through the channel in 5 and 9-story apartment buildings may not be the same, therefore, the calculation is carried out for a specific building in such a way as to ensure air movement in all apartments, regardless of the number of floors.
  • If

    Equipped exhaust fans, then a rumble can be heard in the apartments, therefore the installation of such equipment must be soundproofed.

  • Ventilation in apartment buildings should be controlled, i.e. equipped with valves, to reduce energy consumption for supply air heating.
  • What factors influence the choice of type of ventilation

    Based on the characteristics of ventilation in apartment buildings, a choice is made in favor of one or another scheme. But there are some specific points specific to a particular building that must be taken into account when choosing:

  1. building category.
  2. The level of traffic noise.
  3. The level of air pollution.
  4. Floors of an apartment building.

In fact, traffic noise greatly influences the choice ventilation system building. If the noise level at the location of the building does not exceed 50 dB, then it is permissible to equip the house with natural ventilation, forced ventilation arranged in case of exceeding this indicator.

Three possible types of ventilation system design

There are the most common ready-made schemes ventilation of an apartment building. By and large, there are only three of them:

In our country, most high-rise buildings are equipped with a natural ventilation system, with a common main channel and satellite channels that remove exhaust air from each apartment separately and cut into the central shaft. The popularity of this is due to the comparative cheapness and ease of maintenance.

Ventilation problems in multi-storey buildings

Today, when hermetic plastic windows began to be installed in most apartments, it began to work inefficiently in a residential apartment building. Most apartments are simply missing, which produces high humidity, discomfort, mold formation in living quarters.

Valves on the windows will help to cope with this problem. An example of the following video will show what it is.

The second and very common problem of ventilation systems is the appearance reverse thrust. Residents of the lower floors practically do not encounter this phenomenon, and residents of the upper floors, especially in the summer, are constantly faced.

This problem occurs due to lack of traction. The air removed from the apartments of the lower floors cannot push out the air mass located in the ventilation shaft, therefore it exits along the line of least resistance to the satellite channels. And this is quite unpleasant, especially for the tenants in whose apartments it ends up. Instead of extracting ventilation grilles blowing, and not necessarily fresh and clean air. Most often, this is the smell of sewerage or “aromas” coming from the neighboring kitchen.

Mechanical ventilation in high-rise buildings

in a residential building can be of two types:
  • Individual or apartment. It provides for the operation of exhaust fans located at the entrances to the air ducts, supply valves and fans installed in facade wall building. In addition, it has become quite popular today, which can significantly reduce the cost of heating or cooling the supply air.
  • Centralized. It provides for the presence of one or more chambers with fans located on the roof of the building.

The main feature of such ventilation is that the air is blown in and out with the help of mechanisms, namely supply and exhaust fans, which perform their function, regardless of any natural factors and atmospheric influences. On mechanical ventilation neither the design of the building itself, nor the layout of the apartments affects.

The ventilation device in multi-storey buildings consists of a duct system and. The forced system, as a rule, includes air filters, heaters and recuperators. Often it is combined with air conditioning systems.

The mechanical ventilation system has several significant disadvantages - its high price and dependence on electricity. Forced system requires due attention and. You have to pay for comfort, although there is hardly a person who wants to save on their own health and comfort.

Many tenants of apartment buildings independently equip their homes with supply valves and exhaust fans. In fact, this is quite easy to do. If you do not want to beat the load-bearing walls to install air inlets or fans, then you can contact the manufacturer of your good and tight plastic windows, and install them in them for little money supply valves for microcirculation. There are a great many of them, from the simplest "combs" to complex and expensive valves with automatic adjustment dampers for indoor air humidity and temperature.

Do not forget to regularly inspect the condition of the air ducts and clean them, if necessary. As they say in well-known sayings: “Trust in God, but yourself ...” or “Saving the drowning is the work of the hands ... ..” All this is true. If you do not worry about the microclimate of your home, then serious health troubles await you. Do you need it?

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