Do-it-yourself country toilet. We make an outdoor toilet in the country: options and an example of phased construction. How to dig a hole for a toilet in the country with your own hands - rules and regulations

🔨 A country toilet is easy to do with your own hands, if you put some effort and effort. We have selected drawings with dimensions for popular country toilets that will last you for decades! Also in the article is waiting for you step by step photo instruction for the construction of a country toilet.

The most time-consuming step in the process of building a latrine will be digging a pit, but this work can also be done. The aesthetic side of the building is a secondary issue, the most important thing is to properly arrange cesspool and create a reliable foundation for the above-ground structure.

It should be noted that some owners of suburban areas do not build a toilet according to the rules and manage with an ordinary bucket substituted under the toilet seat. But, one way or another, waste products need to be put somewhere, so you still can’t do without a capital pit. Therefore, it is better to do all the work correctly once and not return to this issue for many years. It is especially important to make a capital building if the residents spend a significant part of the year in the country.

When If if you don’t want to spoil the design of the territory of the site with the installation, then you can hide it in the far corner behind the house, or you can come up with a design for it that will help to organically fit the building into the landscape.

Choosing a place for a closet and its design

Usually the toilet is installed closer to the far boundary of the site, and this is understandable, since at least a slight smell will be present in or near this room. But sometimes they use another option, arranging a cesspool near the house, and a free corner of the house is allocated for the toilet, leading a wide sewer pipe into the pit. This design is mainly used in cases where water is supplied to the house, and there are plans to install an insulated container for collecting waste.

In any case, you should adhere to the standards established by the sanitary and epidemiological services. They must be observed in order to protect yourself, your neighbors and the environment from undesirable consequences, such as infectious diseases or soil contamination.

  • If a cesspool is arranged, it must be located at a distance of at least 30 m from water sources, and its depth should not reach groundwater.
  • If a septic tank is installed, then it is located no closer than 15 m from the house.
  • If you plan to use an insulated container, which will be cleaned as it fills cesspool machine, then it can be installed anywhere, since the waste will not flow into the ground.

An insulated container is also a way out in cases where groundwater does not run too deep and a cesspool dug in the ground is not possible.

Usually the pits of the simplest country toilet have an area of ​​\u200b\u200babout one square meter. If the pit comes off round, then its diameter should be approximately 1 m. Its depth is 1.5-2 m, depending on the depth ground water.

After the place for the pit is determined, you can proceed to the choice of toilet design.

  • The first thing to consider is the weight of the structure - it will largely be determined by the material that is planned to be used for construction. The house itself should not be too heavy, because over time, the soil under its weight may begin to sag and, in the end, the building will deform and be damaged.

For construction, wooden bars and boards, or thin metal - galvanized profiles and corrugated board, are well suited.

If it is decided to build a toilet booth from logs or bricks, then you will have to think about a well-fortified foundation. But there is absolutely no need to build such heavy buildings, since they still will not become warmer than light buildings. It's better if it's necessary thermally insulate the room with heaters that are light in weight, for example, foam. Such a building will be both light and warm, not blown through during the cold season, and it will not be excessively hot in it in summer.

  • Having decided on the material, you can proceed to the size of the booth.

Typically, a standard toilet has a width of 1 m, a height of 2.3 m, and a room length of 1.3 ÷ 1.5 m. However, these dimensions are by no means a dogma and may well vary. In any case, the room should be comfortable for any family member to be in it, both standing and sitting.

What will be required to build a toilet

Having decided on the design and placement of the toilet, they acquire the necessary materials for its construction. A wooden or metal "house" can be bought ready-made. If you decide to build it yourself, then you will need the following materials:

  • Boards and wooden blocks.
  • Fasteners - nails and screws.
  • Metal corners to reinforce the structure of the wooden frame.
  • Door handle, hook or latch to close the door.
  • Roof covering material - slate or corrugated board.
  • Plastic or wooden toilet seat with a lid.
  • At necessary - foamst for insulation of the booth, and material for inner lining insulated walls, chipboard, thin board or plywood.

For the device of the cesspool you will need:

  • Cement, crushed stone, sand.
  • Reinforcement to strengthen the foundation of the house.
  • A metal chain-link mesh for covering the pit and metal brackets or pins for attaching this mesh to the ground.

Another option, instead of a grid and plastering it with concrete, may be a brick, which is lined with the walls of the pit.

In addition, for the device of the pit, they often use those that have holes in the walls. Many summer residents prefer old rubber tires of large sizes.

Another, the most environmentally friendly option, can be ready-made capacity- septic. They are produced in different sizes, so you can choose the right one, depending on the number of family members and the length of the period of residence in the country.

Naturally, when building a country toilet, you can’t do without tools, so you need to have:

  • A hand drill that can help when digging a pit.
  • Shovel and bayonet shovel, with a length and a short handle.
  • If the soil in the area is rocky, you may need a rock drill.
  • Hammer and screwdriver.
  • Grinder - "Bulgarian" with discs for stone and metal.
  • Electric jigsaw.
  • Marking tool - ruler, tape measure, square, building level, pencil or marker.

Prices for popular septic tanks

Cesspool device

Toilet classification
by type of waste disposal

Of course, they always start with marking and digging a hole. It will have a square or round shape, depending on the chosen design.

1. If a two-chamber plastic septic tank is to be installed, then the pit is dug in such a way that the inlet pipe is located directly in the toilet cubicle, since a toilet seat will be mounted on it. The neck of the second chamber should remain outside the room - it is needed for regular pumping of accumulated fecal matter.

Tanks come in different shapes, and the dimensions and shape of the pit will depend on this. The size of the pit must be made 20-30 cm larger than the existing capacity, since the soil must be well compacted around it.

2. If the walls of the pit will be finished with concrete or brick, it can be made round or square.

  • After digging a hole of the required depth, at its bottom it is necessary to arrange drainage from large rubble, stones, fragments of bricks
  • Then, its walls are covered with a metal chain-link mesh with cells measuring 50 × 50 mm. The mesh is fixed by driving into the ground with steel wire shackles or pins.
  • To make the walls stronger, you can additionally reinforce the walls with a metal grate with large cells 100 × 100 mm.
  • Further, by the method of throwing, a concrete solution is applied to the walls, which is left until it dries completely. The total thickness of the concrete layer should be about 50 ÷ 80 mm.
  • After setting the first layer, the walls are plastered to a smooth state with the same concrete mortar. The plastered hole is left to dry.
  • Cover a pit or finished iron concrete slab, or manufactured locally. It will serve as a foundation for the toilet and a platform around it.
  • Boards are laid on the pit, which should go beyond its limits by 700 ÷ 800 mm and be sunk into the ground to the same level with the ground. Boards must be treated with antiseptic agents. This wooden substrate under the foundation it is quite possible to replace concrete columns.

  • Two holes are left on the surface for installing a toilet seat and for a cesspool, which should later be covered with a lid. Formwork is installed around future holes.
  • A dense polyethylene film is spread over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe future foundation.
  • Reinforcing mesh is laid on top of it, which is enclosed in formwork around the entire perimeter of the future foundation.

  • The height of the hole formwork must be the same as that of the entire foundation formwork. Formwork boards will serve as beacons when leveling the surface.
  • The concrete solution is mixed, poured onto the site, leveled and left to dry. For the durability and strength of the outer concrete layer, it is possible, after the initial setting, to iron the wet surface with dry cement.

  • On the finished site after its full maturation, it will be possible to install a booth for the toilet. A hatch must be arranged on the hole intended for pumping out accumulated waste. You can buy it at the store or make your own. The hatch cover should be easy to open and close.

3. Another option would be a round pit with car tires. But it should be noted that this type of cesspool is not suitable for permanent use. Such a toilet can only be used in country conditions, when residents come only occasionally, for example, on weekends, otherwise the collected waste will often have to be pumped out.

  • For a cesspool of this type, a round pit is dug 150 ÷ ​​200 mm larger than the diameter of the existing tires.
  • A drainage layer with a thickness of 15–20 cm is laid at the bottom of the pit.
  • Then, tires are laid exactly in the middle of the pit. on to the other to the ground.
  • Around the tires, as they are laid, drainage from crushed stone and sand is filled up and compacted. This process is carried out to the very top.
  • When the tires are completely laid, a shallow strip foundation can be arranged around the pit. To do this, a trench about 500 mm deep is dug around the perimeter of the future toilet, into which concrete will be poured.
  • trench bottom compacted and covered with a layer of sand of 50 ÷ 70 mm, which is also compacted and closed with a layer of crushed stone of the same thickness.
  • The waterproofing is made of dense polyethylene.
  • Then you can proceed in two ways:

- weld and install the reinforcing mesh, mount the formwork 100 ÷ 150 mm above ground level and then pour concrete mortar;

- lay out the foundation of brick, and then plaster it with cement.

  • After the mortar has hardened, the formwork is removed from the cement foundation, and the brick is leveled from above.
  • A roofing material is laid on its surface, which will separate concrete surface from wood.
  • A finished toilet structure is either installed on the foundation, or it is built independently.

For the convenience of the construction process, a wooden base-frame made of powerful bars is first fixed to the foundation, and other structural elements will be mounted on it, depending on the chosen building model.

4. It is impossible not to mention one more way to equip a cesspool - using metal barrels with a cut bottom. They are installed one on top of the other and in the same way as in the previous case. Around the resulting pipe is tamped gravel mix or a mixture of sand and gravel.

Cesspool of metal barrels - obviously will not last long

Prices for country toilets

country toilet

It would seem that the method is simple in execution, but it has much more disadvantages than advantages. metal barrels under aggressive influence both from the inside and outside, from the side of the ground, corrode very quickly, and such a toilet will last for a very short time.

Popular country toilet projects

Construction of a country toilet house

When both the pit and the site for installing the toilet room are ready, you can proceed to the installation of the house according to a pre-compiled scheme.

Toilet houses can have the most various forms, for example, even in the form of a fabulous hut. The uninitiated will not immediately determine what kind of room it fits so perfectly into landscape design site. It is quite possible to do such a structure with your own hands, knowing the scheme of its assembly.

The photo shows an option partially made of logs, which give this building a decorative effect, mask the purpose of the building itself.

The original teremok - you will not immediately understand that this is a toilet

The diagram shows the basis for building a log cabin, only boards are used instead of logs. You can clearly see how the walls are assembled and the roof slopes rise. distributed inner space and selected location toilet seat.

Approximate scheme"teremka"

The next step will be the roof lathing, roofing and wall cladding with the material chosen for this - it can be either wood or metal.

Such a house can either be installed on a cesspool, or used as a room for a dry closet.

Video: making a house - "teremka" for a country toilet

Another version of the structure of the toilet, which is called the "hut". In this case, the house is built in the form of a triangle, and its side walls are also a roof. The form is quite simple, so it will not be difficult to build a building.

Toilet - "hut"

This design is not only easy to build, but also convenient to use - it is stable at the base and quite spacious inside.

Installation of a toilet - "hut"

The presented figure shows the entire internal structure of the house, the installation location of the toilet seat and the method of lathing the roof walls. Sheathing of the front part of the building and the rear wall has begun. The “hut” house can be placed on an equipped cesspool, as in this case, or it can also be used as a room for a dry closet.

This form of the house can be called traditional, since most often it can be found on the plots. But even such a simple design can be decorated according to your preference.

For example, it was decided to make a toilet in this backyard territory under Japanese House. This is evidenced by the hieroglyphs written on a tablet hanging on chains, a Japanese lantern at the entrance, and even additionally arranged roof. In addition, the interior design of the room is also designed in the general style.

A similar attitude to the design of the site suggests that even from such a structure as, you can make a small work of art if you make a little effort.

An approximate scheme for the construction of such a toilet is shown in the figure. It clearly shows the arrangement of a cesspool, the installation of a toilet structure and a hatch for cleaning on top of it. The design is quite simple in the device, and it is not difficult to build it. But in order for it to be reliable, it is necessary to achieve the rigidity of the ligaments of all parts among themselves.

The interior space of the toilet, arranged above the cesspool, in the process of building walls, may look like this. That is, the base bars are installed on the foundation, on which the frame of the future structure is fixed.

After the final finishing of the toilet from the inside, the room can have such a neat and cozy look.

If desired and opportunities can come up with another design for a country toilet, but you need to do all the interior decoration from warm materials. Not recommended for decoration ceramic tiles, since this is a very cold type of material, and besides this, in winter time the tile becomes also very slippery.

Video: several options for a country toilet device

dry closet

If there is no way to build a country toilet, or there is simply no desire to get involved with construction work, then you can use a dry closet. This option will save you from digging a hole and, possibly, from installing a house.

Dry closet - perfect solution for country conditions

- this is an autonomous toilet that does not require a separate room or connection to branch communications

The dry closet consists of two compartments-chambers, the upper of which plays the role of a toilet, and the other serves for the biological processing of waste. In the second, lower chamber, there are active substances that decompose feces and turn them into a homogeneous, odorless mass. The action of the bioactive liquid for the decomposition of waste is enough for ten days, then the chamber is cleaned by pouring the contents into the central sewer or into the soil. The method of disposal will depend on which active substances will be used in the dry closet. These substances are T three types: composting, chemical and microorganic. Each of them is suitable for a certain type of dry closet.

  • For a composting dry closet, peat is used as an active substance. It has a high absorbency - for example, one kilogram of peat absorbs ten liters of liquid. Resulting active processes, odorless compost is perfect for fertilizing beds.

Usually, complete with such a dry closet, there are tons of ventilation pipes that remove unpleasant odors during processing.

  • The dry closet, whose work is based on the use of chemicals, has an indicator that will indicate that the container needs to be cleaned. Waste processed in this way is discharged into the sewer in order to protect the environment. For such models, special substances with non-freezing properties are produced.
  • The third kind of this useful device is a dry closet in which microorganisms are involved in the processing of waste, turning them into compost. The resulting material is environmentally friendly and harmless to the soil and animals, so it will not be a ton of ore to dispose of it.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dry closet

  • high levels of environmental safety;
  • ease of use;
  • lack of unpleasant odors;
  • affordable price;
  • durable material.

  • odor leakage is possible, installation in a ventilated area is required;
  • at heavy pollution receiver capacity, you will have to wash it yourself.
  • use in rooms with low temperature peat dry closet does not seem possible. From the cold, all processing processes stop, the contents of the lower reservoir freezes, as well as the peat itself. The problem is solved by transferring the dry closet to a warm room.

If desired, a dry closet can be installed in the most ordinary, self-built room, which is located in the yard, and for the winter period, bring it into the house, setting aside a convenient corner for these needs.

Prices for a popular range of dry closets

Dry closets

Biological products for toilets

Help for owners summer cottages having pit latrines on their premises have been developed special means similar to those used in dry closets.

Before using the product, it is necessary to study the instructions, as the composition is poured or poured in parts. How to use such substances correctly can be found in the information on the package, since each agent is dosed differently. Such a substance is used, as a rule, very sparingly. For example, one package or a can of some funds is enough for a year for a cesspool with a volume of 3.5 ÷ 4 tons.

So, there are many ways to solve the problem of a country toilet - there is always the opportunity to choose one or another option.

The first building that appears on a summer cottage is not a house or a shed for inventory, but outdoor toilet. This uncomplicated building cannot be dispensed with within a few hours after appearing in the country. But before asking the question: "How to make a toilet in the country with your own hands?" and start building, albeit temporary, but not the simple structure need to be well studied own site and understand where it is better to build a toilet, and what design it will be.

And only then you can look for drawings, prepare building materials and take up the tool.

What is the best toilet for a summer residence?

Even on a well-equipped site where there is a house, many summer residents prefer to have both a street and a home bathroom.

  • The toilet in the house is indispensable at night and in bad weather. You can’t do without it if the cottage is used all year round.
  • An outdoor toilet for a summer residence is very convenient in the midst of garden work, allowing you to quickly relieve yourself and not bring dirt into the house.

Types of outdoor toilets

  1. Toilet with a simple pit latrine. When the pit fills up, the house is moved to another place, or cleaning can be done with the help of vacuum trucks.
  2. The play closet also has a cesspool, but here it is airtight and can only be cleaned with a special machine.
  3. applicable where aquifers are closely located. Here, instead of a pit, a container is provided for collecting feces under the toilet seat. Backfilling with dry peat or sawdust after each use saves from smell.
  4. Country toilets, operating on biological additives or chemicals, can be equipped both on the street and in the house.

Making a toilet in the country with your own hands is easy. The main thing, when choosing its device, is to take into account the level of groundwater under the site. If the water layers here are deeper than two and a half meters, then you can safely build a toilet of any design. Otherwise, a toilet with any cesspool can be a dangerous structure.

Rules for placing a toilet in a summer cottage

Before starting the construction of a toilet in the country, it is important to determine its location, taking into account the existing restrictions, which, first of all, relate to structures with cesspools.

And here, in addition to the level of groundwater, you should pay attention to the fact that:

  • to reservoirs, wells or other sources of water was at least 25 m;
  • to or shower, arranged on the site, at least 8 m;
  • the toilet was located below the water intake point;
  • to the house, cellar or basement was at least 12 m;
  • to trees - 4 m, and up to fruit bushes and fences not less than a meter;
  • a car could drive up to the cesspool, the pumping hose for which most often has a length of 7 m.

When choosing a place, the predominant wind direction and the location of the toilet door are taken into account so as not to annoy unpleasant odors and other awkward moments to either neighbors or relatives.


It will not be difficult to equip a toilet if the summer resident even has basic skills in working with various building materials and tools. You need to start building a toilet in the country with the selection of a drawing or with its own development. The easiest way is to calculate and build a toilet without a cesspool. It does not require any foundation construction, nor the inevitable earthworks.

The dimensions of the toilet house are selected so that the structure is convenient to use.

The most common version of the country toilet has:

  • width from one and a half meters,
  • depth of at least one meter
  • height at the highest point of at least 2.2 meters.

If desired, the dimensions can be increased.

Country toilet drawings

You can use one of the ready-made drawings that are now available on the Internet, the main thing is that the toilet for giving in the photo is accurately calculated, fits in size and fits into the selected area. If there is the necessary preparation, then the calculation can be carried out independently.

What is the best way to make a toilet?

Although the most popular are wooden toilets for summer cottages, other materials are used along with boards for sheathing country toilets. These are metal siding and slate, multilayer plywood and other materials, toilets are also being built from brick.

Asking the question: “What is better to make a toilet in the country?”, Many summer residents choose sheet materials, which reduce the time for sheathing the frame. However, it is much more comfortable to be in a wooden toilet house, since the tree breathes, exchanging air and removing excess moisture. However, it should be remembered that all wooden details, and especially those in contact with moisture, must be treated with a special impregnation.

Toilet foundation

A country toilet most often does not require the arrangement of a large-scale foundation, since the structure itself is made of fairly light building materials. It is worth pouring the foundation for the toilet only when it is built from bricks or from blocks, as well as when constructing a concrete pit.

For supports, they are used wooden beam, and concrete structures, which are more durable due to resistance to humidity, temperature and other environmental influences.

  • First, the construction site is marked out, determining the corners of the toilet house.
  • Then, at these points, to a depth of 50 cm, smeared bituminous mastic asbestos-cement pipes of suitable diameter. The depth at the same time depends on the equipped design of the toilet for the dacha and the characteristics of the soil.
  • Then the pipes are filled with concrete by a third, which is carefully compacted.
  • Now, pillars of wood, concrete or angle are inserted into the pipes, and mortar is added again to give the structure strength. These pillars can serve as vertical frame guides, which means that their location should be verified using a level or plumb line.

If the supports on which the frame is to stand are made of blocks or bricks, then before installing them, you need to remove a 30-centimeter layer of soil and compact this base. Additionally, the bottom can be compacted with a sand backfill, on top of which concrete blocks are installed, or a brick base is made.

toilet frame

It is easy to make a frame for a toilet in the country with your own hands from a bar no thinner than 50x50 mm or metal corners.

With a traditional toilet design, the frame consists of:

  • four vertical supports that carry out the bearing function;
  • roof strapping and at the level where it is supposed to make a toilet seat;
  • frame for a doorway;
  • diagonal braces on back wall and on the sides of the toilet.

Already at the stage of construction of the frame, it is important to calculate the height of the toilet seat. To do this, you need to designate the level of the future floor, and then count up 40 cm, taking into account the thickness of the strapping.

Toilet roof

The roof is made from any available materials, for example, metal tiles or sheet corrugated board. At wooden crate the roof is made of roofing felt or other material that provides reliable protection from moisture. The roof can be gable or shed, the main thing is that it is reliable and does not retain moisture. We must not forget about the hole for the outlet of the ventilation pipe, which is sealed to prevent leaks.

In the toilet for a summer residence, a ventilation pipe is removed from under the floor level, from a pit or container for collecting feces. Moreover, it should be above the level of the roof of the toilet house.

Toilet wall cladding

The next stage in the construction of a toilet in the country is the sheathing of the erected frame. At this stage, you can choose any of their favorite materials. More often you can see wooden toilets for summer cottages - such structures are convenient, practical and quite durable. When used for wood sheathing, it is better to take boards from 15 to 25 mm thick, which are tightly fitted and attached to the frame. To prevent moisture leakage, it is better to place the boards vertically.

Toilet seat and floor

When calculating the toilet seat, it is important not only not to make a mistake with its height, but also to make a hole at a comfortable distance from the edge. The frame of the toilet seat is neatly sheathed with boards and processed sandpaper and color. The seat cover is conveniently hinged.

Toilet door

The door in a wooden toilet for a summer residence is made of the same material as the walls. The structure is hung on loops, the number of which depends on the weight and size of the structure. Both from the outside and from the inside, any closing mechanism is mounted, whether it be a hook, latch, latch or other device.

Another door is made on the back wall. It can serve to remove the waste container or to immerse the sleeve of a sewage truck.

To provide at least a small but natural light, a window is cut above the door.

When construction is completed, drainage must be performed around the house, especially if the dacha toilet is located above the cesspool.

Video: building a country toilet with your own hands

And not even with garden house. The first thing any owner puts a closet. Because without it, further development of the territory is impossible. A hand is stuffed on this simple object and the first practice appears construction works. How to build a toilet for a summer residence with your own hands? Step-by-step instructions, photos and diagrams will help to cope with this task.

The design of a sanitary house must be approached with all responsibility

The norms and rules for the location of a latrine on the territory of the site are not a whim of the inspection authorities. Their the main objective– prevent waste from entering groundwater and ensure sanitary cleanliness and safety for the owner of the site. That is why it is important to know and comply with a few simple requirements:

  • The distance from the sanitary block to the reservoir, if it is located next to the site, is not less than thirty meters. If water body located in a lowland relative to the site, the toilet must be moved as far as possible.
  • You can not have a toilet closer than fifteen meters from the basement or cellar.
  • From the house you need to retreat at least eight meters, from the chicken coop or other buildings for living creatures - five meters.
  • From the trees, the garden and the fence you need to retreat at least a meter.
  • It is recommended to study the direction of constant winds so that the unpleasant smell does not bother the neighbors.
  • It is important to know the depth of groundwater. If their level is less than two and a half meters, you will have to install another sealed version of the closet.
Important information! When planning the construction of a country latrine, you need to study the location of neighboring pits, wells and wells. Good relations with neighbors is one of the vital important conditions successful summer vacation.

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: how to make a closet with a cesspool

Many dachas are equipped with closets with a cesspool. This type of building is not suitable for areas where the level groundwater rises over 2.5 meters. The depth of the pit must be made at least 1.5-2 meters. If in the process of preparing the site it turns out that the pit is filled with moisture, all the work will be in vain.

A closet with a cesspool has the following advantages:

  • simplicity of design;
  • fast erection;
  • duration of use.

There are also some disadvantages:

  • it is important to study the depth of groundwater;
  • you will have to significantly retreat from water sources (wells, wells, reservoirs);
  • costs for waterproofing and ventilation of the facility;
  • the need for regular cleaning.

This sanitary facility consists of two parts: the booth itself and the pit. The capacity for sewage is strengthened bricks or boards treated with resin or other impregnation that prevents them from rotting. The bottom is poured with a layer of concrete thirty centimeters. The toilet for the dacha, the drawing with the dimensions of which is presented above, provides for the possibility of the entrance of a sewage truck for removing waste from the pit. The hatch into the pit, through which cleaning will be carried out in the future, must be tightly closed. Experts recommend building a clay castle around the entire height, that is, between brick or wooden walls and the ground, you need to fill in a layer of clay up to a quarter of a meter thick.

Helpful information! The size of the pit directly determines how often you have to hire a car to clean it. Calculations show that 1 cubic meter of volume per year should be provided for one permanently residing person.

Sanitary facilities without cesspool

The increased occurrence of groundwater does not allow a cesspool to be arranged on the site? There are several alternative solutions:

  • Toilet type "Powder closet". For its arrangement, you will need a container, which is installed directly under the toilet seat. To prevent an unpleasant odor after use, sand or ash is poured into the container. Pros: the toilet can be placed anywhere on the site, the device is quite hygienic and does not require special maintenance costs. Cons: you have to change or clean the tank often.

  • Dry closet. The principle of operation of dry closets is the use of special reagents (liquids or mixtures) that decompose waste. Advantages: ease of maintenance and lack of odors, the possibility of placing a sanitary point anywhere, even in the house. Disadvantages - need for frequent cleaning and high price reagents.

Models and prices for finished devices

Dry closets for summer cottages are divided into three main categories:

  • Liquid - using liquid fillers, do not require ventilation or drainage.

ModelMister Little MiniCampa Potti MGPortable 10 (Enviro)ZENET OS07Visa Marin 319
Price, rub5900 3444 3000 2950
Dimensions, mm420x370x340383x427x330350x430x320350x410x310410x420x370
Weight, kg5 3,6 4,5 3,5 5
Drain typepiston pumphand pumphand pumphand pumppiston pump
Tank volume, l18 12 10 10 18
250 250 250 250 250
  • Peat - natural peat is used for filling. This closet requires the organization of ventilation and drainage, so it is better not to put it in the house.

ModelPiteco 505Compact EliteBiolan KitBioComfortROSTOK Standard
Price, rub5490 4400 22500 8900
Dimensions, mm710x390x590650x380x600850x600x780670x420x650790x615x820
Weight, kg8,5 6 15 8,8 11
Peat supplymanualmanualmanualmanualmanual
Tank volume, l44 40 140 40 100

Related article:

  • Compost - do without fillers, run on electricity. Waste can be used for compost.

Any of these products can be installed quickly and practically anywhere. A comparative analysis of popular brands of dry closets is presented above.

Do-it-yourself toilet for a summer residence: step-by-step instructions for building a birdhouse

The step-by-step instructions for a do-it-yourself toilet for giving in the form of a "birdhouse" are appreciated for its simplicity. Indeed, what could be simpler than an ordinary booth with a door and a symbolic window for ventilation?

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country, the drawings of which are suggested to be used standard sizes and dimensions, it will not be difficult to build it yourself. Cabin height is usually 2-2.5 meters, inner dimensions- from 1 square meter.

Drawing of a toilet cubicle - birdhouse

Support poles made of brick or concrete 20-30 centimeters high are placed around the equipped pit. Such a height is sufficient so that during seasonal movements of the soil the structure does not overturn. Oiled plank flooring is installed on the pillars.

Vertical racks made of timber are fixed with metal corners. Make a strapping of the top of the frame. A bar makes out a doorway. If the site is exposed to open winds, it is better to install additional oblique slats.

The frame is sheathed with wood, or OSB boards. A sheet of corrugated board or ondulin is fixed to the roof sheathing. Hang the door leaf.

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Toilet-hut: basic design principles

The triangular design of the "Shalash" closet is easier to manufacture and can be built literally in a matter of hours. Its peculiarity is that the walls are at the same time roof slopes.

Sheathe such a toilet only from the front and back. Roofing material is used from the sides.

Helpful advice! It is best to lay a soft roof on such structures. It is laid on plywood or OSB sheet.

The construction of a structure of the "hut" type

Do-it-yourself toilet in the country: photos, ideas and construction tips

The design of the closet can be the most diverse and include an additional shower and utility unit. If you combine these buildings, you can simultaneously save on the manufacture of a shower pit and a storage base for garden tools. Below is a do-it-yourself toilet in the country: photos and various interesting solutions.

With the rise in popularity wooden construction many options for ready-made outhouses made of logs and timber appeared on sale.

Another cabin option plastic construction. It is not very beautiful, but it looks neat and easy to wash and clean.

A garden toilet made of brick or stone is a solid and durable structure. It is usually erected from "junk" bricks and lined with stone, tile or simply plastered.

Craftsmen offer original variants designs from improvised materials. The closet can be arranged from car tires, glass bottles or firewood.

The construction of any summer cottage cannot do without the construction of a sanitary unit in the first place. The construction of this room is necessary to meet the initial needs of man. After the construction of the country toilet, the construction of other buildings, gazebo complexes, baths and others begins. It is possible to build a country toilet with your own hands without the involvement of specialists and their highly paid jobs. Before building a toilet, it is necessary to be familiar with the design, installation and certain hygiene requirements that must be observed. It is also important to have drawings of toilets for summer cottages before your eyes, so that the final do-it-yourself design is as correct as possible.

It must be remembered that there are a sufficient number of different norms and rules that must be followed to place a closet on the street. The main rule to be observed is the creation of conditions under which there will be minimal contact of waste with groundwater.

Rules for placing a toilet in a summer cottage

Before you make a toilet in the country yourself, it is important to study the main criteria that you should follow when choosing a place to build it:

  • Required distance from the nearest water area must be at least 30 meters. If the geolocation of the reservoir is lower in level from the building, then the structure must be moved to another place or below the water source.
  • The distance from adjacent pits, such as a basement, cellar, and so on, must be at least 15 meters.
  • Distance from residential buildings or other structures must be at least 8 meters.
  • Distance from places of settlement or habitat of animals - at least 5 meters;
  • The distance from the plantations is not less than 1 meter.
  • The distance from the fence of the nearby territory is at least 1 meter.
  • When building a country toilet, you must also take into account the direction of the winds, so as not to disturb bad smell their neighbors.

Be carefull. Before the construction of the toilet, it is necessary to clarify the level of groundwater. Construction is possible only if their level is more than 2.5 m underground.

If it is impossible to build a cesspool, due to the flow of groundwater, you can use an alternative option and build a country toilet like backlash-closet or powder-closet with your own hands. An alternative option may be a dry closet. In such structures, human waste will not touch groundwater.

Requirements for the location of buildings on a summer cottage, including toilets

Attention should be given to the buildings of nearby wells or wells used by your neighbors.

Strict consideration of the rules in the ratio of buildings on your territory and the territory of your neighbors will allow you to properly build a toilet in the country in compliance with environmental standards.

Options for toilets in the country

You can build a country toilet yourself. There are several construction methods that directly depend on the type of structure. The most popular options for the execution of a country toilet:

  1. Toilet with a cesspool;
  2. backlash closet;
  3. Powder closet;
  4. Dry closets and chemical toilets.

These are the most common types of country toilets. More details about each version are given below.

Regarding the first type, a country toilet with a cesspool is the most common version of a closet for temporary residences and is an elementary building over a cesspool.

Appearance wooden cabin toilet with a cesspool type "Birdhouse"

Cesspool reinforced with brickwork

Pit toilet project

Construction and construction rules

Regarding the type of "Luft-closet", it has a sealed waste pit as part of its structure, which, in terms of its characteristics and dimensions, may differ and have different variations. For disposal in the Luft-closet toilet, a special sewage machine is used, the hose of which is lowered into the cesspool through a special hatch, which is located at the back of the house.

Backlash closet design

Dimensional drawing

Hatch at the back of the toilet house for cleaning the pit with a cesspool mouse

The third type of “Powder closet” represents a certain container under the saddle itself, which must be cleaned at specified intervals. After each use of the toilet, it is necessary to apply additional funds disposal, namely powdering sewage with peat. This is the cheapest option for a country toilet, but the cleaning process can cause some trouble.

Scheme for the implementation of a toilet with a container in the form of a bucket

Drawing of a possible powder-closet variant

Exterior view inside the cabin

Powdering sewage with peat

The best type of toilet for a summer residence, with sufficient economic support, can be a dry closet or a chemical toilet. The peculiarity of using such a toilet is that there is no need for frequent cleaning due to the breakdown of waste products by special bacteria.

dry closet

chemical closet

Dry closet located right in the house

Dry closet with cabin

How to build a country toilet with your own hands - you need to perform several operations in the sequence below.

The most popular toilet is with a cesspool. This is due to its ease of use. The process of use is very simple and consists in the direct entry of waste into a deep pit. When the pit is more than 70% full, it requires proper cleaning.

Organizing a pit is not a very complicated process and, in principle, you can do it yourself. Having dug a hole of the required depth (its recommended parameters are 2 × 2 meters and a depth of 2 meters), you should proceed to strengthen the walls of the pit, which in the future will serve as the foundation for an above-ground building. You can strengthen the pit with the help of boards, which must first be treated with a special antiseptic. The hole can be strengthened concrete rings or with brickwork.

It is advisable to make the bottom of the cesspool at an angle down to the back of the toilet house, so that the sewage falls towards the hatch, with which the pit is cleaned.

Cabin of bricks

Cesspool with monolithic concrete walls


Reinforced concrete rings to strengthen the pit

Strengthening with old tires

When laying brickwork, you need to follow its checkerboard pattern in order to take care of the future cleaning of the cesspool. The last six rows of bricks are laid without any gaps solid. If you are building a backlash closet, then it requires some effort to organize the complete sealing of the pit. To achieve this goal, at the bottom of the resulting pit is poured concrete screed. If you decide to make a brick base, then in the end it is still poured with a concrete coating.

For pouring concrete, formwork is made, which can be done using ordinary boards or bars. After the concrete has completely hardened, the formwork frame is completely dismantled.

wooden formwork

It must be remembered that there is a need for a hole for the toilet itself and the implementation of holes for ventilation and pumping out waste.

An alternative option for cleaning the cesspool can be filling it with special chemicals or full backfilling and moving the toilet to another place. This option will be of interest to those who do not want to constantly clean the cesspool.

To date, there are many variations of building or acquiring a ready-made toilet cubicle.

Cabin types

When building a country toilet, there are several options for its execution, depending on the elevated building - the cabin. The main types are:

  • Hut;
  • birdhouse;
  • small house;
  • Hut.

Let's consider in more detail.

  1. Features of the "Shalash" structures are determined by their structural strength. The disadvantages include the inconvenience of placement inside the building due to the lack of space of the chosen form.

    The appearance of the hut

    Drawing of a toilet house type hut

  2. Birdhouses in terms of their mounting properties are not heavier than the previous type of cabin and also have lower costs in terms of the amount of material. The only difference is that mechanically this design is less stable and has excessive heat dissipation. The pluses include unique design and the possibility of placing a water tank on top of the roof.

    Birdhouse type house

    Birdhouse drawing with dimensions

  3. The “House” option is much stronger and warmer than previous competitors. In use necessary materials implementation is not much different, but decoration And Finishing work have a wide spectrum.

    Cabin style cabin

    Another version of the house

    Drawing of a toilet house with dimensions

  4. Cabin type "Izba" requires more materials, but is very durable and resistant to almost any climatic conditions. In such a booth it is possible to install a washstand, hangers, mirrors and everything you want. From the point of view of design solutions, it can fit into almost any interior.

    Outside view of the hut

    Project-drawing closet hut

Do-it-yourself toilet house made of wood

Depending on the financial condition and the ability to work, you can build a booth yourself, which can be carried out different ways depending on the type of material used. Next, the process of building a house made of wood of the "Starling House" type with a cesspool reinforced with bricks is considered.

When laying a brick house, it is necessary to make a foundation, which usually extends beyond the cesspool. The walls themselves brick construction should be 10-15 centimeters above the ground in order to place the foundation around the walls in the next step.

The walls of a brick cesspool protrude 10-15 centimeters above the ground

Often on summer cottages wooden toilet cubicles are used. rectangular shape the house and its construction is organized with wooden blocks measuring 100x100 mm. The tree must first be treated with an antiseptic for long years his service. In the absence of an antiseptic at hand, you can use diluted bitumen in a 1: 1 ratio with water.

To comply with the correct technological process for the construction of the booth, it is necessary to make waterproofing between the foundation and the frame wooden structure house. This can be achieved by laying a strip of roofing material.

The figure below shows step by step process collection booth, described below under the image itself.

The process of assembling a wooden toilet cubicle
  1. Placement of the foundation around brick walls. A layer of roofing material strip is laid on the foundation in order to isolate it from water (waterproofing).

    Foundation for a house with a superimposed layer of roofing material strip

  2. A pre-assembled wooden frame is installed on top of the foundation by screwing.
  3. The next step is the floor of the booth, which must be strong enough to support the weight of a person. For this purpose, a board with a thickness of at least 30 mm is taken and screwed with self-tapping screws to a previously installed frame.
  4. Frames are being constructed for the front and rear sides of the booth from wooden blocks. The slope of the roof of the country toilet is solved by installing frames of different lengths. The rear, as a rule, is made smaller in height than the front.
  5. Further, the installed frames of the rear and front sides are strengthened by connecting the transverse bars to each other. In this case, the bars are attached in 2 places: between the frames approximately in the middle of the height and at the very top. The latter will be used to attach boards to them to get a roof. For structural reasons, the upper bars should protrude beyond the base: in front by 30, and in the back by 16 millimeters. Do not get hung up on such strict sizes, a small error is acceptable.
  6. Inside the booth, a pre-prepared pedestal frame 450 mm high is installed. This is the most common height, but you can make it different to suit you.
  7. Sheathing of the frame of the house. Perfectly suited for this role is a false beam, which performs the function of simulating a solid wall made of timber. It is such an imitation of the connection between the bars with the help of tenon grooves. False beam - imitation of a beam

    On one side of the timber there is a spike that is inserted into the one located on opposite side second bar groove. It is very comfortable. To the frame itself, the imitation of the beam is attached with nails or by screwing in self-tapping screws. To avoid moisture getting into the groove, make sure that he looked down the entire structure, and the spike up. good options sheathings are also clapboard or OSB. At the same stage, the pedestal is sheathed. A hole of the required size is cut out on the top board to accommodate the container in it.

  8. The beginning of the roof covering. At this stage, boards are attached to the upper transverse bars (perpendicular to them and parallel to the front side of the cabin). small size with some distance between them.

    The visor is also sewn up from the side of the doors and the boards are attached to each other along the perimeter. Ultimately, an upper roof structure with right angles should be formed.

  9. The question of the final readiness of the roof is solved by imposing slate or tiles on it.

When building a country toilet with your own hands, do not forget about its insulation. Of course, you can do without insulation, but in winter it will be very cold there, which will give you terrible discomfort when you are inside the closet. Styrofoam sheathing can be used to insulate the house of a country toilet. Inside the toilet itself, it is necessary to install transverse strips of wood to organize the toilet seat itself.

With the correct calculation of the project and compliance with standardization standards, the recommended cabin dimensions are as follows:

  • Length - 1-1.5 meters;
  • Width - meter;
  • Height - 2.10 meters.

Cabin doors

Usually, the toilet is installed wooden doors bought in advance or made by yourself. Sheathing is possible with the same materials as the frame was sheathed. After, the doors are hung on 2 hinges in recesses, machined in advance.

A latch or a hook can be used to close the doors from the outside or from the inside. In order for the door not to open inward and in order to close the cracks, platbands are installed.

After receiving the finished toilet house, it is completely impregnated with special materials in order to protect the tree from moisture and pests. Then everything is covered with varnish or paint.

Quite naturally - ventilation is necessary for such a building in order to remove odors that arise during operation. That is why the country toilet, or rather its body, is initially equipped with a hole, into which a plastic pipe with a diameter of 100 mm or more is then inserted.

Ventilation scheme in the country closet

Having passed the pipe into the cesspool to a depth of more than 20 cm, its reverse end is led along the back wall to a height of more than 20 centimeters above the roof level. To improve the hood, a special device is used - a deflector.

Organization of lighting

To conduct lighting in the toilet or not to do this depends on the time of your stay in the country. To save light, a small window can be provided in the design of the toilet. Alternatively, LED flashlights or battery-powered lamps can be used.

Window for natural light

Ceiling-mounted LED flashlight

Organization of the hozblok

For ease of use, sometimes in summer cottages a combination of a toilet, a shower and a barn is used at the same time. The one-piece construction takes up less space and is cost-effective in terms of waste disposal. If living in a country house takes place in summer period time is ideal.

Plan of the economic block Cheburashka

Layout of the utility block with amenity premises

Combining in the order of a warehouse-shower-cloaking room-toilet is called in the common people "Cheburashka". The implementation is similar to building a cabin with support poles and wooden blocks, but differs in size. At correct installation and location ensures compactness and expediency of construction in the future process of its operation.

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