What is the easiest way to repair the ceiling. Do-it-yourself ceiling repair options. What materials can be used? PVC stretch ceiling

Today we will figure out how to make a ceiling repair with your own hands. I will not talk about large-scale work, we will talk about cosmetic repairs that can be done with minimal cost time and money. The review is suitable for those who need to refresh appearance ceiling quickly and efficiently, all options for work are within the power of even novice masters.

Overview of the main solutions

I won't figure out how to build drywall construction or bring the plane at large differences. We will consider simple options that are used when the surface has turned yellow, stains from leaks or other minor flaws have appeared on it that worsen the appearance. The current repair is good because it can be carried out very quickly and at the same time transform the ceiling beyond recognition.

Option number 1 - whitewashing the ceiling

This is the easiest ceiling repair that can be. A few decades ago, most ceilings in apartments were finished in this way, but even now this decision has not lost its relevance. Whitewashing is perfect where you need to refresh the ceilings at minimal cost, because with its help you can make the surface snow-white.

First, let's figure out what materials will be needed for work.

Material Description
Construction chalk It is sold in different packaging, but the most popular are 5 kg packages due to ease of storage and carrying. The manufacturer does not matter, as long as the composition is finely dispersed, that is, very carefully ground, this will achieve best quality works. The price of a 5 kg package is 100-150 rubles
Blue It is sold in bags weighing 20 grams, which is exactly how much we need to prepare one serving of whitewash. The composition costs about 30 rubles per package, we need it to give additional whiteness to the surface
PVA glue The addition of this composition allows you to make the whitewash much stronger, now the layer will not crack so easily and will retain its integrity much longer. Most often, building compounds are used, but carpentry and even stationery can be used if nothing else is at hand.
Primer Without strengthening the surface, I do not advise carrying out any work on finishing the ceiling. Therefore, purchase a deep penetration composition on acrylic base, its cost per liter is 50-100 rubles. The benefits of the soil are very large: it strengthens the surface and improves the adhesion of the whitewash to the base.

As for the tool, the following set is needed:

  • If you want to remove a layer old whitewash, then a scraper or spatula and a sponge will come in handy for soaking the surface;
  • It is easiest to apply the composition using a roller, this ensures good distribution of the composition over the surface and high speed of work. For junctions and other difficult areas, a brush will not be superfluous, with its help you can process all the corners so that the coating is as high quality as possible.

The work instruction consists of the following items:

  • First you need to clean the surface, if there is old whitewash on it, which does not hold very well and flakes off in separate areas, then it must be removed. Work is done with a scraper or spatula to simplify cleaning, you must first wet the area warm water and leave it for 10-15 minutes, after which the layer will separate easily;

If your whitewash is holding well and has not cracked anywhere, then you can not remove it, just clean the ceiling of dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner.

  • A primer is applied to the prepared surface, it must be thoroughly mixed before use (if you have a concentrate, it is diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package). The soil is distributed in an even layer, after completion of work, you should wait for the composition to dry completely, this can take from several hours to a day;

  • Next, whitewash is prepared, for this, in 5 liters warm water 30 grams of PVA glue, 20 grams of blue and 3 kilograms of building chalk are added. The mass is thoroughly mixed until completely homogeneous, the composition must be left for 10 minutes, then re-mixed;

  • The application begins with adjoining the walls, go through them with a brush, you can also process the space near the chandelier so as not to stain the wire with a roller;
  • The main stage is done with a roller, whitewashing is applied from any angle convenient for you, you need to move the tool back and forth in one direction. Try to distribute the whitewash evenly so that it covers all areas, but does not accumulate on the ceiling in the form of drops and smudges. Until the composition is dry, it will be dark, do not worry, the surface will turn white afterwards.

Option number 2 - painting the ceiling

If your surfaces are even and over time they just turned yellow or the paint cracked on them, then repairing the ceilings in the apartment will not take much time, you just need to repaint them.

In this case, the set necessary materials will look like this:

  • Paint, it is best to take modern water-based compositions, they have high quality and adhere well to the surface. I recommend opting for moisture-resistant coatings, as you can wipe them with a damp cloth, which will keep the surface looking perfect for much longer. The cost per liter starts from about 50 rubles;

  • The primer must always be used before the paint, firstly, it strengthens the surface, and secondly, it reduces its absorption, thereby reducing paint consumption and improving the coverage of the base. An ordinary acrylic-based primer is used, as I wrote above, you will have to pay 50-100 rubles per liter, if you wish, you can buy a concentrate and dilute it immediately before use.

The tool in this case is the following:

  • The same roller can be used to apply paint and primer, the main thing is to wash it thoroughly after each use. Difficult areas are processed with a brush, its size is selected arbitrarily, see for yourself what is more convenient for you;
  • To reach the ceiling, you can use a step ladder, or you can use a special telescopic extension for the roller handle. It can be bought in the same place as the painting tool, and it will cost about 200 rubles.

Workflow when applying a new paintwork looks like that:

  • First of all, you need to clean the surface of dust and dirt, walk on it with a brush to remove everything unnecessary and leave the ceiling completely ready for processing;
  • The application of the primer in this case is carried out in the same way as in the section above. You need to process the entire surface and not miss a single area. If the ceiling strongly absorbs the soil, then it is better to repeat the treatment after a few hours, this will achieve the best effect;
  • The paint mixes well, after which it is first necessary to paint the junctions around the perimeter, this will simplify further work and allow you not to splash the walls with a roller (although if they have wallpaper, it is better to close them out of harm's way);

  • The paint is applied to the roller so that it is evenly distributed over the roller, you need to dip it in a bath and squeeze it on a special grid, this will also allow you to remove excess composition. The photo below shows how to do it, everything is simple: you need to swipe back and forth several times;

  • Staining is done in a certain sequence. The tips for carrying out the work are simple: try to apply paint evenly on the ceiling, for good effect at least two coats are needed, the latter always being applied along the natural light path. To make it clearer, below is a diagram with the direction of the finish layer, applying in different directions, among other things, improves the quality of staining.

Remember that each subsequent layer is applied after the previous one has completely dried. Most often, two layers are enough, but if the color is uneven, then three, and sometimes all four layers may be needed.

Option number 3 - wallpapering

I remember one and a half or two decades ago, the ceilings were covered with wallpaper, and this was considered a very stylish solution. Nowadays, such a solution is used much less frequently, but in some situations it can be used not only to repair the ceiling, but also to make it much more attractive and interesting.

Another interesting solution, which I personally really like - the transition of wallpaper from wall to ceiling. This gives the interior a special charm and looks very stylish, if you choose interesting wallpapers and arrange the premises in a single concept.

Among other things, I want to note such an option as wallpaper for painting, they can be glued to the ceiling, and then refresh it or change color very quickly and easily. The main thing is to choose a material that will look good in different shades.

Let's figure out what will be used for work:

  • Wallpaper - it is better to choose denser options, they will be able to hide minor surface defects and make the ceiling perfectly even. As I wrote above, wallpaper for painting is a good solution, but it's up to you to decide. From myself, I note that it is better not to take cheap paper wallpapers - they quickly turn yellow on the ceiling;

  • Wallpaper adhesive is selected according to the type of coating you will be using. There are many options on the market, but the Metilan, Kelid and Cleo brands have proven themselves best. The quantity is calculated based on the area, the packaging is on average enough for 4-6 squares, but this figure may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer;

  • The surface must be primed before wallpapering, so do not forget to buy a reinforcing composition. In separate reviews, I considered options for processing with a solution of wallpaper glue and PVA glue, but it’s better to buy a specialized one, it’s both easier and more reliable.

You can't do without a tool:

  • To prepare the composition, you will need a container and a stirrer; a stick can also be used as this tool;
  • I personally find it easiest to cut wallpaper with a construction knife, but if you like scissors more, then use them;

  • The adhesive is applied either with a brush or roller. If the amount of work is small, and the wallpaper sheets are small, then it is easier to use a brush, in other cases a roller is preferable;
  • You can smooth the wallpaper with ordinary rags, but it is much more convenient to work with a special spatula, with its help you will quickly expel air and excess glue from under the coating. You can buy it at any hardware store.

If everything you need is at hand, then you can get to work.

Let's figure out how to glue the ceiling with your own hands:

  • The ceiling must be cleaned of the remnants of old coatings, if any, it is important to remove all unnecessary. After that, dust is removed, walk on the surface with a brush or vacuum cleaner, when the preparation is over, you can start work;
  • The primer composition is applied to all surfaces that will be pasted over with wallpaper. Everything is simple and clear here, the main thing is to process the ceiling evenly in order to strengthen it and prevent the wallpaper from peeling off later;
  • The preparation of glue is a simple procedure, since all the necessary information on the process and the proportions of the components is indicated on the package. You should just do everything as recommended by the manufacturer. I want to draw your attention to the fact that some adhesive compositions after mixing must be infused for a certain time, if you have such an option, then prepare it in advance;

  • The wallpaper must be cut in advance so that later you do not have to be distracted and measure and combine the sheets with glue-stained hands. The length of the canvas should be 5-10 cm longer than the actual length of the ceiling, the margin will allow you to adjust the position of the element without any problems. If there is a pattern or pattern on the wallpaper, then they must be exactly combined, cut the sheets only when you are sure that everything fits and fits;
  • When everything is ready, you can start applying glue, most often it needs to be smeared only on the back side of the wallpaper, but sometimes wall treatment is also required, it all depends on the type (it is always written on the package with wallpaper how to apply glue). The composition is distributed in an even layer, after which the wallpaper is folded in halves and left for some time to soak;

  • Work begins with the most visible part of the ceiling, so that there is a whole canvas, and not a cut piece.. The sheet is neatly straightened (you need to work with at least two people) and aligned with the wall, to which it adjoins on one side, if the wall is uneven - it's okay, the plinth will cover all the flaws. It is necessary to straighten the wallpaper gradually in order to gently press them to the surface and not damage them at the same time;

  • The surface is smoothed with a rag, brush or spatula, which I mentioned above. You need to work in the direction from the middle to the edges. Watch carefully to expel air bubbles immediately, with fresh glue this is done simply and quickly. Work continues until the sheet is completely glued;

  • Then the next sheet is taken, here, first of all, you need to combine the pattern or pattern, do it very carefully, any displacement will be striking. It is worth pressing the canvas precisely from the joint, so that during the work it does not move, and your work is not wasted. Further alignment is done in the same way as in the case above;

  • The following sheets are glued in exactly the same way, here it can only be noted that the joints must be pressed especially carefully, if they have parted somewhere, then the material must be carefully folded over and glue applied. To press the joints, many craftsmen use a special rubber roller, if you wish, you can also buy one and use it when working;

  • Trimming excess around the edges is done with a sharp construction or wallpaper knife so that the line is perfectly even, you can use a ruler or level as a guide. Just line up the plank and gently run the knife, then remove the cut piece.

Option number 4 - pasting the ceiling with tiles

This method of finishing seems to me one of the simplest, since it is very easy to implement and it is not necessary to have a flat surface under it, small flaws, water stains and other imperfections will be hidden by tiles.

The set of materials necessary for work is extremely simple:

  • Ceiling tiles in the right amount. There are many options, but I advise you to choose those types in which the seams are not visible after gluing, this type is called seamless tiles and looks best on the ceiling. When buying, consider the design of the room so that the finish is combined with the rest of the interior;

  • For gluing the elements you will need a special composition. There are several options, but I prefer to use liquid nails. As practice has shown, they hold perfectly, and are simple to use, and do not show through yellow spots on the surface, the compositions are sold in special tubes or tubes.

The tool needs the following:

  • A construction knife for cutting tiles, you can also use a hacksaw if the thickness of the elements is rather big and it will be inconvenient to cut them with a knife;
  • Pistol for adhesive composition, they are standard and fit all tubes. If you have tubes or compositions of the "Titanium" type, then this device is not necessary;

  • To mark the room, you will need a chopping cord and a level. But much faster job can be done using laser level if it exists, of course.

Consider how to repair the ceiling in an apartment with your own hands by sticking tiles on it:

  • The surface, as in all the above cases, must be cleaned of the remnants of the old finish, then sweep the dust, after which a primer can be applied. Everything is also standard here: for solid surfaces one layer, for porous surfaces - two;
  • Then you need to find the center of the room, for this the cord is pulled between opposite corners and a line along the ceiling is beaten off, the intersection will be the center. You can also make lines the width of the tiles for reference, this is not necessary, but it will be easier for you to control the workflow;

  • Next, a tile is taken, on which glue is applied, it must be distributed around the perimeter and in the middle with separate dots or lines crosswise. It is important that there are no large areas without glue, and each element is stuck not only at the edges, but also in the middle, the glue is applied with a snake, the photo shows one of the options for distributing the composition;

  • Work starts from the middle of the room, put the tiles along the lines and press them tightly to the surface. It is important to fix each element well so that it holds securely;

  • Next, the rest of the elements are glued, you need to go in a circle, and not lead one row, so you can control the location of the tiles more accurately. If necessary, a cut is made at the location of the lamp with a construction knife;

  • After you stick all the whole elements, most likely trimming will be required along the walls, for this the tile is first marked out, and then cut with a knife. It is important to do the work carefully so that there are not too large gaps that the plinth will not close.

  • Lastly, skirting boards are glued, how to cut them is described in a separate article, here I will only note that the work must be done after the glue on the tile has dried.


It is not difficult to repair the ceiling, the main thing is to choose the best option and follow all the recommendations from the corresponding section. The video in this article will help you understand some of the nuances even better, and if something is not clear to you, write questions in the comments below.

Sooner or later, but the moment comes when the ceiling in a house or apartment loses its aesthetic appearance and needs repair. It must be remembered that the appearance of this element of the room directly affects the entire interior. Even if the walls are decorated with one of the expensive materials, and the ceiling looks sloppy, the entire effect of the repair will be lost.

This is a very feasible event for any homeowners. The main thing is to choose the method that will be possible, correspond to the level of work skills and material capabilities of the owners. And in order to make this choice, you must first consider the process of preparatory work, and then several options for transforming the ceiling surface.

However, first you need to prepare all the equipment necessary for work.

Ceiling repair tools

Any of the ceilings will require one or another surface repair. For plastering and puttying work, you need to prepare tools that will allow you to carry out all the processes quickly and accurately. You should not save on this and purchase cheap low-quality equipment, otherwise you can be well tormented by leveling the applied compositions.

For work you will need:

  • A falcon on which it will be convenient to hold the solution during the plastering process.
  • Trowel or plastering spatulas, for applying plaster and putty on surfaces.
  • Graters for mashing the applied and leveled mortar.
  • Scrapers for cleaning the ceiling and removing excess mortar.
  • A rule for leveling the applied mortar and controlling the evenness of the surface.
  • Spatulas of various sizes for applying and distributing mortar.
  • Roller with a long handle for wetting the surface of the ceiling before cleaning and for priming.
  • Building level to control the evenness of the ceiling.
  • Brushes or brushes.

In addition to the above, other tools may be required, depending on the choice of material for finishing the ceiling.

Preparatory activities

Preparing surfaces for repair and decoration is certainly one of the most disliked processes in the work, but absolutely necessary. The durability and aesthetics of the results in all other works depend on how well it will be produced. And, no matter what material for finishing is chosen, the preparation of the base must be carried out without fail.

Preparatory work includes cleaning the surface, sealing cracks, seams and joints, if any, priming the ceiling.

Surface cleaning

It is imperative to remove the old coating from the surface of the ceiling if it has at least small cracks or even begins to separate from the base in places and fall off. If this is not done, then all the work will go down the drain, and very soon the repair will have to be repeated.

  • If the ceiling was plastered and whitewashed, then it should be well moistened and whitewashed with a spatula or a hard sponge. The plaster must be removed completely if it has become covered with cracks during operation, voids have appeared under it.

In the event that the plaster is applied with high quality, and only in some areas delaminations appear, then you can try to clean the base only in the damaged areas. When the peeled plaster is removed, you need to carefully examine the edges of the remaining coating. If it turns out that although it holds, there is even a very small gap between it and the base, then the cleaning area will have to be expanded.

  • If the ceiling was decorated with ordinary or liquid wallpaper, then they, like whitewash, are moistened and cleaned with a spatula. Ordinary wallpaper needs to be given some time to get wet and lagging behind, then they will come off much easier. If they are glued with high quality, then they will have to be wetted several times, and without waiting for drying, start cleaning the ceiling.

  • If the ceiling was covered with polyurethane or expanded polystyrene tiles, then its dismantling is carried out with a spatula. You need to remove all the material completely, leaving not even small pieces on the surface.

Crack repair

The cracks found on the ceiling, the exposed inter-slab seams, as mentioned above, will have to be repaired, but their usual smearing will not bring high-quality results.

Leaving such cracks on the ceiling is by no means impossible.
  • To begin with, the cracks must be cut, expanded as far as possible in width and depth. Usually this is done with the help of a chisel and a hammer, a perforator, and in some cases, for example, at a direct junction of two plates, you can also resort to a "grinder" with a set circle on the stone. The expansion is necessary so that the repair compound, after filling the crack, is well kept in it, and it does not appear again through the new ceiling coating.

  • The crack, after its expansion, must be well cleaned of dust and pieces of plaster - this process is carried out with a brush.
  • After that, the cut crack must be processed, which will add an adhesion surface when it is smeared plaster mortar. Priming is carried out with a brush, along the entire length and depth of the gap.
  • Depending on the width and depth of the defect, it can be sealed with sealant, plaster mortar or even mounting foam.

- If the gap is foamed, then it is necessary to wait until the foam expands and hardens, and then its excess is carefully cut off to the level of the ceiling surface.

- When sealing with putty, sealant or repair mortar based on cement or gypsum, if the crack has a large width, it is recommended to use a serpentine fiberglass mesh - it will become a kind of reinforcing "bridge" connecting the two opposite sides of the crack, and will not allow this flaw to appear through new decorative finish.

The composition is applied to the surface of the crack with force, so that it penetrates to the full depth, necessarily capturing the edges. A sickle is glued to the solution layer and smoothed out. It should be wider than the crack gap by about 10–15 mm on each side of the defect.

Special attention- seams at the joints of floor slabs

How to seal the seams on the ceiling?

If, when removing the plaster, it was found that the old concrete composition crumbles and falls out in the seams between the ceiling slabs, then this flaw must be repaired before the surface is repaired.

How to properly carry out work on - in a special article of our portal.

Ceiling surface priming

The final step in preparatory work is the surface treatment with a primer - it will be both an antiseptic treatment and giving the ceiling surface high adhesive qualities

If traces of mold, fungal colonies are found on the ceiling, then before applying the primer, it is necessary to treat the affected area with a special antifungal agent.

"Treatment" of the affected areas of the walls and ceiling

After such processing, the ceiling should dry well, and only after that it will be possible to proceed to applying a primer. The primer is applied with a roller and evenly distributed over the surface of the ceiling. In places where it is impossible to cope with a roller (for example, in the corners), they resort to a brush.

It is recommended to apply two to three layers of primer - then it will be well absorbed and create pl enka, which will be an excellent basis for applying a leveling plaster coating.

Finishing work

After the surface has been repaired and primed, it must be leveled before starting the application of a decorative coating, otherwise all flaws will appear through the finishing layers.

The leveling of the ceiling surface can be carried out different ways- with the help of "wet" plaster (putty), or in a dry way - with sheets of drywall.

"Wet" plaster

Plaster mixes for "wet" leveling of the ceiling are made on a different basis. Which one is more suitable for a particular case? To do this, it is necessary to consider how this or that mixture will behave during application and during operation. Some characteristics can be found in the proposed table:

The main characteristics of various types of plaster

PropertiesPlaster mixtures
mineral acrylic silicate silicone
Base substancecementacrylic resinliquid glasssilicone resin
vapor permeabilityhighlowhighhigh
Water absorptionhighlowaveragelow
Exposure to pollutionaveragehighlowvery low
Type of pigmentinorganicinorganic, organicinorganicinorganic, organic
UV resistancehighlowhighhigh
Microbiological resistanceaveragelowhighhigh
Abrasion resistancelowhighhighhigh
Ozone resistancehighlowhighhigh

Leveling the ceiling with plaster (putty) is considered the most traditional way, but this method is quite complicated for an unprepared person, and you need to get used to it well so that the work goes quickly. You can train in small separate areas - this will make it possible to understand. Will such an operation be possible on the entire surface of the ceiling.

If everything goes well, you can breed the required amount plaster mixture and get to work.

How to plaster the ceiling?

The whole process is described in detail in the portal article, which can be accessed via the recommended link.

After plastering, the final stage of leveling the surface with putty mixtures takes place. This process is carried out in order to make the ceiling perfectly smooth.

How to level the ceiling with putty?

To such a state, it is necessary to ennoble the ceiling for painting or for wallpapering. To study the process in detail, you can refer to the corresponding portal article. :

Leveling the ceiling with drywall

If there is no certainty that the traditional "wet" plastering will be successful, then you can use the "dry" technology to level the ceiling - leveling the surface with drywall sheets. This approach is also good because it makes it possible not only to make the ceiling even, but also to insulate or soundproof his.

In the event that the base of the ceiling is sufficiently even, without large differences and easily screwed in fasteners, then drywall sheets can be mounted directly on its surface. But in this case, insulation and sound insulation are excluded.

Therefore, the method of fixing drywall to a specially prepared frame made of galvanized metal profile is most often chosen - so it is quite possible to level even the most crooked ceiling. In addition, between this suspended ceiling and the base, you can lay thermal insulation material, which isolates the room from the noise of the upper apartment or insulates the premises of a private house.

The frame falls below the surface of the base by a maximum of 100 ÷ 150 mm, but if the ceilings are low, then the metal crate can be lowered only by 50 ÷ 70 mm.

Work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, the surface is marked, and the lines along which the guides will be fixed are indicated. The most convenient way to mark up is with a blue-dyed twine. Points are measured on both sides of the room, between which the string is stretched, then it is pulled, holding approximately its middle and released. Thus, a broken off colored, absolutely even strip remains on the ceiling.

Similarly, perpendicular lines are drawn. On the ceiling, a large cage is obtained, usually 600 × 600 mm in size. The extreme elements of the crate should pass at a distance of 50 ÷ 70 mm from the walls.

  • Further, in the middle of two parallel sides of each square, metal suspensions are fixed, to which they will be screwed metal profiles.

Suspensions are nailed to the concrete ceiling with the help of two dowels in pre-drilled holes.

  • The guides are attached at the right level to the hangers using self-tapping screws. In this case, the horizontality of the installed profile is necessarily carefully controlled. During the installation process, the correctness of the mutual placement of adjacent profiles at the same height is also checked - the building level is also used for this.
  • The next step is the installation of jumpers on the marked sides of the square. Sections of the required length are cut from the profile. They are fastened with longitudinal guides with special elements - “crabs”, which will combine the entire crate into a single structure with a precisely adjusted lower level.

Node for coupling the guide and jumpers using the "crab"

At the end of the installation of the frame, on the ceiling it should turn out something like this picture.

  • The next step is laying electrical wiring to the locations of the ceiling lights. The wires will then be hidden by drywall sheathing.
  • Further, drywall sheets are screwed onto the crate with self-tapping screws. Fasteners are placed in increments of 200 mm, so that the self-tapping screw is no closer than 10 ÷ 15 mm from the edge of the sheet. The heads of the self-tapping screws must sink 1 ÷ 1.5 mm into the thickness of the material

Installation large sheets drywall must be produced by at least two people, as they are quite heavy and can break when climbing to a height. One constantly supports the sheet, and the second carries out screwing screws with a screwdriver.

If there is no assistant, then you have to cut gypsum boards into small fragments that will cover each square of the crate separately. In this case, the work may be delayed, as a large number of butt joints will have to be processed.

When installing the cut-out fragments of drywall, a chamfer is necessarily removed along its edges - this is necessary for high-quality sealing of the seams.

  • After the installation of drywall is completed, all seams between the plates must be sealed.

The process is carried out, as a rule, with a primary (starting) putty mixture using a sickle mesh (usual, which is recessed into a freshly applied layer of putty, or having its own adhesive base).

In addition, you need to cover up all the holes with the heads of the screws, otherwise they may show rust through the decorative finish.

  • The next step is finishing putty plasterboard ceiling with final leveling until a perfect surface is obtained.

After drying, the ceiling is carefully sanded, primed, and then it can be painted or finished with wallpaper.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Video: leveling the ceiling with drywall

ceiling painting

Today it is not as popular as it used to be, since a large number of other modern materials are produced for its decoration. However, many homeowners prefer traditional ways of cleaning surfaces.

Before painting, the ceiling must be well primed, and only after it dries can you start painting.

Can be glued at the joints of the wall and ceiling after painting the surfaces. However, if they are already glued, then it is worth covering them with masking tape and painting over the joint between them and the ceiling, as well as a distance of about 100 ÷ 150 mm with a brush. The main surface of the ceiling is covered with paint using a roller.

It will be more convenient to work if the roller is fixed to a long rod - the paint can be applied to the ceiling while standing on the floor. At this distance, it will be clearly visible whether the coloring composition evenly lies on the surface.

After completing the application of the first coat of paint, you need to let the ceiling dry, as only on a dry surface can you see the quality of the coating. If necessary, another one is applied on top of the first layer, in the same way as the first.

For a ceiling plastered with “wet” plaster, enamel or Oil paint, and for drywall surfaces, paints on water based.

How to paint the ceiling?

What specific composition is better to use for - you can find out from the portal article, completely devoted to this topic.

Ceiling cladding with plastic panels

Some apartment owners prefer to sheathe the ceiling with plastic panels. They can be fixed directly to the ceiling if it is sheathed with plywood or boards, but the same crate is also suitable for them, as is mounted for drywall, made of galvanized metal profiles or wooden bars fixed on the ceiling surface or on suspensions.

  • If the panels will be installed on a wooden crate, then it is more convenient to fasten them with the help of special mounting clamps with small nails or staples.

  • On metal profiles, plastic lining will have to be screwed with short self-tapping screws with wide caps.

  • In order for the cladding to look neat, along the entire perimeter of the ceiling, at the same level, the end (starting) bar is screwed or nailed with brackets.

When it is fixed, the installation of plastic panels begins, which are installed in its groove.

  • The first panel should be installed as evenly as possible, side and end sides inserted into starting bars. The spikes on the panels are driven into the grooves of the already installed elements tightly and until they stop, and if the first panel is installed with a bevel, then all the others will repeat its direction.

It is very important to set the first panel correctly
  • You can also run into a certain problem when installing the last panel lining, since it must be installed in the groove of the previous panel and fit into the end plate on three sides. It is recommended that you first align the panel with the one already installed, and then slip it into the end plate.
Prices for PVC panels

PVC panels

Video: how to sheathe the ceiling with plastic panels


On the ceiling - not as easy as it seems at first glance, since this process is not very convenient to carry out, but it is necessary to maintain the evenness of the strips. If there is no experience in wallpaper sticker, it is recommended to choose such the type of material that it is not required to combine the pattern, because such wallpaper is much more difficult to glue.

If the material is purchased exactly as much as needed for the ceiling surface, and there is no stock, you can practice on the remnants of old wallpaper or purchase for getting practice roll of the cheapest and then try gluing one or two strips to the ceiling. Such training will help to gain a little experience and not spoil the more expensive material.

  • Starting work, you need to close all windows and doors so that there are no drafts in the room, otherwise the wallpaper will be on the floor the next day.
  • Better for wallpapering V two, since the canvases impregnated with glue are quite heavy, and under their weight they can simply tear. In this case, the masters stand one after another, the first one, the leader, is engaged in gluing and leveling, and the second one supports the side of the canvas that has not yet been glued. Both move backwards on frequently placed stools or on a specially constructed platform.

In the event that an assistant could not be found, there is a proven method that will help you do the work yourself.

A round rolling pin with a length equal to the width of a wallpaper roll can help with this - as a rule, it is 500 ÷ 600 mm. If there is none, you will have to carve it out of a bar or find, for example, a stalk from a shovel, cutting it to right size. In the most extreme case, an old roll of wallpaper that needs to be wrapped with tape may come up.

  • You need to start work by soaking the glue, according to the instructions indicated on the package.
  • While the glue is soaking, the length of the room is measured and cut right amount canvases. When taking measurements, you need to take into account some of the nuances:

- wallpaper will be pasted end-to-end;

- the first and last sheet should go onto the wall along its entire length and width by 100 mm;

- the remaining sheets of wallpaper must be measured 200 mm more than the length of the room, since they must also be 100 mm on the walls on each side;

- if wallpaper is selected that requires alignment according to the pattern, this must be taken into account when cutting the strips, calculating the step of the pattern.

  • Wallpaper is glued to a primed and dried surface.
  • On the first adhesive sheet to be smeared Firstly, a corner is cut so that the canvas can freely bend and find one side on the wall along its entire length, and its ends fall on two opposite walls by 100 mm.
  • Then the incised sheet and two more canvases are alternately laid out on the table, and well smeared with glue. Having smeared the sheet, it is folded with an accordion, with a pattern outward, without pressing at the corners. Folds should be approximately 500 ÷ 600 mm.
  • While the glue is impregnating the paper, use a roller on a rod to apply a layer of glue to the ceiling and walls to stick one sheet. Joints and corners must be smeared with a brush.
  • Then the folded canvas is hung on a rolling pin, they rise with it to the ceiling, holding an accordion with their left hand.
  • The sticker of the canvas is started from the wall, gluing it 100 mm, firmly pressed in the corner, they begin to stick and straighten it on the ceiling and the wall parallel to it. All this work will have to be done with one right hand, since the left will be occupied by a rolling pin with an accordion made of wallpaper.
  • On the ceiling, the canvas must be carefully leveled, trying to squeeze out all the glue and air from under it. The best thing to do is so-called "herringbone"- in the middle, along a section of the canvas, a strip is carefully drawn with a soft cloth, and glue is removed from it to the sides.

It must be remembered that when gluing the first strip, the main thing is to straighten the part that is on the ceiling and on the walls along the width of the canvas, and the segment that is on the side wall can be trimmed later.

To make a bend on the walls of the desired size, it is recommended to beat off even strips on them in advance - it will be easier to navigate along them.

  • The following strips are glued end-to-end with the previous canvas. The edges need to be carefully “pulled” to each other, smoothed with soft tissue their surface, removing immediately the excess glue that has come out. It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles under the wallpaper. To remove them, you can walk through each of the canvases rubber roller attached to the rod.
  • After gluing the entire surface, windows and doors should not be opened until the wallpaper is completely dry.

It cannot be said that apart from ordinary wallpaper recently, the so-called liquid wallpaper is often purchased or made independently, which can hide some small flaws in the ceiling. Working with them is pleasant and simple, so anyone can apply them to the walls and ceiling, even a novice master, with a little practice. It is impossible to spoil the surface with them, since they can be easily removed with a spatula and even put back into work.

Very cool look on the ceiling "liquid" wallpaper

Have you heard about liquid wallpaper?

If readers are interested in this option, then a lot of interesting things about how you can independently make and produce their sticker on any surface can be found in a special article of the portal.

Pasting the ceiling with light plastic tiles

Another option for decorating the ceiling is to install polyurethane or polystyrene foam tiles on it. Various types of such finishing material are produced, so you can easily choose tiles according to the relief pattern and colors for any interior style.

Unlike wallpaper, it is not difficult to mount it alone, since it is very light in weight. For better adhesion, the ceiling before sticking it, as well as when installing other decorative coatings, is also treated with a primer.

  • To ensure that the tiles are glued neatly, markings are made on the ceiling. It may be different, but if it is planned to hang a chandelier in the room, then it should become a "reference point" for determining the location of the tiles.
  • Whatever method of arrangement is chosen, two lines perpendicular to each other are beaten off on the surface of the ceiling, intersecting at the point where the chandelier will be hung. Focusing on the lines, it will be easy to install according to any tile layout.

  • Tile installation always starts from the intersection point of the lines. Holes of the required size are cut out under the chandelier in each of the four tiles. When combined on the ceiling, a square or circle is formed, in the center of which the chandelier will hang.
  • Further, the tiles are attached strictly along the broken lines, and the next rows will be aligned with the first, already glued tiles.
  • For gluing tiles, an alcohol-based polymer adhesive is usually used, which is applied pointwise to the edges of the tile. Glue points should be located at a distance of 100 ÷ 150 mm from each other.

  • Next, the tile is pressed against the surface and held for one to two minutes - this should be enough for it to be securely held on the ceiling surface. If individual elements begin to lag behind in some places, then they should be held back a little more.

  • The final step, which will give the ceiling a finished look, is the installation of ceiling plinths. They are glued at the junction of the ceiling and wall or only on the ceiling. When purchasing this element, you need to immediately decide how the plinth will be installed, since it has different profiles, depending on how and where it will be glued.
Video: a visual lesson on sticking plastic tiles on the ceiling

There are many other ways to decorate the ceiling surface. However, if this process is planned to be carried out alone, then you need to choose exactly the technology that the landlord will be able to do. Any task will become feasible if you set yourself the goal of successfully completing it, and also carry out all the work slowly, based on the instructions received.

Over time, the ceiling requires reconstruction. There are many options for how to repair. The choice of technique depends on the characteristics of the interior and the taste preferences of the owners of the house. Also, the cost of finishing materials can vary significantly.

If you wish, you can do all the work yourself. To do this, you need to take the advice of experienced builders. They will help you figure out how to repair the ceilings in the apartment yourself. Such a repair will be discussed in the article.

Repair of ceilings, walls in the apartment is a responsible event. The correct choice of design depends general impression from the room and even the well-being of the people who are here.

All elements of the interior should be in harmony with each other, creating a general harmony. Therefore, high requirements are put forward for the choice of materials, their color, texture. It is also important to create finishes from environmentally friendly materials. Many artificial tiles, panels, as well as paints and whitewashes include various chemicals. They may stand out in environment, causing bad feeling and various diseases.

When choosing materials for repairs, you can not save. Cheap finishes may require replacement in the very near future. Therefore, when choosing materials, you must follow the advice of experts.

Ceiling in the interior

Proper ceiling decoration can visually expand the room, make it spacious and stylish. In this case, the color of the walls and floor must be taken into account. Repair of apartments with high ceilings and in small rooms is significantly different. Color can have a strong impact on the human psyche and on his perception of the surrounding space.

Most popular color for is white. It symbolizes purity, harmony, freshness. If the interior decoration is done in dark colors, white ceiling will come in very handy. This will make the shades more vibrant.

If the walls are light, here you need to do otherwise. A white ceiling will not be in harmony with such a finish. This technique can visually expand the space, but this color will be associated with a hospital ward. In the nursery and living room, the white ceiling looks too strict and restrained.

Considering where to start repairing the ceiling in an apartment, it should be noted the need right choice colors. Designers give some tips for the right combination of finishes for different interior elements.

If the ceiling is low, it should be decorated in a light shade. In this case, the floor, on the contrary, should be as dark as possible. Walls are something in between these two surfaces.

If the room is small, but the ceiling is high, you should choose to finish the floor dark shades. This will greatly reduce the disproportion of the room. If the room is dark, it rarely penetrates sunlight, you need to use bright, warm shades for finishing the ceiling and walls. If the windows face south, the color should be calm, cold. Look great in this case turquoise, green hue.

If the walls and ceiling are planned to be made in the same color, matte paints cannot be used. The space delimits different surface topography.


In the process of repairing an apartment, ceiling decoration can be done using different materials. When choosing, take into account general style, a combination of all elements of the interior. The cost of materials also varies significantly.

Today, the most common options are painting, whitewashing, wallpaper, installation of various suspended or tension structures. Designers also use different variants PVC tiles, panels.

Each of these finishes has its own advantages and disadvantages. You should find out about them before starting the repair. In order for the selected material to harmoniously fit into the interior, it is necessary to follow all the rules for its installation. The surface of the base will need to be properly prepared. To choose the right type of finish, you need to consider all the options presented.

PVC tiles

There are several options for how to repair the ceiling in the apartment. The ceiling can be finished with PVC tiles. This is a simple and inexpensive finishing material. Almost everyone can mount it on the floor. In this case, repairs can be carried out quickly and without special efforts. However, the base should be relatively flat.

The texture of the tile can be smooth or have various embossings, bulges. Their color is most often white. Colored varieties are also on sale. A large selection of designs, as well as an affordable cost, make this material in demand. If the tiles are mounted in the kitchen or bathroom, you can give preference to varieties with a laminated surface. They are less susceptible to mechanical stress. Contaminants are easily washed off.

For installation, it is possible not to specially prepare the surface. If old finish firmly adheres to the ceiling, the plates are glued immediately to it. However, if there are colored wallpapers, their pattern may show through a little. white tiles. In this case, the old layer must be removed. Installation of plates start from the center of the room. They are glued to a special composition for PVC.


There is a certain sequence in the repair of an apartment. The floor, walls and ceiling are finished in a certain order. This avoids breaking the technology. In this case, it is very difficult to spoil the materials of the finished finish. First you need to create a ceiling finish. Only after that go to the walls and floor.

If the ceiling was previously covered with a layer of paint, it would be more appropriate to apply another layer on it. This is acceptable if the old finish is not cracked, there are no signs of destruction on it. New painting will update the color. When choosing a shade, you will need to take into account the tone of the previous layer.

However, if desired, you can remove the old paint with the help of special compounds and a grinder to the very floor. In this case, it will be possible to level the surface and choose any shade that you want to apply to the selected design in the room. It is best to use compositions on a water-based or water-dispersed basis for painting. This inexpensive materials which can hide even minor irregularities. However, this type of finish requires a fairly flat surface.


Do-it-yourself ceiling repair in an apartment will be done with the least amount of material costs if whitewash is used. This method is acceptable for owners of real estate in which the floors were originally treated with such a composition. In this case, whitening the ceiling will allow repairs to be made quickly, inexpensively and efficiently. At the same time, the view of the ceiling will pleasantly surprise even skeptics.

Whitewash can be made on the basis of chalk or lime. These two options are not compatible with each other. Therefore, before starting work, you need to determine what type of material the previous layer was created from. Chalk whitewash will not lie on lime composition, and vice versa.

The disadvantage of this method is a large amount of dirt after surface treatment. Walls and floors will have to be washed, especially if before that it was necessary to wash off the old layer. The base in this case should be very even. Level differences and potholes, scratches, even after bleaching, will be noticeable.


Another option for repairing ceilings in an apartment with your own hands can be wallpapering. This is another technique that requires a high level of evenness of the base. This method has many advantages over whitewashing and painting.

Wallpaper can be different types. On sale is a large selection of textures, patterns, shades of wallpaper. This allows you to create different decorative effects. The ceiling with fabric looks luxurious and expensive. On sale are wallpaper on non-woven and paper basis. The first option is more expensive and more durable.

Do not buy too heavy varieties of wallpaper. They will be hard to put on. In this case, it will be necessary to treat the base with a primer. Then a layer is applied adhesive solution. Only after that you can glue the wallpaper. The ceiling must be level. Huge selection textures, varieties of wallpaper allows you to choose a really suitable option for the existing interior style.

PVC panels

Repair of ceilings in the apartment can be done using PVC panels. This material does not need an even base. It is quite strong and durable. Its disadvantage is the need to build a special crate on the ceiling. Will be attached to it plastic panels.

A wide range of materials of this type is on sale. They differ in size, color and texture. However, it is not acceptable for every room to make such a ceiling. He would rather fit in modern style. Also, plastic panels will look harmonious in the kitchen or bathroom. The material is not afraid of moisture.

The cost of the panels is relatively low. Therefore, this type of finish is popular. After installing the frame, the panels are mounted quickly and easily. However, when arranging the foundation, it is required to use a building level. Changes in this case are not allowed.

Suspended structures

Ceiling repair in new apartment can be done using suspended structures. They consist of a special frame and plates. Finishing material is characterized by high environmental friendliness. The frame is located a few centimeters from the ceiling.

IN free space between the plates and the ceiling, you can hide different communications. Most often, wires and ventilation ducts are laid here. In old-style apartments with low ceilings this option is unacceptable. He will take a few precious centimeters of the height of the room.

A large selection of slabs for arranging suspended ceilings allows you to fit the finish into any style of interior. The material is characterized fire safety. It is able to absorb a certain level of noise. The plates are made from natural materials. They do not emit different substances into space.

PVC stretch ceiling

IN last years when repairing apartments, stretch ceilings are very popular. They are a canvas made of PVC or fabric, which is stretched around the perimeter of the room using a special cornice. Plastic films are cheaper.

When choosing a PVC stretch ceiling material, you cannot save. Cheap varieties may have a persistent chemical smell that does not fade. long time. Living in such a place is not safe. High-quality films for PVC stretch ceilings are completely safe for the body. They may have different colors.

Most often, stretch film ceilings are used in wet rooms. However, such designs look good in almost all rooms. They are not afraid of moisture. Under the film, a space is formed in which you can hide various communications. This ceiling looks stylish.

Fabric stretch ceiling

Repair of ceilings in the apartment can be performed using fabric tension structures. They are also mounted using a special cornice. However, this is the most environmentally friendly and expensive type of finish. There is a wide variety of colors and textures of canvases.

On fabric ceiling the whole plot can be drawn. It can be a real picture, which is selected in accordance with the interior. The material is able to pass air (unlike the film). Fungus will not appear under it.

Fabric fabrics do not tolerate moisture. Therefore, they are installed exclusively in dry rooms. Fabric stretch ceilings are suitable for a bedroom, living room, children's room, office.

Finishing Features

Considering the step-by-step repair of the ceiling in the apartment with your own hands, it should be noted that some of the work will need to be carried out for any type of decoration in the room. So, from the room you need to take out all the furniture. The base must be clean. In some cases, the old layer will need to be completely washed off. Next, you can carry out the appropriate finish.

Having considered the features of repairing ceilings in an apartment, you can perform the entire procedure yourself.

The ceiling is a place in every apartment, the repair of which raises a lot of questions. And taking into account modern finishing options, the head can go round at all. Almost all of them can really be brought to life with your own hands - this is whitewashing, and plastering, and wallpapering, and the formation of plasterboard ceilings. True, in this case, you will have to at least consult with the almighty Internet. An option that will require the intervention of professionals is suspended ceiling. Now we will talk about all this.

Traditional Options

These include puttying, plastering, painting and wallpapering. For these options, it is imperative to prepare the ceiling. The steps are:

  • Removal of old trim.
  • Cleaning of damaged areas, chips, cracks.
  • Primer (in the case of leveling the ceiling, it will be needed if there are noticeable differences that can be eliminated with plaster).

If whitewashing and painting is planned, the ceiling must be plastered in any case to give evenness. Here it is desirable to apply two layers: starting and finishing, they differ in the size of the fraction in the mixture.

This preparation will not be easy, because in order to achieve perfect smoothness, you will have to sweat and sand after puttying. It is important to choose the right and high-quality mixtures that allow you to achieve the desired result. After all layers have dried, you can start whitewashing or painting. Regarding paint, the choice on the market is simply huge, there are those that are created specifically for the kitchen, they can be washed without problems, and they do not absorb fat, but are also moisture resistant. Other options can add texture, which will make the ceiling, for example, in a bedroom or living room deeper, and if you also decorate it in color, then richer. Modern market building materials especially for those who want to have a stretch ceiling, but at the same time not spend money on expensive repair services, he created a paint that can imitate the glossy surface of this type of finish, as well as other textures. True, the price of such delights will be three times more, at least.

High-quality materials are not cheap, so if you want to make the ceiling beautiful, you will have to spend money, and as a result, this finishing option cannot be called budget.

As for pasting with wallpaper, this option is acceptable to use only if the ceilings are even or require a minimum of cost for leveling them. The modest appearance of such ceilings can be transformed by using unusual ornamental wallpaper instead of the standard white color. They will last a long time, unless the neighbors try to test your ceiling for strength with water. Wallpaper tends to fade, but replacing them will not require a lot of resources and time.

Just plastered ceilings will look untidy, as perfect white plaster does not exist. Another option, rather non-standard, is applying to the ceiling structural composition or creating it based on the standard finishing composition. But do not forget that it is difficult to care for the finish on the ceiling, and here too deep structures will not please you in a few years, since dust will accumulate there and such a creation will definitely not add beauty to the ceiling.


This ceiling finish has many variations in terms of shape. If you have very crooked ceilings at your disposal, and you passionately want to see even and neat, then you should choose the option of finishing the ceiling with plasterboard. Simple smooth mounting is easier than with any niches or ornaments. On sale there is a special ceiling drywall, which has a smaller thickness than the wall. As a result, it can be mounted on the ceiling with less labor, and if you also choose a convenient sheet format, then do it yourself.

Before attaching drywall to the ceiling, it is necessary to make a crate of profiles or wooden bars. It is not necessary to make a grid here, since there are enough longitudinal rails for a plasterboard wall, the distance between them is 60 cm. If you have standard sheet drywall 120 x 250 cm, you will have to resort to the help of comrades.

But flat ceiling drywall is not the only thing that can be done with this versatile finishing material. Real architectural structures are made from it, but note that without special training with your own hands this is unlikely to be done. In addition, if the room is small, then such a creation on the ceiling will make it even smaller both visually and in fact.

If you decide to do plasterboard ceiling in the bathroom or any other wet room, then it is worth choosing special moisture-resistant plates.

Whatever you come up with to create from drywall, the design must be brought to mind after installation, namely: seal the joints of the sheets with a special tape and plaster. If it is decided to paint such a ceiling, then preparing it for this is identical to preparing a conventional ceiling for painting. Also, structures can be finished with wallpaper or simply plastered.

This finishing option is, so to speak, an amateur, since the polystyrene plates on the ceiling have a somewhat outdated look. Their idea is certainly not bad, because it does not require careful alignment of the ceiling, it is not difficult to mount such the process is underway fast.

But if you decide to use this particular finishing option, then you should not save money here, since there are improved options on the market that are covered with lamination, that is, with a special film, it will protect the ceiling from dirt, it can be washed, which makes maintenance much easier. A similar do-it-yourself finishing option is easy to implement, but there will be a lot of seams, and this will not allow the ceiling to be solid. Even such plates do not tolerate sunlight well, if they are colored, they will burn out, if they are light, they will turn yellow.

Tile installation rules:

  • Cleaning the ceiling surface from previous finishes, dust and dirt.
  • Surface primer.
  • Laying tiles (this must be done starting from the middle). For gluing, you can use both liquid nails and special glue for polystyrene.

To give the integrity of the ceiling, the edges between the wall and the ceiling are covered with skirting boards, the material for their manufacture is the same polystyrene.

This characteristic shine cannot be confused with anything, but this applies only to a glossy stretch fabric. Matte will look like a simple whitewash. The installation of such a ceiling is quite expensive, and it will not work with your own hands, but its appearance today attracts more and more apartment owners, and here's why:

  • Stretch glossy canvases expand the space.
  • The use of such ceilings does not require preliminary preparation, you can simply remove the old finish.
  • Dark tones in stretch ceilings make the interior of the apartment deeper and more unusual.
  • The service life of such a ceiling is 50 years.
  • It can not be damaged even by neighbors from above with their water leakage.
  • They are easy to care for and can be washed.

But, like any type of finish, it has its drawbacks. Of course, this is a high price and complexity of installation. Both the first and the third will depend on the type of structure and the number of radius sides. Also, such ceilings are afraid of sharp and piercing objects. After all, minor damage will render their canvas unusable.


Yes, we were not mistaken, laminate today can be found as an option for finishing not only the floor, but also the ceiling and even walls. The unusual look of the laminate ceiling will surely appeal to people who love experiments in everything. It must be mounted like drywall, on a crate, nailed to it with ordinary nails, while joining the groove into the groove.

We talked about everyone options ceiling finishes, which are used today in the repair business. Regardless of the type of material chosen, in order to achieve a beautiful ceiling appearance, it is important to use only quality materials, and if you are not sure that you can do this or that finish with your own hands, then it is better to trust the professionals, well, or at least consult with them.

Video: installation of a multi-level plasterboard ceiling

October 28, 2016
Specialization: master in the construction of plasterboard structures, finishing works and installation of floor coverings. Installation of door and window blocks, facade finishing, installation of electrics, plumbing and heating - I can give detailed advice on all types of work.

The ceiling is one of the most visible parts of the room, so when some problems appear on the surface, the appearance of the entire room deteriorates. Today I will tell you about how to carry out a simple ceiling repair with your own hands. We will look at the four most common situations and figure out how to return the perfect appearance to the surface, any of the technologies is within the power of even someone who has never held a spatula in his hands.

Types of repair and their description

I will make a reservation right away - I will not talk about how to putty the ceiling from scratch or make a plasterboard structure, since this is a complete alteration, not a repair. We will deal with situations where it makes no sense to carry out a large-scale reconstruction and it is easier to carry out certain cosmetic work in order to make the ceiling attractive again.

I am often asked the question, what to repair first - the floor or the ceiling? Everything is simple here: in order not to pollute flooring when working, it is best to work with him last.

Option 1 - updating the paint layer

Let's start with the simplest situation, when the color of the ceiling became dull over time or the white surface began to turn yellow. This also includes cases where you just want to change the color of the surface. It is assumed here that there is no damage to the surface, you just need to renew the paint layer.

Let's figure out what materials we need to work:

  • Paint the color you need, it is best to use water-based or acrylic compounds, they adhere very well to the surface and are very easy to apply. If work is carried out in rooms with high humidity, then you should select special compounds that tolerate moisture well;

  • To strengthen the base and improve the hiding power of the surface, it is imperative to apply a primer. The choice of options is huge, the easiest way is to take a deep penetration primer, it is sold both in finished form and in the form of a concentrate, which is diluted with water before use.

From the tool we need the following:

  • Roller and brush for applying primer and paint, the first element is used for finishing flat surfaces, and the second is needed for junctions and other hard-to-reach areas. In order to distribute the composition evenly over the roller, it is better to immediately buy a paint bath, it will come in handy both for painting and for the ceiling;

  • To provide access to the surface, you can use a table or build a deck. A step ladder is also suitable, it all depends on what is more convenient for you or what is currently at hand;
  • In order not to spoil the wallpaper or paint the walls when repairing the ceiling, all junctions should first be pasted over with masking tape. I advise you to choose options with a width of at least 45 mm, a narrow tape does not provide reliable protection.

Now let's move on to the workflow, it is quite simple:

  • First of all, you need to clean the surface of dust, if there are any spots on it, then they must be removed. Wet areas, if any, must be dried;
  • Then you can start priming the surface, if the composition is ready, then you need to shake it thoroughly, and if you have a concentrate, then you need to add the amount of warm water indicated on the package clean water and stir the liquid until smooth. The primer is applied over the entire surface, try not to miss a single area;

  • The paint is being prepared, there is always an instruction on the package that will tell you what needs to be done. Most often, the composition needs to be thoroughly mixed, if its consistency is too thick, then a small amount of water is added, since all the compositions we have considered are made on a water basis. You need to mix the paint immediately before use, if you did this and walked away for half an hour, then the procedure should be repeated;
  • First of all, you need to stick a masking tape around the perimeter, if you have not done this before, then this is a mandatory step before painting. Everything is simple here, so there is no point in focusing on this. If the walls are not finished, then the tape can naturally not be glued;
  • Then, with the help of a brush, all adjunctions and difficult areas are tinted, try to apply the paint in an even layer, without streaks and sagging. Paint over a strip about 5 cm wide so that you do not have to climb under the very wall with a roller;

  • Next, a roller is taken, a little paint is poured into the bath, and it is distributed over the working roller. This is done as follows: the surface is dipped on one side into the paint, rotated along the grate, lowered into the paint again, after which the composition is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the roller on the same grate of the tray;

  • Painting starts from the most prominent corner and is done in stripes, each new pass should overlap the previous one a little. For convenience, you can use a special roller handle extension, it is especially convenient for high rooms and ceilings of irregular configuration. It is important to distribute the composition evenly over the entire surface, leaving no unpainted areas;

  • As experience shows, most often a second layer is also required for the highest quality staining and uniform color. Work is carried out in a similar sequence, it can only be started after the previous layer has completely dried.

Option 2 - repair minor damage

We are talking about puttied surfaces on which part of the finish has fallen off or cracks and swellings have appeared. In this case, we need the following materials:

  • Putty composition, it is better to choose ready-to-use mixtures of increased strength (this is indicated on the packaging). The price of such formulations is much higher than that of dry ones, but, as practice shows, they are much better suited for repair work and provide better results. Moreover, you can buy a small package, thereby saving money;

  • You can not do without soil, with its help the surface is strengthened, and the putty lies much better. The primer is also applied for painting. You can use the same option as in the case above - the composition of deep penetration;
  • The paint should be the same color as the ceiling, but you can buy a different shade and repaint the entire surface, it all depends on your desire.

From the tools we will use the following:

  • A wide and narrow spatula for applying a finishing composition, I advise you to take options for 25 and 10 cm, in the absence of experience, it will be very difficult to work with a tool wider than 30 cm;

  • Sanding block with sandpaper or a mesh will allow you to perfectly polish the repair site and make it almost invisible. For work, use abrasive materials with a grain size of P150-P180;

  • For painting, you can use a roller or brush, it all depends on the area of ​​​​damage. It is better to take a roller, as it distributes the paint more evenly.

Let's figure out how to properly repair the ceiling in this case:

  • To begin with, you must inspect the surface and find all the areas that need to be repaired. Often there are no cracks on the surface, but irregularities are formed, which can be either subtle or quite large, most often they are formed from moisture or due to improper finishing technology;

  • All damaged areas are cleaned of putty, this is easiest to do with a narrow spatula. You must remove everything that does not hold well, this is very important to achieve good result repair. It is necessary to reach a durable layer and only there stop removing the finish from the base;
  • The repaired area must be carefully treated with a primer, apply it to the surface around at a distance of at least 20 centimeters. You can continue to work after the soil has completely dried;

  • Putty is taken and applied to the damaged area, and distribute the composition so that it goes on a flat surface, you can then easily eliminate all irregularities. It is important to level the ceiling and remove excess putty from it, a slight bulge should remain after work, it is important that the damage is completely repaired. If the unevenness is large, then it is better to apply putty in a couple of layers of 3 mm, this will turn out much more reliably;

  • After the putty dries, the repair site is polished, a light is used to control the plane, with it the ceiling repair will be ideal, since the light reveals all the irregularities. If after processing you find minor flaws, then you can apply the putty again, and then repeat the alignment, it is important to achieve an ideal result so that the repair site is invisible;

  • Before you paint over the ceiling after a partial repair, it must be primed without fail. This allows you to strengthen the surface and reduce its absorbency, and the adhesion of the paint also improves, which is very important;
  • If you have chosen the paint exactly, then you can try to paint only the place of repair with the approach to the painted surface. The composition is distributed in a thin layer, most often the paint needs to be applied twice for the best result;

  • If, after drying, the repair site is still visible, then you will have to apply the composition to the entire surface. In this case, the work is carried out as described above.

Option 3 - surface putty

If you were flooded by neighbors from above, there are too many damaged areas on the surface, or after removing the old whitewash, it turned out that the surface is not very even, then it is better to level and paint it. This is also a fairly simple ceiling repair - shingles do not count, if you have such a surface, you will have to plaster the fallen areas and only then level them.

We will analyze the standard situation, when there are many small irregularities on the base.

For work, we need the same materials and tools as in the section above, so it makes no sense to consider these aspects in detail. Naturally, the amount of putty and primer will be much larger, but otherwise there is not much difference.

Consider how to repair the ceiling with your own hands in this case:

  • First you need to clean the surface of dirt and remove cracked areas of putty. If there are moisture stains on the surface, then you need to walk over them with a stiff brush to remove loose material. The result should be a clean and durable surface;
  • The ceiling is treated with a deep penetration primer, and if your ceiling is damaged due to water leakage, it is better to use a composition with antiseptic additives to prevent the development of mold. It is important to strengthen the ceiling and protect it from any problems that could cause damage to the putty layer from the inside;

  • If there are significant irregularities on the surface (more than 3 mm), then it is better to putty them first, so that later you do not put the composition in too thick a layer. At this stage, you just need to align common plane, do not get too carried away with accuracy, all the same, the surface will be finished completely;

  • After the putty has dried, you can proceed to a continuous finish, the work starts from one wall and is carried out in order, you should apply a uniform layer about 2 mm thick over the entire surface. If it was not possible to level the plane in one pass, then puttying is done in two stages, the second layer is applied after the first has completely dried, it is not necessary to apply a primer;

  • When the surface is completely dry, you can start grinding it, for this a bar with sandpaper or mesh is used. To control the plane, a light bulb or flashlight is used, so you will immediately see all the flaws and eliminate them. Remember that this is a dusty process, so it’s best to stock up on a respirator and goggles in advance;

  • After leveling the ceiling, you need to clean it of dust, it is best to use a vacuum cleaner, but, in extreme cases, you can wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth. It is important to remove dust from the base, which impairs adhesion and spoils the appearance of the surface;
  • A primer is applied to a clean dry ceiling, it strengthens the finishing layer and reduces its absorption, allowing to reduce paint consumption. The composition is applied in one layer, its drying, depending on the temperature, takes from several hours to a day;
  • Painting is done in the same way as in the first paragraph, here I would like to draw your attention to only one aspect: the last coat should be applied along the direction of natural light. Most often, two layers are applied, but even if you have more, you need to remember how it is painted upper layer, this will reduce the visibility of streaks and provide a perfect surface appearance.

Option 4 - sealing cracks at the joints of the plasterboard ceiling

Another very common problem, which is most often caused by a violation of the work technology and the use of low-quality materials, is cracks at the joints of drywall sheets. Let's figure out how to repair the ceiling in this case. For work, we need a certain list of materials, they are presented in the table.

Material Description
Putty "Knauf Uniflot" This is one of the best squads for sealing joints, it has the highest strength, does not shrink and is ideal for any joints on drywall. The price of the composition is quite high, a 25 kg package will cost about 1,500 rubles, but if you do not want to redo the repair in a year or two, then you should not save. In addition, you can also purchase a small package of 5 or 10 kg.
Serpyanka mesh With its help, we will strengthen the joints and reinforce them, a 45 mm mesh is used, it is best to choose self-adhesive options, as they are more convenient to use
Strengthening soil Deep penetration soil in this case will be very handy, work should not be carried out without it

As for the tool, its set is the same as for putty work, the only additional element is for drywall, with which we will embroider joints and free them from old material.

Now let's figure out how you can repair cracks so that they never spoil the appearance of your ceiling again:

  • First of all, we need to clean the joints, for this a putty and paper layer is cut with a construction knife at a distance of 3 cm on both sides of the seam. It is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the finish without damaging the paper layer, but it's okay that we remove it, our repair will strengthen the surface and the joint will become much stronger even in this form;

  • If, after releasing the joint, you saw that this is a joint between the side ends and there is no chamfer on it, then be sure to cut it out, it should have a depth of 5 mm;

After removing the paper layer, it may turn out that the screws will be in this area so that they hold the material securely, they can be carefully tightened with a screwdriver.

  • Next, you need to prepare a small amount of putty composition and fill the seam between the sheets with it, you just need to take a narrow spatula and use it to fill all the voids with the mixture. It is important to distribute the putty as best as possible so that there are no voids inside;
  • Glue a sickle mesh over the fresh mass. This can be done after it has dried, but if you slightly press the material into the putty, you will get the most durable reinforcement of the joint, and this is exactly what we need;

  • Uniflot dries very quickly, so after a couple of hours you can prepare a new portion of the mixture and fill it with a joint flush with the rest of the surface. It's easier to work here wide spatula. Sometimes it is difficult to level the surface in one layer, then after a while a second one is applied;

  • When our finish is completely dry, you can start grinding the surface, a lot has already been written about this work in the sections above, so we will not consider it in detail. Here I will only note that it is desirable to grind along the joints in order to make the seam as less noticeable as possible;
  • An even base is primed and painted, on this the work can be considered successfully completed, the likelihood of cracks in this place will be minimal.


Ceiling repair is a simple but responsible job, if you miss something, then problems will appear very soon, so follow all the recommendations and use only high-quality materials. The video in this article will tell you about some of the nuances in more detail, and if something is not clear to you, then ask in the comments.

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