How to make furniture for the kitchen. How to create the perfect furniture for the kitchen yourself: instructions for everyone DIY kitchens and kitchen walls

Modern life makes demands on housing, among which there is not only beauty, but also functionality. Everyone knows that multifunctional appliances have a high cost, as well as an aesthetically furnished kitchen. Modern kitchen set good quality will cost a fortune. Despite the fact that for each person the concept of "inexpensive" has different limits, a family with an average income will not be able to afford such a purchase. For this reason, many families try to make their own kitchen furniture. From this article you will learn how to assemble a kitchen set with your own hands and what you need for this.

Features and Benefits

To make your own furniture, it is not necessary to have the education of a carpenter or joiner. All you need is the desire and the availability of free time, as well as tools. When creating furniture with your own hands, you will receive the following benefits:

  • individual project of exclusive quality;
  • financial savings;
  • new experience;
  • enjoyment of manual work;
  • Of no small importance is the fact that a kitchen created according to certain brands will fit perfectly into the interior of your kitchen.

There are several ways in which you can carry out your plans. For example, you can contact a specialized company where you will be provided with cutting and edging services, or you can buy ready-made components. The last option is the easiest. However, in this case, your headset will have standard sizes. There is a third option, which lies in the full-fledged manufacture of furniture for the kitchen on your own.

How to DIY

You will be able to manufacture homemade table for the kitchen with available materials. Initially, you need to decide on the dimensions, and, as in any other work, prepare a sketch. You can draw a sketch from scratch yourself or use ready-made. You can take the drawing as a basis or finish it necessary details.

With your own hands, you can create not only a kitchen set, but also a transforming table, high chair to the kitchen, or furniture for giving. You can read more about the instructions for making furniture below.


First of all, you should decide on the material from which you will make furniture. IN modern world many solutions, and each product has its own features and benefits.

As a rule, wood is the basis of any furniture. Many use chipboard in their work European production because it has the best performance compared to Russian products. If you prefer MDF, remember that it requires further painting.

MDF is more expensive than chipboard and better in quality. From such material, you can create decorative elements, it is also convenient for molding. In some cases, MDF is superior to natural wood in terms of density, so it is in demand on the Russian market.

If you are a supporter of natural and healthy materials, you can make a kitchen set from wood. Remember that such furniture will be sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. Each blank will need to be treated with a special impregnation and antiseptic.

Tabletops are made of chipboard, MDF and natural wood. The main load falls on this part, so many experts advise using natural or artificial stone in their work.

Some elements, such as the bottom of the drawers, can be made from plywood, as well as the side parts.

To date, furniture boards have gained popularity. They are a piece of wood, made in the form of a shield. A similar shield is glued together from several parts using special glue. Several tree species can act as a material:

  • birch;
  • pine;
  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • cedar.

A kitchen set made of furniture panels is more convenient because there is a wide selection of sizes.

OSB boards suitable as a decor, for example, for covering an apron area, or for creating an original shelf. They are also used to make openwork cabinets and bookshelves in other rooms.

Drywall can also be used to make furniture for the kitchen. To the benefits this material include low cost and availability, along with ease of use. GKL sheets can accept any fastening, even glue. You only need to calculate the load. Each product should be decorated with finishing materials, because in its original form the GKL is not attractive.

Brick kitchen furniture deserves special attention. This style is called "murovanny". He is not very popular, but he still has fans. Brick furniture looks impressive in the room and gives it solidity. Best of all, such material will look at big kitchen, as it will be difficult to small space accommodate full lockers.

Required Tools

To make furniture yourself, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • electric drill;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver

Don't forget about furniture hinges, confirmants, self-tapping screws, dowels, drills, pencil and tape measure.

Preparing everyone necessary components will help you quickly cope with the task and not be distracted by work trips to the shops.

Step-by-step instruction

With the help of this instruction, you can assemble the kitchen set yourself and prevent possible errors that may arise in the course of work:

  • The first step is to take measurements and create a sketch. Make accurate measurements of the room and record them on paper. Draw the room on a scale that is convenient for you so that the finished kitchen set fits into it with maximum benefit.

  • Decide where the sink with stove will be located. If the current location of the furniture does not suit you, indicate on the drawing the place where you will transfer them. The question of the location of the plate should be thought out to the smallest detail, because the dimensions depend on it kitchen furniture. Consider the dimensions of the refrigerator and its location.

  • Now follows in the received free space fit kitchen furniture. Consider not only the bottom row, but also the upper cabinets, the hood.

  • If you have the opportunity, you can order the required components for the kitchen, taking into account the selected dimensions. When calculating the parameters, take Special attention drawer sizes. The size of the decorative facade will depend on these dimensions. Solving the issue with the location of the shelves will help you determine the required amount.
  • Remember to record all measurements in your sketch and decide what type of material will be best for your kitchen.


Most people will agree that only the most patient person can restore old furniture, since this process comparable to real art. Not every person will like to work with a headset, gradually restoring the previous look of products.

To make a decent product out of old furniture, you will need to carry out the following activities to create a new design:

  • carefully disassemble the product;
  • cleaning and rinsing;
  • eliminate defects in the varnish surface;
  • work with wood defects;
  • carry out repairs and strengthen fastenings;
  • wood should be painted and primed;
  • decorate appearance furniture with the help of "aging", varnishing, painting and polishing.

most challenging task is the restoration of the table, or rather the alteration of its legs. To do this, you will need to remove the old veneer, restore its former shape with the help of liquid wood.

Assembling the finished headset

Sections of components must be edged in advance. They are pre-sanded with sandpaper. After that, the edge tape is applied to the saw cut and glued with a hot iron or building hair dryer.

If you use a regular iron, then when gluing it is necessary to attach a piece of thin material to the edge.

Trim the edges of the edge when it cools down. Such a technique can give furniture attractiveness and keep it from swelling in high humidity.

The next step is marking and drilling holes for mounting and shelf holders. Do not rush to work with a drill, because a mistake will lead to a through hole.

The cabinets are assembled like a box. Vertical side walls should be attached to the lower horizontal surface. The lid is screwed on last.

Roller guides must be installed using the building level. They should be horizontal and parallel to each other. Otherwise, the boxes cannot be placed in the allotted place.

Installation of the legs is made on a fully assembled and inverted cabinet. It is required to put the front part last, after which they are hinged to the side wall.

To update the interior, you can use simple tricks decor:

  • thematic stickers on the wall and ceramic tiles;
  • ornament using a stencil;
  • different panels and plates;
  • painted furniture and walls.

Such decorative elements can give furniture or individual elements bright accent. Interesting stickers are sold in various stores or you can cut them yourself from self-adhesive film. A decorated platform above the table, on the apron area or above the work surface, will add style to the kitchen interior.

In small rooms, you should select decorations with small and elegant elements, and for large or empty walls buy large parts.

screen painting looks very stylish on kitchen furniture. You can make a pattern out of thick cardboard or plastic and make an original ornament. Artistic painting will look very stylish.

The following items will look great in the interior of the kitchen:

  • various plates;
  • cutlery;
  • wine corks;
  • sea ​​shells and pebbles;
  • paper and silicone molds, as well as pasta.

If your kitchen furniture is different from beautiful and fashionable interiors, do not be upset. With help creative ideas, which you can implement with your own hands, standard headset turn into a real work of art.

How to decorate furniture:

  • staining;
  • decoupage;
  • non-standard fittings;
  • plastic decorative overlays with thread imitation;
  • film.

To make with your own hands wooden furniture to the kitchen, first you need to decide what kind of wood you will work with as the main material. Modern market offers more than 40 types of wood - hard and soft. Solid ones include oak, beech, walnut, yew - their wood is more durable, but it is also more difficult to process them, so they are ideal for the manufacture of solid arrays and slabs. From the soft ones, you can choose pine, spruce, poplar - they have a smaller margin of safety, but they are easy to process and can be used to design shelves, small cabinets and individual decorative elements. And, of course, the selected material must be of high quality, thoroughly dried and dense, without knots, cracks and layers. IN wooden house a DIY kitchen made from the same type of wood as the house itself will look especially good.

Step two. We choose a project and take measurements.

In choosing a project, you can rely on your own imagination or trust professional designers. In addition, you can use Internet resources and choose one of standard projects taking into account the dimensions of your kitchen and your wishes.

To take measurements, we clean the kitchen space and take a tape measure. Measurements are taken at 3 points - near the ceiling, at a height of 5-10 cm from the floor and at shoulder level. By the way, it is at this stage that it is already important to know what kind of wood set you will create - if it is ordinary straight furniture, then we will get by with one tape measure, but if corner structures are planned, then it would be better to use a laser rangefinder.

Thus, we calculate the total amount of material required in square meters, not forgetting the back and bottom surfaces, doors, finishing elements and so on.

Step three. We buy materials, prepare tools.

Having decided on the material and its volumes, you should take care of the tool. In this case, to make the kitchen step by step, you will need:

- electric drill and electric jigsaw;

– rule/level;

- construction meter / laser rangefinder;

- file, screwdriver, pliers and hammer;

- hacksaw;

- screwdriver;

- emery material / planer;

- a jig with a drill for holes for dowels.

Step four. We make sketches and necessary drawings.

Again, you can try to do everything yourself or resort to the services of specialists in 3D design, as well as independently use one of the existing graphic design programs– PRO100, AutoCad or Basis furniture maker. (To save money, you can contact students of specialized institutions - you can get unique blueprints for reasonable money).

Step five. We prepare and collect parts.

First, we cut out the base of the furniture from a solid array, process the surface and ends, drill holes for fasteners. It is advisable to mark each sawn part in some way, so that later during assembly you do not get confused in them. Cutting accuracy is very important - even a few millimeters of error can play a bad role, but the parts will still be polished, which will also slightly reduce their dimensions.

After the main grinding, you can start assembling furniture. We distribute all parts into upper and lower, main and additional. We form the main frame, look at the tightness of the flaps. For example, you can organize the assembly on dowels and euro screws using a Phillips screwdriver and a screwdriver.

If everything fits together, there are no gaps and inaccuracies, we disassemble the furniture, subject it to final fine grinding, treat it with antiseptic solutions and varnish each part separately, preferably in three layers.

When everything dries, we assemble the entire structure and install it in the prepared place. First, cabinets are hung at the top, then the main furniture and lower structures are installed according to the level, fittings are screwed and hung, and a cornice is mounted if desired.

Beautiful wooden table for the kitchen - do it yourself!

For a better understanding of the process, you can consider in detail independent production dining table (pictured).

To do dinner table with your own hands, edged boards will come in handy. If you want to have a table made of solid wood in standard sizes of 0.6x1 m in your kitchen, then you will need about 4 boards 50x150 mm. Oak or beech would be an excellent material for a table, but if you are a beginner, it would be better to prefer spruce or pine, they are easier to work with.

Scheme of work on the tabletop.

1. We mark and cut the boards at a right angle to align them in length.

2. Properly arrange the wood (alternating boards, the rings of which increase downwards with those in which they decrease, will avoid significant gaps after the boards dry).

3. We process the ends with a jointer.

4. We connect the structure in one of the ways: nails, screws, glue, furniture dowels and the like at your discretion.

5. If glue was used, dry the surface until the characteristic traces disappear.

6. Once again we process with a jointer, and after that with sandpaper, we round off sharp corners.

Let's move on to the table legs.

You can make them from the same edged boards. We choose an arbitrary form. The usual working height from the floor level to the countertop is about 80 cm. We make one leg as an example and, using this sample, we cut three more of the same with an accuracy of a couple of millimeters. If you want sophistication and sophistication, the legs can be processed with a milling cutter.

Further - the legs are set around the perimeter and connected by jumpers, which are made of timber or boards and fastened under the table with glue or dowels. Similarly, legs are attached to the jumpers to the table top.

In the final, we process the table with stain and open it with varnish in 2-3 layers. After drying, your new kitchen table ready to use!

For beginners, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the training video.

To do it yourself quality headset so that do-it-yourself kitchen furniture made will become a matter of special pride, immortalized in photographs, you must at least have an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhere to start. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the stages of work and what is required for this.

Do-it-yourself materials for the manufacture of kitchen furniture should correspond as much as possible to the conditions for the further operation of the headset. What do you plan to use for the furniture body:

  • solid wood version - a classic of the genre;
  • from chipboard - budget;
  • from old furniture, with proper skill, it can be practically free, not counting the cost of new fasteners and accessories.

Whatever materials you agree to take as a basis for making furniture, before starting work, be sure to study the instructions on how to make headset items from this particular material. Everywhere has its own specifics for each type of furniture.

Material type Peculiarities Advantages Flaws
Natural, eco-friendly material with a unique texture and color. Durable - depending on the type of rock, the service life is from 15 years to several tens. The material is sensitive to changes in humidity and temperature. Requires treatment with impregnations, antiseptics of all parts.
Chipboard The density of European samples exceeds domestic samples. The composition contains more glue and paraffin. Budget option material, easy to process. It is easy to cut out details from it. With low quality, it may have low strength and exude an unpleasant odor.
chipboard The surface is covered with a protective film during the production process (laminated). Cheaper than MDF, resistant to harsh operating conditions. If the moisture-resistant layer was applied by caching, then the film may lag behind.
MDF Density can exceed natural wood. Outperforms chipboard in terms of strength and flexibility. Convenient for molding. Suitable for decorative items. Requires painting, more expensive chipboard.
Drywall It is a sheet of layers of construction paper with a layer of gypsum dough with various additives. Practical, resistant to loads, long service life of structures. It is possible to manufacture a variety of designs. Fragile, can crack during operation. Not designed for very heavy weight.

Having decided on the material from which you will make furniture for the kitchen with your own hands, carefully approach the choice directly on the spot.

Solid wood should have a uniform, dense pattern of annual rings. Be sure to check for cracks and chips, fiber delamination. Avoid wood with knots. In the future, this material defect will affect the quality of the parts.

Wood chipboards must be even, without defects. Don't take too much thin sheets, since the frame of the furniture box will carry a sufficient load. If there protective film, then it is better to take lamination, and not a cached version. Perfect option- MDF.

Do-it-yourself kitchen furniture made of plasterboard can become great option, since moisture-resistant sheets have been made for a long time. Furniture made from this material can become a real decoration of your home. However, this material requires a wooden or other frame on which the metal profile and parts will be attached.


Stages of manufacturing kitchen furniture

The idea of ​​homemade furniture is very relevant in homes where the kitchen is small or has non-standard layout. If you make furniture for specific dimensions to order, it may turn out to be more expensive than its standard counterparts. In addition, when we are talking about furniture for country kitchen, the temptation is great to use the details of old furniture in order to spend minimal money on the purchase of materials.

The manufacture of furniture, whether it be wood, chipboard, drywall, after the details are cut, which you could do on your own or order from specialists, contains 3 mandatory steps:

  • work on the preparation of furniture parts - edge processing, impregnation with antiseptics and other protective compounds;
  • direct assembly of furniture modules;
  • final installation of the furniture set as a whole.

To homemade furniture really transformed the kitchen, and you would proudly show a photo of a headset made by yourself at home, look detailed video step by step reflected process to understand the specifics of each step.

Material handling

Headset installation

Assembly of modules

Measurements and project creation

Production of furniture for the kitchen is done on the basis of the project. For those who have started cutting parts without completing this item, the result will most likely be unusable. Answer yourself honestly whether you can do the drawings and diagrams with your own hands accurately and competently, taking into account all the necessary nuances.

If one of your friends has recently purchased a headset that fits into the dimensions of your apartment, do not hesitate to ask for a visit and thoroughly study all the details and take measurements on the spot. You can go to the store with ready-made headsets. Of course you have to endure increased attention consultants, but you can explore the range of kitchen furniture made of drywall with your own hands and get an original and high-quality layout.

The drawing must be clear, accurately showing the location of the facade sockets and drilling. Important: 1 mm is taken as a unit of measurement - this moment is fundamental!

Also, take into account the allowances for processing the edge cut and between the parts for cut:

  • edge - 2 mm;
  • individual parts - 5 mm.

Take measurements in an area freed from furniture. Keep in mind that there will be an error in any house - whether the building is Soviet or more modern. For marks on a sheet of chipboard or other material, use a simple pencil. The marker can even show through decorative coating. Be sure to number the parts before assembling. Consider the location of large household appliances - refrigerators, stoves, sinks. Don't forget pipes. Leave a space between the drawers and the worktop of at least 650 mm.

Determine which type you will use - straight or angled. You can also make furniture for the kitchen on the basis of a ready-made drawing. You can choose an option on the Internet or order a project, for example, students of the last courses. It will be cheaper than professional work designer, but they will use quality programs to calculate the project.

After drawing up the drawing, do not forget about the cutting map. This document will help you see the location of parts on sheets of material, calculate the right amount. Leave certain reserves:

  • from the edges of the sheet - 10 mm;
  • propyl - 4 mm;
  • in the place of the cut - if necessary.

It is important to arrange the parts in such a way as to ensure a high-quality through cut. Better to use special programs for cutting, but you can also manually, although it is longer.

After preparing all the drawings, proceed to the calculation of parts. You can competently make kitchen furniture by creating a sketch of the module on separate A4 sheets - you need to write out everything you did, their number, parameters. Remember to consider the thickness of the material used. Moreover, if a plate or sheet can be produced in different thicknesses, calculate the material for several options:

  • to calculate parameters inner shelf subtract double the thickness of the sheet from the width of the module;
  • Do-it-yourself do-it-yourself back wall made of chipboard subtract 3 mm from the width and height of the future module;
  • for facades - the total width is divided in half, minus 3 mm.

After calculating everything you need, make a list for the order necessary materials and elements. Milling for hinges is better to order. This will save time, and buying a cutter will cost you about the same cost.

Materials and tools

Do-it-yourself material for kitchen furniture is checked for defects, “non-standard”. Decide in advance what the facades will be - buy or do it yourself. For the back walls take sheets with the smallest thickness. Medium - for shelves, vertical parts. On the countertop choose the most durable option. If you are planning drywall, then make a frame with your own hands from wood, purchase metal profiles.

Accessories needed: edge, screed, legs, drawer guides, dryers, hinges, handles, shelf holders, hooks. Fasteners - finishing nails, dowels, self-tapping screws, screws. Take care of the tools:

  • circular saw (hacksaw) - used for sawing parts;
  • pencil, tape measure;
  • confirmations;
  • screwdriver, sandpaper, hex key, primer;
  • manual milling cutter for wood - used for profiling edges, excavating nests for fittings;
  • drill, Forsner drill - for drilling nests for furniture hinges;
  • level, laser rangefinder;
  • iron (glue the edges);
  • screwdriver and / or electric drill;
  • jigsaw;
  • electric planer / planer.

Get to work making sure you have everything you need.

Material preparation

Kitchen furniture made of wood, chipboard or drywall begins with the preparation of materials and the processing of parts. After the markup has been applied to the sheet, do not forget to outline the awnings, handles, and other fasteners. For marking, it is better to use cardboard templates. Holes are drilled immediately.

Cut out the pieces with a circular saw. Do this from the inside so that the outside edge remains neat. For wood and slabs, the edge is processed first. Facing can be done with both melamine and plastic. The edge will protect the material from moisture and swelling. Use an iron. After gluing and the material has cooled, cut off the protrusions at 45 o, and then process the bend with sandpaper.

For drywall, preparation consists in marking and fixing metal guides. If it is assumed that the part will carry a significant load, additionally use a timber reinforcement.


Cut out the details

Installing guides

Assembly and installation

To assemble a kitchen from wood with your own hands, fiberboard, drywall, the basics of events are based on the same principles:

  • it is necessary to separate all the elements, arrange them according to the list and delimit them so that it is clear where which module is;
  • if not done yet, then carry out antiseptic treatment, varnish (3 layers minimum);
  • first, facades are attached to the varnished elements of the module, then they are installed in place;
  • the upper cabinets can be hung as is, but to install the lower ones you will need a level without fail;
  • the countertop is laid without fixing, markings are made for the sink, stove, taps. Remove the countertop, make holes;
  • before installing the tabletop canvas on the cabinets, do not forget to also process and varnish it, if the surface requires it.

The place for washing is treated with sealants, as it will be exposed to regular moisture. The sequence is exactly this - cabinets, then the countertop.

Antiseptic treatment

We fix facades

Installing upper cabinets

We mount the countertop

Facade installation

Facades can be made from the most different materials- wood, chipboard, plastic, glass. Depending on the material used, when choosing hinges, consider the weight of the facade. Wooden will be heavier, and you need to mount it on quality basis. Particle boards and plastic is lighter.

Blind or paneled facade panels must exactly match the dimensions of the box, otherwise after installation you will get sloppy protrusions that will be extremely problematic to fix.

If you have manufactured or purchased facades, make sure that all edges are processed along the perimeter before installation. This is important, since during the operation it is the facade that will be exposed to the maximum impact - it is cleaned, moisture and the main pollution get on it.

Installation of facades on the box occurs according to the marking of hinged loops. Therefore, it was very important to calculate all the markup at the project stage. Installing by eye here will not work - after all, the loop can get to the level with the shelf and, as a result, do not work as it should.

Any furniture showroom can offer a wide range of kitchen furniture. But not always buying kitchen set is affordable for the owner of the apartment. Apart from high cost kitchen furniture, many have to face such a problem as its large dimensions that do not correspond small apartment. The solution to such issues can be the independent manufacture of kitchen furniture. With the help of ready-made components, which can be easily found in almost any specialized store, it is quite easy to cope with this task. The cost of a self-made kitchen, as you understand, will differ markedly from that bought in a store.

Figure 1. The first stage of creating a kitchen with your own hands is to measure and create a drawing of the kitchen.

The process of making furniture for the kitchen with your own hands is actually not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. As for the tools that you will need for the job, they are so primitive that you probably have them in your home. Purchasing hardware can be a lot of fun, as various drawer hinges, handles, and drawer guides inspire you to create your own kitchen furniture.

Step-by-step instructions for making kitchen furniture with your own hands

Figure 2. A drawing of furniture placement must be made in order to visually make sure that the kitchen set will fit into the size of the kitchen.

Armed with a tape measure and a simple pencil, you can proceed to the 1st stage of work - taking measurements and creating a drawing (Fig. 1). First you need to make accurate measurements of the kitchen and write them down on paper. It is recommended to display the room on a certain scale, so the finished kitchen furniture will fit into it as profitably as possible. A drawing of furniture placement in the kitchen is shown in fig. 2.

At this stage of work, it is worth deciding on the location of the sink and stove. If their location does not suit you, the drawing should indicate the place where you are going to install them. As for the sink, the issue here is not of particular importance, but the installation site of the stove must be considered to the smallest detail, since the dimensions of the future furniture for your kitchen will depend on this. In addition, considering big sizes refrigerator, it is important to determine its location in advance. At the same time, do not forget about free access to it.

The next step is to fit the furniture for the kitchen into the resulting space dimensions. In addition to the lower row of future cabinets, the upper part of the furniture is also taken into account, and do not forget about placing the hood on top of the stove. In the process of calculating the width of cabinets, keep in mind that the resulting dimensions will have a direct relationship with the width that the standard furniture facades.

If you have such an opportunity, you can place an order for all the components of the kitchen, while taking into account the specified dimensions, including furniture fronts. When calculating furniture dimensions, special attention is paid to the size of the drawers that, according to your idea, will be put forward. In addition, you should decide where the internal shelves will be located.

Figure 3. Drawing of kitchen furniture, taking into account chipboard dimensions.

Having correctly calculated the dimensions of the drawers, you will ensure convenient use of them, in addition, it will depend on what sizes decorative facades you will need. Based on where you decide to place the shelves, you can determine how many they will be required. It is desirable to make this calculation so that household appliances can be freely placed in the finished cabinet.

Having indicated all the dimensions in the drawing, you should decide on the material that is ideal for the manufacture of kitchen furniture. If you want to fit in minimum costs, you can give your preference to chipboard plates, the back walls in this case are made of fiberboard. At the same time, the most the best option there will be furniture facades made of MDF material, as they are distinguished by their practicality and durability. In addition, the material has a wide variety of colors. There are no special recommendations regarding the choice of countertops, here you should consider only your material capabilities and rely on your own taste. On fig. 3 shows a drawing of a kitchen set, taking into account chipboard dimensions.

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Component parts

Figure 4. Corner drawing kitchen sofa.

Given the fact that you will not be able to buy finished parts that have the dimensions you need, any company involved in this can provide you with a similar service. It should be noted right away that home conditions are absolutely not suitable for the manufacture of high-quality parts. The jigsaw in this case can only spoil the material, because by using it, you risk getting chips and other defects.

By contacting any relevant company, you will receive a perfectly sawn material, taking into account all dimensions, with already processed edges. If you wish, you can save money by doing the edging yourself. But in this case, you will need a melamine film, which, as practice shows, does not differ in its durability.

The melamine film should be glued to the end side of the part, for this a regular iron is used. Excess material is trimmed with stationery knife. Such a process cannot be called complicated, due to the fact that the basis of this finishing material paper serves, it is very convenient to work with it.

The kitchen will last much longer if you opt for ABS plastic edging. Glue it with the help of specially designed equipment. In the case of other types of edging, they require appropriate processing of the end part of the part.

When placing an order for parts, be prepared for the fact that you will be required to take all their measurements, which must be indicated in millimeters. It is very important that the dimensions of the fronts are approximately 3 mm smaller than the dimensions of the cabinets. In addition, keep in mind that their height must be calculated so that the doors do not touch the floor. It is recommended that the leg height be around 80-100mm. The drawing of the corner block of the kitchen sofa is shown in fig. 4.

Many firms accepting such orders provide an opportunity to purchase accessories here. In this case, it makes no sense to go to specialized stores.

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Materials and tools

Figure 5. Dimensional drawing of an L-shaped hanging kitchen cabinet.

  1. Hinges for furniture.
  2. Confirmations.
  3. Self-tapping screws.
  4. Dowels.
  5. Electric drill.
  6. Electric jigsaw.
  7. Screwdriver.
  8. Forstner drill.
  9. Roulette.
  10. Simple pencil.

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Assembly process

The assembly of furniture that will stand in your kitchen is carried out in stages. You should act with the help of the drawing. First of all, lockers are assembled. To fasten parts, it is necessary to use confirmations (special furniture ties). Before installing them, you need to drill holes, for this purpose you will need a drill with a diameter of 5 mm.

To the finished cabinet body should be attached back wall, which is better to use laminated fiberboard material. After assembling the cabinets, the installation of adjustable legs remains. On fig. 5 shows a drawing of an L-shaped corner hinged kitchen cabinet

Figure 6. The design of the side wall of the kitchen cabinet - pencil case.

The tabletop must be laid so that it lies on the lower cabinets. To fasten it, use self-tapping screws. The sink should be mounted in a pre-cut hole in the countertop of the size you need. To ensure that the hole fits your sink exactly, place it on top of the countertop with the bottom facing up. Using a simple pencil, outline its outline. Taking off the sink inside the resulting drawing, draw a line so that it deviates from the previous line by 1.5 cm.

Then, using a jigsaw, cut out the hole you need.

The cut must be well processed using silicone sealant for this.

This way you will protect the countertop from negative impact moisture, thereby significantly extending its service life. On fig. 6 shows a drawing of the side wall of the kitchen cabinet.

Before proceeding with the installation and fastening of the sink, also process its lower part using the same silicone sealant. This will prevent water from getting under the sink.

At the next stage of work, drawer guides are installed, as well as fasteners for shelves. Self-tapping screws must have a length corresponding to the thickness of the chipboard. For shelves in which you are going to store heavy items, it is desirable to use metal corners.

If you look at the kitchen set market, you can find a huge number of original design solutions that win the hearts of many housewives. However, the prices for such works of design thought are exorbitant. Under such circumstances, willy-nilly, one has to think about alternative options. Some decide to make a kitchen set with their own hands. To do this, today there are kitchen fittings, and building material, and tools - in general, everything. And, as practice shows, a home-made kitchen set is in no way inferior to a purchased one, especially in quality. And this is not even taking into account the price, because in any case it is more profitable to make a set for the kitchen on your own. If you decide to accomplish such a feat, then you will have to work hard not only with your hands, but also with your head.

Headset manufacturing methods

There are several directions, following which you can realize your plans. For example, to prepare all the necessary details, you can contact specialized company, which provides cutting and edging services. This is a good option, since you choose the size of the kitchen set yourself.

Another option is to purchase ready-made parts. We can say that this is the easiest option. But in this case, your kitchen set will be standard. There is another solution, which consists in the complete manufacture of a kitchen set with your own hands, starting from measurements, cutting and ending with assembly.

Simplicity and functionality of the design

If you prefer the latter option and want to do all the work yourself, then in this case you should consider the design of the headset. As a rule, it is best to choose a simple, functional and convenient design. This category includes a classic kitchen, the cabinets of which have drawers And hinged doors. This design has big amount pluses. Here are some of them:

  • Modular assembly possible. In this case, each element is designed and assembled separately.
  • This headset will suitable solution for both large and small kitchens.
  • There are a large number of building materials that allow you to implement such a project.
  • This furniture is durable, practical, roomy and comfortable.
  • Even a non-professional carpenter can create such a design.
  • In a classic kitchen, you don't have to work with curved lines, which makes the job easier.
  • Simple mechanisms are used.
  • You can easily choose the right fittings, facades and countertops.

Among other things, such a kitchen set, if necessary, can be altered or upgraded, since you will personally know the location of each bolt!

What to make?

The next preparatory step is the selection of the appropriate material. In general, kitchen sets are made from different materials, everything here will depend only on your financial capabilities and wishes.

  • An array of wood. This material is the most expensive, but also the most durable and strong.
  • Painted MDF. Availability in price. Has excellent performance.
  • Laminated chipboard. One of the cheapest materials that is in the greatest demand, even among Italian craftsmen!
  • Postforming. Postforming boards are wear-resistant and practical material. What is most interesting, you can choose any color and texture of the surface.
  • Chipboard without coating. It is used for the manufacture of individual elements of a kitchen set, for example, for the side and back wall.

When choosing a material, it is worth looking at ready-made kitchen sets in furniture stores. This will allow you to imagine what kind of furniture will turn out from a particular material.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing: let's start measuring

The production of a kitchen set begins with measurements. First you need to decide what type of headset will be. In fact, the kitchen set can be divided into two types: angular and straight. As for direct kitchens, it is a little easier here. Along one wall there will be several bedside tables and hanging cabinets. In some cases, the headset is placed parallel to each other on two walls. Here, the measurements are quite simple. You need to measure the length of the wall.

When measuring, it is important to take measurements with a tape measure in several places, for example, at a height of 200 mm from the floor, at chest level and under the ceiling. This is due to the fact that slight deviations can be observed due to the curvature of the walls.

As practice shows, the discrepancy between such measurements can be up to three to four centimeters. Using modern Construction Materials these discrepancies can be leveled. Start taking measurements when the old furniture is already dismantled, then you will have free access to the wall.

When measuring, one often encounters difficulties. For example, gas or water pipes can be located on the walls - all this will need to be taken into account when installing the kitchen, cutting out the appropriate holes. The easiest way to do this is with an electric jigsaw. As for the sink, then usually the cabinet for it comes without a back wall, since in this place there is an interchange of sewer and water pipes. The main rigidity of the cabinet is achieved thanks to the metal corners.

Among other things, it is important to take into account the presence of a gas stove in the measurements. Based on the measurements, it will be necessary to make appropriate adjustments to the design configuration of the cabinets and cabinets. After all, to gas stove gas pipes will fit. This is especially true when you want to make a single countertop.

The hood is closed with a specially made locker. To do this, you need to make a special cutout in the back of the cabinet. As for measurements corner kitchen, then the whole process follows the same principle.

Small production of big parts

Where can you feel complete freedom, so it is when choosing the color and design of the kitchen set. You should think over and draw up a figurative "cutting map" according to the finished drawing. In order to avoid mistakes and carry out the correct order of individual elements or cut them yourself, it is important to know about several nuances of cutting according to the drawing. The diagram below will help you with this:

This is what a standard wall cabinet will look like:

  1. Horizontal.
  2. Side wall or side.
  3. Shelf.
  4. Back wall.

One of the features of the horizontal is its size. Based on the scheme, the horizontal is located between the side walls and is connected using confirmation screws. Accordingly, suitable holes will need to be made in the details. Here, for example, holes in the side blank:

When measuring each detail, it is important to take into account any nuance, otherwise the sawing process will be carried out incorrectly. In most cases cabinets are made standard size. The width is a multiple of 100 or 50. Therefore, the width can be:

  • 250 mm.
  • 300 mm.
  • 400 mm.
  • 800mm etc.

It is important to take into account the thickness of the chipboard; for the case, a material with a thickness of 16 mm is used. Accordingly, the horizontal of a cabinet with a width of 800 mm inside will be 768 mm. This is due to the fact that on both sides 16 mm will occupy side wall, goes like this:

768 mm + 32 mm = 800 mm

But these measurements are for when you are making a standard kitchen. Today you can not adhere to the standards and make the dimensions of the cabinets at your discretion.

As an exception, a cupboard for dishes should be mentioned. It is manufactured to the same standard. Although today this element can be made to order.

If we talk about shelves, then there are also some subtleties that are important to consider when measuring. The shelf can be fastened in two ways: tightly or laid on special shelf holders. In the first case, the size of the shelf will be identical to the horizontal width. In the second case, the size of the shelf should be 3 mm smaller for its free installation.

Well, the back wall also needs special attention. It is made from fiberboard. The area of ​​the rear wall should be slightly smaller than the entire body. For example, if the dimensions are 700 × 600 mm, then the back wall will be 695 × 595 mm. Why? There are two reasons for this:

  1. If the rear wall protrudes beyond the dimensions of the case, then it will interfere with the tight connection of the modules.
  2. When sawing fiberboard "plays" on the machine, therefore, an error may occur upwards of several millimeters.

The principle of measuring tables and cabinets is practically no different. There is one caveat that concerns fittings when it is complex or the design of the finished module is also complex. In this case, you will most likely need the help of specialists. The scheme of thumbs can be of the following plan:

We give the blanks a finished look

When all the blanks are cut out, it is not yet time for assembly. It is important to carry out preparatory work, which includes edging. What it is? This is one of the key finishing elements of each workpiece, which reliably protects the edges from the penetration of moisture, chemicals and other liquids into the workpiece. The edging also protects against chips and other mechanical damage.

Thus, each end on the kitchen set must be processed with a special edge. There are several varieties of them. But when it comes to practicality and durability, it is best to use a plastic edge.

If this stage of work is difficult for you, then seek the help of professionals!

When buying an edge, choose the color that matches the body. Until the moment of installation, the edge should be stored in a dry place, as with reverse side it is treated with a special glue that melts under the influence of temperature. It is glued using household iron. In no case should you use a hair dryer, due to the unstable temperature supply. And in general, the hair dryer will not withstand the duration of the period of gluing the edge.

Now we will sequentially consider how to glue the edge with an iron with your own hands.

So, for work you will need:

  • Iron.
  • Two pieces of fabric.
  • Small file.
  • Stationery knife.
  • Edge.

  1. First of all, set the thermostat on the iron to medium.
  2. The workpiece can be placed on the table horizontally, end up or rested with one end against the wall. Next, with a margin of two to three centimeters, cut off the edge and attach it to the end.
  3. Fold the first piece of fabric several times. Through it you should heat the edge. This technique will prevent overheating of the edge and prevent damage to it. Accordingly, the iron will be protected from accidental contact with glue on its sole.
  4. It takes a few seconds to heat up. After heating, the edge is pressed with another piece of fabric, it remains only to wait for it to cool.
  5. As mentioned above, the chipboard thickness is 16 mm, and the edge has an average of 20-23 mm. For this reason, after gluing, protruding residues should be cut off with a clerical knife.
  6. At the final stage, process the joint of the part and the edge with a file. Thanks to such a simple operation, the angle will not turn out to be too sharp.

This is the sequence in which the edge is glued.

For work you will need:

  • hacksaw,
  • hammer,
  • electric plane,
  • jigsaw,
  • plumb line,
  • level,
  • ruler,
  • roulette,
  • clamp,
  • workbench or reliable table,
  • screwdriver,
  • screwdriver,
  • vise,
  • jig for making holes for dowels,
  • crowbar,
  • sandpaper,
  • a set of needle files and files,
  • construction and stationery knife,
  • a set of drills and an electric drill,
  • pliers,
  • safety goggles and gloves,
  • robe.

If possible, it is best to use for measurements laser level. It will save you from errors that are usually found at the end of the work!

Assembly of the lower part of the kitchen set

Before starting the assembly, all parts must be sorted. Next, set aside those parts that will be needed first. If you decide to assemble the cabinet first, then you will need the following parts: side wall - 2 pieces, rack - 2 pieces, back wall - 1 piece and bottom - 1 piece. Other elements of furniture are sorted according to this principle.

Each part must be assembled in stages. For example, mounting holes can be made in advance or directly at the time of assembly. There are no conventions or rules here. In this work, accuracy is important, otherwise it is very easy to damage the chipboard. In each part, all holes must exactly match. You can start the assembly from the box. It is equipped with roller guides, which are fixed on the two outer sides of the box on the sides. Then the whole box is assembled. The holes from the edge should be at a distance of 7 cm. After that, holes are made for the shelf supports. Connect the two racks and the bottom, and then screw the upper ribs, to which the countertop will subsequently be attached.

At this stage, check the diagonal of the drawer box. It must be equal on both sides.

Now it's time to mount the back wall. As already mentioned, its size will be less than the width and height of the box, respectively, by five millimeters. To begin with, fiberboard is nailed to a long wall. The diagonal is checked. Corrected if necessary. It is finally fixed with several nails. The pitch of the nails can be 100 mm. If you want to make a stronger fixation, then use screws. If the cabinet will stand on legs, you should turn the cabinet upside down and screw them. Install the box in place, and the cabinet is completely ready! According to this system, all other elements of the lower part of the kitchen unit are assembled.

Assemble the nightstands gradually so as not to clutter up the kitchen.

At the final stage, it remains to mount the countertop. It can be integral or consist of several parts. IN last case for its docking, special connections should be used.

According to this principle, the upper part is also assembled, which consists of lockers and pencil cases. The only difference is that the cabinets will need to be screwed onto the hanging brackets.

Installation of upper cabinets

When the entire assembly is completed, it remains to install everything in its place. To install the top of the kitchen set, you will need:

  • drill/hammer drill,
  • long level,
  • roulette,
  • ruler,
  • screwdriver,
  • hammer,
  • clamp,
  • wrench.

There are several options for hanging cabinets. For example, you can mount a mounting plate on the wall. Similar - screwed on the cabinet. Immediately before fixing the bar, it must be checked for evenness. It will also be necessary to use intersectional screeds. They are used to connect modules to each other.

So, the installation process will take place in the following order:

  1. On the hinges, the hook is mounted in the middle position.
  2. For the hook to catch on mounting rail, on the inside of the side walls of the cabinet, should extend a few millimeters beyond the rear wall of the cabinet.
  3. After, measurements are made under the holes on the wall for the hinged rail. When calculating the height, decide whether the cabinet will butt or overlap with the backsplash.
  4. The mounting rail will in all cases be below the top edge of the cabinet.
  5. In order not to miss, you can first attach the cabinet to the wall at its future location. The assistant can put the appropriate mark on the wall.
  6. Using a level on the wall, draw a straight horizontal line that will point to the top edge of the cabinet. It is not recommended to take measurements from the floor. There is a possibility of inconsistencies.
  7. At this stage, mark the drilling location.
  8. Insert the dowel into the hole.
  9. Using fasteners, fix the mounting rail.
  10. Now you can hang the cabinet.
  11. Using a level, check the evenness of the cabinets among themselves, if necessary, using screws, adjust on the hinges to the level.
  12. Clamp all the cabinets together, starting from the corner. Insert wooden or cardboard pads between the clamp and the cabinet.
  13. Next, drill through the holes between the cabinets for the intersection ties.
  14. To avoid chips, hold a wooden beam at the exit of the drill.
  15. Cross-sectional screeds will pull together all the cabinets.
  16. Finally, put the fronts in place using the special screws and hinges.

In the process of performing this work, observe safety rules. This will keep you from getting hurt!

A simple method for making a new kitchen set

There is the easiest option for making new furniture for the kitchen. If you are satisfied with your old furniture, then it can be taken as the basis for a new kitchen. It's very easy to do this:

  1. Start by taking your old furniture apart. Remember which parts were used in which designs.
  2. brush old surface sandpaper. Rinse off the dust well and "bring to life" each element.
  3. Now take all the measurements from the doors, facades, sides and shelves. These dimensions should be transferred to new blanks.
  4. As a result, you will be able to cut a chipboard sheet into the necessary details of the future kitchen.
  5. Then it remains only to mount all the parts according to the above instructions, install new fittings, and you can start using the new kitchen.

In order to finally give your preference to this option, it is advisable to think several times: do you like the current design, do you need to change anything in height or width, and so on. During the transfer of dimensions, you will still have the opportunity to correct something.

As you can see, this is the simplest and most primitive method of making a kitchen set with your own hands. In fact, the kitchen will have the same format and size, only in the foreground and inside there will be completely new facades and fittings. This option is preferable for those who have limited resources and will not be able to buy a new headset if there is no time or desire to develop a project from scratch.

So, to make a kitchen set is quite within the power of everyone. Most importantly, do not stop half way. Leave your comments at the end of this article and share your personal experience!


Here is the process of assembling a kitchen set, performed by professional craftsmen:


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