How to remove stains from upholstered furniture. How to clean a sofa from stains at home? How to fix leather goods


Cleaning sofa or other upholstered furniture has its own characteristics. At correct use you can quickly and accurately get rid of any stain with improvised means.

If you do not know the type of fabric and the nature of the stain, you can ruin your piece of furniture. To avoid this situation, you need to follow a number of rules and recommendations.

Any piece of furniture has its own nuances that need to be considered when cleaning. For upholstered furniture, the basis of cleaning lies in the choice of means and method corresponding to the type of upholstery material.

How to prepare furniture and cleaning supplies

First, if possible, the nature of the contamination is determined and a product is selected that will remove the stain without damaging the fabric.

You will also need to release small playground for the procedure and prepare a vacuum cleaner, rags and brushes.

How to apply fabric cleaner

The selected agent is applied to the entire surface of the contamination. If the nature of the stain allows, you can resort to a soft brush, with its help the product will interact more with pollution.

How much to wait

With fresh stains, ten to fifteen minutes is enough; with old contamination, you will have to wait at least half an hour. If you start cleaning right away, the result will not be optimal, since the cleaning agent that has not completely saturated the stain has not yet had time to react with it.

How to properly remove a stain

Any contamination after impregnation can be removed with a damp sponge or cloth, if necessary, soft brushes can be used - this will depend on the nature of the contamination. If the first attempt to remove the dirt failed, then the procedure is repeated. The cleaning process is carried out with gentle movements along the pile of the upholstery from the edge of the stain to the middle.

When removing stains from fabric upholstery, the sofa should not be heavily wetted.

The need for additional processing

The cleaning area must be wiped again with a damp cloth. You can wipe the entire sofa so that they do not remain clear boundaries from the removed stain. After that, the fabric must be thoroughly dried with a hair dryer or fan with warm air. After the piece of furniture dries, it can be used.

Cleaning Features

For cleaning upholstered furniture there is a series simple rules to remember:

  • Hard brushes are not used during the cleaning procedure;
  • It is not recommended to use several cleaners at once, as this can lead to additional reactions and destruction of the fabric.

Simple rules will help you clean the sofa correctly and without negative consequences.

How to clean sofa

You can choose any tool. It is not necessary to use household chemicals and special detergents. For the full removal of stains, you can use improvised means that are always at home.

How to clean with soda

For some types of fabrics, tea soda works great for cleaning. Often it is used together with detergents, this allows you to remove even persistent greasy spots.

You can try to remove fresh grease stains with a powder drinking soda. To do this, you need to fill the stain with soda, distribute it evenly over the stain. After a few minutes, gently remove the soda that has absorbed the fat with a small brush. After that, the fabric should be wiped with a damp cloth and dried.

How is vinegar used?

Vinegar is considered one of the the best means to remove difficult stains. It is enough to dilute it with water and apply to the stained area.

It must be remembered that the fabric should not be overly sensitive to alkaline and acidic substances.

After soaking with vinegar, the sofa should dry completely. Then wipe the spot with a damp cloth or sponge.

Using Vanish

A popular stain remover can also be used to clean the sofa. When dirty, a layer of cleaning foam is evenly applied to the stain and left for a while. Traces of fruits and berries, fat can be easily removed with Vanish.

Use with caution on leather and silk upholstery.

Steam Cleaner Application

Use a steam cleaner only if the steam does not damage the upholstery of the sofa. When applying, it is necessary to observe a certain angle of inclination and the correct temperature regime. By using technical means Dissolve the stain and wipe it off with a soft cloth.

Combination of methods

If you have vinegar, baking soda, and detergent at home, you can create an all-purpose cleaner. To do this, add a couple of tablespoons of soda and a little vinegar to the soapy water. This mixture is applied to the contaminated area, after which the tissue is allowed to soak. After rinsing the stain, allow the fabric to dry.

More detailed instructions how to clean the sofa in a combined way is contained in the video.

Cleaning different types of fabrics

Each fabric has its own set of characteristics, so a general approach will not always be appropriate.

Each type of upholstery has its own cleaning methods.

  • Purification of leatherette.

Leatherette is very sensitive to hard bristles and products with hyperacidity. Therefore, brushes are selected soft, and all cleansing is mainly carried out with a sponge, leaving no wet spots behind.

  • How to clean velour.

For velor, neutral cleaning agents are used, which are applied with a damp cloth or a special cloth. When cleaning, excess moisture is removed, and the rag is driven in the direction of the pile.

  • Cleaning suede or nubuck.

Suede cannot be wetted too much, and it also does not like high temperatures.

  • Tapestry cleaning basics.

The tapestry is most often vacuumed using a soft nozzle. It is impossible to wash such a fabric categorically.

  • Vinyl upholstery.

Vinyl can be vacuumed and washed with most cleaning products. One has only to follow the rules and not mix substances.

  • Care of leather furniture.

The skin is wiped with a damp cloth. Most products will stain it, so a mild detergent solution is used, which must then be rinsed off and the surface wiped dry.

For white fabrics, use the usual stain remover. Vanish is perfect for white upholstery. In case of heavy pollution, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning.

Each fabric requires special care, so it is important to choose your cleaning agent carefully.

With the wrong choice appearance sofas can be very affected, as a number of types of fabrics are very sensitive to external factors.

The nature of the stains and how to clean the upholstery of the sofa

Spots vary in nature, so before cleaning, you should, if possible, find out the type of contamination. This will help you choose the best product and quickly remove pollution.

  • Removing juice stains

Spots of this type can be removed by wetting the contaminated area with a mixture of ammonia and vinegar.

  • Traces of coffee or tea.

Tea or coffee is easily removed with a solution of vinegar and soda. You can also use soap foam.

  • Chewing gum marks.

After removing chewing gum, a small stain remains, which can be reduced with liquid soap and acetone.

  • Blood stains.

Fresh blood can be removed with water and laundry soap, and old drops of blood are easily washed off with a salt solution.

  • Oily spots.

Fat is washed off with any solution of vinegar, which is mixed with ordinary detergent.

  • Smell and stains of urine.

Urine is perfectly removed by a strong solution of laundry soap.

  • Dirty spots.

Normal dirt can be removed with dish detergent, water and a sponge.

  • Cream marks.

The cream can be removed with a mixture of ordinary soap and dishwashing detergent.

  • Beer.

The beer is cleaned with dishwashing detergent, to which water and two tablespoons of vinegar are added.

  • Wine.

Wine can be removed by wiping with a cloth soaked in vodka and salt.

  • Chocolate contamination.

Chocolate is removed with a solution of ordinary or liquid soap.

  • Ink stain.

Ink can be removed with bleach and laundry soap.

When cleaning the sofa, the following rule must be observed - it cannot be wetted too much, since the moisture that has penetrated deeply will not dry out and the filler may become moldy.

When using any liquid products, you need to moisten a rag or sponge in it and gently blot the stain.

Removing greasy stains

Any greasy stain can be removed from the upholstery of the sofa with a simple recipe:

  • Two glasses of water;
  • Two tablespoons of salt;
  • A little washing powder, after which everything is stirred.

After applying the solution, you need to wait about fifteen minutes. The remaining solution is washed off and the stain is dried.

Removing odors from upholstered furniture

Any smell is perfectly removed with laundry soap, which must be diluted in water.

After this procedure, the stain is wiped with a cloth soaked in water with the addition of aromatic oil or dishwashing gel.

Sofa color restoration

You can update the color of the sofa with table vinegar dissolved in any carpet cleaner. This tool will remove unpleasant odors, spots and refresh color.

Cleaning the sofa from dust

  • How to hit correctly.

Place wet gauze or a sheet on the surface of the sofa. After that, the sofa must be knocked out. All dust during this procedure will be absorbed into the damp matter.

  • Vacuum cleaning.

You can use a vacuum cleaner to clean the sofa from dust. To do this, use a narrow nozzle to remove dust from the corners of the sofa or a special nozzle for upholstered furniture. You can wrap a regular nozzle with a cloth soaked in a one-to-one solution of salt and water.

  • How to get rid of dust.

There will always be dust on the surface of the sofa. To avoid such contamination, you can buy a special cover. It is necessary to clean the surface of the sofa from dust at least once a week.

Features of care for upholstered furniture

In the care of upholstered furniture, there are a number of rules that must be observed in order to preserve the integrity and beauty of the upholstery.

  • Vacuum cleaner.

Using a vacuum cleaner without nozzles, including special ones, is not recommended. This is due to the fact that, with strong suction, the fabric loses its elasticity.

  • How to avoid divorce.

So that after cleaning the upholstery does not leave border stains or stains, you need to wipe the entire sofa with a slightly damp cloth.

  • Avoid moisture.

To avoid waterlogging and damage to the fabric, it is necessary to use only those methods that will not damage the type of upholstery. Wipe wet areas with a sponge and paper towels.

  • Care rules.

The main rule when caring for upholstered furniture is to match the means and method of cleaning the upholstery fabric.

You can’t take the sofa out to the balcony and hang it to dry, therefore, in order to avoid excessive moisture and the appearance of mold or fungus, you don’t need to wet the stain too much. Choose the cleaning agent and method depending on the type of stain and the type of upholstery fabric.

Bringing upholstered furniture back to life is a simple task, and you can do it yourself without resorting to the help of professionals. Cleaning a fabric sofa from greasy helps both household chemicals and folk remedies. But such a procedure should be started only armed with the necessary information so as not to aggravate the situation.

How to clean a greasy sofa

Upholstered furniture is prone to dirt, especially if it is white. Therefore, after buying a sofa, it is better to immediately acquire special covers. They are made from a material that can be easily washed with any detergent.

If a person did not suspect the existence of such capes, and the furniture was already covered with an unpleasant coating, then it means it's time to clean the upholstery of the sofa. Before the main wash:

  1. Vacuum the sofa to collect all the crumbs, debris and dust. You should immediately carry out a thorough cleaning, and do not forget to look into hard-to-reach places.
  2. After that, you need to take an unnecessary sheet, moisten it in a weak solution of vinegar (1 tablespoon of the substance in 5 liters of water), and cover the sofa. Next, you need to take a stick and knock out the product well.
  3. If the upholstered furniture is in a neglected state, then you should sprinkle especially greasy areas with salt and leave for 3-4 hours. During this time, she will have time to absorb the maximum amount of fat.

Grease can be removed with glycerin. To do this, it is necessary to moisten a cosmetic disc in the substance and walk it over the upholstery.

If the sofa is of light colors, then it is worth acting in the same way, only instead of glycerin you need to use milk or chalk, having previously dissolved it in water.

Laundry soap is a true friend of a housewife, as it is able to cope with almost any pollution. To use it to bring the sofa into a decent look, you should:

  • Grate 1 bar of laundry soap on a coarse grater;
  • add shavings in 5 l. warm water and mix until a light foam is formed;
  • moisten a soft sponge in the solution, treat the entire surface of the sofa and leave for 1-2 minutes;
  • then rinse the soap thoroughly and let the sofa dry.

An ammonia solution will help clean a greasy sofa. To prepare it, mix the substance with water in equal amounts and mix. Soak a cotton pad or soft cloth in the product and remove the fat with blotting movements until it completely disappears. After that, the upholstery should be wiped with a clean cloth, and let the sofa dry.

If there is a particularly greasy stain on the furniture, and the described procedure is powerless against it, then you need to take a soft brush and rub the greasy area.

Plain fabrics should be treated with cosmetic discs or wipes, while fleecy materials can be washed with sponges or brushes.

Another efficient method cleaning - soda slurry. She struggles not only with greasy, but also with stains from tea, coffee and dirty marks. It is necessary to mix soda with water (1: 1), but if the slurry turns out to be excessively liquid, then it is better to pour more substances to make it thicker. After that, you should distribute the mixture over the entire surface of the upholstery, and rub the soda with a brush. Leave the substance on the sofa for 1-2 hours so that it has time to dry completely.

Soda combined with alcohol will help remove a greasy stain from the sofa, but it is better to use them for fresh dirt. Necessary:

  • pour a thick layer of soda on a greasy stain and leave for 1 hour;
  • after 60 minutes, collect soda, and pour fresh in its place, and leave for another 40 minutes;
  • after the specified time, the substance should be collected with a vacuum cleaner;
  • the remnants of the stain must be treated with a cotton pad and medical alcohol.

All of these methods are quite effective, but if the sofa has not been cleaned for years, then you should not expect quick results. It is possible that processing will have to be carried out far more than once.

How to avoid streaks on upholstery

Smudges can be formed both from the use of professional foam formulations and from home remedies. The reason for this is the use of excessive amounts of water, improperly selected products and insufficient rinsing.

In order not to face such a problem, it is necessary to use as little water as possible, and carefully collect all the foam with napkins. First, treat the sofa with a damp cloth, and then with a dry one.

If any detergents have been used that produce a large amount of foam, then a good rinsing will be required. But here it is important to try not to flood the sofa, and after the procedure, try to dry it as quickly as possible.

The sofa should dry on its own, but if it is too wet, then it will be useful to resort to forced drying. To do this, you can use a fan or a hair dryer, which has a cold air supply mode.

Do not dry furniture near heating pipes, or near various electrical appliances.

When it was not possible to avoid the appearance of stains, they still cannot be left on the upholstery, since such areas get dirty much faster. It is necessary to take a brush of medium hardness and carefully rub the smudges, and then suck out the remnants of the substance from the sofa with a vacuum cleaner. It is worth using such a not too sparing method if the sofa is no longer new and there is no fear of damaging the upholstery.

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 4 minutes


There is no house that does not have upholstered furniture, so the problem of stains and clogging of the fabric is known to everyone. We learned from professional upholsterers how to clean upholstered furniture at home or make it easier to clean sofas at home and share useful information with you.

General rules for cleaning upholstered sofas and armchairs - how and how to clean upholstered furniture with your own hands?

  • Simply vacuuming is not effective., it is better to wrap its nozzle with gauze moistened with a solution of salt (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Such cleaning will not only clean better, but also update the color of the surface.
  • Do not use the vacuum cleaner on velor and velvet sofas., because the pile may deteriorate.
  • If there is no vacuum cleaner at hand, you can remember the "old" method- cover the furniture with a cloth soaked in an aqueous solution of vinegar and salt (2 teaspoons of salt + 1 teaspoon of vinegar per liter of water) and knock it out. And so repeat until the fabric for knocking out ceases to be contaminated from the surface to be cleaned.
  • For cleaning lightly soiled upholstered furniture you can use a neutral soapy solution. Wipe the furniture with a cotton cloth soaked in the solution. Do not forget that the movements when cleaning the sofa with your own hands should be performed in one direction.
  • If you do not know how to clean the sofa, you can use professional tools for cleaning chairs. Such foam is applied to furniture, waited for drying and cleaned with a vacuum cleaner.
  • It is best to test a new cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area.. This will help to avoid unpleasant surprises and predict the result.
  • If you want to use 2 cleaners, then you need to wait a couple of hours to prevent them from mixing.

Cleaning upholstered furniture with leather, velor, suede, fabric, tapestry upholstery - all the secrets of housewives

  • Leatherette or leather furniture Cleaning is not difficult, the main thing is not to soak too much. Can be used special agent and wipes for the skin, but you can try folk recipe with egg white. To do this, wipe the upholstery and spread the skin with beaten egg white. It will add shine to the fabric and hide the wear. In addition to egg white, you can use homemade milk. If you have wine stains on your skin, you can remove them with an alcohol wipe. Stains from pens or felt-tip pens are removed with adhesive tape or ethyl alcohol.
  • Velor furniture It is better to clean with a microfiber cloth impregnated soapy water or vinegar solution (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water). At the same time, try not to press and move in the direction of the pile, so as not to damage the villi. Animal hair easily sticks to velor, which must be removed with a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush. Difficult stains should not be removed on your own, it is better to use the services of dry cleaning.
  • Suede or nubuck upholstery you need to clean with a special soft brush for suede, which removes dust and grease stains. Stubborn grease stains can be removed with a 10% alcohol solution, salt or an eraser. By the way, additional dirt-repellent impregnations are sold for suede upholstery.
  • For the tapestry surface of armchairs or sofas dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner is preferable, otherwise it may discolor or wear out quickly. If dry cleaning does not remove all the dirt, you can do a wet cleaning with shampoo. In this case, not a solution, but a foam is applied to the surface.
  • If the rest of the family underestimates your work and pollutes you weekly soft upholstery, then you should think about buying removable covers . They protect furniture from daily dirt and are easy to wash automatically.

There are really no special secrets and difficulties in how to clean the sofa from dirt at home. The main thing is to approach the matter correctly, taking into account what kind of pollution needs to be removed and what the upholstery of upholstered furniture is. Most often, having discovered pollution, a clean housewife tries to remove it as quickly as possible, using chemicals, which may be ineffective, and sometimes damage the upholstery of the sofa. In this case, the stain becomes larger, and sometimes it is no longer possible to remove it.

What are the most common contaminants?

The upholstery of upholstered furniture during operation is exposed to many different influences: even the most accurate person, spending time on the sofa with a book or watching TV, leaves traces of sebum, dust from clothes on it. The situation becomes more complicated if, while watching programs, the owners of the house are used to having a snack, sitting in an armchair at coffee table, or there is not enough space in the room to install dining table at home celebrations. In this case, some of the guests usually sit on the sofa. It is not surprising that after such feasts stains of wine, fat or coffee remain on the upholstery, and the question of how to clean the sofa becomes especially acute.

If there is a child in the house, plasticine or paint may appear on the sofa. A cat or dog sometimes manages to contaminate the upholstery with wool, saliva, and leave dirty paw prints on it if the owner did not have time to wash the pet's paws after a walk. Finally, both children and animals can make a “puddle” on the sofa, and urine has the ability to penetrate the fabric and the soft filler underneath, leaving not only a characteristic stain, but also a hard-to-remove smell.

Cleaning a sofa at home in some cases is easy with one tool, but it can also be completely useless for other pollution. In very difficult cases, you can use the services of professionals by calling a furniture dry cleaning service to your home. But it is better to know how to clean the sofa upholstery at home with folk remedies and preparations. household chemicals.

How to clean dirt on upholstered furniture?

The most common and easily removed pollutant is dust and soot from exhaust gases. Small particles settle on any surface, but synthetic pile upholstery has the ability to attract them due to the accumulated static electricity. Cleaning a sofa made of leather comes down to removing dust with a damp cloth, and a flock or other covering with a pile should be cleaned with a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle for upholstered furniture. This treatment allows you to remove not only surface contamination, but also dust trapped in the filler.

Cleaning the sofa from dust that has penetrated into the filler is very important: sitting on it, a person crushes the foam rubber, which throws dust particles onto inside upholstery.

If a liquid gets on it or even a slight moistening of the sweat of a person on the sofa, the bright sofa eventually becomes covered with stains of stains. Old contaminants of this kind are sometimes very difficult to remove. Dust control is the surest way to prevent the appearance of dark stains on fabric upholstery.

In the absence of a vacuum cleaner or if velor was used for upholstery, dust from upholstered furniture can be removed by knocking out with a stick or a special cracker. Correctly clean a light sofa so that stains do not form on it from exposure to moisture, it is best like this:

  • moisten an old sheet in a solution of table vinegar (take 2 tablespoons of 9% vinegar for 1 liter of water);
  • wring it out well so that the fabric is a little damp - you can do this in washing machine in the "Spin" mode (approximately 800 revolutions);
  • cover the sofa with a cloth and knock it out, hitting the seat, back, soft armrests with a cracker;
  • carefully remove the sheet (traces of dust settled on the damp surface will be noticeable on it) and dry the sofa.

It is very important not to use the furniture until the upholstery is completely dry. It is highly undesirable to speed up the process with a hair dryer: uneven heating can also cause stains and streaks.

We wash the "greasy" surface

If the furniture has not been treated from dust for a long time, then glossy dark spots on the armrests, along the front edge of the seat, on the back in the area of ​​​​the head and back of people sitting down. Most often, they are caused by the interaction of soot and dust particles with moisture and sebum secreted by the human body. On dense leather or leatherette coatings, these stains can be easily removed with a sponge dipped in a soap and soda solution or dishwashing detergent diluted in water. These substances dissolve fat well and are safe for upholstery. How do you clean a fabric covered sofa?

Lint-free upholstery (for example, tapestry) should be washed with a brush with one of the same products, first applying foam to the stains and holding for 5-10 minutes. wash away clean water, blot with an absorbent cloth. If necessary, repeat the treatment until the glossy traces disappear. Make the same solution, reducing its concentration by 2-3 times, and clean the entire surface of the sofa. This measure will prevent marks from forming on the edges of the wet spot when cleaning a greasy place. The general cleaning solution does not need to be made very saturated so that you do not have to remove additional soap or dishwashing detergent.

Fleecy coatings such as flock in case of glossy spots should be treated with a foam sponge. As a cleaning agent, a solution of laundry soap, "Fairy" or chemicals specially designed for cleaning furniture ("Vanish") is suitable. Cleaning a light-colored sofa is a little more difficult than a dark one: in addition to treating the stain, you will have to wash the entire upholstery and dry it thoroughly without heating to eliminate the risk of streaks.

Removing different types of stains

Sometimes it happens that various substances get on the upholstery, leaving a colored or greasy mark: wine and coffee, blood, urine, creams or pieces of food, plasticine, paint, etc. In most cases, you need to clean the sofa at home immediately, trying delete is possible large quantity contaminant from the surface before being absorbed into the fabric and drying. For this, paper napkins, clean rags, gauze are suitable. These materials easily absorb grease and moisture, allowing you to clean the sofa from stains as much as possible.

The remaining stain must be treated, starting from the edges to the center, so as not to increase the area of ​​​​contamination:

  • fruits and juices - apply a mixture of vinegar and ammonia 1: 1 on the stain and allow to dry, then wash off the dirt with clean water;
  • wash blood stains quickly cold water with the addition of aspirin (1 tablet per 1 glass) or salt (1 tablespoon per 1 liter);
  • collect urine with a napkin or cloth, treat the wet spot with a carpet cleaner, upholstered furniture or liquid soap;
  • cream, fatty foods, plasticine, first remove from the surface of the fabric with a solid object, cover the remaining trace with salt so that it absorbs part of the fat;
  • blot beer or coffee with a napkin, then wipe with soapy water with the addition of vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter);
  • blot the wine, sprinkle with salt and rub;
  • it is better to dry chocolate, jam, condensed milk a little so as not to smear it on the surface of the upholstery, then remove the crust and wash the mark with soapy water;
  • stuck chewing gum you need to cool it down a lot by placing an ice pack or frozen food on top, after wrapping them in a clean towel, after which it can be easily removed with a knife.

When the primary contamination is eliminated, a trace remains in its place, which is easy to remove with furniture care products, carpets (Vanish or specially recommended for some type of upholstery). In order not to have to then clean the entire sofa made of light fabric, it is better to process it from the edges to the center of the stain, and after finishing work, immediately dry the moisture with a napkin.

How to get rid of odors?

To remove the smell from various drinks, you can successfully use special shampoos for furniture. Apply the product diluted according to the instructions on the surface of the sofa and dry. In some cases, the smell cannot be removed so easily: the smell of spilled beer or urine is very persistent. In cases where it was not possible to immediately treat the stain from the ingress of liquid, the filler and upholstery soaked with it exude a strong and unpleasant odor, even if there are no traces left on the surface.

The smell of beer or juice can be removed with an vinegar solution (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). A piece of cloth, sufficient to cover the dirty area, moisten well, wring out a little and spread it on the sofa. Press the fabric firmly so that the vinegar-scented moisture gets on the filler and soaks the upholstery. Repeat the treatment several times and dry the sofa. The acetic aroma disappears on its own in 2-3 days. If desired, you can add a little fabric softener to the solution.

The smell of urine, especially cat urine, is much more difficult to remove. When decomposed in air, substances are formed that are practically insoluble in water. How to clean the sofa in this case, people have known for a long time. To remove persistent odors from upholstery and foam rubber, you can try the following folk remedies:

  1. 1 The smell of human urine on dark furniture can be weakened with tincture of iodine: 15-20 drops pharmaceutical agent dissolve in 1 liter of water. Clean the upholstery with this solution and try to moisten the filler to the greatest possible depth.
  2. 2 Light upholstery is best cleaned with acetic water, lemon juice, diluted in a proportion of 2-3 tbsp. l. per 0.5 l of water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. 3 Traces cat urine have a particularly strong odor, and they have to be removed in several steps. First you need to soak the upholstery with vinegar solution (1 part 9% vinegar to 3 parts water), dry the furniture. After that, sprinkle the surface with soda and spray from a spray bottle with a solution of hydrogen peroxide ( pharmacy drug mix with water 1:1). The product will foam strongly, it should be left on the upholstery for 2-3 hours, then remove the residue with a damp cloth and dry. After complete drying, collect soda crystals with a vacuum cleaner or brush off.
  4. 4 If the cat “did its business” in the absence of the owners and the urine managed to get inside the sofa, you should dilute the Vanish carpet cleaning foam according to the instructions. Spill the sofa with a solution so that the liquid penetrates as deep as possible: you can put a heavy object on the seat or press it with your hands, driving the solution deeper. Wet the upholstery and dry the sofa for several days. Vacuum it after drying.

If the smell is very deeply ingrained in the fabric and filler, it will not disappear after the first treatment. In this case, you will have to clean the sofa at home again, adding fabric softener to the product used.

Covers made of dense material that will not let grease and dirt through to the upholstery will help keep furniture from getting dirty and increase its service life. Even traces of a cat's "crime" are much easier to remove from the fabric than to clean the entire sofa, and if there is a child in the family, the cover can prevent the purchase of new furniture. A rich selection of fabrics in modern stores will allow you to choose a material for sewing a cover that can complement the interior and even repeat the upholstery itself. But it will be possible to remove dirt from the cape in a conventional washing machine.

Sometimes upholstered furniture that serves you faithfully long years starts to need care. An unpleasant feature of any objects is that they accumulate dust, and after you brush it off, ugly stains appear. How to get rid of stains on the sofa and return the furniture to its original appearance?

How to get rid of stains on the sofa on your own?

How to get rid of divorces?

Divorces on the sofa arise from the fact that you unsuccessfully brushed off the dust, or because something was spilled on the upholstery, and then carelessly tried to wash it. Below we will describe an approximate instruction that will tell you how to get rid of stains on furniture:

  • First you need to thoroughly clean the sofa from dust. Use a vacuum cleaner, and if the fabric cannot be exposed to such an effect, then use a special soft brush. Another good way get rid of dust - cover the sofa with a damp sheet and carefully knock it out with a beater;
  • mix water in a container and ammonia and spray with a spray bottle over the surface of the sofa;
  • With a damp sponge, carefully wipe the places of stains and stains. You can use a special brush for fabric;
  • if ammonia did not help, then add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water and clean the stains with a sponge, then rinse with soap and water;
  • dry the upholstery thoroughly. If it dries slowly, then you risk getting water stains. Dry upholstery with a hair dryer or fan.

The golden rule when cleaning sofas: if you put a stain on the upholstery, then you need to clean the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe furniture at once, otherwise, by removing only one stain, you risk getting noticeable stains on the fabric again.

How to quickly get rid of stains after washing?

Get rid of streaks after cleaning

If you washed or cleaned the cover, and then found that stains appeared from the water, then you can get rid of them after washing by repeating the correct cleaning described above, or using various chemicals that are sold in abundance in stores. The main thing is to remember how to properly clean the sofa so that there are no streaks left.

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