How to install interior decorative corners on slopes. Self-installation of plastic corners on slopes. How to choose a plastic corner for slopes

Plastic corner - not too noticeable, but extremely important element when decorating walls and slopes. The many advantages of this material have made it popular among private craftsmen and construction and commercial organizations. Affordable price compared to metal products, will allow you to buy a polymer corner element, saving your budget.
Polyvinyl chloride products have a number of advantages:

  • Light weight allows installation on all types of walls.
  • A variety of shades makes it possible to choose a color for any situation.
  • Does not absorb water and does not form dampness.
  • Easy to install, if necessary, quickly amenable to dismantling.
  • Variability in size is a significant plus for rooms of various sizes.
  • The polymer is resistant to deformation, does not wear out, the service life with proper installation is at least 50 years.

Performs both aesthetic and technical functions. The variety of options allows you to realize any design idea.

Variety of colors

The color palette includes more than 70 shades. There are positions with imitation of wood and metal, so plastic corner suitable for both high-tech and classic design. Most often, for standard rooms they try to purchase a bar white color, it is universal in its own way. Despite the fact that the white corner perfectly performs its main functions, masking the construction errors of the joints, it is also invisible after installation due to neutral shade. Monochromatic profiles are an indispensable attribute in office and large industrial premises, are used to hide defects and protect the corners of the walls, the strips are attached to liquid nails and merge with the shade of the walls.
Designers advise choosing a shade a tone darker or the color of the wall, but in modern styles often playing with contrasts turns out to be advantageous, so the scope for choice is another advantage in the piggy bank of plastic corners, besides, if installed correctly, it will last for decades.

Varieties of plastic corners

The protruding elements are the most fragile parts in the room, often subject to accidental mechanical stress, therefore it is important to select and install the frame in a timely and correct manner, focusing on the color scheme of the interior.
Polyvinyl chloride corner can be divided into several types according to the places of application:

  • External - masks the outer edges of the protruding elements of the room. It copes well with the mechanical effects of accidental impacts, especially when furnishing the interior with furniture.
  • Internal - used at the joints of walls or floors, performs mostly a decorative function.
  • The arched corner is indispensable for framing curved joints. Due to its properties, the flexible element is popular in non-standard design solutions. In which, in turn, it has an undeniable advantage over metal products.
  • Self-adhesive universal - based on the name, it is suitable for framing any adjunctions. Due to the flexibility, it can be given any degree. Takes properties when room temperature, therefore, in winter, after transporting the material, we recommend waiting at least two hours before installation.

This page presents positions from world leaders in the production of decorative plastic corners. Polish Cezar and Lemal and a German manufacturer of universal self-adhesive corners.
Installation does not require special skills, it is made on liquid nails. In the case of self-adhesive elements, it is necessary to tear off the tape and put the profile on the wall joint, you yourself adjust the installation location by bending the element, due to its versatility it is suitable for any type of connection of load-bearing structures.

How to choose the right model?

The world leader in the production of materials for plastic finishing are Polish companies. Cezar and Lemal corners are famous for their durability, variety color palette, performance quality.
Cezar in its arsenal has a large range of plain, woody and metallic shades. Standard size range:

  • Equilateral (mm)
  • Flexible arched versatile (mm)
  • Length 2.75 meters, sold in packs of 25 pieces.

36 RAL shades. In the product card you can choose the color you need. They meet all modern standards.

Colored plastic Lemal corners are embossed on both sides, so they can be used both on internal and external joints. The colors are mainly directed towards decors that best convey the color of wooden counterparts.

  • Equilateral (mm)
  • Flexible arched versatile(mm)
  • Lemal products are 2.75 meters long and come in packs of 25.

Unlike competitors with a similar pricing policy, Polish products for masking building irregularities are extremely resistant to temperature changes, sunbeams and mechanical damage. Having installed them once, you can be sure that they will retain their original color and will not require replacement for the next decades.
For those who are accustomed to practicality and want to facilitate the installation process, we have self-adhesive universal corners, made in Germany. They easily accept any degree, the composition of the material allows you to unbend the angle in any direction.

  • Equilateral plastic (mm)
  • Universal plastic self-adhesive corner is sold in rolls of 50 running meters in white. Thickness 1mm.

When the doors and windows are installed, you need to finish the slopes, as a rule, this is the final stage. To hide small roughness and give a complete aesthetic look, many use ready-made corners. How to cut and glue a corner of plastic, cork or MDF? Below are detailed recommendations for their installation.

Let's start with the most important - why is it necessary? What role do the corners play - only decorative or do they have more serious functions? We will not argue with the fact that if you frame the slopes of doors or windows with special decorative elements that fit perfectly into the design of the room, then the interior will immediately change for the better.

Corners protect slopes from damage

But besides this, they also perform a very important protective function. Sooner or later, you have to carry bulky things through the opening, which is fraught with damage to corners, and you can just accidentally hit outer corner and damage it. There can be a lot of situations, most importantly, the result is the same - a damaged surface and, accordingly, a look. In addition, as practice shows, most often the wallpaper begins to peel off in these places. So it is best to protect the outer corner of the slope with a decorative element, which will also transform the interior.

Corners are not only protection, but also a neat aesthetic appearance

Plastic, wooden or MDF - which one to choose?

Convinced that the installation of corners is not just a whim, but a necessity, we will study construction market to make right choice. These products are divided into types depending on the material from which they are made. So, the corner can be plastic, wooden, bamboo, made of cork or MDF. Absolutely each type has its pros and cons, we will consider them in more detail.

To trim the corner, use a hacksaw with fine teeth.

How to glue

Finally, we got to the main question, how to stick the corners on the slopes. However, before proceeding directly to fixing, it is necessary to carry out, so to speak, a fitting. After making sure that everything is trimmed correctly, you can move on. Apply to inner part corner, at the junction of the sides, the adhesive solution in increments of approximately 10 cm. At this stage indispensable assistant will mounting gun. After that, quickly press the product to the surface and fix it in this position with masking tape. You should start with a horizontal slope, and then proceed to the side slopes. We remove excess sealant from the surface of the walls with a damp cloth and let it dry thoroughly. The tape can only be removed after 24 hours.

Video: we fix the corners on the window slopes

Thus, plastic corners can be placed on the slopes of a window or door. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this process.

Video: how to cut and glue corners on door slopes

Having dealt with what such products are made of, what are their features and having decided on the choice, you should learn how to install the corners on the slopes. detailed instructions below.

The next step after installing and adjusting the window unit is decorative trim slopes. There are a lot of design options, but almost all of them contain the use of plastic corners.

What is a plastic corner

This plastic product- Part decorative design window and other slopes. The corner is intended for closing the corner joints formed when using various materials.

Types of corners

According to the design of the product are divided:

  • Rigid construction;
  • flexible (soft) folding profile.

Rigid construction

It is a classic rectangular profile. Both shelves are connected into one whole. The product is produced by the method of longitudinal bending of a strip of PVC (polyvinyl chloride) when exposed to high temperature.

The front surface of the profile can be made matte or glossy. In addition, in order to give decorative properties, the product is available in various color scheme, - monochrome or with the application of a special film.

To protect the front surface, some manufacturers apply a protective film that is removed during installation.


Plastic products are produced in lengths of 2600, 2700, 2800 and 3000 mm. Shelf sizes are 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 80, 100 mm.

Different-shelf products are produced, for example, 5x10, 10x20 mm - they are called "arched". The decorative elements owe this name to their property - it is possible to bend along a certain radius, which is used for decoration curved surfaces, including arches.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • closes corner junctions of various materials;
  • evens out unevenness vertical surface dimension in 90°;
  • it is applied to finishing of external and internal excesses;
  • service life exceeds 20-25 years;
  • easily processed with a construction tool;
  • has a wide range of colors;
  • fixed by most types of adhesives on an organic and inorganic basis;
  • has an affordable consumer price - much less than wood or metal products;
  • is the final product - does not require additional decorative processing.


  • has insufficient mechanical strength, - when cutting, it can crack in the area of ​​​​the cut, the surface is easily scratched;
  • the material loses its color properties over time, white corners acquire, first, milky shade, then turn yellow over time;
  • are combustible materials, when heated and burning, they emit suffocating gases and smoke.


Rigid products are used to finish corners where there is a bend of 90 °: window slopes, vertical or horizontal transitions on walls, protection of wallpaper or other decorative material applied to the corner surface.

soft profile

The product is a strip of plastic with a longitudinal recess made in the middle, which allows finishing material bend to a certain angle.

This design gives the decorative element versatility,- depending on the bend, it can be used for external or internal bends.

Products are available in white or color monochrome versions. When used to finish a surface that has a different color scheme, profiles with a decorative film applied are used.


The universal profile is supplied in coils with a winding of 50 meters. Shelf size is 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 100.

Advantages and disadvantages.


  • the possibility of giving the product angles in the range of 85–180°;
  • leveling of vertical and lateral surface curvature;
  • reduction of waste, - the purchase is carried out in slices, also in slices required size corner;
  • convenient to transport and store due to roll winding;
  • it is convenient to process with a cutting tool - the material is quite plastic and does not crack.


  • poor-quality material and a violation of production technology can lead to the fact that the corner, when bent, does not hold the shape attached to it;
  • combustible material.


The flexible profile is used in cases where the surface deviates from an angle of 90 ° to a large side and with uneven side surfaces, as well as when a large amount of work is performed and economic measures are required to spend money.

In addition, these corners are available in the same color range as plastic panels, which allows you to achieve uniformity in finishing.


The price of a universal white profile is measured in rubles per meter and is:

  • with a shelf of 10 mm, from 5 rubles;
  • 20 mm, from 8 rubles;
  • 30 mm, from 12 rubles;
  • 50 mm, from 18 rubles.

The cost of a soft corner 2.7 meters long, with a shelf 25 x 25 mm, covered with a decorative film, starts from 35 rubles / piece. The price for an arched corner 10 x 20 mm, 3000 mm long starts from 40 rubles / piece.

The price of a hard white corner 2.7 meters long without protective film:

  • shelf 10 mm - from 12 rubles apiece;
  • shelf 20 mm, from 15 rubles;
  • shelf 30 mm, from 22 rubles;
  • shelf from 50 mm, from 45 rubles.

When using a protective film, the cost of corners increases by 25–50%. Colored items add up to 50–150% to the cost.

Do-it-yourself installation

Angle setting is carried out on different kinds surfaces, in addition, having a variety of sizes. From here follows the first stage of work - preparatory.

Surface and corner preparation

Most simple work are performed on flat planes, formed, for example, plastic panels. The essence of the operations is wiping the surface from dust and, if required, degreasing.

A concrete, brick or plaster wall will most likely require additional leveling, by means of plaster followed by puttying. Next, it is necessary to impregnate the freshly dried coating for two or three passes with an acrylic primer.

The use of impregnation is advisable to use on GKL sheets (gypsum plasterboard). This is done in order to create a dense, non-absorbent base on which the adhesive will be applied.

Preparatory operations with corners are performed after completion of work with the surface. Defined:

  • the dimensions of the overlap of the corner joints with the addition of 5-10 mm on each side, - for the adhesive composition;
  • the length of the corners with the required configuration, for example, for slopes, the upper parts are cut at an angle of 45 ° - this operation is more convenient to perform with a hacksaw and a miter box.

Necessary tools and materials

You will need:

  1. Stationery knife with replaceable 18 mm blades. It is convenient for them to cut small parts of a plastic corner or, for example, adhesive tape.
  2. Miter box and hacksaw for metal. This set is convenient to use when you need to make a clear cut under the size of 45° or 90°.
  3. Scissors for metal or tin. They are used for cutting plastic to the required size.
  4. Measuring tool. This includes:
    • construction square with an angle of 90 °;
    • ruler;
    • tape measure at least 3 meters long;
    • plumb.
  5. adhesive composition. Views are determined by the slope material, for example:
    • on a plastered or plasterboard surface, it is advisable to use glue from the "liquid nails" series or alcohol-based compounds - such products are used for installation ceiling plinths or styrofoam tiles;
    • for fixing on a plastic surface, it is more convenient to use glue with fast time setting, - "second" or, for example, Cosmofen CA-500.
  6. Masking (paper) adhesive tape, - is used to fix the decorative element to the surface during the gluing process. This technique allows you to free up time for other operations, and not stand with outstretched arms and press the product against the wall.

Installation instructions

Stages of work:

  1. Surface preparation.
  2. Execution in the size and the necessary configuration of decorative elements.
  3. Setting corners - the process consists in applying adhesive composition on the surface and gluing in the required place. Fixation, when using "second" glue, is carried out within a few seconds. The use of other compounds will require additional fastening with masking tape, after 4-24 hours, it is removed.

Tip 1. When buying a flexible corner, pay attention to its shape taking - if the product does not hold the given configuration, then it is better to refrain from buying.

Tip 2. In the case of small volumes of work (up to 10 meters) on plastic surfaces, it is more expedient to use a "second" glue-gel - it does not spread, otherwise it is better to use more professional tool, – Cosmofen CA-12.

Tip 3. It is necessary to buy decorative elements after when it is clear angular size slopes. For a clear 90 °, a rigid profile is suitable, with deviations in a larger direction, it is more convenient to use a flexible folding product.

Tip 4. When applying compositions from the "liquid nails" series, it is necessary to pay attention to the initial setting force - it should not be less than 40-50 kg / m².

Together with abundance building materials, the market is constantly updated with new elements that greatly simplify the implementation repair work and at the same time give an improved appearance housing, both inside and out. We will talk about one such element today - these are corners for slopes. It helps to emphasize the slope line and give it a complete look. Since there are a lot of options for plastic corners, you need to figure out which elements to use for a particular case.

Finishing slopes with corners

Varieties and features

Finishing plastic slopes with corners

Plastic corners are an indispensable element of decoration and decor. Their installation does not require special efforts, and after the installation is completed, it is quite possible to hide the shortcomings of the plaster. Decorative elements perfectly complement the design of the entire room, but this is not the most important function that plastic corners perform.

Before you buy a corner for slopes, you need to know in what cases it should be used:

  1. For window slopes inside the house
  2. WITH outer side buildings when they need to be protected mounting foam and for good looks
  3. Door slopes also need decorative corners.
  4. For archways
  5. Can be used to protect the corner of the wall after wallpapering
  6. In order to fix the corners that appear with drywall, and which are subsequently subject to sealing
  7. In the production of furniture
  8. For shaping joints when ceramic tiles are used
  9. Finishing of external and internal seams during plastic sheathing
  10. Drapery of the joint when finishing the building with siding

Decorative plastic corners

Thanks to this list, which, of course, can be continued, it becomes clear that the plastic corner is widely in demand in the conditions of construction and facing works. For the production of the profile, a PVC sheet is used, which, after strong heating, bends the floor to the desired angle. Thanks to this pvc way the plank remains smooth and has no cracks. PVC L-shaped corners are most often used in installation work, they trim the corners of the slopes on the windows and doors. The dimensions of the corners will tell you where it is better to use them.

PVC construction corner

Due to the harmful effects of precipitation, it is advised to use profiles for outdoor work, the dimensions of which start from 20 mm. While indoor conditions are less severe, smaller elements can be installed. Plastic parts are suitable for plastic panels, window slopes and lining.

There is also a huge number of advantages, which will emphasize the need to use decorative plastic corners for the slope. Some of them are listed below:

  • Light weight does not weigh down the slopes
  • There are many shapes and varieties of pvc corners
  • Colored plastic strips can be combined with various decors
  • It is convenient to cut - it is especially pleasing when the installation is done by yourself
  • Installation is possible both with self-tapping screws, and with glue or putty
  • Lines become clear
  • Such corners can last up to a hundred years.
  • Low cost allows the elements to be used by everyone

Plastic corners for finishing slopes

For arches, unequal plastic corners are used. Due to this cross section, they are malleable and easy to attach. The section of one side makes a bend of the desired radius. PVC slats are applied to outdoor and internal works, for the former, the angle is 90 and 105 degrees.

Important! Recently, a self-adhesive corner for slopes has become popular. In addition to the fact that there is no need to purchase glue, they are easily bent and unbent. Interesting feature that the material is sold in rolls.

Corners and their importance in plastering slopes

Plastic slope with decorative corner

During the plastering work with slopes, the processing of corners is of particular importance. The method of applying plaster is known to everyone, but correct finish corners and slopes - no. Using this element, you can achieve wonderful results. For plaster, the corner serves as a beacon and can be plastic or metal. Such reinforcement prevents the plaster from crumbling and allows you to bring out the corner as evenly as possible.

When working with these elements, you need to follow some rules:

  • You need to install a plaster bar for the entire length of the surface rib
  • Corners are set using a level or beacon rail - I think everyone is familiar with how to work with it
  • Such elements are not decorative, therefore they must be hidden under a layer of plaster.

Replacing windows in a house is a frequent and not new phenomenon, and everyone understands that unfinished slopes do not bring harmony and beauty to general form. It is to simplify the finishing process that elements perforated with a mesh are produced. They are easy to use and the process of plastering with them becomes easy and fast.
Correct installation such a corner is that a small amount of mortar should be applied to the edge of the slope. Then install the putty corner and press it into the solution and use the level to check the verticality. The squeezed out mixture is removed with a spatula, and work then stops for a while until the solution sets. Then the plastering process takes place, and the corner must be completely hidden under the right amount mixtures. During this installation, the corner bar allows you to display the maximum even corners slopes.

Apart from pvc corners, there are elements of cork, wood and bamboo. The latter are able to fit perfectly into the interior of any room and even make it even more attractive. In addition, they are also environmentally friendly. The only drawback is that they are much more expensive than others and need further staining. However, for some, the ability to make wooden corners colored and give them the desired shade is more of an advantage, not a disadvantage.

Of course, you can entrust all the work to qualified specialists who will complete the task quickly and you will not have to delve into the installation technology, but in this case you will not be able to save money. If you are accustomed to carry out repairs and Finishing work in your house or apartment, then you will definitely have at hand required list tools for trimming and installing plastic corners. These are:

  1. Mounting adhesive - on professional language it is called liquid nails
  2. Masking tape - in extreme cases, regular tape will do
  3. Silicone sealant - used in rooms with high humidity
  4. Pencil and hacksaw - metal shears can be used

We glue the plastic corner on the slope

Before buying, you can consult with the seller in the store, he will tell you which item is better to buy. However, when self-conduct works, all measurements you make yourself. Just in case, purchase material with a margin - I don’t want to run to the store again, I think, in which case.

Important! In no case do not stick plastic elements on the wallpaper. If the material is attached not to the wall, but to the wallpaper, then it will not be possible to achieve the desired strength. All irregularities must be removed, nails extended. In the future, the surface is subject to degreasing.


Finishing the slope with plastic corners

Definitely, the process of installing plastic corners requires certain skills, but with proper observance of the technology of gluing and surface preparation, you can achieve it yourself great result. A variety of colors and sizes will allow you to choose the most suitable option and give it a finished look. And the corners with a special film, which is removed after installation is completed, will protect decorative element from mechanical damage during installation. Take measurements correctly and cut the planks necessary tools to avoid micro-cracks.

Sometimes in the course of repair and finishing work, it becomes necessary to close the imperfections of the plaster, to emphasize the lines of corners or slopes. Modern market building materials offers many options for solving the above problems, but still it is worth saying that one of the most the best options remains a corner profile made of plastic. This article will focus on plastic corners, and how to use them to install them on window slopes.

So, a PVC corner is a device that has the shape of an angle in cross section, and designed to finish the line of corners and slopes to give them a more decent look.

Plastic corners are made from a polymer material called polyvinyl chloride. During the manufacturing process, this material is strongly heated, after which it is subjected to cooling. Thanks to such processes, PVC profiles have a flat, smooth and hard surface.

Application area

Thanks to the large number positive sides, PVC profiles have gained immense popularity in many applications. Further, cases will be considered when it is possible to use plastic profiles.

  • If there is a need for the design of window slopes from the inside and outside. There is always such a need, because without plastic profiles, the entire space around the window, and the window itself, will not look very neat.
  • When to file door slopes.
  • Corners are also used to protect the corners of rooms whose walls are covered with wallpaper. According to experienced builders, it is from the corners that the backlog of wallpaper begins, since the heater or fan is constantly working in the house. And it is from the corners, under the influence of a jet of air, that the wallpaper begins to unstick. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to protect the corners with plastic corners.
  • If the corners of the room are formed drywall sheets, then you need to fix them. For this, again, this material is used.
  • In the process of making furniture.

This is still an incomplete list. As it has become clear, plastic profiles are used for a wide variety of purposes.


As already said, plastic corners for slopes has a number of advantages, which will be listed below:

  • Ease. Indeed, this material has a small weight.
  • Price. Plastic they are cheaper than other materials that are used for the same purpose.
  • Cutting. In the process of mounting, the extra parts will need to be cut off, and this is done very easily, since plastic profiles are easy to cut.
  • Fastening. They can be fixed with screws, glue or putty. In any case, the mount will be of high quality.
  • Color. It has a large number of colors, so that the consumer, at his discretion, can choose a profile of a particular color.
  • Durability. The service life of plastic material is just over 100 years.
  • Finishing. Plastic corners do not require subsequent finishing, and this, in turn, saves money spent on repair and finishing work.
  • View. Slopes of windows, seams, arches trimmed with this material will have a neat and complete look.
  • Protection. As already mentioned, the material perfectly protects the corners from mechanical damage, and helps to ensure that the wallpaper does not peel off.

That's how many pluses this material has. All this contributes to such a high level of popularity of plastic corners in the building materials market.

Types and sizes

Plastic profiles for slopes can be classified according to the following parameters:

  1. Depending on the intended use. In this regard, the corners are divided into 4 types.
    • isosceles. This type is most commonly used to reinforce slopes. The sizes are 20x20, 25x25, etc. up to 50×50.
    • unequal. This type is used to design arches. Sizes are 5x17, 20x25.
    • T-shaped profile. It is most often used to hide the junction between the wall sheathing and the slope.
    • Removable. These profiles are a regular profile, but during the repair work it can simply be bent, instead of being dismantled. After the repair is completed, the shelves must be returned to their place.
  2. Depending on the type of finish, plastic corners can be classified as follows:
    • outer corner. This type is made with an angle of 90 degrees or 105 degrees.
    • Inner corner.

How to choose a plastic corner for slopes

When choosing these materials, you should pay attention to the following things:

  • Side bend angle.
  • The size of the sides and their length.

The most common sizes are 20x20, 30x30, 40x40, and 50x50. The most common angle is 90 degrees.

Estimated cost

Prices for plastic profiles for slopes vary greatly, ranging from 18 rubles to 77 rubles. It depends on the size of the material and on the purpose of use.

For example, corners 2.5 meters long and 100 × 150 mm in size cost about 75 rubles per piece. And profiles that have dimensions of 10 × 10 mm cost about 18-20 rubles per piece. There are also those that cost 27, 24, 35, 45 rubles.

How to install profiles on window slopes - step by step instructions

Installing plastic profiles is a very easy task, so you can do it yourself, without the help of professionals. But, nevertheless, everything should be done carefully and in accordance with the rules. You can also follow the following step-by-step instructions:

  1. Preparation. Before you get started, you need to make sure that the following materials and tools are available:
    • Scissors for metal.
    • Pencil.
    • Scotch.
    • Mounting adhesive.
    • If the room has high level humidity, you will also need a special silicone sealant.
    • plastic corners.
  2. Surface preparation. If all the tools and materials are available, then you can begin to prepare the surface. Wherein Special attention should be given to the following:
    • On the surface, all protruding elements, such as nails and others, must be removed. This will only get in the way in the future.
    • The surface must be leveled with plaster.
    • The fat content of the surface must be excluded, so it is recommended to use a solvent.
    • If there is wallpaper at the place where the plastic profiles will be glued, then they will need to be cut off, since it is not recommended to glue them directly on the wallpaper.
  3. Preparation of plastic corners. Now you need to prepare the profiles themselves. To do this, you need to attach them to the sides and measure their dimensions. Start from the top side, then the sides, and then the bottom side. In the process of measuring on the corners themselves, it will be necessary to mark with a pencil the lines corresponding to the required size. Then, along these lines, you will need to cut the material with metal scissors. You need to cut carefully so that there are no bumps and notches. After that, you can start last stage the whole process.
  4. Installation. This is the most crucial moment, so you should be more careful.
    • It is necessary to apply glue to the inside of the profile using a special glue gun. In this case, it should be applied closer to the center. The distance between the drops should be taken at 15-17 mm.
    • After the glue is applied, it is necessary to attach the PVC profile to the slope. At the same time, you need to press it down evenly in all areas, so the help of a friend will not hurt. After it is glued, you need to remove excess glue and seal the profile with tape. This is done so that it does not fall off before the glue dries.
    • Then after a day you can remove the tape. You can leave for several days so that the glue is completely dry.

That's all! The entire procedure for installing plastic corners on the slopes of the windows is completed.

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