How to make Wax Ivy bloom? Exotic hoya: home care secrets

Hoya is an evergreen flowering vine. Its thin hanging or creeping stems, reaching a length of up to 10 meters, require support. The habit of clinging to the trunks of tropical trees makes this plant look like wax ivy. This is the name that hoya received in wide circles of our region. The thick, fleshy leaves of hoya are dark green in color and vary in size and shape.

The flowers of the plant are the opposite - graceful and delicate, they attract attention with their fragility, resemble a five-pointed star, in the center of which there is another star of a darker color. A bright representative of blooming loaches is publicis, its varied color never ceases to amaze. In nature, most often propagated by seeds. Homeland hoya - Australia, South Asia, India, the Pacific Islands. The plant got its name in honor of the English gardener Thomas Hoy, who was engaged in breeding greenhouse exotics. Species inhabiting the tropics have about 200 different names. They differ in a variety of shapes, colors, sizes and aromas. All types of hoya can be divided into indoor, greenhouse and freedom-loving shrubs.

With careful care, wax ivy will bloom profusely and for a long time: from early spring to autumn. Unusual and fragrant inflorescences create the impression of a delicate self made as if made of porcelain. A hanging planter with long shoots and dark foliage, strewn with such delicate inflorescences, will become the pride of its mistress.

Arbors and arches entwined with hoya shoots look delightful and solemn, but it should be remembered that wax ivy needs warmth and humidity, at the slightest cold the flowers fall off and the leaves turn yellow. All types of vines prefer moist soil rich in humus, fine bark, charcoal and perlite.

Popular types of home liana:

  • hoya fleshy (carnosa, tricolor);
  • hoya kerry (in love);
  • hoya beautiful (Hoya Bella).

Karnoza tricolor and Kerry in love

Hoya fleshy or “wax ivy” has thin climbing stems, the oblong leaves of which at home acquire red spots in their color and a yellow border covered with bloom at the edges. This was the reason for adding the word "wax" to the name of the flower. The fragrant flowers of the plant, depending on the variety, are diverse in their shades. From white and yellowish to light pink with a dark center, collected in wonderful inflorescences. Because of the abundance of colors in everyday life, Hoya karnoza is often called tricolor or tricolor.

Kerry got her nickname "in love" because of the heart shape that her succulent leaves have. Transplanted individual leaves of kerry have long been an original gift for the holiday of lovers. Most housewives prefer not to wait for seeds to germinate. green heart, much faster - plant and root cuttings. Hoya Kerry needs to be treated with care. Its leaves are dense and smooth, with abundant watering they can grow to large sizes. Delicate, with an amber tint, the flowers are fragrant with an aroma slightly reminiscent of burnt sugar, their nectar accumulates in the center of the inflorescence, resembling sticky caramel.

Hoya: home care and reproduction

Growing and propagating a climbing succulent does not present any particular difficulties; it is able to bloom in a greenhouse among other exotic shrubs, as well as alone at home. Caring for him is easy and affordable.

  1. Despite the fact that the homeland of hoya is the tropics, it tolerates dry air well with proper watering. Every day, morning and evening, it is necessary to spray the leaves. Several times a month, you can arrange a warm shower to wash off the dust. In winter, water moderately, you can wait a few days between watering to dry the soil.
  2. Hoya fleshy loves the bright and warm part of the room. But, it should be remembered that contact with window glass can cause a burn or discoloration of the shoots.
  3. The optimum temperature of a hoya flower during the flowering period should be between 22-25 degrees Celsius. In winter, it is desirable for tricolor to maintain a temperature of 14-16 degrees Celsius, for Kerry - a little warmer.
  4. Hoya fleshy does not like drafts and movement, so you need to keep it in your favorite place, move houseplants possible only as a last resort.
  5. Fertilize hoya with minerals and organic matter twice a month, but only in spring and summer. Don't oversaturate the soil organic fertilizers, since their excess will lead to a lack of flowering, as well as the growth of stems in length.

In spring, the plant reproduces with the help of seeds. Dry hoya seeds are sown in a loose substrate containing an earthen mixture and chopped. The seeds of the plant germinate quite quickly, already in the first week. It is important to prevent the soil from drying out, and to ensure that it is not excessively wet.. The vessel with the seeds of the plant, it is important to keep in a warm and bright place. Three months later, the resulting pairs of leaves are planted in pots, getting a full-fledged plant.

Cultivation by cuttings is carried out in late summer or early autumn. The length of the cuttings of the plant does not really matter, it is more important that they contain at least two pairs of leaves. The cutting is cut below the node, and placed in water or a substrate of sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 2. At the end of the third week, the cuttings begin to take root and are planted in pots with a diameter of 9 cm. The soil for transplanting hoya is mixed with 2 parts of leafy soil, with 1 part of turf, and half a part of humus-containing fertilizer is added.

Possible hoya problems

Improper care, excess or lack of water lead to some problems with the plant.

The above is a problem not only of a climbing plant, but also of its other green counterparts, but understanding the reason why hoya does not bloom worries many housewives of this amazing plant. It is impossible to make all types of succulent beauty bloom without observing the rules of care. You need to clearly know what can and cannot be done when looking after a hoya flower:

  • important to observe temperature regime plants in winter and summer;
  • it is necessary to monitor the optimal distribution of light, do not forget to feed the soil;
  • you can not cut the long shoots of hoya, as it blooms only on last year's peduncles;
  • you can’t often transplant a plant, it’s enough after three years, since the root system needs tightness in a pot;
  • if the hoya fleshy tricolor blooms profusely - do not move to another place, and keep it constant;
  • if the tricolor is one-color, then it is necessary to revise its mode, climatic conditions, feed the soil, you can rearrange it to another place.

Folk signs about the plant

Many superstitious housewives do not dare to keep ivy at home. Signs, often contrived by unfortunate gardeners, read as follows:

  • keeping ivy at home means unsettled life;
  • long shoots suck energy;
  • any kind of loach brings misfortune: they get rid of men in the house, spouses get divorced, and sons leave;
  • toy flowers are similar to artificial ones, which are customary to bring to the grave.

If belief in omens is a concern, you should know that not all indoor hoyas belong to the ivy family. We should also remember the positive folk omens this cozy plant:

  • indoor hoya flowers take away host diseases;
  • the dark green of the plant absorbs negative energy;
  • a flower is a wonderful gift as a sign of love or friendship;
  • people will be drawn to the one whose ivy grows and multiplies.

All parts of the hoya plant are poisonous. Starting from branches and leaves and ending with beautiful flowers. Keep your hoya away from animals and children.

In the East, it is believed that the wax tricolor brings happiness, love and good luck to the house, and also has positive energy. In addition, hoya has a number of healing properties, which are often unknown to their owners:

  • chopped greens of the plant will help get rid of boils;
  • gruel of several leaves, oatmeal and water is an excellent remedy for purulent acne;
  • hoya leaves fixed at the temples will relieve headaches.

Thus, the cultivation of exotic indoor plants, pleasing to the eye with their beauty and sophistication, has a number of useful properties and advantages. Caring for them is not very difficult, and the result will be a real treasure for the owners.

Or a bush of the family Asclepiadaceae (Lastovnevye). Homeland: southern regions of Burma, Central China, India and up to Australia. Plants live in the natural environment in light forests, on tree trunks or on the slopes of rocks. The name of the culture was given by the scientist R. Brown in honor of his botanist friend, who was a gardener in the greenhouse of the Duke of Northumberland and was engaged in the selection of exotics. His name was T. Hoy.

What does hoya look like and how does it bloom in its natural environment

In summer hoya blooms fragrant, white, like porcelain, pinkish, yellow-greenish and other shades of bisexual flowers, collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. Both the botanical description of the flowers of the hoya plant, and numerous photos confirm that they have a star-shaped appearance, consist of petals and a central five-membered crown towering above them. The average diameter of flowers is from 1 to 2 cm, except for the majestic appearance (8 cm). While the hoya plant blooms, a pleasant perfume aroma prevails around the bush or creeper. Representatives of certain species are even able to secrete nectar, which is attractive to many insects. In its natural environment, the plant can reach 10 meters in length. Young shoots are immediately painted in a brown-violet color, and growing up, they acquire a rich green hue, then they gradually become woody. The foliage is fleshy, oval, with a pointed top. The average length of the leaves is from 5 to 15 cm, the width is from 3 to 8 cm. Both the color and the leaves are dense, have a matte appearance, which gives the visual impression that they are poured out of wax. Check out some of the types and varieties of hoya in the photo with official names to make up general impression about the plant before detailed acquaintance:

Is it possible to keep hoya at home and the quality of wax ivy

Many cultivars are grown indoors. This plant has decorative qualities and is often used for landscaping offices and offices. Regarding the issue of growing hoya at home, there are a large number of legends and superstitions, many of which, oddly enough, contradict each other.

For example, according to one belief, this flower "expels" men from housing (husband, sons). According to other legends, culture is able to pacify resentment and envy. The third sources, on the question of whether it is possible to keep hoya or wax ivy at home, say that this plant is a source of happiness in the family, so the ideal place for growing it is the matrimonial bedroom. Which version to take into account is the individual decision of the gardener. But whatever the choice, it will not cancel the fact that the exotic is able to conquer everyone with its beautiful color - even the most demanding florist.

Popular types and varieties of houseplant hoya: photo, name and description

Today, approximately 200 species of the hoya plant are known. For growing indoors - the most popular among them:

noua bella(hoya is beautiful).

noua carnosa(hoya fleshy).

Much less often, the following types of this plant are cultivated at home:

Hoya imperialis(hoyu majestic).

Hoya longifolia(hoyu longleaf).

Hoya lacunosa(hoya concave)

Hoya publicalyx(hoyu fluffy-cup).

Hoya kerrii(Hoyu Kerry).

Hoya multiflora(hoyu multicolor).

The hoya species called beautiful is undersized, branched, covered with small foliage (reaches a length of about 3 cm) and has hanging-type shoots (their length varies from 30 to 50 cm). The leaves have a fleshy structure, lanceolate-ovate shape, convex surface. The foliage grows very densely on the shoots. Flowers in appearance resemble small stars, the color of the petals of which is white, and the core is raspberry. The color is collected in umbrellas, each of which has from 7 to 9 "stars". Description of the type of hoya is beautiful, compare with the photo below:

This is an epiphyte plant; in nature, its habitual habitat is tree branches in tropical forests. In room conditions, it is grown as an ampelous culture.

within the species noua bella many varieties of bush type have been bred. The main difference between them is the color of the leaves.

Bush varieties of hoya and vines

Hoya bella var. Louis Buis - a bush variety of a beautiful hoya with leaves that have golden spots in the center and a reddening central vein in good light conditions.

Hoya bella Variegata - a plant with foliage with a thin border of white or yellowish tint.

Hoya bella wee - a variety of beautiful hoya with especially small leaves, which are placed in a whorl not in two, as usual, but in three.

Hoya fleshy gained its popularity due to pickiness to growing conditions and ease of care. Unlike the previous species, this is not a bush plant, but an evergreen weaving vine. Its length can be 6 m, so when growing a crop, you should take care of the support. The foliage of the plant is oval, thick, hard, dark green, has a shiny surface, reaches a length of about 8 cm. The inflorescences are umbrellas, which include 20 flowers with a strong pleasant aroma. The main color of the petals is white, in the central part there is a pink crown. Evaluate in the photo what varieties and varieties the fleshy hoya species has:

The images show those that are most popular in home gardening.

Hoya carnosa variegata(hoya variegated), in particular its variety called Crimson Queen, which is famous for its unusually delicate cream-colored edging along the edges of rich green leaves.

Hoya carnosa Tricolor(hoya tricolor) and its variety with the original name "Exotica", which is loved by many professional and amateur gardeners thanks to scarlet flowers and green-pink-cream foliage.

A hoya flower of this kind, as majestic, is also a climbing vine. It is densely dotted with lanceolate-oval foliage, the length of which reaches 15 cm, and the width is up to 8 cm. The color of this plant is considered the largest among known species: the diameter of the flowers is 8 cm. The peduncles are long, they form flower umbrellas, in each of which contain from 8 to 10 smooth star-shaped flowers with rich red petals and a white central crown.

WITH reverse side petals are decorated with an admixture of green or yellow. Hoya imperialis is widely known for its pleasant perfume smell. A description of the popular varieties of this type of hoya with photos and official names is presented below - study and choose a green "pet" that is most suitable for your greenhouse:

Hoya imperialis var. rauschii characterized by foliage with wavy edges, white-green flowers with pink and purple hues.

Hoya imperialis 'Borneo Red' popular due to the fact that it grows very quickly, blooms lilac with a fruity sweet smell.

Hoya imperialis var. .Palawan famous for its yellow-golden flowers, which have an original slightly reddish tint. The photo below shows a long-leaved hoya:

This is a weaving plant, the thin shoots of which contain a large amount of milky juice. Liana is densely dotted with foliage that has a lanceolate shape, smooth edges, rich green color, fleshy structure without visible veins. Each leaf is approximately 13 cm long and approximately 2 cm wide.

The surface is without pubescence, does not differ in shine. Fragrant flowers in an amount of 5 to 12 pieces are collected in a spherical umbrella. The diameter of each flower varies from 1.5 to 1.7 cm, there is pubescence on the surface. The color of the petals is white, the central crown is pale pink or pure white.

What a long-leaved hoya looks like, check out the colorful photos.

concave hoya- This is an epiphytic plant, very branched, with flexible branches that look like growing very densely cascading lashes. The foliage is rhomboid, thickened, with edges wrapped inward, saturated green. The length of each leaf does not exceed 6 cm. The inflorescence is an umbrella, resembling a fluffy ball in shape. One umbrella contains 15 to 20 fleecy white or cream flowers with a white crown topped with a yellow center. Description popular varieties concave hoya with a photo, study below:

"Tova"- a hybrid with plain foliage, having a light green color.

"Eskimo"- a cultivar with leaves decorated with a marble pattern of a lighter shade.

Other varieties of indoor flower hoya: photo and description

The fluffy look is one of the most colorful plants of this genus and is very often used by breeders to develop new hybrids. This is a light-loving plant with a curly stem, leathery foliage, on the surface of which there are silvery stripes and spotting. Fleecy flowers of 30 pieces are collected in inflorescences-umbrellas. The diameter of each flower is no more than 2 cm. Their colors are varied - from delicate pink to maroon. This type of hoya also has well-known hybrid varieties:

"Silver Pink"

"Silver Prince"

"Red Button"

"Dark Red"

"Philippine Black"



fresno beauty and etc.

Hoya Kerry in Western countries it is popular on February 14 - on Valentine's Day - due to the fact that its fleshy leaves resemble in appearance inverted hearts. They are leathery, without visible venation. Their length and width can reach from 5 to 15 cm.

The flowers are pubescent, ranging in diameter from 1 to 1.5 cm. Collected in umbrella inflorescences of 15-20 pieces. The color of the petals is determined by the amount of sunlight and can be pure white, yellow-lemon, pale pink. If you move the flower to another part of the room, the shade can change dramatically. A feature of the plant is the darkening of the flowers as they age due to the dark nectar released in them. You can compare the description of the Kerry hoya with the greenhouse flowers shown in the photo:

The multi-flowered species of the plant is a shrub that has lignified stems dotted with 12-centimeter leaves with wavy edges. In one inflorescence-umbrella, from 15 to 20 flowers are collected, which are painted in a white-yellow hue and exude a lemon aroma. Distinctive feature plants - thermophilicity: if the ambient temperature drops below +20 ̊С, it will shed both leaves and color. The bush needs to be sprayed in the mornings and evenings and watered abundantly. Look at the photo below, what varieties it has indoor flower hoya multiflora, and read their brief description:

Hoya multiflora Variegata endowed with foliage with a white border.

Hoya multiflora Speckles has spotted foliage and cream flowers.

Hoya multiflora Shooting Star is famous for its petaled flowers, which are shaped like a comet's tail.

This is far from complete list species, varieties and varieties of plants that are cultivated by modern gardeners and used to breed new hybrids that enchant with their unique flowers and an endless variety of perfume aromas.

How to care for a hoya at home

Caring for a hoya flower at home is generally not difficult and does not take much time, as the plant is considered non-capricious. For a green "pet", a well-lit location is suitable. The plant is tolerant of direct sunlight. Although caution does not hurt in this regard: burns can occur due to exposure to direct ultraviolet radiation on hoya. To prevent such a disastrous outcome, it is recommended to provide diffused light for the flower at noon by shading the window in one of the following ways:
  • Tracing paper.
  • Tulle.
  • Marley.
For growing a hoya flower at home, an east or west window sill is well suited. You can not put the plant on a window facing north: due to the lack of sunlight, flowering will not occur at all. If you purchased a bush or vine that was in a shaded place in the store, it is not recommended to immediately put them in a part of the room with intense lighting - you need to gradually increase the amount of light so that the plant has the opportunity to gradually, without stress, adapt to new conditions.
In the question of how to properly care for hoya at home, the temperature regime plays an important role. Temperature: in summer, the plant loves heat (+18 ... +23 ° С), in winter - a cooler atmosphere (+14 ... + 18 ° С).
Many species can overwinter even at + 10 ° C, but the beautiful hoya is more thermophilic: if it is not provided with a warm winter, then it can completely shed its foliage. Humidity in general is not a significant factor in plant growth. But, as in the case of temperature, the type of hoya requires special conditions - the flower loves a humid environment, it grows better in it and blooms more profusely. In summer, during the growth of shoots, bushes or vines should be regularly sprayed with a spray bottle.
Proper care, organized at home for hoya wax ivy, implies that once every six months the plant must be bathed with complete immersion under water.
To do this, fill the bath with warm water (from +30 to +40 ° C) and lower the green “pet” there (even at the stage before the buds appear!) In a flowerpot for 40 minutes. After this time, the shoots must be lifted and "hung" to dry, and the flowerpot with the rhizome should be left for another 1.5 hours. You can do it a little differently: just lower the pot under water heated to the temperature indicated above for 2 hours, and arrange a warm shower for the leaves. This procedure will help stimulate flowering.

Watering and fertilizing when caring for hoya (with video)

An important aspect of caring for a homemade hoya flower is watering: moderate in summer, even less in winter. A feature of the culture is the ability to tolerate moisture deficiency well. In the warm season, you need to water the plant as the soil dries out, but it’s still better not to let the earthen one dry out. In order for the liana or bush to please with abundant flowering next season, a minimum amount of liquid is required during the winter dormancy. If the soil is waterlogged, the plant may begin to drop both leaves and shoots. Water for irrigation should be used settled, soft.
Top dressing: during the growth period - from March to September - once every 2 weeks. Hoya in the process of growing must be fertilized with mineral compounds.
The ready-made mixture "For flowering succulents" can be purchased at a flower shop, or you can make it yourself at home, given the recommended ratio of components:
  • 2% magnesium.
  • 10% nitrogen.
  • 11% phosphorus.
  • 18% potassium.
The solution must be poured into the pot along the edge. During winter dormancy, the plant does not need to be fertilized. Also, top dressing is not needed at all if you carry out an annual transplant of the crop into a new, not yet depleted substrate. For information on how to organize the proper care of a hoya, see the video presented to your attention below:

Reproduction of hoya by apical and stem cuttings

There are three ways to propagate a hoya flower at home:
  • Apical or stem cuttings.
  • Seeds.
  • Sheets.
Plant propagation hoya cuttings is considered the least complex and most reliable way to grow a new specimen. It is necessary to take into account two main characteristics of the handle:
  • Age.
  • Size.
Both the apical and stem cuttings selected for the purpose of propagation should not be too young - their tissues tend to rot when trying to root. Therefore, it is better to give preference to mature, but not yet woody cuttings.

In terms of size, the rooting material should not be long. It is better to take cuttings, which have two nodes each, covering two pairs of leaves. If it is planned to propagate plant species with large foliage, then you can make an exception and take cuttings, keeping one node at a time.

How to cut hoya to properly root the plant

On the question of how to properly cut hoya, Special attention should be given to trimming the cuttings. The best place for the appearance of roots is considered to be the zone located under the very node. Therefore, under it you need to leave a couple of centimeters of the stem, cut off the rest. After the appearance of a new sprout from the sinus of the first node, you can cut off the second node and also root. Rooting is possible in one of two ways:
  • Immediately in the substrate (at soil temperature + 20 ... + 25 ° С).
  • In water (at a temperature of + 22 °C).
The first option is considered to be more reliable. Before rooting hoya cuttings, you need to prepare the soil according to one of the "recipes":
  • Mix in equal parts sphagnum moss (or peat), vermiculite (or perlite), fine expanded clay (or polystyrene).
  • Combine fine expanded clay (1/5 part), perlite or vermiculite (1/5 part), planting soil (3/5 part).
The prepared substrate must be breathable so that the cutting does not rot. Perlite or vermiculite will help to ensure this property of the soil. You should also take care of proper soil moisture, but the higher the level of air permeability, the faster water evaporates from it. You can solve this problem with a plastic bag (how exactly - will be discussed later).

Before rooting, for a 100% result, it is possible to process the cutting with Kornevin, but this is not necessary.

Planting homemade hoya cuttings and caring for the plant

Planting hoya with apical or stem cuttings is carried out as follows: the stalk is placed in a plastic bag filled with a slightly moistened substrate so that the lower node is covered with soil. The bag is then placed horizontally and after 10 days it will be possible to observe the appearance of roots.
You can do otherwise by planting a cutting in a flowerpot. Drainage is laid at the bottom of the container, then a substrate, into which the cutting is deepened, as in the previous version. To maintain moisture, a transparent plastic bag is loosely put on the pot.
After 14-21 days, a germinated cutting can be obtained, ready for planting in a permanent place of growth in the soil, prepared according to one of the previously described technologies. Rooting in water is carried out as follows. The container with the liquid is wrapped in foil on all sides, and holes for the cuttings are made in the top of the wrapper. Planting materials processed at will by Kornevin are lowered into the vessel so that the lower node is under water. A plastic bag is also put on the container loosely (for free air flow). Roots will appear after 14 days. It is necessary to transplant the cutting into the ground immediately, as the roots will become very fragile and can break off.

Reproduction of hoya seeds and leaves at home

Reproduction of hoya seeds at home, it is carried out using well-dried seed in the year of its collection. The substrate can be prepared according to one of the above "recipes". Shoots appear after 7 days.
As soon as the first shoots appear, you need to monitor the soil moisture: Do not flood, but do not let it dry out. The container with seedlings should be placed in a warm and well-lit place.
To prevent the occurrence of fungal diseases, it is recommended to treat them with some preparation with copper in accordance with the instructions on the package. After 90 days, the seedlings will already have several pairs of leaves - from that moment on, they can be transplanted into separate flowerpots.

Reproduction of hoya from sheets is considered the most difficult and lengthy process. It is recommended to take leaves of those plants that live in the natural environment. Therefore, breeders use this method. But amateur florists also have the opportunity to experiment with houseplants. The leaf is planted in a loose substrate, observing an angle of 45 ̊. Roots will appear in 2-3 weeks. The problem with this propagation method is that a leaf that has taken root may not sprout for several years. To speed up this process, one drop of "Heteroauxin" is dripped onto the base of the leaf with a pipette.

How to transplant hoya into a new pot

The "plus" of growing a crop is that it does not require frequent transplantation. It is carried out if necessary once every 1-3 years in the spring. Recommended substrate: flower soil mixture "For flowering succulents" or prepared independently according to one of the "recipes" discussed above.
Usually, the plant itself signals that a transplant is needed: root system protrudes from the drainage into the holes at the bottom of the flowerpot, the bush or vine does not grow, the leaves become drooping.
Before transplanting a home hoya, you need to choose the right new pot. If there is a goal to get abundant flowering, then the capacity should not be much larger than the one in which the culture grew before. If it is necessary to stimulate the growth of a bush or vine, then the pot should be taken much more spacious than the previous one. Do not forget to lay drainage at the bottom (pebbles, broken shards, stones ranging in size from 1 to 1.5 cm, foam chips).

Transfer a healthy culture into a new container and a fresh substrate is carried out by transshipment - that is, an earthen ball braided with roots is not destroyed, but transferred to another container and supplemented with the necessary amount of soil. When planting, the hoya does not deepen much; care for the transplanted plant requires standard care - described above.

Red spider mites.


root nematodes.

If the presence of any insects on flowers, leaves, branches is noticed, it is necessary to treat the bush or liana with an insecticide (for example, Actellik). If indoor hoi flowers with fleshy and thickened foliage have been attacked by pests, you can simply wipe it with a cotton swab dipped in medical alcohol.

If the rhizome of the culture is affected by nematodes, it is also necessary to transplant it into a fresh steamed substrate and a new disinfected flowerpot.
Among the diseases of room hoya diseases, the most common are:

Gray, black, root rot.


Powdery mildew.

If the soil is waterlogged, the room temperature is too low, the plant suffers from a fungus. It leads to rot. The presence of the disease is evidenced by spots - brown, gray - on the stems, leaves, buds, wilting of the plant.

To cure the affected culture, a soap-copper solution treatment can be used. If there is focal root rot, then you need to extract and process the rhizome with Bordeaux liquid or colloidal sulfur and transplant a vine or bush. In case of decay of most of the root system, the plant will have to be destroyed.
Appearance white plaque on a flower indicates the spread of powdery mildew. Moisturizing the air in the room where the crop is grown, optimizing irrigation, and improving ventilation will help get rid of the disease.

Look at the photo, what a hoya flower looks like, amazed powdery mildew to be able to recognize the disease in time:

How to revive and make hoya bloom at home

Many gardeners - both beginners and professionals - are faced with the phenomenon of massive leaf fall in a house flowering hoi plant. The reason for this may be an excess of moisture, hypothermia of the soil in winter or summer when watering. cold water, moving the flowerpot with the culture to another place in the room. To reanimate a flower, it is necessary to eliminate irritating factors.

If the sheets are stained, this may indicate a lack of lighting or burns from direct sunlight. In this case, it is necessary to change the location of the flowerpot with a flower.

If the foliage has become too light, dried out, twisted, this is a clear sign that the plant needs to be shaded, as it dies under the scorching sun.

Due to insufficient lighting, incorrect wintering temperature, color may not appear on the crop at all. Effective Method how to quickly make hoya bloom at home - bathe it under a warm shower using the technology described earlier.

Advice! At the fleshy hoya, do not cut off the flower stalks: new inflorescences form on them next year. Do not move the flowerpot with the plant as soon as the buds appear on it, otherwise they may crumble, like all the foliage.
Only when proper care an adult plant will bloom profusely for a long period.

Hoya is a beautifully flowering wax ivy, which is an evergreen liana belonging to the family of goves. This flower, numbering about two hundred species, is named after the British gardener Thomas Hoy. Further in this article we will talk about how to properly care for hoya.

Growing and caring for plants is known to be a very exciting and demanding process. However, it does not take much time to grow a beautiful hoya. This plant is quite unpretentious and will bloom well if you follow a few simple rules: do not water it too often, do not replant unnecessarily and do not transfer from one place to another.

General information

IN wild nature Hoya flower grows in tropical Australia, the Malay Archipelago, South China and parts of India. Its creepers can creep along rocky slopes and tree trunks. This is an evergreen plant with climbing and creeping shoots. Its leaves have ovate, oval or fleshy leathery axillary inflorescences. The flowers are formed in the form of an umbrella and have five rounded petals, collected in inflorescences.

In general, hoya, the secrets of caring for which are described below, is a rather unusual and beautiful ornamental plant. It can feel great both in warm and moderate, and in fairly cool rooms. The main thing for her is the presence of a reliable support.


The majestic Hoya, or Hoya imperialis, is considered to be the birthplace of this type of climbing shrub. It has oval-shaped leaves, oblong, reaching a length of up to 20 cm, while the plates themselves are smooth and leathery. The flowers are dark red inside and yellow-green outside, forming umbrellas. Their star petals have a rather pleasant smell.

Hoya beautiful, or Hoya bella, grows mainly in Burma. It looks like a small shrub with creeping shoots, densely covered with ovate lanceolate leaves no more than 2.5 cm in length. They are dense, slightly convex, with pointed tips. The flowers are small white with a bright red crown and hang down in umbrellas. Blooms profusely throughout the summer. Such ivy is often used in warm rooms in the form of an ampelous plant.

Hoya multiflora (Hoya multiflora) in the wild can be found in abundance in the forests of Malaysia. This climbing plant with linear oblong leaves. Its flowers with narrow yellow petals are collected, like in other varieties, in umbrellas.

In the subtropics of Asia and Australia, in wooded areas and on rocks, you can find the fleshy Hoya (Hoya carnosa), or Hoya motoskei. It is a liana about 6 m long, with lowered creeping stems. Its leaves are dark green, oblong or heart-shaped, shiny and fleshy. They reach up to 4 cm in width and up to 8 cm in length. The flowers are pale beige or white with a pink crown in the center, collected in umbrellas and having a very pleasant aroma.


Most wild ivies are known to prefer tropical climates, including the hoya (flower). How to care for such a plant in order to create comfortable conditions for it? The answer to this question is quite simple: from March until October, watering should be moderately plentiful. Soft settled water at room temperature is suitable for this. From November, watering is somewhat reduced and produced two days after the topsoil becomes dry. If watering is carried out very rarely or even stop moistening the earth, then the hoya will gradually begin to die off the roots and the growing season will begin.

Every spring and autumn it home plant undergoes the following procedure: you need to lower it into warm water, heated to 30-40 ⁰C, for about half an hour. The earthen ball itself with roots should stay in it for up to two hours. Such actions greatly accelerate the approach of flowering, and also contribute to the rapid growth of such ivy as hoya (flower).

How to care for a plant during flowering

Ivy loves light, therefore, getting it in abundance, they will delight their owners with beautiful inflorescences. After the hoya buds are formed, it is better not to touch the plant, and even more so not to try to move it to another place. The fact is that any actions at this time can lead to their partial or complete shedding.

Clusters of flowers should be securely supported so that the branches of the plant are constantly in an upright position. After flowering is completed, long shoots must be cut off, and short and flowering ones should be left. In no case should you cut off the flower stalks, as buds will appear on them after a while.

Hoya flower: care, transplant

It's no secret that the more spacious ones feel much better. Experts recommend transplanting young hoya specimens at least once a year, and adults every three. The plant grows well in neutral or slightly acidic soil, where the pH does not exceed 6.5. Although this ivy is unpretentious, it also requires a special mixture, consisting of two parts of clay-turf and one measure of leafy soil, peat and sand.

In turn, Hoya the beautiful prefers a different mixture. It is made from equal parts of leafy soil, peat, humus and sand with a small addition of charcoal. Almost all plants require good drainage. Hoya (flower) is no exception.

How to care for a plant during the breeding season

To on young plant flowers appeared in the year of transplantation, it is necessary to breed it with stem layering. To do this, an incision is made on the shoot and covered with moss, and then wrapped with plastic wrap and tied. Soon roots will appear on it, after which its top is cut off and buried in the ground. In order to get a thick bush, three, four, or even five shoots are planted in one pot at once.

As you know, many houseplants can be propagated by cuttings. These include hoya (flower). Even a novice amateur knows how to care for her during this period. Reproduction of this plant is carried out during the entire growing season, while the cuttings can be of various lengths. However, it is most preferable that they have one or two pairs of leaves.

The cutting is always cut below the nodes, since the roots can grow not only from them, but also between them. They are rooted either in water or in a substrate consisting of peat and sand in a ratio of 2 to 1. At this time, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the soil so that it stays at 20⁰C. Usually, the cuttings take root in three weeks, after which they are planted in a mixture of one part of sod and two parts of leafy soil and sand with a small addition of humus in pots with a diameter of no more than 10 cm.

slow growth

Hard to find more unpretentious plant than a hoya flower. Problems of its growth and flowering still exist. For example, it happens that the leaves turn pale, curl and gradually dry out. The reason for this may be too low a temperature or too much light. Also, leaf fall provokes very dry and hot air.

Growth inhibition and blanching of hoya can be caused by a lack of nitrogen in the soil. To correct this situation, it is enough to feed the plant with urea at the rate of 1 gram per 1 liter of water. In addition, the leaves may turn yellow and subsequently fall off due to a lack of watering or, conversely, from its excess.

bad bloom

Such problems appear mainly due to poor lighting. However, it is worth remembering that a similar situation can also arise due to the transfer of the plant during its flowering to another place. Flower buds can also crumble with excessive or insufficient watering, as well as too dry air. By the way, do not forget that excessive moisture combined with poor drainage can cause the lower part of the stem, and then the roots, to rot. In this case, the plant can no longer be saved.

Pests: aphids

This plant most often suffers from insects such as aphids and as well as whiteflies and scale insects. The question arises, what to do if the pests nevertheless attacked the flower in this case, it should be more thorough.

The wingless aphid can grow up to 2.5 cm and be pink, light green or yellowish in color. It affects the entire plant, from leaves to buds. Hoya, affected by aphids, loses its bright color, the leaves turn yellow, curl and fall off. Growth stops completely, the buds that have already appeared do not open, and the flowers are covered with nasty sticky secretions. This insect can cause the greatest harm in the spring, when the plant throws out tender young shoots.

If aphids have recently appeared on the flowers and the affected area is small, then caring for the hoya at home must necessarily include regular washing with a shower. Also, the most infected areas of the plant can be cut off, but this is done only if a small colony of insects has settled on it. In the most severe cases, special oil solutions are used, as well as insecticides, such as Karbofos, Fitoverma, Aktellik or Kinmiks.

Fighting spider mites

This pest is one of the most dangerous, it affects almost all domestic plants, including the hoya flower. How to take care of him? How to quickly get rid of ticks? These questions are of interest to many amateur flower growers. It is known that adult ticks are small: the female grows up to half a millimeter and is colored bright red, while the male is almost half the size. The warmer the room, the higher the rate of their reproduction.

Spider mites live in colonies and infect all above-ground parts of the hoya: branches, leaves and shoots. At the same time, the whole plant turns pale yellow, and many thin and barely noticeable cobwebs stretch from the stems to the leaves. When insects begin to suck the juices from the plant, pale dots appear on its leaves, if emergency measures are not taken, they quickly grow and take the form of large whitish spots. Hoya begins to shed diseased leaves, gradually weakens and stops growing.

Dry air in the room also promotes rapid reproduction. spider mites Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the level of humidity in the room. You also need to regularly remove fallen and damaged greens, remove dead flowers, gently wipe the leaves with a sponge or soft cloth dipped in warm soapy water.

Special insects are also used against harmful insects. chemical substances safe for both humans and animals. The most harmless are considered "Actofit", "Vermitek" and "Fitoverm". You need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to use one of the drugs repeatedly, since it will not be possible to get rid of ticks from its one-time use. The number and intervals of processing directly depend on the temperature in the room.


In order for any home plant to please the eye with its lush greenery and beautiful flowering, including the rather unpretentious hoya, day after day care is simply necessary. What's more, it won't take long. It is enough to water the plant correctly, replant it in time and periodically inspect it for the presence of harmful insects.

Amazing kind evergreens hoya (Hoya), a member of the vast Lastovnevye family, combines many types of spectacular vines and shrubs. Its representatives have become popular with florists for a long time.

IN natural conditions varieties of hoya (wax ivy) grow in Polynesia, South, South-East Asia, West Coast of Australia. Such plants like woodlands. Here, not only trees, but also slopes of rocks serve as supports for them.

The flower got its name in honor of Thomas Hoy, a gardener who for many years specialized in growing tropical crops in greenhouses owned by the English Duke of Northumberland.

An adult hoya or wax ivy can reach a length of about 10 m. The color of young shoots is brown-purple. The stems will turn green after leaves begin to appear on them, aerial roots form. Over time, lignification of the shoots occurs.

Hoya leaves pointed at the ends have an oval shape, a shiny surface (in young specimens), later changing to a matte one. In most varieties of the plant, the dimensions of the leaves are as follows: length is about 5 - 8 cm, width is about 3 - 5 cm.
There are also certain species whose stems are covered with very small leaves. Some members of the Hoya genus have fleshy foliage.

The magnificent flowering of hoya evokes vivid emotions in literally all people. Contemplation of the bisexual, stellate, five-membered flowers of the different colors(white, yellow, orange, red, purple, etc.), collected in an umbellate inflorescence, delivers aesthetic pleasure. As a rule, their diameter is 1 - 2 cm (the exception is the Imperial hoya, the diameter of the flowers of which is very impressive - up to 8 cm).

The structure of the petals is fleshy, elastic. Inside each flower, the presence of a prominent five-membered crown of a contrasting shade is noted. The aroma of the flowering plant is quite strong. In addition, its flowers have the property of secreting translucent droplets of nectar, which is extremely attractive to insects.

Types of hoya for indoor cultivation

Hoya carnosa (Hoya carnosa)

As practice shows, caring for the Karnoza hoya, also called the fleshy hoya, will certainly be the easiest in comparison with the cultivation of other representatives of this genus. The length of this evergreen vine can reach 6 m, so it needs to be supported.

The leaves of the plant have small size, oval shape. Their hard, thick surface has a dark green color with characteristic silvery strokes. The flower petals are white and the crown inside the calyx is pink. Unpretentious hoya fleshy at home feels great. For this reason, it is most often chosen by florists for breeding.

Today, scientists have studied several forms of the Hoyacarnosa plant. In particular, variegated hoya (Hoyacarnosa Variegata) looks simply delicious. This flower is not only beautiful, but also hardy. When caring for Hoya Tricolor (Variegata Tricolor), you need to pay attention to its slow growth. But such a plant is capable of forming new flower umbrellas throughout the year.

Scientists have not yet come to a consensus on whether the Hoya Compacta (Hoyacompacta) is a subspecies of the Hoyacarnosa plant or should it be considered an independent species. This form is in great demand among flower growers because of its remarkable endurance, high decorative qualities.

Hoya the Beautiful (Hoya bella)

This ampelous plant - Hoya Bella at home is dreamed of by many florists. In nature, it is found in Myanmar, Indonesia. This variety of wax ivy is characterized by the presence of small leaf blades.

Corollas, crowns of flowers are white, the range of colors of the petals can include both pink and dark red tones. Luxurious hoya beautiful at home can be grown without problems with a competent approach to flower care.

Hoya Kerry (Hoya kerrii)

This creeper will surely be a great gift for a loved one, as its fleshy leaves are heart-shaped. When caring for Hoya Kerry at home, you need to remember that her long lashes need a garter.

In a spherical umbrella inflorescence, there can be 15 - 25 flowers. Their paint (yellowish, lemon, pale pink) directly depends on the degree of illumination.

Hoya Multiflora (Hoya multiflora)

Caring for Hoya Multiflora, it is necessary to take into account that for her good development you need to build a solid foundation. Flowers, leaves of this plant, also called Hoya Multiflora, are very beautiful.

The shape of the leaves is linear-lanceolate, they have well-defined veins, on the surface of the plates there are smears of contrasting color. The flowers have a light or straw-yellow color, long petals, bright edges. The outwardly curved crown has arcuate spurs. Up to 40 buds can be present in an inflorescence.

Hoya Imperialis (Hoya imperialis)

The imperial variety of hoya, also called Royal, Majestic, is climbing liana with well-pubescent shoots. The shape of the leathery, smooth leaves of the plant (up to 20 cm long) is oval in the petiole, pointed towards the top.

The flowers are very large, they have a dark red color, becoming somewhat greenish on the outside. Their aroma is extremely pleasant, sweet. In nature, Imperial hoya grows in Borneo.

Hoya Concave (Hoya lacunosa)

Wonderful hoya Lakunosa (Pitted, Concave), grown as home flower, has a cascade form. The densely growing lashes of the plant are covered with diamond-shaped leaves with curled edges. Shoots, about 6 m long, have a red-brown color. For flowers collected in an umbrella, the presence of light, fleecy petals, a yellowish center is characteristic.

Hoya Linear (Hoya linearis)

Linear hoya, also called hoya Linearis, looks very unusual. Its foliage is very light. The length of the hanging lashes can reach about 6 m. The leaves of the plant are quite narrow (5 cm long, 0.5 cm wide). The color of young specimens is almost white, as they age they darken slightly. In nature, the flower grows in the Himalayas.

Hoya Graceful (Hoya gracilis)

Spectacular hoya Gracilis (Graceful) in its natural environment is found in Sulawesi, Philippines. It is a powerful vine strewn with oblong-oval leaves (pointed towards the ends) with a light green, somewhat spotted color. With sufficient lighting, their hue becomes pinkish, and the divorces acquire greater contrast. About 20 flowers with long pedicels are formed in inflorescences.

Wax ivy care

In order for the care of hoya at home to be guaranteed to be successful, you will need to follow the recommendations of experienced florists. A thorough approach to growing this beautiful plant will be the key to its long flowering.

Lighting for culture

Hoya grows well in good light conditions. At the same time, wax ivy is contraindicated in direct sunlight (especially in summer period) due to the possible occurrence of burns on the leaves. Best of all, the flower will feel on the windowsill of the east or west window. Lack of light will adversely affect flowering.

Optimal temperature

IN summer time the normal development of the plant occurs while maintaining a temperature not lower than + 18 ... + 19 ° C. In the cold season, the flower tolerates values ​​​​of + 10 ... + 15 ° C well. The only exception is the heat-loving hoya Bella, which is capable of excessive low temperatures shed leaves.

Rules for watering a flower

The plant is recommended abundant, but rare watering. Such a procedure should be carried out after the clod of earth in the flowerpot is completely dry. It is very important to timely pour out excess moisture from the pan.

In the cold season, irrigation of the soil in a pot is carried out even less often: after 3-4 days after the soil becomes dry. The priority is the use of settled or boiled water at room temperature.

Hoya bathing, produced in spring and autumn, has proven itself well. But in the summer, the implementation of such a procedure is considered inappropriate. Pour into the prepared bowl warm water(+ 40 ° C), immerse a flowerpot in it for 30 - 40 minutes. Such an event stimulates flowering, will have a hardening effect on the plant. In the heat, it is advisable to spray the flower.

Feeding the plant

During the growing season (spring - autumn), wax ivy should be fed every 14 days, using mineral complexes that include components such as sodium, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium. It is also allowed to use compositions suitable for flowering succulents.

Overfeeding hoya, which negatively affects flowering, is not welcome.

Hoya transplant to another pot

A young flower needs an annual spring transplant. An adult copy is determined in a new flowerpot no more than once every 3 years. To achieve abundant long flowering, you should provide the plant with a cramped flowerpot. If there is a need to obtain wax ivy with many powerful shoots, it is advisable to define it in a spacious container. It is obligatory to arrange a drainage layer of pebbles, expanded clay, broken bricks at the bottom of the pot.

In most cases, transplanting or planting hoya at home turns out to be quite successful when choosing soil with any composition. However, experienced florists prefer to use the following substrate: 2 shares of soil for plants, 1 part of small expanded clay, 1 peat or sphagnum, 1 share of vermiculite or perlite. Choice allowed soil mixture for orchids.

Reproduction of wax ivy

Studying information on the topic - hoya: care and reproduction, you need to know that layering, cuttings or seeds are used to breed a plant. In the first case, you can count on the flowering of young specimens in the year of planting. At the same time, the cutting method is considered the easiest and most reliable.

The use of the seed method will be justified if it is necessary to perform breeding work.

Cutting room hoya

Stems of mature plants are used for harvesting planting material. Short cuttings should have at least 2 nodes, 1 - 2 pairs of leaves. In order for the roots to quickly appear in specimens placed in water, it is advisable to wrap the container with foil.

Rooting takes place at a temperature of at least + 22 ° C, high humidity air. After 2 weeks, cuttings with roots that have appeared will be ready for transplantation. Also, rooting cuttings can be placed in a moist substrate or sphagnum moss.

Propagation of culture by layering

The branch of an adult hoya is slightly incised, wrapped in moistened moss, and covered with plastic wrap. When roots appear at such a shoot, it is separated from the mother wax ivy, determined in a personal flowerpot.

Sowing hoya seeds

This method is considered the most time consuming. It will take about 90 days for the germination of sown seeds, the formation of the first leaves in young plants. It is worth taking into account that seed material is extremely rare on sale. Obtaining seeds from available plants is incredibly difficult. This method is practiced only by extremely experienced specialists - professional florists.

Hoya at home

Not all flower growers agree to grow wax ivy in houses, apartments, considering it a purely office plant. This is explained by the fact that many superstitions are associated with this flower. For example, there is an opinion that a hoya is able to survive a husband from a family, to expel grown-up sons.

At the same time, many people are sure that wax ivy growing in the bedroom can bring happiness to the house, get rid of resentment, envy. In addition, the contemplation of a well-groomed, abundantly blooming hoya gives aesthetic pleasure, improves the mood of all households without exception. A lot of useful information in the article:.


Hoya flower (Hoya) is a houseplant beloved by modern designers. And not in vain, thanks to the home liana, it is easy to turn any dwelling into a green paradise. And the aroma that depletes the plant can drive any grower "crazy". Many lovers of indoor plants are interested in hoya home care photo. Recently, the popularity of this flower has only grown, and more and more people want to breed it at home.

Description of the plant, photo

Hoya, an evergreen liana, the most popular in ornamental gardening. Wax ivy in its natural habitat reaches a length of 10 meters. Young shoots are brown with purple hues.

When spring comes to earth, the hoya is covered with delicate velvet flowers in the form of white stars, and along the edges Pink colour. The flowering itself is accompanied by a strong aroma, intensifying at night. Hoya, during flowering, releases a colossal amount of nectar, thanks to this feature, she received the name honey plant.

H. pink velvety

An exotic beauty blooms from the beginning of May until September, pleases with its unique flowering. "Plush" hoya petals are dark red, cherry red, yellow, orange, purple or almost black, in the shape of a star, it all depends on the variety and type of evergreen liana. The bud itself, blooms and pleases the gardener, for about three weeks. Then it fades, and in its place a new flower appears.

The leaves of the plant are dense and matte, resembling almonds or hearts. Looking at them, one gets the impression that they are made of bright green wax with small patches of gray.

At home, it blooms only in well-lit places. And over the years of cultivation by man, it is absolutely not necessary for her to be in the fresh air. The main thing is to wash the dust from its sheets in time and spray regularly.


The plant is a large representative of evergreen shrubs and vines. An exotic beauty, native to the tropics. It grows in the southern regions of China and Indonesia. Often, the plant can be found on the coast of Western Australia. A flower, loves the sun and prefers places with a sparse population of trees.

He chooses for growth, rocky slopes or a large tree with a strong trunk, on which she can cling to her long shoots and get protection from direct sunlight. But if there are no rocks or trees nearby, then the plant sprouts long shoots along the ground.

Important. Hoya, got its name in honor of a gardener who grows flowers. Since ancient times, it has been called the flower of friendship.


When this flower appeared in people's homes, it was regularly cultivated for growing at home. Today, there are more than 300 varieties of this plant. In turn, all of them were divided into several types, namely:

  • ampelous;
  • shrubby;
  • in the shape of an ivy.

In the homes of lovers of this beauty, two varieties are most often found, hoya is beautiful and fleshy. A distinctive feature of this plant, the unpretentiousness in the care of the home liana, does not require painstaking care.

H. Meaty

X. carnose


X. beautiful

The main thing is bright habitats without direct sunlight, but dark places will not suit her either. You should not settle hoya on the windowsills; in the fall, when the heating is turned on, the plant will get sick and may die.

Important. The flower is not a member of the poison ivy family. This is an absolutely harmless flower, giving joy and comfort to its owners.

Types of hoya from the grower's home collection.


The plant lends itself well to propagation at home. There are three ways to get new sprouts, namely:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

How to propagate a plant from cuttings

Cuttings are carried out from spring to autumn. But if during this period it was not possible to root the sprouts, then it is possible in the winter. A two-year-old cutting is selected, with five leaves, and cut off just below the node. Then it is placed in a container with water and a growth stimulator. Place of cut, sprinkled with crushed activated carbon or smeared with garden pitch.

After three weeks, the first roots will appear, the sprout is ready for planting. It is planted in pre-prepared soil or specially purchased for this purpose. A plant obtained in this way will give the first flowers no earlier than four years from the moment of planting (watch the video).


Thanks to breeding in this way, hoya will bloom in the year of its planting. And in order to get processes, from a well-developed shoot, a circular incision is made about seven centimeters wide. Then, the incision is wrapped with wet moss and wrapped with oilcloth on top.

After two weeks, the root will appear. It is necessary to give another week to strengthen the root system that has appeared, then the young shoot is carefully separated from the parent flower and planted in a separate pot.

Or do it in a different way, next to the growing hoya, another pot is placed. From the parent plant, the largest sprout is selected, and added dropwise in a new pot, secured with an ordinary hairpin or piece of wire.

When the first leaves appear on the buried sprout, the branch is cut off from the parent plant. This type of reproduction does not require additional care.


The problem of obtaining plants from seeds is that it is difficult to find seed for sale. If this succeeds, then the grains are planted directly in moist soil, consisting of deciduous earth and moss. The seed pot is placed in the sunny side, watering is performed three times a week.

The first sprouts of babies appear in a month. When there are more and more of them, young plants are seated in individual pots.


Hoya needs to be repotted no more than once every three years. For a quick crown growth, they are planted in big pot. And if the task is to obtain a large number of flowers, they are planted in a small container. It does not matter which pot was chosen, the main thing is the presence of good drainage.

Before planting, prepare a nutrient substrate. In even parts, they take sand, peat, soddy soil and humus, everything is mixed. Then a pot is prepared, the first layer is broken brick, which helps to avoid stagnant water, the next layer is prepared soil to half the pot. Further, the root is established and the rest of the earth is filled up, compacted from above with a spatula.

From spring to autumn, the plant is watered twice a week. Water abundantly, but there should be no stagnation of water in the soil. In winter, they manage with one watering every two weeks. The water is defended and made sure that it is at room temperature.

For a plant, it is not advisable to allow water overflow. Since this is much more detrimental to the flower than dry soil.

Important. If the plant is young, it is transplanted annually, for four years, in the spring.

When a hoya is purchased in a store, it is not transplanted for the first three weeks. Thus, they give time to adapt to the new living conditions. Watch the video: how to perform a hoya transplant.


Hoya gives the first flowers in the third year of life. Entry into this period depends on the type of plant and its strength. But sometimes, even in the fourth year, the plant does not throw flowers. The reason may be in the pot, too large gives impetus to the formation of the crown, and the flowers, on the contrary, will not develop.

In this case, they are transplanted into a smaller pot (plant the plant in a smaller container), reduce the number of waterings, and in winter they stop watering altogether, only occasionally spraying the leaves. And temporarily stop feeding. If the plant is transplanted annually, then top dressing is not needed at all.

The plant is transferred to a brighter place, avoiding direct sunlight. And pruning is performed only on those shoots that are more than four years old. These manipulations will cause the plant to produce flowers.

Important. For long flowering, it is necessary to withstand daylight hours and temperature conditions in winter.

As soon as the liana blooms, it is not recommended to touch the buds. And after flowering, it is not advisable to touch dry inflorescences, since new buds will appear in their place next year. Hoya is not desirable to spray when it blooms. And frequent transplants injure the plant, so it is not advisable to perform such a procedure.

crown formation

Hoya, this is a plant that requires the formation of a crown. To make the vine lush and branched, it is plucked when the fourth leaf appears. Shoots that grow a meter long are cut in half. This will make the crown lush and contribute to the increase in flowers. Each shoot is fastened with threads to a wall or window. Another way is to make a ring of wire, and the ends are fixed in a pot. When the shoots grow, they immediately braid the ring.

Pests and diseases

The first sign that the plant is sick is yellowed leaves. The problem may appear due to abundant watering or improper lighting. When the cause is eliminated, the damaged leaves are removed with scissors. Since uninvited guests may appear on them, in the form of pests or pathogens.

The appearance of mold on the ground indicates that the water for irrigation is hard and should be replaced with soft water. And to make it at home on their own, they take two tablespoons of peat, put it in a small rag bag and lower it into a container of water. After a day, they take it out, now the water will be soft and suitable for irrigation.

The top layer, damaged by mold, is removed, a little new substrate is added and carefully dug up, trying not to damage the hoya root. In the future, take care of the plant as usual. There are times when mold comes back. If this happens, then the plant is transplanted into another pot, after examining the root for damage.

Another disease that hoya often suffers from is rot. The reason is watering with cold water. In this case, all diseased leaves and stems are removed, and the resulting wounds are covered with garden pitch or crushed activated charcoal.

There are several pests that affect hoya:

  • scab;
  • multi-tail;
  • spider mite.

Shchitovka settles on leaves and stems, sucking the juice from the plant and slowly leading to its death. To get rid of pests, they are collected by hand. The plant is washed with a solution of laundry soap. For 1 liter of water add 1 tbsp. l. grated soap. Then washed with warm water.

Aphids, all visible pests are collected by hand from the plant, and the flower is washed soapy water and rinsed with warm water. Prepare a soap bath exactly as described above.

Houseplants, like humans, have immunity. Therefore, it must be strengthened so that the flower can easily endure seasonal temperature changes.

An effective way is considered to be watering with broth from boiled potatoes in their skins. It contains a large amount of potassium, which helps to strengthen the immunity of the plant. This mixture does not contain chemicals and perfectly helps hoya. For prevention purposes, water with a decoction once a week with the onset of cold weather.

Why do the leaves dry

Hoya is unpretentious in cultivation, but there are problems due to which the plant may die if measures are not taken in time.

The first call, indicating that the flower is not comfortable, is drying leaves. The appearance of dry spots on the plant. The reason is an abundant amount of light or its lack. They carefully examine the location of the flower and change the location of the location to more comfortable conditions.

Frequent fertilization or watering with cold water leads to drying and curling of the leaves. Another reason is dry air or the plant is cold. For hoya, the optimum temperature is + 20 ° C, less, leads to the death of the plant.

If the temperature is much higher, monitor the moisture level in the plant pot. With increased dryness, increase the number of waterings to prevent its diseases. In order for the plant to please the eye, it is enough to eliminate all the above problems.

Growing problems

There are several problems when growing hoya:

  1. Fall off during flowering buds. This happens if the flower was transferred to another room, the pot was rearranged or sprayed with water. As soon as the plant returns to its original place, the problem disappears. Well, if the buds were sprayed with water, then it is no longer possible to stop the falling of the flowers. During flowering, the plant is watered occasionally and not sprayed.
  2. Slow growth and pale leaves. This is a signal of a lack of nitrogen. The problem is solved by top dressing for flowering plants. Get it in specialized stores. Or in nurseries that breed hoya.
  3. Spots on the leaves appear due to poor lighting, watering with cold water, or an overdose in top dressing. With the elimination of all of the above problems, the plant begins to please the eyes again.
  4. Lack of flowering. The soil is depleted low light, large pot or incorrect pruning. Excluding these problems, hoya will again delight with its flowering.
  5. Falling leaves or even shoots. Severe waterlogging and lack of good drainage were admitted. If there is a warm time outside, the plant is taken out into the fresh air, and in the future waterlogging is not allowed. And in order to guess with watering, they use an ordinary pencil, which they check the soil for dryness, watering is done only when the first three centimeters of the earth are dry. If smaller plant do not touch.

Is it possible to keep a hoya in the house

The flower is associated with many legends. Many of them are negative. He is blamed for the misfortunes that occur in the house, and is called main reason discord with men. There is a group of people who are convinced that the plant is energy vampire absorbing human health.

Hoya, not a harmful plant. It feeds on its own root system. Next to her, other indoor plants coexist, and even sensitive people feel comfort in the presence of a flower.

Another legend says that hoya brings misfortune to dwellings. There are people who claim that with the appearance of a flower in the house, problems and quarrels began. And as soon as they got rid of it, everything fell into place. Of course, it’s easier to blame an innocent plant for your troubles than to reconsider and change your attitude towards things around you and loved ones.

The stupidest belief that an exotic beauty scares men away. There are people who claim that hoya drives away not only gentlemen, but also adult sons from the home. Human relationships are built only by people, as well as influence them. Adult sons who leave their native nest want to be independent and create their own family.

But, there are people who claim that the plant brings joy and love to family relationships. How to understand this pun? The plant does not bring changes in human relations.

Hoya, designed to decorate the house and brings joy with its flowering, nothing more, and the builders of cozy human relationships will forever remain people and their actions.

Mankind is arranged in such a way that they need faith. It was always easier to shift your troubles onto others, and even a plant. During the existence of this flower, a lot of research has been carried out and they all claim that hoya is not a poisonous plant. The only thing that can irritate is the strong aroma exuded by a million flowering buds.

Although the hoya smells nice, it should not be kept in bedrooms, offices, and people with allergies. Initially, after acquiring this flower, they settle it in a spacious room so that during flowering the aroma does not irritate, but pleases the owners. Well, if the smell is strong, you can partially remove the flowers from the shoots, this will help neutralize the strong aroma.


You can learn more about the flower using the forums. These communities help novice hobbyists to avoid mistakes in growing. And many experienced growers describe in detail all the conditions for breeding a flower.

On the forums, you can get good advice for those who are just planning to get a hoya, which variety will be best for breeding and all the features of this flower.


Hoya is very pretty. It can change the interior of any home. Due to its unpretentiousness, the green treasure is often used in decorating office spaces. When an exotic beauty blooms, such a sight is breathtaking, and it is impossible to describe how the room in which the hoya grows is transformed.

It is not only possible to start a hoya, but it is also necessary if there is a desire to diversify your own home and create comfort in it. And do not believe the legends about her. Beautiful flower in the form of a creeper, it can bring only joy and admiration to the house, and unpretentious care will help grow this miracle even for an inexperienced florist.

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