Installation of a wooden window: all options. Simple installation of a metal-plastic window in a wooden house How to install plastic windows in a wooden house

Do-it-yourself window installation will save up to 50% of the money that would be spent on installation by a third-party company. But it is very important to do everything right, otherwise the savings will be doubtful. For wooden houses, there are some features that you should be aware of.

Possible problems with incorrect installation of windows

It is advisable to adequately assess your strengths in advance, because some mistakes can become very expensive:

    • lack of casing - a house made of timber during shrinkage “walks” and begins to put pressure on window frames;
    • the use of mounting foam in the shrinkage gap between the top in the casing and the wall of the house - the hardened foam is very hard and will transfer pressure from the upper bars to the window frame, nullifying the functions of the casing;

    • miscalculation of frame dimensions plastic window- not taking into account the mounting gap, you will have to expand the window opening;

    • too large a gap between the frame and the wall - with a simple foaming of such a gap, the slopes will always be cold, it is better to insert an additional expansion profile;
    • lack of external protection of the mounting gap - when foaming the distance between the frame and the casing, it is better to close the gap from the outside with PSUL tape, which provides foam protection from ultraviolet radiation, but allows moisture to evaporate;

    • lack of waterproofing from the outside and vapor barrier from the inside - the foam is destroyed when exposed to the atmosphere, which leads to a deterioration in the insulating properties;

    • placing the window in the "cold zone" - is the cause of the freezing of the slopes and the formation of condensate with inside

If there is the slightest possibility of making one of these mistakes due to inexperience, it is better not to save money and order the installation of windows. For an experienced builder, do-it-yourself installation should not be a problem.

Pitfalls that plastic window manufacturers do not talk about

Tightness and high noise insulation of plastic double-glazed windows is served as undoubted advantage. But, unfortunately, not everything is so rosy. After all, the humidity in residential premises is constantly increasing, and thanks to leaky wooden frames, a constant inflow of water is ensured. fresh air. Of course too big gaps they are able to cool the house a lot, so euro windows have long become a very popular product.

How to solve the problem with high humidity? One option is to do forced ventilation. But in the absence ventilation holes this can be problematic - you have to redo a lot.

It was for such cases that window frames were invented. supply valves- special profiles that are installed on plastic windows. What is especially pleasing is the ease of installation. It is enough to replace part of the standard seal with a special one and fasten the valve to the window sash with several self-tapping screws. Unfortunately, the system will not work without an exhaust vent.
Another unpleasant surprise for the owners wooden houses- companies that install plastic windows often do not give a guarantee for their work, citing the unpredictability of wood behavior. So even with all the installation rules, you can find that after a few years the windows stopped opening. And you won't be able to sharpen the plastic with a file.

Manufacture of casing (pigtails)

The first thing that begins with the installation of windows - with the installation of casing. But is it always needed and how to do it right?

When you can do without pigtails

A new wooden house made of logs or timber will shrink in any case. And no one canceled the seasonal heaving of the soil. In this case, casing is required - it will protect the window from distortions, torsion or bends.

It is important to use only dry and durable material for casing boards - edged board 50 mm thick and edged timber 150x100 mm or 50x50 mm. The width should be equal to the thickness of the wall.

But in frame house you don’t have to make a pigtail - the frame itself is already formed for window and door openings and provides the necessary rigidity. In a log house that has stood for more than 10 years, some builders also do not mount the casing, arguing that it has already undergone shrinkage and is not deformed. But for peace of mind in your home, it is better to do it, this process is not so complicated.

How to do a squash correctly

The last option is the most time-consuming, but also the most reliable. If there are doubts about your own carpentry skills, it is better to make a casing in a mortgage bar. For this:

    • In the window opening, in the middle of the timber, two vertical furrows 5x5 cm in size are selected. This can be done both with a chainsaw and with a manual circular saw, a chisel and an ax. The second option is preferable if the hand is not stuffed for precise work with a chainsaw.

    • An edged board is laid on top of the embedded bar and fixed flush with self-tapping screws - two at the top and two at the bottom. To do this, a small recess with a diameter slightly larger than the head of the self-tapping screw is pre-drilled.
    • If the “thorn-monolith” casing option is chosen, then the previously sawn T-shaped element is simply driven into the groove and also screwed on with self-tapping screws.
    • Vertical elements should not reach the upper edge of the opening by 8 cm - so that the top laid on them with a thickness of 5 cm is at a distance of at least 3 cm from the wall beam. This will be the shrink gap.
    • The tip must fit into the grooves with little effort rather than move freely in the horizontal plane. It is also fixed with self-tapping screws screwed in at an angle.
    • The insulation is laid in the shrinkage gap and closed on the inside with a vapor barrier, and on the outside with a windproof membrane. In no case should the insulation be covered on both sides with vapor-tight films - the accumulated condensate will cause mold to form on the wood adjacent to the insulation.

And this is how the casing is done “in the deck”:

When the pigtail is ready, you can proceed directly to the installation of double-glazed windows.

Do-it-yourself installation of plastic windows

The installation of double-glazed windows is not very complicated, but it requires precise adherence to the technology. Otherwise, the window will almost certainly condense, and the frame will warp.

Checking the delivered double-glazed window

In no case should you neglect this moment! First, the dimensions of the window opening and the double-glazed window are checked. So, if the opening is 184 cm, then the window frame should be 180 cm - the gap between the side posts and the wall cannot exceed 2 cm on each side. The height of the window opening, for example, is 120 cm, then the frame itself should be 116 cm, and at the bottom there is also a stand profile (clover) of 3 cm. Thus, the gap on top will turn out to be 1 cm. it needs to be left a place at the window calculation. It is needed so that the window sill can be installed from the inside, and the ebb can be screwed on the outside.

If mosquito nets are planned on the windows, it is also necessary to check the presence of fasteners. Handles are often “lost” as windows are transported without them. But pins - special fasteners, you need to select yourself.

Their length should be such that, when fully screwed in, they reach only to the middle of the casing. And that's with clearance. If the dowel is screwed into the wall of a wooden house, the window will begin to deform, regardless of the presence of a pigtail.

Often overlooked and small items- decorative trim fittings and drainage holes. They also need to be counted. But the window sill and the ebb must be ordered - forgetting to clarify their need, you can find that the windows arrived without them. For installation, you will also need special linings for the glass itself - their presence can only be seen by disassembling the double-glazed window.

They may not be included in the kit, so it is better to order them in advance. Wedges are convenient because, thanks to their different sizes, you can set the frame evenly by simply placing a wedge desired thickness under corners and racks.

Dismantling and preparation of double-glazed windows

The finished double-glazed window is brought assembled. But to install it, you have to disassemble everything to the frame. For this:

    • when closed, the upper pins holding the swinging sash are removed with a special key;
    • the window handle is inserted, the sash opens and is removed from the lower mounts;
    • glazing beads are knocked out from the inside of the window and double-glazed windows are removed - you can use a hammer and a regular knife;
    • you need to remember or designate the right and left glazing beads;
    • With outer side the protective film is removed - under the influence of the sun it will not come off after a few months;
    • external elements are mounted - mosquito net holders and decorative plugs for drainage holes;
    • holes for pins are drilled - first at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the corners of the frame, and then no more than 60-70 cm from each other;

As soon as preliminary preparation completed, you can proceed directly to the installation.

Installation of the frame and assembly of plastic windows

First, the frame is simply inserted into the window opening and temporarily fixed in it. For example, temporary jibs nailed on the outside. But it is much easier to do everything with an assistant - he just holds the frame until it is leveled and screwed to the casing. Frame installation also requires the correct sequence:

    1. The lower edge is aligned according to the level - the laser level is more convenient in this regard. Wedges are placed under each rack different thickness so as to achieve a perfectly even position. Even minimal distortion will create problems during operation.
    2. Side braces are inserted to provide same distance from the walls. If width window frame too small and literally “falls out” of the opening, you can use a special expansion profile. This is much better than foaming the resulting huge gap.

    1. The frame is also aligned vertically. Do not forget that you need to install it in a "warm" zone - for wooden walls without external insulation it's right in the middle.
    2. Once the frame is level, you can begin to mount it, starting with the side racks. First, holes are drilled in the tree through those already made in the frame, and then the dowels are baited. First, the upper and lower, with a mandatory check of the vertical, and then between them.
    3. As soon as the frame is fixed, the ebb is attached outside. Of course, this can be done as a last resort, but on the second floor it is not so easy to approach from the outside. The tide is inserted into a special groove under the frame, screwed on with two self-tapping screws along the edges, and under it the gap is filled with mounting foam.

    1. Decorative trims are put on the fasteners of the sash. The lower ones are put on the frame, the upper ones - on the sash. First, the sash is installed on the frame, and only then the handle is attached in the open state.

    1. Double-glazed windows are placed on special gaskets. Without them, the window may simply burst due to the emphasis on the metal parts in the corners of the frame.

    1. Foaming mounting seam along the perimeter.
    2. The window sill is installed. To do this, a finished window sill is placed on the window sill, wedges are placed under it for leveling. The window sill is removed, its end and delivery profile are smeared with sealant, and the free space between the wedges is foamed. Again, the window sill is placed, pressed tightly against the profile and left until the foam hardens.

  1. In some cases, they do the opposite - first install the window sill, align it in level and screw it with dowels to the casing. And then a double-glazed window is placed on top of it. In this case, it is no longer necessary to align the frame horizontally. The only inconvenience is that the material of the window sill must withstand the action of the external environment. Of course, you can fix the tide outside on top of the window sill and foam everything under it, thus protecting wooden element.

Once the mounting foam has hardened, you can start finishing the windows.

Slopes for a plastic window in a wooden house

The easiest option that even girls can handle is to cover them with plastic panels. For this you will need:

  • L-shaped or starting profile - it is screwed to the wall close to the window frame;
  • decorative plastic corner- it closes the end of the panel from the side of the room and is also screwed with self-tapping screws;
  • the plastic lining itself for the slopes.

And you don't even need to froth anything. But to ensure necessary protection mounting seam and good insulation, it is necessary to lay insulation between the wall and the slope and cover it with a vapor barrier. From the outside, the seam is closed with a windproof film - waterproofing with good vapor permeability.

And in order for the windows to please with warmth and comfort, it is very important to protect the mounting foam from exposure to ultraviolet radiation, as well as from being taken away by birds. You do not need to restrain your soul's impulses if you want to start doing something with my own hands. And everything will definitely work out!

Plastic double-glazed windows have gained popularity because of their performance. But can they be used in the construction and repair of wooden buildings? Of course, you can and should.

Installation of plastic windows in wooden house has a lot of differences and features. The process includes a number of preparatory manipulations, primarily related to the fact that the structure tends to sag over time.

We install a PVC window in a private house

Features of the technology for installing PVC windows in a wooden house of a new or old building do not have a strong difference. In any case, experts recommend technology using casing - time-tested, this technology allows you to avoid deformation, regardless of the material from which it is made.

Installing a plastic window in a wooden house or cottage with your own hands will require some knowledge and skills from the performer. Of course, if there are none, then it is better to turn to specialists. Complexity self-assembly PVC systems in a wooden house lies in the fact that the frame is fastened using a tongue-and-groove mechanism. This design allows you to create such operating conditions in which the deformation and subsidence of wood does not have a direct effect on the double-glazed window.

The system allows you to install a plastic window yourself, so that the window is fixed independently of the main wall structure and has a floating character. The window system is fixed with the help of grooves on the side, which are mounted on spikes protruding from the end of the logs and timber.

To fix and seal the casing, only tow, linen or fiber insulation is used. In any case, mounting foam.

Attention! A gap is left at the top based on the draft of the wood.

Thus, the shrinkage of the walls of a wooden structure in no way affects the window and, moreover, will not damage it. Depending on the fasteners, casings can be classified into the following types:

  • into a spike. Such a design is characterized by the presence of a spike, which is mounted on the side parts of the casing, and a groove, which is located in the logs of the opening;
  • in a mortgage bar. The basis of the fastening is a bar, which is placed in a groove at the ends of the opening and passes through the casing posts;
  • into the deck. The spike is located at the ends of the logs of the window opening, but the groove is in the casing posts.

The box is a floating mechanism that excludes deformation of the plastic window during operation, regardless of the type of casing installation.

Calculations should be made with high accuracy, since even a slight error can lead to deformation of the window frame or leakage of the structure. Besides, correct installation- this is a guarantee of the quality of the plastic window itself.

How to make a pigtail (casing)

The design can be of two types: complex and simple. A simple pigtail is the system described above, with bars and grooves. Complex design it is performed somewhat differently: a comb is cut out in the window opening, on which a carriage with grooves is put on. This option is more reliable. When the walls shrink, the comb can slide and does not allow vertical deviations, excluding pressure on the window frame.

The casing, as a rule, is made of timber. Using a wood chisel, a 0.5 cm groove is knocked out in the center of the beam, and a spike (0.5x0.5x.25 cm) is cut out from one end. A comb with spikes 0.5x0.5 cm is cut from the end of the opening logs. To do this, you can use a saw or a chisel.

Important! Comb marking - important point. The quality and reliability of the design depends on the accuracy of the markup.

After the comb is ready, we proceed to install the risers and form the opening structure between them. The bars are set according to the level, taking into account the gaps for shrinkage of the walls (1 cm on the sides and 0.5 cm on top). The frame of the bars is strengthened with the help of grooves with the main canvas of the walls and dowels between them. The gaps left are sealed with tow or other fiber. That's all, now you can proceed with the installation directly plastic frame. You can see the process in more detail in this video:

Stage number 3. Installation in the prepared opening

After carrying out the necessary preparatory work and installing the pigtails, you can proceed with the installation of the window.

Attention! Installing plastic windows in a wooden house without casing is the wrong option.

To begin with, we check the dimensions and location of the parallels, the gaps between the casing and the frame. The stock for foaming should be: 4-5 cm at the top, 2-3 cm in width and height, 3-4 cm in the window sill area. After making sure that the stock corresponds to these indicators, we proceed directly to the installation of a plastic frame.

Fasten the window with special fasteners, which are sold at any hardware store. They are metal plates with holes.

Installation of a plastic window should be carried out according to the level. If you neglect this factor, then you risk getting a tilted design, which significantly reduces the operational and aesthetic objectives of the window.

Advice! Before installing the window, the sashes are removed. This facilitates the design and it is much more convenient to mount it in the opening.

After the window is fixed in the opening, it is necessary to fill the gap with mounting foam. To avoid displacement of the structure during foaming, bars are placed that will maintain the position of the frame without deviations. After drying, do not forget to remove it.

Securing the window in the casing is done with care. In this case, it is necessary to choose the correct location for tightening the screws. Under no circumstances should a window be fixed in the ridge area!

That's all, we finish the process by completely foaming the opening. We put on the sashes and let the foam dry.

We have presented the correct way to install a plastic window in a wooden house. This process can be difficult, so if you are unsure of your abilities, it is better to turn to professionals.

However, installing a plastic window with your own hands is a significant cost savings. We offer you to watch a video instruction for installing a window with your own hands:

Wooden houses, baths, saunas and cottages have an important advantage - they are completely environmentally friendly, because they are made of natural material. A wooden frame is “alive”, it “breathes”, it shrinks and grows old, that is, it lives its own life. A house made of natural wood circulates air, purifies it and gives it healing properties, thanks to phytoncides and resinous substances natural array pines. These same features of buildings made of lightly processed wood create some difficulties. For example, when it is required to install windows in a log house and doorways, as well as when finishing sagging walls, but subject to the installation technology, all these problems can be solved.

Which windows are suitable for wooden walls

The walls of solid wood houses tend to be in some movement. This is affected by the season seasonal changes, humidity of the air and the environment - the log house swells or shrinks, sitting down. Some conventional window and door installation standards are acceptable for log cabins, so a different frame recess design, known as casing, is needed here. It makes it possible to minimize the movement of the wooden walls of houses, baths and other residential buildings made of logs.

However, not everything is so complicated, since the main shrinkage occurs during the first 3 years - under its own weight, the space between the logs is compacted and the wood naturally dries. Sometimes during this time the log cabin sags by 10-15 cm, respectively, the window and door opening decreases. Therefore, it is natural that wooden windows in a log house are more suitable for a new structure made of natural wood, and plastic windows for older houses, then they will be less subject to excessive pressure and deformation.

If the construction of a house has been going on for more than one year, stage by stage, then even unprepared "live" wood will sit down during this time, and installing windows in a wooden log house will not be a problem. In extreme cases, you can install temporary frames with a film that prevent the penetration of precipitation into the window opening. And after a while, window frames with double-glazed windows can be placed in a wooden log house to protect against adverse weather factors. These can be frames made of specially prepared dry wood, or made of plastic that is familiar to city dwellers.

laminated under natural wood modern plastic windows will organically fit into the design of the log house, increasing the thermal insulation of the house. The experience of installers from Finland shows that a plastic window in a log house or double wooden frames can be inserted into a pigtail without any problems, while it is possible to combine different materials for window frames.

What is important to know about installation technology

Today, prestigious two-story houses are made from timber different type. They are built in an eco-style according to the traditions of their ancestors and according to the projects of modern architects and designers. Increasingly, they began to offer wooden houses and saunas similar to Finnish ones, also in fashion stylization country houses under the Russian tower. No less interesting are the large estates in scandinavian style- made of wood and glass. It doesn’t matter if the building is pompous or small cottage do it yourself from wood - the technology for installing wooden windows in a log house is approximately the same.

Of course, damp wood is not very suitable for building the walls of a wooden house. The Finns use only dried and specially prepared wood for export houses, and also develop special technology for houses that are quickly assembled. According to the technology, window frames are not placed in a log house for at least six months after the assembly of prepared structures, and even later in "live" wood. But even in this case, some shrinkage is taken into account - do not leave the building without windows.

The exposure time is required for the shrinkage of the log house and the final formation of wooden walls, and in about a year the log house will acquire shrinkage close to the maximum parameters. However, it is not possible to accurately specifications shrinkage (as a percentage or in millimeters), since everything depends on the type of wood and its degree of moisture.

Today, several options for installing windows in a log house have been worked out:

1. The most reliable method is the installation of a casing (casing) where a window is inserted. The casing is a one-piece rectangular structure made of solid wood up to 40 mm thick, in which the lower bar forms a window sill, and platbands are attached to the ends. For a long time they were made from solid wood, giving the required shape, where the grooves for the window box are formed. Today, the casing is being made much more technologically advanced and looks more aesthetically pleasing, and a glue beam is used for its manufacture. The finished casing design is quite expensive, so they often use more available technology installation of a window in a log house, that is, fastening to cranial bars.

2. There is another option - the window frame is attached directly to the beam with special fastening strips. Simple Methods are used, most often, in log cabins of baths and saunas, and in residential buildings - more complex and reliable. Using the building level, the window frame is set in compliance with the distances and foamed with sealant. However, the installation method with sealing in the new walls of houses is not used. Foam is recommended to be used to seal the lower part of the frame and window sill - this plane is less susceptible to deformation during shrinkage wooden window in a log cabin.

3. Often, special (cranial) strips are used, inserted into the grooves, which move freely at the ends of the window opening. This counteracts jamming during shrinkage without the formation of gaps. The cranial planks are able to slide in the grooves due to the design, so the window will not experience pressure when it shrinks. The difference of the method is in attaching the casing to the cranial bar, and not directly in the opening.

Tip: Remember that even after the initial shrinkage of the log house, the compaction of wooden walls will continue for some time. With significant precipitation and in a climate with a high level of air humidity, the base of the log house will continue to absorb water, increasing the log house in volume. In hot and dry summers, the tree gives off moisture, giving a significant shrinkage. That is, natural changes in the size of a log house, for example, from pine, will be noticeable up to 5 cm, but this figure also varies depending on the time of the log house. Installing windows using special technology reduces the likelihood of warping, displacement of the base and jamming of the sashes and reducing heat loss.

Basic conditions for the use of casing

1. Log house casing makes it possible to prepare the installation of the window in a formed frame, which minimizes the pressure of the log house on the window frame through the natural drying process of the wood.

2. Properly made log house casing prevents distortions in the form of shrinkage consequences.

3. There should be a small gap above the frame, approximately 50 mm, and it is insulated along with side gaps.

4. A simplified casing can be made of boards of a smaller thickness of about 20 mm, where the forming slopes will be attached, and the bottom board forms a window sill.

5. The casing is fixed with self-tapping screws on the cranial beam, and the gap is insulated under the platbands.

6. Casing from the outside looks quite compact and neat, and inside you can put another frame.

7. Competent use casing installation technology helps to counteract window depressurization.

8. Fastening of external architraves allows the use of synthetic seals, including rubber, to prevent moisture from penetrating into the window space.

9. In case of difficulties and questions - how to insert windows into a log house, it is recommended to contact specialists.

The main problems when installing doors and windows in a log house

1. According to the experience of installing houses made of natural wood, even a structure made of specially prepared and well-dried material will shrink up to 5 cm in the 1st year. In steady rainy weather, the house will swell again. "Live" or uncooked wood with a large percentage moisture gives a much larger amplitude per year.

2. Installation of windows or doors in wooden frame- technologically simple process, and specialists have no problems. However, difficulties and problems with an unprofessional approach arise much later, when the windows in the bathhouse or in the house begin to warp due to pressure during the natural drying of the wood. That is, it is much worse when problems emerge during the operation of the building.

3. high humidity air can lead to the fact that window sashes or vents do not open due to swelling of the wood with increased pressure from the shrinking logs. Sometimes it is enough to trim the adjacent planes of the sashes a little, and it is worse if the window cannot be opened for the entire period of operation. It is for this that a small clearance in the casing or the correct sliding structure is important - in order to avoid such troubles.

Tip: It is important to use dry and high-quality timber, preferably from conifers wood. Before cutting window openings, it is important to strengthen the boards on its sides so that they do not part.

Instructions for processing a window opening

To perform the work, you will need a chainsaw, nails, studs, timber, edged board, square, plumb line and mounting foam.

1. On the wall of the log house, the contours of the window (door) opening are marked using 4 strips. It is important to correctly mark the lower part of the window - about 80 cm from the floor.

2. Boards are selected a little more than the height of the opening to secure the studs with washers.

3. We make holes in the uncut crowns at the corners of the planned opening, similarly in the fixing boards.

4. We mark the vertical with a level and attach boards along it, which we connect to the logs with the help of studs and tighten the boards.

5. We put metal washers under the nuts to prevent the nuts from cutting into the boards, we fix the boards on both sides of the marking.

7. We turn to the processing of sawn logs and fasten the edges together with jumpers.

8. We form a window block from lintels and jambs in pairs, and outside we form grooves for the size of the spikes.

9. We begin to form the window block with the installation of jambs, with nails we connect the jumpers with the sticking of the logs.

10. To check right angles, use a square, which can be formed before the final fixing of the block.

Tip: To dispel doubts, it is advisable to watch a video about installing a pigtail, and only after that proceed to the installation.

Step by step installation of windows

Today, there are several ways to install window frames in a log house, but we will look at the simplest example.

First you need to visually imagine in a section what a window in a log house looks like - the scheme for installing a window in a log house is shown in the figure below.

These are a casing with grooves, a shrinkage gap with a sealant, an outer and inner casing, a spike with a sealant, a window with a tide, a lower interventional sealant.

The pigtail is made after the formation of the opening:

  • prepare a beam 150x40 under the top of the window opening, it should be the width of the opening, cut out 2 rectangular cutouts from both ends for a pre-formed comb;
  • install the board on top of the carriage bar, securing it with self-tapping screws;
  • we make an opening of 3-5 cm more than the height of the inserted window, for filling with a sealant or foaming from below;
  • the gap between the log and the salary board in the window opening should be about 5 cm (for shrinkage), which is filled with insulation;
  • when the window is inserted and fixed, a platband is attached to the pigtail so that the structure has an aesthetic appearance;
  • do not forget to check before installing the platbands and the final installation both vertical lines of the window frame along the plumb line and horizontal lines along the level, since this will not be possible to fix later;
  • it is necessary to impregnate everything with an antiseptic wooden surfaces to counteract wood decay.

The process of installing plastic windows in a log house

The step-by-step process of installing PVC windows looks about the same as in the example with natural wood:

  • form window hole;
  • install a pigtail;
  • we are completing the installation of a plastic window in a pigtail according to the technology.

The optimal distance of the window sill from the floor is 80-90 cm, and if the design in the interior plans to use a window sill in the form of a tabletop, for example, in the kitchen or in a teenager's room, then it is better to think over its design and installation in advance.

Tip: Remember that wooden frames are also characterized by partial shrinkage, and PVC windows have a rigid and stable base - they cannot be placed in a fresh frame, and a pigtail must be used. It will make it possible to maintain sufficient autonomy of the double-glazed window from the log house, so installation on foam and without a joint is unacceptable in this case!

Two types of pigtails:

1. Simple design - a 50x50 mm groove for a bar is formed at the end of the opening (not suitable for installing a PVC window).

2. A more reliable option is when a ridge is formed in the end logs on the window openings, on which a frame with a groove, otherwise called a "carriage", is subsequently placed, and here, during shrinkage, movement along the guides without deformations will be ensured. This is a construction of a bar 100x150 mm, which exceeds the size of the window by 5-6 cm, in the center of which a groove of 50x50 mm is selected, the carriage is attached to the ridge.

Next, we assemble a pigtail from a 150x40 board, as described above, respectively, cut grooves in it that are put on a comb - this is the upper part of the opening where we put the PVC window. Be sure to cover the slats with tow (in rolls) and fasten the gun carriages, and fasten the upper bar of the pigtails with screws to the gun carriage.

After the right angles, vertical and horizontal lines in the openings are verified, the pigtail is framed, they proceed to the installation of plastic windows. Monitor the quality of fastening and tightness so as not to disturb the thermal insulation of windows in a log house. Do all the steps according to the instructions attached to the PVC windows. When buying plastic windows, pay attention to the mounts that are mounted at the end. The frame is leveled and mounted with fasteners to the pigtail, do not forget about the place for mounting foam under the window sill. It remains to hang the sashes and cash out.

Tip: Pay attention to how the window is screwed to the board - in no case to the ridge, otherwise the meaning of the movable fastening of the window to counteract shrinkage is lost.

Inserting a plastic window into a wooden house is not as difficult as it might seem: with the knowledge of some technical subtleties, it will be quite within the power of a non-professional. It must be remembered that wood is a special living material, and all work must be carried out taking into account the future shrinkage of the house. Therefore, the technology for installing a plastic window in this case will be somewhat different from standard installation. Let's consider each stage in detail.

Creating and preparing a window opening

How to insert a plastic window in a wooden house? The success of the work depends, first of all, on a well-prepared opening: most often it is cut through in a wooden house after the log house has been assembled, but sometimes it is done even at the construction stage. In the first case, it is possible to proceed to the preparation of openings only after the completion of the main shrinkage, that is, a year and a half after construction. The contours of the hole are drawn with a plumb line and a level, after which they are cut very carefully with a chainsaw.

It is advisable to apply the markup even at the stage of assembling the house, so that there are no pins in the places of the openings. The calculation is made so that the upper and lower logs are cut in half: this will allow you to calmly install the casing to even horizontal surfaces. When preparing the opening, it is necessary to take into account the size of the casing. Therefore, in width it should be more sizes frames by 14 cm, from above - at least 12–14 cm more, from below - by 7 cm for installing a window sill and a layer of mounting foam.

If the opening is prepared at the assembly stage, it should be 10% less in width than planned. This is necessary, after the logs have dried, it will take the specified value. If you immediately give it standard size, after shrinkage, it will be more than necessary.

Before inserting plastic windows into a wooden house, you should carefully process all the end parts of the logs, cover them with an antiseptic to protect them from decay. In addition, the wood must be sanded so that the surface is smooth. Often it has to be leveled in height: wooden houses rarely remain perfectly even after shrinkage. In order for the frame to fit correctly, the hole must be leveled with a laser level and a plumb line.

Casing box installation

If you want to understand how to correctly insert plastic windows into a log house, it is important to understand the installation of the casing. This design is also commonly called a pigtail: it is designed to protect the window opening from shrinkage. The pigtail is an additional frame that is mounted to the end parts of the opening logs according to the sliding principle: the logs will gradually descend along it and will not harm the frame.

To create a movable connection, several mounting options are possible:

  • A rectangular groove 5 cm wide and 5 cm deep is cut out in the end part of the logs and in the side parts of the casing box. A bar of the same size wrapped with insulation is inserted into it. When lowering the logs, they will gradually slide along the bar, while the casing will remain in place, and the window blocks will not suffer.
  • A groove is cut out in the logs with a depth and width of 5 cm, and a T-shaped design of a pigtail made of timber is inserted into it. The spike should fit snugly into the groove; to get rid of the creak, it is wrapped with a heater.
  • There is also a reverse option: a spike is cut out in the logs of the opening, and a pigtail groove is mounted on it.

In all cases, vertical elements are placed first, the upper and lower horizontal boards are mounted to them. In some cases, the pigtail is installed without the bottom. A gap of about 7 cm is left above the top board: it will gradually decrease as the walls are lowered and disappear completely in a few years. For a while, it is filled with insulation so that the heat does not go outside.

The casing box must not be installed on mounting foam, it must not be used to fill the upper gap. This is an inelastic material, it will not compress, so the casing will simply lose its meaning and will fall along with the house itself, breaking the frames.

The pigtail, like other wooden elements, is treated with an antiseptic. After the protective layer has dried, it is ready for the installation of a plastic block.

Design selection criteria

When deciding how to correctly insert plastic windows into a wooden house made of timber or logs, it is necessary to study the proposals of manufacturers. Plastic window systems are selected according to several parameters:

  1. The number of chambers in the profile determines the thermal efficiency. Manufacturers offer three-, four- and five-chamber profiles. A four-chamber will be quite enough for the conditions middle lane: thanks to air layers it will not freeze and will be strong enough.
  2. Glass unit type. The more it has air chambers and sheets of glass, the more powerful heat insulator it will be. However, triple-glazed windows are very expensive, while they are heavy and require high-quality fittings.
  3. Hardware type. You can not save by choosing a set of accessories. The performance of the handle, the ability to choose operating modes, as well as the strength of the frame itself depend on it. If you choose a cheap option, very soon the window will begin to sag and will not close well.
  4. Manufacturer. Classic option, guaranteeing excellent quality, are considered the original German systems Rehau, KBE and others. However, their full counterparts are now being manufactured in Russia, which are much cheaper. In addition, we must remember that it is more profitable to purchase any products and designs directly from the manufacturer, in this case they cost a much smaller amount.

In addition to the frames themselves, you need to purchase handles, ebbs, window sills, additional accessories, as well as trim that will close the mounting seam. Typically, installers offer a complete installation kit along with the window unit. It can be supplemented with anti-burglary fittings, special child locks, a “comb” for ventilation, etc.

Window sill installation

Dust and debris are removed from the opening with the casing already installed, the surface is cleaned. After that, they put the window sill: it is the basis for the window, so you need to mount it as evenly and accurately as possible. To install it, you need to make 8 mm cuts in the window box, the window sill itself is attached to the bottom of the casing or the lower log with self-tapping screws. It is advisable to put special washers under them so that the plastic does not start to crack.

The window sill must be strictly horizontal, so after installation it is checked with a building level. If there are any deviations, plastic or wooden wedges are placed under it.

After mounting the frame, the attachment points of the self-tapping screws will be invisible, they will be completely hidden by the box. The window sill can be not only plastic: it is made of natural or artificial stone, wood, and other materials.

Frame assembly

How to insert plastic windows in a wooden house? When all the preparatory work is completed, you can proceed directly to the installation window system. The protective film is not removed from it until the very end of the process, this is guaranteed to protect it from damage. A handle is pre-attached to the frame, as shown in the instructions attached by the manufacturers, sashes with double-glazed windows can be removed during installation, work with empty box much easier.

The installation process is as follows:

  1. In the side posts of the casing and in the side parts of the window, 4 holes are drilled for installing fasteners. The distance from the top and bottom edges to the hole should be 25-30 cm, this arrangement of fasteners will provide uniform distribution loads.
  2. The window frame is placed in the opening, after which it is leveled with the help of a building level, a plumb line and spacer bars. When it takes a perfectly flat position, it is attached to the casing with long self-tapping screws.
  3. Important! Self-tapping screws should not go through the casing and twist into the wall. The block is attached exclusively to the casing, otherwise its installation will be useless, and the plastic block will suffer from shrinkage. The casing is movably connected to the house, and the logs will gradually take their places, while the window frame must be stationary.

  4. Doors with double-glazed windows are placed in the box. It is important to make sure that the frame is not skewed, the sashes open and close freely and clearly.
  5. After all checks, the spacer bars are removed, and the space between the casing and the box is filled with mounting foam. After drying, it will provide an airtight mount and will reliably protect your home from the cold.
  6. The last stage of work is the installation of a low tide: it will drain rainwater from the wall and prevent dampness from entering the house. The ebb is cut off to right size and attached with self-tapping screws. The seams filled with polyurethane foam are closed with decorative platbands.

Knowing how to properly insert double-glazed windows in a wooden house, you can completely glaze the building without resorting to the help of specialists. Plastic window structures correct installation they serve for a long time and perfectly protect the building from the cold, and it is not so difficult to cope with this work.

The thickness of the mounting foam layer should be at least 2 cm, you can not save on it. For greater reliability and tightness of the connection, the space under the window sill can be smeared with a special silicone sealant. This is a good additional protection against blowing.

In any case, the mounting foam will have to be closed from sunlight: it is destroyed by ultraviolet rays. Help carved architraves or decorative shutters that can become important element home decorations.

All installation work it is recommended to carry out at positive temperatures. Plastic changes its structure when severe frosts: At -10 and below, it becomes brittle and can be damaged very easily. To avoid unnecessary problems, choose the right time for installation.

Installation of plastic window blocks requires heightened attention to the correctness of angles, compliance with vertical and horizontal lines. Even a slight misalignment in the future can lead to an increased load on the fittings, which will negatively affect the operation of the entire structure. If the sashes turn out to be skewed, they will begin to creak and close poorly, and the hinges will quickly become unusable.

And once again: the installation of windows cannot be dealt with immediately after the construction of a wooden house, even if it is being built from dried lumber. It will take at least six months for the logs to finally take their places, then the installation will be safe.

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You can find out detailed and extended information on the topic of the article from the book "Wooden Houses", which reflects all the stages of building a house, from laying the foundation to the roof. The price of the book = 77 rubles.

Self-installation of window construction saves money, but improper work only increases costs in the future. For houses made of wood, there is a special technology PVC mounting windows.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC structures

Installation requires special skills and knowledge from a person, if there are none, then it is better to study the topic in detail. The best system fixation is a tenon-groove, it is it that allows you to avoid deformation when the tree shrinks, which has Negative influence on operational properties window metal-plastic construction. New buildings are more prone to shrinkage, but even older houses can experience shrinkage.

Professionals note that a wooden house sags by an average of 20 mm per year. It is not so easy to determine with the naked eye, but it is very easy according to the window structure.

Rarely, but it happens that there is no deformation for several years, and then, under the influence of the environment, the distortion becomes visible. To prevent this from happening in a wooden house, it is necessary to make a casing before installing the window. This is a very complex and painstaking process, but it cannot be ruled out. If you make the installation, as in brick house, you will need constant adjustment of the fittings in the window structure. Plastic structures have a lot of advantages, which is why they are in great demand in the market. Among them it is worth highlighting the following:

  • low costs during operation, since such a window does not need to be painted or treated from insects;
  • the durability of the material, which is resistant to changes in ambient temperature, it is not affected by ultraviolet radiation, corrosion does not appear and it does not rot;
  • good frame rigidity;
  • fire safety;
  • no cracking or warping.

All these advantages make the window construction suitable for all regions of our country. PVC perfectly copes with the assigned tasks both in the south and in the north. But, like any material, PVC has drawbacks, because it is far from ideal. Among them are the following:

  • the inability to maintain the required level of humidity in the house, since such structures are completely sealed;
  • it is impossible to repair such a window if the surface is damaged;
  • there is always a lot of dust on plastic, as it attracts it with static electricity;
  • the material has a high coefficient of thermal expansion, so the places where the plastic adjoins the wall are often damaged;
  • wood has better sound and heat insulation than plastic.

Important nuances

The installation of plastic structures in a wooden house has its own characteristics. It does not matter whether such windows are mounted in a timber or log house, the technology must be strictly observed. When installing a plastic window, it is worth remembering that the shrinkage of the tree causes additional pressure on the frame. This is one of the reasons why it is impossible to do without casing.

In the space between the top bar of the window and the wall, it is not always worth using foam, as it becomes quite stiff when it dries and also creates unnecessary pressure on the structure. In this case, all the benefits of casing are nullified.

If you do not take into account the gap between the frame and the wall, having calculated the wrong dimensions of the window, you will have to increase the opening, since it will be installed without negative consequences too big window will not work. After foaming the gaps from the outside, it is better to mount the PSUL tape, it will not only protect against ultraviolet rays, but also from moisture.

Mounting foam, with all its advantages, quickly collapses and loses its properties if it is not protected. Inside the cottage from a bar, this must be done with the help of a vapor barrier, and waterproofing will help outside. Most window distortion occurs when it is not installed level. Fittings in this design fail twice as fast and require replacement.

We must not forget about the cold zone, in which the window begins to freeze from the side of the slopes, and condensation appears inside.

Manufacturers emphasize the tightness of PVC structures and excellent sound insulation as one of the main advantages of windows of this type. In fact wooden frame has natural ventilation, due to which the humidity level does not increase in the room, the same cannot be said about PVC windows.

During their installation, in order to eliminate the problem with condensate in the future, it is necessary to install ventilation yourself, and if there are no special holes, you will have to try hard.

Supply valves, which are special profiles installed on a plastic window, greatly simplify the situation.

You can't help but be pleased with the ease of installation. The user will be required to remove the seal already present in the window structure and place the valve on the sash. It is easy to fix it with self-tapping screws, but you will need to think over the exhaust hole, otherwise there will be no sense from the system.

No one will be happy that companies that install plastic structures in a wooden house do not guarantee their work, because they cannot fully predict the behavior of PVC. Even if you follow all the rules and requirements, there is no guarantee that after a few years of operation the window will not stop working.

Casing manufacturing

Only the casing protects the window structure in the log house from distortions, bends and other kinds of deformations. Casing boards must be dry and strong, otherwise they will not be able to complete the task. For this, a board is suitable, the thickness of which cannot be less than 5 cm or a bar 15x10 cm. The thickness of the element is always equal to the thickness that the wall has.

The rules for building in an old wooden house do not change. The situation is quite different with frame structures, since they do not shrink. Such houses are already being created with openings for windows and doors, they have the necessary rigidity for installation. Does not shrink and a log house that has stood for more than ten years.

Embedding can be done in a variety of ways, such as:

  • thorn-monolith;
  • mortgage beam;
  • into the deck.

The most reliable of the three options is the last, but it is also considered the most time-consuming. For those who do not have enough skills and abilities, it is recommended to do the casing using the second method. It is necessary to make furrows in the middle of the window opening, vertical to each other with dimensions of 5x5 cm. As an assistant, you can use circular saw, chainsaw, ax and even a chisel.

Before driving a beam into a groove, it must be wrapped in lnovatin. The seal will be between the wall and the element, but at the same time it should slightly go into the window opening.

An edged board is laid on the bar and fixed with self-tapping screws from above and below. Two bolts are sufficient in each case. Before this, it is worth drilling a recess a little larger than the diameter of the cap. If a spike-monolith is used, then the T-shaped beam is cut out in advance, and then installed in the existing groove, after which it is fixed with self-tapping screws to ensure reliable fastening.

Elements of the window structure, located vertically, should be at a distance of 8 cm from the top of the window opening. That is, a five-centimeter beam laid on the upper jamb should be at a distance of 3 cm from the wall. It is this distance that is taken as the shrinkage gap.

The upper bar of the window should not hang out in the grooves, enter only with effort. The final fastening is made with self-tapping screws, which are driven in at an angle. The final work at this stage can be considered the installation of insulation. The gap is closed with mounting foam, which can be laid in one or more steps. If it is necessary to apply the composition twice, then you should wait ten minutes until the first layer hardens. In hot weather, the foam must be moistened with water from a spray bottle.

The material is rapidly destroyed by exposure to the sun and other weather conditions, therefore, it is covered with a vapor barrier from the inside, and a windproof membrane is used from the outside.

It is forbidden to use a vapor barrier on both sides, because then moisture will accumulate under it, and it contributes to the formation of mold.


You can install the window structure with your own hands, insert the structure into a box, put a window sill, make slopes, but it is better to study the technology first so as not to spoil everything. The main tools you will need are:

  • level;
  • mounting foam;
  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • spray;
  • key to adjust windows;
  • chisel;
  • bolts;
  • spacer wedges.

It is easier to install windows with a partner as not everything can be done by yourself. It should be understood that the double-glazed window has an impressive weight and it is impossible to hold it alone while carrying out work. Before installation, it is better to check the measurements taken, to determine the presence of gaps. For foaming, 5 cm should remain on top, 3 cm on the sides, and 4 cm at the installation site of the window sill.

Incorrect mortise in wood country house will cause many problems in the future.

Before installation, it is imperative to purchase special fasteners from a hardware store, which are metal plates with holes made. Professionals advise using them, stipulating this requirement by the fact that the use of self-tapping screws that penetrate the frame completely deprives it of tightness, and, accordingly, reduces the level of thermal insulation.

The window is installed only according to the level and nothing else, distortions threaten to get quick damage plastic product and broken hardware. Be sure to remove the sash from the window, thereby reducing the weight of the frame at the time of work. The insert should be located evenly, fastened only to the elements dictated by the standard. When foaming the gaps, you can prevent their displacement by placing bars under the frame, and then they are removed.

It is important to choose the location of the screws correctly, it is strictly forbidden to screw in at the location of the ridge.


The pigtail is assembled after preparing the window opening. The upper part is cut out of a 15x4 cm board and grooves are created through which it will be attached to the ridge. This part of the opening is located on top, it must be even, not have kinks, otherwise there will be difficulties with the installation of the plastic structure.

The ledge, which plays the role of a crest, is covered with rolled tow, and then a gun carriage is put on - a prepared wooden element with a groove cut out. This is done in order to improve thermal insulation and get rid of creaking. The upper part of the pigtail must be screwed to this element with self-tapping screws, but in such a way as not to affect the comb.

double glazing

Double-glazed windows are delivered to the installation site assembled, they must be disassembled before installation, the only way to reduce the weight of the structure. Using a special key, it is necessary to remove the upper pins that hold the sash open.

After that, the handle turns and in the open state the sash is easily removed from the lower mount, but it is worth remembering that this is the heaviest part of the structure.

To knock out the glazing beads and remove the double-glazed window, you must use a spatula or a hammer and a knife. Gently pushing the element away, you should simply remove it from the frame. The short sides can be slightly pry from the corner and pulled.

Experts advise immediately remove from the outside of the window structure protective film until it adheres to the surface by reacting with the plastic under the influence of ultraviolet light. Then it will be almost impossible to tear it off. It is necessary to drill holes for the pins, which should be located at a distance of no more than 20 cm from the corner, and no more than 70 cm from each other.

Plastic windows can reduce heating costs, since the hermetic design prevents the formation of drafts. It should be noted aesthetic appeal such products, saving money on maintenance. But plastic windows will meet the requirements only if the installation was done correctly.

Self-installation of PVC structures in a wooden house has some difficulties, which is why it should be done in accordance with the instructions of specialists. The time of year does not affect the installation process in any way. Availability modern technologies allows you to work with the same success in summer and winter, when a polyurethane frost-resistant sealant is used.

Many users are unhappy with the accumulation of condensate and say that moisture is constantly accumulating on the inside. This can be avoided by simply ventilating the room or installing exhaust devices that are of high quality. ventilation system. In cold weather, you can immediately determine the presence of poor sealing, the condensate that appears will indicate places where it is necessary to foam more strongly.

If the installation will be carried out by workers, you should make sure that the installation of plastic windows is carried out according to established standards, then in the future you will not have to face unpleasant surprises. A professional installer will not work when sub-zero temperature air.

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