What is the difference between laminate and parquet. Parquet or laminate, which is better? Thermal conductivity comparison

Sometimes laminate is confused with parquet. In fact, these are different floor coverings with their own advantages and disadvantages. Let's take a closer look at the difference between parquet and laminate. First, let's look at each material separately.

So, what is the difference between parquet and laminate?

Consider clearly the difference between laminate and the most popular type of parquet - parquet board.

  1. Parquet is more durable.
  2. The parquet board is warmer, less noisy and non-static material.
  3. Laminate is not made from natural wood, in contrast to the parquet board.
  4. Laminate is more resistant to mechanical damage.
  5. Laminate has a greater variety of designs.
  6. The parquet board cannot be installed in rooms with temperature fluctuations or excessive humidity, and the laminate is laid almost anywhere.
  7. The parquet board is more pleasant to the touch.
  8. All scratches on the parquet can be covered with varnish, and if chipped, the laminate needs to be replaced.

It does not matter what material is chosen for the floor - parquet or laminate. They will both serve long years if they are properly cared for. The choice depends on personal preferences and specific goals.


Parquet is completely natural and made from wood. It consists of wooden planks of certain sizes. Parquet appeared in the 13th century in Europe in the homes of noble people. Over time, it became an indispensable attribute of palaces and rich houses. In Russia, parquet became widespread in the 16th century. Then blocks were cut out of oak and stacked in a herringbone pattern.
Today, parquet is made from birch, maple, oak and ash. Oak - the most durable and high quality.

Advantages and disadvantages of parquet:
  1. Durability. Real parquet can last up to 25 years!
  2. Environmental friendliness. Since parquet is entirely made of wood, it is completely safe for humans.
  3. After laying does not require additional processing.
  4. Possesses high esthetics and "softness".
  5. Parquet is a very capricious coating, and requires special care and strict adherence to the rules of operation. It cannot be subjected to temperature extremes, it must be protected from moisture and so on.
  6. Possesses low ability to withstand loads. Parquet is very easy to scratch or push through.
  7. It is very difficult for an inexperienced person to lay parquet on their own.
  8. Enough high price. The cheapest parquet is more expensive than the most expensive laminate.

There are many types of parquet. The most popular are parquet board and block parquet. Block parquet These are wooden planks. Their thickness is about 15-22 mm, width - 40-75 mm, and the length reaches half a meter. Planks are interconnected, forming various patterns.
A parquet board is a three-layer structure made of wood. The thickness ranges from 10 mm to 22, the width is from 140 to 200, and the length is up to 2.5 meters. More details about parquet and its types


Laminate is sometimes referred to as laminated parquet, but they are the same thing.
The laminate is made of several layers of material (paper or cardboard) wrapped plastic film. In fact, it is paper in a strong wrapper. It can be made "under the tree" and any other material, for example, marble or stone.

The advantages of laminate are:
  • High practicality - not afraid of moisture and mechanical damage, not flammable.
  • Laying is quite simple and does not require special skills, unlike parquet.
  • It does not require special care. It is enough to wipe it with a cloth or vacuum it.
  • Cheaper than parquet board. Although the laminate good quality in price it is not much inferior.
  • High service life - about 15 years.
Disadvantages of laminate:
  • Unlike parquet, noisy and cold.
  • Not made from real wood.
  • It is almost impossible to restore laminate flooring.

Laminate is divided into classes, depending on which it can withstand a particular load. For example, class 31 laminate is suitable for the bedroom, and class 32 laminate is suitable for the living room. For commercial buildings with a high load on the floors, laminates 33 and 34 are used. More details about the types of laminate

Repair work with a certain regularity is done both in apartments and in private houses. And if the walls are changed about once every five years, then it can last much longer. That is why it is so important to give Special attention choice of material for the floor. Today, parquet and laminate are among the most popular floor coverings. Let's find out how laminate flooring differs from parquet boards.

Laminate and parquet - what's the difference?

Laminate and parquet boards have a common similarity - their multi-layered structure. The laminate consists of four, and sometimes five layers of material. Simply put, this coating is a photo wallpaper that is attached to a sheet of fiberboard and covered with a transparent resin on top. The parquet board has a three-layer structure. The bottom two layers are cheap pine or spruce, and the top layer is high quality wood veneer.

The pattern on all wood grain laminate lamellas is almost identical, which cannot be said about the parquet board: it is impossible to find two identical boards that are similar in design.

Another difference between a parquet board and a laminate is that the wooden floor is easy to scratch, and the legs of heavy furniture can leave noticeable marks on it. Laminate is more durable and resistant to abrasion. However, laminate flooring is cold, noisy and static. To get rid of such shortcomings, this material is used with a warm floor, underlay and a special antistatic agent.

Both of these floor materials do not like excessive moisture on the floor. But when caring for parquet, you can and should use special means For wooden surfaces what not to do on a laminate floor.

Compared to laminate flooring, parquet flooring will last much longer and this is due to the fact that parquet can be sanded several times as it wears out, thereby restoring its original appearance. Laminate is not subject to such an update.

You have become familiar with the similarities and differences between the two floor coverings, so it's up to you whether to choose - a parquet board or a laminate.

The choice of floor covering must be approached responsibly, because it is mounted with the expectation of a long service life. That is why it is necessary to carefully study the range of this product and its characteristics. Laminate flooring or parquet boards attract the attention of the consumer more often than others.


The basis of the laminate is wood chip or fibreboard impregnated with special resins. Its surface, matte or semi-matt, is decorated to look like wood, has a rough structure similar to natural veneer, which protects against slipping.

A slab about a meter long and about 20 centimeters wide consists of several layers of wood-shaving or fibrous material, where each of the layers has its own purpose:

A special plastic waterproof bottom layer increases rigidity and protects the boards from deformation.

There are types where a special noise-insulating substrate is added to the bottom layer. The main hard layer is a carrier, made of high-density wood fiber material. A special recess and a protrusion of the lock connection are cut out in it. Special impregnation provides waterproofing, this layer performs the main functions of heat and sound insulation, provides resistance to stress.

The decorative function is performed by a layer of thick paper like photo wallpaper, the pattern on which resembles the texture of natural wood or stone. This layer is covered with special protective transparent resins protecting boards from abrasion and various mechanical loads.

Laminate flooring installed indoors for various purposes(apartments, offices, shops, public premises), depending on this, material classes 31-34 are used. The higher the index, the higher the resistance to stress.

The laying of the laminate is carried out by glue-free interlocking of tiles.

To prevent moisture from entering between the panels when laying them, you can use a special sealant. Moisture that has fallen on the surface is not absorbed and is easily removed with a napkin or rag. However, if exposed to water for a long time, the laminate flooring can become deformed and cannot be repaired.

Laying laminate

Laminate - fireproof, practical and durable material for flooring, easy to clean with a damp cloth without the use of cleaning agents, not exposed to sunlight.

parquet board

The parquet board is based on noble natural wood, this factor is the reason for the interest in this type of flooring.

It should be distinguished from parquet - small solid wood planks or planks made of hardwood. These boards are laid out on the floor in the form of a specific pattern. In the manufacture of parquet boards, several layers of veneer are used - thin sheets wood.

parquet board

The layers are glued together so that the fibers of each woody leaf are located across the fibers of the previous one.

This protects the material from deformation with slight fluctuations in temperature and humidity. For the lower layers, cheap raw materials are taken (spruce, pine), and for the outer layer - high-quality wood, varnished. The thickness of the panels is different: from 7 to 25 mm.

It is possible to mount a floor from a parquet board with an adhesive and floating method.

Such a floor is quite warm, the sound insulation indicators are high, but it requires special care, as it is afraid of moisture and mechanical damage. It can be vacuumed, but be careful not to scratch the varnish, and avoid excessive water consumption when washing. The durability of the parquet board floor will depend on the thickness of the top layer, which, if necessary, can be scraped 3-4 times. Thus, in case of damage, such a floor can be repaired, which significantly prolongs the life of this coating. Laying a parquet board The pattern structure is different for each board, since the structure of each tree is individual.

Similarities and differences between laminate and parquet boards

The similarity between laminate and parquet boards lies in the peculiarities of their manufacture - a multilayer composition and laying methods. In the manufacture of laminate, waste from woodworking industries and synthetic materials, the parquet board is made from thin sheets of natural wood, which significantly increases its price.

Depending on the class, the laminate can be used in rooms with different intensity loads, a special moisture-resistant one can be used even in bathrooms, a parquet floor is not able to withstand heavy loads, it is afraid of moisture and temperature changes: in a too dry room it will dry out, if high humidity- will swell. When deformed, a laminate floor cannot be restored, the board can be easily sanded several times, varnished again, which increases its service life.

Design solutions for laminate flooring patterns are varied, but the noble texture of natural wood is aesthetic and unique, gives the interior style and sophistication, which gives the parquet board an undeniable advantage in this regard. As a durable floor covering for home interior in the kitchen, hallway, living room it is better to use laminate, and in the children's room, bedroom it is more appropriate to lay parquet, since natural wood will give them warmth and comfort.

In public spaces, where the intensity of loads is quite high, the parquet board will quickly become unusable. Therefore, in terms of practicality of use, accessibility and ease of installation, consumers often prefer laminate flooring.

The floor covering is selected taking into account your own taste preferences, interior style and operating conditions. You can determine the appropriate performance, if you also take into account fashion trends. Parquet and laminate are popular today.

Both types allow you to create an outwardly interesting floor covering. But in order to choose one of the options, you need to study in more detail the question of which parquet or laminate is better. In this case, special attention is paid to the main parameters.

Advantages and disadvantages of laminate

This is a coating consisting of several layers: kraft paper, fiberboard, as well as a printed pattern and a protective layer of polymers. Due to this structure, the material is lightweight. There are several subtypes of it, designed for different load forces.

Ability to create printed drawing allows you to get a product with different external properties, but for the most part, the laminate imitates natural wood, one of the options is batten. Laminate slabs are provided with a lock, which provides a reliable coupling of products and virtually eliminates the formation of noticeable leaks.

Main advantages:

    Anti-static characteristics (attracts less dust); The top layer of polymers extends the life of the laminate, as the material is less susceptible to abrasion; Withstands compressive stress, shock; Resistant to ultraviolet radiation, chemicals and a significant increase in temperature; It is possible to combine laminate and "warm" floors; Easy maintenance; A wide selection of designs that are different in shade and pattern.

The design and properties of the laminate board

To choose this material for finishing the floor, you need to study the obvious disadvantages.

These include the inability to repair the laminate. Soundproofing characteristics are manifested only in the presence of a substrate. Such material does not tolerate regular exposure to a humid environment.

Pros and cons of parquet

When deciding what to choose: parquet or laminate, it is recommended to study the properties of both types of coatings. If everything is more or less clear with one of the options, then it remains to figure out what a parquet board is. This material has excellent external characteristics, thanks to which the floor covering will look fundamental.

This is a construction consisting of several layers of wood. different thickness. The layers are perpendicular to each other. A more complex structure does not allow the board to deform when environmental conditions change.

Parquet board construction

Provides aesthetic appeal upper layer. It is made from expensive wood species (for example, oak).

The thickness of this coating varies from 0.5 to 6 mm. The inner layer is simpler and thicker - boards made of pine, spruce. The bottom layer is made from the same rocks, but already in the form of plywood and of a smaller thickness.

Main advantages:

    Excellent sound insulation;Only natural materials are used;Possibility of coating restoration;Relatively simple technology laying; Long-term operation thanks to a strong external covering.

To keep the parquet in perfect condition, you need to periodically process the coating. special formulations(wax).

The disadvantages include faster wear of the protective coating, as well as the inability to use such finishing material for floors in areas with high humidity levels. In addition, parquet will cost more than a laminated counterpart.

Comparison by main parameters

When it comes to choosing between hardwood or laminate flooring, there are a number of key properties to consider. These include the ability to withstand loads, as well as changes in temperature and humidity, the external characteristics of the product, the frequency and complexity of care, installation recommendations. An important factor is the cost.

Impact resistance, bearing capacity

When choosing between parquet and laminated material, it is necessary to take into account the resistance to loads of different intensity.

The second of the options is more reliable, its bearing capacity is enhanced depending on which subtype of material is involved. The most durable option high pressure. It is difficult to scratch it with shoes and furniture.

Laminate high class, then it is stronger than parquet and more reliable. It cannot be scratched by heels, chair legs or other furniture, it can withstand more weight.

Due to the impact-resistant properties of the base, such a laminated product will withstand significant loads without changing its external characteristics, while the parquet will quickly become unusable.

Temperature and humidity changes

If the task is to choose the type of coating (laminate or parquet board), resistance to external factors. The difference between these options lies in the fact that natural wood (parquet, floorboard, etc.) is prone to sizing and deformation (dries out or swells) with significant fluctuations in the humidity and temperature at the object.

And the laminated coating is well tolerated by any changes in the values ​​of environmental parameters.

External characteristics

The difference between a laminate and a parquet board is also that the natural material looks noble, and the laminated coating is simple. But any floor surface should fit into the interior, match the style of the room.

It is parquet that looks more attractive on the floor - it is refined and presentable, and the laminate screams that it is an artificial replacement for natural material.

Therefore, it is not always advisable to use parquet (high-tech, rustic style direction, modern). It is better to use it in interiors in classical style. This means that the laminate is more universal view material.

Complexity of care

The difference between the coatings under consideration also lies in how often maintenance is required, as well as what measures are used for this. For example, a laminate does not tolerate the impact of unsuitable materials. detergents(powders, etc.).

Parquet is more difficult to mount, it cracks and creaks. But if you follow him, he will give the laminate a hundred points ahead!

For maintenance, it is enough to clean it regularly with water.

Parquet is more demanding: dirt is removed with a vacuum cleaner, while avoiding damage to the protective coating. Wipe the material with a slightly damp cloth. In addition, parquet needs to be treated with special compounds for wood.

Selection according to the purpose of the premises

If the question is being decided which coating is more suitable: laminate or parquet, you also need to take into account the factor of its compliance. intended purpose rooms. In the bathroom, in the kitchen or in the hallway, it is not customary to lay parquet, because it is not practical.

If we talk about the microclimate, then the parquet is more capricious, it does not like to be wet, like the laminate, but too dry for it is also a problem.

But also the properties of such a material do not allow the use of natural wood (flooring, parquet) in these premises.

But on the other hand, it is in demand when laying in the living room, bedroom, nursery or office. Laminate is more versatile, so it can be used almost everywhere. Even for the bathroom, a special type of laminated coating has been created - with moisture-resistant properties.

A question of price

The parquet board will cost more expensive than laminate. This rule can only be attributed to those cases when a low-class laminated material is taken for comparison.

The cost also depends on the brand of the product. Therefore, in some cases, both coatings can be attributed to the same price category. The difference in price is also observed in the case of parquet, which may differ in structure, wood species and the quality of the board as a whole (smooth material is offered at a higher price).

Large one-strip parquet planks seriously raise the cost of coating, so the most popular material is a three-strip board.

What is preferable?

If the issue of finishing the floor is being resolved, you need to get a detailed answer to the question of how parquet differs from laminate. All factors are studied: the structure of materials, their parameters, compliance with the intended purpose of the room, surface quality.

Compare parquet and laminate

You need to be prepared that natural wood (flooring, parquet) will not be highly reliable under the influence of load forces and impacts. It is easy to scratch it and over time it will be necessary to restore the top layer of the coating. The main advantages of parquet in comparison with a laminated surface: durability, but only on condition correct operation and excellent external performance.

Laminate is marketed as a more versatile and durable material than hardwood flooring. It withstands fluctuations in temperature, as well as an indicator of the level of humidity in the room.

The laminated surface is not subject to any loads, even very significant ones, but this is only if the material is properly selected. However, in terms of external characteristics, this option is inferior to the parquet board. So, for a number of parameters, the laminate is the preferred material.

Laying the flooring is the final stage of the repair. The choice of materials in this case must be approached very carefully. The design of the floor largely determines the style and mood of the entire interior.

But, in addition to decorative qualities, it is worth considering other characteristics of the materials, because the flooring will be subjected to heavy loads. One of the most popular today are laminate and parquet board. The materials are similar in appearance, but have completely different composition and properties.

Crash test of laminate and parquet boards

Which is better - laminate or parquet board (video review)

What is the difference between a parquet board and a laminate

Both materials are available in the form of rectangular boards with locks for easy installation.

Laminate is an artificial material based on plastic or composite, most often chipboard. On its surface is applied decorative layer protected by a polymer film.

The parquet board is made of natural wood and may consist of several layers glued together. To give a particular shade, tinting oil is used, on top of which a protective coating is applied - varnish or oil.

Varnish can be white, colored or transparent with varying degrees of gloss. In addition, the top layer of the parquet board is brushed, tinted, thermalized, which also gives the coating additional aesthetic properties. Often a parquet board has a 2- or 4-sided chamfer, which serves visual expansion space.

Laminate or parquet board: pros and cons

The characteristics of materials are determined by their structure. Laminate, as a well-designed artificial surface, has a lot of advantages.

Benefits of laminate:

number of decors. In addition to standard patterns imitating wood, manufacturers offer many plain and color options; practicality.

Laminate works great in the living room and hallway common use; ease of care. The protective film on the surface does not allow dirt to be absorbed into the coating. To put the floor in order, a vacuum cleaner or a well-wrung damp cloth is enough; strength.

The laminate is not afraid of studs, it does not form scratches and dents from heels and furniture. maintainability. It is possible to replace a damaged plank by first disassembling the coating to the damaged surface, replace it, and then assemble it in the same sequence.

Disadvantages of laminate:

cold surface.

If you decide to stand barefoot on the floor, you will immediately understand what I mean. The coating will be cold if a heating system is not provided during the repair process; noise. You can hear every step on the laminate.

If there are neighbors below who you don’t want to disturb once again, you will have to use a noise-absorbing substrate; static. Surface charges can be a serious problem, especially if you have a lot of electronic equipment in your home or office. It is worth choosing an antistatic coating or additionally purchasing a special treatment agent.

Advantages of a parquet board

The parquet board is considered one of the most respectable floor coverings, and has been popular for more than one hundred years. The material has many advantages:

naturalness. Wood flooring cannot be replaced by any of the most modern synthetic materials.

Natural wood has its own unique aroma and creates a special atmosphere in the premises; luxurious appearance. Coverage at correct styling looks very stylish and neat. Variety of parquet boards different shades; nice surface.

You can walk barefoot on this floor. It is very warm and not noisy; maintainability. Any chips, scratches, abraded areas can be scraped and re-varnished up to four times; the possibility of dismantling and transferring to another location.

Disadvantages of parquet board:

sensitivity to mechanical damage. Sand, heels, frequent rearrangement of furniture are contraindicated for coating. A dent may even form on the board from an overly heavy cabinet or sofa; complexity of care.

Do not wash with a wet cloth. Special care products or a well-wrung rag are needed; the need to maintain a constant, certain thermal regime in the room. Since the parquet board is subject to drying out or absorption of moisture, which affects its deformation.

What to choose, parquet board or laminate?

Parquet can be:

  • Piece: a set of planks consisting entirely of wood. It is from such parquet that craftsmen create patterns of unimaginable beauty.
  • Massive: a set of planks big size. Their price is often high because large solid planks require high quality wood as raw material.

Parquet has a number of convincing advantages:

  • Durability. Service life - up to twenty-five years.
  • The possibility of artistic styling.
  • Warm compared to artificial flooring.
  • Environmental friendliness.
  • Noiselessness.
  • Possibility of restoration.
  • Uniqueness.
  • Lack of static.
  • Pleasant in terms of tactile sensations.
  • The positive energy of natural wood.
  • The acquisition over time of noble richness and depth.

We will not hide the disadvantages of parquet:

  • Moody: requires special care.
  • Can be easily scratched and crushed. You should not cut through it on hairpins or rollers due to the natural softness of the tree.
  • Does not like prolonged exposure to moisture: “swells”, “rises”.
  • Requires high skill when laying, as well as a lot of time.
  • Sensitive to temperature fluctuations, begins to deform.
  • Does not tolerate sudden changes in humidity.
  • High price.
  • Requires additional processing after laying.
  • Lacquer releases harmful trace elements. Some owners prefer not to varnish natural wood to preserve its natural beauty. But, at the same time, it is necessary to provide the parquet with special care: periodic rubbing with oil and wax.

The advent of laminate flooring as an alternative to natural flooring has eliminated some of these problems. About a quarter of a century ago, thanks to the inventor Perstorp, Sweden became the pioneering country of laminate flooring, a popular substitute for natural flooring these days.

The laminate board consists of four layers:

1.) Stabilizing layer (unrefined or resin-impregnated paper or a thin layer of plastic).

  • protective;
  • provides rigidity.

2.) carrier layer(from chipboard or fiberboard). The layer is strong and hard.

Main functions:

  • thermal insulation;
  • soundproofing;
  • moisture resistance.

4.) Protective layer (made of acrylic or melamine resin).

  • protective;
  • decorative.

Laminate is sometimes referred to as laminated parquet, which jars many experts to the core.

Laminate has a number of advantages:

  • Simple care.
  • Resistant to mechanical stress. It does not fade in the sun, does not change color over time, does not age.
  • Easy installation thanks to lock connection, which also allows you to change individual boards.
  • High-quality laminate can last up to twenty years. There are several classes of laminate, which indicate how long it can be used. Classes are assigned to two categories of laminate: home and office.
  • Simulates an endless array of natural and artificial materials: stone, wood, metal, other.
  • Fireproof.
  • Hygiene.
  • Possibility of laying on a heated floor.
  • Relatively low price.

Disadvantages of laminate:

  • Static. This deficiency can be eliminated with a special coating or antistatic agents.
  • Not restored.
  • Noisy. For additional sound insulation between the laminate and the film, it is necessary to lay a “substrate”, which is a polystyrene material 2-3 mm thick.
  • Is not natural.
  • Cold.
  • Deforms when moisture penetrates. In fact, the laminate is paper with protective coating. The board is vulnerable from the sides, so it does not tolerate prolonged exposure to moisture, especially hot. When laying, it is advised to use a sealant that will not glue the boards together, but will provide additional protection.

Soft, warm, cozy parquet or practical laminate - the choice is yours. The decision should be based on an assessment of all possible subjective and objective factors. Both laminate and parquet have the right to exist, only in most cases laminate is preferred only when it is economically feasible, because natural material it is impossible to find a worthy artificial replacement.

Now several types of hard floor coverings are being produced, similar in appearance, but having a different structure, therefore, performance. The opportunity to choose pleases, however, it introduces some uncertainty. For example, many consumers are interested in how parquet differs from laminate, engineered board from massive. Therefore, the purpose of this article will be to understand the variety offered by flooring manufacturers. At the same time, we will compare the main types of parquets and parquet-like materials, analyze their prices, pluses and minuses in terms of performance.

Classification of modern parquet-like flooring materials

In addition to the classic parquet, which is commercially referred to as “piece”, there are now several more types of floor materials that imitate a cut of wood in terms of surface texture. Some of them are completely natural, others are composite, others are artificial. So, today in free sale, the consumer can choose one of the following materials for laying on the floor:

  • natural parquet;
  • laminate;
  • parquet (engineering) board;
  • massive board.

All these materials have a difference in structure, degree of naturalness, installation method, price and other characteristics. Before making comparisons and finding out which is better, it is worth considering the features of each type of these flooring, their pros and cons.


Classic parquet is absolutely natural flooring, as it has a solid structure and is made from various types of wood. For its production, wood raw materials are used that grow in our latitudes, as well as exotic woods native to Africa, Latin America. The characteristics of parquet directly depend on the wood raw material that is used in its manufacture. For the production of wear-resistant coatings, varieties of oak are used. To please yourself and surprise your guests, it is worth laying parquet from exotic species.

Whatever the raw material for the production of parquet, it is wood with all the consequences that form a list of undiscussed advantages of this floor covering, such as:

  • warm surface, giving a pleasant tactile sensation;
  • natural material, not containing toxic products;
  • "expensive" appearance;
  • durability (subject to the microclimate in the room within certain limits);
  • the possibility of several cycles of surface renewal (sanding).

However, parquet is not without drawbacks, especially in terms of modern consumer needs, and in comparison with other similar materials. Here's what parquet may not please the discerning consumer:

  • demanding on the microclimate;
  • you can’t make a “warm floor” under it;
  • the surface is easily damaged;
  • complex, expensive styling, and preparation for it (the floating method is not suitable here, since the parquets are not equipped with locks, they only need to be glued to the base);
  • work is not limited to laying, it still needs to be sanded and covered with several layers of varnish, and these procedures are also not cheap.

As for the cost of the floor material itself, it is relatively inexpensive. A coating made from domestic wood will retail for about $20. Exotics will be more expensive - $25-32. Prices hereinafter are per m2 of material.

Important! Often sold under the guise of parquet composite material especially for exotics. Only the top layer is natural there, plywood or cellulose is below, and glue between them is not the most healthy for health. Although the price tag will indicate "piece parquet".


These are multilayer plates, where the upper decorative layer is laminated, that is, covered with a transparent protective film. There are many varieties of laminate in terms of the structure and quality of the material used to form each layer. Each manufacturer includes some of its own features in the structure of the plates, endowing them with certain characteristics. Natural wood is not used in the manufacture.

The knowledge of the layered structure of the laminate is useless to the consumer, meanwhile, the classiness of the material in terms of wear resistance is useful to choose suitable coating for the floor. Laminate has the following markings, indicating its ability to withstand loads:

  • 21 - the most “gentle” material, which is designed for a minimum load (can be laid in the bedroom and covered with a rug on top);
  • 22 - average household load, suitable for a living room, for example;
  • 23 - this coating is suitable for a corridor, a hallway, as it is designed for a high load in a residential area;
  • 31-33 - the same, only for public, commercial, office premises.
  • 34 - designed for very intensive passage, which happens at train stations or airports.

Important! With an increase in class, the price of a laminate also increases, so it makes sense to choose a material that is best suited for the existing conditions. You can, of course, choose a laminate of 31 wear resistance class for the bedroom, but you will have to pay more.

What are the positive and negative properties of laminate flooring? First, about the pros, they are as follows:

  • a huge selection of colors and textures that are not limited to the “pattern” of a saw cut of natural wood;
  • can be laid over a warm floor (the coefficient of temperature deformation is insignificant);
  • very easy to fit, as the plates are equipped with functional docking locks;
  • forms a floating structure on the floor that does not have hard contact with the base and walls (no need to glue);
  • many laying options can be realized (straight, herringbone, angled).

There were also some cons:

  • afraid of moisture;
  • the service life is short (when compared with natural wood materials), cheap - up to 4 years, high-quality - 20-25 years;
  • it is impossible to restore the plate, you only need to disassemble everything and replace the damaged element;
  • conducts sound well, so you should take care of sound insulation (substrate between the laminate and the base of the floor).

Now about the cost. The price of laminate flooring varies widely. The cheapest copies can be found within $ 4 (the quality is appropriate). More or less decent performance laminate has a price of $ 8-12. From $ 15 and above, there is a decent material that has a high-quality coating, an interesting texture and convenient and reliable docking locks. The price limit is $ 50, although you can find individual copies and more expensive.

parquet board

This flooring material is sometimes called "engineering" board, some even try to find the difference between these "parquet-like" representatives. Essentially, they are one and the same. The parquet board is a kind of symbiosis of parquet and laminate. From the parquet, the engineering board got the top layer of natural wood, from the laminate - a layered structure, the presence of docking locks and, accordingly, the laying method.

Under the upper wooden layer, the parquet board has two more layers. They can be plywood (better) or cheap wood (worse). The lower layers are mutually perpendicular (the direction of the fibers), which gives the material strength and prevents the tendency to deformation. The top layer has finished surface, which does not need to be “finished” after laying by grinding and varnishing. This feature makes the parquet board better than parquet in this component. In addition, the described floor material has the following advantages:

  • the possibility of repair and renewal of the surface (sanding);
  • much less than parquet, it is subject to deformations from temperature and humidity changes;
  • the quality and "high cost" of the surface is not inferior to parquet;
  • assembles almost as easily into a floating floor structure as laminate;
  • much less laminate is afraid of moisture.

The minus of a parquet board can only be in toxic glue, which can be used by an unscrupulous manufacturer when forming the structure. Therefore, it is better to choose a certified floor covering.

The cost of a parquet board depends mainly on what kind of wood the top layer is made of. Here the pattern is the same as for the parquet. Domestic wood is cheaper, exotic wood is more expensive. Prices range from $20-50.

massive board

floor material made from solid wood, which fits like a laminate. Something like this can describe a massive board. Although the laying technologies are different. Often, the array is not only joined with locks, but also additionally glued to the existing base. In addition to the laying method, solid board differs from parquet in thickness. The array is thicker (18-25 mm versus 15 mm), which makes it possible more loop updates. In addition, there are several other advantages of the array:

  • the surface is ready immediately after laying;
  • durability (up to 100 years);
  • "rich" texture;
  • good heat and sound insulation qualities.

Flaws massive board the same as for other wood materials. It requires a constant microclimate, careful care and the same use of the floor surface. The array is the most expensive coating for the floor, so not every consumer can afford to choose it. Prices start at $45 and finish below $100.

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