Growing seedlings in snails and diapers. A tricky way to get a product, growing and planting pepper seedlings in a snail Method for germinating snail seeds

Experienced gardeners You must have heard about the method of growing seedlings in a snail, which many people prefer to use. It is good because it makes it possible to save a lot of space for landing. In this way, you can grow almost any seedlings.

"Snail" for seedlings - where to start

"Snail" is soft backing under the laminate, twisted into a roll. It can accommodate dozens of seeds. In this case, the "snail" will occupy a place equivalent in volume to an ordinary glass.

How to plant seedlings in a "snail"?

The process of planting seeds for seedlings using the "snail" method is as follows. We take a strip cut from the substrate for the laminate, and lay a strip of toilet paper on it. We place the seeds on paper, cover them with a second strip of toilet paper on top. We moisten the paper and seeds and roll the entire structure into a roll. It must be installed in a container of water so that the water reaches the level of toilet paper. The seeds will be in a moist environment and will germinate quickly.

From the moment the green sprouts appear, the roll is unwound in order to fill up the earth. This must be done so that the seedlings receive nutrition. After that, the "snail" is again wrapped in a roll. This time you will need to bend one end of the structure, it will be thicker. The seedlings placed in this way are left until the picking.

Pros and cons of the snail landing method

Growing plants using the snail seedling method has the following advantages:

  • seedlings will not suffer from blackleg disease as they are not in contact with the ground;
  • significantly saves space on the windowsill. But at the same time, it should be borne in mind that crops that love warmth and that grow slowly will still have to swoop down in separate containers.

The disadvantages of this method include:

  • seedlings receiving less light compared to traditional way landings;
  • seedlings are placed too densely;
  • the probability of pulling seedlings and the formation of a less developed root system.

Seedling method in "snail" for different plants

For certain types plants have their own characteristics when planting them in a "snail", which must be taken into account:

  1. For some types of crops, the method of transplanting them from the "snail" is one of the simplest. So, after extracting from the "snail", you can immediately plant seedlings of peppers in the ground, onion, .
  2. Many gardeners are wondering: when to transplant snail tomato seedlings? For tomatoes prerequisite will be a preliminary pick. This is due to the fact that they have an easy opening of the roots. After that, all the forces of the plant go to the restoration of the root system. In order for it to develop and strengthen sufficiently, they pick tomatoes.

Most of all, the method of growing seedlings in the "snail" is suitable for cold-resistant vegetables. It is less preferable to use this method for heat-loving and slow growing crops. In order for such plants to get strong enough, they still have to dive from rolls into separate containers with earth.

Thus, you will be able to choose for yourself the method of planting seeds that suits you best. If you have a limited area for growing seedlings, you can always use the snail growing method.

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Increasingly, when looking for information on how to grow a particular vegetable crop, vegetable growers come across a method of growing in “snails” and “diapers”.

This method has gained great popularity thanks to Yulia Minyaeva, who talks about it on her channel “Whether in the garden, in the garden”. This method has many fans and has its advantages. What is it?

Sowing seeds in a snail

The process begins with the preparation of the workplace. It will take Smooth surface on which it will be convenient to place all the necessary equipment. Any table is suitable, it is most convenient to work on it.

  • Bucket or other container with wet fertile soil . It must be prepared in advance, in accordance with the culture that is supposed to be sown in the "snail".
  • seeds, processed and disinfected in the same way as for traditional sowing in seedling boxes. They are best placed in a shallow dish, so it is more convenient to take them.
  • Tweezers will be needed if it is inconvenient for the gardener to take the seeds with his hands, or they are very small.
  • As the main material (what the “snail” will be formed from), they take ordinary building substrate. Perhaps someone has it at home, left over from repairs. But the acquisition of new material will not require significant costs.

You will need a strip 10 cm wide. The gardener determines the length himself, based on the number of seeds of one variety. Sowing different varieties not recommended due to different period germination and possible differences in plant height.

Seedlings of marigolds in a snail

Also, the volume of the vessel into which the finished “snail” will be installed can affect the determination of the length.

The best choice would be transparent plastic container. In the future, this will come in handy to control the level of water in it, which will nourish the roots of the plant with moisture. The vessel should be one and a half centimeters more than the thickness of the "snail". This is necessary so that you can effortlessly place a roll of seeds into it.

You will need three clerical gum, they will serve as anchors. Two for the "snail" itself, so that it does not turn around. The third will be needed to attach the plastic bag. It will serve as a cap for the "snail", in order to maintain a humid microclimate and heat.

Sprayer will be needed for watering the finished "snail" after sowing the seeds.

You can clearly see what materials are needed for sowing in the "snail" in the video of the author Yulia Minyaeva:

Snail for seedlings. Where to start: video

Sowing seeds in the "snail"

This work can cause uncertainty and anxiety only in the gardener who first started this method of growing seedlings. To protect yourself from possible failure, you can use a fallback.

Carry out additional sowing in the usual, traditional way - in seedling boxes. In this case, it will be possible to compare crops, and give preference the best option.

You can sow seeds in a snail even on toilet paper

So: spreading a strip of substrate on the table, with the narrow side towards you, you should proceed to a uniform arrangement of the soil on it. A handful of soil is taken from a nearby bucket, leveled across the entire width of the base. The height of the earth layer can be 1.5-2 cm. Do not immediately fill the entire length of the tape, this is rather inconvenient.

Gently, with tweezers or hands, you should spread the seeds in a row, stepping back from one edge 2 cm. Laying out the seeds, two centimeters apart, reach the end of the earth embankment and begin to gently twist the crops into a roll.

It resembles the preparation of pastries - a roll with a filling. Therefore, for the female half of gardeners, the process will not seem difficult.

Having rolled up the sown part, hold the roll with your left hand, and pour the earth with your right hand, level it, lay the seeds and roll it up again. The action is repeated until the length of the base or seeds runs out.

We fix the bundle with the seeds with rubber bands and the whole structure is rearranged into the prepared container. You can use plastic boxes in which seedlings were previously grown. It holds several snails. They are quite stable, and placed side by side will eliminate the risk of tipping over.

If there was a slight subsidence of the earth during the rearrangement, it should be added. It is required that the ground be flush with the edges of the base material.

Water the crops from a sprayer, put a bag on top and secure with an elastic band along the roll. Access to the container must be open. This will be needed for further watering, if necessary.

A fully equipped "snail" is sent to germinate seeds in the warmest place. For some, these are the upper shelves in the kitchen, and some put the vessels with seedlings closer to the batteries. central heating. It all depends on the culture planted.

Appeared loops of seedlings warn of the need to remove the shelter and move to a bright place!

With this method, you can grow almost all vegetable crops that require a seedling method. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, zucchini, all kinds of cabbage, leeks, flowers, petunias, strawberries.

"Snails" are also used for sowing flowers. They are especially good for sowing cold-resistant varieties. Weather permitting, they can be planted immediately. open ground, bypassing the picking stage.

Sowing pepper in the "Snail": video by Yulia Minyaeva

New video: sowing in a snail, how to do it right

Seedlings in a snail from a newspaper: video

Advantages of "snail" crops

The biggest advantage of this method in a city apartment is the saving of space on the windowsills. Compact, vertical, they quickly become a favorite seedling vessel for many summer residents.

Shoots in the "snail" are located on the same distance from each other, which does not prevent their identical development. This is another of the advantages of this method of sowing.

Plants also receive sunlight in equal amounts, in addition, there is the possibility of free access to each "snail". To rotate a plant opposite side towards the sun, there is no need to turn the whole box over. This is very inconvenient and rather time consuming when the entire window sill is filled with seedlings. In the case of "snails" it is enough to turn it around its axis, and the problem will be solved.

Much less soil mixture is required, which is also important. It often happens that the gardener cannot prepare soil mixture in sufficient volume, due to the lack of storage space in a city apartment. In that case, you have to use purchased soil. For "snails" it needs a minimum amount. And this is a very big plus for snails. In addition, there are significant savings family budget. The gardener will save on the purchase of soil for crops.

Snail leek seedling

It is possible to reuse the substrates. They should be washed well with soap and water and dried. When stored, they take up a minimum of space, in comparison with seedling boxes.

It remains to wait until the shoots appear. And when they grow up, the gardener is waiting new job- transplantation of a young plant, diving.

Don't rush to transplant. It is necessary to give seedlings the opportunity to develop a good root system, to build up a fairly strong leaf apparatus. Then they will transfer the transplant easily and painlessly.

The results of sowing in the "snail". Troubleshooting: video

Picking seedlings into "diapers"

Before proceeding to the description of this method, it is necessary to clarify that the “snail” is a structure prepared by oneself for sowing seeds. And in the "diapers" plants are planted that require picking.

Getting started, you need to make sure that everything you need is prepared for this.
A low container with fertile and moist soil should be located in close proximity. Working with wet soil is more convenient, it crumbles less.

Plastic bags, they will serve directly as a diaper. Their size depends on the age of the seedlings. For a seedling with five leaves, small breakfast bags measuring 18x27 cm, more large plants need more space.

  • You need a container. Ready-made, “swaddled” bundles with seedlings will be located in it. Sawdust should be poured into its bottom and moistened. This condition is not necessary if the “diaper” is tucked up in its lower part.
  • You should always have a sprayer or a small watering can handy.
  • With a small flat spatula or fork, it is convenient to take individual sprouts from the "snail".
  • Those who are engaged in this method of picking for the first time can use clerical rubber bands to fasten the resulting bundles.

The process of "swaddling"

It is more convenient to work on the table, using a shallow dish or tray. They make it easier to clean up loose soil.

The "snail" should be freed from the attachment and carefully unfold the roll to the first sprout. Remove the plant from the substrate with a spatula and briefly set aside.

In the middle of the surface of the package located on the tray, pour a full, with a good slide, a spoonful of earth. If it is more convenient for someone to do it with their hands, then a handful of soil will be enough. Align a little, crush and water well (of course, not to dirt), and better from a sprayer.

Place the prepared plant on the surface of the earth. If root system the plant is strong and goes beyond the lower edge of the package, they need to be tucked a little to the top.

Root pinching should not be done, so as not to deliver additional stress to the young plant. Pinching is practiced if the seedlings have one long, underdeveloped root.

At the top, the package should end at the cotyledon leaves. Another spoonful (or handful) of earth is poured over the roots. Now you need to fold the package so that you get a cup with a sprout inside. If the gardener does not like the fact that the earth crumbles a little from the bottom of the “diaper”, the situation can be corrected with the help of toilet paper.

In the middle of the bag, at the bottom of it, lay a double layer of paper. Pour the earth, place the plant and first wrap the paper up. Get the bottom of the cup, and then roll the film into a roll, stuffed with earth with a root system. The paper will not bring any inconvenience to the seedlings, it will soon get wet. If there is not enough soil on top of the bundle, it must be poured and, if it is dry, watered.

On a note! If the seedlings that are dived are still small, then it is better to tuck the bottom of the diaper bag, forming a cup with a bottom. After the formation of a more powerful root system and the grown above-ground part, it will be possible to unfold the diaper and add more earth. After that, the bottom must be left open.

If the gardener is not sure about the reliability of seedling bundles, he can strengthen them with an elastic band. In any case, they are tightly placed in the container so that there is no possibility of them falling.

Watering plants depends on how the plant was "swaddled". If the bundle has a polyethylene bottom, then water is poured from above, onto the ground at the base of the stem. For cups without a bottom, water is poured directly into the container.

We dive pepper into diapers: video

Transplanting tomatoes into "diapers": video

Advantages of the sowing method in "diapers"

Transplanting seedlings from "snail" to "diaper" there is the possibility of interrupting work at any time, without harm to the rest of the plants. They simply won't be disturbed. The snail should be rolled up, pouring a handful of earth on the edge, secure with an elastic band.

Seedlings will calmly wait in the wings.

Significant space savings in the early spring vegetable grower's garden - the windowsill. Vertical rolls with seedlings, tightly installed in a container do not take up much space. It is convenient to turn them with the opposite side to the light, if its inclined growth is noticed.

Need significantly smaller volume soil. In the "diaper" it is used only for the development of the root system. And a very important advantage is the absence of intertwining roots. This fact entails the following advantage of the method - there is no possibility of transmission of diseases through the soil.

Seedling before planting: video

From the "diapers" - in the open ground

Planting seedlings that have matured in “diapers” is no different from planting plants that have been picked into plastic cups or a common seedling box. For them, in the same way, gradual hardening is required, and only after that young vegetable bushes are planted in open ground. Needs shading from hot sun rays for a few days and normal care appropriate to a certain culture.

Dear friends, welcome to the site Dom Family and Me! Today I want to tell you about my last year's experience of growing plants not in the usual way. Something was successful, something was not, but, in general, the result is positive, and this season, planting seeds in a snail with toilet paper has become a priority for me.

I got acquainted with this method around the end of February 2017, when my seedlings were on the windowsill and it was not possible to try it on plants such as peppers, tomatoes, eggplants at that moment, but I decided to go ahead and try it on others vegetables, flowers, spices and medicinal herbs oh, what came of it, read below.

How to plant seeds using the snail method

Sowing seeds in a snail video

Sowing seeds in this way belongs to the agronomist Kerimov, however, this method has gained great popularity on the Internet thanks to the channel “In the garden or in the garden”, which is run by video blogger Yulia Minyaeva. It was she who told what landing in a snail is, how to do it correctly and what material to use.

I will not repeat her story, but I will give the floor to Yulia Minyaeva herself. Then we will analyze the pros and cons of this method, I will share my experience with you and tell you what worked and what didn’t.

Sowing seeds in a snail pros and cons

Well, now let's talk about the pros and cons of such a landing. If we consider this method as an option for germinating and obtaining plants at the stage of cotyledon leaves, then for me there is not a single minus, but the following are the pluses.

  • Toilet paper acts as a wick, so water is constantly supplied to the seeds, and then to the plants.
  • Laminate substrate or, in my case, a plastic bag (more on that below), retains temperature, moisture and allows light to pass through.
  • Covering cellophane on top performs the same functions.

In general, for spitting seeds, this is perfect option. The result is 80-100%, even the most capricious plants, whose germination in the ground is rather low, proved to be just great. For example, I conducted an experiment with carrots, all the seeds I sown in the snail sprouted. Its results are subviewed below.

If you use a snail to grow plants for seedlings, then there are more minuses than pluses.

  1. Yulia Minyaeva recommends pouring earth into the snail after germination so that the plant can live to the first true leaf. I tried it with early cabbage and realized that the game is not worth the candle. I, in general, do not like mass plantings in containers, the black leg will not take long to wait. My fears were justified, the lodging of cabbage began, in addition, it began to turn pale, and its growth stopped. Still, after all nutrients from a thin layer of earth, plants were eaten in a matter of days.
  2. When I decided to plant cabbage in cups, a second surprise awaited me, the roots in the ground grew and got mixed up. When separating one plant from another, the roots were torn, since the cabbage was not capricious and more or less withstood the transplant.

Conclusion, it is possible and necessary to dive plants without waiting for a real leaf and when the root is still small. Then all of them will perfectly endure the “move”.

Landing in snails, my reviews

Now it's time to tell you about my experience of growing snail seeds. As I wrote above, my acquaintance with such a planting happened after the seedlings were sown, but I wanted to try this technique.

Then it was decided to test new method on other plants planted in the garden. Our soil is heavy, a little dry, it is useless to wait for seedlings, it has rained heavily, nothing will come out of the ground if you do not knock down the crust. During the period of frequent rains, patience is not enough for her. I'm not talking about re-sowing seeds.

So it occurred to me to try not to sow the whole plant in the garden, but to plant it. Say trouble? I do not agree. Of course, it is easier to throw the seeds into the ground, but will there be shoots. If not - a waste of time and seed, but in my case everything is saved, and the rain is only a joy. When the neighbors went out to sow plants, they began to grow in my garden, that is, the harvest was earlier by one or two weeks.

When to sow seeds in a snail

I sowed the seeds, adhering to the rules - the science of plants, that is, I watched the blossoming flowers and trees, determined by them the timing of sowing my vegetables, flowers and medicinal herbs.

However, she came to the following conclusion. If seeds germinate in the ground in an average of two weeks, then at home, they will do this within five, seven days. In order to avoid falling under frost, it is better to start sowing five days from the required date.

For growing plants in a snail, I did not use a substrate for a laminate, but plastic bags that are sold in rolls. Why?

The roll from the substrate is wide, takes up a lot of space, and a large container with water under it is also needed, and 250-gram or half-liter ones can be suitable for bags. plastic glasses. I have one such includes up to six snails. The principle of sowing is similar.

We spread a towel, put a bag on it, slightly reducing in width. We lay out toilet paper on polyethylene.

Spray thoroughly with water from a spray bottle.

Now we start planting our seeds with tweezers or a toothpick. In the process of this work, you can watch TV, listen to music or an audiobook, believe me, it will not be boring.

Then we turn the bag into a snail, put it in a glass of water, which must be changed.

We cover from above plastic bag and put thermophilic plants to a warm place, cold-resistant, such as parsley, dill and so on directly to the window.

Well, now I will briefly go through all the plants that were grown in the snail.


You can see a photo of a carrot above. As I already wrote 100% germination. Grown directly on the windowsill. Seeds began to hatch within a week. Transplantation into the soil took place in the phase of cotyledon leaves, there were no losses. However, in autumn, root crops turned out to be many times smaller than those of carrots sown directly into the soil. Still very important point do not bend the tip, otherwise it will grow. I made the following conclusion for myself, the germination is excellent, this is a fact, but the result in the fall is useless. I won't plant carrots like this again.


See the photo of dill in the snail above. In principle, he does not act up in my garden, he sows himself and germinates without problems, but he was tormented by a thirst for experiment, so I sowed him in one snail. He ascended perfectly, transplanted into the garden in the cotyledon phase in a bunch of three pieces, took root without problems.


I more than liked the result. The salad rose perfectly, if only it had so much moisture and warmth, I transplanted three things into one hole. He sat for a long time, but as soon as the sun warmed up, he began to grow.

What else I liked about this method for salads is that even in May, when there is not enough water for its shoots, you can plant ready-made raspberries. The photo clearly shows the grown lettuce, and just planted in May.


For the sorrel, the snail too ideal conditions for germination - moisture, light, heat. The seeds are quite small, but I still spread them out with a toothpick, almost along the edge of the paper, since it needs light to germinate.

I also planted three plants in the holes, the survival rate is seventy percent. But ants have already begun to operate on me, so I attributed the losses to their sabotage.


One of the most capricious plants in our garden. The year before last, from March to May, I resowed it four times, the seeds were my own and purchased. Well, he didn’t want to sprout in any way, but last year, he grew it in a snail, planted it and no problems.

late cabbage

Many grow cabbage in a greenhouse and plant it in the garden when it is old enough. For some time I prepared seedlings in cups, and then sent them to the garden. Last year I raised her with a snail and toilet paper, without land.

I transplanted into the ground when some real leaves began to appear. After planting, I covered it with a spandbond to protect from the sun, since the plants are small. As soon as I finished planting it, I made another snail in case ants or other pests eat some kind of mash. In this case, a new one was quickly planted in its place.


Seedlings - 100%, survival rate is high, but I was not satisfied with the harvest. Root crops were small, tough, many plants bloomed. I had six varieties and they all behaved similarly. I also cross out radishes from the list for growing in a snail.


Of all the root crops, beets made me very happy. It rose beautifully, and if you also consider that two plants sprout from one seed, the savings are obvious. The survival rate is good, but the ants spoiled it a little for me, so I quickly sowed a new batch into the snail and after 4-5 days planted it in empty places.


With peas, I also have no problems in the garden, it has enough growth power to break through heavy soil, but to get early harvest I sowed some in a snail. This time I used a substrate because the polyethylene is thin and does not hold such large seeds well.

The whole thing came up, the main thing is not to put it with a bag in the sun, otherwise it will just soak. I planted peas in the ground, and the next day there were frosts, but surprisingly all the plants survived.


When I used to sow corn into the soil, I threw several seeds into one hole, and received only 40-50% of seedlings, but thanks to the snail, last year it sprouted 100%. It is important that when planting, do not deepen the plants too much.

The plastic bag was also replaced with a substrate, and no earth. Planted in the garden when the leaves began to unwind.

Flowers and medicinal herbs

From flowers I tried to grow annual dahlias in a snail - an excellent result, bluebells and daisies. From spicy and medicinal herbs, it was possible to obtain sage, bergamot, mint, lemon balm, basil, chamomile. I then transplanted them into cups.

Those who know how small chamomile seeds are may wonder how I managed to sow them in a snail. I just sprinkled this “powder” along the edge of the paper, and then transplanted it into cups in bunches. The photo shows what chamomile looks like in the ground.

Cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini, melon and watermelon

Agree, very capricious plants for transplantation, the slightest damage to the roots and everything can be lost. But still, I decided to try to grow them in a snail and without land. After the first attempt, the watermelon was immediately excluded from this list. There is simply no germination, although during the classic germination, everyone hatched. Cucumbers, pumpkin, zucchini and melons showed excellent results.

I decided to plant them without waiting for a real leaf. I was very worried, because I transferred them to the soil without any hardening, from the window and into the garden. However, no plant received sunburn, probably because in five days they have not yet softened at home.

It is also very important to properly decompose the seeds. If we deepen small ones by 0.5 cm, we sow light-loving ones like basil, chamomile, sorrel along the very edge, then we deepen pumpkin and melons up to 1 cm, or even deeper. We make a large distance between the seeds so that the roots do not intertwine. If the edge of your paper is dry, be sure to moisten it with water, otherwise you will break off the plant.

Well, dear friends, this was my planting of seeds in a snail with toilet paper. I hope you found it interesting, then try, experiment and you will definitely succeed too. Good luck!

I wish everyone happiness, Natalya Murga

38 comments from readers of the article "Planting seeds in a snail with toilet paper"

    We have been practicing planting carrot seeds on toilet paper for a long time, but not in a snail, but simply on strips at the right distance. Then it remains only to bury the strips in the ground. Very comfortable, excellent germination and no need to pull.

    My mother has been trying to plant like this for two years. It's not called "in a diaper". Good for initial sprouting. The main thing here is not to let the seedlings outgrow, otherwise it turns out weaker than grown in the usual way. For a tomato, up to 10-12 cm is suitable, then you need to plant it in the ground. But what a space saving!

    Which interesting name never practiced. But in my opinion, crops such as peas, beans, dill, parsley, lettuce, sorrel are not so whimsical, and may well sprout without this method. At least I have never had problems growing with these crops.

Growing seedlings in the spring is the main occupation of summer residents. Thanks to the seedling method of planting vegetable crops, it is possible to obtain much best harvest than when sowing seeds in open ground. When growing any crop from seedlings, the fruit harvesting period begins earlier, which cannot but please gardeners. How to make a snail with your own hands from improvised materials? The main methods are described in detail in the article.

Growing seedlings in snails is new way receiving healthy plants which are used by gardeners in last years

How to grow seedlings in a snail?

Growing seedlings in a snail - great way get strong and healthy seedlings peppers, tomatoes, eggplant and any other vegetable crop, colors. Thanks to the "snails" it is possible to save time and effort, which summer residents usually have little left when the sowing season comes. This compact fixture doesn't take up much space on a sunny windowsill, and the seeds produce excellent sprouts.

According to reviews, many summer residents have already managed to conduct an experiment and have seen from their own experience that if you do not violate the technology, the result will certainly be positive. Here are some of the benefits of this technology:

  • snails are easy to make using improvised materials;
  • seedlings in a snail take up much less space;
  • picking is easier, and the tender roots of the seedlings are not injured;
  • caring for a group of plants is greatly simplified.

It is easy to master the landing technique if you carefully read the photo and video tips. Getting started with sowing, you need to prepare everything necessary materials and planting material. Seeds are prepared in the usual way, namely:

  1. Seeds are being selected. To do this, they are examined for damage, disease damage. If the seeds have black dots, they have changed shape and color - they are thrown away. Next, proceed to soaking in saline solution. For this, 1 liter is enough warm water dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt, mix. The working solution is ready, it remains to pour the seeds out of the bag and leave for 15-20 minutes. Unusable seeds will float to the surface, and those that have fallen to the bottom are of particular value. They need to be collected, washed under running water and move on to the next step.
  2. Disinfection and growth stimulation. Biologists have long proven that a huge number of viruses, bacteria and pathogens of various diseases are transferred to the surface of the seed material. So that the seedlings do not die, the seeds must be soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Good result observed after seed treatment with the biopreparation "Fitosporin". Epin is used as a growth stimulator. When processing planting material it is important to read the instructions.
  3. Germination of seeds is an optional procedure, but it is better to carry it out. After germination, you can be sure that “live” seeds will be sown and time will not be wasted. Depending on the crop, the seeds are placed in moistened rags or cotton wool for several days. After the sprouts appear, they are transferred to the soil of the snail using tweezers.

How to make a snail with your own hands, video:

Soil to fill the snail can be used purchased or brought from the country. After making organic fertilizers, it is better to treat the soil from pests and pathogens of seedlings. To do this, it is recommended to pour the mixture with a solution of "Fitosporin" or potassium permanganate. A cheaper, but effective way is to subject the soil to heat treatment in the oven at a maximum temperature of 30-40 minutes.

How to grow seedlings in a snail, video:

Growing seedlings in snails is a new way to get healthy plants that has been used by gardeners in recent years. According to the reviews of summer residents, the results are excellent. However, it is important not to break the technology and carefully read the video. The seedlings are developing well, the plants grow strong, well-formed, and good harvest favorite crops will please not only the vegetable grower, but also his family members. We invite you to share your feedback on planting seedlings in snails in the comments.

Most of the vegetable and flower crops in middle lane Russia. In an apartment, it is quite difficult to create optimal conditions, especially for a large number of plants. That is why gardeners are in great demand for new ways of growing seedlings in diapers and snails at home, which will reduce labor costs when growing it, reduce the area occupied by containers with seedlings, and all this without compromising the quality of grown plants.

Recently, methods of growing seedlings in diapers and snails have become very popular. The idea of ​​growing seedlings in rolls is not new; it was developed many years ago by the agronomist Kerimov. And the method of growing seedlings in diapers has long been successfully used by a well-known gardener - amateur Kizima Galina Aleksandrovna, about which she talks in detail in her books.

As a rule, growing seedlings in diapers and snails gives excellent results. Seedlings are strong, the root system is well formed. Such seedlings quickly take root when planting them on the site, get sick a little, give a good harvest. But, according to reviews, not all gardeners manage to use these methods, in this case you need to properly understand the technology of growing seedlings in diapers and snails, take into account all the nuances and subtleties.

Growing seedlings using the snail method

Seedling snails are a modern original way growing seedlings (seeds of vegetables, flowers, herbs). Planting seeds "in the snail" is placing them between layers of twisted flexible material. Sowing seedlings in a snail is convenient, simple and fast.

A simple design that takes up little space allows you to place on the windowsill almost all crops for an amateur garden, vegetable garden at home.

Each variety of seedlings is planted in separate rolls. Any elastic material can be used for the snail. But the main material for the cochlea is the substrate for the laminate with a thickness of not more than 2mm. It holds its shape well, porous, flexible and not expensive.

Growing in snails: the advantages of this method

  • Seedlings take up very little space, which is very important when, when sowing, a large number of plants need to be placed near a heat source, or when seedlings have to be illuminated with special lamps.
  • To evenly illuminate the seedlings, it is enough to turn the container slightly with snails.
  • Doesn't require a lot of land.
  • There is also a landless way to grow seedlings on toilet paper. In this case, the substrate is laid out toilet paper in several layers.

The seedlings are separated from each other - the roots do not intertwine, therefore, in the future, the seedlings are easy to pick out and they take root well.

  • Picking can be done selectively, planting the strongest ones first, and leaving the rest in the snail for growing
  • The method is economical, for the manufacture of snails you do not need to make big expenses. Can be reused in the future

In snails, seedlings are either completely without land, or with a minimum amount, so they cannot stay in such conditions for a long time, they need to dive. If seedlings are grown without picking, then seeds cannot be sown early. Refine

What you need to cook for making a snail

For the convenience of making snails, you can make a fixture from a board (a piece of plywood, fiberboard, plastic), on which are fixed plastic corners 5-7 cm high and at a distance of 15 cm parallel to each other. Between them we will stretch the base of the snail, on which we will evenly pour soil. So it is more convenient to roll the substrate with soil in order to quickly and accurately make a snail and collect the spilled earth.

Snail making procedure:

  • cut the substrate into strips, long ribbons.

How to determine the size of the stripes?

If we continue to dive seedlings, a snail height (strip width) of 10 cm is sufficient. When growing seedlings without picking, for better development root system of the seedling, make the stripes wider - 12-15 cm.

  • evenly apply primer to the strip (or toilet paper - having previously moistened it with a warm solution or Epin, or simply water with hydrogen peroxide).

You can see the snail manufacturing technology in detail in the following videos by Yulia Minyaeva:

What seedlings can be grown in snails?

Most often this method is used for growing seedlings. tomatoes, peppers, onions, celery, annual flowers. This method is not suitable for crops with long growing times at the seedling stage.

How to prepare seeds for germination in a snail.

1. It is advisable to select seeds, discard undeveloped and too small

2. Process, disinfect - as necessary for this type of seed

3. You can feed, soak, harden - also in accordance with the recommendations for each type of seed, as with the traditional method of growing seedlings

How to sow seeds in a snail

Features of seedling care in snails

Containers with ready-made snails are placed in a warm place until shoots appear. The cover of the snail must be periodically removed, slightly opened for ventilation. The upper film is removed only after the appearance of the first two or three seedling loops in the seedling.

While the seeds are gently watered from above. After the roots grow and reach the lower edge of the snail, you can simply pour water directly into the container.

If you need to water from above, be sure to use a spray gun so as not to wash off the seeds and shoots into the bottom layer of the substrate.

It is possible as the seedlings grow, if there are not enough nutrients, it is necessary to add soil to the snail. To do this, the snail needs to be gently untwisted and a little more earth added to it.

If a pick is required for seedlings, it is convenient to do this in “diapers”, we will describe how to do this correctly below.

Growing seedlings in film diapers

Seedling diapers are small bundles, cups, 2-3 cm in diameter (the size depends on the characteristics and size of the finished seedling), from polyethylene film, packages.

Seeds are either planted in diapers without further picking, or already grown seedlings are dived.

Growing seedlings in diapers: the advantages of this method

  • seedlings in diapers, as well as in snails, take up very little space.
  • soil, respectively, you also need much less

Making diapers for seedlings:

It is not necessary to shorten the roots when picking. But if the roots have grown very long, they must be carefully trimmed.

Ready-made diapers should be placed vertically in a container, a container into which water is added as needed. If the bottom of the finished diaper (cup) is made, the diapers are simply watered, but always with the help of a sprayer.

Do not forget to sign the name of the variety with a marker, or stick the seed packaging with tape.

If seeds are sown in diapers, then in this case cups with soil are made, watered, placed vertically in a container, compacted and watered. And then the seeds are planted with a toothpick or just with your fingers.

In order to make the process more understandable, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video Growing seedlings in film diapers, which describes in great detail the technology of planting strawberry seeds directly into diapers

Transplanting seedlings from a snail to a diaper
  • seedlings can stretch if the seeds were sown too early. When growing seedlings in diapers and snails with new methods, it should be taken into account that the plants are close to each other and in a limited amount of land. And as they grow, they can stretch out due to lack of light and lack nutrition. Therefore, either you do not need to rush with crops, or grow seedlings with a mandatory pick.
  • after folding, the snail does not need to be pulled with an elastic band, otherwise the root system of plants may be damaged.
  • some gardeners note that seedlings grown in the traditional way still take root faster and begin to bear fruit.
  • do not forget that the material from which the substrate is made is considered quite harmful, and in terms of health effects, it is better not to use it.

Lately around ways growing seedlings in diapers and snails real excitement. Someone scolds these methods scolds, someone vice versa, praises. In order to draw really correct conclusions, you yourself need to try to sow part of the seedlings in the traditional way, and the other part in a new way and compare the results. This is exactly what the famous amateur gardener Valery Medvedev did. In his video, he shows the end result - a grown crop from seedlings grown in two ways.

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