Eurotex shelf protection oil. Oil for bath shelves and other compositions that are appropriate in the steam room: all about the dangers and benefits of impregnations in the steam room. What to soak: varieties and their purpose

We have already said more than once that in the bathhouse, without exception, everything is a cause for controversy. Now we will figure it out: how to process the shelves in the bath? And immediately a counter-question: is it necessary? Well, since we have already started, let's go to the end, look for the pros and cons, and at the same time we will learn something useful about the composition of various impregnations, their scope, methods and much more.

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What to cover? And do you need processing?

WITH tricky question and let's start. The fact is that many owners of baths stand on the fact that shelves in the bath do not need to process anything. At the same time, they easily put up with the fact that the tree, under the influence of heat and steam (humidity), quickly becomes dark, and then is destroyed. It is believed that it remains environmentally friendly and this is more than enough, because the main thing is human health.

It is simply impossible not to agree with the last argument, but no one opposes the beauty of the steam room and the health of its visitors. Now, if there was such an impregnation for the shelves in the bath, which at the same time was completely harmless to our organisms and increased the durability of the tree - who would refuse it?

IMPORTANT! Processing shelves in the bath is not needed only if its use causes concern for human health.

Below we will consider in detail the compositions of various impregnations, and their effects on humans. Until then let's get down summary, naming the pros and cons of both choices.

Processing: pros and cons with and without it

Pros without processing:

  • no chemistry at all evaporates at elevated temperature and humidity from the surface of such a tree;
  • the processes that occur with wood in a steam room are completely natural;
  • smells are only natural, which is especially nice when fragrant rocks are used - the same, for example, or.

Cons without processing

  • the tree swells under the influence of moisture and shrinks when dried, while its dimensions change and cracks may occur;
  • it darkens;
  • the shelves are exposed not only to heat and steam, but they also get human sweat (a caustic mixture of salts) and fat, which are absorbed into the wood, creating a characteristic smell in the steam room, by the way;
  • with greater or lesser ease (depending on the species), the tree succumbs to rot (mostly mushrooms) and collapses.

Impregnation: the difference between a bath and a sauna

This is the question we would call paramount. Because it is the temperature that determines the evaporation of the substances with which it is impregnated upper layer wood.

ON A NOTE! If it is small, then even poisonous (!) Substances with which we cover the tree remain harmless to humans, hiding under the protective layers of other compounds.

AND It is the temperature of the Russian bath that differs from the Finnish. Therefore, let's agree that the compositions that we consider unconditionally suitable for a Russian bath with its temperature regime not higher than 60 degrees during the entire time of soaring, you should not recommend sauna owners, where the temperature sometimes rises not only to the recommended 90, but also to 100-110 degrees (we simply do not consider higher).

The second, less important parameter is humidity. In the sauna it is low (5-15%), in Russian it is high (50%). In principle, a less humid sauna spoils the wood less, so you can really do without impregnation at all, but the Finns immediately rule, and they believe that it is necessary to impregnate at least for beauty and cleanliness.

What to soak: varieties and their purpose

So you come to the store to choose impregnation for wood, and there are so many options that your eyes run wide. In fact, you just need to distinguish between goals.

Bath is the most common separate building, in which In addition to the steam room, there are other rooms. Many baths are built of wood, or have wood paneling. Wooden furniture is everywhere. All this implies different goals and compositions for them. Manufacturers of protective impregnations distinguish them as follows:

  • what the composition protects from: from water, from infection by fungi, from insects, from rodents, from fire;
  • the composition is based on oil or water;
  • what exactly is designed to protect: furniture, walls, floor, ceiling;
  • release form of the product: gel, solution, aerosol;
  • keep wood natural color (bleach - separate view) or will be tinted. IN last case- a catalog of shades is offered.

In our particular case, we are looking for something to soak the shelves in the bath. Now let's decide on the task: what do we want to protect the shelves from. It is tempting to make protection from everything at once, but, without going into details, let's say that antiseptics and flame retardants do not have a beneficial effect on our health, that is, shelves should not be protected from rot and fire.

Basically, the tree regiments protect from water. In addition, not only for the sake of beauty, but also as a variety antiseptic are used bleaches, which return the darkening wood to its original color.

This is a limited set of what you can cover the shelves in the bath, we will now consider.

Impregnations colorless and colored

Everything is quite simple here: if in an impregnation, which in no way or slightly affects the original color wooden surface, add one color or another, then at the output we get color impregnation . The tree painted by it will differ from the one covered with ordinary paint in that it is still its texture will be visible.

Each manufacturer of color impregnations accompanies its products with a catalog of colors, from which it is easy to choose the right one. Separately, colors for impregnations are not sold.

ON A NOTE! Colored colors can be included in impregnations both on water and oil based.


The most famous property of oils and waxes is their hydrophobicity, i.e. impermeability to water. This is what predetermined their use in the creation of water-repellent compounds for wood.

However, there is one important point: in the simplest case, a hydrophobic coating forms a film on the surface of an object, which differs in its thermal conductivity from wood. In practice, this means that the coating can burn if the air in the steam room is heated to a high temperature.

Therefore, manufacturers contrive to prepare the oil for the shelves in the bath in such a way that the impregnation is absorbed into the wood, without creating a noticeable film on the surface.

Usually the oil for the shelf in the bath has no color, but there are tinted ones too.


Experienced bathers are not deceived when they see a light wood in a steam room - it won’t stay that way for long if you use the bath regularly. However, their expectations may not come true if the owner of the steam room uses special impregnations that bleach the wood.

IMPORTANT! Any bleach will either contain chlorine or hydrogen peroxide.

Strong oxidizing agents not only brighten, but also disinfect wood, destroying their spores along with fungi.

The depth of penetration of the composition depends on the concentration of the active substance. The bleach can be in a more or less concentrated form already at the time of sale, and then, if desired, it can still be diluted with water.

Shelves in the bath: how to process without harming health?

Let's divide all impregnations into two conditional camps, in the first of which something that should not be used at all or with restrictions, in the second - as safe as possible.

So we got to the important thing: how to distinguish the harmfulness of the composition? First of all, let us assume that harmful to lower forms of life is likely to be harmful to higher. Anyway, this rule works when we are talking about antiseptics. Allowing the antiseptic to evaporate under the heat and breathe it in and sit on the surface treated with it ... is not the best solution.

As for bleaches, which are based on chlorine or hydrogen peroxide, then the following should be taken into account: both are harmful to health, but both weather out in a reasonable amount of time. Peroxide generally decomposes into innocent water and oxygen. This happens even in the light.

BY THE WAY! Have you already taken note that bleach works and as an antiseptic?

It is strictly forbidden to use anything from the list exterior impregnation is something that cannot be used inside any room. But this is an obvious thing. But a variety of varnishes, including those that are actively promoted as suitable for use in the bath and sauna ...

First, if you choose varnish, the one about whom it is said that he withstands high temperatures. All the rest, if they are suitable for a bath, then somewhere in its other premises.

ADVICE! Even when we meet high-quality Finnish sauna varnishes on sale, we believe that they do not belong there. The window frame in the steam room, varnished is normal. But everything else, including stones (yes, the Finns offer to varnish stones) is not worth it.

All in all, varnishes, antiseptics and fire retardants are not for the steam room !

which are completely safe

And yet I want the tree in the steam room to serve longer. AND if it is not wetted by water, then its safety will increase. So, we can recommend as completely safe those impregnations that repel water and at the same time do not form a film on the surface.

ADVICE! For better absorption after application of the composition, it is recommended to heat the oven. The excess is then simply removed with a cloth.

Actually, there are no other safe options - only some oil wax or special oil for bath shelves.

IMPORTANT! The difference between oils and oil waxes and waxes is as follows: the depth of penetration of the composition and, as a result, the frequency of renewal of the coating. It is higher for oils from 0.5 to 2 years.

What's in it, what are they made of?

Unfortunately, most manufacturers do not want to reveal their secrets, sharing with the consumer information about the composition of the products produced. This is probably done because the ingredients are simple and affordable and not everyone is willing to pay for beautiful packaging if it significantly increases the price.

(For example: you know that caustic soda, which is part of almost all strong means"anti-fat", you can buy much cheaper in pure form? And this is the main active ingredient, other surfactants and fragrances are just “for company”.)

From what we have been able to find out, say, about oils for regiments, under the expression "natural ingredients" hide polymerizing oils (most often linseed and hemp) and wax. In addition to them, paraffin is also mentioned. In this regard, the question arises: what prevents you from making such an impregnation yourself?

Is it possible to do it yourself?

Of course you can. And many do. Let's bring one of the possible recipes suitable for the steam room:

proportion between linseed oil and wax - 92:8, 93:7, 94:6, 95:5. That is, we take 92-95 parts of oil and 7-5 parts of beeswax.

Oil must be prepared first. For this, he is subjected boiling for 20 minutes. During this period of time, it evaporates excess water and the characteristic smell disappears.

After boiling is completed, add wax, which should be pre-cut. In the process of cooling the mixture, it should be stirred to prevent the wax from curdling.

Keep ready mix better in glass containers. Shelf life - no more than a year.

Well, for those who prefer not to bother with the preparation of oil wax, we will name the most famous companies that make good impregnations of this type.

What manufacturers and brands are good?

We will consider good those from whom they take more often, whose names are on everyone's lips.

First of all, as usual, I would like to name Finns and Germans.

The German company ESKARO offers Saunaoil.

Slovenian BELINKA offers " Oil Sauna - PARAFFIN". By the way, drying occurs in a day.

From Russian manufacturers let's call PINOTEX, "SENEZH", NEOMID.

How and with what to cover the shelves so that the coating lasts longer?

The durability of the coating of a wooden surface depends not only on the composition of the applied agent, but also on the used instrument, application conditions, number of layers and the like.

What is better to process - a tool

If you have purchased store remedy for shelves in the bath, then what will be processed will be written in the instructions. However, there are not so many options.

Either it will brush,(pay attention to the instructions - in some cases they write that it should be from natural bristles) or pure textile. In some cases, you can use sprayer.

Yet again, different formulations impregnation can be both ready-to-use and requiring heating.

If you use homemade impregnation, then before starting work it needs to be heated to 50-60 degrees.

The brush is used only if the impregnation quite liquid. The strips applied by it should not overlap so that “steps” are not created (this applies to hardening impregnations). The brush is great for applying oils.

A rag is better for waxes. When rubbing a thick mixture, try to distribute it evenly, but at the same time, the excess can not be removed immediately. If, after applying the layer, the oven is heated, then there will be a classic “waxing” - the wax itself will spread as it should. (When waxing items not for a bath, they are heated with a hairdryer or a burner.)

How many layers

The number of layers of impregnation is also usually prescribed in the instructions. Since the means are different, we will venture only approximately to name the number of layers and the time interval between them. Let's say it two coats applied one hour apart.

The number of layers depends on the properties of the impregnation and the porosity of the wood. The more pores, the higher the consumption of funds, by the way.- it can grow somewhere twice.

ADVICE! Do not rush to use the impregnated shelf. Give him at least a day to absorb. Longer is better, because the point of using polymerizing oils is to let them dry. It's like oil painting - when the paint dries, the layer hardens completely.

About drying time: they are also different, in some cases a day is enough (according to the instructions), in others the time can stretch up to two weeks.

How often to renew coverage?

The answer to this question depends on which tool you used. The fact is that oily impregnation, although it is easier to apply wax, but also keeps much less than the latter.

So to refresh the layer oily impregnation period is called from six months to 2 years, and for wax- several years (without specification).

However focus on the condition of the wood. If you used tinted impregnation, then it shows exactly where it came off. If the impregnation is colorless - be guided by the state of the tree - has it become wetted with water, swell from it? In these cases, of course, there is no need to wait for the time promised by the manufacturer.

Useful video

This video describes the types of impregnations and their differences:

And this video clearly demonstrates how exactly the impregnation should be applied.

Finally, we say that impregnations do not tolerate freezing, while losing their properties, so you should take them from trusted suppliers. For the rest, we hope that we have been informative enough, and it will be easy for you to choose the covering for the bath shelves.

In contact with

After finishing finishing works a lot of questions arise in front of a person. Do I need to process the shelves in the bath and other wooden elements? What to use: expensive products or cheap ones with chemical additives? Or is it better to leave the wood completely untreated? If you want shelves to serve you long years and don't lose your beautiful view, then it is necessary to process the wood with high-quality safe means that are used in bath rooms.

For the manufacture of shelves, craftsmen recommend using aspen boards or abash wood. But pine products are completely unsuitable for a steam room. When heated, pine shelves will begin to release resins, which are not only harmful to health, but also pose a risk of burns during soaring.

What is the benefit of processing

Almost all homeowners who build steam rooms tend to build a room not so much for washing, but for comfortable rest. That is why they choose natural wood as the building material for the shelves, which is ideal for a steam room. Specifications lumber allow you to use wooden planks in rooms with extremely high humidity, but at the same time, the duration of the operation of natural raw materials without pre-impregnation of the shelves is too short.

Special antiseptics make it possible to reduce the risk of wood contamination, thereby extending the life of wooden shelves and improving appearance a product that you may have made with your own hands.

To date, the stores have a huge number of the most different means that cover the shelves in the bath. They are effective impregnations that allow not only to protect natural wood from decay, but also to give it an aesthetic appearance.

Features of impregnation for shelves

On the market building materials there is a huge number of different means for processing platforms in the bath. They differ from each other not only in price, but also in quality. Moreover, each impregnation has its own characteristics, which are taken into account when buying.

Therefore, when choosing a product for processing shelves in a bath, pay attention Special attention on its properties.

  1. The main quality that impregnation should have is to ensure reliable protection wooden shelves without compromising the breathability of the wood.
  2. The environmental friendliness of the product is also very important. After all, the shelves are not only in a room with a high level of humidity, but also exposed to high temperatures, which provokes the release of harmful substances from the impregnation.
  3. Also, when choosing a preparation for processing shelves in a steam room, it is necessary to take into account the resistance of the oil used to systematic wet cleaning. Therefore, in a huge assortment of goods, you need to find exactly the oils for the shelves in the bath, which are maximally absorbed into the wood structure.
  4. In addition, it is important to use products that do not form a kind of film on the surface of the shelves, which can cause burns during soaring.

But even if you are sure of the quality of the selected product, it is better to consult with a specialist.

Types of products for processing shelves

All compositions for wood are divided depending on the formula, the properties that they possess and the methods of their application. They can be colored or colorless, have a different consistency, have a whitening property, and are also available in the form of aerosols, gels or other solutions. Modern products most often have several properties at once, but the main thing that unites them all is the water-repellent effect. Thanks to this, the shelves are reliably protected not only from exposure to high temperatures, but also from high humidity in room.

Means for processing shelves are divided into two main classes

Versatility modern means for processing shelves makes it possible to increase the service life of wood, prevent the occurrence of fungus. They also give a change in color to bathroom furniture. If we consider drugs depending on their composition, then there are such types as:

  • water soluble;
  • oil.

Water-soluble preparations are made on an acrylate basis and well protect wood from moisture, pollution, and also from the occurrence of microorganisms in it. These products are colorless. Therefore, if you want to give the shelves brightness or specific color, then you should use the color scheme offered by manufacturers.

The main advantages of this type of impregnation for shelves are the absence of a specific smell after processing, the preservation of the external structure of the tree, and the ability to leave the color of the furniture unchanged. The only disadvantage of water-soluble products for the treatment of shelves is the rapid washing out of the drug from the wood structure. Therefore, the need for re-treatment in comparison with other impregnations increases several times.

Oil impregnations for shelves are deeply absorbed into the wood and retain their properties for a long time, so furniture will not have to be treated often. However, oils also have disadvantages. They consist in a strong specific odor, which occurs due to the presence of a solvent in the preparation.

Despite the fact that oil-based impregnation well impregnates and compacts wood, providing it with high wear resistance, it is not recommended to use it for furniture treatment in enclosed spaces. Especially when it comes to preparations for impregnating regiments.

What compounds should not be used

All wood treatment products have an organic or chemical basis. But here it is worth understanding that the furniture in the steam room is often exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, in order to avoid the release of toxic substances that are in the composition of antiseptics and other drugs on chemical basis masters categorically do not recommend the use of such compositions for furniture in the steam room.

Most often, chemical-based preparations are presented in the form of varnishes or paints. There is also a large number of aerosols, impregnations and other products, which include aggressive chemical substances. Therefore, when choosing drugs for regiments, you must carefully familiarize yourself with its main components.

How to process shelves in the bath

Masters recommend processing shelves in spring or autumn. It is on warm days at an air temperature of 15 degrees that the product dries well and allows you to complete the process faster. The first step is to sand the shelves to clean out all the places where dirt has accumulated. In addition, it may darken over time, and sanding will help whiten the wood. After that, the shelves are carefully wiped from the dust that was formed during grinding. And in the next step, it is covered with oil for wooden furniture, which is used for items located in rooms with high air temperature.

The composition is applied to the shelves with a roller or soft brush. Moreover, special attention is paid to the ends of the timber and boards. The shelves are covered with several thin layers with an interval of 40-50 minutes. If the oil is not completely absorbed, then the excess is removed with a lint-free cloth. This processing method makes it possible to saturate the wood as much as possible and compact it, thereby increasing the life of the furniture.

If the shelves have already begun to rot or become moldy, then you should first treat the tree with a product that protects the wood from further destruction. Many masters recommend using Nortex for this. But for whitening, Belinka is best suited. Such preparations are applied to the shelves with a sponge, which is rubbed on specific places of infection or darkening of the wood.

The shelves are treated with antiseptics at the assembly stage. Moreover, in order to protect yourself and your loved ones from harmful substances, it is best to process the internal parts of the structure. After impregnating the shelves, you can use the bath or sauna after 3-4 days. If you do all the work efficiently, then the furniture will last a long time. But still, the masters recommend processing the shelves 1-2 times a year.

If you do not know how to cover the shelves in the bath, then it is best to contact the masters for help. And in no case do not save on impregnations. After all, the longevity of the regiments, as well as your health, will depend on the quality of the selected products.


It is used to protect wooden floors and shelves from swelling, cracking under the influence of high temperatures, constant pollution and moisture.

Application area:

It is used in steam rooms, washing rooms and other rooms of baths and saunas on all horizontal and vertical bases, including floors and shelves:

  • on new or old (unpainted or stripped) wooden substrates
  • for any type of wood, including heat-treated wood
  • on any wood-based materials (plywood, chipboard, fiberboard, MDF, OSB, glued laminated timber, etc.)


  • gives the surface a very high dirt-water-repellent properties
  • even with prolonged exposure hot water reduces surface water absorption by 5 times
  • maintains a healthy microclimate in baths and saunas
  • prevents cracks in wood
  • absolutely safe for humans even under the influence of high temperatures
  • forms a vapor-permeable ("breathing") coating
  • free of organic solvents, free of bad smell, non-toxic

When processing affected or previously painted wood, pre-clean it from dirt, old peeling coatings, putrefactive damage, foreign inclusions.

Apply to dry wood (humidity not more than 20%) at ambient temperature and surface temperature not lower than +5°C with a brush, sponge, linen or knitted fabric, carefully rubbing the oil in the direction of the wood fibers. After 1 - 3 days, heat the steam room, hold for 1-2 hours and at a high temperature remove excess oil with a clean dry cloth.

Technical data

mixture of natural oils
Application methods
brush, sponge, cloth
Application temperature
from +5°C, relative air humidity less than 85%
Permissible wood moisture
up to 20%
Number of layers

highly absorbent substrates - 2 layers

end cuts - 3 layers

Consumption in 1 layer
1 l for 8 - 15 m²
Drying time (at t° +20±2°C)
interlayer drying - 30-60 minutes, complete drying - 24 hours
Coating service life (indoors)
up to 5 years depending on the operating load
Tool cleaning
water with the addition of household detergents
Storage and transportation

At t° from -40° to +40°С

Does not lose properties when frozen, the oil may solidify, in this case, warm the composition at room temperature

Best before date
5 years in a filled sealed container
250 ml

Compatibility with other coatings:


1. Preliminary processing bioprotective impregnating compositions*

* in general cases not required, but allowed, if necessary, in all rooms, except for steam rooms

WOODMASTER™: Biosept, Antizhuk, Biosept-Trans, Biosept-Ultra*, Hoarfrost, Hoarfrost Prof, BioTOR

WOODMASTER PROF™: Biosept Concentrate, Biosept-Ultra Concentrate*, Antizhuk Concentrate

DALI™: Universal antiseptic

ECODOM™: BIO**, BIOPROF*, Temporary Protection, Bleach


* bioprotective impregnating compounds stain the wood in a greenish-pistachio shade

** bioprotective impregnating compounds stain the wood in a pale green tint

2. Pre-puttyingEUROTEX™: Putty for wood
  • Why processing is needed

    In ancient times, the log cabins of baths from rot, mold and woodworms were reliably protected by a layer of soot, because they were drowned in black. Now we have saunas and white baths, which, without proper protection, can disappear in a few years. The tree needs processing both outside and inside.

    Why processing is needed

    For each type of work there are protective compositions. Such a subdivision is necessary in order, on the one hand, to reliably protect surfaces from adverse factors, and on the other hand, all this should be without harm to humans.
    The latter is especially true for the steam room, where there are constantly heat and humidity.

    For this reason, only impregnations that are specifically designed for this are allowed to be used there. You can read more about these ingredients here.

    If there is a good sauna stove in the bathhouse, well-thought-out ventilation, then the walls and ceiling may not be covered, except for the lower crowns of the log house. The tree will develop a beautiful brownish-gold tan over time. What can not be said about the bath shelves.
    Many, probably, noticed how quickly they lose their former attractiveness. And all because it is they who get the most from numerous trips to the steam room. Particles of dirt and sweat, as well as water, gradually replace the natural pattern of wood with an unsightly dark surface. This can be avoided and the texture and color of the surface of the shelf can be preserved if it is treated with an appropriate compound.
    By the way, this can be done with an old tree, if it is properly cleaned and sanded.

    Overview of popular protective compositions for regiments

    Tikkurila Supi Laudesuoja

    This tool has a creamy consistency of a transparent color, there is practically no smell. Contains oil and additives.
    Capacity 0.25 l and 1 l, price - 300 and 550 rubles, respectively (the cost hereinafter will be indicated approximately).

    The composition is applied to a new, carefully sanded and dust-free surface with a brush. First, one layer, if the agent is absorbed very quickly (depending on the type of wood), then the procedure is repeated. The oil forms a surface film that perfectly protects the wood from water and dirt, while maintaining its natural color. Only a slight change in color shade is possible, it all depends on what the shelves are made of.

    At the end of the work, the steam room warms up, the oil that comes out is removed with a clean cloth. After that, you can go steam.

    Feedback from own experience. When choosing an impregnation for the shelf, there was no doubt about taking it, because. there was nothing to choose from, there was only oil from Tikkurila. The price for it, of course, did not please, but it was still necessary to impregnate it with something, so I took it. In the future, I did not regret it at all, it fully justified itself. A liter jar was enough to soak in two layers. There were no strong odors or unpleasant sensations. Bath procedures took place on the same day.
    After a year, the shelves look like new.

    Supi Saunavaha

    Another protective compound from Tikkurila. Like the previous product, it contains only natural ingredients and belongs to the class of environmentally friendly products M1.
    Volume - 225 ml, 900 ml and 1 l, cost - 220, 400 and 500 rubles.

    The composition includes wax, water, special additives.

    The principle of applying the material is exactly the same as in the case of oil: applied with a brush on a dry, clean surface along the wood fibers. The tree is covered with wax once, but at the same time they do not spare its quantity. Remove any unabsorbed product with a clean cloth or sponge. Drying time - days. At the same time, it is necessary to heat the bath, at the end of its warming up, ventilate well.
    This composition can be tinted in various colors, in this case it is necessary to make a test application in an inconspicuous place.

    It is allowed to cover with wax not only the shelves of the bath or sauna, but also the ceiling, doors, windows and shelves for things.

    Teknos Sauna - nature

    It is also produced in Finland, though by another company - Teknos.

    The agent is a colorless viscous liquid (oil), odorless. Like any other similar product does not contain organic acids, water serves as a diluent.
    It is made in small jars of 0.25 liters, the price is 250 rubles.

    The oil is applied to clean, previously uncoated wood with a sponge, brush or roller. It is allowed to cover the shelves with one or two layers, depending on the absorbent characteristics of a particular type of wood. The color of the wood does not change, only a slight darkening is possible with an increase in the manifestation of the natural pattern of the fibers.


    This colorless protective composition is the most expensive of all considered. Produced by the German company Biofa. Contains: natural beeswax and paraffin, carnauba wax, plant extracts and essential oil.

    Container volume - 0.2l and 1l, cost - 550 and 1800 rubles.

    Wooden surfaces are covered with a composition in 1-2 layers with a cloth or rag. In the process of work, the product should be rubbed into the surface. After the final drying (8-12 hours) it is necessary to polish the treated wood.
    Wax is the best for processing wooden elements in a steam room. Unlike water-soluble paints, it does not emit harmful substances into the bath room in hot conditions, creates a film resistant to water and dirt on the surface, capable of passing air. At the same time, it retains natural color and a drawing of a tree.

    Oil Neomid

    Impregnation for wooden structures baths and saunas in the product line from Neomid appeared recently.
    The composition is colorless and odorless. Contains natural oil and components that prevent the formation and development of mold and rot. It repels water and dirt well, thereby preventing darkening and cracking of the wood.

    Container - 0.31l, price - 200 rubles.

    Application: on the prepared surface, the composition is applied with a brush, sponge or roller. The number of layers depends on the porosity of the wood, but should not exceed two. After treatment, the steam room warms up, the remaining oil is removed. Then the room is ventilated. A day later, you can heat the bath and go to steam.

    The choice of funds for these purposes, as you can see, is not very large, and their cost is not at all small. But even for this it can be difficult to buy them, not every hardware store imports them.

    • Works are carried out only at positive temperatures, preferably not less than + 5gr.S.
    • The surface must be dry and clean.
    • Old wood is cleaned of dirt with the help of special bleaches or with the help of grinders.
    • In the process of work, it is necessary to use protective equipment for hands and eyes.

    Many fans of the bath, despite all the manufacturers' assurances about the environmental friendliness of their product, are afraid to use them in their steam room. In this case, natural impregnations can serve as an alternative to purchased impregnations. For example, the forums often mention the successful use of refined flaxseed oil for this purpose.

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