Perennial phloxes from seeds: cultivation. Phlox annuals - growing from seed, when to plant

Perennial phlox can be propagated both vegetatively and by seeds.

The method of reproduction of phloxes is chosen depending on the goal that is set in this case. So, for example, phloxes can be divided in order to multiply rare and beautiful variety, to obtain a large amount of planting material or to improve it, and finally, to prepare a regular cut or cut for exhibitions.

When are phlox propagated by seeds?

With good weather conditions phloxes produce seeds in abundance, which often, especially in early varieties, ripen on the bushes. The readiness of the seeds is indicated by the browning of the boxes and the beginning of the wilting of the leaves. In late-flowering varieties, seeds reach wax ripeness in October. To get mature seeds, cut the stems, tie them in bunches and hang them on cold veranda. If the room is very dry, then the boxes begin to crack, the seeds scatter, and they can be lost. Then the inflorescences are placed in gauze bags. Browned boxes, as they mature, can be collected from the bushes in paper bags and brought into the room. IN paper bag the boxes dry up and burst with a characteristic crack. Phlox seeds quickly lose their germination, especially in a dry and warm room. It is best to clean the seeds just before sowing. P. G. Gaganov advised to mix the peeled seeds with sand and store them in a cool room in this form until sowing. The highest germination (up to 80-90%) is given by seeds when sown immediately after their collection - in late November - early December. You can also sow in winter - in January-February on a garden bed prepared in the fall. To do this, snow is removed from the garden, seeds are rarely scattered on its frozen surface, with a distance of 3-4 cm. Then they are covered with a layer of sifted earth prepared in advance, or sand 1-1.5 cm thick and snow. When sown in winter, seed germination will be 70%.

When growing perennial phloxes from seeds, they can be sown immediately in open ground in the fall or early winter, planting the seeds to a depth of 1.5 cm. In the spring, the seeds will germinate safely and bloom by autumn.

With seed propagation, phlox seedlings bloom for 3-4 years. Sowing is done in the fall, as the seeds quickly lose their germination. With this method, decorative qualities mother plant are not fully preserved.

When sown at home perennial phlox seeds need stratification. The container with the planted seeds is first kept in room conditions 15-20 days, then in the cold (from -2 to +4 0C) 15-25 days. After low temperatures place a container with phlox seeds close to the glass and make a screen from the room and heating appliances so that the air temperature is not higher than +12 0C. If the phlox seeds were planted in February, the third period will be in April, then the container with phlox seeds can be safely taken out into the garden under agrospan or plastic film. Optimum temperature for the germination of phlox seeds is from +5 to +12 0C.

Once the seeds germinate, the difficult, tedious process of waiting ends: “maybe I did something wrong; maybe the seeds are bad; May be...". In the future, seedlings require the same care as other seedlings.

Small phlox seedlings in the phase of two or three pairs of true leaves are planted at a distance of about 20 cm on a bed with fertile soil. Further phlox care consists in systematic weeding, loosening the soil, watering, top dressing. While the phlox seedlings are still small, the soil between them can be mulched with mowed grass. This will keep the soil soft and moist and will also prevent weeds from growing.

Perennial phloxes in dry hot weather need watering, but it is at this time that there is a risk of phloxes being affected by septoria, powdery mildew. In this case, spraying with fungicides is necessary, otherwise you can lose the plant.

In summer, as soon as the plants get stronger, you need to pinch over the fourth or fifth pair of leaves. This is done for better tillering of phloxes. Flowering of phloxes lasts from July to the end of September, but the peak falls on August. It is only necessary to remove faded inflorescences in time, then new flower stalks appear from the axils of the lateral leaves. Once every three to four years in May, the phlox rhizome must be divided. It's better to do in early spring or in September, so that the transplanted plants have time to take root before winter.

We bring to your attention the video: "How to grow perennial phlox from seeds"


Phloxes are beautiful and unpretentious, they will be a worthy decoration of any garden, thanks to the huge variety of not only shades of color, but also the very different form petals. Therefore, today we will learn how to grow phloxes from seeds, what are the tricks of growing these flowers, as well as caring for seedlings and adult plants.

The soil

The composition of the soil is important in the process of growing phlox. For them, a humus-rich earth, loose with a small content of loam for low acidity, is suitable. Sowing of seeds is carried out in pre-moistened soil, in fairly large boxes for the free development of a powerful root system of phloxes. A week before planting, we process the soil with potassium permanganate, as for any other.

soil fertilization

Despite the fact that phloxes are very unpretentious and can grow even in conditions that are harsh for flowers, top dressing is a must at the stage of growing seedlings. A small amount of fertilizer will help support and accelerate development and rapid growth.


Phlox seeds are not buried, but placed on the surface of the soil, as well as. A container with seedlings is best placed on the windowsill and monitor the constant soil moisture. In this case, it is best to use a spray gun.

Annual and perennial phloxes

Among annuals, hardy varieties are often found, such as the Drummond variety, whose seeds can be sown directly into the soil. Moreover, they bloom three weeks earlier than flowers from seedlings. The main condition is the sheltering of shoots when spring frosts, especially if sowing was done before winter.

After all, the Drummond variety can be sown even in December (in November for middle lane). We trample the snow, sow the seeds and cover nutrient soil above. Pour a 30 cm layer of snow over the sowing.

However, not all varieties of annuals can be sown before winter, so it is better to sow in the spring, then the first gatherings can germinate in a week.

Conditions for growing seedlings

  • The temperature in the room with seedlings is 21 C with fairly high humidity,
  • Covering with a film in the first days to accelerate germination,
  • After the emergence of seedlings, we strongly reduce the humidity in order to avoid decay of the seedlings,
  • There should be as much light as possible, at this time we remove the film, and periodically turn the container towards the light,
  • With the growth of seedlings, the temperature is reduced to 15 C, so that the seedlings do not stretch ahead of time,

We harden seedlings

The hardening process can be started from the end of April - the beginning of May. At this time, seedlings should be taken out into the street during the day.

Sowing perennials

Practically does not differ from sowing annual phloxes. The only difference is that perennials are most often planted directly into the ground - in a flower bed or in a flower garden. They do this from the end of May, focusing on the weather in your region, so that night frosts do not damage the seedlings.

Four seeds are placed in the hole for sowing, watered warm water and cover with foil. Further care the same as for seedlings sown in boxes. Feeding can be started as early as the second week.

Flowers planted immediately in the ground bloom later for a couple of months, but thanks to this, flowering continues until late autumn in the company with, and.

Unlike annuals, it is better not to sow perennial phlox before winter, so that they do not germinate ahead of time and die from the cold.

seedling care

After 2 - 3 weeks after sowing, the seedlings can dive, if there are two true leaves. It should be taken into account that different varieties, the time of appearance of the leaves is different.

Top dressing can be started a week after the dive. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied in small quantities. Other complex fertilizers are no longer made mediocre after landing at.

So, if you want phlox in your garden to bloom from early spring to late autumn, use both methods of growing phlox - seedling and sowing directly into the ground.

Phlox photo

Phlox propagation by cuttings video

Bright phloxes are sown on summer cottages and city flower beds, in school flower beds and on balconies. Their name is translated from Greek as "fire". Phloxes bloom for a long time, smell pleasant and calmly endure any vagaries of the weather. Perennial plants are propagated mainly by cuttings or dividing the bush. But they can also be grown from seeds. annual varieties reproduce mainly by seeds.

You will need

Phlox seeds;
- garden tools;
- a piece of land;
- film;
- unfrozen ground;
- watering can.


1. Before collecting phlox seeds, determine if they are ripe. To do this, drill one of the seed boxes with an awl and evaluate their appearance. They should be large and dense, have different shades Green colour. Also, seeds of these flowers can be purchased at flower shops.

2. Seeds of perennial phlox quickly lose their germination capacity, and therefore it is impossible to wait until spring. In addition, for the normal development of plants, planting material must freeze. Start preparing for landing immediately after collection. Choose a site where flowers can grow for several years. Keep in mind that phloxes do not do well in shady places and in swampy lowlands. And therefore, they cannot be sown under the dense crowns of trees.

3. Engage in soil preparation. It should be nutritious and loose. This will ensure long and lush flowering. There should not be a lot of sand in the ground, phloxes do not like and heavy acidic soils. On such lands, seedlings, most likely, will not appear. A bed or flower bed must be prepared even before the first frost.

4. It is best to sow perennial phloxes in November or December. Deadline- January, but not later. The closer the sowing is to spring, the less likely it is that the seeds will sprout. Snow should not scare you, just clear the bed of it.

5. Spread the seeds on the frozen surface of the flower bed. Optimal distance is 5-6 cm apart. Spread a thin layer of ordinary garden soil on top. It can be prepared ahead of time or bought at a gardening store. It is not necessary to make the layer continuous, just sprinkle the seeds. Sprinkle the bed with snow and wait for spring. When using this method, almost all seeds germinate in the spring and most of the plants bloom.

6. When growing annual phlox, prepare the bed in the same way as for perennials. You can do this both in spring and autumn. Scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil at a distance of 3-4 cm. Pour them from a watering can and cover plastic wrap. It is not necessary to sprinkle with earth. Every day on a short time remove the film so that the plants breathe a little, shake off the condensate from it. After the seeds germinate, the film is removed completely.

These beautiful, fragrant flowers came to Europe from North America over three centuries ago. And then the outstanding Swedish scientist Carl Linnaeus gave them the botanical name Phlox . And in the old days in Rus', lush multi-colored phloxes were called "sitchik".

Translated from Greek Phlox means "flame", "fire". It is also translated into the language of flowers as "the flame of your lips." Greek origin The name of the phlox flowers is explained by a beautiful legend. Allegedly, when Odysseus and the Argonauts left the dungeon of the god Hades, they threw their burning torches to the ground. Their flame did not go out, but turned into bright flowers sprouted, as if reminiscent of courageous travelers.

Today there are more than 50 species of phlox, and except for the annual Drummond, they are all perennial. For most of them, only the underground parts (roots, rhizomes) are such, and the above-ground stems and leaves die off at the end of the growing season. However, there are also evergreens with long-lived both parts.

Today, only up to 20 species of these flowers are used in ornamental gardening, floriculture, and landscape construction. bright lush bloom You can admire different varieties for almost half a year: from early spring, all summer and until late autumn. Therefore, it is difficult to disagree with the German gardener, philosopher Karl Forster, that "a garden without phloxes is nonsense."

Depending on the habitat of wild phlox species, their appearance, ecological, morphological features may differ. All these plants with straight rigid stems, fragrant flowers of various colors, petal shapes are divided into 3 groups:

Among the tall ones, reaching a height of up to 180 cm, there are panicled, spotted, smooth and a number of others. They give flowers from early autumn and early summer. They are usually placed in the background of flower arrangements.

Undersized grow up to only 60 cm, bloom from late spring to early summer. Thick-haired (Caroline), hairy, lovely, oval Delilah, Candy Twist, etc. are popular in this subgroup. They add a special charm to any composition when placed in the foreground.

Along with this general classification, breeders continue to create interspecific hybrids, varieties. Some of them have already started organizing separate groups.

Varieties of perennial phlox with a photo

When choosing a plant, we advise you to focus both on its height and on the color of numerous varieties. There are more than 1,500 of them. It is not surprising that they are given very sonorous names that are associated with certain images and themes. Let's take a look at some of them:

Selection of planting material

When buying planting material, you need to pay attention to the presence of up to 5 correctly colored shoots, the length of which reaches about 6 cm. They should have a shiny surface and healthy roots shortened to 15 cm.

For planting perennial phlox are selected healthy plants with a greenish, rough skin and leaves undamaged by pests. Future seedlings should have 2-3 thickened stems, large buds formed at their bases.

Even before digging, the length of the stems of adult plants is cut in half. After carefully extracting the bush, cleaning it from the ground root system is divided into several parts.

Cutting off rhizomes for future seedlings can be done with your hands, a sharp shovel or knife. It is important not to damage the vegetative buds located at the base of the stem. Each young bush should have at least 8 buds, from which new shoots will grow. And the root without them can die.

Attention should be paid to good development root system, the length of the root is not more than 15 cm. If necessary, the rhizomes can only be shortened by one third with a pruner.

Procurement of planting material can be carried out even from the moment of germination. To do this, a young shoot is carefully broken out on a healthy bush, along with part of its rhizome. On a handle with two internodes, the cut is made under the lower one and 5-7 cm above the upper one.

You can grow perennial phlox using vegetative methods and, like annuals from seeds. Most often, for breeding perennial phloxes, they choose planting materials thanks to the first, namely:

  • The division of the bush considered to be the most labor-intensive method. It allows the plant to be used for new landing, while helping to rejuvenate the old bush of your favorite variety. "Delenka" is used when the bush reaches the age of 3-4 years at any time of the year. This method consists in digging it, dividing it into parts, sprinkling the resulting hole with fertile soil. Plants divided in this way with straightened roots are planted in another place with a depth of 3 cm into the soil.
  • layering are made by bending the stem to the ground until flowering. Then it is fixed along the entire length and covered with peat with humus. By autumn, this sprouted shoot is separated from the "native" bush, transplanted to the chosen place.

Many practice the use of spring growth shoots. They are carefully broken out with a “heel” from heavily thickened bushes at the very base of the stem. For better rooting shoots are first planted in a greenhouse or insulated greenhouse, because in open field this process is very slow. From the end of May - the beginning of June, after regular watering with warm, settled water, the shoots with the formed roots are planted at the selected site of the site.

cuttings carried out during the entire growing season of the plant. It begins when the shoot reaches 5 cm and ends before the end of September. Spring and summer cuttings take root most successfully.

So in May-June, you can cut off small pieces of young shoots with two pairs of leaves. These cuttings are placed in moist soil and covered with a jar until they are fully rooted.

The method of grafting is expedient if it is necessary to propagate a large number of phloxes.

Phlox breeding: video

When is the best time to plant phlox - in spring or autumn

According to experienced flower growers most auspicious time for transplantation - early spring (late April - early May).

Autumn planting is quite allowed during the period of budding on the basal collars from the end of August, but no later than the first days of September.

If, after school hours, “it’s impossible, but you really want to,” then it’s better not to plant, but to dig the chosen plant to a depth of loose soil up to 25 cm. On the eve of cold weather, this place is mulched or covered with dense material.

At autumn planting for better rooting, it is necessary to do a preliminary pruning of the upper part of the bushes. During flowering, phloxes can also be transplanted, provided they are carefully dug up with a clod of earth and further regularly watered.

It is important to remember that a plant can take root, fully develop and grow without disease only if the root system is not overdried. But summer transplants of these plants should be avoided. At this time, they grow very slowly, can be subjected to drying, pest attacks.

Perennial phlox can be planted in both autumn and spring. The key to the duration, lush flowering of phlox is right choice time and place of their planting, soil cover, methods of agricultural technology.

Main requirement proper fit- soil fertility per 1 shovel bayonet. This is due to the shallow occurrence (up to 30 cm) of a powerful, branched root system and the location of the bulk of the substances that feed it up to 20 cm from the soil surface.

Where to plant

The landing site should be free of moisture stagnation. Therefore, it is better not to choose damp, low-lying areas of the plots. The best option- slightly raised in relation to the surface of the flower bed. Despite their light-loving nature, they are more like a slight penumbra than bright sunlight or a thick shadow.

The place should not be "open to all winds", especially during wintering. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant phloxes on north side. Planting flowers should also be avoided in the shade of large trees due to unequal forces in the struggle for light, moisture, and nutrients.

When determining the "place of residence" of plants when planting, it is important to take into account their growth, color scheme, harmony of combination with other plants.

Soil preparation

The choice of location also implies attention to the composition of the soil. Light earth with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction is suitable for planting phloxes. If the earth is too acidic in places suitable for it, then it will be neutralized quicklime(per 1 m² 200 g).

Clay soil is mixed with sand, and sandy with peat. Loamy soil can be “ennobled” by mixing it with mature humus, ash, bone meal in proportions of 100 g per 1 m². Such "intervention in nature" + regular moderate feeding will make the cultivation of phlox effective.

Planting perennial and annual phlox differs little, with the exception of some nuances. So, during spring planting, the distance between perennials should be somewhat larger than that of annuals, since the former will grow over the years.

So, for example, between undersized, ground cover phloxes, a distance between bushes of up to 40 cm is observed. For varieties with an average height, it should be up to 50 cm, and tall ones - at least 70 cm. Along with this, after planting, the soil around them will certainly be mulched (dry humus , peat, small shavings, chopped straw, etc.).

On the eve of the onset of winter, phloxes should not be planted, but only dug to a depth of up to 25 cm. At the same time, the place should be protected from the winter wind, and snow should cover them. And after the soil freezes, buried flowers must be covered with dry foliage or peat.

Phloxes that managed to grow up after spring cuttings are planted in autumn in open ground in a permanent place. In the absence of sufficient moisture, rains, seedlings are abundantly watered 2-3 times weekly for 14 days. The soil around them is loosened, mulched.

Cloudy daytime or evening weather is suitable for planting perennials.

This method of cultivation can be the result of "self-seeding" of seeds that have fallen off plants or planting pre-harvested. In the second case, the seeds are harvested in autumn before the opening of brown seed pods, withering of all foliage.

A sign of mature seeds is their dense structure of dark green color, characteristic crackling when pressed. Consideration should be given to the need for frequent collection due to uneven maturation. After collecting, cleaning from the husk, the remains of the leaves, the finished seed material is immediately laid in the prepared soil (September-early November).

As a result of winter natural selection, the strongest survive and begin to germinate already with the snow melting. In mid-May, seedlings can be planted in their designated places, taking into account the preferences of the soil composition.

Some gardeners think optimal timing sowing seeds from November to January (sowing before winter). To do this, a pre-prepared flower bed or garden bed is cleared of the first snow. Then seeds are laid out on their surface with a distance of up to 5 cm from each other, sprinkled on top with a layer of up to 1 cm of garden soil, snow. Experience this easy way planting in open ground shows up to 70% germination, previously lush flowering.

Growing phlox seedlings in these ways makes it possible to obtain fairly resistant plants by diving densely sprouted seeds in open ground. Such seedlings can be planted at the desired interval and admire the flowers in the first year of their life.

Sowing at home

When growing seedlings in room conditions, perennial phloxes need to prepare seeds for germination (stratification). To do this, after planting in a container with a substrate, they are kept for 15-20 days at room temperature and in the cold no higher than +4 °C.

After staying at a low temperature, the container is placed in a bright place, separated from heating appliances screen. Here, the air should warm up to the optimum for seed germination no higher than +12 °C.

After they have germinated, the period of traditional care for phlox seedlings begins. This is the uniformity of lighting, regular watering-spraying, shelter, removal of condensate, ventilation, picking.

Landing in the ground

It begins when seedlings have 4-6 true leaves. They are seated at a distance of 20 cm in a pre-selected place. At the same time, the soil between still small phloxes must be mulched with at least mowed grass without seeds.

This will keep the soil moist, soft, and free of weeds. Indispensable types of care for growing phlox are careful loosening of the earth, weeding, watering, top dressing.

How to grow perennial phlox from seeds: video

Caring for perennial phlox in summer

It consists in regular watering (morning, evening) under the root. After the flowers get stronger, to increase the bushiness, they are pinched over 4-5 pairs of leaves. During the active flowering of phloxes from July to September, all fading inflorescences should be removed. This favors the emergence of new flower stalks in the axils of the leaves.

During the growth period, perennials need 5 times fertilizer, while annuals need 4 times. Thanks to the latter, top dressing helps the formation of full-fledged seeds in boxes.

With proper care, top dressing, the flowers will thank the growth of at least 7 years without loss of decorative effect.

Diseases and pests

They do not strongly overcome phloxes. However, with poor care, planting in the shade, thickened plantings, powdery mildew is possible. It attacks stems and leaves.

Another very unpleasant pest is the nematode (roundworms). Neighbors can help here: marigolds, nasturtium, calendula.

How to transplant phlox: video

How to master a neglected site Planting phloxes: video

Attentive attitude to flowers, compliance with the rules of agricultural technology will allow you to enjoy the colorful and fragrant phlox every year.

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