Hedge cutting tool. How to cut the fence on the site. Hedge Clippers

The development of a suburban area usually begins with the designation of its boundaries. Many people surround the estate with high blank fences, but there is another way to isolate oneself from the street - this hedge from clipped or free-growing shrubs!

Hedges improve the microclimate of the site. A wall of shrubs will quite effectively protect the estate from the winds, but, being permeable to air movement, it will not create pressure drops and air funnels that are detrimental to plants, which usually form near solid fences. The roots of plants, unlike the foundations of fences, do not interfere with the outflow ground water. Dense tall hedges provide good protection from noise, serve as a reliable barrier to dust and exhaust gases near busy highways. thick wall of thorny plants- an almost insurmountable obstacle for unauthorized persons trying to get into the fenced area.

There are two types of hedges - molded and unshaped. In the first case, the plants are regularly pruned to give them a certain shape, in the second, they do without a haircut, allowing the seedlings to develop freely. The second option is less labor intensive. A dense untrimmed hedge 2 m high can be grown in 2-4 years, while the creation of a molded hedge of the same height will take at least 4-6 years. Alas, an unshaped hedge takes up a lot of space (the width can reach 4 m) and is contraindicated for small areas. The molded hedge is compact (no more than 1 m wide) and is suitable for any site. Both types of hedges require pruning in the first years after planting.

On a note

Planting a hedge will cost a lot less than building a solid fence. Especially if you choose plants that you can propagate yourself rather than buy at a garden center.

When to plant?

hedge of deciduous plants grown in containers can be planted throughout the season - from spring to autumn.

Plants with an open root system, that is, those that were grown in the nursery in the ground and then dug up for sale, are planted only when they do not have leaves - either in October, when the leaves have already fallen, or in early spring before the buds start to swell. In heavy and wet soils, the best time to plant is spring.

Conifers and evergreen deciduous shrubs are sensitive to desiccation, so these plants should be purchased with a closed root system and planted with an undisturbed clod of earth. It is best to do this in September or in the spring - from the moment when the buds begin to swell, until the end of May.

How to plant?

For unshaped hedges, as well as for light-loving and coniferous plants (spruces, thuja, junipers), planting seedlings in one row is suitable. But such a fence does not always form a dense curtain. For hedges that will be pruned extensively, as well as those that should form a solid barrier, planting in two rows is recommended.

If you intend to plant plants densely, it will be more convenient to immediately dig one or two ditches along the cord. In a single-row hedge, plants are planted, observing equal distances between seedlings (about 20-50 cm), in two-row - in a checkerboard pattern. Part of the barren earth taken out of the pit is removed. The rest is mixed with compost or quick peat and returned back, poured along the entire ditch.

If the gaps between the plants should be large - 60-70 cm - it is better to plant them in separate holes, rather than dig a ditch. In this case, the pits should be so large that the roots lie freely in them and are not bent up or to the sides.

Why do you need pruning after planting?

The first pruning is done regardless of whether the hedge should be molded or not.

This procedure is very great importance, because it depends on it whether the plants take root or not, and how the hedge will look in the future. The first haircut stimulates the growth of new shoots and promotes the development of the root system of plants. Plants planted in spring and dropping leaves for the winter are pruned immediately after planting; and those planted in the fall are left uncircumcised for the winter, postponing this procedure until next spring. In the spring, to stimulate branching, the tops of the shoots are cut first. In general, the depth of pruning depends on the type of plant and its condition, usually shrubs and hardwoods are pruned 30-40 cm from

On a note

Cutting a hedge regularly is necessary not only to make it look beautiful. Thanks to this procedure, the plants will be healthy, and the hedge will be evenly thick and lush.

In order for a hedge to be healthy, thick and look good, it needs to be cut regularly. A hedge consisting of deciduous plants shedding leaves for the winter is pruned at least twice a year. The first time - at the turn of June and July: at this time, the shoots are cut to half their length. The second pruning is performed in late August - early autumn, shortening all fresh shoots to a length of 10 cm.

An unformed hedge does not require regular pruning: it is enough to cut it only once a year - in early spring. At this time, the hedge is thinned out, cutting out all the old branches near the ground, and the young ones are shortened by 2/3 of their length. The shape of the hedge will not change from this, but it will become thicker.

A hedge of coniferous plants does not need to be trimmed during the growth process. But if the plants grow weakly, then once a year (in July - early August) they can be carefully trimmed by cutting off the tops of the plants by 10 cm ( side shoots shortened a little).

How to cut an adult hedge?

Formed hardwood hedges that have reached the expected size are cut regularly, and if growth is strong, even once a month. This will allow the hedge to keep the correct geometric shape and look well-groomed.

Molded coniferous hedges are usually sheared at least twice a year - preferably in July and early August. The exception is spruce hedges, which can only be pruned once a year, preferably in late spring when the plants are putting out young shoots.

An unformed hedge does not need regular trimming. Columnar plants are not pruned at all. The exception is when they begin to thin out from below. Then all should be cut. upper shoots and some side ones.

In deciduous hedges, it is useful to thin out the crowns of plants every few years (in the spring before the buds appear). Most of the old and thick shoots are removed, and the young ones are cut to 2/3 of their length.

How to get a haircut?

First set the level of the upper plane. This is easily done with a cord stretched between stakes driven into the ground. Another option is to attach a long horizontal bar to the vertical pegs. The upper part of the hedge is cut horizontally, moving along the cord or plank. Moreover, for beginners, a bar is preferable, since it can be used as a guide without the risk of being cut with a sharp tool. Then they cut in turn side walls, removing all branches that have grown beyond the established line.

Our advice

A heavily mowed hedge should be systematically fertilized with compost or multi-component fertilizers. mineral fertilizers.

Best Plants


A fast-growing hedge 1-1.2 m high can be obtained from spirea. The shrub is easy to propagate with your own hands. The hedge is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, the shrub does not get sick with anything, it looks beautiful both in summer and in autumn. However, it grows very fast. To make the shrub look neat, it needs a regular haircut, the frequency of which depends on the variety. With an irregular haircut, the lower part of the bush is exposed and looks sloppy.


A very profitable option for a green hedge, since the plant tolerates a haircut well and “keeps its shape” for a long time. The shrub is resistant to adverse growing conditions, well adapted to harsh climatic conditions. Bushes reluctantly, so it is better not to count on a quick result. Cotoneaster can be used in gardens regular style.

cotoneaster hedge


At proper care thuja hedges retain an attractive appearance all year round. From thuja you can create a high and extremely dense green wall. The tree is shade-tolerant, frost-resistant and not very demanding on moisture and soil. For hedges, it is better to choose pyramidal thuja varieties, for example, the columnar varieties of western thuja "Brabant", "Smaragd" and "Fastigiata".


A vigorous shrub that forms a dense hedge. Easily propagated by cuttings, grows quickly (40 cm wide and 40 cm high per year). Differs in unpretentiousness - frost-resistant, drought-resistant, can grow in shaded places, does not get sick. There are several showy cultivars with leaves ranging in color from golden to purple. The shrub takes up a lot of space, so you should not plant it on small plot.


Perhaps the most undemanding shrub for hedges in our climate. Suitable for creating low hedges (up to 1 m). It will feel good even on a site with high ground standing. It is practically not damaged by diseases and pests. It tolerates pruning and shaping. Increased resistance to gas and smoke allows the use of the snowberry to separate the car park from front areas and recreation areas.


Perfect for creating an impenetrable and impenetrable hedge, you just need to choose tall varieties(so, the Ottawa barberry ‘Superba’ grows up to 3.5 m tall). A lot of unpretentious varieties with beautiful foliage different shades. One of the species - Thunberg's barberry - blooms and bears fruit in a haircut. Barberries absolutely cannot stand waterlogging and stagnant water.

Video: How to grow a hedge in the country?

Optimal timing for cutting hedges by season. Consider the features of haircuts and trimming different types plants price Belarus |

hedge cutting time

The optimal time for shearing and pruning is the end of winter - the beginning of spring (from mid-February to mid-April) and the second half of summer (after the completion of shoot growth). It is impossible to carry out pruning in winter (due to the possible negative impact on cut branches low temperatures and strong desiccation) and during the period of sap flow (due to the strong release of juices from the surface of the cuts, which weakens the tree and can lead to its death).

Cut leaves and shoots must be carefully collected and burned, because. they can be sources of pests and diseases.

On a note: As a rule, novice gardeners try not to prune young plants at all in the first two to three years after planting. However, the appearance of the fence is determined precisely on initial stage formations. Without early pruning, its base will be "transparent", and the top will be very thickened. Therefore, immediately after landing deciduous shrub cut to a level of 15-25 cm. New shoots are shortened by half, leaving no more than 20 cm of growth. All this stimulates the growth of shoots from the base of the bush, as a result of which the hedge becomes much denser.

Plants with small leaves(boxwood, privet) or electric scissors. The latter are preferable for processing long hedges. And for cutting plants with large leaves it is better to use mechanical scissors that cut only the shoots without affecting the foliage.

In subsequent years, the living fence is cut several times in spring and summer, maintaining the desired height and shape. At the same time, dried, diseased or old shoots are removed. So that the upper branches do not obscure the lower ones, the hedges, as mentioned above, are shaped into a trapezoid, and the base should be 10-15 cm wider than the top. To form a perfectly even "wall" you can use the template.

When growing hedges in natural form they are given the opportunity to grow and bloom freely. hedges from flowering shrubs should not be cut too far or most of the flower buds will be removed.

For your information: Shrubs, blooming in spring or at the beginning of summer, subjected to brightening pruning, which is carried out at the end of flowering once every three years. Most summer flowering shrubs need drastic pruning every spring.

On a note: Shrubs that form flowers on old growths should be formed immediately after flowering. At the same time, faded shoots are cut out with secateurs, if necessary. The growths of the previous year are cut at a distance of 15 cm from the base.

This group includes Canadian shadberry, most barberries, buddley, Japanese quince, types and varieties of action, forsythia, large-leaved hydrangea (only faded shoots are cut from it), Japanese kerria, hollow-leaved magonia, currant, all types and varieties of mock orange, early flowering spireas, lilac, common viburnum, weigela.

Timing of cutting and cutting hedges. Features by plants

Some shrubs beautiful flowers by autumn they are replaced by no less attractive fruits, for example, y. It is better for such plants to be given the opportunity for free development. To rejuvenate these shrubs, when they are 4-5 years old, in late autumn, you can remove all shoots as thick as a finger at soil level.

Spiraea pruning comes down to the annual removal of frozen shoot tips and complete removal obsolete branches (after 7-14 years).

Weigela in the spring, frost-damaged shoots are regularly removed. Pruning is carried out once every 2-3 years. Best time pruning - immediately after flowering.

For abundant flowering need periodic top dressing with mineral and organic fertilizers. After flowering, the bushes, if necessary, thin out and remove faded branches. Overgrown bushes are usually subjected to heavy pruning, retaining some of the strong, relatively young shoots, which compensates for the loss of flowering intensity in this season.

pruning ordinary is usually reduced to the removal of the oldest shoots. Thickened plants with randomly arranged branches are thoroughly thinned out in the spring before the start of the growing season or immediately after flowering.

For more colorful flowering bushes of hydrangea tree and paniculata thin out in March, leaving, depending on their age and size, only 6-12 strong shoots, which are cut into two buds of old wood.

Japanese spirea in severe winters it can freeze to the level of snow and below, but in summer it quickly recovers and blooms. To increase the decorative effect, faded inflorescences and shrunken branches must be regularly removed.

Another group of plants is distinguished, which are characterized by flowering on lateral shoots and formations such as annelids. They grow slowly and almost do not require any pruning, with the exception of autumn or spring cuttings of shoots that grow very spreading and have lost their ability to vegetate. This group includes species and varieties of some barberries, cotoneaster, species and varieties of rhododendrons, roses.

You can order a hedge trim in Minsk and the Minsk region:

The material was prepared by: horticultural specialist Buynovsky O.I.

Regular and proper cutting of the hedge is a very important condition for this decorative part of the garden to always please you with its fresh green and neat appearance. Shearing gives the hedge a neat look decorative look and, in addition, contributes to the formation of a denser crown, increased growth of lateral branches and leaves of plants.

Hedge Clippers

For cutting young hedges large sizes it is preferable to use a hand tool - secateurs or gardening scissors:

  • they cause less damage to the plant,
  • after such a haircut, more whole living leaves remain,
  • the haircut itself will be done more carefully.

For more mature plants and larger hedges, apply electric tools:

  • brush cutter,
  • chainsaw,
  • electric scissors.

How to cut a hedge

In order to give the fence the intended shape with straight lines, the haircut is carried out along a stretched cord or using a special fence frame made of brightly colored wire.

Timing and number of haircuts

  1. Hedges from young plants in the first 2 years need a single annual haircut, which is carried out in early spring or late autumn.
  2. In the future, the number of haircuts per season can be increased if necessary up to 2-3 times a year.

1. The first stage - we prune the plants

  • Plants with a poorly formed crown are cut to half the length.
  • The branches of well-formed mature plants are cut by a third.
  • Such pruning is done the next season after planting.
  • So, if the plants were planted in the spring, then the first pruning is carried out in the fall.

2. The second stage - we form a fence

  • The goal of shaping is to give the hedge the desired profile and increase the density of the branches.
  • Do not try to give the hedge a regular rectangular cut shape with flat tops and sides.
  • With this form of cutting, the lower shoots lack light, become bare and die.
  • It is desirable that the height of the fence be significantly greater than the width.

Formative hedge trim

The most natural haircut shapes are rounded or trapezoidal profiles with a wider base at the bottom. Then all the shoots of the plant develop in good light conditions, and the hedge retains a beautiful well-groomed appearance for a long time.

  1. The first formative cutting of a deciduous hedge should be carried out in the 2nd year after planting.
  2. In young plants, no more than 1/3 of the annual growth of shoots is cut, and in mature plants, branches are cut off to half the growth.
  3. Unnecessary length is removed by making an oblique cut over a well-developed kidney.
  4. When forming rectangular shapes, the side branches of the hedge need to be cut more deeply than the apical ones.

Rejuvenating hedge clipper

If the fence has lost its beautiful view and decorative, it is necessary to take measures to restore it.

In such a case, it is rejuvenating haircut, which includes two stages:

  1. in the first year, a deep haircut is made on one side of the hedge, retreating 10 cm from the trunk,
  2. in the second year, a deep haircut is carried out on the opposite side.

Spend timely sanitary pruning- cut dry old weak branches, as well as shoots affected by pests.

For each type of plant from which the fence is formed, there are features in the haircut. Let's list some of them.

barberry hedge trimming

Of all the shrubs, the barberry retains its spectacular shape for the longest time after shearing. In addition, quite complex curly profiles can be successfully created from it.

  1. You can cut a barberry hedge, even if it has grown a lot, at any time of the year.
  2. In addition, the barberry perfectly tolerates cutting 1-2-year-old branches.

Bararis has many wonderful benefits. Currently, a huge number of varieties of barberry with a wide variety of leaf color options have been bred, which makes it possible to create very beautiful multi-colored hedges.

Hawthorn hedge trimming

With a timely haircut and care, the hawthorn hedge grows very thick, almost impassable.

  1. To create such a hedge, seedlings of the 2nd year are cut at a height of 15 cm from the soil, and then one or two are left from the growing shoots, cutting off all the rest.
  2. Until the hedge grows to the desired height, the newly emerging shoots are intertwined with each other.
  3. The hedge is trimmed every year in summer and spring.


Privet hedge trimming

Privet is especially valued for its high sprouting ability, thanks to which the hedge is resistant to irregular shearing and is easily restored even after cutting to a stump.

  1. Privet shearing should be started as early as possible, at the moment when the planted plants have started to grow.
  2. First, only the tops of the shoots are lightly cut off, after the branches grow by 15 cm, the procedure is repeated. This stage of preparing the crown for shaping lasts 2 years.
  3. Then you can begin to form a hedge profile. The most optimal profile shape is trapezoidal.

Keep the hedge in shape with frequent regular haircuts 3-6 times a season from May to September.

Coniferous hedge trimming

Spruce hedges are very beautiful and shade-tolerant, however important condition care for such a hedge is careful observance of the regularity of the haircut. Running coniferous hedges cannot be fixed, as the branches become too powerful and cannot be pruned.

  1. In the first year after planting, the plants are not pruned to allow them to better adapt.
  2. The following year, the haircut is carried out in May or June, while the apical shoots are shortened by about 1/3 of the length, and the side ones by 2/3.
  3. At the same time, it is necessary to strive to give the hedge the desired profile. The most optimal profile is a trapezoidal shape, but rectangular shape also allowed.
  4. In subsequent years, the shape of the hedge is maintained by pruning, which is carried out at the end of June in the period before the laying of new buds.
  5. Juniper and thuja hedges must be cut annually, giving them a trapezoid shape. Cutting such hedges is much easier, but it is very important to observe the regularity of the haircut, conducting it at the end of each June.

If the gardener wants his hedge to be healthy, fluffy and decorate the garden, it is necessary to carry out regular molding of plants. Shrub trimming is an essential activity for a responsible gardener. The right haircut helps to strengthen the root system, leaves and branches of shrubs. In addition, sheared hedges look aesthetically pleasing and complement.

Various options curly haircut hedge

Young hedges should be cut no more than once a year. This is done in early spring or late autumn. When the shrub grows on the site for more than two years, the frequency of molding increases as needed, about 2-4 times during the year.

hedge trimming young age best done with sharp garden shears or pruners. A small secateurs tool is better for pruning small plantings, and garden shears for tall bushes. When forming hand tools takes more time. However, this allows you to cut more accurately and save more whole leaves. For tall plants, power tools are usually used.

Special power tool for cutting hedges

You can use a brush cutter or electric shears. In some cases, a chainsaw is used. As with hand tools, the gardener should ensure that the blades of power tools are sharp and do not split branches.

For a green hedge decorative form use special wire frames, pre-painted in bright color. For simple shapes in the form of a square, you can use a stretched wire or a construction harness.

You should know: Gardeners plant shaped and unshaped shrubs. Both varieties need to be pruned in the first years of growth. Further, it is not necessary to cut the unformed varieties of hedges. The exception is the strong and undesirable growth of branches.

Haircut in the first year of growth

You can not ignore the instructions for the first formation of hedges.

Options for molding hedges on the site

The future depends on it appearance, rooting, and fast growth and bush development. The hedge is classified into coniferous and deciduous species. It should be briefly told about their haircut.

Deciduous hedge

If the hedge is sufficiently branched, then its pruning is done at a level of 30 cm from the ground. On a hedge with a small number of shoots, pruning is done at a level of 15 cm from the ground. Be sure to remove dried, broken or different from the rest, shoots.

The process of cutting a deciduous hedge

A hedge planted in spring or summer time years, should be trimmed immediately. But if, then the haircut should be postponed until early spring.

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Original figures for giving and garden plot

coniferous hedge

Usually they land coniferous plants, which already have a formed crown and do not require a haircut in the first year of growth. However, if a green hedge of shrubs has few shoots, then it can be cut in the middle or at the end of summer. The shoots that are located on the top of the plant are usually cut off by 15 cm. As for the side shoots, they can be shortened by 8-10 cm. But the removal of dry and damaged branches is also necessary.

Time for a haircut

If summer residents in the garden have beautiful, clipped hedges, then you can be sure that they are regularly maintained. Proper cutting of a hedge is a guarantee of its health and decorative appearance.

Tip: hardwoods should not be cut earlier than a year after planting.

Varieties of haircuts


These types of haircuts are used to give a certain shape to the green hedge. Shaping pruning is also applied to free-growing varieties, but it depends on decorative properties plants.


Supportive types of haircuts are carried out for preventive purposes. The parameters of the haircut depend on the illumination of the site, uniform growth and flowering of the hedge.


Anti-aging haircuts are carried out to stimulate the growth of new stems and shoots in perennial shrubs.


These types of haircuts help restore the ability to grow. They are used for shrubs that have undergone various diseases or are in a neglected state.


Preventive shearing is used to prevent diseases and maintain the shape of shrubs. The most frequent and obligatory type of haircut. This haircut can be done once a month, with the exception of the winter period.

The sanitary haircut includes the removal of dry branches and leaves, maintaining the shape of the plant, removing damaged shoots and branches.

You can admire the hedgerow at any time of the year. Most owners of cottages outside the city choose this type of fencing, as it does not require high costs and careful maintenance. And yet in the spring such a hedge requires heightened attention, in particular, it is necessary to carry out correct pruning hedges. Thus, it is possible to control the growth of branches on the fence, in addition, pruning helps to enhance the flowering of vegetation. If a person using garden tools, will fit into the life of green fences, then he will receive a response. Vegetation directs all its forces to restore balance: the growth of branches near the damaged areas of the bush is actively increasing.

hedge care

Types of hedge trimming

Consider the most common types of hedge trimming:

  • The shaping haircut is used to create some specific shape and saturation density of the plant branches at the crown. This process is carried out around mid-February until March.
  • Regulatory is to maintain the parameters of the crown, to ensure optimal illumination of any of its sections.
  • Anti-aging is designed to stimulate the growth of shoots in old vegetation.
  • The purpose of the restoration shearing is to restore the ability to flower, grow, bear fruit among those neglected as a result. bad conditions plant development.

The last two types of pruning can be done from mid-February to April, or in September, when shoot growth is completed.

  • Sanitary is designed to remove withered inflorescences, dead, diseased, damaged and intersecting branches in order to maintain a certain shape. It is usually carried out at any time of the year as needed, except for the winter cold.

Varieties of hedges and features of their haircut

Consider how to cut a fence:

  • Hardwood

Of course, cutting a hedge will require knowledge of certain rules. Since if you make certain mistakes during her haircut, then it will be impossible to correct the unwanted result. Sheared hedges need constant feeding and watering: plants need to supplement the shoots and leaves lost as a result of shearing with nutrients.

  • free growing hedges

Consider the technology of pruning free-growing hedges:

  • Pruning of spring-flowering shrubs is carried out after the flowering period ends - this is usually in late spring or early summer. Thus, the growth of shoots is stimulated. In addition to creating a haircut of hedges from flowering shrubs, a rejuvenating one is also needed: when dead shoots need to be cut to the very foundation so that the bush is not too thick and blooms profusely.
  • Summer-flowering shrubs bloom on the shoots of the current year, so pruning is done in early spring, before the buds awaken. shrub fertilization and various plants carried out in the same way as in the previous version.

To create hedges from conifers, you need to know a couple of agrotechnical rules:

  • Spruce hedges are shade-tolerant. They need a constant haircut, because then it will be impossible to cope with a neglected hedge.
  • During the first year after planting, cutting the hedge is not necessary, as the plant must adapt to new conditions.
  • IN later years pruning is carried out in May and June by means of secateurs, while the side and apical shoots are removed. The shoots on the sides are sheared approximately 2/3 of the length, the apical - only 1/3. Such a shearing of a softwood hedge encourages constant branching in subsequent years and makes it possible to have a fairly dense shrub fence.

Hedge Trimming Methods

Such pruning is carried out until the fence reaches the required height. At the same time, a hedge profile is formed. The defined shape can then be maintained using garden shears. Such pruning is carried out in the last days of March and in the first days of April. Some gardeners recommend maintenance pruning in the last days of June, when the spring growth of the shoots ends, however, before the period of laying completely new buds.

  • Fences from western arborvitae and juniper are cut in the same way, however, due to the reason and density of the crown, the consequences of pruning are slightly less visible and much easier to carry out. by the most best timing pruning is the last days of June, or the plants are pruned after the active spring growth of the shoots has ended. An important point is the regularity of the haircut, this process is best done every year. With a pruning profile, it is best to choose a trapezoidal shape, which is more suitable for such plant varieties.

A hedge of free-growing conifers needs the same care as during the cultivation of some plants: disease and pest control, loosening upper layers soil, watering during dry periods, constant top dressing.

How to choose hedge trimmers?

Shears for a living fence in your garden allow you to easily cut, level and give the desired shape to the plantings that frame the territory of the cottage, and also take care of other trees and shrubs in your garden.

If you want to choose a tool such as a live fence scissors, then you need to take into account the following features: size, which plants are included in the fence and the frequency of pruning. By type of nutrition, this garden tool happens:

  • Mechanical

If your garden hedge has small size, perhaps ordinary mechanical garden shears will be enough for you. The advantage of these hand hedge trimmers is that they are manoeuvrable and can reach areas that other gardening equipment cannot reach. Such a tool in your hands will help to cope with small shrubs that have small branches. But you need to take into account the fact that with the help of such scissors it will be very difficult to give your fence a suburban area even shape, and carry out huge-sized work.

  • Electric

In order to fully care for your fence in the backyard of small and medium sizes, you should use universal electric scissors. Their undeniable advantages are quiet operation, low weight and environmental friendliness. With these scissors, you can take care of your fence very simply, and besides, they can be used to work in places that are hard to reach. With the help of such tools, the complexity of the trimming process is greatly reduced and makes it possible to achieve the most best results. Electric scissors need a constant power supply, so they can be used at short distances from home. Or you can find a long power cord and then the problem will be solved.

An important point: if you decide to buy such scissors to care for your garden, then pay attention to whether they have a special holder that protects against accidental loss of the plug from the outlet.

  • Rechargeable

If your backyard does not have access to electricity, then you can use battery-powered pruning devices. Such scissors differ in compactness, maneuverability and speed, ease. Thanks to this technique, you can accurately create and artistically decorate a fence, shrub or tree.

Important rule: during permanent job battery-powered equipment should not perform its tasks for more than 14 minutes.

Choice of scissors for cutting

With the help of an additional battery, which is included with the device, you can increase the period of operation of the equipment. Popular companies offer gardeners big choice among various power tools to which it is possible to connect an identical battery. Some models have interchangeable parts, such as knives. Thanks to these knives, the equipment is versatile and suitable for both hedge trimming and working in difficult-to-reach areas on the lawn.

  • Petrol

Petrol Petrol shears are great solution if it is necessary to cut a thick fence, while the process must be carried out quite often, and there is no access to the mains. This technique has a higher noise level, however, it is also more powerful in comparison with electric options.

If you intend to use the shears for cutting trees in parks, then it is better to use powerful tools for work that have gasoline or electric battery motors. In addition, they have a larger working surface than ordinary brush cutters. If the mass of equipment is not more than three kilograms, then this tool is suitable for any type of work. When choosing a fence shears, you need to look at the comfort and functionality of the handle, the safety and the material of the blades.

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