How often and correctly to water tomatoes in a greenhouse, types of organization of watering tomatoes. Proper watering of tomatoes - from the beginning of growth to harvesting When to stop watering tomatoes

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Watering frequency

​After planting, the seedlings need to be watered abundantly - up to five liters per plant. Then you can “forget” about watering for about a week. How do you know if tomatoes need moisture? Pay attention to the top layer of soil. If the soil is dry, then it’s time to water the seedlings - because young plants have roots that are too weak to absorb liquid at depth. Tomato seedlings are usually watered once or twice a week. Tomatoes are suitable for large greenhouses and, compared to the previous method, require financial costs. True, the cost of purchasing special equipment will significantly simplify watering and save time.​

​And if water drops remain on the leaves or fruits, then in the bright sun such a drop becomes a lens that leaves burns.​

​You need to water such seedlings in the evening and in the morning, up to 2 liters of water per hole in clear weather, and in cloudy weather you can get by with a one-time watering in the evening.​

Watering seedlings is carried out as follows:

​It is very important what kind of water to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse - it should be warm, approximately the same temperature as the soil. In the morning hours it is most often cool.​

The best way to water

​On main question– how often do you need to water tomatoes in a greenhouse – we have already partially answered above.​

​All that remains is a hose, a bucket with a ladle and drip watering of tomatoes in the greenhouse. What's better?​

​What conditions need to be created by this capricious plants? How and how much to water tomatoes in a greenhouse to get good harvest?​

​Never direct liquid onto leaves or fruit. If droplets of water remain on the leaves, this will damage them. As a result, late blight spores can germinate.​ ​Water the tomatoes in open ground– not such an easy procedure as it might seem at first glance. This matter has its own characteristics and nuances. Tomatoes love heat and exposure sun rays, but not hot!​

​When the bushes begin to bear fruit, the volume of water can be gradually increased. However experienced gardeners It is not recommended to get carried away, since high humidity in the greenhouse can provoke the development of late blight and other fungal diseases.​

What water to water

​Advantages of drip irrigation:​

​It is better to water the tomato at the root, which provides a sufficient amount of water to the entire plant and at the same time the air humidity remains the same.​

Video “Watering tomatoes”

In addition, you can add a solution of potassium permanganate to the water.

How to water tomatoes in a greenhouse and maintain normal air humidity

​On initial stage moderate watering is needed, about a teaspoon of water per plant;

​If you water late in the evening and leave the greenhouse closed to avoid hypothermia, the humidity in the air will increase, which is harmful for tomatoes.​
Let's repeat:

Features of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

​So:​Tap water very harsh, it can affect the decrease in acid balance and soil temperature. You can also water in the morning, the main thing is to monitor the water temperature.​
​The frequency of watering a tomato plant in open ground depends on how quickly it dries out. You need to moisturize it abundantly, once a week - this will be enough, provided that there is no rain. If there is any precipitation, you need to do this less often. There should be enough liquid in the ground after the start and before the tomato stops pouring. If you do not water tomatoes in open ground on time, they will become small, and even worse, they may even fall off the ovaries. They don’t need to be irrigated often, but the main thing is to do it right.​
​We water tomatoes in open ground rarely, but abundantly - about twice a week. How to water tomatoes in hot weather? Here it is customary to proceed from the climatic features of the area, since in different regions The heat comes at different times. Seedlings just planted in the beds need wet ground, so you should water more often. We adhere to the same regime when setting tomato fruits. And in between, we water as usual - twice a week.

  • ​moisture gets to the roots
  • ​Water for watering tomatoes should be settled and warm, preferably at the same temperature as the soil.​

​The frequency of watering largely depends on weather conditions:​

Before planting seedlings, water the prepared holes abundantly;

  • ​The photo shows late blight of tomatoes, which often affects them due to high humidity​
    ​Very young plants need to be allowed to grow. Their still small roots are not able to reach moisture located at great depths, so they need to be watered as the top layer of soil dries out;

​When watering plants with a hose, it is difficult to measure the amount of water. This method is inconvenient because large areas the hose has to be pulled far, risking damage to the fit;​

Rules for irrigating tomatoes

Tomatoes are moisture-loving plants, but they tolerate short dry periods quite well;

Watering methods

What kind of water to water the tomatoes also plays an important role. After planting plants in open ground, water them every week, once or twice. A sufficient quantity is approximately five liters for one bush. Most perfect option For watering a tomato, use rainwater.​
​And when the tomatoes have developed and grown, the lack of moisture in them can cause them to crack.

  • ​As in greenhouse conditions, tomatoes in open ground do not like “soul”. So you only need to water the spaces between the rows of plants, avoiding moisture getting on the leaves and stems. As for the water, it must be heated, ideally to the temperature of the soil. For example, if the earth has warmed up to +24⁰, then the water temperature should be approximately the same.​
  • ​reduce water consumption​
    ​When it is sunny, it is enough to water the tomatoes once a week, spending 3 to 5 liters of water on each plant;​ ​If the seedlings are hardened, then they do not need to be shaded, but need to be watered once a day. For such seedlings, 2 to 3 liters of water per hole will be enough;
  • ​But daytime watering occurs with sufficiently warmed water, and after it the greenhouse can be ventilated before the cool of the evening sets in.​
    ​When planting seedlings in a greenhouse, tomatoes are watered very generously, pouring up to 5 liters of water onto each plant. After this, there is no need to water for 7-10 days;

​The water pressure from the hose should be moderate​ ​B different periods

During the growing season, watering rates should be different: young seedlings are watered often, but moderately, adult plants - not often, but abundantly. And during the period of fruit ripening, tomatoes should not lack moisture;

Irrigation frequency
After planting, tomatoes do not need to be moistened frequently.

  • ​When to water tomatoes? Early morning or evening, before sunset. In hot weather, it is better to postpone watering, but in cloudy weather, watering time does not matter. After all, in the absence of sun, moisture cannot evaporate before it is absorbed into the soil. Watering should be alternated with loosening - tomato roots need access to air.​
  • ​exclusion of soil leaching and salinization​ ​To reduce the hardness of water, it can be mixed with manure or compost. The best water

for watering tomatoes - rainwater containing carbonic acid.​

  • ​When the fruits appear, you need to water them 2 times a week.​
    ​Of course, all these problems can be solved: the water can be heated if necessary, the greenhouse can be equipped with a fan heater, etc. And since there is no need to frequently water tomatoes in a greenhouse, this procedure can be timed to coincide with weekends, when you are constantly on the site.​

​Planting seedlings “in the mud”​

  • ​You can water from a bucket of known volume and accurately dose the moisture, but carrying full buckets with you is also not very pleasant.​

What time of day is best to water tomatoes?

​You need to especially carefully monitor soil moisture when planting seedlings densely
​In the recording, an experienced gardener talks about the proper watering of tomatoes that are grown in open ground.​
​In open ground there is also no need to pour water often. The right thing to do is to do this less often, but with plenty of water. This is the basic rule that must be followed immediately after planting. But if it is done often and in small portions, this is not correct, and besides, such watering can negatively affect the fruits.​
​The main purpose of feeding tomatoes is to saturate the plants with nutrients to obtain good fruit yields. This can be either fertilizing the soil or foliar feeding. In addition, an important task of every gardener is to combat crop diseases. For this it is better to choose not chemicals, but proven “folk” remedies.​

​minimize physical effort for watering​

​Let's look at each of them in more detail.​
The frequency of watering also depends on the tomato variety:


If the watered soil has dried out during the day, you can water it in the evening before sunset with 1 to 2 liters of water per hole. In this way, moisture will be retained in the root system.​

​We hope that the information presented above, as well as the video in this article, helped you better understand one of the main issues in growing tomatoes. In addition to watering, they also need other care, but you will learn more about this from other materials on the site.​

Before the formation of ovaries and fruits, tomatoes also do not need frequent watering. During this period, you yourself must decide how many times to water the tomatoes in the greenhouse, observing their condition.​

​In addition, both of these methods lead to the formation of a crust on the surface of the earth as it dries, and to the need for frequent loosening.​

Watering tomato seedlings

Advice. You can easily determine whether the plants have enough moisture: if the upper leaves begin to curl, urgent watering of the tomatoes in the greenhouse is necessary. But cracks on the fruits indicate the opposite - the frequency or intensity of watering needs to be reduced.​

​Such a harvest is the result proper care and watering

​If in daytime The heat is intense, it’s better to water the tomatoes after it subsides, literally before sunset. Since at night the liquid is well absorbed by the root system of the plant.​

  • ​Regular baker's yeast contains minerals, organic iron and various trace elements. To feed tomatoes, you need to prepare a special solution - take a kilogram of yeast per five liters of water. Before watering, this solution must be diluted again with water (1: 100). Fertilizing is carried out in the spring, when the plants are actively growing. However, ash must be added along with fertilizing, since yeast tends to absorb potassium from the soil.​
  • Watering tomatoes from bottles is one of the types of drip irrigation, which is based on the use of conventional plastic bottles and a little labor of your own hands.​
  • What is the best way to water tomatoes?
  • Low-growing varieties are not watered very abundantly and over time they stop watering altogether, which is why an almost simultaneous harvest is obtained;
  • ​But the seedlings cannot be flooded, as the soil will become dense and there will be no access to oxygen, which is why it will begin to wither.​

Tomatoes are watered abundantly, but rarely. Such watering forms a good strong system roots.​

Irrigation can be rare, 1-2 times a week, but very abundant, so that moisture penetrates to a depth of 15-20 cm;

However, this can be avoided if you mulch the tomatoes in the beds;

​It is very important to maintain air humidity at around 60%. If you protect tomatoes from high humidity in wet weather it is almost impossible in the open air, but in a greenhouse, it would seem that they are not afraid of the vagaries of nature.​

​Many summer residents agree that growing tomatoes is quite difficult in our climatic conditions. This culture is sensitive to the slightest changes in environment, responding to them with diseases, wilting, and shredding of fruits.​

​By the appearance of the plant, you can determine with the naked eye whether it has enough moisture. If it is deficient, the leaves will become darker and wilted. When the fruits begin to set, the amount of water when watering will need to be increased.​

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How often to water tomatoes

​How to organize watering tomatoes from bottles? The video shows in detail the process of making such a homemade watering system.​

  • ​For a small-sized greenhouse it is best suited​
  • Tall varieties water every 4 days with 10 liters per plant.​

​Please note​

  • If tomatoes are watered little and often, the roots will take moisture from the surface of the soil and will not be strong and deep.
  • ​Attention! After watering, carefully monitor the microclimate in the greenhouse and when the humidity rises, be sure to ventilate it by opening all the windows.​

​The most worthy method is drip watering of tomatoes in a greenhouse, and there are several reasons for this. This includes the elimination of physical labor and the preservation of the structure of the top layer of soil, and the absence of excess evaporation leading to increased humidity.​

But here there is a risk of the greenhouse effect, when after abundant irrigation, moisture actively evaporates, settling on the fruits and leaves. Therefore, the instructions on how to grow tomatoes in a greenhouse recommend regular ventilation.

How to water tomatoes

​It's much easier to create for them suitable conditions in protected ground, but even here certain rules must be strictly followed. In this article we will talk about how to water tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

​No matter how much you watch videos about planting, growing and caring for tomatoes, it’s easier than reading an article - nothing will happen. After planting tomatoes in open ground, The best way for their watering - drip.

  • ​A solution of raw milk with iodine will reliably “scare off” many garden pests. This product must be applied as a spray, after which the leaves are covered thin film from lactose and milk sugar. This repels insects and prevents the entry of diseases. Recipe for iodine-milk solution: water (4 l), milk (1 l) and iodine (15 drops).​
  • Watering tomatoes with bottles
  • ​manual watering​
  • ​Please note​

​If a day after watering, the soil is damp or compacted, then you need to reduce the amount of water.​

​In addition, you should not water frequently, as the tomato fruits will begin to crack and become watery, so they will begin to shed, and fungi will appear in soil that is too wet. But with infrequent watering, when the soil dries out, the fruits also begin to crack, and the bush itself rots from above.​

​When tomatoes begin to ripen, frequent watering can speed up ripening. But here it is important not to overdo it, since excess moisture can cause various fungal diseases to develop (see Tomato diseases: their varieties and how to deal with them), for example, late blight.​ ​And the watering itself occurs slowly and evenly, preventing drying out and waterlogging.​​Based on these conditions, plants should be cared for.​

​The decision to grow tomatoes in conditions protected from external influences is made depending on the climatic zone of the region and weather conditions, which can vary greatly in different years. However, they are planted in greenhouses not only in northern latitudes or in the middle zone.​​This method is very easy to set up with my own hands. Plastic bottles will make your life easier. When using this method, productivity increases. It also has a beneficial effect on the preservation of fruits and plants from the disease blossom end rot. It will be correct if you add literally two or three pinches of ash per ten liters of liquid to the water for irrigation. Also, for a good harvest, you can sprinkle ash on the ground around the plants.​

​How to properly water cucumbers so that they do not turn yellow or taste bitter, see here​

  • ​Automatic irrigation system​
  • ​using a hose or watering can. Despite the certain “labor-intensiveness” of the process, with the help of manual watering each tomato bush will be provided with water in the required volume. However, it should be remembered that the water should not be too cold, so you need to take it to stand in a barrel. When watering, direct the hose only to the roots to avoid sunburn.​
  • If the tomato seedlings are not hardened, then they simply need to be shaded from both the sun and the wind. For this you can use agrofibre, spunbond or shading mesh.​

Watering tomatoes with bottles - video master class

Watering seedlings depends on the quality of the seedlings, the quality of the soil and the weather. Tomato seedlings are watered every day for 7-10 days. As soon as the seedlings have strengthened and begun to grow, you need to carefully and shallowly loosen the soil.

​This is one of the most controversial issues. Not everyone thinks about it simply because they can only do work on the plot and in the greenhouse in the evenings, mornings and afternoons while at work.​

Advice. If you do not have the opportunity to equip a greenhouse with a drip system, the price of which is quite high, you can use its primitive analogue: dig a cut plastic bottle without a lid near each plant and water through it. Water will flow evenly to the roots without wetting the ground.​

​Experienced plant growers, who have been growing tomatoes for a long time, literally feel the condition of their pets and know when they need to be watered and when it is better not to do this, but they are not always unanimous in their opinion about what type of irrigation is better and at what time of day to do it. Let's try to figure it out.​​In the south of the country, this crop suffers not so much from sudden frosts, but from high humidity, leading to diseases.

How often to water tomatoes in a greenhouse

​If you find a hard crust on the surface of the earth, be sure to loosen it immediately. This often happens after heavy watering or after a rainstorm. And if there is mulch of cut grass on the ground near your plants, then it is not necessary to loosen the soil every time.​

​Properly organized watering of tomatoes is an important part of care when growing crops. Follow our recommendations, and you are guaranteed abundant harvests of fragrant red fruits.​

Features of watering tomatoes in open ground

​– great option for large polycarbonate greenhouses, in which tomatoes are usually grown on an “industrial” scale. The installation of such equipment can be entrusted to specialists or done independently, based on a previously drawn up planting plan in the greenhouse. However, if you have a small greenhouse and grow tomatoes “for yourself,” then it is better to choose a less expensive method of watering tomatoes.​

​Drip irrigation​

​It is better to water along the furrows or directly at the root: there is no need to water the fruits, leaves, ovaries and stems; such watering may cause fungi to appear.​

The best way to water tomatoes - types of feeding

Shading is done all the time until the seedlings get stronger.

Watering tomatoes with yeast: nutritional supplement

​You should alternate watering with loosening approximately 3 after 3, that is, they watered, after 3 days they loosened, then after 3 days they watered again, etc., until the tomato bushes become strong and tall.​

​In warm to hot weather, it generally doesn't matter when to do it, but if it's cool outside, it's best to water in the middle of the day. Let's explain why.​

Watering tomatoes with iodine with milk: a universal remedy

​The neck of the bottle should be located as close as possible to the root system​

​Tomatoes really don’t like it when water gets on their stems and leaves, so they are always watered only at the root. It is clear that a watering can and sprinklers have nothing to do in a tomato greenhouse.​

​. And in greenhouses you have the opportunity to regulate and control the microclimate with your own hands.​

​When watering, the stream of water should be directed to the place where the plant is planted, that is, at the root.​

Tomatoes, which must be planted and cared for in open ground correctly, are not very demanding plant. The yield of any variety directly depends on the method of growing seedlings and subsequent care.

Although the tomato is not a capricious plant, it does not tolerate excess moisture, is not friendly with wind and drafts, and at the same time requires warmth and sun. Before growing tomatoes in your garden, you should carefully familiarize yourself with such a guide as the technology of growing tomatoes. Without knowledge of gardening, you are unlikely to grow anything. Today we will tell you how to plant tomatoes correctly and tell you the secrets of growing them.

Tomatoes are one of the most delicious vegetables that are used in many dishes. Many tomatoes began to be planted in the ground back in the 16th century in South America. IN European countries they were exclusively decorative decoration gardens, since their fruits were mistakenly considered poisonous. Today, this vegetable is widely used in cooking - salads, juices, pastes, marinades - this is not the entire list of delicacies that can be prepared from this product. But in order for a tomato to be tasty and the dish to turn out unsurpassed, it needs to be grown correctly, and not everyone can do this.

Purchase and landing

Few people know how to plant tomatoes correctly, so they make a lot of mistakes, which significantly affects the yield in the future.

The first and most important step is right choice seeds or plant seedlings. When buying tomato seeds, make sure that the label says “for open ground.” Varieties intended for cultivation in greenhouses will not survive in open ground conditions and will die, and you will waste money, time and nerves. As for the growing period of tomatoes, it should be no more than 100 days. This fact must also be indicated on the packaging. Planting tomato seeds is a fairly simple task and is probably known to all garden lovers

Growing tomatoes in open ground begins from the moment you remove seedlings from greenhouse conditions and replant them outside. Tomatoes are planted in open ground from late May to early June. It is very important that there are no night frosts at this time, because this can destroy the entire crop.

Planting tomatoes should be done in non-acidic soils; avoid places where potatoes used to grow, the most the best option For growing tomatoes in open ground there are beds where compost was previously taken out or there was ashes. If there is no such place on your site, then a week before planting tomatoes, prepare the soil by fertilizing it well and digging it.

Primary watering and planting

Before planting tomatoes in a hole, you need to water it with a small amount of water and only then insert the seedlings there. The depth of the hole directly depends on the height of your seedlings. It is very important not to dig in the entire seedling. All you need is for part of the soil to cover the soil pot.

2 weeks after planting in the ground, the seedlings are planted to a depth of about 12 cm. In order for tomatoes in the open ground to fully grow, develop and bear fruit, a distance of 30 cm must be maintained between them.

If you don’t know how to plant tomatoes correctly and are doing it for the first time, then we’ll tell you a secret. If you have seedlings with thin stems and short stature, then it is recommended to plant them at a certain angle - this will allow the plant to short time gain the required mass.

Common varieties and care of tomatoes after planting

Growing tomatoes in open ground differs significantly depending on the type of tomato, and there are a huge variety of them. Modern science There are more than 2000 types of tomatoes.

The most common crops that give a good harvest in our conditions are the following:

  • cluster tomatoes;
  • hybrid species;
  • ordinary tomato;
  • beef tomatoes;
  • cherry;
  • green tomatoes;
  • white and yellow species;
  • ribbed and pepper tomatoes.

Speaking about the most “grateful” varieties that will certainly appreciate the courtship of housewives, it is impossible not to mention the following types of tomatoes:

  • Alexander- tall plants that produce fruits weighing 150 g;
  • Blagovest- early tomatoes, very resistant to diseases and pests;
  • Waterfall- an ideal plant variety for pickling, but prone to diseases;
  • Demidov - large-fruited variety tomatoes, which is characterized by a pleasant fruit taste;
  • Pickling delicacy- the name itself speaks of the value of the fruit, which has pleasant taste and average fruit size;
  • Midas- characterized by yellow and orange pepper-shaped fruits;
  • Search- a new selection, this type of tomato is capable of producing up to 1 kg of fruit from one bush;
  • Sultan- unpretentious to weather conditions and has a pleasant taste.

Each type of tomato has its own characteristics, but caring for their growth differs little. Planting tomatoes in open ground is only half the work done. The main thing is how you care for the plant.

Caring for tomatoes in open ground is somewhat different from greenhouse care.

After planting, you can water the tomatoes for the first time after 10 days so that they take root a little. It is recommended to water the tomatoes for the first time with a solution of potassium permanganate: this will not only nourish the plants, but will also make it possible to avoid contamination of the tomatoes with harmful microorganisms.

You need to prepare in advance small pegs for the plants that will help them climb up. Reinforcing bars can be used as supports.

Planting tomatoes in open ground conditions is a very stressful period for the plant, so weak specimens will immediately begin to wither. This fact indicates that tomatoes receive little sunlight, but don’t despair and don’t dig anything up. In a couple of weeks they will acquire a healthy appearance and will definitely please you with good yield.

When and how to plant tomatoes in open ground (video)

How to trim stepsons after planting

Caring for tomatoes in open ground requires special care: you need to constantly monitor the plant and prevent the stepsons from growing.

Stepchildren are lateral shoots that appear on the plant after some time. These shoots take up nutrients and water. If they grow, the plant will not bear fruit. It is for this reason that it is very important to remove the shoots before they become more than 5 cm.

If you cut off shoots larger than 5 cm, you can cause severe stress to the plant, as this may leave a wound and the tomato will wither.

A tomato in open ground will bear fruit successfully if you carefully follow the above instructions for caring for the plant. Small stepsons need to be removed in sunny weather, since the wounds from them heal much faster during this period. If you want to grow the most productive tomatoes, then this stage of tomato growth cannot be ignored.

The method of growing tomatoes in open ground requires cutting off new leaves on the stems that appear with the first color. After planting tomatoes in the ground, wait a couple of weeks and then remove half of the small leaves.

Speaking about how to plant tomatoes correctly, I would like to separately mention the topic of pollination. In order to attract pollinating insects to the tomato inflorescence, it is recommended to plant honey plants in the same beds, for example the following:

  • mustard;
  • rape;
  • coriander;
  • basil and others.

They say that these plants not only help the tomato grow quickly, but also give it a specific sweet taste. To activate pollination of tomatoes in open ground, it is recommended to shake the plant stem 2 times a day.

Is it necessary to pick off leaves from tomatoes (video)

Proper watering of seedlings

The method of growing tomatoes and their yield directly depends on the quality and quantity of watering. Low-growing varieties of tomatoes require watering 4 times:

  • at the beginning of growth (after planting);
  • after 20 days of their growth;
  • after flowering;
  • at the end of June (if planted in May).

Tomato growing technology different varieties in principle, it differs only in the amount of watering and the volume of fertilizer. Tall varieties of tomatoes require watering a little more often than ordinary ones. If the weather is dry, watering must be done every 3 days. It is very important to use infused water when growing tomatoes in protected soil. Under no circumstances use tap water, cold water, or liquid collected from a well. This will negatively affect the growth of the plant and ruin your harvest.

The best watering option if you planted a tomato in open ground is a technique that involves a trench. In a row planted with tomatoes in open ground, lay a shallow trench and fill it with water. Each plant from that trench will take for itself the amount of liquid it needs.

How to water tomatoes (video)

Tomato fertilizer

The topic of fertilizer is very relevant in such a process as agricultural technology for growing tomatoes. Many people are mistaken in the mistaken belief that tomatoes require fertilizer only before planting. When growing tomatoes in open ground, you need to pay attention to their appearance. It can say a lot about the plant. And it is by their appearance that we can draw conclusions about the tomato yield this year.

The distance between plants must be strictly observed, because in the future there may be problems with fertilizer. There are times when some of the plants gain too much mass in the stem or leaves, while the rest, on the contrary, are too skinny. In such situations, each plant must be treated individually. Those plants that are very dry need nitrogen fertilizers

, and those that gain weight too quickly suffer from excess nitrogen, so they need to be fertilized with phosphates. To get the most productive tomato fruits, it is recommended to fertilize the plants with ash, but only during flowering.

There are cases when, even at optimal air temperatures, the plant develops very poorly. This means you have chosen the wrong soil. This often happens if a river flows nearby. The soil is simply too cold to grow tomatoes. In order to correct the current situation, it can be insulated using horse dung

. It is very important to fertilize tomatoes with manure or chicken droppings after the plant has developed lateral roots, that is, no earlier than a month after planting.

Don’t forget to remove the color after replanting the tomato in open ground. For plants that develop in a greenhouse, the color is kept for 1 week longer and only after that it is removed.

Diseases of ground tomatoes and methods for identifying them

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to achieve the desired result and productivity of tomatoes planted in the ground. This happens in most cases due to pests and diseases that overtake the plants.

  • Among the most common diseases that can affect the growth and productivity of tomatoes are the following:
  • late blight;
  • macrosporiosis;
  • streak;
  • Among the most common diseases that can affect the growth and productivity of tomatoes are the following:
  • septoria;
  • stolbur;

top rot.

Harvesting from ground tomatoes

If tomatoes grow in a garden, then watering them becomes not such a simple task as new gardeners think. When faced with this task for the first time, you begin to understand that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to implement it.

Moreover, there are many subtleties and secrets, knowing which can make your work much easier.

The importance of watering tomatoes

Why, if tomatoes grow in the garden, is it so important to water them properly? The whole point is that experienced summer residents who have been growing this crop on their plot for decades have proven that between the level of absorption by plants nutrients and quality watering there is a direct relationship.

Moreover, the abundance of the harvest also depends on watering. Also, if you know all the intricacies of caring for tomatoes, and especially how to properly water them in the heat, then the plants will be able to survive even very high temperatures– from +35 and above, and cope with very dry air. By thoroughly moistening the leaves, they will be able to quickly evaporate moisture, which will protect the entire plant from overheating.

Important! According to research, tomatoes that grow in soil with around 90% moisture can grow much faster and produce more fruit. best harvest than at lower air humidity.

But it is also important to remember that tomatoes can be spoiled if you water them too often and abundantly. As a result, they will lose their taste and become lethargic and watery. Also, vegetables may simply crack, which will completely ruin the harvest.

Tomatoes that are watered too often may drop their ovaries, fruits, and flower stalks ahead of schedule. All this provokes the development of many fungal diseases.

To prevent this, you need to follow all the recommendations given by professional gardeners regarding proper watering of tomatoes. Then the harvest will be plentiful, and you won’t have to worry about many problems arising from a lack or excess of moisture.

When to water tomatoes in open ground

The most optimal time for watering tomatoes growing in open ground is in the evening, when the heat has already subsided. If the weather is still very hot, then watering should be done 2-3 hours before sunset.

How to properly water tomatoes

The effectiveness of irrigation depends on several aspects. As a rule, it is customary to water tomatoes at the root. This is how you can give the bushes the required amount of liquid, which will be retained at the current humidity of the air and soil.

If, during moistening, water gets on the leaf plates, and there is very strong heat outside, you can simply burn them. This will lead to an increased risk of developing a disease such as late blight.

You can also water tomatoes in holes dug near the beds, but here it is also important to avoid getting moisture on the leaves. Sprinkling as an irrigation option for tomatoes is not suitable, therefore, this method should not be used.

Basic rules of watering

To all of the above, it is worth adding a few words about mulching. This process allows you to retain moisture in the soil for a long period, and also prevents the growth of weeds and maintains optimal soil looseness. Therefore, you should never neglect systematic mulching of the soil.

What kind of water is best to take for irrigation?

The type of water plays a huge role in watering tomatoes. The best option- rainwater. Therefore, many gardeners recommend collecting such water, infusing it, then adding fertilizer, and then watering.

This method is good because:

  1. You save on water consumption.
  2. There is no need to soften the liquid.

How much water do you need

The rate of irrigation water consumption for tomatoes depends on several points:

The simplest method to determine whether a bush needs watering is an external inspection of the plants. If there is too little moisture, the leaf blades will be too dark, and during drought they will wither. If this happens, you need to urgently water it.

The most important phase of plant development, when it most needs water, is the stage of ovary formation and budding. If there has been a drought outside all week, then you should spend about 30-50 liters of liquid on one bush.

When the plant begins to bear fruit, it is also very important to ensure that the soil does not dry out. The water consumption rate should also be about 3-5 buckets per plant.

Frequency of watering tomatoes in open ground

Beginner gardeners often think like this: “If I water my tomatoes as often and as abundantly as possible, the harvest will definitely be huge.” But, in reality, this scheme is incorrect, because with very frequent watering, the temperature of the earth will be constantly very low, and the air humidity will be high, and sometimes can even reach 100%.

If we allow such a serious deviation from accepted norm, this will have a negative impact on the plants. Especially those that grow in open ground. So, when the ovaries begin to bloom, the buds will simply begin to fall off, and the flowers will be pollinated much worse.

Moreover, tomatoes have a very long root system– can sometimes reach even 1.5-2 meters. The plant grows very quickly to find new sources of moisture, and especially during drought. Therefore, you should not water it too often.

How to properly water tomatoes immediately after planting

At the very initial stage after planting, while the bushes have not yet taken root in the new place, they should not be watered at all. So, the water that was poured into the hole will be quite enough for the first time. The first watering should be carried out after 14 days. The procedure should be performed in the afternoon to minimize moisture loss (provided that the summer is very hot). Subsequent waterings should not be too frequent. Until the first flowers appear. You just need to lightly moisten the soil as it dries. To prevent fruit growth from stopping, you should always maintain a moisture balance. After all, sudden changes can cause the plant to stop growing.

Watering during growth and fruiting

As soon as the bushes begin to enter the fruiting stage, watering needs to be a little more frequent. So, you will have to moisten the plants twice for 7 days. The consumption is the same - 30-50 liters for each bush.

If the tomato variety is short-growing or, on the contrary, tall, then watering should be carried out according to a slightly different scheme. At the fruiting stage, low bushes should not be watered too much, and before harvesting, stop watering altogether. This will allow you to achieve a high-quality and abundant harvest. There will be no cracks in the tomatoes, and the risk of “catching” late blight is reduced.

If the bushes are very tall, then they need to be watered every 5 days. At the same time, it is necessary to spend no more than 1 bucket of water on each bush. This will allow you to get large tomatoes in the future.

How to water during the flowering stage

When flower stalks appear on the bushes, watering must be significantly reduced. If you water too much, the plant may stop growing, and the green mass will become much larger. Consumption rates at this stage are 2-3 liters per bush.

How to water during extreme heat

When it is very hot outside, maintaining the humidity balance is quite difficult. This applies not only open garden, but also greenhouses. It is always worth remembering such characteristics of plants as the fact that the root system of tomatoes goes quite deep into the ground.

A tomato is a plant that can simply rot if it is not provided with normal watering. In other words, it will simply pull its roots as deep as possible to find moisture, and all the nutrients will go into the root system.

Of course, such an “experiment” will cost you very much - you will simply lose your harvest. Therefore, remember to water your plantings twice a week during extreme heat. Not worth it anymore. But you need to water as much as possible.

How to improve watering efficiency on hot days

To increase the efficiency of watering in very hot weather, it is worth paying maximum attention to mulching. Moreover, it will help not only tomatoes that grow in the garden, but also greenhouse varieties.

Important! Mulch is capable for a long time retain the amount of moisture necessary for plants in the soil. Moreover, it allows you to save the flowers of plants that are too sensitive to sudden temperature changes. The main thing is that the mulch layer is at least 5 cm. Do not use sprinkling for irrigation.

If for some reason it is not possible to water the bushes in the evening, or the hot weather gives way to moderate coolness only after sunset, then you need to water the plants approximately 4-5 hours before sunset.

If there is enough moisture, then even on a very hot day the tomatoes will feel great. But the main thing here is to constantly monitor the moisture balance, otherwise the plants will begin to wither. This will be noticeable on the topmost leaves.

Tomatoes are considered unpretentious plants, capable of bearing fruit even in the absence of proper attention from the owner. However, there is one “but” - only those plants that have been properly cared for can produce the maximum yield.

Moreover, a tomato requires everything in moderation - sufficient for normal development of watering and fertilizing. It does not tolerate stagnation of moisture, nor drying out of the earthen clod, nor an excess of nutrients, nor their lack. To find that golden mean when watering, which would suit vegetable crop, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the recommendations on how to properly water tomatoes in open ground.

Why is it so important to water tomatoes correctly?

Caring for tomatoes involves regular watering, fertilizing, loosening the soil, weeding to get rid of weeds, hilling bushes, tying, preventive and therapeutic measures against diseases and pests. Thus, watering is a necessary and significant condition when growing this vegetable.

Why is watering tomatoes outdoors important? The fact is that many years of experience in growing this crop have proven that there is a direct relationship between high-quality watering and the level of nutrient absorption, as well as the abundance of fruiting.

In addition, if you know how to care for tomatoes and how to water them correctly in the heat, and apply these rules in practice, then the plants can easily tolerate high temperatures (up to +30 ° C) and tolerate dry air. With good moisture, the leaves will quickly evaporate moisture and thus protect themselves from overheating.

Important! High development rates are observed in tomatoes grown at soil moisture of 85-90%.

On the other hand, tomatoes spoil if there is too much moisture. They crack, become watery, and tasteless. Tomatoes suffering from waterlogging prematurely shed their ovaries, flowers, and fruits. Excessive watering also provokes the development of fungal diseases in the plant.

To avoid such problems, experienced gardeners have developed a number of recommendations for proper watering of tomatoes.

When is the best time to water tomatoes in open ground?

Watering the tomatoes better evening, after the heat subsides. In very hot periods, this procedure can be carried out several hours before sunset.

You can also water in the morning, but you need to monitor the water temperature. It should be at least 20 degrees.

How to properly water tomatoes in open ground

Watering garden tomatoes is carried out in several ways. You can use the method of filling the beds. Its principle is that when planting tomatoes in two rows, three shallow ditches are made along the edges of the bed and in the center.

An irrigation hose is placed in one such ditch, water is supplied through it until all the depressions made are filled, and then the entire bed is filled. The water must be turned off when the tomatoes are in a small lake.

Did you know? To determine whether the soil under the tomatoes is sufficiently watered, select a lump of earth from a depth of 10 cm and squeeze it in your hand. If the shape is molded from it easily and just as easily falls apart, it means that the soil is sufficiently moistened.

Also in a great way Watering tomatoes in open ground will be done by subsoil drip. It is carried out using plastic bottles. In their lids, 2-4 small holes with a diameter of 1-2 mm are made with a hot nail.

Important! The number and size of holes in the watering bottles will depend on the composition of the soil where the tomatoes are growing. For sandy soil, it is enough to make two; for clay soil, you need to make four holes.

However, it would be much better to purchase pegs from specialized stores that are placed on the necks of bottles and reduce the risk of damage to plant roots when they are placed in the ground.

The bottom of the containers is cut off. You can not cut it off completely, but leave it in the form of a lid, which will prevent moisture evaporation. The bottles are dug into a hole 10-15 cm deep at a distance of 15-20 cm from the stem. They must be placed with the lid down at an angle of 30-40 degrees and buried. When watering, each bottle is filled with water. In this case, the liquid should leave gradually. If, when filling the container, water is immediately absorbed into the ground, you need to adjust the number of holes and their diameter to the composition of your soil.

This watering method has a number of advantages. It quickly allows water to flow directly to the roots. This means that you will need less water than with regular watering from a hose or buckets. Also, when root watering tomatoes, the air humidity will not rise, and thus the risk of plants developing infectious diseases. In addition, this method is very simple to implement and does not require any special material costs.

Did you know? Using this device, tomatoes can also be fertilized with nutrient solutions.

If you choose the watering method using a hose, you should know that you need to water at the root, without eroding the soil. It is necessary to avoid getting water on the leaves and fruits, as its drops can cause burns. For the same reason, it is worth abandoning the sprinkling method.

By watering in this way, you sharply reduce the temperature of the air and soil, which can lead to the falling of flowers and a delay in the formation of ovaries and fruits. A sharp increase in air humidity provokes fungal diseases.

When considering this topic, we cannot ignore the method of growing tomatoes without watering. It is based on the theory that frequent moisture does not give plants the stimulus to develop roots. They begin to grow only during the period of mass fruiting, when moisture is required not only for leaves and stems, but also for fruits. Therefore, the fruiting process is delayed in time, and its volume decreases.

If tomatoes are deprived of watering procedures, they themselves will begin to actively seek food for themselves, and the roots will begin to develop earlier and stronger, growing in different directions. Accordingly, the tomatoes will be stronger and more vigorous, and their harvest will be better.

If you decide to use this method of watering, you should know that when the usual way landing it will be ineffective. Tomatoes should be planted in a certain way - in well-watered holes with compost, wood ash and manganese.

In this case, the bottom 4-5 leaves of the seedlings are torn off, they are dipped in mash, and then planted in horizontal position so that the tops face north. Pegs are driven in next to the stems, and the tomatoes are immediately tied to them. Immediately after planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly. They will no longer need this procedure.

What water is better to water

Tomatoes do not like to be watered with cold tap water. Firstly, it will be too tough for them, and secondly, for heat-loving plants, which are tomatoes, cold water undesirable.

It is best to water tomatoes with warm rainwater. You can also settle tap water. To soften it, weeds, compost, and manure should be added.

What else can you water tomatoes to combine hydration, feeding and protection from diseases - ash dissolved in the water (2 pinches / 10 l).

After watering and rain, it is recommended to loosen the soil. However, to avoid this procedure, you can mulch the soil using mowed grass.

Consumption rates

Under one tomato bush low-growing varieties on average you will need 5 liters of water per watering; tall - 10 l.

How often to water tomatoes in open ground

In order to decide how often to water tomatoes in open ground, you need to know one simple rule. These vegetables need rare but abundant watering. It is especially important to adhere to it after planting and during the formation of ovaries.

The fact that tomatoes are suffering from a lack of moisture will be indicated by changes in their appearance - their leaves will darken and wither.

Important! Have a negative effect on the development of tomatoes frequent watering in small portions.

If you are wondering how many times a week to water your tomatoes, it is recommended to do it once or twice a week. In this case, you need to pay attention to the fact that the top layer of soil must be dry. If there is precipitation, water less frequently.

There are differences in watering low-growing and tall plants. Watering of the former should be reduced when their fruits enter the ripening stage. A little later they will need to be stopped altogether. This will avoid cracking of tomatoes and the development of diseases such as brown spot and late blight.


You can bet on weather forecasters' forecasts - whether they will come true or not. However, growing vegetables requires consistency, so, regardless of weather conditions, experienced gardeners ensure constant watering of crops. Tomatoes need irrigation according to a special scheme, which we will discuss in this article.

Tomatoes are a southern crop, loving warmth, sunlight and moisture. The latter often becomes a stumbling block for novice gardeners - watering for some reason leads to results that are directly opposite to those expected. Well, no one is immune from mistakes, but who said that you should definitely learn from your mistakes?

Just like that, late blight comes to life, the spores of which end up in a favorable environment - places of burns. They will also begin to actively develop during sprinkling in cloudy weather. There is only one way out - water the tomatoes at the root or along the furrows between the rows. Drip irrigation will allow you to organize watering for large plot, and if you grow tomatoes in open ground strictly for yourself, then you can do it with a watering can.

The main difficulties encountered when watering with a hose are unwinding a long coil between the beds, trying not to damage the plants, and then, at the end of watering, winding up the heavy “sleeve” filled with water. But there is a way out if you buy this one.

It is short enough to be quickly deployed, but then, when water runs inside, it extends 3 times due to the different properties of the inner (hard) and outer (soft corrugated) shells. When you turn off the water, it will begin to shrink, returning to its previous size and, accordingly, will pull itself out of the rows. Alternative solutions no, just, as before, unfold and roll up the heavy, difficult-to-give coil.

Before watering tomatoes, do not forget to prepare the water - it should be warm, heated in the sun, not lower than the soil temperature. Optimal temperature water – around 24–26°С. In case of drip irrigation You can heat the water in the central container, to which all the hoses are connected, and if you water from a bucket, then use all the buckets and basins that are at hand for heating.

That's why experienced gardeners often the entire yard is filled with containers of water. They especially love rainwater for its mild effect - indeed, rainwater contains a lot of carbonic acid, which gives it such quality. Watering cold water from a hose can damage the root system of plants and also upset the acid balance. Tap water is hard, so before watering it needs to be softened with a small amount of compost or an infusion of collected weeds.

In sunny, hot weather, watering should be started in the evening, when the sun is already hanging over the horizon, or even completely hidden behind the treetops. A short summer night will be enough for the roots to absorb a new portion of moisture. In cloudy weather, you can water at any time of the day. To reduce the frequency of watering, avoid the formation of a crust on the surface of the soil and achieve the best moisture, be sure to mulch the soil in the beds.

Straw, peat, fallen leaves, even weeds can be used as mulch. The mulch layer should be at least 5 cm thick - this will not only retain moisture, but also reduce the number of weeds. Weeds need light to grow, and mulch will block the sprouts’ access to the rays. Upper layer The soil will never turn into a crust if mulch is laid on top of the soil. Mulching with organic matter also provides soil useful substances, and over time improves the structure of the soil, making it lighter and more airy.

For large volumes of plantings in open ground, farmers use special films that allow moisture and air to pass through, but completely protect the soil from sunlight. Cultivated plants They are planted in the holes made, and the weeds remain under the film - they cannot grow without light.

The most latest research Scientists confirm that plants are capable of experiencing very real emotions - joy, fear, fright. Moreover, they are able to react not only to the irritant itself, but also to its precursors - for example, a fire lit nearby can cause fear long before the burn, and a gardener with a bucket of water causes genuine joy in plants.

Unfortunately, only very high-precision equipment can capture such emotions - so we would know much more about the desires of green pets. Gardeners can only read the information from appearance plants.

So, if tomatoes in the open ground lack moisture, the leaves of the plants will look darkened and will begin to wither in the heat. When the tomatoes enter the active growth phase and begin to form ovaries, increase the water consumption rate in hot, dry weather to 5 liters once a week. When the ovaries begin to turn into juicy fruits, the frequency of watering should be doubled to prevent the soil from drying out.

How to properly water low-growing and tall-growing tomatoes? Tall varieties usually form many ovaries at different times - on the bushes you will see both ripening fruits and barely formed ones. Therefore, watering tall tomatoes does not stop until all the fruits have ripened - every 4 days, each plant needs to be allocated up to 10 liters of water. This amount of moisture will allow you to get large fruits.

Low-growing varieties in open ground usually ripen more quickly, and therefore, as soon as the fruits begin to turn red, watering should be reduced to a minimum and then stopped altogether. This will avoid the appearance of cracks in the tomatoes, as well as infection with fungal diseases.

During the active phase of growth and formation of ovaries, plants need good feeding. In the case of tomatoes, we exclude the option of applying fertilizers through foliar feeding by spraying foliage. All that remains is to apply fertilizing directly to the soil and in combination with watering. The second option is the most convenient; fortunately, the gardener has a variety of liquid and soluble fertilizers to choose from.

It is important to know that entering mineral fertilizers should be combined with the addition of organic matter - compost, chicken manure, weed infusion, eggshells, wood ash. This will allow you to maintain soil acidity at the same level. In principle, you can get by with organic matter alone. For example, ground eggshell and wood ash.

It is enough to scatter a handful of such fertilizers into the furrows for watering and water the plants generously. Chicken manure can be added in the same way. The convenience of using these fertilizers also lies in the fact that they can be applied at any stage - at the time of planting or during the active growth phase. To speed up the fruiting phase and protect plants from late blight, you can prepare an infusion rich in many microelements.

To do this, dilute 2 liters of wood ash in 5 liters of boiling water and dilute the resulting liquid with cold water to a 10-liter volume. Pour a bottle of regular pharmaceutical iodine and a ten-gram sachet here boric acid. After this mixture has been infused for 24 hours, it can be used for its intended purpose. A liter of this infusion is diluted into a bucket of water, and up to 1 liter is added to each plant at the root.

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