Muscari propagation by bulbs. Muscari flowers are an exquisite baby viper onion. Muscari large-fruited Muscari macrocarpum

Muscari is a small bulbous perennial. Botanists argue about the origin of the plant, probably because it has several names. The flower was nicknamed mouse hyacinth due to its similarity to the hyacinth inflorescence and the tiny size of the flower. And here Latin name"Muscari" was obtained because of the aroma, reminiscent of musk. And the list doesn't end there. In France, it was called earth lilac, in England - grape hyacinth. The name "viper bow" has a more obscure origin. Some believe that it "stuck" to the flower because of its toxicity to birds. There is a version that in the heated sunny meadows where muscari grows, vipers love to bask. Be that as it may, it is clear that the flower is very popular in the world.

The natural habitats of the plant depend on the climate. In the southern regions of Russia, it grows on the sunny slopes of the mountains next to the bushes. You can meet muscari in the middle of a forest clearing, in alpine meadows. Some types of viper onions are listed in the Red Book in Russia and Ukraine. Despite the wide variety of varieties, something unites them - representatives of the genus are among the earliest flowers. The popularity of the plant is also due to the fact that it is a bright decorative element. It is used to create lawns, rock gardens, decorate the edge of the flower bed.

The birthplace of the flower is Türkiye. As already noted, the plant is small: height up to 40-60 cm, basal leaves reach 10-17 cm. The diameter of the bulb can reach 2 cm, length - 1.5-3.5 cm. The outer scales are painted in a light color.

On a leafless peduncle, flowers are densely placed with perianths of various shapes - from barrel-shaped to cylindrical. The special charm of the flower is given by 6 fused petals. Muscari fruit looks like a ball slightly narrowed down. It is divided into three nests with black shriveled seeds.

Muscari are perennial ephemeroids. This means that after flowering, the ground parts die, and the bulb "falls asleep", keeping a supply nutrients.

On a note! The plant attracts gardeners with its decorative effect and unpretentiousness.

What you need to know about Muscari?

Landing is carried out in the fall, until the end of October.

Even before the leaves appeared on the trees, in early spring the first flowers appear.

On a note! Muscari grows well in full sun or partial shade.

Almost any soil is suitable, but with a good permeable layer. Therefore, viper onions do not like clay and peat.

The growing season coincides with the period of spring showers, due to which the plant has to be watered only in the case of a little snowy winter and a dry spring. During the dormant period, the plant is not irrigated with water.

On a note! In autumn, organic fertilizers can be applied when digging: square meter 5 kg of bait is consumed.

Reproduction occurs by self-sowing or vegetatively by daughter bulbs.

Pests: slugs, spider mites, voles.

Diseases: green cucumber mosaic.

flower in the garden

Muscari planted in small or large groups look great in spring against the backdrop of bare branches of shrubs. The blue-blue gamma is combined with spring flowers: bright red tulips, sunny daffodils. Muscari looks beautiful and festive against the background of yellow forsythia in bloom.

Muscari looks picturesque against the background of blue forget-me-nots and snow-white ones. The plant can be planted in a small container and supplemented with a blue-blue "spot" composition of the flower bed, frame the pond. It must be remembered that among the tall flowers such as gladiolus, salvia muscari will be “lost”.

Some find it a good idea to plant muscari under a tree. Foliage appears after the flowering of the plant, so that sunlight is provided for growth.

Growing a flower on alpine hills, in rockeries is both beautiful and reasonable in terms of comfortable conditions for the plant. Delicate bluish-white and even pink shades beautifully combined with the texture of stone, water.

Depending on the variety, muscari can go without transplanting for several years in a row. They bloom in early spring, when other plants are only adorned with bare branches. This allows you to plant muscari next to perennial shrubs. Flowers will get enough sunlight, and the bush will look beautiful all spring.

On a note! Muscari do not grow well on waterlogged soils. Breeders advise planting a plant on elevations, protected from strong gusts of wind.

There are cultivated varieties for growing at home.

Types and varieties of Muscari

Indeed, most muscari bloom in early spring - in April. But there are also late flowering varieties that bloom in the second half of May - early June.

Muscari Armenian - popular winter-hardy variety with a pleasant smell. The top of the inflorescence is painted in a lighter shade of blue.

Blue Spike differs in that the inflorescence contains up to 170 flowers. Therefore, it is also called terry.

Two more popular varieties of this species are Heavenly Blue, which translates as sky blue, and Cantab, a Cambridge, undersized and late flowering variety.

Recognized by gardeners and broad-leaved muscari, having a height of up to 25 cm. The inflorescence has about 100 flowers of dark and light purple color.

On a note! The characteristic shape of the leaves is lanceolate.

Muscari azure grows naturally on dry mountain slopes in Turkey. It has several names: Muscari azure, hyacinth azure. Pleases the eye with flowers of a bell-shaped form of pale blue.

White muscari are very fond of gardeners for their decorative effect. For example, the variety Alba.

Muscari Oshe with a two-tone color of the inflorescence became the basis for an unusual beautiful varieties Magic white and blue.

Muscari Fantasy Creation looks unusual due to terry inflorescences that change color from greenish to dark blue.

On a note! For this property, they are also called Muscari-chameleons.

Muscari pretty naturally grows in some areas of Israel. Differs in tiny growth and white color of the unfolding teeth. The plant blooms in winter.

Muscari pale in Russia is grown less frequently than other varieties. The flower is distinguished by the fact that it is not pulled together along the edge, it has a bell-shaped perianth. Attracts the attention of a variety with pinkish flowers.

Muscari crested differs from its counterparts in the presence of a crest at the end of the inflorescence.

On a note! Another feature - during flowering, it "grows" from 25 to 50-70 cm.

The variety Plumozum enjoys great love among flower growers. It is ideal for the climate of central Russia, tolerates winter well, does not require complex care. Decorates the garden with shaggy blue-lilac flowers with an interesting aroma.

The above varieties are only a small part of the list of Muscari species that flower growers breed.

On a note! In fairness, it should be said that the long-flowered, white-green, large-fruited, strange, racemose and many other varieties enjoy the same share of success.

Site selection and soil preparation

The plant is not demanding on watering, but the soil should be loose and retain moisture well. Muscari do not grow well in clay soil. The composition of the earth is preferably slightly acidic. This will give the inflorescences a brighter color, and the bush will look more magnificent.

Flowers are planted in groups, so they look better. Before planting, it is advisable to dig (or loosen) the soil by 8-10 cm.

On a note! For active development and flowering, top dressing is required in the form of humus and compost.

Despite the short peduncle, muscari do not shade tall plants, because mouse hyacinth blooms in early spring, when the rest of the flora is still sleeping and there is no foliage on it.

Muscari is a representative of the plant world, perennial. With sufficiently fertilized land, it can not be transplanted for decades. Therefore, if you place it next to other perennials, you can avoid unnecessary work.

What time to plant?

Experienced flower growers suggest planting muscari in the fall - from late August to October.

Muscari is sometimes grown in pots for spring holiday sales. After flowering, you can transplant it to a secluded place. By the fall, you can dig up stronger bulbs and use them for planting in the spring.

On a note! Sometimes in the spring, nurseries offer flowering seedlings of Muscari. On the advice of the nursery staff, they can be immediately planted in the soil in a permanent place.

Disembarkation rules

Before planting, it is necessary to sort out the bulbs, removing the sick and damaged ones, treat them before planting with a strong solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.

A layer of sand up to 2 cm can be added to the soil under the bulbs. It will serve as drainage for the liquid and protection from pests.

It is better to plant a plant in groups, but the distance between the bulbs should be at least 4-7 cm. The bulb planting depth is 6 cm. When planting, the soil should warm up to eighteen degrees Celsius.

On a note! If sowing is done by seeds, they are placed in the soil to a depth of 2 cm. Flowering in this case will begin only in the third year after planting.

Features of care

Novice flower growers should not be afraid of difficulties if they want to grow muscari on their site. You need to know that the plant goes through two phases: flowering and extended period rest. Active watering is done only at the very beginning of active growth. The plant is early flowering, so the flowering period falls on the season of heavy spring rains. The soil may require additional moisture after a winter with little snow cover or limited spring precipitation.

On a note! If the soil is not fertile, organic fertilizers must be applied. This will allow you not to transplant the plant for a long time.


The flowering period usually lasts up to three weeks. At this time, flower care includes regular loosening after watering. Withered flowers should be cut off and monitor the color of the inflorescence. Its changes may indicate unfavorable conditions for the plant. For example, about the fact that they need to be seated.

What to do after flowering?


The end of flowering indicates the onset of a dormant period. During this period, all flower stalks are removed. Watering is done less and less and stops after the leaves on the bushes have completely dried.

After flowering, top dressing is applied to the soil: a composition containing minerals, phosphorus and potassium for the bulbs.

In autumn, the site is dug up. If the plants have reached the age of five, they must be seated and sprinkled with peat. Bushes that have not been transplanted must be freed from dried leaves.

This completes the preparation for winter, because the plant is frost-resistant.

On a note! There is no need to cover the bulbs.


Muscari can be propagated in two ways.

The first is the use of seeds. After maturation, the seeds are harvested. Germination lasts up to twelve months. Sowing is carried out in the fall, and shoots will appear by spring. But flowering will have to wait 3-4 years.

Vegetative propagation is carried out by planting young bulbs. Required condition- a bush growing in the same place for 5-6 years can become a source for transplantation.

In September, a bulb is dug out with "kids", of which there are up to 30 pieces per copy. They are separated from the main bulb, dried in the sun and treated with preparations to stimulate the roots.

It should be mentioned that muscari can propagate by self-sowing. To maintain the shape of the flower garden, you need to monitor the number of flowers. Extra flower stalks can be removed after the flowering period.

Diseases and pests

Mosaic often affects the plant, the causative agent of which is the onion yellow dwarf virus. The disease changes the leaves - spotting appears in the form of a mosaic, they narrow. The peduncle is deformed, the growth of the plant is difficult.

Cucumber mosaic leaves white stripes and spots on the leaves. In this case, the leaves are deformed.

bulb storage

To renew the material for sowing, it is enough to dig up the bulbs once every four years. This is done in the fall. To prevent the bulbs from rotting, they must be thoroughly dried and buried again.

To save the bulbs until spring, you can dig them in, or you can keep them at home, providing special conditions. After drying, the bulbs are placed in moistened sand or peat.

On a note! Damaged specimens are rejected once a week. In the storage room, the humidity should be 70 percent, and the air temperature should be 17-18 degrees Celsius.


Muscari has a beneficial effect on the flower neighborhood. The plant fertilizes the soil, scares away the smell of flies, mosquitoes. Cut flowers retain the same properties. Other flowers can be planted in the place where Muscari is grown, for example, roses, dahlias, daffodils.

Choosing the right color scheme muscari and neighboring plants, you can create beautiful composition on the flower bed.

Questions from readers

How long can a flower live in a garden?

It depends on the type of plant. Typically, the duration is five to ten years. You can increase this period by properly transplanting the plant.

Why is the plant not flowering?

There may be several reasons. If the flower is grown from seeds, it will bloom only after 3-4 years. When propagated by a bulb, the absence of flowers can be explained by its mechanical damage: during loosening or by mice.

What should be the care of a flower in winter?

On the territory of Russia, mainly frost-resistant varieties are grown. Therefore, no special events are held. In autumn, dried leaves are cut off, plants are transplanted or planted. Young or germinated flowers can be covered with spruce branches.

Growing muscari, in principle, is not too difficult. It is important to observe all the conditions that are necessary for the normal growth and development of the plant, and you can enjoy the flowering of muscari.

Video - About Muscari

Muscari is a bulbous perennial plant of the Asparagus family (Asparageceae). Muscari is also called mouse hyacinth or viper onion. The name Muscari is often found - mouse hyacinth, its plant received for its small size and great resemblance to hyacinth, its close relative.

IN natural environment grows in forest glades and mountain slopes of the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Mediterranean, Crimea, Central and Southern Europe. Muscari flowers are among the earliest to appear in spring and are often grown for cutting. They usually reach a height of 40 cm. The flowers have an unusual cylinder shape with bent teeth, painted white, blue or blue. It has a pronounced pleasant aroma. It is an ephemeroid plant. Muscari grown in gardens are miniature and graceful. They are planted for decorative purposes to decorate lawns and borders, and are used in the preparation of rock gardens.

Types, varieties of Muscari and photos of flowers

There are up to 60 types of muscari, growing both in nature and cultivated in home gardening.

Muscari species cultivated in the Alpine zone of Southern and Central Europe for more than four centuries, the flowers of which are rather small and have a blue tint, called muscari grape. There are two garden varieties:

  • var.album - white clusters of flowers look like pearls;
  • var.carneum - flowers are painted pink.

Photo. Muscari grape-shaped.

Muscari flowers of white color bloom on one of the types of plants called Armenian. It is distinguished by terry stems and large inflorescences that fill the air during flowering with a fragrant aroma. One of its varieties is a frost-resistant subspecies called "mouse hyacinth", its upper flowers have a slightly lighter shade, compared to the lower dark blue, framed by a white border. Plants of this species are unusually beautiful, so they are especially often used for interior decoration. The most popular are several of its varieties:

  • muscari terry Blue Spike - abundant clusters of inflorescences give the plant a delightful look;
  • Christmas Pearl - has deep purple flowers;
  • Fantasy Kriyashn - characterized by an unusual combination of blue and blue-green hues.

Photo. Muscari Armenian

Muscari species called pale, grows on mountain slopes; the stems of the plants are low, and the flowers are pale blue in the form of bells. One of its most popular varieties is White Rose Beauty, whose flowers are pale pink.

Photo. Muscari pale

It has wide leaves, like a tulip, and dense dark blue cylindrical inflorescences. Several flower stalks can sprout from one bulb.

Photo. Muscari broadleaf

Crested Muscari is distinguished by its original appearance. In its natural environment, it is found among shrubs, in meadows or clearings. Purple tufts on arcuate pedicels are located on the stems. His most popular variety- Plumozum - its lilac-violet flowers are located on highly branched stems and are completely sterile.

Photo. Muscari crested

Muscari Oshe, or Tubergena- occurs in the territory of North-Western Iran. His blue flowers have pale teeth. Flower growers distinguish a variety of tubergen, which is distinguished by slightly lighter flowers and sickle-shaped leaves.

Muscari Pretty also has the Hebrew name Kadan Nae which means "beautiful" in translation. Grows in the parks of Ashkelon. Flowering begins very early, already in winter. Peduncles are low, the inflorescences on them are bright blue, dense, ovoid, limbs in the form of white teeth.

Growing muscari flowers in the garden

Muscari is one of the most commonly cultivated and loved plants by gardeners. They look great in rock gardens, as a decoration for decorative garden vases, when decorating borders, undersized varieties are often taken.

Important! Muscari is often used to create multi-tiered flower beds, compositions with tulips or daffodils.

Site selection and soil preparation

Muscari loves loose and well-retaining moisture.

The advantage of muscari is that they bloom when the foliage has not yet blossomed on the surrounding trees and shrubs. Thanks to this, in early spring they will not need lighting, which the plant requires in large quantities. Muscari - perennials, so in the garden they are best planted next to other perennials so that they do not have to be replanted annually. It is best that the landing site for muscari is on a small, well-lit elevation, but at the same time it is protected from strong gusts of wind.

The soil for planting muscari should be loose, fertile, well retaining moisture. The composition of the soil is better to choose slightly acidic. Muscari do not take root well in clay soil. Soil with enough fertilizer, for which compost and humus is suitable, will significantly accelerate the growth of the bulbs, they will reach big size and the flowers that come out of them will also be large, bright and lush. With regular feeding, the plant can stay in the same place for a decade, and it does not need to be transplanted.

Planting muscari (when and how to plant muscari)

After preparing favorable soil for muscari, you can start planting bulbs. This is usually done in the fall, preferably before the end of October, before the onset of frost, to allow the bulb to take root well.

In preparation for planting, the bulbs are kept for several days in a cool room, where the air temperature will not exceed 9 degrees Celsius, which will allow the bulbs to adapt to cold soil faster in the future.

Immediately before planting, the bulbs are soaked for an hour in a solution with diluted potassium permanganate of an average strength level. After that, they can be placed in the soil.

Before planting, the bulbs are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Because the bulbs are small in size, for them it is better to dig a whole trench in the garden, the depth of which will not be more than 8 cm. It is good to pour washed river sand on the bottom, the layer of which will be up to 2 cm. This will help ensure drainage and protection from pathogenic bacteria. During the planting of the bulbs, it is necessary to observe a distance between them of up to 7 cm. During this period, it is desirable that the soil be warmed up to 18 degrees. Then they are sprinkled with earth and during the subsequent time they are carefully watered and the emerging weeds are removed.

Muscari care in the open field

During the period of growth of muscari, care for open field involves timely watering and top dressing. In general, care is not very difficult, the plant is even considered educational, which can be cultivated by a beginner grower, however, you should know the basic rules.

How to care for muscari in the garden

Abundant soil moisture for muscari is especially required at the beginning of the growing season. At the same time, the soil most often retains the natural moisture of melted snow and spring rains. Frequent watering will be needed only if the snow is in winter period was not enough. Usually, you should stick to a moderate watering regime, because. excessive moisture will cause the flower to wilt quickly. The ideal water for muscari during development is rainwater.

Important! Watering the soil where muscari grows is not required during the dormant period.

If the soil where the muscari is planted is not fertile enough, top dressing will be needed. This is where organic fertilizers come in. For each square meter, take 5 kg of humus or compost.

Muscari blooms for more than three weeks.

Flowers on the plant usually appear early and last for more than three weeks. At this time, special care is not required, the only thing to do is slightly loosen the soil after watering without damaging the bulbs, as well as remove weeds and remove wilted flowers. If, after a few years, the quality of the flowers noticeably deteriorates, the plant is transplanted..

Muscari transplant

It is not necessary to transplant Muscari too often. If the soil is well fertilized, and the flowering is lush and plentiful every year, you can not transplant long years. However, after 5-6 years, the appearance of the flower bed will signal the need for renewal. It is this sign that is the most reliable in order to determine the time when to dig up muscari. Muscari transplant is also useful for other plants, because. the soil after them becomes very favorable for the cultivation of many other garden flowers.

Plant propagation occurs in several ways. The division method is often used. To do this, children are separated from the mother bulb of muscari in the fall, which are usually quite a lot, up to thirty pieces. Next, make a landing. This method is called vegetative.

Muscari is propagated by division and self-seeding.

In addition to it, reproduction can be done by self-seeding. It will help prevent the uncontrolled growth of muscari on the site. To do this, immediately after flowering, flower stalks are cut. The stems are left to ripen the seeds. The life of the collected seeds is no more than a year. They are planted in the ground in autumn. With the onset of spring, shoots as thin as threads will appear, which will signal the beginning of the bulb formation process. Flowering plant, the reproduction of which occurred in this way, will occur after 2-3 years.

Important! The disadvantage of the method of propagation by seeds is that they quickly lose their germination capacity and are noticeably inferior to traditional method reproduction with bulbs.

Pests, Muscari diseases and control methods

Aphids are one of the most harmful pests on Muscari flowers.

Most often, muscari are susceptible to infection with the onion yellow dwarf virus. At the same time, characteristic symptoms appear: a green mosaic appears on the leaves, the flower arrow becomes shortened, the leaves acquire a narrowed shape and general growth inhibition occurs.

The plant is also susceptible to common cucumber mosaic. It can be distinguished by pale green streaks and spots on deformed leaves. Viruses are transmitted by aphids, after entering the bulb, they remain in it for a long time. Virus-affected specimens must be dug up and burned to prevent infection of other plants.

There are still no recipes for the treatment of plant viral diseases. The best way is the timely fight against aphids - their peddler. It must be carefully destroyed the slightest sign appearance. To do this, dilute two teaspoons liquid soap two glasses of water and use this solution for spraying. Radical methods of dealing with aphids are the complete cutting of plants and tillage with garden fertilizers..

Sometimes appears on Muscari spider mite. To combat it, you will need drugs of the avermectin group, such as Aktofit, Vertimek, Fitoverm. They are used according to the instructions. Apply at an air temperature of at least 18 degrees.

Muscari after flowering

After flowering muscari, a number of specific actions are required to care for the plant. It is necessary to carefully cut the flower stalks, then fertilize the soil with a liquid fertilizer of potassium-phosphorus composition. This will help the bulbs to better adapt to wintering. It is also good to get them out of the ground, dry them and dig them in again to prevent the possibility of deterioration.

After the muscari have faded, they must be cut and fertilized.

After that, they begin to gradually reduce watering until the leaves turn yellow and wilt. When this happens, watering is completely stopped. Young flowers are covered with peat for the winter, after removing yellowed leaves on them. If the plants are in the same place for a long time and there are signs of their deterioration, transplantation begins.

Preparing for winter

To prepare the plant for wintering, you need to make a sufficient amount of humus at the rate of 5 kg per square meter; prune bunches that have completed flowering. The leaves are left until frost, this will help the bulbs gain strength. There is no special need to cover adult bulbs in winter, because. the plant is frost-resistant.

Storing muscari bulbs

If there are special reasons for digging the bulbs out of the ground, then you need to know certain rules for storing them indoors:

  • you need to start digging the bulbs only after the leaves have dried;
  • dug out bulbs are dried for several days, then placed in peat, which can be replaced with wet clean sand;
  • once a week, bulbs should be inspected and felt, while removing those on which traces of rot or damage have appeared, also if they have become soft;
  • in storage, it is necessary to maintain air humidity of about 70% and a temperature of 17 degrees.

Use of Muscari Flowers for Decorative Purposes

Muscari is an ideal plant for creating mini-flower beds for the garden, fenced with low wattle, birch branches or decorative pots. Muscari blue perfectly serve as a fence along garden paths or serve as an unusual border along the paths. Of these, you can make up a separate array, or planted under trees or shrubs, make up original compositions along with other flowers.

Muscari goes well with a variety of colors, they can be used to make original compositions.

For decorative purposes, Muscari forcing is also used - artificial stimulation of the flowering process in the off-season. For this, the largest bulbs are selected. They are dug up in July at a temperature of 15 degrees, dried and stored until the beginning of September. In the period from September to January, rooting of the bulbs is done. For this, drainage is poured to the bottom of the pot and the plant is planted in a nutrient soil mixture consisting of sawdust, humus, leaf ground and some sand.

For the winter, plants are placed in a basement or greenhouse, insulated with sawdust. In January, during the germination of sprouts, the flowers are moved for a couple of days to a room where the temperature remains no higher than 5-8 degrees. The second stage of movement is distillation at a temperature of 15-18 degrees. At this time, watering is moderate, using warm soft water. This helps speed up the flowering process.

How to use flowers in garden design

There are several options for using muscari for decoration. suburban area. The picturesque trio of blue muscari, forget-me-nots and white tulips looks beautiful. The plant can be planted in a bucket small size and put in the composition on the flower bed.

Muscari looks good in the composition on the flower bed.

Next to the blue flowers will look beautiful, for example, imperial hazel grouse orange color. Planting under bare shrubs such as arabis or ibera will help create the most comfortable conditions for flowers. They also fill the empty spaces that form between tulips and daffodils.

Medicinal properties of the Muscari plant

Muscari has an unusual ability to protect neighboring flowers from various pests, fertilizes the soil well. In its place, after transplantation, it is good to plant roses, peonies, daffodils - they will all bloom magnificently, decorating the site. Muscari aroma repels flies and mosquitoes. The flowers are great for cutting and making beautiful bouquets.

Important! If you put a bouquet of muscari in the house, it will protect the room from small insects and midges.

The right choice of a muscari planting site in the garden, quality care and timely watering will help preserve a delightful flower for many years, when it will please the eye and refresh garden beds fragrant aroma.

A miniature, neat, compact flower mouse hyacinth captivates with its amazing, elegant delicate inflorescences. When all nature is still sleeping or just waking up after the snow melts, the first blue-violet hyacinth flowers are already reaching for the sun and are almost the only decoration of the garden.

Many species and varieties are used as ornamental plants, very often used in landscaping and decoration garden plots, grown as indoor plants. Thanks to easy and fast reproduction, completely unpretentious care, mouse hyacinth has gained a lot of fans among domestic gardeners.

Viper onion, muscari, mouse hyacinth are the main names for the same plant. More recently, bulbous perennial flower belonged to the Hyacinth or Liliaceae family, now the mouse hyacinth is listed in the Asparagus family.

The name muscari is given to the flower because of the characteristic smell, reminiscent of musk.

The flower was called the viper onion by chance, one might say, because of ignorance. The flower often grows in sunny, bright glades, in the same place, among the plants, snakes were often seen. Many, out of ignorance, believed that reptiles feed on the leaves of a flower. However, it soon became clear that the snakes are indifferent to herbs and flowers, and crawl out into the glades to soak up, bask in the sun.

The prefix in the name "mouse" appeared because of the miniature, tiny appearance of the bright purple and blue inflorescences.

In addition to the accepted, basic names, the flower also has folk names:

  • in Europe, the plant was nicknamed grape hyacinth, because densely planted buds resemble a bunch of grapes in appearance;
  • in France, muscari is called - earthen lilac, the name was fixed due to the similarity of the color and shape of dense inflorescences with purple flowers of unblown lilac;
  • in Greece, the plant is called the "rain flower", since its appearance always coincides with the first spring precipitation.

Plant, low about 10-30 cm tall. The bulb is fleshy, ovoid, rounded, 2–3.5 cm in diameter, covered with light scales. The leaves are basal, linear, belt-like, strong, 10–17 cm long and 0.5–2.5 cm wide. At the beginning of the growing season, up to seven leaves come out of one bulb. Depending on the species and variety, basal leaves can form in spring or autumn.

The stalk is an upright peduncle, naked, dense from one bulb-head, most often, one, less often two peduncles comes out. At the top of the stem, a dense, dense, many-flowered, racemose inflorescence 2–8 cm long is formed.

The flowers are small, fragrant, on short pedicels, tightly pressed to each other. In shape, the buds resemble a capsule or a barrel with six short cloves bent outward. Miniature flowers can be compared to lily of the valley flowers, only tightly seated on the stem. In most cases, the color of the buds is blue or purple, there are varieties with white, pink, yellow, combined colors.

Seeds are formed only in the lower part of the inflorescence, since the apical flowers are sterile. The fruit is a three-celled, winged, angular seed pod. The seeds are dark, small, rounded, wrinkled and remain viable for about one year.

The flowering period depends on the species and variety, the climatic zone of cultivation. The plant is early flowering, mainly from April to the end of May you can observe delicate miniature flowers. Breeders have obtained new varieties, the flowering of which can be observed until mid-June. The duration of flowering is not more than one month.

Muscari is a completely undemanding plant that endures shortcomings in care. It can calmly exist without much attention to its person from the grower.

Mouse hyacinth is an excellent honey plant; its pleasant smell attracts many bees, butterflies and bumblebees to the garden.

The flower is widespread throughout Europe, Western Asia, North Africa, and in the countries of the Mediterranean region.

The greatest probability of seeing muscari is in the grassy slopes, among the bushes on the edges in the mountain-forest belt. Some species have become naturalized in North America and Australia.


tender, miniature plants bloom throughout the spring. The beginning and duration of flowering depends on the variety and type of hyacinth, as well as on growing conditions. The earliest flowers can be seen as early as April. Breeders have bred new varieties whose flowers can be admired in early summer. Combining in the flowerbed different types and varieties with different flowering periods, flowering can be achieved mouse hyacinth throughout the spring, at best - until mid-June.

On a bare, strong stem, a racemose inflorescence is formed with densely planted buds on thin stems. The flowers are small, neat, reminiscent of round lanterns or berries. Wild species have predominantly purple and blue shades of flowers; plants with white, blue, pink and yellow flowers can be grown in culture.

After flowering, the mouse hyacinth goes into hibernation, which lasts most of the year.

Species, varieties and varieties

As of 2014, a little more than 40 species of mouse hyacinth, muscari are known. About 20 species are found on the territory of Russia and the former Soviet republics. Most of which are grown as ornamentals, in flower pots at home and in household plots.

Thanks to the natural diversity and the work of breeders, Muscari has many varieties and varieties. They differ in the shape and color of the buds, the length of the stem and leaves, the flowering period. Not all mouse hyacinths are early-flowering, there are representatives of the genus whose flowers can be admired from late May - early June. And you can also divide Muscari by popularity, into universal favorites and rare, little-studied species.

Muscari grapevine

Muscari grapevine

In various sources, in addition to the main name, you can find a description of a flower called racemose mouse hyacinth (Muscari botryoides). This type of muscari is most commonly seen in flowerbeds and gardens. The plant is small, no more than 12–15 cm long. Due to its modest size, the flower is recommended to be planted in open areas, in the foreground of the flower garden.

The head - the bulb has a rounded, elongated appearance up to 3.5 cm in length and up to 2.5 cm in width. Leaves, narrow linear, smooth, no more than 12 cm long and up to 1 cm wide. One bulb produces two to six leaves. Small, miniature barrel-shaped purple flowers, the edges of the flower are tiny, recurved teeth, white. Flowers, in a racemose inflorescence no more than 12 cm long, very densely planted on a strong peduncle.

The first buds open in early May. With their delicate, bright, unusual appearance, flowers delight no more than one month. Then the seeds are formed. Based on the species, various varieties with white and pink buds were obtained.

Muscari broadleaf

Muscari broadleaf

In its natural environment, it grows and occurs in a limited area in the western and southern forests of Turkey. Despite this, the flower has gained wide popularity among lovers of garden flowers. Broad-leaved hyacinth, a very thermophilic species, it does not tolerate cold drafts, and in winters with little snow it can freeze slightly. On cold period years, the plant needs additional shelter.

Starting from the middle of spring, an arrow with a flower comes out of the bulb, the height of which can reach 25 cm. The inflorescence is tight, about a hundred small, elongated, berry-like flowers are formed. The inflorescence itself has a cylindrical shape, the color of which is light purple at the top, smoothly passes to the base with a darker purple tint. Flowering time is about 25-30 days.

Ovate bulb up to 2 cm in diameter and up to 3 cm in length. Leaves, lanceolate, large compared to other species, up to 2.5 cm wide and up to 15–17 cm long. The leaf plates are strong, grow up and, as it were, hug the peduncle, in appearance they resemble tulip leaves.

Muscari pale

Muscari pale

The species is rarely found in home gardens and flower shops. In its natural environment, it grows on the mountain slopes and subalpine meadows of the Caucasus and in eastern Turkey.

From one oval bulb-head, up to 3 cm long and up to 2 cm in diameter, up to six narrow, belt-like leaves grow up to 20 cm long and 0.5 cm wide. With the onset of cold weather, the leaves die off, becoming an additional shelter for the winter. One bulb is capable of producing one, less often two peduncles up to 12 cm long. The inflorescence is formed from 40 small, elongated, oval flowers of pale blue color, almost white. Loving the beautiful delicate flowers Muscari is available for 15–20 days in the second half of May. In culture, on the territory of Russia, it is extremely rare.

Muscari crested

Muscari crested

The only species that is unmistakably recognizable among the representatives of the mouse hyacinth. The flower has an additional "tail", "forelock" or "tuft" at the top of the inflorescence. It blooms in late May - early June, the species is classified as a late-flowering mouse hyacinth. During flowering, the plant is strongly stretched. So, in the initial stage of the appearance of flowers, the height of the plant is not more than 25 cm. At the end of flowering, the stem with buds stretches up to 50–70 cm.

From large onion, up to 4 cm in diameter, 4–6 narrow, belt-like leaves come out.
There are usually no more than two peduncles, at the top of each a many-flowered, loose racemose inflorescence is formed. Small flowers of dark blue-violet color of a cylindrical form on thin petioles. At the top of the stem, the buds are clustered and have longer pedicels, which is why they take on the appearance of a tuft. The apical flowers are sterile, the seeds are formed after pollination of flowers with a brown-purple color and a light, beige edge. breeding species more seeds, rather than daughter bulbs, which is why it often weeds.

In nature, crested muscari grows on the plains of Southern Europe, Southeast Asia.

Muscari Osh or Muscari Tubergen

Muscari Osh

Very nice and neat look. The inflorescence is small, formed by densely planted barrel-shaped flowers. A distinctive feature of the species is the color of the buds. At the top, the flowers are painted in pale blue or light blue, on the lower, most of the inflorescence, the flowers are of a more contrasting, dark color with white teeth. Flowering time is mid-April.

The bulb is medium-sized, ovoid, almost rounded up to 1.5 cm in diameter and up to 2 cm long. The leaves are narrow, linear, up to 15–18 cm long and up to 0.5 cm wide. Usually one bulb produces up to three leaves and one peduncle up to 25 cm long. In winter, the leaves fall, creating additional shelter for the winter.

Muscari Pretty

Muscari Pretty

Blooms in late winter - early spring. Because of this feature, it is practically not grown at home. In the natural environment, it can be found in the territory of Southwestern Israel and the coastal regions of the Mediterranean Sea.

The leaves are narrow, the edges are bent, forming a narrow gap. The plant is miniature, together with the peduncle is up to 15 cm in height. The ovoid inflorescence is formed by densely planted, elongated flowers of a bright blue color with bent white teeth.

Muscari ragweed

Muscari ragweed

Muscari species with interesting large buds collected on a strong, erect peduncle. Each bud has an elongated shape, narrowed at the end. Flowers on short petioles, loosely planted. On one peduncle, there are 20-50 flowers, the color of which changes over time. So, at the beginning of flowering, the buds are purple, gradually turn pale, brighten, acquire a greenish-yellow hue, and at the end of flowering they become creamy.

The plant is small, about 10–25 cm tall. The leaves are dark green, linear, grooved, dense up to 2 cm wide, equal to the length of the peduncle. The flowering period falls on the beginning - the middle of spring.

blue spike

A young variety from Holland, recognized as highly decorative, often used in landscape design and floristry. Plant height is 20–25 cm. The racemose inflorescence is voluminous, double, formed by 150–170 small, blue, fragrant flowers. Unlike the natural species, the Blue spike variety has several buds on one pedicel, which is why the inflorescence takes the form of a “shaggy” panicle. All flowers are sterile. During the season, the plant forms up to 3 daughter bulbs. Blooms in May for 20-25 days. The vegetation of the leaves begins in autumn, which do not fall off and hibernate under the snow.


Muscari Cantab

The variety is a representative of the Armenian Muscari species. The maximum height of the plant during the flowering period is 20 cm. It blooms in May for one month. The flowers are bright blue with white teeth. The buds are elongated, densely planted on a straight stem. The variety is quite popular, often used for landscaping gardens and growing at home.


little known and quite rare view mouse hyacinth. It was found in the mountains of Turkey and northern Iraq. Plant height no more than 20 cm. Leaves, narrow up to 2 cm wide, long, belt-like, dark green. In one inflorescence there are about 50 cylindrical flowers, narrowed at the ends. The edges are serrated, bent outwards. The species has been little studied and so far the question remains open as to which family it belongs to either hyacinth or proleskovy.

Muscari neglected

Muscari neglected

In the literature, the species can be found under a different name - the unnoticed mouse hyacinth. At the beginning of the growing season, one or two bare peduncles emerge from the bulb. Only after that, leaves appear. The flowers are elongated, oval-tubular, dark blue or purple, outwardly similar to large grapes. The teeth are rounded and painted white. Inflorescence oblong, dense, many-flowered. Leaves, narrow, up to 15 cm long, up to 6 pcs. emerge from the ovoid bulb.

Muscari neglected is distributed over a vast territory of Europe, Asia and Russia. It is predominantly found in the forest-steppe and steppe zones. In Russia, the species is included in many Red Data Books of subjects Russian Federation: Belgorod, Volgograd, Kursk and Rostov regions.


Muscari Saffier

Variety, representative of the Armenian Muscari. A rather heat-loving flower, it is extremely rare in Russian latitudes. In one season, a whole group of "daughter" bulbs is formed in one plant. Because of this feature, the variety quickly spreads and fills the nearest territories. Flowers, dark blue, elongated, with white edges. Blooms in April - May. The height of the plant together with the peduncle is about 20 cm.

Muscari azure

Muscari azure

In different sources, the species is found under the name azure muscari. Plant 15-20 cm tall. The inflorescence is small, up to 8 cm long, formed by bell-shaped, cylindrical flowers of pale blue color, and the color of the flowers varies depending on the location. So, in the upper part of the inflorescence, the flowers are lighter, in the lower part they are darker. One inflorescence contains about 30-50 buds.

The plant blooms very interestingly - at first the lower flowers bloom, creating the effect of a "ballerina's skirt". You can watch an amazing fragrant flower in April - May. The homeland of the species is the mountainous regions of northwestern Turkey.


Muscari comosum Plumosum

An interesting variety of crested species of mouse hyacinth. The flowers are very different from the usual type of muscari buds. Open inflorescences, formed by filiform, purple-violet, sterile flowers. The form is unstable in the middle lane.

Muscari large-fruited

Muscari large-fruited

Basal leaves, dark gray-green in color, narrow, with curved edges. The buds are large, cylindrical or barrel-shaped, red-brown in color, as they open, they acquire a yellow-green hue. The height of the flower together with the peduncle is 15–20 cm.

Home care

Unpretentious, charming flower will perfectly fit into any interior, will bring a special spring freshness and comfort to city ​​apartment, outdoor balcony or terrace. Growing mouse hyacinth in a separate flower container is not difficult. For these purposes, choose a container with a large number of holes at the bottom, for output excess water and elimination of fluid stagnation. Drainage material is placed first in the flower container - expanded clay, broken brick or crushed nut shells. Next, loose, fertilized, permeable soil falls asleep. Bulbs are planted in moist soil.

One of the features of growing muscari at home is a short growing season. The plant is kept indoors only during flowering. After the flowers wither and the leaves dry, the pot is transferred to the garden, and partially buried. This procedure will allow the plant to form bulbs. The flower container with muscari remains in the garden until the end of winter.

With the beginning of spring, the pot is returned to the room, the bulbs, together with the ground, are transplanted into a new flower container, or the pot is placed in a beautiful planter.

Even despite the unpretentious nature of the plant, keeping it at home requires much more attention and effort, compared to counterparts growing in the open field.


Muscari can be called a flower for very busy people. Those who love the beauty around them, but are not able to pay due attention to it. The flower endures shortcomings in the content. The only time when the plant needs care is the flowering period. Hyacinth needs strength to open the flower. During this period, the soil around the muscari should be kept moist. It is extremely dangerous to fill the flower planting sites with water, it is very susceptible to excess and stagnant water.

Prolonged exposure to wet soil can cause the bulbs to rot.

After 1.5-2 weeks, after the start of flowering, you can relax your attention to watering the flower. Especially after flowering, the hyacinth goes into "sleep mode" and there is enough natural precipitation for a comfortable plant growth.


Having once planted a mouse hyacinth in the garden, after 3-4 years you can find a fairly densely overgrown area. Muscari is thinned out as needed when the flower has grown and in case of transplanting to a new place. To exclude self-seeding, after flowering, the arrow with seeds is cut off.

Fertilizer and top dressing

To maintain active growth, bright and lush flowering, the plant needs top dressing. In the spring, when digging, organic fertilizers are applied to the soil at the rate of 4–5 kg of raw materials per square meter.

To provide the flower with all the nutrients, compost is added to the soil in the fall. This will allow the bulbs to gain strength, survive the winter and wake up in the spring.

In a pot culture, Muscari needs to be fed twice a month during the growing season. Use liquid special combined fertilizer for home ornamental plants.

Hyacinth long-lived, in one place can easily grow 8-10 years.

How to care for muscari in the garden

Mouse hyacinth one of the first garden plants who pleases with its flowering, long before the blooming of the rest of the plantations. Nature has decreed that gentle, bright panicles of Muscari are not at all lost in the middle of the site. And all because nothing prevents the plant from reaching for the sun - the grass has not yet grown, the leaves on the trees have not blossomed.

The flower will put up with any place in the garden, whether it is a bright, open meadow or at the foot of trees in partial shade. The main thing is that the hyacinth should not be planted in the lowlands and low areas of the garden. For a flower, prolonged stagnation of water is detrimental. To care is completely undemanding. Bulbs in the ground calmly endure winters in central Russia.

Proper care and maintenance will allow muscari to form larger and healthier bulbs, flowering will be brighter, richer and longer.

General rules of care are suitable for all types of mouse hyacinth, however, some varieties require closer attention from the grower. So, the broad-leaved species and Osh, need soil mulching.

Periodically, the soil around the bulb is checked for weeds. Unwanted vegetation, dried leaves are removed, the soil is loosened. Moreover, the leaves from the plant are removed after their complete death. During the period of active growth, you can not completely cut the plant. As a result of such actions, bulbs suffer, which react sharply to a sharp interruption in the growth process. If you often cut off the aerial part, then the bulbs will gradually grind and after a while they will simply disappear.

Soil Requirements

An amazing perennial is very tenacious, able to take root on the ground with any mechanical composition. If you set a goal to provide the flower with ideal growth conditions, then first of all, loose, fertile soil is selected. The earthen substrate must pass water well, stagnation of liquid is detrimental to the plant.

Muscari after flowering

If the plant was not grown for cutting, then after flowering, the stems should be cut. Moreover, the procedure for removing the inflorescence is best carried out before the seeds are fully ripe. Ripening fruits take a lot of strength from the bulb. Many gardeners do not remove inflorescences, they allow the fruits to ripen. This allows the plant to propagate by seed.

Preparing for winter

One of the advantages of Muscari is its resistance to the cold season. Dry soil, dead leaves will serve as a good shelter for the bulb for the winter. Additional shelter is required only for some species and varieties.

Planting and reproduction

Mouse hyacinth is propagated in two ways - seeds and daughter bulbs. The plant is many and often "gives birth" to new bulbs-heads. In this connection, the vegetative method is an easier way to propagate hyacinth. Especially in flower shops, you can often find Muscari bulbs, and not seeds.

And the flowering of a plant grown by seeds occurs much later, compared with the propagation of bulbs.

It is better to buy material for planting in specialized stores, in which the chance to purchase low-quality goods is minimal. In any case, the bulbs should be treated with a fungicide before planting. In almost every home there is potassium permanganate powder, a weak aqueous solution of which will save the seed from possible diseases and pests.

When to plant?

Muscari is planted in early autumn, so that before the onset of cold weather they take root in a new place and gain strength to survive the winter. Flowering of young bulbs occurs in the second year after planting.

How to plant?

In a prepared place, deepenings of 5–8 cm are made at a distance of 5–10 cm from each other. The bulb is lowered into the hole, sprinkled with earth so that the layer of earth above the bulb is about 2 cm. Mouse hyacinth is planted in groups of 10–30 bulbs, while planting the plant is not thickened. Single plantings are not so spectacular, even at home, several muscari are planted in one flower container.

Growing from seeds

This method of obtaining new plants is rarely used. Since the first flowering can be seen in 3-4 years. The first 1-2 years are spent on the formation of bulbs. Seeds, with good germination, are formed only on the largest and healthiest flowers.
Sowing seeds is carried out in the fall. In pre-prepared beds or containers with soil, seeds are planted to a depth of 0.5-1 cm. Throughout the entire time, until germination, they are periodically watered, weeds are removed, gently loosened, and top dressing is applied.

Vegetative propagation methods

Muscari often forms a lot of daughter bulbs, which are used to propagate hyacinth. By the end of the growing season, during transplantation, young bulbs are separated from the main bulb. This method allows you to get a new plant much faster than seed propagation. If the flower is not planted, then after 2-3 years you can get a thick flowering carpet.

Soil preparation

Hyacinth is able to grow in almost any soil. However, every grower strives to create ideal conditions for the growth and development of garden plantings. In the case of mouse hyacinth, prepare the soil with a variety of organic matter and an acidity index in the range of 5.8-6.5.

When compost or humus is added to the soil, the plant responds with a brighter, more saturated color and long flowering.


Strongly overgrown plants should be divided or completely transferred to a new place. To do this, with the help of a shovel, they dig in large group muscari. They take out the bulbs, keeping the "native" clod of earth. The roots are brittle, so try not to shake off the ground from them. Planted in a new place, watered abundantly. Transplantation is carried out in the fall, after the end of the vegetative period.

Wintering and storage of bulbs

If the dug out bulbs are intended for storage, then they are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, dried in a room at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C. Store in a cool place. If the planting material was purchased in a specialized store, then they do not need additional disinfecting treatment with fungicides.

Diseases and pests

The plant is rarely attacked by various insect pests, since all parts of the flower are poisonous.

Problems with growth, flowering arise due to a gross violation of growing conditions.

One of common problems leading to wilting and even death of the plant - this is the rotting of the bulbs due to stagnant water in the soil.

Medicinal properties of the Muscari plant

Due to its medicinal properties, muscari is used in traditional medicine. However, it is not pharmacopoeial; it is not used in traditional medicine.

Due to its pleasant aroma, mouse hyacinth has found application in perfumery and cosmetology. Muscari essential oil cosmetic purposes used as antiseptic, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, disinfectant, effective as an aphrodisiac for sexual weakness and frigidity.

Despite many beneficial features Muscari, do not forget that all parts of the plant are poisonous.

Prepared from fresh flower petals alcohol tincture, used for external use (lotions, rubbing, compresses). Alcoholic extracts are used to care for aging, problem skin, with acne.

Viper onion has been widely used in Asian folk medicine, where various preparations from the plant are used as a wound healing, analgesic and rejuvenating agent.

Muscari essential oil is often used in aromatherapy. Possessing a sedative effect, it has proven itself in the treatment of disorders of the nervous system.
During painful and heavy menstruation, in folk medicine, muscari douching is used.

Plant-based preparations are used only externally, ingestion can cause poisoning. The plant is poisonous (especially bulbs), its use for medicinal and cosmetic purposes should be careful. Contraindications to the external use of muscari are the period of pregnancy and breastfeeding, childhood, individual intolerance.

Working and contacting with muscari, you should protect the skin from getting the juice of the plant.

Application in landscape design

Small, miniature flowers are used in landscaping gardens, lawns, discounts, rock gardens, along paths, as a border plant, in continuous blooming flower beds. It looks great surrounded by low-growing ground cover grasses, as a sealant between large flowers. Good partners for mouse hyacinth will be other bulbous and herbal flowers - crocuses, chionodoxes, daffodils, tulips, hazel grouses, hyacinths, primroses. Great combination blue-violet flowers viper onion with yellow and red flowers.

To emphasize the bright inflorescences, the flower is planted against the backdrop of garden plants with large gray leaves. When organizing a mixed flower garden, flowers with a later flowering period are planted next to the hyacinth. Since Muscari cannot boast of a bright unusual appearance after flowering, properly selected “neighbors” can brighten up the absence of bright flowers. small plant. Excellent late flowering partners for Muscari are subulate phloxes, yaskolki, astilbes, hostas.

Mouse hyacinth has a pleasant and strong smell, well suited for cutting and creating bouquets, various flower arrangements. Inflorescences are cut into bouquets only after the opening of the lower flowers.

The earliest flower in the garden is Muscari. He is the first to wake up after hibernation to please everyone with an unsurpassed aroma, rich blue hue and the ability to create a composition that will enliven the whole house! Many flower growers are engaged in its cultivation, choosing certain varieties from the photo, but not everyone knows the intricacies of care. Here - information about the rules for planting in open ground, the necessary dressings, the neighborhood with other flowers in your garden and more!

Muscari description: varieties from which the varieties originate

Cute blue bells with a white skirt, the unusualness of which beckons, giving rise to a desire to plant a couple more varieties ... Do you have the same picture? So in front of you is Armenian Muscari (lat. Muscari), or mouse / grape hyacinth, or viper onion - a flower that belongs to the asparagus family. Initially, he was assigned to the Lileyny family, but later, upon closer examination, the breeders realized that they were mistaken. The halo of the flower habitat is Southern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Crimea. In total, there are more than 60 types of muscari, the most popular of them are:

  • muscari Tubergena (Osh), characterized by short stature and crescent-shaped leaves. A striking feature is the early flowering period;
  • Muscari is pale, a frequenter of the territory of the Crimean peninsula. Especially loved by flower growers for their resistance to bad weather and the rich shade of bluebells;
  • muscari crested, which is distinguished from other flowers on arcuate pedicels. They decorate lawns and driveways, using as a ground cover;
  • muscari grape-shaped, characterized by small flowers. Bright "chip" - in 2 varieties of white and pink shades;
  • Muscari Armenian, the most common among flower growers and breeders. Everyone will like the power of the bush, resistance to diseases, fairly large flowers and a large number of varieties, each of which is special.

Attention! There are more than 170 varieties of Armenian Muscari. Here plants with white, purple, purple, blue and pink flowers, there are plenty to choose from. A striking advantage is the huge number of flower stalks on the bush.

Features of planting a plant, or what needs to be considered

Mouse hyacinth is a small-bulbous flower, therefore, it does not need a specific land for development, it grows almost everywhere. This is due to the supply of nutrients in the bulb, which help the bush to form and flower stalks to take shape.

For planting bulbs, you can choose the time in September-October, before winter, or you can plant in early spring, as soon as the snow melts and the earth warms up to + 3-5 ° C. To plant Muscari you need:

  1. Prepare the site. The optimal solution is to plant a flower in groups for maximum expressiveness. To do this, it is necessary to dig up (or loosen well) the soil by at least 8-10 cm. On soils with a pH of 5.8-6.5, the flower will delight with a more saturated shade, a powerful bush than on acidic or alkaline soils.
  2. Disinfect purchased bulbs, pre-select diseased or damaged ones. A good remedy is a strong solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.
  3. Plant the bulbs in a group (10-30 pcs), but not less than 4-7 cm apart. The depth of planting the bulb will depend on its size, approximately 5-8 cm.
  4. Water. Important condition proper care behind the flower - soil moisture, this must be monitored.
  5. Mulch the basal neck if Muscari Oshe or broadleaf is chosen.

Aftercare does not require much effort. The flower will delight with its musky aroma, the richness of the hue of the bells, and will set everyone who sees it in a positive mood!

Viper onion care: not only the basic rules

Caring for muscari is simple, every novice grower can be sure of this. But despite its simplicity, it has its own characteristics. Treating them carefully, you will get abundant flowering for several months!

Fertilizer and top dressing, or what is needed for the growth and beauty of muscari

Caring for a flower in the open field comes down to simple rules. The most important of these is watering. The flower loves slightly moist (not wet!) Soil. If you notice that the leaves tend to the ground and dry out, then there is not enough watering. Therefore, it is worth carefully monitoring the condition of the soil.

In addition, mouse hyacinth must:

  • feed throughout the season. To do this, you can choose organic fertilizers with different composition of micro-, macro-elements, feed the flower at the time of budding and during flowering. Usually, from 3 to 5 top dressings are made per season, which help to increase the decorative effect of the flower;
  • pick off dry flower stalks that have faded. They can be cut with a knife or secateurs, contributing to the formation of new ones;
  • repot muscari every 4th year. This will help to get new planting material, as well as rejuvenate the bush.

Simple rules of care will help you enjoy the primrose for a long time, rejoicing in it. good location in the garden. It remains only to come up with a suitable company for Muscari!

Briefly about diseases and pests

Grape hyacinth is rarely damaged by diseases, but often by pests. Aphids can, if not destroy, then severely damage plants by introducing the onion yellow dwarf virus, mosaic. It is impossible to fight it, since no effective drugs have been found, so special attention should be paid to the appearance of aphids. Prevention - soap solution, as well as drugs of the avermectin group in conjunction with urea. And your muscari is always healthy!

Plant propagation: generative and vegetative methods

Like many bulbs, muscari is propagated by seeds and division of the uterine bulb. The first option is the most time-consuming, because it requires not only the purchase of seeds (you can collect from your own bushes), but also their cultivation at a certain temperature and humidity. The negative point of growing mouse hyacinth with the help of seeds is the flowering time, which will come only for 3-4 years.

Compared to this method, vegetative reproduction of muscari will delight with rapid flowering: young bulbs, separated from the mother in September, will give the first flowers in spring. What is needed in order to get a new planting material? Following:

  • dig a two-year-old bulb in September;
  • gently shake off the clods of earth, separate the small baby bulbs from the large ones;
  • dry in the sun, can be treated with drugs that stimulate the formation of roots;
  • plant the uterine bulbs in a permanent place, the children - in the distribution bed. The distance between the bulbs is 1-3 cm;
  • shed flowers and leave to winter until spring. In spring, adult plants will give flowers, and children will give only greenery, by which it will be possible to judge the power of the future bush and the health of the whole plant.

The method of propagation of muscari you have chosen will help you get enough planting material in order to decorate a flower bed, discount, alpine slide. And the garden will surprise both the household and the guest with bright blue accents.

Muscari: combination with other plants, or complete harmony visually

Undersized muscari is the flower of the first line after ground covers, as well as alyssum, purslane or other creeping blooms. Its planting among tall salvia, weaving roses or gladioli, for example, is impractical: it simply will not be visible.

The best solution is to plant viper onions in groups or in the foreground in front of other plants. At the same time, do not forget that the flower grows significantly in volume over the years, it is worth leaving enough space.

An interesting combination of mouse hyacinth with yellow daffodils or red tulips, which can be found in the garden in the first spring. And then - only your imagination! Some varieties of petunias, undersized salvia, ranunculus and Snapdragon. Among the perennials, he will also find company!

The main thing is a sunny place and sufficient territory. And you know about care, watering and other subtleties. Choose a variety according to the photo in the catalog and decorate your flower bed with muscari!

Unpretentious muscari: video

The earliest flower in the garden is Muscari. He is the first to wake up after hibernation to please everyone with an unsurpassed aroma, rich blue hue and the ability to create a composition that will enliven the whole house! Many flower growers are engaged in its cultivation, choosing certain varieties from the photo, but not everyone knows the intricacies of care. Here - information about the rules for planting in open ground, the necessary dressings, the neighborhood with other flowers in your garden and more!

Muscari description: varieties from which the varieties originate

Cute blue bells with a white skirt, the unusualness of which beckons, giving rise to a desire to plant a couple more varieties ... Do you have the same picture? So in front of you is Armenian Muscari (lat. Muscari), or mouse / grape hyacinth, or viper onion - a flower that belongs to the asparagus family. Initially, he was assigned to the Lileyny family, but later, upon closer examination, the breeders realized that they were mistaken. The halo of the flower habitat is Southern Europe, the Mediterranean, the Caucasus, Asia Minor, Crimea. In total, there are more than 60 types of muscari, the most popular of them are:

  • muscari Tubergena (Osh), characterized by short stature and crescent-shaped leaves. A striking feature is the early flowering period;
  • Muscari is pale, a frequenter of the territory of the Crimean peninsula. Especially loved by flower growers for their resistance to bad weather and the rich shade of bluebells;
  • muscari crested, which is distinguished from other flowers on arcuate pedicels. They decorate lawns and driveways, using as a ground cover;
  • muscari grape-shaped, characterized by small flowers. Bright "chip" - in 2 varieties of white and pink shades;
  • Muscari Armenian, the most common among flower growers and breeders. Everyone will like the power of the bush, resistance to diseases, fairly large flowers and a large number of varieties, each of which is special.

Attention! There are more than 170 varieties of Armenian Muscari. There are plants with white, purple, purple, blue and pink flowers to choose from. A striking advantage is the huge number of flower stalks on the bush.

Features of planting a plant, or what needs to be considered

Mouse hyacinth is a small-bulbous flower, therefore, it does not need a specific land for development, it grows almost everywhere. This is due to the supply of nutrients in the bulb, which help the bush to form and flower stalks to take shape.

For planting bulbs, you can choose the time in September-October, before winter, or you can plant in early spring, as soon as the snow melts and the earth warms up to + 3-5 ° C. To plant Muscari you need:

  1. Prepare the site. The optimal solution is to plant a flower in groups for maximum expressiveness. To do this, it is necessary to dig up (or loosen well) the soil by at least 8-10 cm. On soils with a pH of 5.8-6.5, the flower will delight with a more saturated shade, a powerful bush than on acidic or alkaline soils.
  2. Disinfect purchased bulbs, pre-select diseased or damaged ones. A good remedy is a strong solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin.
  3. Plant the bulbs in a group (10-30 pcs), but not less than 4-7 cm apart. The depth of planting the bulb will depend on its size, approximately 5-8 cm.
  4. Water. An important condition for proper flower care is soil moisture, this must be monitored.
  5. Mulch the basal neck if Muscari Oshe or broadleaf is chosen.

Aftercare does not require much effort. The flower will delight with its musky aroma, the richness of the hue of the bells, and will set everyone who sees it in a positive mood!

Viper onion care: not only the basic rules

Caring for muscari is simple, every novice grower can be sure of this. But despite its simplicity, it has its own characteristics. Treating them carefully, you will get abundant flowering for several months!

Fertilizer and top dressing, or what is needed for the growth and beauty of muscari

Caring for a flower in the open field comes down to simple rules. The most important of these is watering. The flower loves slightly moist (not wet!) Soil. If you notice that the leaves tend to the ground and dry out, then there is not enough watering. Therefore, it is worth carefully monitoring the condition of the soil.

In addition, mouse hyacinth must:

  • feed throughout the season. To do this, you can choose organic fertilizers with different composition of micro-, macro-elements, feed the flower at the time of budding and during flowering. Usually, from 3 to 5 top dressings are made per season, which help to increase the decorative effect of the flower;
  • pick off dry flower stalks that have faded. They can be cut with a knife or secateurs, contributing to the formation of new ones;
  • repot muscari every 4th year. This will help to get new planting material, as well as rejuvenate the bush.

Simple rules of care will help you enjoy the primrose for a long time, rejoicing at its good location in the garden. It remains only to come up with a suitable company for Muscari!

Briefly about diseases and pests

Grape hyacinth is rarely damaged by diseases, but often by pests. Aphids can, if not destroy, then severely damage plants by introducing the onion yellow dwarf virus, mosaic. It is impossible to fight it, since no effective drugs have been found, so special attention should be paid to the appearance of aphids. Prevention - soap solution, as well as drugs of the avermectin group in conjunction with urea. And your muscari is always healthy!

Plant propagation: generative and vegetative methods

Like many bulbs, muscari is propagated by seeds and division of the uterine bulb. The first option is the most time-consuming, because it requires not only the purchase of seeds (you can collect from your own bushes), but also their cultivation at a certain temperature and humidity. The negative point of growing mouse hyacinth with the help of seeds is the flowering time, which will come only for 3-4 years.

Compared to this method, vegetative reproduction of muscari will delight with rapid flowering: young bulbs, separated from the mother in September, will give the first flowers in spring. What is needed in order to get a new planting material? Following:

  • dig a two-year-old bulb in September;
  • gently shake off the clods of earth, separate the small baby bulbs from the large ones;
  • dry in the sun, can be treated with drugs that stimulate the formation of roots;
  • plant the uterine bulbs in a permanent place, the children - in the distribution bed. The distance between the bulbs is 1-3 cm;
  • shed flowers and leave to winter until spring. In spring, adult plants will give flowers, and children will give only greenery, by which it will be possible to judge the power of the future bush and the health of the whole plant.

The Muscari breeding method you have chosen will help you get enough planting material to decorate a flower bed, a discount, an alpine hill. And the garden will surprise both the household and the guest with bright blue accents.

Muscari: combination with other plants, or complete harmony visually

Undersized muscari is the flower of the first line after ground covers, as well as alyssum, purslane or other creeping blooms. Its planting among tall salvia, weaving roses or gladioli, for example, is impractical: it simply will not be visible.

The best solution is to plant viper onions in groups or in the foreground in front of other plants. At the same time, do not forget that the flower grows significantly in volume over the years, it is worth leaving enough space.

An interesting combination of mouse hyacinth with yellow or red, which can be found in the garden in the first spring. And then - only your imagination! Some varieties of petunias, undersized salvia, ranunculus and snapdragons will look interesting with it. Among the perennials, he will also find company!

The main thing is a sunny place and sufficient territory. And you know about care, watering and other subtleties. Choose a variety according to the photo in the catalog and decorate your flower bed with muscari!

Unpretentious muscari: video

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