The most common indoor plants. The very best plants in the world: large, small, common, unusual. Records The most common indoor plants

Indoor plants can decorate any home, give a lot of positive emotions and purify the air in the room. Some people prefer to buy original plants, while others decide not to stand out and purchase standard houseplants. Which ones exactly? This is what we will discuss in today’s article. The most common indoor plants - photos and descriptions, look!

The most common indoor plants

The most common indoor plants - Cactus

Cacti are present in almost all homes and offices, as they are considered plants that do not require complex care. cactus can for a long time be in the shade and tolerate the lack of water, but with such care you should not expect flowers from it. Cacti were first brought to Europe from America back in the 16th century, after which they began to instantly gain popularity. In the USSR, cacti began to appear in citizens' homes only in the 1950s, and before that they were not in great demand. Today there are so many cactus lovers that various clubs have even begun to be organized in which cactus lovers gather.

Robelen date palm

The most common indoor plants - Robelen date palm

Outwardly, this plant looks very unusual, but this did not stop it from becoming popular among gardeners. Homeland date palm is Laos, Vietnam and South China. Today, this beauty can easily be planted at home, if there is enough space.

The most common indoor plants are Aloe

The miracle plant, which is also called a medicine flower, is very popular today. Aloe has a number of healing properties, which is why it has become such a widespread plant. Unfortunately, it does not grow well in indoor plants, usually only growing to 70 centimeters. The plant is a heat-loving flower, so it will not survive less than 1 degree. Aloe is considered an undemanding flower, so even lazy people can grow it.


The most common indoor plants are Asparagus

The birthplace of this amazing plant are the subtropics of Europe, Asia and Africa. The most common types of asparagus are the dense-flowered and pinnate asparagus, which are famous for their graceful branches. Many people think that these plants are ferns, which is not true. Silk asparagus plants are just modified stems.


The most common indoor plants - Chlorophytum

This plant is wonderful because it does not require special care and at the same time brings many benefits to its owners. Chlorophytum grows very quickly, so that already in spring and summer you can expect beautiful white flowers from it, and then tiny leaves. These leaves can be separated and planted nearby. Despite the fact that the plant does not require special care, it will have to be watered frequently in the summer. Today, the characteristics of the plant have not been fully studied, but it is known for sure that it absorbs carbon dioxide and formaldehyde, and in return releases phytoncides.

The most common indoor plants are Geraniums

A very popular plant that is found in almost all homes, parks and gardens. It is very beautiful, so it serves as an excellent decoration for the window sills of apartments and offices. They also look great in flower beds, gardens, parks, on balconies and in various other places. The plant is known for its powerful energy, which charges the house with warmth and comfort.

The most common indoor plants - Ficus

Probably everyone has an idea of ​​what a ficus tree looks like, because it is found in almost all offices. Among all types of ficus, the most common is considered to be the rubbery ficus, which is also called ficus elastica. In addition to these species, others are also common: dwarf ficus, lyre-shaped ficus, Benjamin ficus and various others.


The most common indoor plants are Kalanchoe

A plant from the Crassulaceae family. Today, about 200 varieties of this flower are known, distinctive feature which are succulent leaves and unusual stems. At home you can most often find pinnate Kalanchoe, which helps cope with various diseases. Another advantage of the plant is that it does not require special care.


The most common indoor plants are Tradescantia

The plants are native to the northern part and tropics of America. This plant is considered a low-maintenance plant, so it is suitable even for beginners. The flower can grow well in dark places, but in such conditions it will lose the brightness of its petals. The plant reproduces quickly and easily in spring, summer and autumn. Tradescantia also has its disadvantages, for example, it grows very quickly, so within two years it can lose its beautiful view if conditions are unsuitable. If this happens, the only way out is to plant a new plant, since the old one cannot be saved.

The most common indoor plants are Begonia.

Much is known today various types begonias, and each species is original in its own way. Some types of begonias are deciduous plants, and some to blooming. The appearance of these flowers consists of succulent leaves that have a slightly lopsided shape. Begonias have both male and female pedicels on their pedicels. female flowers. As a rule, begonias bloom throughout the summer, but if you provide them with good conditions, they can bloom even in autumn and winter.


Cacti, due to their unusual nature appearance for Europeans, attracted the attention of the first colonizers of America and were brought to Europe as ornamental plants already in the 16th century.
In one institution where I worked as an engineer there was a cactus in the shape of a question mark, thick and huge, according to the former owner of the office, he planted it 38 years ago when he came to work and looked after it all this time.
In the USSR, the massive spread of cacti as popular indoor plants began in the late 1950s. Clubs for cactus lovers arose, some of which still exist today.


Date Robelena - an exotic-looking palm tree with tender leaves, which is deservedly popular in indoor floriculture. This plant is native to northern Laos, southern China and Vietnam.


Scarlet tree is one of the most common indoor plants with a wide range of healing properties. IN room conditions It blooms very rarely, the height of the indoor plant is up to 70 cm. It is heat-loving, and the plant dies at temperatures less than 1°C. Divorced as medicinal plant in the Caucasus, Crimea and Central Asia.


Native to tropical and subtropical regions of Europe and Africa and Asia. Two common asparagus - pinnate and densely flowered - are valued for their graceful openwork branches. Despite popular belief, they are not ferns, and their silky “leaves” are actually modified stems.


Chlorophytum is one of the most common unpretentious indoor plants. It grows quickly, and in spring and summer, first small white flowers and then tiny rosettes of leaves appear on thin stems. They can be separated from the plant and rooted. This plant is unpretentious, although in summer it requires abundant watering.
The capabilities of the plant have not been fully studied. Chlorophytum absorbs formaldehyde, carbon monoxide, releases phytoncides.


Geranium is the most popular plant among indoor plants, and, perhaps, among garden and park crops. It looks great on the windowsill in the apartment and office, in window and balcony boxes, in flower beds and lawns, in gardens and dachas. The plant has positive energy and creates warmth and comfort in the home.


This is one of the most common indoor plants. First place of honor Among the various types of ficuses, Ficus rubbery or Ficus elastica occupies. Also very popular are Ficus benjamina, Ficus lyre-shaped, Ficus bengal, Ficus dwarf, etc.


Kalanchoe is a succulent plant from the Crassulaceae family. There are about 200 species of Kalanchoe, distinctive feature which are fleshy juicy leaves and stems. At home, pinnate Kalanchoe is most often bred, which has become a real home doctor for many families. In addition, this plant is unpretentious and grows even in the absence of regular watering.


The homeland of Tradescantia is tropical and North America. Very famous and unpretentious plant. Grows in both warm and cool rooms; in well-lit and shaded places, but in poor lighting the leaves lose their brightness of color. It is very easily propagated by cuttings in spring, autumn or summer. The cuttings are planted several in a pot, watered moderately, but often sprayed. Used as hanging plants. Tradescantia has one drawback - it grows quickly, i.e. after a year or two the plant loses its decorative effect if the conditions are not good enough for it. Therefore, if this happens, it is better to renew the plant by throwing out the old one and planting new cuttings taken from it, 8-9 cuttings in one pot.


There are many types of begonias and they are all beautiful in their own way. Among begonias there are both decorative deciduous and decorative flowering species. Begonias are beautiful indoor plants with succulent leaves that have a somewhat oblique shape. The pedicels contain both male and female flowers. In female flowers, a triangular seed capsule is formed above the petals. Most begonias bloom all summer, but when created good conditions, they can bloom in autumn and even winter.

Which the most popular flowers among lovers of homemade greens? Check out this list of the world's most popular potted flowers and find fragrance and beauty in blooming houseplants. Choose what is most suitable for your home, because popular flowers popular for a reason. People all over the world find charm in these plants for the home.

  1. African violet

African violets are a flowering houseplant that are relatively easy to care for. They are blooming all year round With with a little effort from your side. You can choose from hundreds of varieties and shapes of violets - variegated foliage, ruffled, white-edged... The list goes on and on. African violet loves warm conditions and slightly dim sunlight. Avoid getting water on the leaves as cold water causes unsightly brown spots. This plant is very easy to plant - you just need to cut a leaf and root it in the fertile mixture.


If you have bright windows, this plant will bloom almost constantly. They are truly versatile: blooming almost constantly, they will complement the decor of your home. This somewhat sentimental traditional potted flowering plant reminds us of our grandmothers. African violets are probably the most popular flowers in the world. Name:

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • medium to bright light;

18-23 degrees;

  1. Size: 8 cm high and 16 cm wide

Hibiscus Tropical hibiscus is a wonderful flowering houseplant to create a tropical feel. Hibiscus produces huge flowers, up to 8 cm in diameter. The size makes these popular flowers loved around the world. It's bushy potted plant

Why hibiscus are popular flowers: The giant flowers are attractive and irresistible. Hibiscus flowers come in a stunning array of colors - from shades of red to pink, orange, yellow, white and even blue.

Name: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • bright intense light;
  • 12 - 20 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: 1.8 meters high and 1.2 meters wide

  1. Abutilon is a domestic maple.

The flowers of the home maple, as if made of crumpled paper, are red, pink, orange or yellow, arranged among the leaves like holiday lanterns. Many varieties of this popular indoor plant in the world have variegated foliage, which makes abutilon even more interesting for home decor. When growing a plant, give it a vertical shape. You can do it differently - cut off the top to grow the plant in the form of a dense bush. Home maples are often grown in hanging baskets. Its common name comes from the shape of its leaves, which resemble those of a maple tree.

Here's a hint: if the flowers of your home maple fall off, check your watering. Uneven watering can cause abutilon flowers to fall off. Popular indoor flowers in Russia do not include abutilone in their list - and in vain!

Why we love it: This fast-growing plant is almost always in bloom.

Name: Abutilon hybridum

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • bright intense light;
  • 18 - 23 degrees;

Size: 1.5 meters high and 0.8 meters wide

  1. Oxalis

Oxalis is a popular potted plant with triangular clover-like leaves. purple leaves and pink or white flowers. There are also varieties with green or silver foliage. Oxalis grows from small bulbs. You can replant the plant by division at any time as soon as the plant becomes crowded in the pot.

Why oxalis is popular: beautiful, charming leaf shape. This makes an excellent holiday gift - Oxalis flowers look stunning.

Name: Oxalis triangularis

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • 18 - 23 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist.

Size: up to 30 cm in height and width

  1. Spathiphyllum

Spathiphyllum is one of the most popular flower plants for home. This is an easy-to-care plant that tolerates low light and low humidity. The flowers consist of a showy spoon-shaped white involucre and a creamy white core. Flowering is most abundant in summer, but many varieties bloom throughout the year. The glossy leaves are beautiful even when the plant is not in bloom.
Why the whole world loves spathiphyllum: Its large green leaves instantly add a tropical touch to your decor. This is one of the most common flowering houseplants in the world. Name: Spathiphyllum wallisii
Growing conditions:

  • low to bright light;
  • 15-20 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: up to 1.5 m high and 1.5 m wide
Note: This plant is slightly poisonous. Be careful not to allow children or pets to chew on the leaves.

  1. Anthurium

Anthurium blooms festively - in all shades of pink, red, lilac or white. Flowering lasts for two months. If you cut a flower, it will remain in water for a long time. Anthurium needs medium-bright light and blooms well, but you can also grow it just for the leaves - this requires less light.

Why anthurium is popular around the world: The cute factor is the flowers and heart-shaped foliage.

Name: Anthurium andraeanum

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • 18-26 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist in summer, barely damp in autumn and winter

Size: up to 0.9 meters high and 0.6 meters wide

Note: This plant is poisonous and may cause illness if accidentally ingested or chewed.

  1. Jasmine

Jasmine is a very popular flower! There are many types of potted jasmine. Multi-flowered jasmine and Arabian jasmine are the most unpretentious for growing in an apartment. They just need to give them a lot of light and moisture. Jasmine flowers are pink to white and very fragrant.

Why is this plant popular around the world: The beautiful pink or white flowers are among the most fragrant of all indoor plants.

Name: Jasminum

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • bright intense light;
  • 15 - 23 degrees in summer, 5 - 15 degrees in winter period;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: up to 1.2 meters in height and up to 1.8 meters in width

  1. Clivia cinnabar

Clivia cinnabar is a houseplant that typically blooms in winter with a cluster of reddish-orange or yellow tubular flowers. Clivias only bloom when they are in cool, dry conditions, so provide them with more low temperatures in winter. Dark green sharp leaves grow in the same plane. Clivia is attractive even when not in bloom.

Why the whole world loves clivia: The flowers are easy to grow and will help brighten up those January days when there isn't much color.

Name: Clivia miniata

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • average illumination;
  • 15-23 degrees in summer and 10 degrees in winter;
  • V winter time keep the soil barely moist.

Size: up to 0.5 meters in height and width

Note: This plant is poisonous, make sure children or pets do not chew the leaves.

  1. Streptocarpus

At certain conditions Streptocarpus blooms almost continuously. Most of the hundreds hybrid varieties have flowers in shades of pink, white, purple or red, often with a contrasting white or yellow throat. Caring for streptocarpus is similar to caring for African violet.

Why we love it: Gorgeous flowers in a wide range of colors, easy to grow and propagate.

Name: Streptocarpus hybridus

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • 20-25 degrees in summer and 15-18 degrees in winter;
  • keep the soil barely moist.

Size: up to 35 cm in height and 60 cm in width

  1. Porphyrocoma or Brazilian fireworks

I wonder how this plant got its nickname? In late spring and summer, Porphyrocoma produces dark red or purple inflorescences, creating an explosion of color. Then, when the flowers fade, the plant sprays small black seeds throughout the room. Like many houseplants, the Brazilian Firecracker is great choice for cultivation and in open ground.

Why the world loves porphyrocoma: this plant is always attractive, even when it doesn’t bloom - its beautiful leaves, slightly marked with silver, will fit perfectly into your interior.

Name: Porphyrocoma pohliana

Saintpaulia ionantha

  • Growing conditions:
  • 18-25 degrees;
  • keep the soil evenly moist

Size: 30 cm high and half a meter wide.

I hope these popular flowers inspired you too. Indoor flowers photo version will give you the opportunity to choose from popular and unpretentious plants.

Indoor plants are a wonderful decoration for any apartment; they help decorate your home when there is severe frost outside. It's especially nice to enjoy beautiful flowers in winter, when the window sill in the apartment turns into a lovely oasis. Today we will talk about the most popular indoor flowering plants And the right conditions for their content.


More and more often, a blooming azalea in a pot is given instead of bouquets for various celebrations, but when you buy this flowerpot, the plant has a huge amount of flowers and they look beautiful, but after several weeks on the windowsill, the flowers begin to quickly fade, and there is no question of the formation of buds. What's the problem? Of course, in wrong conditions content.


Optimal temperature flower maintenance in summer is +19-+22 degrees, and in winter +12-+13, while watering and air humidity play an important role. Azalea prefers rooms with a high level of air humidity, abundant watering in summer and moderate in winter, as well as regular spraying from a spray bottle. The plant is replanted every year; for these purposes, you can purchase ready-made soil mixture for azaleas. This flower is propagated by root division or cuttings.


The Kalanchoe flower is also one of the eight most popular flowering indoor plants. This plant is very popular with gardeners because it does not require special care and easily tolerates apartment conditions.


One of the main advantages of Kalanchoe over other indoor plants is the fact that this plant easily tolerates direct Sun rays. Suitable temperature for Kalanchoe summer period varies between +19-+29 degrees, so no matter how the summer turns out, the plant will easily adapt to necessary conditions, in winter the minimum permissible temperature is +12 degrees.

Optimal watering depends on the room temperature - the hotter it is in the apartment, the more more The flowerpot needs water. The level of air humidity is not important for Kalanchoe; this plant will bloom and grow actively even in the driest air. As for fertilizing, they are especially needed during the budding period; at this time, fertilizers need to be applied every week; at any other time, one fertilizing every 2-3 weeks will be enough. Kalanchoe is replanted as needed, and most often propagated by cuttings and seeds.


This flower is also called " male happiness", some species of this plant can bloom all year round and delight you with their beautiful red flowers. As soon as the flower becomes uncomfortable, its leaves will turn yellow and the flowers will wither, so try to initially create suitable conditions for it.


Anthurium is afraid sunburn, therefore direct rays of the sun are contraindicated for this plant, only diffused light. The flower feels most comfortable at a temperature of +20-+30 degrees in summer and not lower than +16 degrees in winter. It is not advisable to spray the plant, especially if there is a possibility of water getting on the flower ears. It is advisable to maintain the humidity level within 40-50%. The plant needs to be watered abundantly, but moisture should not be allowed to stagnate in the tray; excess water need to be drained immediately. The plant needs to be fed with weak solutions twice a month. Anthurium is propagated by cuttings and lateral shoots.


Many gardeners associate geranium with a specific smell that appears when its leaves are rubbed. This is a very popular indoor plant that is quite easy to care for. One of its main advantages is its light-loving nature; a flowerpot with geraniums can be safely placed in direct sunlight, the plant will be grateful to you.


As mentioned above, you should choose a very sunny place for geranium; for beautiful and abundant flowering, this plant needs a lot of sunlight. Geranium is not afraid of drafts and can easily tolerate temperature changes, which is why it is often grown not only at home, but also in containers on unglazed balconies and loggias. The optimal temperature is +18-+22 degrees, air humidity is not important. The plant should be watered with soft, settled water. room temperature, under no circumstances should you flood the plant, because root system geraniums can rot very easily, after which it is quite difficult to revive the flower. The plant is fed twice a month and replanted once every two years. Geranium propagates vegetatively or by seeds.


Behind last years Orchids have become extremely popular in home floriculture; their diversity will not leave the most sophisticated gardener indifferent. But many are faced with a problem when, after several weeks at home, the orchid flowers fall off and new ones never appear. It's all about care; if this plant is not comfortable, then you won't get flower stalks from it.


The main two factors for abundant and long-lasting flowering in an orchid are lighting and watering. For this flower, the length of daylight hours and the presence of a sufficient amount of sunlight. Also pay attention that in the chosen place your orchid does not receive direct sunlight, otherwise burns on the leaves cannot be avoided. It is advisable to maintain indoor humidity at high level. As for watering, it should be moderate, the flower should be lowered with its roots into a container of water for 3-4 minutes; leaving the plant in water for a longer period of time is dangerous because the roots may rot. An orchid should not be replanted unless absolutely necessary, but if its root system has grown so much that old container has become small, the transplant should be done very carefully. Fertilize the orchid all year round, no more than once every 2-3 weeks.


Spathiphyllum is popularly called “women’s happiness”; it is often given as a gift unmarried girls instead of a bouquet, according to old beliefs it is believed that it helps to attract love and happiness to the house. For those who are not particularly superstitious, spathiphyllum can be described as unusual beautiful plant which blooms when proper care twice a year, its white large flowers few people can be left indifferent.


Spathiphyllum is suitable for a place with diffused light or partial shade, but under no circumstances in the sun; direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves. You also need to take into account that this plant must be provided with a cool winter of +16-+17 degrees, and in the summer comfortable temperature+22-+23 degrees. Spathiphyllum needs constant spraying from a spray bottle and wiping the leaves with a damp cloth. Watering should be regular, but moderate; overdrying the soil and the presence of excess moisture are equally unhelpful. Feeding is applied twice a month from March to October; in winter it is better to give the flower a chance to rest. Spathiphyllum is propagated by dividing rhizomes and cuttings.


Violet is a long-time favorite of home gardeners; it is relatively easy to care for, but at the same time it is an indispensable decoration for apartments. Today there are such a large number of species of this plant that in this variety of forms everyone can choose something suitable for themselves.


The ideal location of the violet is partial shade; this plant does not tolerate direct sunlight very well; the daylight hours for this plant to bloom abundantly should be at least 10 hours, so violet connoisseurs should immediately purchase additional light sources. Watering should be moderate, only after upper layer The earth will dry out a little. Violet roots do not tolerate excess moisture at all. For watering, you should take settled water at room temperature; hard water is detrimental to this plant. Feeding should be done regularly, but not more than 1-2 times a month; this plant is replanted as needed, propagated by cuttings and leaves.


And closing the eight most popular flowering indoor plants is a flower called begonia. Begonia cannot be confused with any other plant; with proper care, this flower gives so much abundant flowering that the leaves are practically invisible.


It is better to shade this plant; direct sunlight is contraindicated for it; begonia petals are so delicate that burns cannot be avoided. The optimal temperature for flowering is +22-+25, begonia is quite heat-loving plant and it tolerates all kinds of temperature changes along with drafts very poorly. This flowerpot needs moderate watering, without drying out the soil and excess moisture; try to water this flower constantly, but little by little. Fertilizers are needed for begonias all year round, but fertilizers are especially important at the time of budding and flowering. Begonia is propagated by cuttings and seeds.

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