Tips and tricks necessary for the implementation of the work on painting the walls in the apartment. Wall paint in the apartment (60 photos): how to choose the right one

In one of our previous articles, we already touched on the topic in . Today we want to talk in more detail about interior decoration and consider painting the walls and ceiling in the room.

Paint is a versatile finishing material that allows you to find The best decision for every room in the house. Another advantage is that the painted walls and ceiling are easy to maintain and for a long time remain in their original form.

wall painting

First of all, let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of painted walls that you get by choosing them instead of the usual wallpaper.

Benefits of painting walls:

  • To paint the walls, you have to prepare them very well. This stage includes leveling, sealing all cracks and crevices, and much more. This process will significantly strengthen the walls, and you will not have to worry about them for a long time.
  • Painted walls are easy to update. It is enough to tint the areas that need a little "refresh". Such an easy repair will not take much time and will not require large investments.
  • Painted walls are easy to clean. Due to the fact that they are not afraid of water, almost any pollution can be easily cleaned from them.
  • Having painted the walls, you can not worry that a pet that has played too much will damage them.
  • A variety of colors, shades and textures of paints will help create the most incredible interior in your home.
  • Painted walls will allow you to forget about new repairs for a long time. At proper care they will keep their beautiful appearance for more than 10 years.

Disadvantages of painting walls:

  • Preparing the walls for painting will require quite a lot of effort. IN ideal it is worth hiring a specialist so that all the work is done correctly.
  • The initial painting of bare walls requires a certain skill. If you are not sure that you can handle it on your own, it is better to invite a master in this matter.
  • Painted walls absorb fine dirt and dust. You will need to wash them regularly.
  • Painted walls are quite resistant to mechanical damage, but unfortunately they are not impact resistant.
  • If you do not want to see boring plain walls in your house, you need to be prepared for more high costs for finishing.

So, if after weighing the pros and cons, you settled on the fact that you want to paint the walls in your house, you should get ready for three main stages of finishing:

  • wall alignment and removal small defects- puttying;
  • covering the walls with soil to protect against moisture and mold;
  • finishing. On this final stage finishing the room is decorated using the paint of your choice.

When starting the final stage - finishing the walls - it should be remembered that for each room in the house it is suitable certain type paints.

Living room and bedroom painting

When choosing paint for a living room or bedroom, you should give preference to an option with increased resistance to abrasion. This is necessary, as in these rooms the furniture will often lean against the wall. This is especially true of the living room, where groups of friends gather. As for the moisture resistance of the paint, for such rooms as the bedroom and living room, it is absolutely not necessary, unlike the bathroom.

Bathroom wall painting

More recently, experts did not recommend decorating the walls in the bathroom with paint. It was believed that the paint in a place with high humidity quickly peels off, and fungus and mold appear on the walls themselves. But today, materials for painting walls break these stereotypes. One of the main points is also the choice of moisture-resistant putty, designed specifically for rooms with high humidity.

Thoroughly and correctly preparing the walls and choosing suitable paint, do not be afraid that the paint will begin to peel off and your repair will go down the drain.

Wall painting in the kitchen and hallway

As a rule, the corridor is located next to the kitchen, plus the walls in this room are often subjected to mechanical stress - objects rest on them or lean in anticipation. That is why we put these two rooms in one group.
The paint in these rooms should not absorb odors, should be easy to wash and be resistant to various mechanical damage.

Types of paints

For painting rooms, as a rule, choose the following paint options:

  • water emulsion
  • alkyd
  • epoxy
  • polyurethane

water emulsion dye is a favorite of many masters. It dries quickly enough, and the walls painted with this paint are ready for use in a few hours. Another advantage of water-based paint is that this paint does not have an unpleasant chemical smell and is considered hypoallergenic, you can be sure that your health and the health of your household is safe. To dilute this type of paint, only water is needed, its color can be created independently by mixing various color pigments.

Applying water-based paint is very simple. The paint with the color of the required shade is thoroughly mixed and applied with a pile roller, in the corners and hard-to-reach places the paint is applied with a brush. Another advantage of this paint is that if you need to apply 2 or 3 coats, there is no need to wait for the previous coat to dry.

Alkyd paint can be used both indoors and for painting outdoor elements. This paint is not afraid of aggressive action, which is why moisture and high temperatures that are in the kitchen, she does not care. Alkyd paints do not lose their original bright color for a long time.

Applying alkyd paint is a little more difficult than water-based paint. This is due to the fact that the paint has a denser texture. It is necessary to apply this paint in at least two layers. The first coat is always applied with a brush. The first layer of paint is applied in a zigzag pattern and shaded in different directions. The second layer is applied with a roller in an even, vertical layer. If you plan to apply a third layer, then the paint must be applied horizontally (the fourth layer - again vertically, etc.) It is imperative to wait for each layer to dry before applying a new one.

Polyurethane and epoxy paints have increased resistance to moisture. The main disadvantage of these paints is their rather high price. Nevertheless, choosing it, you make a choice in favor of long operation.

Previously, for painting rooms with high humidity, it was also used Oil paint. Oil paint dries for more than a day, moreover, it has bad smell, it cracks pretty quickly and is hard to remove from the walls. Plus, oil paints are toxic and are not recommended for indoor use.

Matte or glossy paint?

All paints offered on the market are divided by the degree of gloss. There are several different degrees glitter paint.

  1. Matte paint. Well suited for rooms where it is necessary to mask the unevenness of the walls. Matte paint is not suitable for rooms where they can get dirty, it is afraid of water and washing.
  2. Semi-matte. Unlike matte, they have a subtle sheen.
  3. Paint with a satin finish. Hides surface defects, has a matte texture, but tolerates water well.
  4. Semi-gloss paint. moisture resistant and durable paint suitable for rooms with a high degree of humidity and pollution.
  5. Glossy paint. It is the strongest and most durable paint. You should be careful when choosing this type of paint. It emphasizes the imperfections of the walls. So if you decide to use glossy paint for interior decoration, you will need to prepare the walls well.

What is wall texturing?

Wall texturing is great way add zest to your room. The process of texturing walls is quite simple, but requires patience. For this, a special glaze is usually used. It can be applied with a brush or cloth.

There is a dry method of texturing - the glaze is applied with a brush, after applying with a cloth, prints are made. As well as the wet method - the glaze is immediately applied with a cloth.

There is another way of texturing - knurling. In this case, the fabric is passed over the surface of the glaze in a certain direction. special attention in the matter of texturing, corners are required, it is best to use small brushes in them.

Texturing the walls will allow you to create an incredible interior to your liking, and will decorate any room in the house.

ceiling painting

We have already written about one way to finish the ceiling. You can read about it here.

Finishing the ceiling is the most difficult stage in the entire repair. Whitewashing has long gone down in history, and today a fairly popular type of ceiling decoration is painting it with water-based paint. A painted ceiling retains its appearance longer, is easy to maintain and can be quickly refreshed by touching up some areas.

Emulsion ceiling paint can be with different additives. For example, you may be faced with this choice:

  • Polyvinyl acetate paint. This is the simplest and cheapest version of emulsion paint, it can only be used in dry rooms, it is strictly forbidden to clean such a ceiling with water.
  • Acrylic paint. The most popular type of emulsion paint. This type paint has a high resistance to moisture. The ceiling, finished with acrylic paint, is allowed to be washed.
  • Latex paint. Will allow you to get the perfect surface that can be washed. The main disadvantage will be the high price.
  • Silicone paint. By choosing this option, you can not apply the primer before the paint. This type of paint is ideal for kitchens and bathrooms, as it has good vapor permeability. This type of paint also protects the surface from fungi and mold.

Important advice. If you buy paint during the cold season, check with the sellers in which warehouse the paint was stored. Long storage in a cold, unheated warehouse changes the structure of the paint, and when it thaws, you will get paint that is unusable.

First of all, the ceiling must be prepared by cleaning it from old finish. That is, you should prepare for a lengthy removal process old whitewash or paint. After that, the surface should be washed with soap.

After cleaning, the ceiling is leveled with putty, sanded and covered with primer.

You should start painting the ceiling from the corners and joints, first of all, the corner that is farthest from the entrance to the room is painted. Corners and joints are painted over with a wide brush. After that, the rest of the ceiling is painted with a roller. The first coat of paint is always applied perpendicular to the window, the second coat is applied parallel to it. The third is superimposed towards the window.

Before applying each new layer, it is necessary that the previous one has time to dry. This may take approximately 10 hours.

If you need to paint a plastered ceiling, then you can use a special spray gun for this. Using a spray gun allows you to apply the paint in an even, thin layer. Before using the spray gun, we advise you to practice a little.

We recommend you watch this short video, which will tell you how to choose paint for the ceiling and paint it.

Wall and ceiling painting allows you to create your own unique and inimitable design in your home. Do not forget also that in cozy home should be not only beautiful, but also warm. To determine the type of heating that is more suitable for you, we recommend that you read in which we compare wood heating and liquefied gas heating.

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If during the repair you have to paint the walls, consider all the pitfalls independent work- so that in the end it does not turn out that the surface is painted unevenly, and the paint has turned into a lump

If you think that painting takes a maximum of half an hour and the walls become like new, we have to disappoint you. Surface painting is a work that is not without nuances: the process can be delayed due to the wrong paint, roller or wrongly applied layer. Also important is the time of day at which you pick up the instrument. Training, of course The best way achieve success, but we recommend avoiding other people's mistakes - we tell you how.

Mistake #1: Painting Unprepared Walls

Minor defects, dust, grains of sand, bristles from the brush during the previous staining may be under the paint and adversely affect the result. Under a layer of paint, all the shortcomings will be visible - it remains either to put up with it, or to clean the wall and repaint it. And possible greasy spots will show through, no matter how many layers you cover the surface. Defects will be especially noticeable if you use glossy paint.

What to do: To avoid double work and unpleasant surprises, prepare the wall in advance. Take sandpaper or a special plaster tool for grinding and go over bumps and defects. After - brush off the dust with a brush or broom. Stains can be removed by wiping the wall with a damp cloth and soap.

Mistake #2: Ignoring the Primer

Do not use a primer before painting the walls? Don't be surprised if you end up with an unevenly painted wall or paint overrun. The fact is that the primer provides a lower hygroscopicity of the surface, which saves the means for painting. And also the base gives the “adhesion” of the surface to the paint, which improves the painting of the walls.

What to do: choose the appropriate primer for the walls. Apply it with a brush vertically in small stripes, and then horizontally - perpendicular to the first layer. After the base has dried, you can cover the surface with the first coat of paint.

Mistake #3: Wrongly thinned paint

The paint is too thick consistency or becomes so in the process of work. Then it must be diluted - this is an intuitive action. But with what to dilute - this is already a question that can ruin both the material and the whole work. For example, if water-dispersion paint is diluted with white spirit, it will cause the polymers to stick together. If you paint a wall with such a composition, the result will be of poor quality - disappointment is inevitable: the paint will lie unevenly, maybe even in lumps. If, on the contrary, oil paint is diluted with water, it simply will not mix with the main mass.

What to do: read the composition on the can of paint and choose the product according to it, with which you will dilute the product. Do not pour in too much water or thinner - it is better to add little by little, mixing the paint thoroughly.

Mistake number 4: painting without a sample

Choosing a color is a rather complicated process, especially if the shade has to be combined with another tone or pattern. The unfortunate masterpiece will have to be repainted, and so the process can be repeated indefinitely. The same applies to the shade, which you have to "extract" with your own hands with the help of color.

What to do: add the coloring concentrate to the paint little by little, mixing the contents thoroughly. First, pour a small amount of paint into a small container and add a couple of drops of color - see what color you get. Get the tone you want, and then do the same in a larger bank if you like the result. To make sure the color is compatible with the overall decor of the room, try to paint - apply paint in an inconspicuous corner and wait for it to dry. If the result suits you - for the case.

Mistake #5: Choosing the wrong tool

Using the right brush or roller is just as important as choosing the right paint. And it's not a matter of taste. In order to evenly paint over the wall, you need to purchase a couple of rollers and a brush. First you will “roll up” the surface, and with a brush you will paint corners and hard-to-reach places.

What to do: for the first coat of paint, it is better to choose a roller with a long pile - 1-1.5 cm. It will pick up more paint, which will make it faster and easier to get a uniform color. For re-painting, a roller with a short pile - 6–7 mm is more suitable: it will help you use the paint more economically and definitely will not leave “streaks”. Bet on a brush with natural bristles - it will not leave lint on the surface.

Mistake number 6: applying paint "in different directions"

If you apply paint vertically, then horizontally, and then at random, in the hope that the wall will look decent when it dries, you are making a serious mistake. All strokes can show up, especially if you use a brush.

What to do: choose one painting option - vertical or horizontal - the paint will lie evenly, and the coloring will not look ridiculous due to chaotic strokes. When painting in several layers, you can alternate methods, for example, paint the first layer vertically, the second horizontally.

Mistake number 7: applying paint in one layer

When applying paint in one layer, the coloring may turn out to be uneven, and if you want to change the color of the surface in a drastic way, you definitely won’t be able to finish the job quickly. Even if you change from a light shade to a darker one, the first color will show through.

What to do: for an intense shade, apply two, and preferably three layers. The first will allow you to distribute the paint over the surface; the second and third - it is better to shade it, even out the color and fill in small irregularities.

Mistake number 8: staining on wet paint

Of course, I want to finish painting faster and enjoy the result. Therefore, we often do not think about the consequences of painting on a “raw” wall. As a result, the wet layer begins to come off, stick to the brush or roller. Oil paint, in turn, can go bubbles - all work will have to be started again. True, after waiting for the paint to dry, and sanding the places with defects.

What to do: Be patient. While the paint dries, do something else. Pay attention to the instructions on the can, which indicate how long the paint takes to dry completely. If it's a single base emulsion, it won't be long before you can get back to work.

Mistake #9: Not enough paint

This can become a serious problem. Firstly, because during a trip to the store, the already applied layer may dry out (after drying, the joint between fresh and already applied paint will be noticeable). Secondly, it is difficult to choose the right shade if you added color to the paint yourself.

What to do: The easiest option is to take more. In extreme cases, an unopened jar can be returned to the store or left “just in case” - touch up places where the paint will peel off over time. On paint cans they always write what area the volume is designed for - pay attention to the numbers. Keep in mind that if you paint the surface in two layers, the area will double.

Mistake #10: Wrong Timing for Painting

Applying paint in bright sunlight can cause the compound to dry too quickly - before you even distribute it evenly. Also, the paint may start to foam or peel off. And if you paint in the light light bulb, all errors will be barely distinguishable.

What to do: the best option for surface painting work is daytime, without straight lines falling into the window sun rays. It is better to paint the south side in the morning or in the evening, when the sun does not shine so brightly.

The use of paints and varnishes is one of the most common ways to transform and update wall surfaces.

The popularity of wall paints in the apartment is associated with many benefits, from the additional protection of surfaces, easy care and ease of application and ending with the possibility of creating absolutely any design.

But in order for such wall decoration not to contradict your expectations, it is worthwhile to figure out in advance which paint is better to paint the walls in the apartment.

Varieties of paints for walls

To decide which paint to choose for the walls in the apartment, you need to navigate the classification and properties of such materials. Many people choose wall paint based on cost, but this is fundamentally wrong, as some paint-type products are designed for certain types of surfaces and can fade very quickly if used in unacceptable conditions.

Wall paint in the apartment, photo

Among all types of wall paints cheap oil ones are considered among the least durable. The composition of such products includes oils of mineral and vegetable origin.

After oil paint is applied to the surface, oxidation processes occur, as a result of which a film is formed that prevents normal air circulation in the room. In addition, such paint is not very durable and quickly cracks and falls off the walls.

Advice: if you, nevertheless, decide to use oil paint for painting the walls in the apartment, first completely clean the surface from traces of past finishing materials and paintwork materials.

Another type of paint for walls in an apartment is coating based on alkyd resins. In terms of consistency, alkyd paints are in many ways similar to oil paints, they contain soy, linseed and other oil additives, but acidic substances are added to them and organic compounds, significantly increasing wear resistance.

The film formed after painting has high strength and a bright shade.

Alkyd considered good colors for walls and thanks to their elasticity: over time, the surface will not crack or begin to peel off. The choice of paint for walls of this type will be successful due to its resistance to the sun, water, and temperature changes.

But if, choosing which paint to paint the walls in the apartment, you decide to stay on this option, then you should remember some features. Firstly, such paint does not pass steam and air very well, so the microclimate of the room will be disturbed. Secondly, it has a strong unpleasant smell. The third disadvantage of these types of wall paints is the ease of ignition.

Attention! When applied alkyd paint on walls in rooms with high humidity, over time, there may be a risk of yellowing and persistent plaque on the surface.

This is not to say that such paints are not suitable for home interiors. But experts, nevertheless, advise using them for painting radiators, metal products or wood, but it is better to choose paint for room walls among other varieties.

silicate paints- here's another way to paint the walls in the apartment. It can be difficult to find them: the composition of the material includes the so-called “liquid glass”, which provides the coating with high strength and resistance to abrasive loads.

Another plus of silicate-type interior wall paint is a structure that provides simple circulation of steam and air. It withstands dampness, fungus and mold will not form on the surface, and the walls will not even need additional protective treatment.

Nevertheless, silicate coatings have many disadvantages: they can damage the skin and mucous membranes in the process of painting walls, have a limited range, are suitable only for mineral and surfaces cleaned of finishing materials, are quite difficult to clean from the walls and prevent the subsequent application of other types of paints to the walls.

Interior paint for walls, photo

If you have studied the question of what wall paints are, then you have heard about water soluble group. They contain an aqueous solvent, dense binders, pigments that give shade, as well as some additives with protective properties.

The group of water-based wall paints is very diverse, and among such coatings you can find coatings that are resistant to abrasive processes, the sun, moisture and other influences. In addition, these paints are distinguished by their plasticity and ease of application, but, of course, not all of them will have the quality you need: it all depends on the composition.

What is the best paint for the walls in the room? Might suit you polyvinyl acetate or water-based coatings. In addition to low price and ease of application, these paints are safe for health and do not have a persistent odor.

The main disadvantages of water-based paints- low resistance to abrasive processes and moisture on the surface, therefore, the maintenance of walls with such a color can be difficult.

Water-dispersion paints of latex type they are resistant to moisture, scuffs, let steam through, they do not condense and are easily applied to walls. Due to the latex structure, such coatings help mask small bumps and cracks.

However, they do not tolerate UV exposure well and have more high price compared to other materials with similar properties.

Advice: paints of this type are suitable for rooms with a humid microclimate.

silicone paint for walls is in great demand, because it combines many advantages of all the listed coatings. Among the additional properties are the possibility of tightening cracks, ease of wet cleaning of such surfaces, vapor permeability, long service life, safety at any stage of operation.

Due to its properties, this paint is excellent for exterior finish, but for the internal, in order to save money, you can choose an option similar in properties - acrylic type paints. If you decide what is better to paint the walls in the apartment, then they are ideal, as they not only have a reasonable price-quality ratio, but are also quite easy to use in interior decoration.

Among the numerous advantages of water-based acrylic paints are a variety of colors, resistance to the sun, mechanical damage and scuffs, the ability to use on any surface, maintaining optimal air circulation in the room, etc.

Colors may differ not only in their own chemical composition, but also by appearance. It can be glossy and matte wall paints, smooth and textured formulations.

The latter type of paint usually has a grainy surface and is suitable for masking some wall imperfections. And glossy coatings will contribute to the visual expansion of the space of the room.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of decorative paint for walls in the apartment. She may have different composition and different properties, and in appearance it will differ from the paint and varnish materials familiar to us. For example, using this paint, you can easily create an imitation of silver or golden overflows on the surface of the walls.

By the way, when applying decorative paint on the walls, you can be calm about your safety: they are not only non-toxic, but also prevent dust from settling. And to create stylish effects with the help of such tools, it is enough to purchase auxiliary tools: rollers, brushes, stencils, spatulas, etc.

Decorative wall paint, photo

Top Producers

It is impossible to say unequivocally which wall paint is the best. You should choose wall paint, focusing on the manufacturer, as little-known companies often produce a low-quality product. By the way, many well-known brands also produce inexpensive wall paint with a maximum of useful properties.

The best paint for the walls in the apartment is produced by firms from Europe. For example, German wall paint will retain its quality in an apartment for a long time. Dufa, superweiss or Wandfarbe. Among the British manufacturers of wall paints are popular Johnstone's And Dulux. Finland is famous for its wall paints Tikkurila, and Poland produces high-quality wall paint brand Sniezka.

Domestic companies also continue to maintain their competitiveness: such names of wall paints as Eurolux, Nevsky Paints, Yaroslavl Paints, Admiral and many others are widely known.

If you hesitate in choosing paint for walls in an apartment, check out the TOP-10 manufacturers of these materials.

Now that you have looked at the review of the manufacturers and have an idea of ​​​​which wall paint is best in the apartment, it remains to find a really high-quality product.

Matte wall paint, photo

How to choose quality paint

If you are wondering what kind of paint to paint the walls in the apartment is better - focus on several criteria at once: manufacturer reviews, ease of application, resistance to external influences, vapor permeability, economy of use.

Another important point - surface care: some types of paints do not tolerate not only household cleaning products, but also simple wet cleaning of walls.

By the way, you can understand which wall paint is good, according to the designations on the package. As a rule, the manufacturer indicates which factors adversely affect its quality and color fastness. You can also ask the experts what paint is better to choose for the walls, but not the fact that they will tell you the cheapest option.

The choice of paint will also depend on what surface you will be processing.

Important! Paint adheres differently to wood and plastic panels, drywall and metal, concrete, plastered and other surfaces.

And you can find out in advance how the chosen shade will look in the room by looking at the photo of interior wall paints.

Pay attention to how much the paint for the walls of a certain manufacturer costs. Usually cheap paints and varnishes- the most short-lived, but this does not mean that you cannot find suitable option in the low price segment.

average price for high-quality paint starts at about 700 rubles per liter.

Now you know how to choose paint for the walls in the apartment, and you can safely go in search of a suitable manufacturer and color. And when choosing high-quality paint, your walls will look no worse than surfaces with wallpaper, panel and other coatings.


Watch a video about the criteria for choosing paint for residential premises:

To know how To to paint walls with water-based paint, you need to familiarize yourself not only with the technology of its application, but also with the procedure for preparing the surfaces to be decorated for it. If you strictly follow all the rules, then you can make sure by your own example that there is nothing super complicated in this process.

Despite to appear on on the market of numerous innovative finishing materials, wall painting has been and remains the most relevant for modern office premises, and for living rooms in apartments and private houses.

Water-based paint is attractive because it is made on water based and does not emit an unpleasant odor when painting. At the same time, it is distinguished by excellent decorative effect - as a result of staining, a pleasant soft matte surface texture is obtained. In addition, using this type of paint, you can create various patterns on the walls that imitate relief, or you can come up with a special texture using auxiliary elements. Typically, this method is used in cases where the wall has irregularities, and there is no way to fix them. An ideal even painting is obtained if the wall is well cleaned and leveled, so all work begins with the preparation of the walls.

Before proceeding with any work related to painting, it is necessary to prepare the working area, as well as tools and accessories, including protective equipment.

To carry out the work, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • A construction mixer, but in this case, an ordinary drill with a mixing nozzle may well be enough. This will be enough to mix the paint.

  • Paint tray - for the convenience of dipping the roller in paint and in order to maximize material savings.

  • Roller with a pile of medium length and a long handle - for the convenience of painting walls under the ceiling without the use of additional ladders or goats.

The main tools of the painter - rollers, brushes

  • Brushes of different widths - for applying paint in places inaccessible to the roller.

Grater - a tool for leveling the surface of the wall

  • Grater for cleaning the walls from the old coating and polishing them.
  • Spatulas, brushes or a hard sponge - for cleaning surfaces.
  • Wide spatula for leveling walls with putty.

  • If the paint will be applied either with a relief pattern or its imitation, then you will need additional tools or homemade elements that will help create the desired texture.

Wall painting materials

It is necessary to prepare in advance and materials, without which it is impossible to do when painting:

The main material is high-quality water-based paint

  • Water based paint. It can immediately have a certain color or be white. IN last case you will need a dye that will allow you to choose the desired shade for the paint. It is recommended to mix it yourself, as it becomes possible to paint the walls a little different tone. For example, the walls in which window blocks are installed are less illuminated than other surfaces in the room, so you can prepare a paint tone lighter for them.

  • Dye of the selected color.

  • Wall primer that will prevent mold stains on the walls and create conditions for good adhesion of paint to surfaces.
  • Sandpaper for cleaning and polishing the surface.
  • Putty, rough - for repairs and finishing - for the final alignment of the walls.
  • Polyethylene film - to protect surfaces that will not be painted from accidental splashes of paint.

  • Masking tape-adhesive tape, for fixing protective film on walls and floors, to protect painting areas - if necessary.
  • In addition, you need to prepare working clothes and means of protecting the skin and respiratory organs - this is a suitable suit, a respirator or mask, rubber and fabric gloves.

On the choice of paint, or rather, on the criteria that predetermine it when buying, one should dwell in more detail.

Paint selection options

Water emulsion is not at all the same - you need to be able to choose it

Water-based and water-dispersion paints are, perhaps, the best option For decorative coloring surfaces of walls and ceilings in residential premises. This is due to the close positive qualities similar compositions:

  • Such paint is an environmentally friendly product that does not harm human health.
  • When working with these paints, there is no sharp unpleasant smell in the room, so work can be carried out even with the windows closed.
  • Water-based compositions give a smooth matte surface - a wide scope opens up for the implementation of a wide variety of design projects.
  • Sufficiently high moisture permeability of the paint allows it to be used for decorating walls in rooms with high humidity, if the surface is properly prepared.

The most in demand are aqueous emulsions, which are made using acrylic resins. They provide the paint with maximum elasticity and strength, but such compounds have a rather significant cost. Therefore, you can choose compositions that are affordable, but also include acrylic components - these are vinyl acrylic and styrene-acrylic paints.

If the paint contains latex, then after drying the surface acquires water-repellent properties. Such a coating can withstand about a thousand wash cycles.

The water-dispersion version of the paint is somewhat different from the water emulsion. This primarily concerns the main components, which include styrene copolymers, polyacrylates, as well as polyvinyl acetates. These components do not dissolve in water. When applying paint to a surface as it drying out water evaporates, and polymerization of insoluble components occurs on the wall with the formation of a coloring film.

Pigments are included in both aqueous paint compositions - titanium dioxide or zinc oxide are most often used in this capacity - they are introduced to obtain an ideal white color. In inexpensive paint formulations, instead of these coloring pigments, a chalk component is added, which, in addition, acts as a filler.

When purchasing coloring compositions, you need to pay attention to their characteristics, such as drying time, emulsion viscosity, its consumption, shelf life, storage conditions, specific gravity and others.

  • The drying time of the applied paint is from 2.5 to 24 hours, and this parameter depends on the humidity and temperature in the room. Ideal conditions for painting works: temperature of surfaces to be painted +18÷20 degrees, relative air humidity -60-65%.
  • The viscosity of the composition is an indicator of the degree of dilution with water. A similar parameter is measured with a viscometer. The simplest viscometer is a funnel of a strictly defined volume with a calibrated drain hole. And the viscosity index is measured in seconds - how long does it take for all the paint to completely flow out. Such a device is often available professional painters Fortunately, it's inexpensive. But data on the viscosity of the composition must be indicated on the packaging. Usually, for applying paint with a roller or brush, a viscosity of 45-50 s is required, and when using a spray gun, not more than 20-25 s.
  • Paint consumption per square meter area covered in one layer is 170 ÷ 200 ml. This parameter depends on the surface on which the paint is applied - its friability and absorbency.
  • The shelf life of water-based paint is almost always two years from the date of issue, subject to proper storage conditions. These conditions include the temperature of the room, which should not be negative, but overheating of the paintwork material should not be allowed - the paint should be stored in a cool room with an even temperature
  • The specific gravity of one liter of paint is approximately 1.3 kg.

Main specifications water emulsions, established by GOST, are shown in the following table.

Name of indicatorVD-VA-224VD-AK-111VD-AK-111rVD-KCh-183
paint pH6,8 - 8,2 8,0 - 9,0 7,5 - 9,5 from 8.0
Residual mass of non-volatile substances, %53 - 59 52 - 57 47 - 52 52 - 57
Covering ability of the dried film, g/m 2120 100 80 120
Frost resistance of the composition, number of cycles5 5 5 5
Static water resistance, at a temperature of (20 ± 2) °С, hours12 24 24 24
Degree of abrasion, microns30 60 60 60
Drying time (20 ± 2) °С, hours1 1 1 1
Conditional light fastness, %- 5 5 5

Water-based compositions are easily applied to the prepared surface, but they cannot be used to paint previously coated walls. oil paint, or glossy surface. On the walls, previously covered with an aqueous emulsion, paint made on any basis will fall.

Water-based paint can, in principle, be applied to any surface other than metal, as it can provoke corrosion processes.

Surface preparation

Since the surface of the walls is almost never perfectly flat, and besides, most often some kind of old coating is already present on it, it must first be brought into the proper condition, suitable for painting.

Before starting work on floors and other surfaces that will not be cleaned and painted, a polyethylene film is laid. It must be fixed to the skirting boards with masking tape. By applying this method of protection, you can subsequently save yourself from T intensive cleaning and keep in original condition decorative coating gender.

Wall cleaning

  • First you need to remove the old decorative coating from the walls. This process can be carried out with a stiff brush or sponge if the wall, for example, has been covered with whitewash.

The surface is moistened with water, the remains of whitewash are cleaned with spatulas, brushes, and if it gets wet easily, then it is simply washed off using a sponge and a soft cloth.

  • If the surface is painted with oil paint, then it can be cleaned with a building hair dryer - this is a long and laborious process, especially If the wall is thinly painted. You can go in other ways, for example, in such a situation there are two ways out - sheathe the walls with drywall, or make notches on them and re-plaster them, creating a smooth surface.

If there are many layers of paint on the wall, and in some places it began to move away, then you will have to clean it off by heating it with a hairdryer and picking it up with a spatula or scraper.

Crack sealing

  • After cleaning the walls, it is necessary to conduct the most thorough inspection of them to detect cracks or unstable areas. If they are not repaired before puttying and painting, then they will definitely appear on an already updated wall.

  • The detected cracks need to be expanded so that the repair compound penetrates as deep as possible into the thickness of the wall.

  • Cracks are expanded with a spatula or grinder with a circle over the stone. Then they are thoroughly cleaned, covered with a deep penetration primer and left to dry for the time specified in the instructions (usually from 4 to 6 hours).
  • After drying, the cracks are sealed with putty or one of the polymeric materials, for example, silicone sealant or liquid nails.
  • Closing the cracks, you need to try to remove from the surface of the wall all excess material so that the “patch” is flush with wall surface.
  • After complete drying of the repair composition, all walls primed and dry out. If the wall is not smooth enough, then it is leveled with putty, which can be purchased in a pasty state or in a dry mix.

Wall puttying

Whatever putty is used to level the walls, it must be well prepared and brought to the desired consistency. A drill with a mixer nozzle will help with this. The resulting mass must be completely homogeneous, otherwise it will not make the surface smooth.

  • Prepared composition is taken from the bucket with a medium-sized spatula or trowel and spread on the edge wide spatula. With its help, the leveling mass is applied to the wall with smooth movements. The material can be applied to the surface from the ceiling, floor or corner, the main thing is that the mixture should be distributed in an even layer. All stripes and other flaws remaining from the corners of the tool are immediately smoothed out.

  • After the walls are plastered, they are left to dry. This process etc it will go away quickly enough, since the layer of material should be very small, only 2 ÷ 3 mm.

  • If the putty lay down successfully, the next step will be to grout it with a grater. If necessary, a second, finishing layer can be applied on top of the first layer, and after drying, proceed to the final grout.
  • Grouting is done with light circular movements counterclockwise until the surface is perfectly even.
  • After completing these works and achieving the desired result, it would be nice to vacuum the walls thoroughly from putty dust, but so as not to leave accidental scratches with the brush of the vacuum cleaner.

  • Next, a primer is applied to all prepared surfaces, which must be given 5 ÷ 6 hours for complete absorption into the walls and drying. The primer may be white or transparent. It is best to apply it with a roller, but it can also be applied with a wide brush, especially in hard-to-reach areas (at corners or in places where pipes pass, etc.)

Then you can proceed to the preparation of the paint.

Paint preparation and color selection

One of the difficult moments correct selection colors

When you open a can of paint, you can see that its consistency is usually quite thick. The composition of this viscosity is well suited for creating embossed wall paintings, but for painting it is still thick. Therefore, after intensive mixing of the emulsion, it can be slightly diluted with water to the desired state.

  • Water is added in very small amounts to prevent over-dilution to a condition unsuitable for painting vertical surfaces.
  • Using different colors and shades of water emulsion, you can create amazing room interiors. However, in order to realize what was conceived, you will have to “conjure” over white paint by adding the selected color to it, and the more it is added, the brighter the paint will turn out.

Color is added gradually, and after each addition, the paint is thoroughly mixed.

  • In order to get the same color for all surfaces of the room, you need to immediately determine how much color is added to each can or to a bucket of paint of a strictly defined volume. And even better - prepare at once such an amount of paint of the desired color, which is enough for all surfaces of the room.

The only retreat that is recommended is to cover the wall on which the window is located with a coloring composition one or two tones lighter than the other three walls. This combination will visually expand the space of the room.

  • It would be nice to leave some of the made paint in reserve, so that if the walls are worn in some places, they can be brought back to their proper form. Preparing exactly the same color later is a very difficult task.
  • If, according to the project, several colors of paint will be used in the room, then masking tape is indispensable. She stands out separate part wall that is painted in one color. After the final drying of this area, the tape is glued on the other side of the border, and the second selected color is applied next to it, and so on. In this way, even quite complex mosaic patterns are performed.

Video: tips for tinting water-based paint

wall painting

  • Water-based paint is applied in two to three layers, depending on the degree of absorption of the surface. To reduce this absorption capacity, the walls need to be very well prime, as already mentioned above.

  • The prepared paint is poured in a small amount into a clean tray, from which it is convenient to pick it up both with a brush and a roller. In addition, the ribbed surface of this paint bath helps to save material, as it is perfectly squeezed out of excess paint taken on a roller or brush.
  • The roller is dipped in paint and scrolled in it so that its entire “fur coat” is saturated with the composition evenly. The first stroke with a roller is best done on a sheet of cardboard. If it will be seen that the roller is well impregnated, then you can install a long handle into it and start painting over the wall, starting from the top. The smudges formed in this case, which fell on the unpainted bottom of the wall, in the process of work will be compared and rolled out with a roller.

Large areas are covered with a roller, and corners or places inaccessible to its penetration are painted with a brush.

  • Wall painting should be carried out in two or three layers, always after each of them has dried - only then will a uniform paint coating be obtained.
  • During the drying of the coating, it is necessary to protect the room from the occurrence of drafts, as they can spoil the evenness of the color of the walls, due to the fact that the areas will dry out unevenly under such conditions.
  • On a flat and dry surface of painted walls, often through a stencil or with a special nozzle on a roller, drawings of a different color of paint can be applied. With this decor, you can revive a boring plain wall.

An interesting surface texture can also be given with the help of the simplest devices - sponges, home-made rollers, crumpled polyethylene, etc.

  • Another option for creating a visual texture it can be applied to a dried surface of paint of a different tone with a sponge compressed polyethylene film or other homemade devices.

- First coat textured surface produced by the base color. Such a layer should paint over the entire plane perfectly evenly. In this case, you can use a spray gun to cover the main layer - it will help the paint penetrate into all the deepest places in the relief.

- Further, paint is taken two or three tones lighter than the base color, and preferably a much thicker consistency. It is typed on a clean roller, which, without pressure, is carried out only on the top layer of the textured pattern. This must be done very carefully, as you can spoil the first base layer and will have to make some difficult adjustments.

Video: an interesting technique for applying a textured pattern

When choosing a textured type of staining, you need to take into account that almost twice as much paint will be required, since the top textured or top layers will be applied with a thick, undiluted paint composition.

The work of painting the walls can be called creative, since with the help of water-based compositions you can create works of art - you just have to turn on your imagination and imagine the room in the final version.

If there are no ideas, then you just need to choose a color that will suit all the residents of the house, and get to work. It is not difficult to paint a finished flat surface, the main thing is to make the walls smooth, but this enough labour intensive process . The creative part of decorating the room will be easy, as things will go to completion and receive an updated, self-created interior.

Video: how to paint walls with water-based paint


Painting walls will protect their surfaces from impact and damage and improve aesthetic appearance premises in general.

Required Tools and materials




Most of us think we know exactly how to paint walls with paint. After all, it would seem that there is nothing complicated in this work. But why, then, after finishing the finish, the result does not always anticipate expectations? Smudges, unevenly painted areas, dark spots- this is not the whole list of possible disadvantages of unprofessional painting of surfaces. We offer material that tells how to paint walls with paint.

Painting the walls will protect their surfaces from impact and damage and improve the aesthetic appearance of the room as a whole. It should be borne in mind that the paint can only be used to finish perfectly flat surfaces, otherwise it will emphasize even small surface flaws.

Usually the room is painted in the following sequence: first the ceiling and ceiling plinths(moldings, cornices) and only then walls. That is, the coloring is carried out from top to bottom.

Do-it-yourself wall painting technology with photo and video

Do-it-yourself wall painting begins with a choice finishing material. The range of paints these days is so wide that almost everyone can choose a coloring composition that has the properties necessary to implement all design ideas.

Wall painting technology allows the use of various enamels (oil, alkyd, epoxy, nitrocellulose, etc.). Basically, all these types of paints are toxic (it is advisable to work with them in a well-ventilated area, in a respirator), flammable and short-lived, but they still continue to be used, as they fit well on the surface and dry quickly. In addition, they allow you to get surfaces of various textures: matte, semi-matt, rough, silky, semi-gloss, glossy. Semi-gloss and matte surfaces are the most effective at hiding imperfections, while paints that give a glossy surface look best on impeccably smooth walls and, due to their high reflectivity, make the room brighter.

Usually in small rooms (up to 3 m), when choosing a finishing option, the walls are not segmented horizontally so as not to visually reduce the height of the rooms.

In this case, painting is carried out as close as possible to the ceiling, leaving a border of 50-100 mm, since the greater the width of the cornices, friezes, borders, the lower the room will appear.

The presented do-it-yourself wall painting on the video demonstrates the technology of this process:

How to paint the walls in the apartment (with video)

Before you can properly paint the walls, you need to choose a tool for this job. The walls are painted with enamels most often with a brush. In order to correctly pick up the paint on the brush, it is necessary to lower it into a vessel (jar), and, taking it out, squeeze out excess paint on its edge.

How to paint walls in an apartment: paint is transferred to the surface of the wall with wide and even strokes.

You can paint the walls together: one applies the paint, and the other shade it.

The applied paint is shaded (smeared) in different directions. Most often, shading is carried out in the direction of the light rays falling from the window. In the event that there are several windows in the room, then shade the paint along its length.

In this case, it is desirable to hold the brush perpendicular to the wall surface or with a slight slope.

An absolutely flat surface (for example, a wall lined with plasterboard sheets) is recommended to be painted with water-dispersion (water-based) paints. Unlike most solvent-based paints, water-dispersion compositions form a vapor-permeable coating that “breathes”, as it were, which has a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room.

Most of all water-dispersion paints are compositions based on acrylic binders ( acrylic paints). They retain color well, do not turn yellow, are resistant to washing, are easy to use and allow you to create elastic coatings that can “hide” cracks up to 0.5 mm wide.

Numerous manufacturers of water-dispersion paints produce their products, as a rule, in white. To obtain the desired color or shade, a special tinting composition (color) is added to the paint and mixed thoroughly.

Water-dispersion paints are usually applied to the surface to be treated using a roller. To obtain a high-quality coating, the paint is applied in three layers. Painting with the first two layers is best done with a long-haired fur roller, using a large amount of paint. Thanks to this, the painted surface does not dry out too quickly, which makes it possible to apply a more even layer. Finish painting produced by a paint roller with a pile of medium length.

Before a long break, for example at night, the paint roller must be thoroughly rinsed. If his “fur coat” can be removed, then it is better to do this and wash it separately. After the roller is completely washed (this is determined by the water squeezing out of it - it must be absolutely clean), it must be “fluffed out” and hung with the handle up to dry. In order for the pile on the “fur coat” to stand up evenly, it is necessary to roll the roller along a clean wall with a sharp movement.

To wet the roller with paint, it is advisable to use a flat box (it is also called a pallet, or cuvette).

A sieve (mesh) with meshes of 10-20 mm is installed in the box, along which a roller soaked in paint is passed to eliminate excess and evenly distribute the paint around the entire perimeter of the roller.

Instead of a box, you can purchase a special cuvette for paint. To eliminate excess and evenly distribute the paint, it has an inclined ribbed surface.

When painting walls with a molar roller, it is recommended to lengthen its handle.

How to paint walls correctly: the video dismantles all stages of work, including the preparatory part:

Technique and methods for properly painting walls with paint (with photo)

Exist various ways painting walls, which have their advantages and disadvantages. The technique of painting walls by spraying (spraying) is considered one of the fastest, most accurate and economical ways painting. It can be used to paint objects of almost any shape, including those that are difficult to paint with a brush or roller. Spraying is also great for painting flat surfaces, as this method produces a perfectly smooth, thin layer of paint. To cover small areas, it will be enough for you to purchase an air sprayer - an airbrush, which is a container equipped with a pumping and spraying system. A more advanced and powerful type of spray equipment are electric spray guns. They provide high productivity and excellent work quality.

Proper wall painting includes spray recommendations. When painting the surface of the wall by spraying, apply the paint with quick but smooth movements from side to side, in no case stop and do not let the stream concentrate at one point. The airbrush should be held strictly perpendicular to the wall. Paint used in this case, less thick than conventional paints intended for brush or roller application, therefore, when sprayed too thick, droplets form quickly, flowing down and disturbing the uniformity of color.

For painting small surfaces, you can use aerosol paints in cylinders. Their advantages include versatility (suitable for painting a wide variety of surfaces), no need to set up and adjust the tool, low price and a wide range of colors.

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