Garden hibiscus: care and reproduction, growing in the garden. Subtleties in the care of garden hibiscus. Easy Ways to Propagate a Plant Caring for Herbal Hibiscus in the Fall

Tropical guest - hibiscus, fell in love with Russian flower growers and became a frequent inhabitant of household plots, residential and office space. Therefore, for many beginners and experienced gardeners relevant topic: hibiscus shrub planting and care. Let's take a closer look at an interesting plant.

Hibiscus is an ornamental or indoor shrub of the Malvaceae family. The plant is native to Southeast Asia. The shrub is quite tall (up to 4.5 m), has dark green leaves on petioles and large (16-30 cm in diameter) beautiful flowers of different shades. Despite the fact that each bud blooms only during the day, hibiscus bushes are distinguished by long flowering, which begins in spring and lasts until late autumn.

hibiscus seeds

Pollination in natural conditions is carried out by insects; after flowering, the pollinated shrub bears fruit. The fruits are capsule-shaped and contain seeds.

Landscape designers and amateur gardeners can choose the most unusual of the variety of varieties and species, more than 200 plant names are widely used in decorative gardening.

The most common type of garden hibiscus is the Syrian hibiscus, planting and caring for which is available even to inexperienced gardeners. For the middle band, it is considered more expedient to breed grassy hibiscus (for example, Red King), decorated large flowers, and more frost-resistant.

The variety of varieties and types of Syrian hibiscus

Hibiscus species are used in landscape design differently:

Swamp hibiscus with large flowers, reaching a diameter of up to 12 cm, is often used to create hedges. The same function is performed by tree hibiscus, which has bright flowers of elegant shape (flower diameter - up to 10 cm).

Hibiscus Chinese, blooming all year round, is used not only for decorating plots. The petals of its flowers are used to brew a special tea - “hibiscus tea”.

Sour hibiscus is often also called annual maple. It has not only red flowers, but also the same carved leaves, looks good both in a hedge and in a single planting.

Description of the most popular varieties of Syrian hibiscus

  • Hibiscus Syrian Blue Chiffon - variety, main feature which is the color of the flowers. This variety is often called "chiffon" because of the tenderness of their petals. Blue chiffon attracts attention, because in nature the blue color, clear and clean, almost never occurs with a transition to blue.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Oziau blue. This variety also has blue flowers, but their central color is red.
  • Syrian hibiscus Matilda is remembered as a red spot on the pink flower petals.
  • It is not by chance that the Syrian hibiscus Red Heart is called the “red heart”: the central part of its white flowers is red in color.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Ardens differs not only in the compactness of the bush, but also in flowers. Every double flower has a purple color.
  • Hibiscus Syrian Duc de Brabant is equally good in the form of a shrub, and in the form of a tree, colored purple with red petals.


Professionals give a different answer to the question of novice flower growers, how to propagate hibiscus. For this, cuttings are used, and cultivation from seeds is also often used.

  1. cuttings

Pruning the youngest growth from the tops of the flower in the summer gives cuttings ready for propagation. Having treated them with a growth stimulator, they are first rooted in a greenhouse, and after transplanting into the ground, they develop shoots of growth. To do this, cut the cutting at a distance of 15 cm from the base, leaving the first shoot bud.

  1. Sowing seeds

Propagation by seeds is often used for marsh hibiscus. Growing herbaceous hibiscus from seeds is also effective. Such reproduction can be carried out in a fairly long time; at home, sowing begins in January and continues until April. Before sowing the seeds, they are soaked in water for 12 hours, and after that they can be planted in a prepared soil mixture of peat and sand. A container box with planted hibiscus seeds is placed in a warm place with a constant temperature of 25-27 °. Hibiscus is characterized by fast germination. The sown shrub is regularly sprayed after the appearance of sprouts, and at the age of 3 full leaves they are transplanted into a pot.

  1. Graft

Another one is grafting. This horticultural process is done traditionally, using a good cutting. To comply with all the rules, novice summer residents are advised to get acquainted with the video representing the training master class of the experienced Sergey Marinkov.


Planting garden hibiscus consists of several stages

  • Location selection

When using open ground, the following rule should be observed: ornamental bush arnica grows well in a free sunny place, protected from the wind. And varieties of hibiscus marsh mix, in addition to the sun, are also demanding for an increased level of moisture.

The size of the hole is determined by the size of the root system of the seedling with a clod of earth. The planting hole should be twice the size of the hibiscus rhizome.

The filling of the landing pit is as follows: 15 cm - drainage, then in layers: sand - compost - sand.

  • Landing

A hibiscus seedling is placed in a hole and sprinkled soil mixture so that root neck was sprinkled slightly. The composition of the mixture for sprinkling: turf, peat, sand in equal quantities.

After planting, the seedling is spudded, at the same time a groove is made around for irrigation and watered abundantly.


A southeastern resident by origin, hibiscus is quite unpretentious, does not expect a special approach, however, caring for and growing a plant requires certain rules to be followed.

  • Watering

Hibiscus needs abundant watering. In the hottest weather or in dry regions in the summer, the shrub is watered every day. IN spring period, in autumn, in cool weather or when planting in middle lane watering is carried out after the complete drying of the soil around the plant.

  • loosening

A prerequisite for the full development of the shrub is regular loosening, which will enrich the soil with air. This has a beneficial effect on the plant, as well as weed grass removed during loosening.

  • Mulching

A layer of mulch (sawdust, dry peat, tree bark) keeps the soil moist and at the same time gets rid of weeds.

  • top dressing

During the growing season, as well as before the onset of autumn cold weather, the plant is fed with potash, phosphorus and nitrogen fertilizers.

  • pruning

In the spring, pruning of weak, damaged branches is carried out, as well as a certain amount of last year's growth to activate the appearance of young shoots. During the flowering period, in order to extend its terms, it is also necessary to regularly trim the faded buds.

Preparing for winter

Hibiscus is hardy. Even the exotic herbaceous hybrid hibiscus tolerates winter well. It can winter just sprinkled with snow. The photo shows how hibiscus hibernates in the garden, tied with burlap or spruce branches.

In regions with severe winters and temperatures below 34°C, hibiscus wintering in the soil may die. Therefore, the bush is dug up and moved to a heated room. So it can stay in the basement until spring, or it can develop in a pot, like an indoor flower.

IN the world- with harmony
Any street, area near the house will be transformed with the advent of hibiscus

Many countries consider hibiscus to be theirs. It is no coincidence that a plant has several plants at once. In Sudan, hibiscus is called "Sudanese rose", in Syria - "Syrian rose". But this ornamental shrub is international. This rose can be yours too! Plant hibiscus in the country, enjoy its flowering, drink hibiscus tea, feel the whole harmony of the world created by your own hands!

Hibiscus tree is popularly called very romantically - the flower of love. This plant can be safely attributed to the most beautiful creatures nature. Simply breathtaking hibiscus gives its owners a color.

When it blooms, its huge bright flowers cannot but attract the eyes of every passer-by. Among the inhabitants of the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine, the Syrian hibiscus is very popular, especially beautiful. In the northern regions, it can be grown only in large flowerpots, so that when frost occurs, the plants are brought into warm rooms.

Varieties of hibiscus

Hibiscus tree belongs to the Malvaceae. Under natural conditions, there are about 200 plant species that differ in shape and size. Flowers in different species are also of different sizes and colors, there are those that are the size of

Hibiscus species

Syrian hibiscus has very bright green leaves and large double or single flowers. Their color varies. It grows slowly and for the first time pleases with flowers only in the third or fourth year.

The dissected hibiscus is a species that boasts interesting dissected petals that are bent back, hence the name. It blooms from May to November with flowers 8 cm in diameter of red, orange or mixed colors. Chinese hibiscus is very similar to this species.

Hibiscus ternary - a tall species, leaves in the form of petioles, tripartite form. Pale yellow, relatively small flowers with a purple center open in the morning for 4 hours, close again in the afternoon.

Hibiscus Drumonda - the plant has three-segment leaves with dissected edges and five-petal flowers of purple or pink color with a dark center.

It is worth noting the fact that among all varieties at home, only hibiscus tree-like garden, or Syrian, has taken root perfectly.

Description of hibiscus tree

Frost-resistant and completely unpretentious - this is a description of such a plant as a tree-like garden hibiscus. Planting and care are quite simple. Such a shrub looks great as a flowering hedge. Hibiscus is characterized by a long flowering period, the first flowers bloom with the onset of summer, the latter delight with their beauty in late autumn.

Tree-like garden hibiscus has small ovoid leaves, they grow quite late. If you take care of the shrub correctly, then it can reach three meters in height and one and a half meters in width. The fact that the plant is cared for according to the rules can be seen from the brilliant green leaves and large bright flowers. In spring and autumn, when the air is cold, hibiscus leaves can turn yellow.

Lovely color: hibiscus arborescens

Anyone who has ever seen a hibiscus bush strewn with flowers knows what it is. The diameter of the flowers often reaches 12 cm. The color is so bright that it immediately attracts the eye and causes delight. Flowers are arranged one at a time, at a distance from each other.

This one lives beautiful flower only one day, in the morning it blooms, fades until evening, and its petals fall off. But, despite this sad fact, the hibiscus bush does not remain without buds. After all, new ones bloom every day.

Tree hibiscus: planting and care

Garden hibiscus, as mentioned earlier, can be grown in your garden without much difficulty. Planting a tree hibiscus, although not too difficult, is still worth knowing some rules.

The soil for this plant must be prepared fertile, loose and rich in humus. In order for the bush to fully develop, and during the flowering period it was strewn with beautiful flowers, a sunny, quiet, draft-free place is selected for it. You need to water the plant regularly and often, while flooding should not be allowed, the ground near the hibiscus should be constantly moistened.

Young plants need special attention from their owner, especially during the cold season. They definitely need to be covered so that they can survive the cold. If hibiscus is planted in the soil in autumn, then before the arrival of winter, the ground around the bushes is mulched.

Proper planting and watering are not all the rules that must be followed when caring for a plant. In order for the bush to last for a long time and it must be fed. Fertilizers are applied once every two weeks, most importantly, they must contain a lot of phosphate. Before the winter comes, the hibiscus needs to be fed; this will support the bush and help it survive the frost.

If you follow all the above rules, then this beautiful plant can live up to twenty years and even more.

Propagation by cuttings

Hibiscus tree can be propagated in more than one way. The cutting method has proven to be the most effective. If you decide to plant this beautiful bush in your garden in this way, then there will be no particular difficulties.

Cuttings are recommended in the spring, before the time the hibiscus blooms, for this you can use those parts that remain after pruning. Prepared cut cuttings must be placed in water and wait until roots appear on them.

It is better to plant cuttings with roots immediately in flowerpots and put them in the garden. Thus, with the onset of the first winter, it will be possible to hide it in the same flowerpot in a warm place and protect a still very weak plant from frost.

Reproduction by seeds

Garden hibiscus can also be successfully propagated by seeds; this method also does not pose any particular difficulties. Seeds can be sown from January to March. At first planting material must be soaked in a solution of "Epin". Prepare the soil for planting from a mixture of sand and peat, fill a flower pot with a peat mixture and sow the prepared seeds into it. Cover the seed pot with glass. To get excellent shoots, you need to maintain high temperature, about 27 degrees. Dishes with seeds must be periodically ventilated.

When the seedlings have several leaves, they swoop down and plant them in small separate pots. Then everything is the same as with the cuttings, in the warm season, leave the small hibiscus in the garden, choosing a cozy place for them. And for the winter, transfer them to heat.

How to do pruning?

In caring for a plant, another important procedure is necessary - this is pruning hibiscus. It is recommended to do it at the end of winter, until the time when the bush begins to “wake up” and actively grow.

Pruning hibiscus contributes to the fact that the plant will please the gardener with a huge number of flowers. This is due to the fact that the flower buds of a beautiful bush are formed only on the shoots of the current year.

cut this garden beauty maybe for a beautiful appearance plants, will serve as a wonderful decoration for any yard, balcony or terrace. Southern residents make pyramids, balls, rhombuses, and various other shapes from hibiscus, strewn with bright large flowers. The sight is very beautiful!

Some people have the impression that the plant may suffer from pruning, but this is not so. Hibiscus normally tolerates such a haircut, while getting rid of dried twigs. Each gardener, at his discretion, makes pruning and forms a bush for the environment.

Preparing hibiscus for winter

As mentioned earlier, this ornamental bush is a southerner, so it is only natural that many are interested in how hibiscus hibernates. It is impossible to unequivocally answer such a question, it all depends on the variety, on the terrain, on the climate. Most non-double varieties of garden hibiscus are considered frost resistant. For plants of this species, which "live" in the southern regions, special preparation for wintering is not needed. But for northern plants, it is necessary to make shelter from frost, otherwise winter time hibiscus may die.

For tree and herbaceous hibiscus, preparation for winter is carried out in the same way. It is necessary to cut the plants and water them abundantly, this is done before the onset of the first frost. After a few days after watering, the bushes are spudded, having prepared for this earth mixed with sand.

At the end of November, hibiscus must be insulated. To do this, build mounds 15-20 cm high around the plants using sawdust and dry leaves. If the plant is young, then it is recommended to wrap it completely for the winter. It is not too difficult to do this, the whole bush bends down to the ground and is covered with a special material, it is also necessary to cover it with plastic wrap on top.

On the issue of wintering hibiscus: it is worth paying the attention of gardeners to the fact that the Syrian hibiscus “wakes up” for a very long time in the spring, because of this there are times when the owner of the plant uproots a living bush, deciding that he died during frosts.

What is sick hibiscus and how to avoid it?

If the hibiscus is not watered enough or it will not be enough nutrients, then the flower buds will be tied, but almost immediately fall off.

If there is an excess of iron in the water that the plant is watered with, then the upper leaves will turn yellow, and the lower ones will fall off.

If the hibiscus has drooping and wilted leaves, this means that the plant "asks to drink", it has little moisture.

If the ground is too cold, it can cause the roots of the hibiscus to dry out and die.

Look closely at your green pet, take care of him carefully, and then the garden hibiscus will long years delight with its unusual southern charm.

The hibiscus flower belongs to a large genus of deciduous and evergreen trees, as well as shrubs and herbaceous plants of the Malvaceae family. There are more than 300 species of them, and they grow in the subtropics of the Old and New Worlds. In temperate countries in open ground only ternate hibiscus and Syrian hibiscus grow, as well as the new kind- garden hibiscus, which also has a different name - hybrid hibiscus.

plant description

The garden hibiscus is tree, shrub or herbaceous plant. For example, tree hibiscus can be grown both as a shrub, reaching a height of 1.5 m, and as a standard tree. Herbaceous hibiscus is represented by varieties of hybrid hibiscus. Herbaceous forms of this plant are annual and perennial.

Hibiscus Syrian, trifoliate and garden have common features. Their leaves are petiolate, incised, and the flowers are bright, large, double or simple. They come in the following colors:

There are varieties that have a border around the edge of the petals. The fruits of the plant are five-leaved boxes with seeds.

planting hibiscus

Before planting a plant, you need to decide on the choice of location, since this will determine how long it will decorate the garden. If the site has been chosen correctly, good care Hibiscus can grow in one place up to 20 years. Plant seedlings of the plant should be planted in the spring, when the night frosts have already passed and over the summer they take root well and become stronger. It is best to plant them in a sunny place., well protected from the wind, with fertile, moisture-permeable soil.

To plant tree hibiscus, pit they do twice as much for him as they do for him root system. At the bottom of the pit, a drainage layer of broken bricks is laid out, having a thickness of about 15 cm, then a layer of sand of 10 cm, a layer of compost of 15 cm and again a layer of sand of the same thickness.

Having a wonderful smell, garden hibiscus flowers not only delight the eye in the garden or on the windowsill in the apartment - they are also used to brew healthy and fragrant tea. It is this drink that is known to many under the name "hibiscus tea". In addition, garden hibiscus is unpretentious in care and highly decorative.

Garden hibiscus: photo and description

The flower of love or the flower of beautiful women - this is also the name of the hibiscus tree, popular in Hawaii. dazzlingly beautiful and bright colors This plant is decorated with hair on holidays by local girls. A large range of colors of the plant perfectly emphasizes the beauty of the hair.

Growing a plant on garden plot does not cause much trouble, and its splendor evokes a sense of serenity and tranquility, transferring to the unique world of primeval nature.

A beautiful flowering plant that can be grown both indoors and outdoors. suburban area. Garden hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae group. In the natural environment, there are about 250 different varieties this plant - they differ in shape and size, as well as the color of the flower and its size.

According to the shape of hibiscus, there are:

  • Subshrubs;
  • shrubs;
  • herbaceous varieties;
  • decorative trees.

The flowers of many varieties of garden hibiscus are brightly colored, large, graceful.. Some varieties differ significantly from each other. different colors and the shape, size of the flower and the plant itself.

The frost-resistant garden and herbaceous varieties are very popular, as they are not very picky in their care. Numerous species of garden tree hibiscus with funnel-shaped terry and simple flowers quite exotic and attractive. The color variety of plants is very large: you can see flowers from yellow, white to deep red, bright lilac, crimson, violet and purple. There are also bicolor varieties.

The location in the garden will depend on the variety of hibiscus chosen. Low growing plants look great in mixed borders. Hibiscus herbaceous looks harmoniously with ground cover roses and ornamental foliage plants. But tree hibiscus can be played well by planting several plants with various flowers in a solitary standard planting.

  • Hibiscus can tolerate frost down to -20C.
  • Flowering is quite long - from late June to early October.

Garden hibiscus: care and reproduction

Growing this plant will not cause trouble. For normal flowering and growth, it is desirable to choose a sunny place where there is no wind. When planting hibiscus, you need to use humus-rich, loose and fertile soil. Watering must be frequent and regular.. The main thing is not to flood the plant, but it is important that the ground around the flower is constantly wet. If the plant is properly cared for, then the lifespan of a hibiscus can be more than 15 years.

Young bushes need to be transplanted several times. As a rule, transplantation is done in the spring. Already 2 months after rooting, the plant can be transplanted into larger pot. For planting, a mixture of earth from sheet, soddy soil, sand and humus is used in a ratio of 3: 4: 1: 1. Every year, after transplanting, you need to add soil to the pot.

Important proper care after planting young bushes, especially in winter. The plant should overwinter in a shelter, as it may not endure frost.. If the planting of bushes is scheduled for autumn, then before the arrival winter season you need to do the mulching of the earth near the flower.

Hibiscus fertilizers must contain an increased amount of phosphorus. Before winter, it is advisable to feed the bush with potash fertilizer. This will make it easier for the plant to winter.

Syrian hibiscus: photo and description

The Syrian variety of hibiscus is characterized by unusually lush flowers.

lavender chiffon

Relatively new English cultivar with semi-double and double flowers. The color is blue-pink with a rich red center.

A small tree or deciduous shrub of medium size up to 3 meters and a crown in a circle of 1.7 m. It grows well in a sunny area, but also tolerates light shading.

It has various applications: this is a tapeworm against the background of a lawn, you can plant a plant in the background in flower beds or to decorate fences, it all depends on where the sun's rays fall more.

Duc de Brabant

A small tree or deciduous shrub of medium height of about 2-3 m and a crown circumference of 1.7 meters. The inflorescences are large and quite attractive, purple-red with a burgundy-red or dark red interspersed in the center, double, 10-12 cm in size. It grows well in a sunny area, but can tolerate light shading.

Garden hibiscus tree: photo and description

Tree garden hibiscus is a deciduous shrub that blooms for 6 months, but one flower lives only a day. Withered petals are replaced by new inflorescences. Hibiscus blooms at the end of June, and renews its flowers until October.

IN temperate climate plant height no more than 2.5 m, although in the natural environment, tree-like varieties reach a size of up to 6 m. big leaves ovoid or oval in appearance, have a rich green color. Inflorescences are singly, rather large, reach a circumference of up to 28-31 cm.

The landing takes place in the spring. Make sure that the tree you grow in the garden is protected from drafts. During the care and cultivation of hibiscus, do not forget that the plant is thermophilic and demanding on lighting. If you plant it in a shaded area, then it will grow slowly and bloom weakly.

If your backyard is located in an area with a cool climate, then plant non-double species - they are the most hardy. In order for the plant to bloom profusely, it needs a little pruning every two years.. Complement hibiscus bushes with lavender - they will protect the hibiscus from aphids.

Hibiscus needs fertile land with normal permeability. This flower does not require strong watering - it is necessary to moisten the earth only after drying. Abundant flowering will be ensured if you do not forget about the constant phosphorus bait. Potassium additives are also needed - with the help of them, the wintering of the flower will be easier.

Suitable for growing in pots. The plant needs to choose the ideal, in the literal sense of the word, place - otherwise, when turning or moving flowering bush there is a high risk of breaking weak flower stalks. Choose a warm and sunny site, protected from drafts. In a pot, the bush should be trimmed periodically - this can help maintain a decorative shape.

Herbaceous hibiscus: photo and description

A distinctive feature is a long flowering time, and its flower stalks are 2-3 times larger, in contrast to tree-like varieties. Another advantage of the herbaceous variety is its high frost resistance.

The bush has many upright shoots that germinate every year. The flowers of this plant are painted in cherry-raspberry color.. It is desirable to plant a flower in the central part of the garden or in the background, because of its rather big size- about 3 meters.

When caring for this hibiscus, you need to take into account that the roots of the bush look like potatoes, their damage leads to the death of the plant. Therefore, in winter, after the bush dies off, it is advisable to place a sign at the place where the hibiscus grows, which indicates its location and protects the bush from digging.

Bright and large flowers of herbaceous hibiscus perfectly harmonize with different plants so be sure to plant it in your garden.

As a rule, herbaceous species are grown in large group plantings or in the formation of borders. These plants can decorate the coastal zone of a home pond. But cultivation must be carried out in sunny places, protected from drafts.

The plant has no special soil requirements.. It develops better on loamy soil, and does not tolerate calcareous soil. An important role in the care of hibiscus is played by drainage at the landing site and periodic loosening, since waterlogging and waterlogging of the soil can cause the death of the bush.

In the spring, you need to build greenhouses from the film, because the flower loves heat and moisture. Under these conditions, the plant will develop much faster. With the advent of summer, greenhouses are removed. The herbaceous variety loves constant watering, especially on initial stage cultivation. At the end of flowering, watering should be slightly reduced.

Garden hibiscus: photo

Pruning garden hibiscus

Periodic pruning is necessary for hibiscus, pruning of shoots is good for the plant. The bush forms flower buds on young shoots. In addition, pruning is required for the plant to give a decorative shape.

In the spring, the growth of last year's hibiscus is shortened by 1/3. This significantly increases the number of new kidneys. As the plant becomes thicker over time, it needs light, periodic thinning.

How to prune hibiscus?

  • After disembarkation young plant remove all damaged and weak shoots. For uniform growth of a lush plant, and in the future, it needs cardinal pruning. If you want to form a stem tree, then you need to be patient, since it takes more than one year to grow a stem tree.
  • Cut branched shoots to the level of several buds. The main trunk is not cut. The next season, from February, again cut off the lateral branched shoots to one bud, and the main trunk to 6-7 buds. When the bush reaches the size you need, form a crown from the strongest shoots, making it shorter by a few buds, cutting off the top of the trunk and removing all the lateral lower shoots.
  • When you have achieved the desired shape of the crown, then in the future cut off only dry and weak shoots. Cut thin branches to a few buds. If over time the plant becomes one-sided, then remove unwanted branches on it to the base or cut them off to the lateral young shoots.

Hibiscus propagation

During the care of hibiscus, reproduction is carried out by cuttings, dividing the bush, as well as seeds. If you decide to grow a plant from seeds, then do not forget that this process can be done only after stratification.

Planting material is covered with a small layer of earth, a little moisture is applied, for example, with a sprayer, and placed in the refrigerator for a month. After propagating hibiscus seeds, sowing is done in a prepared substrate mixed from sand and peat. The container must be closed with polyethylene or glass and left at a temperature of 25-27 gr. Carry out periodic ventilation and spraying of the container. Then, when the seeds germinate, you need to wait for the formation of several leaves in them. These seedlings dive into different pots. The flowering of a flower bed of hibiscus grown from seeds occurs only in the third year.

If hibiscus propagation is done by cuttings, then the best time for this is spring. From new shoots, it is necessary to cut off the upper cuttings, which have several internodes. Pruning is done 5 cm below the node. After that, the top of the stem is cut off above the node and a cut is made on the resulting cutting. From the bottom of the segment, it is necessary to remove the segment of the stem and leaves. The few remaining leaves are cut in half.

To speed up the development processes, the stalk is treated with growth stimulants, and then it is buried in the ground to the nodes. Landing is covered with a film and kept at a temperature of 18-20 gr. After a month, the bush will take root and it can be transplanted to a permanent place. This plant will start flowering a year after planting.

Prolific and hardy hibiscus does not require much attention, but always decorates any household plot beautiful flowers. All you need to do is plant additional plants to make up for the barren times of one plant with another. But in any case, hibiscus is a versatile plant. Beautiful flowers and ease of care have made it one of the most popular shrubs to grow in the garden or apartment.

15.10.2017 3 529

Garden hibiscus, care and reproduction - welcome guest from the tropics

Garden hibiscus, whose care and reproduction do not differ in significant features, grows well in most areas. But you need to know how to prune and form a crown, how to properly prepare young plants for winter, how to feed them, which variety to choose - tree or bush, and other subtleties in order to get a beautiful and abundant flowering. We will tell you how a handsome man winters and how to care for him.

Garden hibiscus - types and varieties

One of the popular plants that attract attention with its brightness and attractiveness is hibiscus. Despite its tropical origin, it is surprisingly undemanding and able to tolerate fairly low temperatures.

Usually, garden view does not grow more than 2 meters and blooms with the onset of July, ending with the first frost. There are several hundred species of plants that differ in shape and size, as well as shades of flowers and their size. These are herbaceous species, shrubs or ornamental trees. Of particular interest is a tree with a formed flowering crown.

Among the most popular varieties are:

  • Woodbridge - having single ruby ​​​​red inflorescences;
  • Oiseau Bleu - different blue flowers having purple hue, the diameter of which often reaches 14 cm;
  • Ardens - striking with terry inflorescences;
  • Lady Stanley - a bit like a carnation.

Low-growing shrubs are usually used in a mixed type of borders. A tree-like variety is often used in solitary standard plantings, competently beating whole line plants that have flowers different shade. Different kinds often used as borders or flower beds.

Care for beautiful flowering

It is quite possible to grow hibiscus familiar to the tropics by placing it in conditions unusual for it. But you should follow certain recommendations:

Hibiscus in the garden - pictured

  1. Place to land.Tropical visitor prefers bright places for planting. But, it is necessary to ensure protection against direct sun rays and gusts of wind;
  2. Watering. The plant is shown rain or river water (settled). Maintain moderate soil moisture, watering as it dries. In hot and dry summers, daily watering should be followed;
  3. top dressing. Feed with organic matter every 2 weeks. To prepare fertilizer, you need ½ bucket of manure with ½ tbsp. superphosphate and 1 tablespoon of ash. Need to insist ready composition 2 weeks, then use for top dressing, previously diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Only shown in autumn potash fertilizers, in this capacity, a tincture of wood ash or ash (100 g per 10 liters of water) can act.
  4. Pest protection. Prevent pests such as spider mite washing the leaves with water will help. Spraying water with ashes will save you from aphids;
  5. Getting ready for winter. In the northern regions, preparation for winter is a must. Tree and herbaceous species should be pruned and watered abundantly. This must be done before the first frost, after 2 or 3 days after pruning, hilling should be performed.
    The second half of October, in some regions even earlier, requires warming, which can be filling the plant with dry leaves or sawdust up to 15 cm high. You can additionally cover the culture in 2 main ways:
  • bend the bush to the surface of the earth and cover it with material in the form of lutrasil or spunbond. A second layer of film (polyethylene) should be placed on top
  • make a strong frame around the plant and wrap it with covering material in several layers. It is also useful to use spruce branches as a coating. Young bushes require especially careful sheltering.

It is also necessary to systematically trim the landings, performed for sanitary purposes. It should be carried out in early spring (before the onset of sap flow) with the removal of diseased shoots and old ones, as well as those growing inside the bush. Every 2 or 3 years, pruning is necessary to give the bush a certain shape - in a young plant, branches should be shortened to the level of 2 or 3 buds, without affecting the developed trunk. IN further pruning should be done at the end winter period. In this case, 1 or 2 buds should be left on the branches and 5 or 6 on the trunk.

Garden hibiscus - propagation by cuttings and seeds

Hibiscus garden accepted to propagate different ways, the most popular of which are listed below:

  1. Cuttings. Held in spring time before the hibiscus begins to bloom. Cut shoots (lignified) can act as cuttings. Cuttings should be cut and then placed in water. After the roots appear, the cuttings should be placed in pots, and after the growth of new shoots and the formation of bushes - in open ground conditions
  2. Seeds. A pet whose reproduction is carried out by means of seeds will bloom no earlier than after 3 or 4 years. Seeds should be sown from January to March. Before planting, it is recommended to keep the seeds in, and then place them in the soil mixture (sand plus peat). The container must be placed in a warm place with a temperature of up to +27 ° C, covered with glass for better germination. It is necessary to periodically carry out ventilation. Dive of young seedlings should be carried out after the appearance of the first leaves. By mid-May, young seedlings should be planted in the ground.

Garden hibiscus, the care and reproduction of which does not cause any particular difficulties, blooms incredibly beautifully and for a long time. It is highly valued for its beauty and rich color, as well as the ease of care. Even beginner flower growers will not have problems, but only with full observance of all stages of cultivation and care. In general, it will be enough to regularly pay close attention to your pet so that he pleases with his beauty for a long time.

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