What is the best way to clean kitchen cabinets from grease? How to remove grease from the kitchen: simple and affordable furniture cleaning products

After purchasing a kitchen with a glossy facade, it becomes clear that caring for such a set is not easy. Spots that appear on the surface - from fingerprints to oil traces after cooking - are especially noticeable on it. When caring for glossy kitchen furniture, the cleaning method and household chemicals are selected individually for a specific material. Otherwise, you may damage the surface or leave noticeable marks on it.

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    General care rules

    To keep the glossy shine as long as possible, you should take care of your kitchen facades regularly. In this case, you need to follow some rules:

    1. 1. After cleaning, the surface of the kitchen unit should be wiped dry. Otherwise, the facade will swell due to moisture and become covered with mold. In addition, divorces will appear.
    2. 2. If possible, the kitchen set should be protected from direct contact sun rays. As a result of exposure to ultraviolet radiation, the gloss quickly fades.
    3. 3. During the cleaning process, it is recommended to use only non-abrasive products. Aggressive substances leave behind cloudy white stains that are difficult to get rid of and can corrode the coating.
    4. 4. Concentrated detergents should be diluted plain water. Recommended to buy special compounds, intended for the care of glossy facades.

    A kitchen façade with gloss will delight you longer with its unchanged appearance if you follow these recommendations.

    Features of care for various types of coatings

    Facades are covered different materials. It could be:

    • plastic;
    • PVC film;
    • paint and varnish;
    • acrylic.


    Usually plastic kitchens made by gluing onto front part plastic sheet facade. The main advantage of this coating is its water resistance. It does not get wet during washing and remains durable for a long time.

    But the glossy surface can become dull as a result of using the wrong product. To avoid this, the effect of a new composition should always be checked for small area facade. Products containing abrasive substances can damage the material. It will be impossible to repair this damage. To care for a glossy plastic kitchen, precommended to useordinary soap solution.

    Plastic should not be cleaned with hard brushes or rags. It is advisable to wash the plastic glossy facade of the kitchen with a soft, lint-free cloth.

    Paint and varnish

    MDF boards are painted and varnished in several layers. It is this that provides an attractive shine, which is important to maintain using cleaning products.

    Soft microfiber cloths are used to clean painted surfaces.

    Cleaning products must be non-abrasive. You can use a soap solution or a cleaner for mirrors and glass. The latter effectively deals with stains and does not leave streaks. And after the soap solution, you need to wipe the surface dry with a soft cloth, otherwise unattractive stains on the facade are guaranteed.

    PVC film

    This film is glued to kitchen facades using vacuum press. It is characterized by resistance to any mechanical stress, its bright color lasts for a long time.

    But due to the abundance of moisture, the film may begin to peel off. Therefore, such facades are washed with a thoroughly wrung out cloth. Both soap and glass cleaner are suitable for processing.


    On MDF boards sometimes acrylic sheets are glued on top, which are easy to maintain. The main condition is to avoid the use of aggressive substances that will deprive the facades of their glossy shine.

    For acrylic, choose a soap solution, glass cleaner and other non-abrasive detergents.

    Using separate detergents

    In order for kitchen cleaning to be most effective, the cleaning composition does not leave behind streaks, and the surface of the facade retains a glossy shine, it is important to follow some recommendations.

    Soap solution and dishwashing detergent

    Normal laundry soap copes with many stains in the kitchen. You need to proceed as follows:

    1. 1. Dissolve a small amount of grated soap in warm water.
    2. 2. Moisten a soft cloth in the resulting solution.
    3. 3. Wipe the contaminated surface.
    4. 4. Wipe the coating dry; you can additionally polish it with a flannel cloth until it shines.

    You can remove grease from furniture using dishwashing detergent. It needs to be mixed with water and lightly whisked until foam forms and treat dirty areas with it. After ten minutes, the stains can be easily wiped off with a dry cloth.

    Dishwashing gel and soap can often be used to clean glossy facades without fear of damaging the furniture. These products are suitable for regular cleaning and can clean not only kitchen set, but also tables and chairs, window sills, tiles, washable wallpaper.


    Mustard can be used not only in cooking. It effectively removes greasy stains. To do this you need:

    1. 1. Mix mustard and water to form a mushy mass.
    2. 2. Apply the mixture to the stain.
    3. 3. Leave for a couple of minutes.
    4. 4. Rinse off with a sponge, wetting it warm water.

    Do not put too much pressure on the sponge, as glossy surface easy to scratch.

Many folk remedies cope even better with greasy stains and dirt on furniture, tables, chairs, cabinets, countertops, etc. kitchen furniture than industrial chemicals. Such cleaning products, which can be prepared at home, allow you not only to wash off grease from kitchen appliances but also save time and money.

If we compare household chemicals sold in stores with folk remedies, then the latter are safer for humans and can be an excellent assistant in the fight against dirt in the kitchen.

Before you begin removing grease from the surfaces of kitchen furniture, you should select suitable cleaning equipment. It is worth choosing a more gentle tool - a sponge, soft cloth, microfiber, cloth, flannel. Any of the materials can perfectly remove grease from kitchen furniture. No need to use metal brushes: Using such products may cause scratches and other damage to the furniture.

Damaged furniture gets dirty much faster: scratches become clogged with grease, plaque and dirt.

When cleaning the kitchen, you should use rubber gloves for the safety of your hands and nails.

Before completely washing the furniture from dirt, you should check the quality of the product on a small and inconspicuous area of ​​the furniture. This measure will protect the furniture from damage.

Various cleaning products

You can use the most different means, which can be found in every kitchen. You need to choose one or another product taking into account the types of stains and types of furniture that need to be cleaned.

Baking soda against stains

An easy way to clean furniture is to use baking soda. It can be used to wash glass surfaces: dishes, inserts in the set. It cleans plastic parts well in the kitchen (refrigerator doors, Appliances). You should moisten the stained area and wipe it with baking soda. Wash off any remaining substance with a damp cloth.

Soda can be used to clean soft seats in the kitchen.

First you need to wet the seat with water. Then generously cover the greasy stains with baking soda and begin scrubbing them with a brush. Afterwards, you need to leave the soda absorbed into the furniture for 15–20 minutes. Then collect the powder with a vacuum cleaner.

If the stain remains, you can try diluting one tablespoon of vinegar with one tablespoon of dishwashing detergent in 250 ml of water. The product is applied with microfiber to the stains. The seat should be wiped with a clean damp sponge.

Laundry soap and soda

Both soap and baking soda are effective in combating grease on furniture surfaces. Both components can handle stains individually, but together they allow you to achieve the desired result.

To prepare a cleaning product from soap, you need to grate it on a coarse grater into a deep bowl. You need to add a little to the soap shavings warm water. The solution should become cloudy. The resulting product must be applied to contaminated areas using a sponge. While the solution is still wet, apply a small amount of baking soda on top and treat problem areas. The consistency is washed off twenty minutes after application.

Soda in such a solution is an abrasive agent that will help thoroughly wash contaminated areas.

Soapy soda solution is great for metal and plastic surfaces. Should not be used on glossy or varnished surfaces as scratches may occur after cleaning.

It is important to remember that laundry soap must be dark Brown color. If the soap is bleached and has a fragrance, then it will not be able to cope with stains in the kitchen.

Cleaning furniture with vinegar

Regular table vinegar works well against fat; you can use apple cider vinegar. In addition to furniture, countertops and tiles in the kitchen, you can also clean limescale from metal and ceramic objects and get rid of scale in kettles.

You need to add a little water to the vinegar. Apply the resulting solution to the greasy stains with a rag and wait until the grease comes off from the surface. Then the set should be wiped with a damp soft cloth.

Baking powder for grease stains

Baking powder will help you quickly clean your kitchen utensils.

You need to prepare a paste of baking powder and water. The product is applied to a dirty surface and remains on it for half an hour. Then it is washed off with water.

Anti-greasy alcohol

Alcohol or vodka removes grease stains perfectly. The product cleans well modular furniture and regular headsets coated with a glossy surface. Before processing furniture, you should open the windows in the kitchen.

To make the product, you need to dilute one tablespoon of alcohol in one liter of water. For cleaning you can use a sponge, rag and spray bottle. Using available products, treat the kitchen furniture and leave to clean for half an hour. You can remove the solution with a regular damp cloth.

Vodka is also good for combating pollution. In this case, you can simply moisten a sponge in vodka and wipe the greasy surface, and then rinse with water.

Disinfection and cleaning with alcohol and vinegar

An excellent product that not only fights grease and dirt, but also disinfects furniture from bacteria and germs.

To prepare the solution, mix table vinegar, alcohol and vodka in a ratio of 2:1:1. You can add a third of a teaspoon of any essential oil to the mixture.

The resulting mixture must be used to clean dirt using a spray bottle. The solution should remain on the contaminated areas for ten to fifteen minutes. Then you should wash off the solution with a napkin or sponge. After using this mixture, the furniture will emit the aroma of essential oil.

Essential oils for cleansing and pleasant smell

Excellent job of cleaning furniture essential oils with other components.

In order to get rid of unpleasant odor To effectively care for surfaces made of wood, you will need essential oil of spruce or eucalyptus. Add a few drops of oil to a container of water and then wipe the wooden surface with a sponge.

You can prepare a mixture of orange and eucalyptus oils with vinegar and vodka. You should take half a glass of vodka, half a glass of vinegar, half a teaspoon of orange oil and a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil. Mix the solution thoroughly and pour into a spray bottle. Apply the product to greasy spots for 20 minutes. Afterwards, rinse with a damp cloth.

This recipe can cope with dirt not only on wooden surfaces: it helps fight limescale on metal surfaces and washes plastic and ceramic parts.

Lemon as a detergent

A lemon slice effectively and safely fights fat. In addition to furniture and other surfaces, you can use lemon to clean tiles and remove scale and limescale.

It is necessary to wipe the furniture with lemon so that the juice drains from the surface. After ten minutes, the set can be washed with warm water and wiped with a paper towel.

Citric acid from all types of pollution

A solution of citric acid is an excellent remedy for stains on furniture. To prepare the solution you will need one liter of water, 15 grams of citric acid and a little detergent. The liquid should be applied to problem areas and then wiped with a damp cloth.

Acid can be used to clean limescale on metal and ceramic surfaces.

Vegetable oil and soda for all types of headsets

The furniture will be clean if you use a product made from vegetable oil and soda.

The product is great for cleaning wooden surfaces, sets and furniture made of MDF and solid wood, cutlery, tables, chairs, shelves, doors, frames and dishes.

It is necessary to prepare a slurry that will resemble sour cream in consistency. To do this you need to take vegetable oil and soda in a 2:1 ratio. Apply to areas with greasy stains and treat them with a soft brush. Leave the polished surface for half an hour. Then remove any lumps of fat using a cloth. The headset may need to be re-processed, since the greasy coating may not come off the surface the first time.

By using an oil and baking soda scrub to clean your kitchen, you can achieve sparkling cleanliness and also perfectly protect your furniture from high humidity in the kitchen or drying out from high temperatures.

This mixture should be used once every two weeks.

A mixture of clay and vinegar

A product made from clay and vinegar will perfectly remove stains in the kitchen. The product is suitable for wood and solid wood, floors, walls, tiled surfaces and pots.

To get a mass for cleaning, you need to add a little vinegar to the clay. The product is applied to a sponge and the surface of the headset is wiped with it. After the procedure, the surface should be washed with water.

The clay in the cleaning product acts as an abrasive substance. You should choose clay without stones, as they can damage the furniture during cleaning.

Mustard powder for kitchen furniture

The product is suitable for cleaning any surfaces from dirt.

Mustard dissolves fat well, so after washing, dirt and grease will remain on the napkin.

In order to wash the surface from dirt and grease, you need to moisten it with water and sprinkle with mustard powder. Then wipe the furniture with a dry cloth. A damp cloth or sponge will help to completely remove mustard powder.

You can use mustard to clean kitchen units with a protective surface, stoves, sinks, and refrigerators. The powder should not be used on wooden surfaces and MDF furniture.

Anti-stain salt

Salt is great for cleaning wooden surfaces. It effectively removes greasy plaque and prevents the spread of germs and bacteria.

To clean, wipe areas with dirt and grease with salt.

Once a week you can use a saline solution to treat facades and countertops.

Dish detergent

Regular dishwashing detergent can also be used to clean tiles, appliances, kitchen units and other furniture in the kitchen. It is enough to dilute a little product in water and get foam. Treat all contaminated surfaces with it. It is advisable to use the abrasive side of the sponge to scrub off stubborn stains and old fat.

This product can be used after every meal preparation.


There are many cleaning products for kitchen units, furniture, dishes, cutlery, various surfaces, floors and walls. All of them contain chemicals that can cause enormous harm to the human body. Many people are susceptible allergic reactions, difficulty breathing while using such products. Therefore, the advice of mothers and grandmothers, who previously used folk remedies to combat greasy deposits on various kitchen surfaces. Such products clean no worse than industrial ones. It is necessary to observe safety precautions when treating the kitchen with one or another cleaner. You should use gloves, ventilate the kitchen during and after cleaning, and keep children and animals away from the substances.

Kitchen furniture is most often subjected to various contaminants— during the day, many activities are carried out there: food processing, preparing various dishes, washing dishes and wet cleaning. The most difficult problem is congealed fat - its small droplets settle on the surfaces of cabinets, walls, and the stove. When they harden, they create a sticky crust that quickly collects dirt and dust particles. This cannot be avoided - even with a good hood, it is impossible to exclude oil splashes during frying or drops falling on various coatings by negligence.

Daily cooking requires equally frequent cleaning of the kitchen.

The question of how to remove grease from kitchen furniture is always relevant. Removing the hardened crust takes a lot of work; this requires special aggressive compounds. Right choice The cleaning product must provide high-quality results and safety for coatings.

In the case of capricious surfaces that can be scratched by abrasive, as well as household appliances, it is better to use liquid detergents

With modern diversity in the field household chemicals It’s easy to choose a product that takes into account the characteristics of any surface. There are also gentle types that cope excellently with stains on expensive materials. Proven folk recipes for cleaning agents do not lose popularity either.

In order for the kitchen to last long years, you should choose the right cleaning products

Range of kitchen care products

Different kinds chemicals provide many ways to clean kitchen furniture from grease without spending a lot of time and effort. Based on the type of impact, they are divided into several types.

Chemical solutions provide high effectiveness, but are often dangerous. An incorrectly selected composition can damage the expensive material of the kitchen unit, and toxic substances cause poisoning and allergies. For this reason, you should choose household chemicals with great responsibility, and when using, be sure to strictly follow the instructions and use gloves to protect your skin.

We carefully read the ingredients when choosing cleaning products and detergents to avoid allergies.

How to clean kitchen furniture from grease. Folk recipes

Simple products for quick cleaning

Much more gentle and less expensive are mixtures based on folk recipes. Their effectiveness and safety have been tested by the experience of entire generations; these simple and effective methods should not be neglected.

  • Alcohol with vinegar. The solution will quickly remove oil stains and disinfect the room. To prepare, mix alcohol or vodka with vinegar in equal proportions, dilute half with water, and pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle. Grease contamination should be sprayed generously, allowed to stand for 10 minutes, and wiped with a damp cloth or sponge. For pleasant aroma Just add a drop of essential oil into the mixture. The alcohol mixture is suitable for delicate cleaning of wooden furniture and various household appliances.

    Mixture of alcohol and vinegar for kitchen cleaning

  • Baking soda. For best degreasing, it is recommended to use in combination with laundry soap. First, prepare a warm soap solution (you need to finely rub the laundry soap first, then it will quickly dissolve in hot water). With a sponge soaked in the resulting mixture, thoroughly wipe all contaminated areas - the surface should remain damp. Soda is poured onto the sponge and the wiping procedure is repeated. After 20 minutes, the soda along with any remaining dirt is washed off with warm water. To clean wooden cabinets, it is recommended to use baking soda in combination with vegetable oil. They are mixed until the consistency of sour cream is obtained, the mixture is applied to the stain, leaving for 15 minutes. It is recommended to rub with a brush or sponge and wipe the mixture thoroughly with a damp cloth. Baking soda cleanses grease very well when mixed with hydrogen peroxide - the composition is used to clean carbon deposits from dishes and baking sheets.

    Baking soda is used in the kitchen not only in baking, but also as a safe cleaning agent.

  • Lemon acid- represents no less effective remedy than industrial acids, while being safe for health. The acid is diluted with water and poured into a spray bottle. Right place Spray generously, leave for 15 minutes, wipe with a sponge. Citric acid helps to dissolve old crusts of fat, a layer of soot, soot - to do this, it is only slightly diluted with water, stirred to a thick paste and applied to the problem area.

    Citric acid is a natural stain remover

  • Sea salt. Copes well with oil stains. Salt is mixed with water to a mushy consistency, then the contaminated areas are lubricated. For abrasive action, use fine salt powder on a damp sponge.

    Sea salt is not only a source useful substances and microelements, but also an excellent remedy for fighting stains

  • Mustard. Use in powder form to remove difficult stains or dilute with water. Mustard powder is excellent against grease stains, but is not suitable for wooden furniture.

    Dry mustard for removing stains

  • Ammonia. Its advantage is rapid evaporation and the absence of streaks on glass and mirror surfaces. To prepare, dilute a spoonful of alcohol in a liter of water, and pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle. A sponge soaked in the solution will be effective. The desired area is sprayed, left for five minutes, and wiped with a damp cloth. When using, the room must be well ventilated (if open window, window).

    Ammonia is a great helper for cleaning the kitchen and bathroom

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Works great against oil splashes. An additional advantage of peroxide is its disinfecting properties. The solution kills bacteria, protecting the room from the appearance of fungus and mold.

    Hydrogen peroxide should be kept not only in the first aid kit, but also in the kitchen

There are a wide variety of recipes for how to clean kitchen units from grease using folk remedies, but if the contamination is very old and complex, you will need household chemicals with a stronger effect.

Folk remedies will help you get your kitchen perfectly clean without difficulty or expense.

Cleaning safety rules

Keep the kitchen clean with modern means easy, but not always safe

Following safety rules will help you get rid of problematic stains in the kitchen without wasting time or harming your health.

  1. It is necessary to ensure that the chosen product is suitable for the material of the kitchen unit. Most types of household chemicals contain chlorine or acids, which is contraindicated for use on wooden coverings, MDF.
  2. Abrasive chemistry should be used for metal, ceramics, and plastic. It cannot be used on varnished or painted surfaces; it is not recommended to use powders to clean enamel.
  3. Can't mix various compositions(use simultaneously).
  4. For natural stone(granite or marble), you need to choose specialized products.
  5. To reduce the risk of damage to the surface, it is recommended that before applying household chemicals, first wet the contaminated area with warm water and leave it for a while. The water will soften the dried crust, eliminating the need to rub the stain and risk scratching.

To avoid irreparable damage to your kitchen furniture, use products correctly according to the instructions.

Be sure to wear gloves when working with chemical solutions, and if the product gets on open area skin, it should be washed off immediately. A number of substances and sprays require the use of a mask to protect the respiratory tract.

The use of gloves when cleaning surfaces in the kitchen is mandatory.

How often should you clean the kitchen?

Wiping the furniture in the kitchen once every two days is enough to simply maintain order.

The answer to the question “How to clean grease from a kitchen set?” depends on the type of contamination and the regularity of cleaning. Fresh oil splashes that have not had time to harden can be easily removed; to clean, just wipe the surface with a drop of regular dish gel.

A very convenient and effective device for cleaning the kitchen - a steam cleaner

But if the stain has already hardened or the carbon deposits and soot have to be washed off, you will need aggressive cleaning compounds. To keep cleaning efforts to a minimum, it is recommended to carry out light maintenance cleaning every few days.

Cleaning grease in the kitchen with different surfaces, effectively without harm to the surface and your own health

Video: How to remove grease from kitchen doors

Good afternoon dear friends!

How much effort, time and money we sometimes spend on cleaning kitchen furniture from grease and stains if we haven’t done it in a timely manner. But this happens even among the cleanest of cleanest people.

The side surface of the cabinet, located close to the stove, gets especially dirty. After all, in order to wash it, you need to move either the stove or the cabinet, you won’t do this every day, and meanwhile the grease drips dry out.

Is this familiar to you? And how do you solve this problem?

How to remove grease from kitchen furniture

Regular dirt stains from hands, water, dishes, and food can be easily washed off with baking soda. I usually make a paste of baking soda and water and use a sponge to wipe the surfaces of the furniture with this mixture.

But it can be more difficult to wash kitchen furniture from grease, especially old grease. Although the same soda alone can cope with this, there are other means that will help you deal with this easily, quickly, cheaply, safely and effectively.

How to clean matte wooden and plastic kitchen surfaces

A very interesting tool for removing grease from kitchen furniture is soda, connected with vegetable oil. Don't be surprised, vegetable oil won't leave new greasy stains. It will soften old stains.

Instead of soda it is better to use... baking powder for the dough! It is more gentle than soda and perfectly removes softened fat.

So, take a bag of baking powder (100 grams) and add 50 ml of vegetable oil to it. In general, all proportions do not have to be strictly observed; we take the ingredients, as they say, by eye, they will still work. Mix and apply to a greasy surface. It is better to work with gloves, then smear the product directly into them with your fingers or with a sponge.

Leave for 3 minutes, then first remove the applied product with just a napkin, and then wipe off the old grease with a damp sponge. Attach special efforts and there is no need to rub.

But, since vegetable oil was used, it will leave a small greasy mark, which must be additionally wiped off with a sponge soaped with laundry soap.

That's all! An amazing miracle product for cleaning kitchen furniture from greasy stains, which our grandmothers knew.

How to clean glossy glass surfaces in the kitchen

To clean greasy kitchen furniture with glass surfaces, it is also better to use homemade cleaning products. We try not to use chemical ones; besides, chemicals make surfaces cloudy over time, and stains remain and scratches may appear.

The glass surface cleaner is made from vinegar, water, vodka and any essential oil.

Pour half a glass of water (100 ml), 50 ml into a cup table vinegar and the same amount of vodka. If you don't like the smell of vinegar, you can add a teaspoon of essential oil to neutralize it. There will be no greasy stains left from it, since essential oils are volatile.

Pour the resulting product into a spray bottle and spray it on the glass surface of the kitchen furniture.

This product should not be left on; immediately wipe the surface with a dry cloth and it will shine like new.

This product made from vinegar and vodka can also be used to clean mirrors, and indeed any glass or windows, if necessary.

How to wash windows without streaks

How to remove grease from lacquered kitchen furniture

Lacquered kitchen surfaces may have streaks and are susceptible to scratches. Therefore, you need to be careful when choosing products for washing them. I’ll tell you how to clean kitchen furniture from grease.

Here vinegar will come to our aid again. This is so wonderful universal remedy, just recently we talked about different ways to use vinegar in everyday life.

Vinegar connect with regular clay! It can be purchased at a hardware store. For two parts of clay, take one part of vinegar (for example, 100 grams of clay and 50 ml of vinegar).

What is the effect of using this product? Vinegar perfectly eats away fat, and clay absorbs it.

Leave the product applied to the dirty surface until the clay dries, this will take 15-20 minutes.

Now wash everything off with a wet sponge and wipe with a dry cloth.

How to clean handles on kitchen cabinets

Don’t forget, when washing the furniture surfaces from grease and dirt, also wash the handles.

Wiping them outside is not a problem. But how much dirt accumulates in reverse side, V hard to reach places! On my cabinets, for example, there are handles with such complex grooves that it is impossible to clean them simply by hand with a rag.

The problem is easily solved using the old toothbrush.

Any cleaning product, for example, you can make a paste from mustard powder, vinegar and water(by the way, it is also suitable for cleaning wooden and plastic surfaces) apply with a toothbrush to the handles on all sides, rub them thoroughly, and then rinse with water and wipe dry.

Modern beautiful kitchen Our kitchen furniture must always remain clean and shine. I hope that my tips on how to clean kitchen furniture will help you with this. Maybe someone will tell you about their methods?

Extraordinary, bright and stylish - glossy kitchens firmly “stand” on the pedestal of the most popular kitchen sets. What is the secret of this furniture? It's simple - brilliant gloss with its very presence transforms the room and becomes the main accent.

Even classic white gloss will not look standard, but dark shades facades are also chosen for small rooms, because mirror effect visually “pushes” the walls and raises the ceilings. Is it true, Glossy furniture also has its own requirements - it “loves” delicate care.
What do owners of such beautiful facades need to know to maintain the shine of their kitchen furniture?

Let’s say right away that you will need to take care of glossy facades every day.
Ideally, you should clean the surface after each cooking. Why? Because glossy headsets leave all traces of splashes, grease, fingers and steam. If you do not remove dirt from the furniture, it will quickly become unusable and, of course, lose its brilliant beauty. But, knowing all the enemies in person, you can extend the life of the headset and easily clean the facades even from difficult stains.

The first enemy is moisture. Wet cleaning is not suitable for a glossy kitchen. Especially if your set is made using PVC film. Unfortunately, regular exposure to water and grease can cause the film to peel off. What to do? The first thing is not to wash the surface. big amount water and keep the facades dry at all times. If the kitchen is small, there is a more radical way - choose glossy facades only for the top ones wall cabinets, and select the most vulnerable bottom drawers from practical and unpretentious material.
Enemy No. 2 - direct sunlight. Bright light over time, it will “steal” the shine of a rich and colorful façade. There is only one way out - to experiment with the arrangement of glossy furniture. If your kitchen “lives” on sunny side, in the hot season you can hang blackout curtains, which will protect the facade.
Another enemy of a glossy kitchen is hard brushes. What is the most common thing you do to get rid of grease stains? Rub with brushes or thick rags, especially when you need to wash off old grease stains. So, the glossy surface should not be rubbed with metal scrapers and brushes. You risk seeing scratches. How then should you clean the façade?
Your best friend- This soft fabric and microfiber. And of course, regularity. To prevent grease, stains and water marks from drying out.
And the most dangerous enemy- These are abrasive cleaning agents. We are used to caring for facades as simply as possible - selecting effective powders and very active agents for cleaning.
This option is not suitable for glossy surfaces. Do not wash doors with powders that contain acids, alkalis or chemical solvents. Furniture must be handled carefully and delicately.
The solution is to use liquid products. It is best to choose those that say “for glossy surfaces” on the packaging.

There is another way that will extend the “life” of furniture: purchase a more powerful hood.
Even if you have a small kitchen, look for a hood that is 20 percent more powerful than the current one. With good technique, drops of fat and steam will settle less on the surface and you will need to wash facades less often.
So, in fact, we come to the question of how to wash shiny surfaces if you can’t use powders, aggressive agents and metal scrapers?
Let's see what you need to have in your kitchen to quickly and effectively remove stains, fingerprints and grease stains.
Use a kitchen façade cleaner
Use glass cleaner. This liquid will help remove stubborn grease stains.
Cleaning sprays whose packaging says “for glossy surfaces” are also suitable for kitchen facades. They will help remove steam stains and fingerprints.
Use dishwashing liquid, whatever you have. It will effectively remove both splash marks and greasy marks after cooking.
Wet wipes They come in handy when you don’t want to wash all the facades, but just need to remove a few steam stains or stains. Wipes should not contain alcohol. A microfiber cloth will help you wipe the façade dry and quickly remove moisture from the surface.

You can safely wash greasy stains with microfiber and use it as a substitute for hard brushes. Polish with wax will be able to enhance the shine of furniture and will act as an antistatic agent.
After you have wiped the facades with a dry cloth, use polish to remove static tension and prevent dust from settling on the facades.
You can wash shiny surfaces with delicate shower cleaners or regular liquid soap. The main thing is that the composition does not contain nitroglycerin, acetone and synthetic resins.
In order for facades to always shine and literally dazzle with their beauty, they must first be cleaned detergent or spray.
Then wipe dry with microfiber and apply polish and wax.
Such careful care and service life of the furniture will extend and save you from more serious cleaning when you need to clean out old grease stains and steam stains.
After each cooking, it is best to wipe the facades with a dry cloth or wet wipes.

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