How to plaster walls with your own hands quickly. How to plaster walls - we know the theory, we move on to practice. Various formulations for application

Plastering walls - painstaking and hard work. To accomplish this, it is usually used special formulations, most often on a plaster basis. In addition, for a high-quality result, it is very important to follow the correct sequence of the process: it is performed in several stages.

Plastering walls is a matter that requires special knowledge, skills and abilities from the performer. Proper alignment of the walls will facilitate the process of wallpapering and significantly improve appearance premises. Such work can be done independently, but more often it is still trusted by the masters. In any case, when carrying out this procedure, you will have to take into account some nuances.


To get a quality result (ideally smooth walls), you need 4 components of success:

  • experienced master plasterer;
  • high-quality plaster mixture (you need to carefully read its composition and manufacturer);
  • correct preparation of the solution;
  • proper storage conditions for the plaster mixture before starting work (no moisture ingress is allowed).

In addition, you need to clearly understand the purpose for which the walls of this room are finished with plaster. Plastering walls under wallpaper is a slightly different situation than plastering bathroom walls under tiles. IN this case walls need to be properly plastered gypsum plaster so that the main decor (tile or wallpaper) holds.

The better to plaster the walls depends on the wallet of the owner of the house, as well as on the characteristics of the room in which repairs are required. In addition, it is important to understand why plaster walls - for wallpaper, tiles or just painting.

What plaster is better to use? First, you need to know that the plaster is dry or wet. Secondly, there are three types of both dry and wet plaster:

  • ordinary (actual composition for leveling walls);
  • decorative (color, terrasite or stone);
  • special.

The cheapest option - lime plaster . But this option, unfortunately, is short-lived and is only suitable for plastering walls inside the building. The outer part is plastered with a different composition. In addition, lime is categorically not suitable for the bathroom. The fact is that lime is afraid of moisture.

Main advantages gypsum plasters- good sound and heat insulation. It is a ductile material that rarely cracks. Such plaster quickly dries and hardens. A few hours are enough for this.

Unfortunately, such mixtures are not sufficiently resistant to moisture and mechanical damage. Before plastering the walls with gypsum plaster, you need to study all the features of the room. At the same time, you can finish the walls with Rotband (popular gypsum plaster) even in the bathroom.


Cement is a versatile option for plastering walls both inside and out. The main advantages of the material are resistance to moisture and temperature extremes. They can also be used for plastering bathroom walls before laying tiles. It is recommended to choose it if the owners do not know which dry or wet plaster it is better to finish the internal or external walls.

Also, many users are interested in how quickly the applied plaster dries. From this point of view, cement and gypsum mixtures are practical. In addition, on a bag or bucket with a mixture, you need to read at what temperature the mixture dries the fastest.

Dry plaster can be:

  • simple;
  • improved;
  • high quality.

The quality of dry plaster is determined by differences. Normal - with drops no more than 3 mm, improved - with drops no more than 2 mm. In high quality, differences of a maximum of 1 mm are allowed.

A simple one is usually finished with warehouses, basements and other household premises, the second one is used in public institutions - hospitals and schools. But high-quality trim the walls of residential buildings.

To know how to plaster walls with your own hands, you can read a lot of tips on the Internet.

However, it all comes down to two options:

  • lighthouse plastering
  • plastering without beacons.

Everyone can learn how to plaster walls, although it will be more difficult for a beginner than for a professional plasterer.

When deciding how and with what to plaster the walls in the bathroom under tiles or the walls of living rooms before wallpapering, it is important to correctly assess the quality of the existing surface.

To plaster the walls yourself, you will need to apply the solution in three layers. The resulting excess is removed with a trapezoidal spatula. You will have to buy it before you plaster walls from any material with your own hands.

In any case, the solution must be applied very carefully.

Plastering without beacons
Plastering in a plane (using a rule) is a good option if the walls are relatively flat. If there are serious irregularities on the walls, the performer has no other choice but to plaster the walls on the lighthouses. Thanks to beacon profiles, irregularities are eliminated with an accuracy of 1 mm/m2.

Plastering without beacons Usually, metal beacons are used for this, although artificial gypsum beacons can also be created. In the second case, you can save the plaster mixture (the layer with iron beacons will be at least 6 mm).

Before plastering aerated concrete walls, you need to make sure that the plaster mixture is ideal for them. This material is environmentally friendly, it lets in oxygen and removes carbon dioxide from the room, so the choice of plaster should be taken responsibly.

The technologies of how to plaster walls made of foam block, foam concrete, as well as how to plaster concrete walls differ little from each other. Here it is important to choose only the right mixture. The technology is similar to how to plaster wooden walls.

How to plaster brick walls, depends on the location of the surface to be trimmed. Concrete and other moisture-resistant products are suitable from the outside, and it is also permissible to plaster brick walls inside the house with gypsum mixtures.

How to plaster walls cement-sand mortar, is similar to how you work with any other wall finish. The main thing is to add the required amount of water.

How to plaster walls with beacons?
Many users are looking for tips on how to plaster walls without beacons. Here it is necessary to determine the thickness of the layer and the quality of the surface by eye. This method is suitable for relatively flat surfaces. Thus, small imperfections are smoothed out.

Plastered walls are already trimmed with selected paint, wallpaper or tiles - it depends on the purpose of the room and the desire of the owner.

Plastering walls is one of the stages of repairing premises. Application of the mixture may be necessary in a new building with bare load-bearing structures or in old houses with uneven or dilapidated walls.

For non-professionals, the question often arises, which mixture to choose and how to apply it correctly, for this you need to know the features of the materials different types and their scope. If a beginner takes up the work, then you should start with the basics, with what plaster is, what compositions are there, whether you can apply them yourself or entrust the work to professionals.

When choosing a material, it is necessary to take into account a number of features: the properties of the mixture itself, the characteristics of the base, the method of application. The combination of these factors affects the appearance, service life and quality of the alignment.

Plastering walls poses a big task - to level out irregularities base wall by applying a concrete or gypsum mixture. And sometimes give the surface decorative look. Depending on the composition and size of the drops, different ways.

The main principle of choosing plaster is its purpose. It is necessary to consider where the work will take place: indoors or on the facade. What properties should the mixture have, and what is the base for finishing made of.

All plasters are divided into three large groups:

  1. simple (for leveling the surface);
  2. special (compositions with additives to improve individual characteristics);
  3. decorative (finishing coatings that do not require additional processing).

The internal plaster of the walls of the house requires that the composition be safe and perfectly smoothed. For outdoor work, a mixture is required that is resistant to adverse environmental factors.


Dry mix of cement and sand. The ratio of components in the composition is on average 1 to 2-5, respectively. Before application, mix with water to the consistency of thick sour cream.

Cement plasters are used for internal works and outdoor. To improve plasticity and adhesion, plasticizers and PVA glue are added to the composition. When working in rooms with high humidity and outdoors, slaked lime is added to the solution.

Apply 3-5 layers. The maximum thickness of one is no more than 20 mm, optimally 10 mm. The total thickness of the coating can reach 100 mm, but reinforcement will be required.

The task of this composition is to even out irregularities for further finishing. Suitable for brick, concrete and wooden bases. Before applying, we prime the surface, then we plaster the walls in three stages (spray, primer, coating).

It is applied by hand and machine, leveled with spatulas and a rule.


The mixture is based on gypsum powder, fine filler and polymer additives. It does not tolerate moisture and temperature changes, therefore it is used only for interior work. It is sold as a dry mix for preparing a solution with water.

The maximum layer thickness without reinforcement is 5 cm. Can be applied on any substrate. Suitable for creating a smooth surface for painting or wallpaper. It dries in just a few hours, the ready-made solution must be used within 40 minutes.

The technology of plastering walls with a gypsum composition differs from cement. The mixture is applied in one layer, leveled with a rule, small irregularities are corrected with a spatula.


Mixes decorative plaster perform two functions at once: hide minor defects and give an aesthetic appearance. Additional finishing is not needed. Pigments and insoluble granules of stone, sand, and plastic are added to such compositions.

Depending on which mixture and wall plastering technique is chosen, it turns out different pattern, relief, pattern or texture.

Produced on acrylic, silicone, silicate and mineral base. If you follow all the rules of wall plastering, it adheres well to any bases. There are compounds for outdoor and indoor use.


Silicone-based compounds perform external and internal plaster walls. The mixture remains flexible even after drying, thanks to which the surface is not afraid of sudden temperature changes and mechanical damage. It tolerates moisture well, therefore it is applicable in the decoration of the bathroom and kitchen.

The finished surface can have a “bark beetle”, “lamb” relief or imitate marble (Venetian). It all depends on how to plaster the walls, what tools to use and what size and shape of the solid particles in the composition.


Sgraffito is not separate view plaster, and the method of its application. Using this technique, you can create carved color drawings. As a result, the plastered walls look like real paintings.

To create a beautiful effect in the compositions on different basis pigments are added and plaster is applied in several layers, differing in shade. Further, patterns, ornament, figures are cut out on the dried finish.

Decorating walls with sgraffito plaster requires skill and experience. A person who knows how to draw and work with a mixture will cope with such a task.


These mixtures imitate a smooth or embossed marble surface. Composed of a polymer binder or lime, pigments and mineral dust. Since it is necessary to apply plaster in 5-6 layers, the work takes a lot of time. To get a marble pattern, the mixture is applied unevenly, gradually creating overflows of shades.

Depending on how the plaster is applied to the wall, the intensity and depth of color, contrasts and texture of natural stone vary.


Textured plaster creates an imitation of stone, wood and leather. It can contain any binder and solid fillers of various fractions and shapes. The larger they are, the more pronounced and embossed the pattern will turn out.

This plaster is used for interior and exterior finish walls. For the former, the fillers are thinner, so the texture is elegant, for the latter, they are large, creating a rough relief.

The better to plaster walls

Which plaster is better for leveling walls depends on a number of factors: the size of the differences base surface, resistance to moisture, type of finish coating, operating conditions.

Criterion Cement Gypsum decorative
The amount of irregularities Up to 100 mm Up to 50 mm 8 to 17 mm
moisture resistance Yes No Yes
Finish coat Suitable for tiles, wallpaper and painting (subject to puttying) Under wallpaper and painting (puttying is not required) Additional finishing is not needed
Terms of Use ( temperature regime, humidity) from -50 to +80 degrees, at any humidity From +5 to +30 degrees Celsius, only for dry, heated rooms From -50 to +75 degrees, tolerates a humid environment well
Recommended area of ​​application Facade of the building, rooms with high humidity (kitchen, bathroom, industrial buildings) Bedroom, children's room, corridor Depending on the type of binder, you can choose the composition for outdoor and indoor work

Important! Plastering the walls in the apartment, requires a mixture environmental safety therefore, the use of the composition for outdoor work indoors is prohibited.

The application of plaster on the wall can be carried out different tools: wide and narrow spatulas, a special machine. For decorative compositions use rollers with embossed nozzles, a trowel, an applicator, brushes.

Ways to level walls

What kind of plaster is better to choose for leveling the walls is already clear, it remains to determine the method of its application to the surface.

Plaster can be applied to walls in two main ways: without beacons (by eye) and along beacons. The first method involves applying and leveling the mixture with spatulas, a rule or a trowel, suitable if the surface has minor differences up to 2-3 cm. The second method is more reliable and accurate. For him, a plane of metal profiles is pre-set on the walls.

You can determine the size of the differences using a plumb line or building level, and then choose which wall plastering technology is more suitable.

Plaster internal walls apartments are more often performed without beacons, since the differences are usually insignificant. IN industrial buildings with high ceilings it is better to use lighthouses.

Necessary tools and materials

To plaster the walls you will need a large set of tools and materials:

  • Hatchet or hammer with a pick (for removing old coating or protruding parts);
  • Brush (for applying a primer);
  • Priming composition suitable for the type of base;
  • Plumb or building level (to control the plane during operation);
  • Square (for deriving corners);
  • Large capacity (for mixing the solution);
  • Construction mixer;
  • Plaster spatula and trowel (for adding mortar to areas where it is not enough);
  • Wide and narrow spatulas;
  • guide beacons;
  • Rule and trowel (to level the layer);
  • Plaster corners (for reinforcing outer corners).

In order for the plastering of the walls with your own hands to be of high quality, it is necessary to study the technology of applying the mixture. If you are a beginner and not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust the work to professionals than to re-plaster the walls. They have all the materials for wall plastering in stock, and they know exactly what is best for plastering walls.

Preparatory stage

Preparatory work consists in surface treatment before applying the first plaster layer. The nature of the work is determined by the type of foundation:

  1. Brick surface preparation. For better adhesion, you need to fix the reinforcing mesh or make recesses in the mortar between the bricks. This is followed by cleaning from dust and debris and a primer.
  2. Preparation of concrete walls. If the material is not very dense, shallow cuts are made with an ax, then treated with concrete contact.
  3. Surfaces of foam blocks are coated with a primer deep penetration.
  4. Preparation wooden walls under plaster. It is necessary to fill the diagonal slats in 5 cm increments so that the solution is better kept on the surface.

On the surface of the walls there should not be large protrusions, lagging behind the old coating, metal elements, dust and debris. After the base has been prepared and the primer has dried, you can begin the process of applying the plaster.

Application technology

Plastering walls begins with the preparation of the solution. To do this, the dry mixture is diluted with water in the proportions recommended by the manufacturer. Concrete and brick walls are moistened with water so that the plaster sets longer and does not lag behind the surface.

The plastering technology includes three stages. This is the sequential application of three layers of a mixture of different density and thickness.

Instructions for plastering walls with your own hands:

  1. Spray. This layer is the most liquid in consistency. It is thrown onto the surface with a trowel with little effort. Then lightly level with a falcon. The thickness of the plaster layer is 5-10 mm.
  2. Priming. When the first layer has set but not yet dry, apply the second layer. It is thicker and thinner. It is placed on a falcon and applied to the wall, then leveled wide spatula, sweeping movements. One portion of the plaster should be enough for about 1 sq.m. area.
  3. Nakryvka. Layer thickness 2 mm. The solution should be thick. It is superimposed on the seized soil. His task is to even out all the small irregularities. The mixture is no longer thrown, but smeared with a spatula, pressing a sharp edge to the surface. It is applied with movements from the bottom up. You can move in an arc. After the mixture has set, the surface is rubbed with a trowel.

Other methods of applying plaster are also practiced. For example, in one layer, without spraying. This method is suitable for those who do not have professional skills, since only a person with experience can properly plaster walls.

Grouting plaster

The last stage of plastering is grouting. Its task is to bring the surface to perfect smoothness. It is necessary to start grouting the surface when the last layer of plaster has hardened. The work is carried out in stages using different tools:

  1. Grout with a trowel wooden surface set layer of coating. It is necessary to smooth out the traces of the spatula and tubercles. It is performed without pressure in a circular motion.
  2. Smoothing with a grater with felt in sharp, straight movements.
  3. Smoothing with a float with a rubber or metal strip. These tools prepare the surface for painting. Move first vertically, then horizontally.

After grouting, the wall is cleaned of dust and coated with a primer. You can proceed to further finishing when the surface dries well.

What is plaster on lighthouses

The process of leveling walls with lighthouses begins with the installation of profiles that will set the desired level.

Installation of beacons is carried out as follows:

  • They are screwed into the wall near the ceiling and floor along a self-tapping screw, their position is leveled with a plumb line. Their hats should be in the same plane.
  • Measure the distance between the screws, subtract 5 cm and cut off a profile fragment equal to the value obtained.
  • Draw a line between the screws with a pencil.
  • Throw the tubercles onto the line in 3-4 places with a plaster solution, press the profile into them so that its plane converges with the caps of the screws. Remove fasteners.
  • Repeat the procedure at a distance of no more than 1 meter from the first beacon. Thus, a plane is created along all the walls of the room.

This completes the installation of the beacons, and you can begin to apply the first layer of the mixture. After the plaster has been applied completely, the beacons are removed and the areas where they were located are leveled.

Do-it-yourself wall plastering

Do-it-yourself plastering can be done if the differences are not very large and the layer of the mixture does not exceed 2-5 cm. It is worth applying only mixtures for rough leveling and easy-to-use decorative ones. For example, to decorate a wall Venetian plaster with their own hands without experience - too reckless. Difficult formulations are best left to professionals.

Some compositions can be prepared independently. Cement plaster consists only of cement and sand, knowing the desired ratio of components, you can prepare a mixture.

How to make plaster:

  • Pour cement of a grade not lower than M200 and 3-4 times more sand into a large container or concrete mixer (depending on what fat content of the composition is needed) and mix dry;
  • Pour water in small portions until the desired consistency is obtained, periodically mixing the composition;
  • To improve plasticity, you can add a little detergent(at the rate of 30-50 ml per 5 liters of water).

The finished mixture must be used within an hour. Since plastering with your own hands can be delayed, it is not worth preparing a lot of mortar at once.

If we plaster ourselves, then we need to take care of protecting the skin from the composition, as well as cover the furniture and the floor in the room where the work takes place.

Since plastering walls with your own hands is not at all easy without experience, you can preview the video of how the masters do it.

You can save a lot on plastering walls in an apartment only if you prepare the solution yourself and apply it yourself.

You can cut costs a little more by saving material:

  • Dilute the composition with water in small portions in order to accurately have time to use it;
  • Carefully monitor the differences in the wall, perhaps in some places it is enough to cut off the bumps and the consumption of the mixture will be reduced;
  • Apply only two coats without covering, but this is acceptable if the differences do not exceed 1-2 cm.

Plastered walls improve the heat and noise insulation of the room, acquire a flat and smooth plane, ready for further finishing with thin coatings - wallpaper and paint. Some types of compositions also have decorative features. You can apply the mixture in different ways, but it is important to do everything right, otherwise the coating will not last a long time.

Qualitatively prepared walls for further repair are a guarantee that in the future any coating will fall on them perfectly evenly and beautifully. Therefore, do not neglect such a type of work as do-it-yourself wall plastering, even if you decide to change the interior not in new apartment, but in the house in which you live for a long time. How to choose the right material, and what should be the sequence of work - we will understand further.

How to choose the type of plaster

To begin with, it is worth deciding what type of plaster to choose - the so-called dry or wet. Wall cladding will be dry gypsum boards which will save some time. However, this type of work is beneficial only for rooms with a large area, since under conditions small apartments drywall slabs will significantly "hide" the area.

Plastering walls in an apartment in a “wet” way involves applying various building mixtures to the surface. It is also worth considering one important point- what material are the walls of the renovated premises made of and where are we going to plaster - outside or inside the building. Let's take a closer look at the examples.

Brickwork walls

  1. For walls with brickwork cement-based mixtures are best suited, in some cases with the addition of lime in small volumes, which gives the plaster greater plasticity. It makes sense to add some lime when plastering walls. cement mortar outside the building or in rooms where there is or is expected to be high humidity.
  2. The thickness of the plaster for bricks should not exceed 3 cm, in cases where a layer of more than 2 cm is supposed to be applied. Necessary before application cement mixture cover the walls with a layer of chain-link mesh, which will keep the heavy dried mixture on the surface.
  3. We knead the cement mixture as follows - mix clean sand and dry cement and dilute with water to a thick consistency. In case we decide to add a lime component, sand will be added in slightly larger proportions, and ready solution cement with sand, an aqueous lime mortar will be added.
  4. An important point - if our brickwork of the walls consists of facing bricks, the work will be difficult due to the fact that this material too much smooth surface and it will be difficult to keep heavy cement mixtures on it, even with the use of a chain-link mesh. In such a situation, it is better to choose special compositions or entrust the work to persons with the appropriate qualifications who know how to apply the technology of applying plaster to difficult surfaces. ordinary person surfaces and know what materials for wall treatment to choose.

concrete walls

If the surface of the walls of the room consists of concrete, then before applying the plaster it must be primed with a special solution. It is advisable to choose a primer with the addition of quartz particles, they will ensure reliable adhesion of the wall material to the future plaster mixture.
For concrete surfaces, wall plastering with gypsum plaster is suitable - the case when gypsum powder is added to the cement mixture, or a mortar based on a mixture of gypsum and lime.

An important addition is that lime, gypsum and cement mixtures are prepared separately and only then mixed to a homogeneous and thick consistency.

Walls made of concrete blocks

Modern houses and buildings most often, recently, are built using foam concrete blocks. Such surfaces must not only be primed before the plastering process, but also apply a special reinforcing mesh - "sickle", made of special fiberglass.
The mortar for the manufacture of the plaster mixture can be used as gypsum, and cement, and with the addition of a lime mixture. In any case, you should carefully study the instructions for all components and do not neglect the quality of the selected materials.

The key to the durability of walls is not only in the right materials for their manufacture, but also in well-chosen mixtures for their processing.

wooden walls

If you decide to plaster walls made of wood, then before applying the plaster mixture, it is necessary to make and fix a special mesh (shingles) of wooden slats on all treated surfaces. The shingles in a mesh form are gradually stuffed onto the wall, an important point is that the nails are not driven in to the end, half of the nail, together with the cap, is bent to the side.

Another option for preparing wooden walls is to install a specially reinforcing metal mesh and its fixing on the surface of the walls before applying the plaster mixture.

Preparation of the repaired premises

After we decided on the type of walls, we chose and purchased all the necessary Construction Materials- We begin to prepare the processed room.

Stages of our preparation

  1. First of all, it is worth considering that any work using plaster is a “dirty” business. Dust and particles of the composition can scatter throughout the room and, after drying, will be removed with maximum effort. Therefore, if you started a repair in an already living room or an “inhabited” office, you should take out all the furniture, appliances and things as much as possible. Move the remaining items to the center of the room and carefully cover with foil or unnecessary newspapers. Ideally, it would be nice to de-energize the room so as not to stain the sockets and secure lighting. And do not forget about gender - if there is already some flooring- it would be better to close it as well.
  2. We clean the walls from the previous coating. If before that the surface was treated with wallpaper - we moisten them with water or a special mixture and remove the remnants of glue and finish with a spatula. If whitewashing was applied to the walls, we also treat with water, wash off the paint as much as possible with a sponge and brush, and also remove the residue with a scraper or spatula. In particularly difficult cases, craftsmen advise applying a liquid paste to the whitewash and, after it has completely dried, clean everything off with brushes and spatulas.
  3. We repair large cracks in the walls. If, after removing the previous coating, we found irregularities or microcracks under the walls, we prepare them for applying the future plaster mix. Using a knife or grinder (for cracks big size) deepen and widen particularly noticeable cracks. We fill with a solution building mix and be sure to fix it with a sickle tape so that the repaired surface is as even as possible. If the cracks are not so big, it is quite possible to fill them with building sealant or silicone glue. For large cracks, it is allowed to use polyurethane foam even when the primer is not yet dry.
  4. We improve the adhesion of walls and plaster mortar by making notches. If the wall is made of bricks, you can deepen the distance between the bricks at the seams up to 1 cm, but if the wall is made of concrete, we make notches ourselves with a hammer and chisel. Required for each square meter surface, apply notches no more than 1.5 cm long and up to 0.3 cm deep.
  5. We process the repaired surface by applying a primer solution. We dilute it in proportions of 1:6 or 1:10 in accordance with the dosage indicated in the instructions. In some situations, it is possible to combine the stages of priming and notching by simply adding fine quartz sand to the primer mixture. Such a composition will improve the adhesion of the wall and plaster during its application.
  6. Work on plastering walls must begin in a room previously cleaned of dirt and debris with a dried primer mixture.

Wall primer

If all preparatory work carried out with due diligence, then the next stage of our work is the actual plastering of the walls under the wallpaper or another coating of your choice.

If you are working indoors with uneven walls or it is necessary that the plastering of the walls be carried out for painting, then it is better to carry out work on the plastering of the surface using the so-called lighthouses.

Since when painting or any further processing of the walls it is necessary to obtain the most even surface of the wall, then the application of the plaster mixture must be done in an even and uniform layer, for this it is necessary.

Beacons for walls made of wood will serve as a fixed mesh or wooden shingles, for surfaces with brickwork or consisting of concrete, it is possible to install metal guides or beacons from building or gypsum mortar.

Stages of ongoing work

  • do-it-yourself wall plastering on lighthouses begins with marking on the surface to be repaired - at a distance of no more than 20 cm we drive a self-tapping screw with a weight onto the ropes at the top of the wall, at the bottom of an impromptu plumb line at the right level we fix another nail;
  • between the installed screws we throw a few heaps mortar and fix metallic profile lighthouse;
  • according to the worked out scheme, we install metal beacons at the end of the wall, in the middle and between them, observing the rule that the distance between the beacons should be kept at 1 meter;
  • after the mortar has hardened on the lighthouses, rough plastering of the walls is carried out - a building mixture is applied over the entire surface of the lighthouses with protrusion beyond their borders by no more than 2-3 cm;
  • using the rule, we fill in the remaining voids - we apply plaster from the bottom up, thus filling all the voids and removing the existing excess mortar;
  • plaster using the rule is applied to the walls until the surface looks perfectly even, and, of course, within the maximum possible thickness of the plaster layer - up to 3 cm, after that we wait for the building mixture to dry completely and begin further processing surfaces - painting, pasting or processing with other finishing materials.

Using the rule for plaster

Features of the manufactured plaster mix

We have already talked about the types of mortar being prepared, now we will note some subtleties depending on the composition of the plaster:

  1. Cement-based plaster is prepared from 3 parts of sand and 1 part of cement mixture and is used within an hour after production. That is why you should be extremely careful and prepare only the required amount of the mixture, otherwise the remaining composition will dry out, its use will be impossible.
  2. A cement-lime mixture is obtained from 1 part of cement, 5-6 parts of sand and 1 part of lime composition.
  3. Gypsum plaster from 3 parts of lime diluted to the dough and 1 part of powdered gypsum dries and hardens the fastest, so it is recommended to make them before the application process itself and in small quantities.

How to apply plaster correctly

If we plaster the walls with our own hands without beacons or with them, it is important to know not only the sequence of work, but also the technique of applying the plaster mixture:

  • The first layer of plaster will be a spray applied using a special device - a trowel. A mixture is collected on it in the right amount and from a close distance is applied to the surface of the walls with a wave of the hand, we do it not so sharply so that the entire solution does not scatter in different directions.
  • We apply a light primer layer using a float or spatula.
  • Lay the top layer of the mixture on top of wet ground, it is important not to allow it to dry, otherwise you will have to re-wet the surface.
  • We level the surface of the walls with the rule, and after drying, we pass them with sandpaper or a special machine, only then the plastering of the walls will be considered complete.

So, no matter how difficult the process of plastering walls may seem to us, with a sufficient level of preparation and simple building skills, it is quite possible to do it yourself. If you doubt your abilities, the surface of the walls is quite uneven or consists of complex materials that require the use of special skills, do not be too lazy to include in the repair costs the appeal and help of real experts in their field.

Plastering the wall with your own hands will ultimately give good and even walls that always look aesthetically pleasing. How to plaster the walls yourself? To begin with, you need to study this issue well.

Below we will tell you how to plaster the walls with your own hands and at the same time not miss anything. We also provide a video in this article and photos that will help you quickly get the job done.

We decide to plaster or putty the walls first of all. The plastering wall video will tell you about the intricacies of doing the job, but the most important thing is to prepare the plane. And if it is just putty, then everything can be done quickly enough, if the deviations are large, then the costs cannot be avoided.

Let's look at what is done and when:

  • We stretch the fishing line along the diagonals of the plane and look. If the deviations are not large, up to one cm, then it is quite possible to get by with putty. It should also be said that the cracks will have to be eliminated unambiguously.
  • And to fix crooked walls, you can only plaster. And this is done if the deviations are more than one cm.

Now let's decide what tool we need: as a rule, a medium spatula, a wide spatula, a trowel, a falcon, a puncher, a mixer, self-tapping screws, a plumb line.

Preparing the walls

The walls must be plastered on the prepared plane.

We do everything as follows:

  • Shoot down old plaster(see How to remove old plaster from walls without problems), we clean off the paint, if there are cracks we cut them, and rub them with a spatula with a plaster primer, rubbing it crosswise.
  • Narrow but deep cracks, fill silicone sealant . After hardening, we cut off the influxes.
  • Then, with a rule or a plumb line, we determine the degree of unevenness of the walls. If the unevenness of the wall is not more than 5 mm / m, then one layer of plaster can be applied to the prepared surface, leveling it with the rule according to the beacons. It is better to do this with a high-quality plaster mixture, but only if the thickness of the applied plaster is not more than 6 mm.
  • If the unevenness of the walls is large and the applied layer of plaster will be 20-30 mm, which usually happens when brick walls are plastered (see Plastering brick walls according to all the rules), then before applying the plaster, it is attached to the wall Rabitz, for reinforcing and holding a thick layer of plaster. Therefore, one layer is not enough, and it is better to use cheaper ready-made mixtures.

Attention: After complete preparation of the surface, a primer coat must be applied. It will enhance the adhesion of surfaces. It is better to use a deep penetrating liquid.

Plaster rules

We plaster the walls slowly and adhere to the following rules:

  • For plastering a brick wall, masonry joints are deepened 10 mm deep, and for concrete wall, make notches with a density of 250-300 / sq.m., and then treat the wall with a primer in two layers. Apply the second layer only after the first has dried.
  • The choice of dry mix for plastering walls is very large. For plastering a standard living space, the choice of mixture does not play a special role. Specifications, composition and scope for these mixtures are approximately the same.
  • Plaster for a freezing wall is made with certain compositions. Here, we can advise warm plasters. For example, "Verma - ShS" With the help of this mixture, a "warm" plaster solution is prepared. Applied during interior for thermal insulation and alignment of walls and ceilings.
  • If the room is not heated or the wall is outside, then it is best to choose cement compositions for work. They perfectly tolerate temperature changes and high humidity.
  • Dry mixes are also quite suitable for interior distraction (see Types of plasters for interior decoration: choose the right one). Such plaster adheres well to the surface, has increased plasticity, as well as heat-insulating and sound-proofing properties, reduces impact noise. Protects from cracking and flaking, durable.

Plaster for tiles

Many people wonder whether it is necessary to plaster the walls under the tiles? There are several opinions on this issue.


  • If the walls are made of concrete slabs and even, then the plaster layer is made no thicker than 10 mm. But you can make notches on the wall, primed twice with a deep penetration primer and, after drying, lay the tiles. In this case, the consumption of tile adhesive will be minimal.
  • If the walls are brick, then due to the heterogeneity of the masonry, there is always a curvature of the surface. When the curvature is small, you can, of course, bring out the plane with tile adhesive. But with a large curvature of the wall, the consumption of glue will be large, and voids under the tile may form. Therefore, it is better to plaster brick walls.

Attention: Since the tiles are laid mainly in the kitchen and in the bathroom, where there is high humidity, then as plaster mixtures, it is recommended to apply cement plaster. It should say "water resistant" on the packaging.

The process of applying plaster on the wall along the lighthouses

Plaster the walls with your own hands, especially if the plane is large, it is best to use beacons. Then you can make a perfectly flat plane.

The process itself is not as complicated as it seems. Installed beacons will not allow us to make a layer of plaster thinner or thicker. It all depends on how well we install the beacons.

  • Beacons are metal and plastic. The surface of metal beacons is erased during operation, and if they are left in the plaster, then rust may appear over time. Therefore they are removed.
  • Plastic beacons are more expensive, but they can be left in plaster. There are craftsmen among the people who are trying to plaster hay without the use of beacons. But after reading the reviews on the Internet, it is clear what to do flat surface they fail. Therefore, we will do it in a proven way.

Attention: When doing all the work with your own hands, carefully mark up. After all, all errors will affect the quality and geometry of the plane.

Installing beacons

The plaster on the walls is applied after correct fastening lighthouses.

  • To begin with, the marking of the wall for plaster is done. Stepping back from corners and doorways 20-30 cm, and 5 cm at the top from the ceiling. We drill a hole, screw in the screw, insert the plumb line into the slot of the screw, and drill a second hole along the plumb line at the bottom 5 cm from the floor and screw the screw into it.
  • We align the upper and lower self-tapping screws along the plumb line, their height will determine the thickness of the applied plaster. We also do at doorway and at the far corner of one wall. You can draw a line from the top screw to the bottom. Several cakes of a thick solution (at least five) are made along this line, and a beacon is pressed into them, aligning it with the heads of the screws. You can press down the beacon with the rule, relying on self-tapping screws.
  • When the mortar sets, the lighthouse is fixed to the wall on both sides. plaster mortar. They also fix the beacon in the far corner and at the doorway. Then, the distance between the beacons is divided into equal intervals of 1.5 meters.
  • We draw vertical lines. At the bottom and top along the edges of the beacons, we stretch the horizontal cords and, according to their level, we put the rest of the beacons along the vertical lines. We do the same on other walls. When all the beacons are installed, we unscrew the screws and proceed to applying plaster to the wall.
  • When preparing a solution from a dry mixture, it is necessary to follow the instructions on the package exactly. We throw the prepared solution onto the wall with a trowel, with wrist movements of the hand, then relying on the beacons with the rule, we level the plaster from the bottom to the top, if depressions form where, then we throw the solution there and level it again with the rule.
  • The applied solution between the beacons is dried and rubbed to remove small irregularities. After grouting and grinding all the walls, the beacons are removed and the places of their installation are plastered.

Rules for plastering walls:

  • We prepare the walls: remove the old plaster, deepen the brick seams, make notches on concrete slabs. We close up the cracks.
  • We prime the cleaned walls.
  • We mark the walls for the installation of beacons.
  • We install beacons in the far corners and near doorways.
  • We stretch horizontal cords above the floor and under the ceiling, on the corner beacons.
  • We expose intermediate beacons with a step of 1.5 meters.
  • We coat all beacons on both sides with a solution for rigid attachment to the wall.
  • Let the solution harden (about five hours).
  • Getting Started with Plastering the Walls

Many people think how long it takes to plaster the walls after they are laid. And here there is only one answer, exactly when the masonry is completely dry and seizes.

No one will name the exact dates, because the thickness of the structure can be quite different. So after reading the article, you will be able to do everything yourself and the instructions will help you avoid mistakes.

Plastering - restoration of the surface for subsequent finishing. At this stage, defects are repaired and the base is leveled. To perform plastering, you must have experience in carrying out this type of work. Hire a team of professional craftsmen. However, restoration with a solution can be performed by a beginner. To do this, an amateur should familiarize himself with the videos “Learning to plaster walls: video tutorials”, as well as carefully study the recommendations below.

Before considering the question of how to learn how to plaster walls (video instructions will be given at the end of the article), you need to find out if you need to plaster the surface.

The use of the material is advisable if the surface has cracks, potholes, drops and other defects. In this case, the solution helps to get rid of the imperfections of the building base. However, professionals recommend using plaster even if there are no defects on the surface. The material protects the building base from the damaging effects of moisture and other negative impact environments.

What should be taken into account when restoring the foundation?

Fans who perform surface plastering with their own hands are advised to consider the following points:

  • for the restoration of the building base, you should choose only high-quality material;
  • before use, the mixture must be stored in a dry place;
  • the solution must be prepared in strict accordance with the instructions.

The choice of mixture for plastering

Before you learn how to plaster, you need to understand how to choose a material for restoration.

According to the degree of readiness, there are:

  • Ready compositions. Such materials do not need to be prepared. Means are used immediately after opening the package. The disadvantage is the high price.
  • Dry mixes. Such a product needs to be prepared. After mixing, the solution is used within half an hour. Because of this, it is necessary to prepare the mixture in small portions and apply the material in several approaches. This is the main drawback of the product. The advantage of dry mixes over the finished material is an acceptable cost.

By appointment, the following types of material are distinguished:

  • Ordinary composition. Designed for leveling surfaces and masking defects.
  • Decorative. Used for top coat application. The material has an unusual texture, due to which it creates an original texture on the surface.

Material classification by composition:

  • Sand-cement composition. This budget material. The product is easy to apply, but you will need an industrial mixer or a drill with a mixer attachment to prepare it. Non-professional finishers are advised to work with this composition, as the product is affordable and easy to use.
  • Gypsum composition. The material creates sound and heat insulation of the surface, does not shrink and does not crack after hardening. The disadvantage is that it absorbs moisture, so it cannot be used for the facade and in rooms with high humidity. The material can be used by non-professional finishers.
  • acrylic material. The operational period of such coverage is 50 years. The product is recommended for use even for beginners.
  • Silicone plaster. This finished material. The product is suitable for all types of surfaces. The product is easy to apply, does not shrink and has a long service life. However, beginners who are only thinking about how to learn how to plaster walls are not recommended to use such a tool. The product is expensive, so it is better to practice on another tool.
  • silica composition. It is characterized by high strength and resistance to mechanical damage. The product contains liquid glass, due to which it quickly hardens. For this reason, the material is not recommended for beginners mastering plaster work.

Types of dry mix

Varieties of dry mix:

  • Simple material. Surface differences after shrinkage of the product are 3 mm. The tool is recommended to be used for interior decoration, where aesthetics is unimportant. These include warehouses and garages.
  • Improved composition. After shrinkage of the material, the surface differences are 2 mm. The material is used for finishing institutions - schools, administrations and other institutions.
  • High quality blend. Surface differences after shrinkage of the product are 1 mm. The material is used for finishing houses and apartments.

Necessary materials and tools

How to learn to plaster walls, demonstrates the video tutorial, which is given below. However, before finishing, you should prepare necessary materials and tools:

  • plaster;
  • a clean plastic bucket for preparing the material;
  • lighthouses;
  • falcon;
  • scraper;
  • trowel and industrial grater;
  • trowel;
  • rule;
  • Master OK;
  • level;
  • plumb.

Rules for plastering a building base

If you want to learn how to learn how to apply plaster, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with all the stages of finishing.

Room preparation

To prepare the room for the plastering of the walls, it is necessary to take out the interior items. If the floor covering does not change, then the floor is covered with a film and the material is fixed with boards, bricks or other cargo. It is also recommended to remove the lighting fixtures and cover the wires.

Surface preparation

Instructions for preparing the building base:

  • dismantle the old coating;
  • tap the walls to reveal unstable areas and get rid of them;
  • increase surface defects, treat cracks and potholes with a primer and fill with repair mortar;
  • clean the walls from dust and dirt.

Foundation priming

Priming is a mandatory step before applying plaster, which should not be neglected. The primer protects the building base from mold and fungus, and also improves the adhesion of the wall to the material. The primer is applied with a brush, roller or spray gun, as shown in the photo below. It is recommended to perform a double treatment of the walls with a break for drying the composition.

Profile mounting

Rules for placing beacons:

  • step back from the floor and ceiling by 3 cm and 5 cm from the corners of the wall and screw in the screws at these points;
  • a fishing line is tied to fasteners vertically and horizontally;
  • under the vertical line small areas the solution is fixed at a distance of 10 cm from each other;
  • a beacon is fixed on the composition;
  • profiles are fixed along the entire perimeter of the wall with a step of less than 1.5 m.

Solution preparation

Only dry mixes need to be prepared. According to the instructions, the material is combined with water, the solution is kneaded using an industrial mixer or a drill with a mixer attachment. The proportions of the dry mix and liquid are indicated on the packaging.

The density of the solution depends on which layer the material is being prepared for. For the first and third layers, a sour cream consistency material is prepared, and for the second, a pasty mass.

Application of the composition

The video in this article demonstrates how to properly apply the solution to the surface. This is done as follows:

  • Use a trowel to spread the material onto the surface. This will be the first layer, which is called the splatter.
  • With a wide spatula, apply a second layer of mortar - primer. The material must protrude beyond the profiles. Level the composition as a rule until the solution has hardened. Remove excess funds with a spatula.
  • Apply a third layer of material. This will be a cover.

Completion of plastering

  1. After applying the last layer, until the solution has hardened, dismantle the beacons.
  2. Fill the voids with mortar and level the composition over the surface with a spatula.
  3. Using an industrial trowel, grout the material. To do this, moisten the surface with water, press the tool against the wall and eliminate imperfections in a circular motion.
  4. Apply a primer, wait for the product to dry and proceed to decorating.

In order for the finish to last for a long time, consider the recommendations of professionals:

  • if the surface has a porous structure, then the primer is applied in two layers;
  • if used for restoration gypsum material, then the grouting of the surface is carried out within 4 hours after the completion of the plastering;
  • after applying the solution, the profiles must be dismantled;
  • if after plastering is placed ceramic tile, then the material does not need careful alignment and you can get by with one layer of material application;
  • if the walls are being prepared for painting, then apply paint material follows 14 days after the surface treatment with a gypsum composition and a month after the application of cement-sand plaster.

You can learn how to plaster in the video tutorial below.

Surface plastering is a finishing step that even a beginner can learn to perform. The main thing is to familiarize yourself with the rules for choosing and applying the material.

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