How to transplant spathiphyllum at home - rules and recommendations. Proper spathiphyllum transplant

It is a flowering plant, in demand among flower growers. Its other names are White sail, Women's happiness. This is a rather romantic view, because many legends are dedicated to it. Why is he so in demand? With its chic appearance, the flower is very unpretentious.

When is a transplant required?
With proper care for Women's happiness, it gives a very fast growth. This is a growing species, and therefore its bushes begin to occupy the entire box. The root system begins to turn into a dense lump, growing throughout the soil. The plant must be grown in tight spaces. Spathiphyllum is transplanted every 3-5 years. For this, a pot of a larger diameter is used. The procedure is required for several reasons:
  1. Flowering slows down
  2. There is a bulging of the root system, sockets begin to unwind;
  3. A transplant is needed after the purchase of Women's Happiness. It is performed in the same way as the usual procedure.

If you need to determine whether to carry out the procedure, it is worth taking a closer look at the plant. To do this, you need to push the curtain and observe lower leaves. If they are observed drying out, you will need this procedure. If drying is observed only at the tips, this may indicate a lack of moisture and dry air. This occurs if the pot is close to heating appliances. One of the main signs of the need for a transplant is a bulging root system.

It is better to plan a transplant in the spring. At this time, all living things begin to intensively renew themselves, which means that the plant will quickly take root. It is not recommended to do this in autumn. However, if this tropical view grown at home, you can transplant it at any time. The main thing is to maintain the required temperature regime.

It is forbidden to perform the procedure during flowering. It is allowed only when the inflorescences wither. If a transplant is required after purchase, it is recommended to wait three weeks with it. Spathiphyllum needs time to adapt to the new climate and lighting. If you start the process immediately after the acquisition, this can be a huge stress for the flower. At this time, its root system has not yet developed enough, which can lead to damage to the plant.

The process will require the following tools and items:

  • A box whose size is a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one;
  • The film needed to protect the work surface;
  • Scoop;
  • rubber gloves;
  • Secateurs;
  • The soil.

Before performing, it is important to rinse the box, and then pour boiling water over it. This is required to protect against microbes and pathogens that can destroy the plant.

preparing the ground

What should be the soil for transplanting? Perfect option- slightly acid soil. You can buy the required soil for transplanting in specialized stores. Suitable mixture for aroid species or flowering tropical varieties. The acquired composition must be mixed with sand in a small amount.

A suitable primer can also be made by yourself. This will require leafy soil, soddy soil, peat, charcoal, crushed brick, coarse sand in proportions 1:2:1:0.5:0.5:1. If you do not have charcoal, you can replace it with crushed tree bark or coconut fiber. To enrich the earth with useful elements is added. It is allowed to use other additives, but their amount should not exceed 10% of the general composition. Otherwise, there will be problems with ventilation, as well as the moisture capacity of the soil.

Instructions: how to transplant spathiphyllum

How to transplant (step by step) a plant? Consider the necessary algorithm of actions:

  1. Shake the flower box. Then a plant is taken out of it, along with an earthen clod. A garden scoop can help with this. To facilitate reaching, you can pre-irrigate the ground intensively;
  2. You will need a low box that exceeds the diameter of the previous pot by a couple of centimeters. Don't use a crate that's too big, as spathiphyllum likes tight spaces. For its flowering, it is necessary that the root system grows to the entire box. A pot with a diameter of 15-20 cm is best suited. Make sure that the root of the plant takes up the entire container;
  3. An oilcloth is fixed on the working surface. A flower is placed on it. Its root system must be cleared of earth, drainage. Then flower stalks are cut off. For this, a pruner is used. You can replace it with scissors. This is necessary so that the flower retains its strength and does not waste it on flowering. With the help of a pruner, it is also required to remove only the appeared and old wilted leaves. The base of old leaves is removed, as the remaining base can provoke rotting;
  4. As part of the procedure with an adult flower, you can perform propagation steps. To do this, the curtain is divided into two parts. Each must have a preserved root system;
  5. If this spathiphyllum has been in the same pot for a long time, it may have many outlets. Long sockets will need to be shortened. Rotten elements must be removed. The long root system is shortened;
  6. Despite the fact that the flower loves tightness, and it may become too crowded. In this case, you can simply transfer it to another, more voluminous, container. Division is not required. In extreme cases, the flower is divided into parts. A number of divisions are planted in boxes. This makes it possible to provide fast development roots.

The process is not complicated. It is available to any grower.

How to plant divisions?

The division process looks like this:

  1. Drainage is poured into the selected container. Its layer should be up to 2 centimeters. In its quality, crushed brick, expanded clay, crushed pebbles are used. Then the prepared substrate is poured. Its level should not be equal to the top of the pot. The optimal level is below the top;
  2. The delenka is placed in the center of the container. Its root system is distributed;
  3. Sometimes you may notice aerial roots. They resemble growths and tubercles located on the trunk. This is an absolutely healthy process. Such elements are not allowed to be buried in the ground. It independently reaches the soil and takes root. Elements for additional fastening serve;
  4. Fill the prepared soil to the very top of the container. Then the composition is compacted. The stem is deepened, the soil around it is applied. Reliable strengthening of the socket should be achieved. She shouldn't be shaken. If this happens, you can add soil;
  5. Spathiphyllum is watered abundantly. The soil must sink. If after that the earth is heavily compacted, you can add soil. Leaves are sprayed with a spray bottle.

Proper seating is not all that may be required for successful development. Proper care is also required immediately after the process.

Immediately after transplantation, specific care will be required. First of all, it is maintaining a high level of humidity. It will help adaptation, accelerate flowering by placing the plant in a container with a greenhouse effect. For this, the flower pot is wrapped in polyethylene.

What to do if spathiphyllum wilts after transplantation?

It's pretty common problem. The flower begins to wither, its leaves fall and turn yellow. Most often, the reason for this is insufficient moisture. This tropical inhabitant is capricious when watering. Excessive moisture leads to rotting of the root system, wilting of the leaves. What to do? Watering should be plentiful, but it is carried out only after the earth has dried out after the previous watering.

Also, the cause of wilting can be a large amount of light. Spathiphyllum should be placed in a place where diffused light is provided to it. He does well in the shade. It is recommended to put it on the north, east and west side. most common cause wilting is improper care or plant transplantation, contrary to existing rules. However, all these factors are fairly easy to fix. It is important to carry out the recommended care.

Spathiphyllum is a herbaceous perennial of the Aroid family. Since the 19th century, the flower has been cultivated in room conditions, drawing attention with a spectacular rosette of green leaves.

Several times a year, the plant throws out long arrows of flower stalks topped with small cob inflorescences. Each is covered with a light bract or veil, shaped like a leaf. For this similarity, the plant got its name, literally translated from Greek meaning “veil” and “leaf”.

Reference! The flower has several folk names. The most common is "Women's Happiness". It is believed that spathiphyllum forms buds in anticipation of an imminent profit, primarily in strength family, which is the basis of women's happiness.

Spathiphyllum is unpretentious. The main measures for caring for him are watering, top dressing and transplanting.

How to determine that a flower needs a transplant?

It is impossible to achieve decorative spathiphyllum and its regular flowering without a transplant, so this procedure is one of the most important components of care. The flower signals the need for its implementation by a change in appearance and vegetation.

  • The high density of the leaf rosette resulting from the growth of new shoots or children. Over time, some of them begin to fade or dry out for a reason. malnutrition or illumination. The plant loses its decorative effect and needs to be transplanted.
  • A thickened socket breaks apart over time. Such a plant looks sloppy and needs to be transplanted in combination with dividing the bush.
  • Strong growth of roots, as evidenced by their exit from the pot through drain holes and dense braiding of an earthen coma. Overgrown roots need to increase space (new capacity) and renew the substrate that has used up its nutritional potential.
  • The slow growth of the shoots and leaves of the plant, as well as the long-term (more than a year) absence of flowering are signals of trouble in the development of the plant, which transplantation will help to eliminate.
  • A spathiphyllum purchased in a store is subject to mandatory transplantation.

When to transplant at home?

The most favorable period for a spathiphyllum transplant is early spring: April or March. This is the time of the beginning of the active vegetation of the plant, characterized by the rapid flow of all processes, including rooting.

Important! Mandatory conditions transplantation is warm (minimum 20 ° C) and the absence of flowering.

How to transplant spathiphyllum after purchase?

A transplant of a spathiphyllum purchased in a store is not carried out immediately, but after 2-3 weeks, after the flower has adapted to new conditions. After making sure that the plant has a healthy appearance, it is moved to a new, slightly larger container with a complete replacement of the soil.

The need for transplantation after purchase is due to the composition and structure of the soil used to grow plants for sale.

  • Spathiphyllums are grown on peat soil. The flower grows rapidly, consuming all the nutrients and quickly impoverishing the soil, which will inevitably affect its development.
  • Peat soils have a dense structure, preventing air and water from reaching the roots. Saturated with moisture, peat retains it for a long time, provoking the development of rot on the roots of the plant.

How often should the procedure be carried out?

The frequency of transplants is determined by the age of the flower:

  • young (up to 3 years old) specimens are transplanted annually;
  • adult forms - 1 time in 3-5 years.

What pot?

Spathiphyllum grows well in pots made from any material. According to this criterion, the choice of capacity depends only on the personal preferences of the grower or his material capabilities.

The size of the container is selected taking into account the volume of the root system of the flower and the characteristics of its growth. Since the roots of the spathiphyllum grow more actively in the horizontal direction, the diameter of the pot should exceed its depth.

With each transplant, a container is used that is slightly larger (by 1-2 cm) than the previous one. This is important for root development. Only having fully mastered the entire volume provided to the roots, the plant begins to actively grow leaves and bloom.

The pot should have a capacious drainage compartment and drain holes.

In what soil?

Loose soils with a neutral or slightly acidic environment are suitable for growing a flower. Soil that meets these requirements can be purchased at a flower shop.

You can make your own soil mixture. This will require:

  • 2 parts of sod land;
  • 1 part of leaf land;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 1 part peat.
  • ½ each of ceramic chips, charcoal and bark.

Ceramic chips, coal and bark are added to give the soil air and water permeability and the required level of acidity.

All components are thoroughly mixed. The soil, regardless of the method of its preparation, is subjected to disinfection. This will prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Disinfection is carried out in any available way:

  • steam for 30 minutes on a water bath;
  • 15-20 minutes calcined in the oven or microwave;
  • shed with a solution of potassium permanganate medium ( pink color) concentration or solution of phytosporin;
  • 2 weeks before planting, to restore beneficial microflora, the soil is moistened by adding EM-1 to the water.

Correctly selected and processed soil mix provide good development and, as a result, the decorativeness of the spathiphyllum.

Step-by-step instruction

Spathiphyllum is transplanted by transshipment.

Reference! Transshipment is a type of transplant that involves moving a plant into a large container while maintaining an earthen coma.

The procedure involves the implementation of several sequential actions or steps.

Step 1. Spathiphyllum transplantation begins with the preparation of the plant. For this:

  • At least 30 minutes before the procedure, the flower is well watered. This will make it easier to remove the earthen clod from the container and avoid injury to the roots.
  • The roots are examined. All suspicious (decayed, deformed) areas are removed. The slices are sprinkled with crushed charcoal and dried a little.
  • All old leaves are removed from the plant. This will make it easier for the flower to take root.

Step 2 Pot filling:

  • Drainage is laid at the bottom of the new container with a small (2 cm) layer: fine expanded clay, pebbles or brick chips.

  • On top of the drainage, no more than half the pot, soil is poured.

Step 3 Landing:

  • on top of the soil, in the center, they put an earthen clod and fill the voids with the remaining substrate.
  • The soil around the plant is slightly compacted.
  • The plant is watered abundantly.

Attention! Often after watering, the soil settles, exposing root collar. If this happens, then the soil needs to be topped up.

With the correct procedure, the spathiphyllum will quickly grow the root system.

How to plant "Women's happiness"

Heavily overgrown specimens of spathiphyllum are seated to obtain new plants and in order to rejuvenate the parent form.

The technology of seating is quite simple and has much in common with transplantation. As in the case of transplantation, it begins with the preparation of the container, the substrate and the plant itself.

  1. A few hours before planting, the flower is abundantly watered or immersed in a container of water until the soil is completely softened.
  2. An earthen ball is removed from the pot. The roots are freed from the ground, washed and, after a thorough revision, they are divided (cut) into parts or divisions. Each part must have at least 5 leaves and independent roots.
  3. Delenki are seated in individual containers filled with fresh soil. The process of planting delenok is similar to transplanting, but it is performed with a complete replacement of the soil.

Post transplant care

pledge successful rooting serves correctly organized place and flower care.

Organization of a mini-greenhouse and accommodation

The transplanted spathiphyllum needs warm and humid air.

To achieve this, a mini-greenhouse is organized for the plant in the form of an airtight cap constructed from any transparent airtight material.

A week after transplantation, the flower is kept in the shade.

Then they are transferred to a brighter place, avoiding direct sunlight on the leaves.

They can cause burns and leaf wilt.

Very small sprouts need such devices. Larger specimens can often do without a greenhouse.

Airing and watering

Plant care after transplantation consists in airing and moistening.

Airing is carried out daily, removing the protective cap for 5-10 minutes. During the procedure, the ground part of the plant is sprayed from a spray bottle.

Spathiphyllum watering is carried out with boiled or well-settled water. room temperature, alternating moistening with plain water and with the addition of Kornevin. The regularity of moisture is determined by the drying of the upper (0.5-1 cm) soil layer.

After abundant watering, the water accumulated in the pan must be drained.

With proper care young plant fairly quickly (2-2.5 weeks) takes root. Evidence of the successful completion of this process is the growth of new leaves. When they appear, the protection is removed and the flower is looked after as an adult plant.

Attention! Full soil moisture after transplantation is resumed only with the appearance of new leaves.

Possible mistakes

The plant will signal a change in appearance about an incorrectly performed transplant.

  • Yellowing or wilting of leaves- obvious signs of lack of moisture. When they appear, the number of sprays is increased to 2-3 times a day and slightly irrigated. upper layer soil.
  • Wilting and subsequent drying of the leaves, as well as the time-consuming adaptation of the plant, indicate a problem in the state of the roots - their decay. This is due to improperly selected soil or waterlogging of the soil. In this state, the flower needs ambulance- transplantation with a thorough revision of the roots and a complete replacement of the soil.
  • It often happens that the transplanted spathiphyllum looks quite healthy, but does not grow new leaves. The reasons for this are an incorrectly selected (too spacious) pot or lack of light.


Is it possible to transplant a flowering plant?

Flowering plant should not be transplanted. It is better to wait for the end of flowering, especially since it is not so long: 2-3 weeks.

However, there are times when a flower needs an urgent transplant: the plant is flooded, suffers from an improperly selected pot, or is damaged by soil pests. In these and similar cases, delay is tantamount to losing the flower. Then the risk is justified.

How to transplant a blooming spathiphyllum?

transplant blooming spathiphyllum best spent on a cloudy or rainy day. In conditions of high humidity, the plant will more easily tolerate the procedure.

Before transplanting from flowering plants, all flower stalks are cut off at the base, as well as old and newly appeared leaves.

Healthy specimens are transplanted by transshipment, sick ones - with a complete replacement of the soil.

Why did a newly transplanted spathiphyllum drop its leaves?

This reaction is typical for a plant suffering from a lack of moisture. Water and spray the leaves of the flower.

Why do the lower leaves of the transplanted spathiphyllum turn yellow?

They probably forgot to remove them before transplanting. The plant is hard and it gets rid of everything unnecessary. If, after the lower ones, the young leaves turn yellow, then this is evidence of a shortage. nutrients.

Useful video

Learn more about spathiphyllum transplant from the video below:


At good care, including a timely and correctly transplanted, spathiphyllum will all year round delight their owners with fresh green foliage, accentuated by snow-white inflorescences.

How to transplant a flower at home Women's happiness

Spathiphyllum is beautiful flower which perfectly complements any interior. In order for it to bloom and grow for a long time, you need to know how to transplant "Women's Happiness" at home.

How to transplant "Women's happiness"

Immediately after the acquisition, the flower cannot be transplanted, it must acclimatize to new conditions. After 2 weeks, you can start preparing.

Source: Depositphotos

To transplant "Women's Happiness" at home, pick up a container, prepare the soil

Prepare a nutritious soil in which the plant will be comfortable. To do this, take:

    • 1 part of leaf land and 2 sod;
    • 1 part peat;
    • 1 part sand.

Add charcoal and chopped spruce bark to the prepared soil. If there is no opportunity or desire to mess with the soil mixture, then get it already ready composition in a flower shop. Drainage is required, ordinary pebbles will do.

Take a pot a little larger than the one from which the Spathiphyllum is transplanted. Cover its bottom with 2 cm of pebbles, then 2–3 cm of soil. Gently remove "Women's Happiness" from the old pot and transfer it to a new container with an earthy clod. Sprinkle the soil mixture on different sides and moisten. At the end, compact it and water well.

If you need to completely replace the earth, then water it abundantly before extracting "Women's Happiness" so that the soil easily moves away from the rhizome. Inspect the root itself for damage. Remove all spoiled and very long shoots. Trim off dead and damaged leaves as well.

The interval between transplants is different. It depends on the age of the plant. Transfer young specimens to another container every 12 months. Adults - after 3 years. The best time is March - April.

Spathiphyllum Care

The plant will take root only if you take care of it correctly.


    • air humidity;
    • temperature regime;
    • watering.

For normal development, the flower needs constant air humidity - 65-75%. To achieve this, in winter period Place a humidifier or a container of water nearby. If this is not done, then the foliage will wilt.

Insufficient watering will also lead to the withering of "Women's happiness". If the stem and foliage drooped, began to turn yellow, then this indicates a lack of moisture. Make sure that the earth is always wet, do not allow it to completely dry out.

Place the pot in a bright place where direct sunlight does not fall. This will prevent leaf burns. Suitable room temperature +18...+24°C.

"Women's Happiness" needs regular transplants. This will promote its active growth and flowering.

One of the most beautiful and popular colors is Spathiphyllum. He is not whimsical in care, but it is worth knowing how to transplant spathiphyllum at home correctly. Flowers in people's homes create a special atmosphere and are a part of wildlife in Everyday life a person, in addition, they can bring good luck and prosperity to their owners.

That is what this flower is considered to be, among the people it is called “Women's happiness”. There is a belief that he brings good luck and love to those who properly care for him. He loves the energy of one person, therefore he must have one mistress. In fact, it is very beautiful and original, its large single petal has a teardrop shape, and a pestle is located vertically in the center. yellow color, it seems to be a continuation of the stem, but has a more juicy color and is covered with small balls. Its appearance will not leave anyone indifferent, it will interest you with its unusual and at the same time very simple beauty.

In care, he is unpretentious. The main thing is to act according to the rules and be attentive to the slightest changes in the appearance of the plant or soil itself. A competent transplant of this flower is the key to its further growth and flowering. It is worth familiarizing yourself in advance with how transplantation and home care for this plant is carried out.

When to transplant spathiphyllum

If the flower was presented or purchased independently in a flower shop, then it is worth giving it 10 days to adapt and see how it feels in a new place. There are several nuances:

  1. The place for the plant should be chosen correctly. For him, the southern and north side Houses. Lighting for such indoor plants should be diffused, they do not tolerate direct sunlight, so delicate and thin petals can get sunburned.
  2. Do not place plant pots near heating appliances: from the currents of warm air, the appearance of the flower deteriorates and it may disappear.

The first transplant is carried out immediately after purchase. As it was said, initially he is given several weeks to adapt, and then planted in a larger pot. Many people wonder why this should be done right after the acquisition. The fact is that for sale, plants are planted in small pots, where the root system quickly fills the free space and all forces are redirected to flowering. In addition, flower shops actively use special stimulants and plant nutrition, which allow them to keep their presentation as long as possible.

If you bought the plant yourself, you can ask the sellers what fertilizer they used to feed the colors and how long ago it was. This information will allow you to determine the timing of active growth and the impact on the flower of fertilizers. Therefore, the flower needs a larger pot and it needs a cleaner soil without stimulants. The last condition must be met in order for the plant to be able to rest and enter its normal natural mode of existence.

Preparing the soil

Before transplanting a plant, you need to prepare the soil and a new pot. A transplant into a larger container is necessary primarily for the root system. Not everyone knows which pot to choose. If you take too spacious, then the flower will spend all its strength and energy on the development of its roots. As a result, the lack of flowering and slow growth. In a smaller pot, it will feel cramped and the roots will start to get damaged. To avoid mistakes, when transplanting, you always need a container larger by 2 fingers of the previous one. In addition, it should not be too wide.

Soil preparation is one of the most important points, because it is the soil that provides the necessary nutrition and a suitable environment for active growth. Flower Women's happiness loves slightly acidic soil, so it will not be difficult to create it yourself, the main thing is to correctly arrange the necessary substances. The soil for spathiphyllum is prepared as follows:

  1. Coarse sand and peat are taken in 1 part.
  2. Leaf land - 1 part.
  3. Sod land - 2 parts.
  4. Charcoal and spruce cramp in 0.5 parts.
  5. It is imperative to use drainage; ceramic chips or expanded clay are well suited for this.

A layer of drainage is lined at the bottom of the pot, and the remaining components must be thoroughly mixed in a separate container. After that, you can fill her pot for spathiphyllum. Can be purchased necessary soil and in the store, but the purchased material may not contain all of the listed components. In this case, you can supplement it with the necessary substances yourself. The soil for the plant must be loose and airy, it is this soil that is required in order for the transplant to be successful.

Transplant process

Workplace it is worth covering it with polyethylene, and preparing gloves for hands, you will also need a small scoop and a watering can with water, secateurs.

To begin with, line the bottom of the pot for indoor plants with drainage layer 2-3 cm in height. Next, the container is filled with soil, but not to the brim - it is worth leaving about 3 cm free. To remove the plant from the old pot, you need to slightly moisten the ground. Next, gently tap on the walls of the container and slowly turn the flower over, while holding it at the very base. It is necessary to extract the plant with an earthen clod. The soil is slightly knocked down from the long shoots of the roots. It is necessary to inspect the roots for the presence of dry or rotten shoots, they must be carefully removed with secateurs. Too long shoots should also be shortened.

Holding the trunk, the spathiphyllum is placed strictly in the center of the pot and the soil is carefully poured on the sides. Do not tamp and press the ground too hard, it is enough to slightly compact it. Planting is complete, now it's time to water the flower. In the future, he needs appropriate care at home.

The transfer rules state that best time for this process is spring. If a person transplants a plant every 2-3 years, then such a flower can quickly reach a height of 30-50 cm.

How to care for this beautiful and unusual plant, not many people know, but in fact it is completely unpretentious and does not have special requirements for this. It is enough to observe the temperature regime + 10 ... + 22 ° C, as well as the humidity regime. It is moist air that this plant needs for healthy growth and flowering.

Care at home consists in regular watering, spraying and competent transplantation. Spathiphyllum should be watered as needed. If the top layer of the soil is dry, then you need to moisten it, but the main thing is to prevent the earth from drying out and the appearance of cracks on its surface. The roots of this plant love moisture and air. Therefore, the soil should be light and airy. Humidifiers can be installed in homes where the air is hot and dry. Or it is necessary to carry out regular spraying, but at the same time make sure that water does not stagnate in the recess of the petal itself. It can be carefully removed with paper towels.

In general, home care for a flower Women's happiness is completely simple. If you correctly fulfill all the requirements, then he will for a long time delight the owners with their beauty.

Spathiphyllum seating rules

If a whole dense bush of flowering arrows of a plant has formed in one pot, then it is necessary to plant them, otherwise their separation will become impossible in the future.

Not everyone knows how to plant a spathiphyllum correctly:

  1. To begin with, it is worth preparing the soil and pots for young shoots. It is better to buy several identical containers for indoor plants in advance, such purchases will always come in handy, and an ensemble of pots in the same style always looks very advantageous.
  2. A bush is removed from the pot and the root system is carefully cleaned from the soil. This must be done in order to understand which part of the root belongs to a particular process.
  3. Separate the root ball with your hands, do not use scissors or pruners, this will damage the roots. This is done simply, since its roots are quite flexible and thin.
  4. Each segment is planted in a separate flowerpot. In the future, we already know how to care for these young flowers. It is necessary to place them on the right side with sufficiently good and diffused lighting, water as needed and moisten periodically. Transplantation of young bushes is carried out every year, and older flowers can be transplanted every 2-3 years.

The plant tolerates transplanting and even temporary drought, but you need to protect it from dampness and direct sun rays. In hot weather, it can be taken out to the loggia or to the street, but it should only be placed in the shade.

Spathiphyllum or "Women's Happiness" has long been popular among flower growers and common among numerous indoor flowers. perennial evergreen considered not capricious and not difficult to care for. At minimal effort the flower will fully develop and often delight with its chic flowering. When leaving, you just need to take into account the individual characteristics of a houseplant, as well as know the basic rules for watering, location, temperature regime, lighting and transplant time.

Spathiphyllum is a houseplant that is ideal for rooms with medium lighting levels. The flower can create a cozy atmosphere in the apartment and a strict working atmosphere in the office, it can fit into any interior, thanks to its decorative qualities. With full maintenance and care, the plant blooms twice a year.

Spathiphyllum is native to New Guinea and the rainforests of the United States of America. When kept at room conditions, it is necessary to take this circumstance into account and create the usual level of humidity for the plant. Moisture plays big role in the development and growth of spathiphyllum. It is very important to properly organize care so that the flower receives enough water, light, heat and nutrition. Equally important is the location of the indoor plant in the room.

Location and lighting

A tropical flower has a negative attitude to direct sunlight, so you should not put a container with splatiphyllum on the windowsill on the south side of the house. On the eastern, western and northern windows, the plant will be more favorable. If there is no place on the windowsills, then it is possible to grow a houseplant in the back of the room. True, in such a location it will be necessary to apply additional lighting especially during the autumn-winter period.


Room temperature for plants should normally vary with the seasons (summer and winter), but for this flower it stays pretty much the same throughout the year. In warm months it is from 20 to 22 degrees, and in cold months - from 16 to 20. The main thing is that in winter time the thermometer in the room with the plant did not fall below 16 degrees Celsius.

Watering and humidity

Tropical spathiphyllum requires abundant but infrequent watering from early spring to late October. The entire excess volume of irrigation water, which will be in the flower tray, must be drained approximately 30-40 minutes after watering. Excess moisture in the soil should not be allowed, since the root part easily rots at a high level of moisture in the soil for a long time. If the earth ball is constantly waterlogged, then the plant may gradually die.

Since moisture is very important for spathiphyllum for full development, it is worth spraying the plants every day in the morning and evening from a fine mesh sprayer. Another way to moisturize are additional vessels with water, which will stand in close proximity to the flower. There can be several such containers, one near each plant.

During the dormant period of the plant (in winter), the frequency of watering is much reduced, and the number of sprays is halved.

The optimal indoor humidity level for a tropical spathiphyllum is about 70%.


In the period from March to October, and especially during active development and flowering, it is recommended to apply top dressing for flowering houseplants. Complex fertilizers with all the necessary nutrients should be applied only to moist soil, preferably immediately after watering. During the dormant period, the plant needs less nutrients, so top dressing is applied only once a month. In all other months, fertilization is carried out 3-4 times a month at equal intervals.

Transplant dates

Usually, the time of transplantation can be determined by appearance and flower size. At this point, it occupies most of the flower capacity. A transplant is necessary even when the plant continues to grow and bloom, because the strongly overgrown root part continues to give the flower its last strength. But still it is most favorable to transplant plants in early spring and always in between periods of flowering. A flowering plant is not recommended to be disturbed, as all beauty will quickly wither.

Selection of soil mixture

Soil mixture can be prepared at home. For cooking you will need: coarse sand, leafy earth and peat - one part each, soddy earth - two parts, small crumbs of broken brick and wood ash- by half.

Among the wide variety of purchased mixtures, it is better to opt for a soil mixture for plants of the Aroid family. These plants include spathiphyllum and light loose soil suits him perfectly. It is worth paying attention to the level of acidity of the substrate, it should be slightly acidic. This soil mixture will make the tropical spathiphyllum living at home comfortable and favorable.

Transplant rules

It is very important not to damage the root part of the plant during transplantation, since it is very fragile and vulnerable in the spathiphyllum. That is why it is best to use the method of transshipment of an earthen coma along with the plant. Before the procedure, the flower must be watered abundantly so that the moist soil together with the plant can easily separate from flower pot. If the overgrown root system has wrapped itself around the drainage, it must be removed from the plant. It is also necessary to carefully examine the condition of the root part and, if there are damaged and diseased parts, it is advisable to remove them. Such plants are recommended to treat the root system with special preparations for prevention and full further development.

Before planting a plant in a new container, you need to free it from dried old leaves and cut the children. Young shoots of a flower (kids) - ideal planting material and a great way to reproduce it. For a mature plant, such a removal will only benefit.

The container after transplantation should be a size larger, its bottom should be filled with a small layer of drainage. You can use large-sized river or sea pebbles, broken bricks or expanded clay for this. After the drainage layer, it is necessary to fill the substrate up to half the pot, put the plant, straighten all the roots and add soil on top. The soil must be compacted a little and watered abundantly. If necessary, the soil can be topped up after settling so that the flower sits tightly in it.

After transplantation, you must immediately go to " water procedures” is watering and spraying. After abundant watering, you will have to drain the water from the pan after a while. Spraying is carried out using a spray gun or other sprayer. Moisture will make it easier houseplant stressful transplant procedure and will help to settle down in a new place.

Secrets of proper care in the first month after transplantation

To reduce the process of acclimatization of the spathiphyllum after transplantation, you will need a mini-greenhouse. It will provide the plant with the necessary amount of moisture in the first few weeks, which will greatly speed up the start of flowering. All above ground indoor flower should be placed in the ordinary plastic bag, putting it on top of the spathiphyllum. Such a cover will only need to be removed for ventilation and irrigation and spraying. Such care is recommended to be maintained for at least the first two weeks.

Lack of moisture can lead to yellowing and wilting of the leafy part. If negative signs appear, it is worth increasing the number of sprays up to 2-3 times a day, and watering should be carried out only after the top layer of the soil has dried by about 5-10 millimeters.

Decorative qualities and unique flowering of spathiphyllum will be on highest level only if all recommendations for the care and maintenance of the plant are observed, as well as if the timing and methods of transplantation are observed.

Spathiphyllum - transplantation of a purchased plant (video)

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