DSP slabs for the floor: application, cement slabs on a wooden floor, cement chipboard, warm floor on a DSP for tiles on logs with your own hands, photos and videos. CSP floors CSP floors by joists technology

Cement particle board is very convenient for arranging apartments and houses. Popular DSP application slabs for floor installation, especially if it is necessary to align it in short time. It is this material that helps to shorten the period repair work. Due to the naturalness of the material, it is absolutely environmentally friendly, in addition, such plates are in the segment affordable prices, and the floor is reliable and durable.

Composition of cement particle board

The cement particle board contains 65% cement, 24% wood chips, 8.5% liquid and 2.5% impurities similar to liquid glass and aluminum. It is cement that gives the material strength and durability.

The usual size of such a plate is 3200 x 1250 mm, and the thickness with such parameters varies from 10 to 40 mm. But dimensions may vary.

An important indicator for the DSP board is its density. It should be no more than 1300 kg per sq. m, and the humidity is about 6-12%. If there is direct contact with water during the day, then the swelling of the canvas should not exceed 2%. The surface of cement particle board is rough, it depends on the grinding method. But if the level of roughness does not exceed 80 microns, then the use of grinding can be avoided.

Due to the fact that it is possible to choose a plate of a certain thickness and smoothness, it is possible to solve the problems posed during the arrangement of any room. For interior decoration it is best to use smooth slabs, as they are ideal for plaster, paint and other coating substances.

Table of characteristics of DSP boards

Advantages and disadvantages

Cement particle board is a high-quality and versatile material applicable to various building and finishing works in any climatic conditions. In addition to this, there are other positive sides DSP:

  • Good strength. It is achieved due to the large number of layers;
  • Durability;
  • Elasticity. It is due to the fact that the two outer layers are made of small chips, and the inner one of longer particles;
  • Smooth surface. There is no need to further align it;
  • Environmental friendliness. Contains natural wood;
  • Fire resistance. Cement particle board contains additives that reduce the risk of fire;

  • Good resistance to decay, mold and insects due to alkaline environment;
  • Waterproof;
  • High degree of resistance to temperature extremes and cleaning agents;
  • Ease of installation;
  • Good assessment of noise insulation indicators: index up to 30 dB;
  • Low cost.

Of the shortcomings, only two can be named:

  1. Huge weight;
  2. Inconvenience in the cutting process due to abundant dust.

floor application

Thanks to their positive technical specifications DSP boards can replace concrete screed but they are much lighter and easier to fit. This fabric will last long years, because it has a high ability to withstand heavy loads. Given the patency of the room, the plates should be selected according to the thickness. But despite the excellent performance, it is imperative to follow the installation rules. Only in this way can all the positive properties and functions of the material be preserved.

The use of DSP is possible for the insulation of buildings, interior decoration and exterior work. In addition, today flooring is common. This material can be used in rooms with high humidity.

Most often, DSPs are applicable for laying under tiles. This is due to the fact that it is the tile that requires an absolutely even base. Even the smallest bump or depression can lead to cracks in the tile surface.

Also, cement particle board floors are used to create floor covering, since in this case a reliable draft layer is needed. And if we consider the option of installing the system, then both a flat surface and good thermal insulation, which will not allow heat flows to go down under the floor.


When working with cement-bonded particle boards, the use of self-tapping screws is allowed. The canvases can be 1 cm thick, and it is possible to cut them with a fine-toothed hacksaw, which will avoid the formation of dust and uneven edges. As rough coating on which the csp is laid, the use of wood or concrete screed is allowed.

In the photo, laying DSP boards on wooden logs

It is possible to install the DSP over the logs installed on the floor. In order to form the base, logs with a section of 50 x 80 mm will be required. The distance between them is usually 60 cm. Strong plates 20-26 mm thick are laid on them. They can be used as a base or leveling layer. And slabs with a thickness of 24 to 26 mm can be laid on the ground of warehouses and utility rooms even in the cold season.

Initially, it is only necessary to cut the building sheet, then put it on flat surface. The slab should crack at the incision site. If there is a problem bypassing the pipeline, then it is necessary to lean an element of the same diameter against the plate, having previously treated it with grease. This is done to indicate the contour for cutting. To cut very large holes, it is better to make an incision along the perimeter, and then knock out the excess with a hammer.

Before laying, all sheets must be carefully prepared. They must fully comply with the parameters of the room. After cutting the canvases, markings are made on their surface. All sheets are laid out on the floor surface, leaving no empty spaces, and numbered in order to avoid errors during installation.

Installation of DSP on glue

Depending on the characteristics of the subfloor, the laying of cement-bonded particle boards is carried out using glue or self-tapping screws. In the case of working with glue, it is better to use a construction mixer for the uniformity of the substance. RPM should be fairly low. Manually, unfortunately, not to achieve the desired result.

DSP boards are laid only after uniform distribution glue on the surface of the rough base with a notched trowel. When laying subsequent sheets, gaps should be created that will help to avoid thermal deformation of the sheets and changes in their size. These gaps are filled with adhesive mass. The surface is covered with a protective primer or water-repellent composition. After final laying, the floor should be left to dry. Once the surface is completely dry, you can proceed to the installation of decorative flooring.

Cement particle board is very durable, reliable and durable material, which can easily replace the usual concrete screed. For the installation of such material, certain knowledge and skills will be required, especially if we are talking about the insulation of the room or some kind of outdoor work. DSP is ideal for any surface finish. It is very important to note that the cost-effectiveness of installing DSPs lies not only in inexpensive material, but also in the fact that in this case it is possible to exclude the cost of purchasing heat-insulating and noise-insulating materials. Laying can be carried out in the shortest possible time in any room, at any time and in any weather.

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In the arrangement of private houses, apartments, cement-bonded particle boards are widely used. They are especially in demand if you urgently need to level the surface, reduce the time for repairs. The material is environmentally friendly, has an affordable cost, and the floor made of DSP wooden lags turns out to be reliable. The main thing is to learn the laying rules, have time and patience.

Using DSP

Characteristics of cement particle boards

DSP has a multilayer structure, as it is made by pressing from small chips, wood fibers, cement, and plasticizers. This versatile material, which is used for various construction, repair work in any climate for any finish. It does not have complete perfection, but it has a lot of advantages:

  • High resistance to mechanical influences. Its mechanical strength is 3 times higher than the strength of chipboard.
  • Immunity to the appearance of mold, fungi due to the alkaline environment.
  • Ability to withstand humidity, critical temperatures.
  • Fire safety due to the presence of additives in the composition that reduce the risk of fire.
  • Long service life.
  • Convenient installation, ease of drilling, fastening, cutting.
  • There is no need for additional leveling - the surface is flat, smooth.
  • Environmental friendliness - in the composition of natural wood and cement.
  • Good noise isolation (up to 30dB).
  • Low cost due to simple manufacturing technology, the formation of voids and internal defects is excluded during production.

Of the shortcomings, only two are distinguished: when cutting the material, cement dust is released, and during installation it causes inconvenience big weight plates.

Given the characteristics of the material, the manufacturing method, it becomes clear why the chipboard laid on a wooden floor is popular.

Characteristic features of the use of DSP

Type of cement particle boards

The material has a high degree of strength due to the structure, which includes 4 layers. The outer layer in the composition has finely dispersed chips - it gives hardness. Inside there is a long sliver, which gives the plate bending strength.

The use of DSP in different areas construction, repairs justified by absolute safety for people and environment. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the plate, even after prolonged contact with aquatic environment does not change the original properties.

Using a floor slab

  • Due to its characteristics, the DSP replaces the concrete screed, since it is easier to fit.
  • Such a canvas, due to its ability to withstand heavy loads, will last for many years.
  • The product is chosen by thickness, be sure to pay attention to the patency of the room.
  • DSP is used for finishing inside, outside the room, but it is especially popular for leveling the floor. DSP is used in rooms with high humidity.

Attention! It is most in demand for the floor under ceramic tiles, since this material requires a flat base.

  • Floors from CA slabs are used for arranging a three-dimensional floor, since in this case a reliable subfloor is required.
  • They are used for laying "warm floors", which combine a flat surface and thermal insulation.

A great way to mount the DSP is on the logs of a wooden floor. To save positive traits material, you must follow the rules of laying.

Preparing for floor tiling

To lay the material on a wooden floor, you will need a draft floor (old wooden), insulation, vapor barrier material, DSP sheets. Before laying the DSP, the base is equipped, the logs are laid, and to perform the work, it is required to prepare a tool:

  • hacksaw;
  • kapron fishing line;
  • pencil, felt-tip pen, ruler;
  • nails, dowels, screws;
  • drill;
  • cipher machine.

You will need the following materials: timber, antiseptic, putty.

The basis for the lag

The base (soil, reinforced concrete) for laying the floor must be solid. In a private house on the open ground, the surface is initially leveled, a sand and gravel cushion is laid with a layer of 20 cm, which is well compacted.

Supports for logs are laid out on the ground in the form of brick columns, inside of which cement mortar is poured. The distance between the supports (0.5-1 m) depends on the beam used for the log. To improve hydro and thermal insulation, lay waterproofing material, for example, thick polyethylene film. It is laid with an overlap on the walls.

Concrete flooring is checked by the level horizontally. The floor is considered suitable if the deviation is no more than 3 cm, and the differences are eliminated by laying gaskets.

If there are serious irregularities, then a screed is made, otherwise the subfloor will be unstable and lead to deformations and damage to the decorative coating. Small cracks, pits putty, close up cement mortar.

Installation of a log under the plates

Logs for mounting DSP
  • The first step is to choose lags. Wood moisture should not exceed 25%.
  • If the beam is mounted on a concrete screed, then a section of 5 × 5 cm is suitable. Most often, logs are made from spruce, pine. It is not advisable to install logs of greater thickness, since this takes the height of the room.
  • Each log is treated with an antiseptic. This procedure is especially relevant if logs are installed on the ground.

Attention! Before installing the lag, leave a gap so that there is a margin for expanding the material.

  • The beam is installed horizontally at opposite walls, leveled. The rest of the logs are stuffed along them in increments of 50 cm - this is an acceptable distance for mounting chip materials.
  • The same step is used for fastening the ribs of the transverse crate. Fix materials with self-tapping screws, dowel-nails. Pieces of plywood are placed between the concrete and the lag, which gives strength.
  • Lay insulating material using suitable material: polystyrene, mineral wool.

Cement chip sheets are laid on the installed logs.

Preparation, cutting DSP

Before laying sheets on the floor, sheets of cement-bonded material are pre-prepared:

  • The floor of the DSP is laid along the logs, distributing sheets 1-1.5 cm thick along the perimeter of the room.

Carrying out markup
  • Where the slab does not fit completely, marks are made on the material with a felt-tip pen at the cutting points.
  • Cutting of sheets is carried out by a grinder with a diamond disc.
  • When cutting the plate with a hacksaw, a furrow is drawn hacksaw blade by markup.

Attention! For cutting, a hacksaw with a fine blade is used, which will reduce the amount of dust and make the edge even.

  • The plate is located with a notch down, with the knee they rest against the larger part of the sheet, and slowly pull towards themselves for the smaller part - when pressed, part of the plate breaks off into right place.
  • The cut plates are treated with a primer on water based from all sides.
  • If there is a hole on the surface, for example, a sewer one, the following actions are carried out: grease is applied to the edge of the hole, a DSP sheet is placed and pressed. According to the resulting print, a hole is cut out in the plate.
  • After cutting the slabs and placing them on the floor plane without gaps, they are numbered so as not to be mistaken when laying.

Installation of plates on glue, self-tapping screws

DSP installation is carried out using glue, self-tapping screws.

If working with glue, then a construction mixer at low speed is used to obtain a homogeneous mass. ready mix applied with a notched trowel. Lay, fix the sheets, placing them with an indent of 5 mm. The gap is needed so that the material does not get damaged during shrinkage. These gaps are filled with adhesive.

After complete hardening, the surface is coated with a water-repellent composition, a primer.

DSP installation

If the DSP is mounted on logs with a step of 40-60 cm, then plates with a thickness of 2-2.6 cm are installed with self-tapping screws.

2 layers of plates are laid on the logs with a gap between them of 3 mm, and between the plate and the wall - 12 mm. Layer joints do not have to match. The short edges of the sheets are joined on the support logs - the joints are located in the middle. To improve contact, the surface is treated mounting adhesive. Self-tapping screws are screwed into the slab to the joists with a step of 150 mm along the edge of each panel.

Attention! At the joints, tubercles are sometimes formed, which should be sanded, puttied in separate areas.

Cement particle board is considered a strong, durable building material with a smooth surface. decorative coating floor on such a basis fits perfectly. The material is considered heat-insulating, so its installation saves money on insulation, sound insulation. Anyone can lay slabs in any room, at any time of the year.

Installation of cement boards:

Every year, new building materials appear on the shelves of hardware stores, which not only have better characteristics than their predecessors, but are also easy to install. One of these materials is cement particle board, which has a wide range of applications.

But before considering the features of installation work, let's answer the question of what DSP is, what it is made of, and what advantages it has.


For the manufacture of cement particle board is used wood shavings, cement composition, water, aluminum salts, chemical substances. If we consider the percentage of the components that make up the material, then the basis of the material is the cement composition (65%).

Wood chips are used in different fractions, and it makes up 25% of this building material. Water and chemical additives in the composition of the material include 8.5 and 2.5%, respectively.

Wood shavings are mineralized in special formulations. Then, add water and cement composition. This mass is poured onto a container. At the same time, a multilayer structure is already formed here. Inside the plate is wood shavings, which has a large fraction.

Outside of this core, chips of fine fraction. To obtain monolithic slab, the material is sent under the press. The output is a monolithic product, ready for use. The material obtained in this way does not need to be leveled, which allows them to be used when arranging a dry screed.

In addition to arranging the floor, cement-bonded particle board can be used for finishing facades and erecting partitions inside the building, during interior finishing work, and restoration of premises.


First of all, it should be noted that DSPs are not afraid of moisture. During the day, the material absorbs no more than 16% of the water on the stove. With the absorption of water, the CSP per day increases by no more than 5%. Therefore, the material has found its application in the arrangement of rooms with high humidity. Moisture resistant allows use given material when installing water engineering system"warm floor".

In addition to moisture resistance, it should be noted resistance to sudden changes temperature regime. For many buyers today, environmental friendliness of the material is important. Considering that cement, sand, water and wood form the basis of the DSP, we can conclude that the material is environmentally friendly.

In addition to the advantages already listed, it should be noted resistance to fire. DSP plate is able to withstand fire for 50 minutes.

Two more characteristics that are important for residential premises are low thermal conductivity (0.26 W) and high sound insulation. The floor, in the arrangement of which DSP boards were used, can not be additionally insulated.

And, of course, it is worth noting the high strength of the material. It can be installed both vertically and horizontally.

Arrangement of the floor with the help of DSP

In addition to the cement-bonded particle boards themselves, you must first prepare a construction tool. Namely:

  • a tool for cutting plates (you can use a regular hacksaw);
  • self-tapping screws for fixing plates;
  • tamping roller (if work is carried out in frame house);
  • putty knife;
  • pick-up shovel (if we are talking about a wooden base).

It is also advisable to arm yourself with a screwdriver, the use of which will greatly simplify installation work.

From building materials you will need the cement chipboard itself, mastic, primer and crushed stone.

Work on the arrangement of the floor begins with the preparation of the foundation. If we are talking about a frame house, under which the soil is located, then you will have to start by arranging a pillow under the DSP. This pillow is made from crushed stone.

With a pick-up shovel, you need to remove the top loose layer of soil and form a shallow hole under the gravel pillow. It is needed in order to insulate the floor in the house and protect it from moisture. A layer of rubble is laid in the prepared pit. It must be well tamped, using a tamping roller.

If the draft base is concrete, then the DSP is laid either on a special substrate or on logs. If we are talking about the arrangement of non-residential premises, then it makes no sense to spend money and time on installing a log. If the work is carried out in a residential area, then it is better to lay the cement-bonded particle board on the logs.

When laying cement-bonded particle boards, care must be taken to ensure that they lie tightly to each other. There should be no gaps or cracks. It is advisable to opt for a material whose thickness exceeds 4 cm. The thinner the plate, the lower its insulating properties.

If the plates are laid on logs, then it is possible to fill the voids between the logs with heat-insulating material. It is better to opt for loose thermal insulation. Roll materials will have to be cut. At the same time, laying them in such a way that voids do not form will be quite difficult.

As a last resort, it is possible to combine rolled and loose thermal insulation materials. It is worth using thermal insulation that is resistant to moisture. Otherwise, you will also have to deal with waterproofing, which will lead to an increase in the cost of installation work.

If laying was carried out on a substrate, then thermal insulation material can be laid over cement-bonded particle boards. Here it is better to use roll materials, which must first be cut into strips of the desired length. The joints of these strips are glued with adhesive tape. This is done so that during further installation the thermal insulation does not move or deform.

After laying cement-bonded particle boards, you can move on to laying decorative flooring. If you plan to lay a wooden floor, then you will have to install logs again on top of the DSP. When installing the lag, you need to use the building level.

Otherwise, the base will be uneven. Under the logs, if necessary, you can put trim wooden planks, special wedges, pieces of drywall or cement-bonded particle boards themselves, etc.

If when installing a wooden floor are used massive boards, then you need to opt for a thick cement-bonded particle board that can withstand high loads. If ceramic tiles are used as a floor covering, then it is enough to use cement-bonded particle boards, the thickness of which is 1.6 cm. But before proceeding with laying ceramic tiles the surface of cement particle boards must be treated with a primer.

To increase adhesion, concrete contact can be added to the primer. And you can separately apply a layer of concrete contact on top of the soil. It will be possible to proceed to subsequent work only after the soil has dried. Experts recommend before applying adhesive composition for tiles, install a reinforcing mesh on the floor. It is convenient to do this with a construction stapler. But the consumption of the adhesive composition in this case will increase significantly, which will lead to an increase in the cost of installation work.

As for laminated boards, linoleum, carpet or parquet, experts recommend using plates with a thickness of 2 cm. Cement particle boards can be laid in 2 layers. In this case, it is advisable to use a material with a thickness of 1.6 cm.

The use of cement-bonded particle boards greatly simplifies installation work. In addition, the material is highly durable and resistant to damage of various kinds. This made it possible to use it in rooms with high humidity. Cement particle board can be used for both indoor and outdoor use. They are indispensable when arranging a dry screed or roofing at home.

Material on the market different thickness. Thicker slabs are suitable for building floors in private houses, and thin sheets can be used for arranging floors in apartments.

Alignment of the subfloor for a decorative finish can occur in more than one way. Cement screed for this case is the most time-consuming and time-consuming process. Often sheets are simply laid on the base chipboard. This material shows its weak sides both in the course of work with it, and in the subsequent operation. Chipboard has a fair amount of fragility, the ability to break at the ends and corners of sheets when sawing and fastening. Floors with such a base do not tolerate excessive moisture, therefore they are not suitable for bathrooms and kitchens.

Due to its strength, density, environmental friendliness, resistance to moisture, fire, decay, chemicals, DSP is considered one of the best sheet building materials and is an excellent basis for a subfloor.

For those who are already familiar with a relatively new building product - DSP, the question of choosing a material for a rough base disappears by itself.

Characteristics of cement particle boards

This product does not possess complete perfection, but it has undeniable advantages that make it more and more popular among repairmen and builders. If we compare it mechanical strength with chipboard, the result will be 3 times higher. DSP has a very high resistance to physical attack of any kind, immune to fungal infections and mold formation. These boards do not have the main disadvantage of chipboard - hygroscopicity. The ability to fully withstand a humid environment and critical temperatures, absolute incombustibility and reasonable price allow you to put up with the heavy weight of cement-bonded particle boards and the rather dusty process of cutting them during operation.

The DSP production technology completely eliminates the formation of voids and internal defects in the body of the slab. The three-layer structure determines the extraordinary strength of the material made from small chips and wood fibers, Portland cement and plasticizers by pressing. The specificity of the composition and production of cement-bonded particle boards allows them to be used in a wide variety of areas of construction and repair: from the construction of buildings to internal and exterior finishes premises. The best option, in order to level the floors in a new building or during the construction of a house, there will be the use of laying DSP along the logs. In the process of working with plates, one more advantage of the product will appear: convenient installation, ease of cutting, drilling and fastening.

Preparing for DSP Coating

Regardless of the type of foundation on which the floors will be laid - reinforced concrete or soil, it must be sufficiently reliable.

In the case of preparing the foundation for a new floor on the first floor of a private housing construction with open ground the earth surface is initially leveled. A bulk pillow is arranged on it sand and gravel mix about 20 cm thick and compacted very well.

Supports for logs in the form of columns (or strip foundation) can be laid directly on the ground, but an additional layer of hydro and thermal insulation will not be superfluous. brick pillars laid out in the form of a well, reinforcing them inner part and pouring concrete. The distance between the supports can vary from 50 cm to 1 m and depends on the cross section of the beam from which the logs will be made. Then waterproofing is attached to the supports.

The concrete base is checked for deviations in the horizontal level. If the indicators do not exceed 3-4 cm, then the floor is considered suitable for further work, and minor differences are eliminated by placing compensating pads under the logs. With serious surface irregularities, it is better not to save time and money, but to make a cement screed. Otherwise, this will lead to a violation of the stability of the subfloor and its premature repair and replacement of the decorative coating.

To install a log for a floor from a DSP, it is necessary to use dry and antiseptic-treated bars with a section of 100x50 mm or 150x100 mm.

All damage concrete base in the form of cracks and pits must be puttied or sealed with cement mortar. Waterproofing can be done by laying a thick polyethylene film with a slight overlap from the floor on the walls.

In the work on the device of a rough coating of cement particle boards, you will need:

  • wooden beam with a section of 150x100 or 100x50 mm;
  • antiseptic solution for wood;
  • hacksaw with fine teeth;
  • waterproofing;
  • insulation;
  • kapron fishing line;
  • ruler, felt-tip pen;
  • dowel-nails;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • drill;
  • grinding machine;
  • leveling putty.

Laying DSP on logs

There are 2 requirements for the timber: it must be well dried and must be treated with an antiseptic to prevent putrefactive processes and protect against mold and fungus. Instead of special means you can apply the development of engine oil, which has 2 pluses: low price and no foreign smell. If floors from DSP are arranged on cement screed, then the cross section of the beam can be reduced to 50x50 so as not to take up useful space from the room.

It is important to observe a strict horizontal level when installing a log. The first bars are mounted in two opposite walls, and a fishing line is pulled between them. Logs are stuffed with a distance of 40-50 cm, the most suitable for installing sheet chip materials. Then, with the same step, ribs for the transverse crate are attached. Fixation occurs with the help of self-tapping screws or dowel-nails, and for strength, small pieces of plywood are laid between the concrete and the timber. After that, you can proceed to the installation of insulation. For this, it is possible to use any type of insulation: from foam and foil polypropylene to mineral wool and traffic jams.

Floors on the logs of cement-bonded particle board begin to be laid, distributing the sheets around the perimeter of the room. The elements to be trimmed are marked with a felt-tip pen using a ruler. Cutting DSP sheets can be done by a grinder, but also with the help of hand saw they are divided into parts quite simply. With a hacksaw blade, a furrow is drawn along the line of marking, and part of the plate easily breaks off in the right place when pressed.

The floors along the logs are laid from DSP with a mandatory run-up at the seams. Plates are attached to wooden beam self-tapping screws, and the gap between them is subsequently closed with putty or tile adhesive. Often, tubercles form at the joints of the plates, which later have a bad effect on floors such as linoleum or cork: irregularities appear through the flexible surface. These shortcomings are eliminated by grinding and filling individual sections of the floor. Upper layer it is desirable to treat with a composition with waterproofing properties, especially if the humidity in the room is above normal limits.

Today, the DSP-plate has gained popularity: the use of this material for the floor is very convenient. This is due to several reasons, the first of them is the absolute environmental friendliness, the second is the low cost. At the heart of the plate are exclusively natural raw materials. The binder components are mineral substances that do not emit poisons and microelements during operation that would be dangerous to human health. Among the ingredients of the canvas, wood shavings, water, Portland cement, as well as special additives. In the production process, the listed components are combined and go through the pressing stage.

The use of DSP for the floor

Today, finishing with DSP slabs of the floor area is quite common. This material is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties In addition, it can be used in conditions that are characterized by high humidity. After laying the slab, it will be necessary to protect it with a primer or water-repellent mixture. The canvas will last for a long time, as it is able to withstand heavy loads. Depending on what kind of traffic will be in the room, you can choose plates with a more or less impressive thickness.

Despite the fact that it has excellent operational use for the floor, it must be accompanied by compliance with all installation rules, only then will it be possible to maintain all the qualities of the material. With the help of such a plate, it is possible to make an ideal leveling of the floor surface in a short time. The use of this material allows you to reduce the period of work. The floor will be strong and reliable, and construction costs will be significantly reduced.

Characteristics of the DSP

The composition of the material is 24% 8.5% liquid, as well as 65% cement, which ensures the durability and strength of the slab. In addition, among the ingredients there are 2.5% hydration impurities by type and Depending on the parameters of the floor, you can choose plates that have dimensions equal to 3200 x 1250 mm, while the thickness can vary between 10-40 mm. But, according to the standards, the plate can be made with other parameters, the deviations depend on the thickness.

Density and surface features

Considering the properties of the DSP board, it is worth paying attention to the density, which should not exceed 1300 kg / m 2, while the humidity can vary between 6-12%. When exposed to water for 24 hours, the canvas should not swell by more than 2%, and the plate can absorb moisture in a volume of approximately 16%. Tensile strength is 0.4 MPa.

The surface of the material should be rough, and the degree of roughness will be affected by the grinding method. If the manufacture is carried out in accordance with GOST 7016-82, then the roughness of the plates will be more than 320 microns, but the canvas may not be polished, then this figure is within 80 microns.

Varieties of DSP

DSP-plate, the use of which today, as already mentioned, is becoming more and more popular, is produced on modern equipment in several varieties. These are, for example, plates, the thickness of which is only 4 mm. The resulting material does not imply the need for grinding, which, when carried out, causes an increase in cost. Increasingly popular plates that have a smooth embossing. They include small items, the size of which increases closer to the center of the canvas. Using such material, you can get a floor that will look like a natural stone. That is why the canvas after laying does not need to be additionally finished.

Advantages of DSP over other materials

If you have not yet decided what flooring will be laid on the floor: fiberboard or CSP-plate, the use of these materials for the floor, or rather, their qualitative advantages, should be considered in more detail. Despite the fact that a great variety of plates for repair work are presented on the market of modern building materials, DSP can be considered the leader. So, if we compare a DSP sheet with a fiberboard web, then the first one is much stronger. In addition, cement-bonded particle board has such a quality as frost resistance, which makes it possible to use this material as a floor covering in houses that are not used for a whole year, but only during the warm period.

If you need a sufficiently strong surface, then you should choose a DSP: a cement-bonded particle board just has such qualities, they are due to the fact that the web is based on three layers, two of which (outer) are made of small chips, while the inner one consists of longer particles. This gives the material elasticity, high density and hardness. Do not be afraid that the plate will delaminate during operation.

Preparatory work

DSP-plate, the use of which is considered in this article, involves the use of self-tapping screws when working with it. You can purchase canvases with a thickness in the range of 1-1.5 cm. It is permissible to use wood or concrete screed as a rough coating. If there are logs on the floor, then the installation of the DSP can be done on top of them. It is recommended to cut the material with a fine-toothed hacksaw blade. This will reduce the amount of dust generated, and the edges will be as accurate as possible. The sheet initially only needs to be cut, laid on a flat surface, turning the groove down. Next, the knee must be placed on a large part of the canvas, and the smaller one should be pulled towards you. In the required place, the plate will have to crack along the cut.

If during the repair work it is necessary to bypass the pipeline system, then it is necessary to apply grease to an element with the same diameter and lean it against desired area plates. This will mark the edges for cutting. It is possible to perform cutting work by means of a “crown”. If it is necessary to obtain a hole that is of considerable size and has uneven edges, it is recommended to make an incision, observing the perimeter, and then carefully knock out the resulting element with a hammer.

Carrying out markup

Before laying, it is necessary to prepare sheets that will correspond to the parameters of the room. For this, the canvases are laid out, and then markings are applied to their surface so that it is possible to carry out the correct cutting. After the sheets are turned into blanks, they should be laid out again around the room and numbered - this will eliminate mistakes.

Features of laying DSP on the floor

Before laying the cement chipboard on the floor, the cement particle board must be removed from the room to make it easier to work. Its laying is carried out on glue or self-tapping screws, depending on the features. However, the drill with a nozzle must be set to low speed. It is unlikely that such a result will be achieved manually.

Ensuring clearances

DSP board, reviews of which, as a rule, are only positive, can be laid on the floor after the master manages to spread the glue over the surface of the rough base. This must be done with a notched trowel. When laying the following sheets, it is necessary to provide a temperature gap that will prevent deformation of the sheets when changing their dimensions. The formed gaps can be filled with the same adhesive mass. After the floor of the room is completely covered, it is necessary to leave it until it dries. Only after that you can start laying the decorative coating.

The technical characteristics of the DSP slab are such that it can replace a concrete screed. And the advantage of the canvas is that it weighs much less than the solution, while laying it is easier. In addition, the floor after completion of work acquires heat-insulating and noise-reducing properties.

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