Seedling onion. Growing onions from seeds (seedlings). Our experiment! Protection of seedlings from diseases and pests

Historically, the following cultivation scheme has developed onion: seeds (nigella) - sevok, sevok - samples, samples - turnip. But recently, more and more gardeners are choosing to grow onions from seeds, since this method allows you to get ready-made bulbs in one season and it is better to save them in winter, and planting material costs less than ready-made onion samples or sets.

If you intend to grow onions from seeds, first of all, decide on the varieties. For annual cultivation the best option there will be low-bearing varieties, such as:

For annual cultivation, the best option would be low-bearing varieties.

  • Danilovsky 301,
  • Myachkovsky 300,
  • Strigunovsky,
  • Mstersky,
  • One year hawski,
  • Annual Siberian,
  • Odintsovets,
  • early pink,
  • Golden.

You can also choose hybrids of the Dutch selection with bright colors (red, white, tan), they will produce good rounded bulbs in one season. Recommended hybrid varieties: early maturing Spirit F1, Stardust F1, which produces a large amount of green feathers, and Red Baron, which is valued for its good keeping quality and yield. Multi-nest varieties are not suitable for annual cultivation, as the bulbs will turn out to be deformed.

Video about growing onions from seeds

Growing onion turnips from nigella

You can grow onions from seeds in three ways: by sowing in the ground in early spring, winter sowing and preliminary cultivation of seedlings. In the spring, nigella is sown, as soon as the soil thaws, then in one season the bulbs will have time to ripen. Seedlings have been prepared since the end of February, and from mid-April, ready-made seedlings are planted in the beds. Podzimny sowing seeds are produced on slightly frozen soil so that the seeds do not germinate during the fall.

The soil for any option is prepared in advance, from autumn: the earth is dug up, compost or peat is added, mineral fertilizers. The beds are best formed in an open sunny place, where legumes, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes grew before. The width of the beds does not exceed 80 cm, the height is about 15 cm.

Preparing onion seeds for sowing

How to grow onions from seeds in one season so that they can ripen before frost? Need to pay attention pretreatment blackies. Seed treatment will help to significantly reduce the period between sowing and emergence of seedlings, accelerating the development of plants and the formation of bulbs.

The soil for any option is prepared in advance, from autumn

For a month, check the nigella for germination: take 20 seeds and hold for 2-3 weeks in a damp cloth. With good germination, at least 80% of the seeds should germinate. To destroy the pathogens of fungal diseases, before sowing, the nigella is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Additionally, to speed up germination, you need to soak the seeds in water for 12-18 hours or dip them in a warm solution of a fruit formation stimulator (1 g per 1 tablespoon of water) for a day. After soaking, the nigella is dried for 15-20 minutes in the air until the seeds become free-flowing, and you can proceed directly to sowing.

Sowing nigella in the ground in spring or before winter

In the spring, when the soil thaws, dig rows 2 cm deep on the beds, with row spacing of at least 20 cm. Seeds should be sown quite sparsely - about 80 seeds per 1 m row, then square meter it will take about one and a half grams of nigella. Dust the seeds with tooth powder or chalk, then it will be more convenient for you to control their consumption and location. From above, the nigella is sprinkled with humus, sawdust or peat (layer 2 cm). It is not necessary to water the crops, otherwise a crust will form, which will make it difficult to germinate.

When the shoots have 1-2 true leaves, the plants need to be thinned out by removing weak shoots, two centimeters should remain between the green shoots. After the formation of 3-4 leaves, a second thinning is carried out - the distance expands to five centimeters. Torn tender greens can be used for food. Until mid-July, you need to water the onions, regularly loosen during the season upper layer soil and feed plants like onion sets.

You can start harvesting in early September, when the onion leaves fall down, but no later than 10 days before frost. The harvested onions are dried in the beds or under a canopy for a week, cleaned of dry feathers and put away for storage.

Seeds should be sown quite sparsely - about 80 seeds per 1 m row

How to plant onions with seeds before winter?

Prepare the ground as described earlier, form beds, cut the same grooves and leave in this state until the onset of cold weather. As soon as the first frosts come, nigella is sown in rows and sprinkled with a 2-3 cm layer of humus. Make sure that the beds are covered with snow in winter. In the spring, when the snow melts, sprinkle the bare seeds with humus or peat.

Growing seedlings from onion seeds

Some varieties of onions can only be grown from seedlings, which prolongs the growing season and saves planting material. They begin to sow nigella in the first days of March in a greenhouse, greenhouse or on a windowsill in an apartment. Sowing of onion seeds is carried out in boxes with a pre-prepared soil mixture (as for tomato seedlings), row spacing - 5 cm each.

Before the first tender shoots sprout, the temperature in the room with seedlings should be maintained at about +25 degrees, then for 4-5 days the temperature should be lowered to +12 degrees during the day and +8 degrees at night (boxes can be taken out to the balcony at home). In the future, for comfortable growing seedlings, a temperature of + 15 + 18 degrees is sufficient. But at the same time, it is necessary to provide additional illumination with the help of fluorescent lamps in order to extend the daylight hours for seedlings.

Video about growing black onions

By the end of April, 3-4 real feathers should grow at the onion seedlings, the seedling height should reach 12-15 cm. Before planting the seedlings in open ground, cut off a third of the leaves from the onion and shorten the roots to a length of 2 cm. Seedlings are planted in beds, maintaining a distance of about five centimeters in a row, with a row spacing of 30-40 cm. Press the soil around the plants to the roots. Two days after planting, you can water the onions and loosen the soil a little. Further care the same as described above.

Planting onions with seeds significant disadvantage: Plant growth can continue until harvest. It ripens completely only under the condition of a warm, dry autumn. Unripe onions will not store well, you will have to use it before the start of winter. Therefore, it is better to sow nigella in the fall, or by preparing seedlings at home.

- this is very useful plant grown at home. It contains various substances that have a negative effect on pathogenic microorganisms. Because of this, the bow has bad smell and quite pungent taste. Onions are very popular in Russia and other CIS countries, so it is grown almost everywhere and in different ways. One of these methods is seed cultivation. But how to grow in order to get a rich harvest? More on this will be discussed in this article.

There are several ways to grow onions, such as bulbs or seeds. But if we consider the first method, then it is the most commonly used, which is associated with ease of care. In addition, the soil requirements for planting bulbs are the same minimum. Additional illumination of plants is not required, and the probability of obtaining a crop is maximum.

Onions can be grown in several ways.

Growing from seeds, in turn, requires quality soil And additional lighting, especially in winter period when the onion begins its growing season. In addition, seed cultivation is patience for a gardener, since you can get the first one no sooner than after 45 days. When compared with planting onion sets, then cuts in this case can be obtained in a few weeks.

Note! Bulb-grown greens will only last a few months, while seed-grown greens will last 2-3 years. Such a period is possible provided that top dressing is regularly applied to the soil.

Having studied in more detail all the pros and cons different ways growing onions, it can be concluded that planting seeds is best option . Seed growing requires more maintenance time, although the planting process is much easier.

Growing methods

There are several basic methods seed cultivation Luke. These include:

  • winter sowing;
  • for seedlings;
  • spring sowing on the site.

Winter sowing should be done in soil that is slightly frozen so that the planted seeds do not have time to germinate before the onset. extreme cold. Most gardeners prefer to use the seedling method, because it allows you to get good harvest in almost all cases. You can grow seedlings even on a balcony or in greenhouse conditions. As practice shows, between sowing onions and obtaining adult seedlings, which can already be planted on the site, 8 weeks pass. Therefore, before landing, be sure to calculate the timing.

Spring sowing should begin after the snow has completely melted. In this case, for the full season you can get a rich harvest. Despite the low popularity of this method of seed cultivation, all more gardeners decide to sow onions directly in open ground.

Variety selection

Not suitable for planting open ground, therefore, before starting sowing work, you should prepare. Experts recommend planting several varieties of onions in one area at once to check how they will develop in specific areas. climatic conditions. Below are the most common varieties of onions.

Table. The best varieties onions for seed cultivation.

NameVariety features

It has large yellow bulbs with a spicy taste. The shape of the bulbs is round. This variety is popular with summer residents, as it is suitable for seasonal planting.

A well-known variety that is in demand in almost all regions of the country. The growth period is 4 months. Dense bulbs, painted brown, have a spicy taste. Stuttgarten Riesen is well kept.

Is different high yield and yellow onions with a sharp taste. Bessonovsky variety has early dates ripening, and the fruits of this variety are very well stored.

A prolific variety producing dark red bulbs with a semi-sharp taste. The ripening period is from 4 to 4.5 months. Well-stored fruits have a rounded shape.

Another early ripening onion variety that produces large, round bulbs. Brown. Timiryazevsky variety is different good storage fruits.

A high-yielding, early maturing variety that produces large yellow bulbs with a spicy taste. In some cases, the bulbs have pink color but mostly yellow. The fruits keep well enough.

A mid-season onion variety with a semi-sharp taste of fruits. The color of the bulbs is purple, although it can sometimes be light brown.

For seed cultivation, hybrid varieties of onions are also used. When planting them, you can get large rounded bulbs already in the first season. To the most common hybrid varieties relate Stardust F1, Red Baron and Spirit F1. All of them are high-yielding, and also have good keeping quality.

On a note! It is not uncommon for multi-celled onion varieties to grow with deformed bulbs, so they are not used for seed cultivation. Summer residents and gardeners who have experience in growing onions do not use multi-nest varieties, preferring more productive plant species.

After suitable variety onion will be selected, you need to prepare the site and seed material. Only the right approach to the growing process will allow you to get a good and, most importantly, stable harvest.

Soil preparation

Onion is a photophilous plant, so the beds must be made in well-lit places. The best predecessors for onions are legumes, or cucumbers. All these plants nourish the soil with nitrogen, which is very useful for onions. Before sowing, you can add a little mineral or organic fertilizers. Optimal Width the beds are 80 cm, and the height is up to 13-15 cm.

Seed preparation

Before sowing, many experts soak the seeds. To do this, prepare a small container, gauze or bandage, as well as hydrogen peroxide. Next to follow step by step instructions, which is shown below.

Step 1. Cover the bottom of the prepared container with a bandage or gauze bandage, covering the bottom with it. The bandage can be folded in half. It is needed so that the liquid is stored for the maximum time.

Step 2. Open the bag of seeds and pour them into a container. Onion seeds may have a non-standard color. For example, if they are green instead of black, it means that the manufacturer has treated them with a special disease-fighting agent.

Step 3. Pour some hydrogen peroxide into a container to activate the onion seeds. The amount of liquid poured should be small so that the seeds float a little.

Step 4. After the bandage has absorbed the liquid a little, cover the onion seeds with the other part of the bandage.

Step 5. Close the container with a lid and set it aside for a day. After 24 hours, the seeds must be dried, after which they can be planted in open ground.


After the seed has been prepared, you can proceed directly to planting it in the ground. This procedure is simple and practically no different from sowing other garden crops.

Step 1. Make beds for seeds, the distance between which should be from 12 to 15 cm. You can build a special wooden rake for this. The depth of the beds is 5 cm.

Step 2. This is how the plot with ready-made beds should look like. Each gardener chooses their area for himself.

Step 3. Dust the onion seeds with chalk so they can be seen in the garden. To do this, you need to mix a small amount of powdered chalk with seed.

Step 4. Start sowing onions, trying more material spend on the edges of the beds. Scatter the onion seeds over the eye.

Step 5. After all the beds are safely sown, cover them with soil. IN this case they fall asleep with the same rake with which they broke through.

Step 6. Lightly tamp the beds to compact the soil. This will keep moisture in it. If you have a roller, roll the beds with it.


All horticultural crops need care after planting or sowing, and onions are no exception. The subsequent care of crops consists in regular watering and top dressing of the soil, weeding, as well as pest control. Let's consider each of these points separately.


Starting from the first days of May, and ending in July, it is recommended to water the onions no more than once a week. But in hot weather, the frequency of watering should be increased. Watering must be carried out in such a way that at least 5 liters of water are consumed per meter of sown beds. During the ripening period of the bulbs, experts recommend stopping watering so as not to harm the plant with excess moisture.

Note! If a severe drought occurs during the ripening period of the bulbs, then the onions can be watered, but in small portions. It is enough to do this once a week, because without watering the plant can wither. When watering, you need to be careful not to damage the onion feathers.


With the advent of the first weeds in the garden beds, gardeners add new job- weeding the site. It is not recommended to wait until the weeds grow to start weeding. Their root system becomes too large and during weeding, these roots can damage the bulbs. Therefore, weeding should be started when small weeds appear.. To facilitate the work, you can water the beds immediately before weeding. Along with weeding, it is desirable to loosen the soil.

top dressing

It is necessary to apply fertilizers when growing onions in cases where the culture begins to sprout very slowly. As a top dressing you need to use. To prepare the solution, mix 10 liters of water with 1 tbsp. l. urea. Make sure that no more than 4 liters of solution are taken per meter of bed.

Diseases and pests

Despite the fact that onions are resistant to various diseases or harmful insects, you still have to process this culture. Among all diseases, gardeners most often encounter transfer or powdery mildew. TO characteristics These diseases include a fluffy coating that forms on the surface of the plant. With inactivity, gray plaque leads to the gradual death of the bulbs.


You need to start collecting bulbs after the yellowing of its feathers. As a rule, gardeners start harvesting in the second half of July. But if before this time the feathers did not turn yellow, then the onion must be collected and carefully laid out in a sunny place for 2-3 weeks so that it ripens. You need to lay out the onion in a thin layer, otherwise the upper part of the plants may ripen, and the lower part, which does not fall on Sun rays to remain immature.

The leaves are removed only after the culture has completely dried, but the bulbs themselves must be dried using an oven or special heating devices. Due to high-quality drying, the likelihood of developing diseases is significantly reduced. First of all, this applies to powdery mildew.

Ripe and dried onions are sorted. Small bulbs are selected separately - they will be used for planting for the winter. The rest of the bulbs should preferably be stored in wooden boxes or small bags in a dark and warm place. It is recommended to periodically check the crop for the presence of rot. When defects are detected, all affected bulbs are removed so that the rot does not spread.

Video - How to grow onions from seeds


I sow the onion early, in February, so that by mid-April it will have goodsmall onions and luxurious tops.

A large, clean, healthy onion will grow from such seedlings, because it was grown from healthy seeds(chernushki), not from the sick, boughtin the shop.

This year, an auspicious day for sowing onion seeds will be

For sowing we needdeep seed box at least 10 cm high. Why do we choose this box? Because we will not dive seedlings of onions into larger pots, and so that the root system is not cramped, we immediately sow in deep boxes. It is very important to fulfill this condition, otherwise the onion seedlings will turn out with thin feathers. And all due to the fact that the root system had nowhere to develop.

The second reason for the unsuccessful cultivation of onion seedlings isbad .Onion loves to "eat" very much and responds well to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers.

This culture belongs topotassium lovers , therefore, at all stages of its development, and especially in the second period of its life, make sure that this element is included in its menu. I use periodicallyash . You can add it to the composition of the soil mixture, and then gradually pour it into the aisles of onion seedlings, slightly looseningher into the soil.

After planting seedlings in the ground, continue to apply ash in small doses, but constantly. At this time, dust the onion with ashfrom onion fly.

Compound soil mixture for growing onion seedlings:

  • garden soil - 2 liters,
  • peat soil - 2 liters,
  • biohumus - 1 liter,
  • vermiculite - 3 cups,
  • ash - 1 glass

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and moistenwarm solution of the drug Vostok, or Baikal. You can also add a pinch of bran of the drug BakSib-2. All of these preparations contain agronomically beneficial microbes that will protect plants from diseases.

I prepared this soil mixture back in November, because. Bacteria need time to multiply and start cleaning the soil from harmful microorganisms.

If you have not yet made up the soil mixture, then at least do itduring the week before sowing seeds. Of course, the results will be worse, because. the microbes that make up the preparations Vostok and Baikal, in addition to improving the soil, also supply it with carbon dioxide - the main element of plant nutrition.

ADVICE. Throughout the cultivation of plants (from sowing seeds to autumn), regularly introduce beneficial microorganisms into the soil and onto the leaves of plants.

Microbes protect plants from diseases and prepare food for them.

Onion seeds Exhibition - inlaid. This can be seen from their coloration, they are bright emerald green. Such seeds do not need to be treated, they have already been treated at the plant - the manufacturer of the seeds with Tiram. Such seeds are sown without soaking, dry.

Seeds of the Ellan variety are Russians. Nobody processed them. Therefore, I keep them for half an hour in water at a temperature of 50 O C, and then 2-3 minutes in cold water. I dry and sow.

We pour the soil into the boxes 2 days before sowing. We pour it with warm snow water. The soil should occupy the entire volume of the box. She needsalign well . Give the earth a chance to settle.

Two days later, cut the grooves with the edge of the ruler at a distance4-5cm apart. Spread the seeds in these grooves 1 cm apart.

If you have not checked the quality of the seeds in advance, then you can sow more often, because. it is quite possible that some of the seeds will not sprout.

I always check the seeds beforehand. To do this, I pour wet sand in a layer of 2 cm. at the bottom of a small jar of sour cream, I put a cloth with seeds on it, and again wet sand on top. I close the jar with a lid and put it on the battery. Benign seeds germinate very quickly.

Test crops are carried out only in auspicious days. Seeds before sowing must be treated with a growth stimulator, because. in November and December they wake up very badly. I made sure many timesin that. The same seeds sown in November and March give different results germination.

We fill the seeds of nigella with a layer of earth of 1.5 - 2 cm. Leveling the surface. We spray it from the sprayer. Cover with filmand put in a warm place to germinate. I put the boxes of crops on top kitchen cabinets- It's the warmest place.

Air the crops daily. If the earth in the boxes is dry, moisten it with a sprayer. Flip the film reverse side and cover the boxes again.

After a week, a maximum of 10 days, the first loops of seedlings will appear. Move the boxes to the windowsill. Poke holes with a forkin film, turn it over with the dry side towards the seedlings (condensation is harmful to plants!) and cover the box again until almost all the seeds have sprouted.

Now the film can be removed. Irrigation is done along the aisles, and not on seedlings. Pour a little warm snow water with the addition of Biohumus infusion. Biohumus infusion is prepared as follows:

We put 1 liter of Biohumus on a bucket of warm snow water and set it for a day (stirring occasionally). After this, you can water them - indoor flowers and seedlings.

Onions are very fond of breathable soil, so loosen it after each watering. I do this with a regular fork.When the tips of the onion feathers are dry, you can cut them off with scissors.

Previously, this cannot be done, because. seeds at the ends of onion leaves,which plants have removed from the soil and nutrients which the young shoots of onions feed for the first time.If the tip of the leaf is dry, then the plant has already grown roots and now they will begin to extract food, and the seed can be cut off.

At this time, we do the first feeding onions. It must contain a lot of nitrogen in order to grow large feathers.I have a heating battery plastic bottle with warm snow water with a volume of 2 liters. I add half a glass of liquid Zhiguli fertilizer to it and water the seedlings.

Three days later, I pour a little ash into the aisles and loosen itinto the soil.I make the second top dressing mineralcomprehensive fertilizer. This fertilizer should contain all trace elements (nitrogen, phosphorusand potassium), as well as trace elements inchelated form.

You can find a lot of these fertilizers in stores now. If you are new to our business, then look for a complex, water-soluble. Now there are fertilizers that say "for seedlings." I use just this: Kimira vegetable, brand A. There is also Kimira brand B, but it is already for more adult seedlings, and it already contains less nitrogen,and more potassium.

Now it has become very convenient to grow seedlings, because. many preparations appeared to stimulate the growth of the root system, for example, humates.

Shops offer us preparations for pulling seedlings, increasing immunity, and relieving stress. All this works well, but try to create acceptable conditions for plant life in your home.

Onion is very photophilous. It is his seedlings that need to be placed closestto the window. If you don’t have a phytolamp, then think: is it worth growing onion seedlings, maybe it’s better to plant onion sets in spring? Onions are cold-resistant culture and do not like when the house is too hot.

And the last wish: every two weeks, cut the feathers of the onion so that they do not fall and do not get tangled. Remove dried leaves. If the onion has sprouted often, then thin it as early as possible: cut off the extra weakest plants with scissors. The distance between them must be at least 2 cm.

Leek seedlings are grown using the same technology. It can be started growing in March.

How many onion seedlings do you need?

I grow it in two boxes. These are standard deep drawers bought from Peddler many years ago. This seedling is enough for me to plant a bed 10 meters long and 80 cm wide (4 rows of onions). From such a bed I collect 10 buckets of onions.

Watering - drip. narrow bed covered with spunbond No. 17 all summer, so no pests and diseases threaten my bow. It is absolutely environmentally friendly!

Growing onion seedlings is expensive manual labor, however, it allows to accelerate the development of plants, creates a "run" in time of about one and a half to two months, which is especially important in the northern and central regions of Russia, where growing season short and insufficient for onion ripening. Using seedlings, it is possible to grow onion turnips in one year in those areas where onions are grown from sets. On a limited area when growing seedlings, it is easier to provide plants the necessary conditions and care.

The optimal age of seedlings for planting in the ground for onions is 50 ... 60 days from sowing. Accordingly, the period of sowing seeds for seedlings for middle lane is the middle of March.

Onion seedlings can be grown in heated glass and film greenhouses. Soil in nurseries is prepared from humus and sod land in a ratio of 1:1. For growing seedlings, you can not use the soil on which onions were grown before, or soil infected with root rot. The seed sowing rate is 15…20 grams per square meter of seedling box area.

Onion seedlings are very photophilous, so you should not use deep seedling boxes so that the plants do not shade. Optimal depth boxes 7 ... 8 centimeters. Seeds before sowing must be soaked for 18 ... 24 hours, changing water 2 ... 3 times, and sown in rows to a depth of 1 centimeter. The distance between rows is 4-5 cm. From above, the seeds are sprinkled with soil, which is slightly compacted, and humus is sprinkled. Up to 20 grams of seeds are sown under one greenhouse frame, and up to 2 grams in a box measuring 40 X 60 centimeters.

Crops are watered from a watering can with a fine strainer so as not to blur the rows. So that the soil in the boxes does not dry out, they are covered with a film before germination. Before the emergence of seedlings, the temperature is maintained at 18 ... 20 degrees, and with the appearance of seedling loops, it is reduced to 14 ... 15 degrees during the day and to 10 ... 12 degrees at night. More heat causes a strong overgrowth of plants: they stretch and, as a result, do not tolerate transplantation well, they get sick for a long time, so greenhouses should be ventilated, and in warm weather the frames should be removed. From now on, onion seedlings require good lighting.

If a good seed was used for sowing fertile soil, seedlings can not be fed. If, nevertheless, the condition of the plants shows that top dressing is required, they use slurry (1:5 or 1:6). Lightly water after feeding clean water, and when the surface dries, the soil is loosened. They loosen very carefully and shallowly (by 2 ... 3 centimeters), so as not to damage the surface root system. Constantly monitor soil moisture, preventing drying out or, conversely, waterlogging.

Growing onion seedlings in cubes. Good results are obtained by growing seedlings in cubes measuring 4 X 4 centimeters, small pots or special cassettes with cells. The nutrient mixture in the box can simply be cut into cubes with a knife. Three or four seeds are sown in each cube, and the seedlings are nested. Seedlings in cubes take root better, since the roots do not suffer during transplantation, the plants develop better, and the yield increases.

Seedlings are ready for planting when they have three or four true leaves and the thickness of the neck reaches 3-4 mm.

Seven to ten days before planting, seedlings begin to harden off, keeping at a temperature and conditions open ground. Seedlings are planted at about the same time as onion sets, usually in the first decade of May. Before planting in the ground, onion seedlings should be stocky and strong with three to four true leaves. It is better to plant in the afternoon or in cloudy weather. The day before planting, seedlings are watered abundantly, watering is repeated 1–5 hours before planting, so that it is well removed from the soil.

The seedlings are taken out of the box, the leaves are cut off by one third, and the roots are dipped in a mash from the soil with the addition of a small amount of mullein. This technique prevents drying and death of roots, improves plant survival. When planting, make sure that the growth point from which new leaves are formed is not covered with soil, otherwise the plant will die.

If the seedling was grown without pots, and it has long bare roots, they are cut to a third of the length. The soil should be loose and moist. When planting, make sure that the top of the false stem, from where the leaves appear (growth point), is not covered with soil. Otherwise, the development of new leaves will be difficult. It should be borne in mind that after planting in the ground, the soil settles a little and draws the seedling along with it. They are planted in moistened grooves with a depth of 10 ... 12 centimeters, for seedlings in cubes - 15 ... 18 centimeters.

They are planted in rows with a distance between them of 20 ... 45 centimeters, and between plants 6 ... 10 centimeters, depending on the size of the bulb of this variety. Tape landing is also possible. After planting, the plants are watered and be sure to mulch the soil so that a soil crust does not form.

All other plant care measures are the same as when growing onions from seeds by sowing in a permanent place.

Every year there are more and more varieties of onions for growing in an annual crop. Seeds (chernushka) are sown before winter, in the spring on a garden bed or use a seedling method. With this option, you can get a crop in the year of sowing, improve its quality and avoid infections. Seedlings tolerate planting in the garden beds, after which they actively develop. Advantage seedling method appreciated by many gardeners who decided to get onions from seeds in an annual crop. Consider all the stages of growing seedlings, the features of its planting on garden beds and pest prevention.

Onion seeds, or nigella

Growing onion seedlings (step by step)

1. Onion seedlings can be grown both at home and in heated greenhouses. Optimal time for sowing seeds for seedlings - the first half of March. Early-maturing (early-ripening) varieties can be sown later, either in the house on window sills or in greenhouses and hotbeds. I have strong seedlings turns out in . With a sharp cold snap, it has to be covered with lutrasil. When buying a bag of seeds, you should pay attention to the number of days from germination to mass lodging of leaves. This information will help to adjust the timing of sowing seeds for seedlings, taking into account specific conditions. Seedlings overexposed at home take root worse. In the future, the quality and quantity of mature (commercial) bulbs may decrease.

The most diligent gardeners do everything according to the rules. They first disinfect onion seeds by disinfecting them in a solution of potassium permanganate or another agent. Then they are placed in a solution of trace elements, after which they are soaked in wet wipe within three to four days.

2. When filling planting containers, you cannot take land from that part of the garden where other onion crops have been grown for several years. Loose nutritious non-acidic soil mixture is obtained from soddy soil, well-decomposed humus, peat and sand. You can also use high-quality purchased soil for seedlings. To loosen it, it is worth adding sawdust that has rotted or double-scalded with boiling water. Shredded coconut fiber is also suitable. Add 1 tsp to a bucket of soil mixture. superphosphate, potassium sulfate and half a glass of sifted. I usually limit myself to superphosphate and ash. My friend a gardener with great experience believes that ammonium nitrate is indispensable. On the package with purchased soil usually there is a list of all additives. It must be taken into account when making trace elements in order to avoid overdose. The depth of the landing tank should be about 10 - 15 cm.

3. It is advisable to grow onion seedlings without picking, so I lay out slightly swollen seeds at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm and sprinkle them on top with a layer of soil of 1 cm. The distance between rows is about 5 - 6 cm. I cover the container with a film (glass, plastic ) and wait for the emergence of seedlings.

In the greenhouse, the gradual awakening of seeds begins at a temperature of 3 - 4 ° C. For their faster germination, it is necessary that the air temperature rises to 18 - 20 ° C. Then shoots of nigella appear in 10 - 12 days, less often in a week. Sometimes they have to wait longer.

After that, the temperature can be reduced to 15-16°C during the day and 10-12°C at night. I act very simply: after the emergence of seedlings, I put seedlings on a glazed loggia. This avoids the appearance of weak seedlings. If this is not possible, then the seedlings are kept on the windowsill near the glass at an air temperature of about 16 - 18 ° C.

After 8 - 10 days after the emergence of seedlings, you can see the first true leaf. Each subsequent leaf takes more than a week to grow. No need to be afraid that the cotyledon leaf will dry out. Later it can be carefully cut.

4. Onion seedlings need watering and fertilizing. For the first feeding, I add to the water boric acid. To do this, I take a little powder (on the tip of a knife) and stir it in 1 liter very warm water. The second top dressing - water infusion wood ash or complex fertilizers for seedlings. I want to draw attention to the use of various growth stimulants. If you do not follow the instructions, then the "by eye" option can impair seed germination and inhibit the growth of seedlings.

5. As soon as the thin shoots began to fall over, they should immediately be sprinkled with some fresh soil. In order for the onion leaves to hold and be stronger, they are cut twice during the seedling period, leaving about 2/3 of the height.

6. Onion seedlings need light. Numerous juicy semi-sweet southern and Chinese varieties at the seedling stage, they grow better with a shortened daylight, i.e. the backlight is turned on only for 10 - 12 hours. spring natural sunlight, penetrating through clean glass, corresponds to this condition.

Planting seedlings in a garden bed

It is advisable to plant onion seedlings when it is 50 - 55, a maximum of 60 days. By this time, 3 - 4 true leaves grow. The false stem grows up to 0.3-0.4 cm thick.

A few hours before planting, the seedlings are watered abundantly to make it easier to extract the roots from the soil of the planting containers. Too long roots are shortened, the tops of the leaves are cut off by one third. You should not throw them away, because. this is a very tasty early vitamin greens that our body needs.

When planting, seedlings cannot be buried. I only lightly mulch the soil with a mixture of peat and sand or loose compost. Planting at a distance of 5 cm between plants and 15 - 17 cm between rows allows you to get fresh greens for some time after each thinning. By mid-June, the distance between plants becomes 10 - 12 cm (for most varieties with medium-sized bulbs).

Growing onions need regular watering, their frequency depends on the weather. They loosen the earth superficially.

Innovative ideas: "snail", baby powder, "Chinese way" of planting onions, etc.

1. Onion seedlings can be grown “in a snail” (“in diapers”, “roll”, “twists”, “wrappers”). This interesting way saves those gardeners who have little space in the house for the traditional option of growing seedlings. Its essence lies in the fact that the seeds germinate in the uppermost part of the tape cut from an inexpensive synthetic substrate for a laminate (2 mm thick, sold in hardware stores and markets) or other dense film, oilcloth, rolled up.

The shape of the "snail" resembles a confectionery roll. The width of the tape is about 11 - 12 cm, the length is arbitrary. I think 50 - 70 cm is the optimal length of the tape. Some adherents of "snails" make them with "linings" of quality toilet paper moistened with a weak solution of Epin or other growth stimulant.

Seeds should be pre-soaked. Between the layers of the "snail" along the entire length and height, the "stuffing" is laid out from moist soil with a layer of 1 - 1.5 cm. The roll is fixed with an elastic band and placed vertically in a container of a suitable size. At first, the seedlings are gently moistened from above, then the water is poured to the bottom of the container, from where it goes to the roots of the seedlings. The rest of the care is no different from conventional way growing onion seedlings.

My advice : for safety net you need a “backup copy”, because switch to any new way cultivation is not always immediately successful.

2. I was told that onion seeds germinate well, which are sown in a planting container and immediately shed a lot hot water. Bold gardeners claim that even boiling water will not kill the seeds.

3. Seedlings are grown in 5-liter water bottles turned into mini-greenhouses. The height of the lower tank is about 14 cm. At the bottom there should be a layer of drainage from expanded clay, coals left after sifting wood ash, etc. The substrate is a light nutrient soil mixture or sawdust twice scalded with boiling water. The top of the bottle in several places is connected to the bottom with tape. Too long lobe of fragile roots grows in sawdust. It has to be shortened before planting seedlings.

4. When planting, seedlings are sprinkled with a mixture of wood ash and tobacco dust. You can use baby powder or fragrant tooth powder. This is an excellent pest control. First of all, from the onion fly. There is one more unusual option: the soil in the planting holes in the garden is shed once with a very weak solution of tar, tar soap or tar shampoo.

5. Becomes popular" Chinese way» cultivation of onions. It is also suitable for planting onions with seeds through seedlings. The bottom line is to place tiny bulbs in rows not on the flat surface of a leveled bed, but on the ridges. At first, you have to make sure that the soil does not dry out there. It is believed that even at a low altitude, the earth warms up and breathes better. After some time, as a result of rains and watering, the ridges will settle, and the bulbs will not drag into the ground.

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