Begonia. Care for decorative leafy begonias at home

Charming bushes with carved bright leaves and delicate buds adorn front gardens and balconies from late spring to mild autumn. These are mainly tuberous representatives of the species with voluminous conspicuous flowers. Indoor begonia can delight the heart of a plant lover all year round. A variety of species are planted in pots.

What are the varieties?

Among the plants there are also miniature bushes with a height of no more than 5 cm, and large specimens up to 3 m. They are classified in different ways.

In the popular interpretation, 4 types are mentioned, among which:

  1. beautifully flowering - stand out with graceful flowers of the most different colors, completeness and form;
  2. shrub and semi-shrub;
  3. decorative leafy - have carved characteristically colored leaves.

There are a lot of varieties of flowering beauty, more than 1000. Having spread from the shores of Asia and Africa, as well as South America, it has become popular all over the world.

Rules for caring for begonia at home

Having visited the thematic exhibition in botanical garden or a greenhouse, you will undoubtedly want to place this miracle in your apartment. But how to care for begonia at home so that it does not disappear after a short flowering? Will your conditions suit her?

  1. First, choose a spot where the plant will not be directly exposed to direct sunlight. But at the same time there should be a lot of light, the appearance and growth rate depend on it. Deciduous species can be placed at some distance from the windows, they can also tolerate partial shade. Experts recommend placing flowerpots on the windowsills of the northern and eastern windows.
  2. Secondly, it should be remembered that the flower feels comfortable being in one place. The constant change in lighting conditions and temperature can ruin it.
  3. Thirdly, it is necessary to provide periods of rest between active growth phases, during which a supply of energy and strength is accumulated for a new flowering.
  4. Fourth, try to create optimal temperature conditions around 18-22 ° C throughout the year, avoiding hypothermia in winter and drying out in summer.

Watering and humidity

The main care for begonia in a hot summer is abundant and frequent watering soft, settled water. You will be able to understand that another moisture is needed if the top earthen layer has dried out by 1 cm. Since the native climate for a flower is tropical and subtropical, dry air is unacceptable for it. But you can’t spray the leaves, because ugly brown spots may appear on them. How to proceed? Place the pot on a pillow of expanded clay, into which, as it dries, add water. Evaporating, it will well saturate the air with moisture.

To ensure quality begonia care room winter, you need to reduce watering. You can also insulate the pot a little so that root system not affected by the cold. In the midst of cold weather, the plant freezes in growth. During this period, do not fertilize, replant, rotate or fill it. It is important to provide him with the necessary rest.

How and when should begonias be transplanted?

Do not transplant a newly purchased flowering bush. Having experienced stress after changing growing conditions, the plant may for a long time get sick, the flowering period will noticeably decrease. The time to change the shipping container to a more beautiful and original pot has come if there is not enough space for the roots to grow, and they begin to peek out in the drainage holes. Choose a flowerpot a couple of centimeters larger than before.

Landing pattern is standard:

  • a layer of small pebbles is laid on the bottom;
  • expanded clay is sprinkled with suitable soil of 1.5-2 cm;
  • having kneaded the pot from all sides, a bush is carefully removed from it, trying not to damage the roots;
  • if necessary, unravel the root ball with a wooden stick, straightening it;
  • placing the plant in a new pot, the roots are gradually sprinkled with new soil, lightly tamping it down;
  • then watered with soft water.

The soil is better to buy ready-made. After all, special requirements are imposed on it: it must have a certain acidity, be light and loose, and have nutritional properties.

Top dressing of indoor flowers begonia

For the colorful color of the stems, the long phase of flowering, large buds, the plant needs fertilizer. Indoor begonia flowers, which are cared for without regular feeding, look weak and depleted. It is recommended to introduce complex mineral mixtures in the spring-summer period, when active growth is observed and buds are laid. There are specialized formulations designed specifically for flowering types of begonias. They are used as directed - once or twice a week. Supplements should be used wisely, their excessive amount will not bring benefits. If you are the owner of a decorative leafy begonia, then in the fall you need to stop fertilizing. If your plant blooms for a long time in winter, feed it until the end of flowering.

Do not be afraid to start a charming begonia. If you can provide her with a good environment, she will thank you with her beauty and long flowering.

Video: room begonia care

Begonia- a very beautiful ornamental plant, distinguished not only by large bright flowers similar to roses, but also by unusual leaves with a velvety surface, with an intricate pattern, with a variegated color. These luxurious flowers have gained wide popularity both among our gardeners and among lovers of indoor plant species. You can often find in the description such terms as beautifully flowering and decorative leafy begonia species, although these definitions are very arbitrary, since among the varieties there are luxurious plants with large beautiful flowers and chic large leaves of bright color with an unusual pattern. To date, breeders have bred thousands of species, subspecies and varieties of begonias, both for decorating gardens and for growing at home.

One of the most popular species among inexperienced novice gardeners include hybrids of royal begonia and tuberous begonia, which are not too demanding in home care and belong to undemanding plants. Below you will find detailed information how to properly organize the care of these indoor plants at home.

In addition to the popular types of royal (rex) and tuberous geraniums, experts distinguish the following groups in the classification of these domestic plants: decorative-deciduous, ampelous, bush, ever-flowering, thick-stemmed.
If you consider yourself a beginner gardener and are going to start growing begonias at home, then we advise you to pay attention to tuberous begonias, the care of which does not take much time and is quite simple. Planting a shoot of a tuberous begonia or a small tuber with small sprouts in the substrate for growing an adult plant does not present any difficulties, so it is not at all necessary to buy a mature flower that is already rooted. We will tell you about how to properly plant a cutting or a begonia tuber, how to then take care of a rooted plant, how to deal with diseases and pests.

During the flowering period of tuberous begonia, you will enjoy amazingly beautiful flowers with double petals. The color palette of flowers of this type of home begonia is very diverse and among the varieties of this indoor plant you will definitely find a suitable one for decorating the interior of your room. By the way, blooming begonias look very advantageous against the background of such houseplants with an unusual shape, such as Benjamin's ficus in the form of a tree (very similar to a topiary) or Marginata dracaena with elongated palm-like leaves, and also form an interesting composition with such plants from the Crassulaceae family as Kalanchoe blooming or tree crassula (Money Tree). Some houseplant lovers grow hardy homemade begonias in hanging pots or in wicker flower pots, which is interesting find for modern phytodesign. In addition to tuberous or royal begonias for shaping flower arrangement in phytodesign, we can recommend such domestic species as B. multi-leaved (Begonia foliosa), B. luxurious (Begonia luxurians Scheidw), B. shell-leaved (Begonia conchaifolia), B. Mason (Begonia masoniana Irmsch). You can create a chic composition from only one begonia, distinguishing plants by color and shape of leaves, as well as by color scheme flowers.


Location and lighting.

It is advisable to place home begonia on a floor stand for flowers on the east side or southwest - closer to the window. If possible, then in winter it is advisable to rearrange the plant to the windows on the south side. So that in the hot summer the begonia leaves do not get burned from direct sun rays, it is necessary to slightly darken the window glass with a film or parchment paper so that scattered light falls on the plant sunlight. It is worth noting that, unlike bush and ampelous species, royal and tuberous varieties of begonias are less demanding on constant sunlight.

Temperature regime.

Begonia will feel comfortable at a temperature of 19-25 ° C in the summer (the most best option- 20-23°C). In the autumn-winter season, a room temperature of 17-23 ° C will allow the plant to remain healthy and hardy. However, do not allow the temperature to drop below 14°C for extended periods of time.

Air humidity.

Begonia loves high humidity (over 60%), but the plant tolerates a moderate level of humidity (50-60%) as well. The main problem is the regulation of the humidity level during the heating season. If there is dry air in the room where the begonia is located, then we recommend that you take the following actions: pour expanded clay into a wide pan, put the pot on a stand there and regularly moisten the expanded clay; you can also place the pot in a flowerpot, on the bottom of which gravel is poured (which also needs to be moistened); if possible, install a humidifier next to the plant. It is not advisable to spray begonia, as then ugly spots appear on the leaves. Brown(but you can spray water from a spray bottle next to the plant without getting on it).


To water the plant, use soft water, settled for several days. In summer, water the begonia abundantly, and pour out all the water flowing through the drainage from the pan. The frequency of watering is simply regulated: periodically check the dryness of the soil - if the earth mixture has dried up a couple of centimeters deep, then it's time for the next watering. It should be noted that the tuberous geranium does not need watering in winter, since at this time the period of active growth ends and the plant hibernates. In winter it is recommended to place tuberous species into peat.

Earth mix and top dressing.

You can prepare the substrate for growing homemade begonias yourself. To do this, a little coarse-grained sand should be poured onto the bottom of the flower pot, then leafy soil should be poured up to half, and then a mixture of black soil and peat (1: 1). Purchased soil mixture is also quite suitable for begonias.

If your begonia blooms in winter, then you can feed the plant during the entire flowering period with phosphate fertilizers no more than once every two weeks. In the spring and summer, a houseplant should be fed with a weak solution of mineral fertilizers once every 8-10 days. Decorative-deciduous types of home begonias are not fed at all from October to March.


Begonias are transplanted only if the root system has grown strongly, filling almost the entire pot. The best time to transplant is mid-spring. Very carefully, you need to pull the flower out of the pot, clean the roots and place the plant in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 20 minutes. After that sharp knife we cut off the rotten roots and process the places of cuts with crushed charcoal. Planting a begonia in a pot bigger size with prepared earth mixture. Begonia takes root in a new pot for about 4-5 weeks (tuberous or royal faster - in 2-3 weeks). During this period, the plant should be watered frequently, placed away from direct sunlight.


Pruning should be done with a sharp knife immediately above the shoot, directed to the outside, or immediately above the kidney. Until the beginning of the growth period, the frequency of watering after trimming begonias should be reduced. Bush types of begonias are pruned quite strongly, as they stretch well and grow actively. Pruning of thick-stemmed species is performed in rare cases in order to give the plant the desired shape. You can shorten the top of the ampelous species to stimulate the branching of lateral shoots. Tuberous house begonias and hybrids of royal (rex) do not need pruning.


Many types of begonias are famous for their abundant flowering and delight the eye with beautiful flowers of various shades. For example, the chic tuberous begonia of the Everest variety is famous for its large flowers, reaching a diameter of 30 cm. Usually, the flowering period of begonias begins in summer and ends in late autumn. Some species bloom in winter and even throughout the year!


Cuttings. Many types of home begonia reproduce well using cuttings. Usually, a shoot 8-10 cm long with several leaves is cut off in early spring, the cut site is treated with crushed charcoal and planted in a container with earth mixture (peat and river sand in a ratio of 1: 1). It is necessary to water the cuttings occasionally and very carefully, as the roots can rot from excess moisture.
tubers. The best option for propagation of tuberous begonia. Before planting, the begonia tuber is divided into parts with a sharp knife and the cuts are sprinkled with charcoal. It is necessary to cut the tuber so that on each separate part there are several buds for the growth of shoots. After that, parts of the tuber are planted in the prepared soil mixture and very occasionally watered with soft water.
Seeds. Growing begonias from seeds is enough painstaking work requiring professional skills and experience. This is usually done by breeders who need to preserve and consolidate the varietal characteristics of a particular type of begonia.


Ring spot.
signs: first, concentric lines of light green color appear on the leaves, which eventually turn into necrosis - bronze formations. What should be done: as a rule, houseplants (tuberous, ornamental-deciduous, hybrid royal species of begonia) infect pests that suck juices (thrips, aphids and other vectors of tomato virus). Therefore, first of all, you need to get rid of pests on your plants. Ring-spotted begonias should be destroyed.

Bacterial spotting.
Signs: watery spots appear on the underside of the begonia leaf plate, which turn into glassy translucent formations.
What should be done: destroy the affected plant, and the remaining specimens must be sprayed with a 5% suspension of copper oxychloride once every two weeks to prevent the disease.

Gray rot.
Signs: watery spots with a grayish coating appear on the leaves, apical shoots and flowers of an ornamental plant, and then they turn into weeping formations caused by the botrytis fungus. Mucus may appear on the inflorescences, the leaves curl up and noticeably darken, and the stems become brittle.
What should be done: spray the whole plant with a solution laundry soap(20 gr) with blue vitriol (2-3 gr) in 1 liter of soft water. If the procedure does not help, then it is necessary to spray the begonia with a 1% solution of foundationazole.


signs: the tips of the shoots are deformed, the leaves are curled, honeydew appears (sticky discharge).
What should be done: treat the entire plant with a solution of laundry soap, covering the soil with a waterproof film.

signs: Pale or light brown convex oblong specks that can be easily scraped off with a fingernail from a leaf plate. Can be found on the underside of the leaf along the veins.
What should be done: treat the plant with an insecticide (Aktara or Aktellik).

Spider mite.
signs: on the underside of the leaf, you can find a thin web that entangles different parts of the leaf plate.
What should be done: if the web is small enough, then you can simply treat the plant with soapy water, and wash it under the next day warm shower. In case of severe damage, it is advisable to treat the begonia with an insecticide.


in the hot summer, it is dangerous to water home begonia during the day, as the procedure can lead to burns on the leaves and weaken the root system (when water gets into the soil heated by the sun). The best option For summer period- water the plant with warm water (room temperature) in the early morning;

If the begonia is still very young, then for strengthening and normal development, you can sprinkle the shoots with epin or zircon;

During heating season ventilate the room more often and regularly humidify the air;

Try to water blooming begonia very carefully so as not to get water on the buds and flowers. This can lead to darkening and falling of the flowers of the plant.


Question: Why did the tuberous begonias begin to turn yellow and fall off the leaves?
Answer: The most common causes are unbalanced watering (taking into account the current season), as well as constant air dryness. Sometimes begonia leaves fall off due to the activity of insect pests that suck the juice from the leaves.

Question: Why does an adult indoor begonia (more than 6 knees on the shoot) still not bloom?
Answer: Most likely, you are adding top dressing too often or the fertilizer composition is not quite right. During the flowering period, the proportion N:P:K should be 1:1:1. Another possible reason for the delay in the flowering period is constant drafts, too low (or very high) room temperature, constantly dry air.

Question: Why did non-double flowers of the usual form begin to appear on my double begonia?
Answer: This is normal. The fact is that at different times, female pistil flowers of the usual form and male staminate flowers appear on the terry begonia. After a while, your begonia will bloom with double flowers. By the way, you can remove the female pistillate flowers so that the "double bloom" is plentiful.



Begonia tuberous - planting a tuber in prepared soil.

Begonia is one of the most popular and valuable indoor plants, as it is loved not only for its bright and lush flowers, but also for its unusual asymmetrical leaves. Naturally, begonia is found in the rainforests of America, Africa and Asia, but it is easy enough to grow at home.

In this article, we will consider not only the most popular begonia varieties for home growing, but also the main features of plant care.

Home begonia - plant description

In terms of botanical classification, there are about a thousand cultivars. In addition, breeders have bred more than two thousand hybrids of this crop.

Figure 1. Species diversity of culture

Such a variety of species significantly complicates the description of the plant. Eg, indoor views may have flexible shoots or resemble a small shrub in shape (Figure 1). In addition, depending on the variety, the flowers can be annual or perennial. There are also evergreen and deciduous varieties. the only general characteristics- these are asymmetrical leaves and lush bright inflorescences.

Begonia care at home

Regardless of the variety, the flower should be provided with optimal growing conditions at home. Since this culture is tropical, it needs to provide indoor conditions that will resemble its natural habitat.

How to care

The key to successful home culture care is consistency. The flower reacts negatively to frequent rearrangements, therefore, when buying a plant in a store, immediately think about where it will stand (Figure 2).

Note: Because in natural conditions the flower is found in the tropics, it is better to put it in a well-lit place, but without exposure to direct sunlight. This lighting mode can be achieved by placing the pot on the east or west windowsill.

The temperature in the room should be moderate, about +18 degrees, regardless of the season. However, in summer, when the room is hot, the culture will not experience serious discomfort.

Figure 2. The main stages of flower care

It should also be borne in mind that this culture is very sensitive to air humidity. As a rule, spraying is carried out to increase humidity, but this procedure is contraindicated for begonias, since water falling on the leaves of the culture can provoke the formation of dark spots. To increase the humidity of the air, it is recommended to use special humidifiers, or put the pot in a tray with wet claydite.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that the culture has a negative attitude towards drafts and cold air. Under such conditions, the plant may become ill or begin to shed its leaves.

Pots and soil

When planning to grow this flower, you should choose a pot in which the flower will grow. When choosing a container, it should be borne in mind that it should be only a few centimeters larger than the diameter of the earthen coma, since in large pots the root system of the crop may suffer from an excess of moisture, and the plant itself will form buds more slowly.

The soil must be special, so it is better to buy it in the store. But, if desired, it can be prepared independently by mixing two parts of leafy soil with one part of peat, sand and humus.


When planting a flower in a pot, you must definitely take care of removing excess moisture from the roots. To do this, a layer of drainage is laid on the bottom of the container, and on top it is covered with a layer charcoal, which acts as a disinfectant material that prevents root rot.

Further, a seedling is installed in the center of the container along with an earthen clod, and the vacated space is filled with a substrate. After that, the flower must be watered and placed in a permanent, well-lit place.


Watering should be balanced. In other words, neither drying nor waterlogging of the earthy coma should be allowed.

Despite the fact that begonia belongs to moisture-loving plants, too often and abundantly water it is not worth it. It is much more important to maintain an optimal level of humidity in the room. Dry air can cause the leaves to dry out.

In the summer, when it is hot outside, watering should be plentiful enough, but it is important to ensure that the water does not stagnate at the roots. Determining that your pet needs watering is very simple. To do this, it is enough to check the soil moisture: if it has dried out to a depth of one and a half centimeters, the flower can be watered. IN winter time watering is minimized, preventing waterlogging and freezing of the roots.


Growing a room culture is impossible to imagine without the timely application of top dressing. The type of fertilizer depends on the plant variety. For ornamental flowering species use complex fertilizers, which are applied during the formation of buds, as well as phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, which are used during the formation of ovaries.

Ornamental deciduous species need nitrogen supplements, which help the plant grow green mass faster.


Care without fail includes regular plant transplantation. The procedure is best done in early spring, when the plant is just beginning to emerge from the vegetative dormancy stage, and will not experience serious transplant stress.

Note: You can determine that your flower needs a transplant by looking at the appearance of the plant. If its roots have begun to protrude above the ground or hang from the pot, it is time to move the flower to a larger container.

Transplantation is carried out by the transshipment method (Figure 3). The plant is carefully removed from the pot, the roots are cleaned of old soil and placed for 30 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Next, you need to rinse the roots under running water and cut off all damaged parts. After that, the root system should dry out. Only then can the culture be moved to a new pot.

Figure 3 Step by step transplant plants

It is important that after transplantation, the culture must be put in its original place and the first time after the procedure, the culture must be watered abundantly. It should also be borne in mind that young specimens tolerate transplantation much better, while adult plants experience serious stress from this procedure. In addition, large bushes can be difficult to transplant, so in the process it is better to divide the bush into several parts and seat them in separate containers.

Begonia in winter

Winter care depends on the type of plant. For example, bush and decorative species a long rest period is needed, during which the culture will begin to form new flower buds. To do this, you need to maintain a stable temperature in the room at + 15 + 22 degrees, as well as install humidifiers or hang wet towels on the batteries, which will increase the level of humidity in the room.

In tuberous varieties, the period of vegetative dormancy begins in autumn. During this period, the leaves begin to gradually dry out and fall off, so watering should be minimized. When the aerial part of the plant dries completely, watering is stopped, and the pots with tubers are transferred to dark room and stored at a temperature not higher than +10+15 degrees. In some cases, tuberous species do not show signs of the beginning of vegetative dormancy, so you need to let the plant rest on its own. To do this, the aerial part of the culture is cut off, and watering is stopped.

Indoor begonia - reproduction

Growing this culture at home, you should read the information about its reproduction to obtain young copies of the plant. Features of reproduction will be discussed in more detail below.

How to propagate begonia

There are two main methods of reproduction - seeds and vegetatively. At home, it is better to use the vegetative method, since it is much simpler and more efficient, and for this purpose, you can use not only dividing the bush and tubers, but also leaf and stem cuttings.

Growing from seed

Despite the fact that growing begonias from seeds is considered unpopular, it is relatively simple and labor-intensive.

When the flowering period is over, you should collect the seeds and save them until February or March. During this period, sowing is carried out, evenly distributing the seeds over the surface of the soil. After that, the bed should be sprayed with water, covered with foil or glass and placed in a warm, well-lit place.

Seedlings need to be sprayed daily with water or watered through a pan. When the first shoots appear, the shelter is removed, and after the formation of 3-4 true leaves, the sprouts should be picked in separate containers. In two months, the sprouts will get stronger and they can be transplanted into a permanent pot. With proper care and good lighting, the flowering of a crop grown from seeds begins in the first year.

Reproduction by dividing the rhizome (tuber)

For propagation of deciduous varieties, the method of dividing the rhizome is used. The procedure is carried out in early spring, until the plant has entered the phase of active growth.

Figure 4. Reproduction by dividing the bush

To propagate a plant in this way, you need to extract mature plant from the pot and divide into several parts (Figure 4). At the same time, it is important to ensure that each part contains not only a fragment of the rhizome, but also several shoots or buds. After that, all sections must be processed with crushed coal and seated in separate containers.

Reproduction by cuttings

Cutting is one of the most effective ways propagation of indoor plants, and begonia is no exception. To prepare the cuttings, you need to cut the shoots with several leaves, and treat all the cuts with crushed coal for disinfection.

After that, the cuttings are immersed in a substrate of sand, hardwood and peat soil in equal proportions and placed in a warm, well-lit place. It is important to ensure that the cuttings are not exposed to direct sunlight.

Figure 5. Features of plant cuttings

Care of the cuttings includes regular but moderate watering, which is carried out after the soil dries 1-2 cm deep. If you do not have a special rooting substrate, cuttings can simply be placed in water. Regardless of the rooting method chosen, the process of root formation takes no more than a month, after which the sprouts can be planted in separate containers (Figure 5).

leaf reproduction

Most crop varieties have enough large leaves, which can also be used for propagation, and a young culture can be grown not only from a whole leaf, but also from its part (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Growing a flower from a leaf

If you are using a whole leaf, you need to make cuts on its inner side (along the main veins) and place the leaf on wet sand with the cuts down. Maintain the moisture content of the substrate should be through a tray with water.

The process of root formation takes about two months. During this time, young roots form at the site of the cuts, which gradually turn into young plants. When they begin to grow actively, they can be seated in separate pots filled with a mixture of peat, sand and hardwood in equal proportions.

Pests and diseases of begonias

Begonia, like other indoor plants, can be damaged by diseases and pests. Of the pests, the flower is most often affected by thrips and spider mites. These insects feed on the sap of the plant and gradually weaken it. If measures are not taken in time and insecticide treatment is not carried out, the culture may completely die.

Among the diseases, the culture is most often affected by fungal diseases (for example, powdery mildew) and gray rot. Such diseases occur if the plant was not properly cared for, in particular, it was watered too often and abundantly. To eliminate the disease, you need to reduce watering and treat with fungicides.

Sometimes the bush becomes a victim of bacterial diseases - cucumber mosaic, wilting or spotting. There are no cures for these diseases, so the plant will have to be destroyed along with the earthy clod.

Begonia dries

There are situations when there are no signs of damage by a disease or pests, and the begonia still loses its decorative effect. For example, her leaves may begin to dry. This process is caused by high temperature and low humidity of air and soil.

To restore the health of the plant, it must be watered and rearranged in a cooler place. To increase the humidity of the air, the flower pot should be placed in a tray with wet claydite.

Begonia turns yellow

The yellowing of the flower may vary. If the leaves began to appear yellow spots or rings, this indicates a bacterial lesion. It is pointless to treat such a plant, so it is simply destroyed.

In the event that all the leaves began to turn yellow and wither, this means that the soil in the pot is too wet, and the plant itself is cold. Watering should be temporarily stopped, and the flower should be moved to a warmer room.

Types and varieties of begonias

There are a lot of species and varieties of this crop, and it is difficult to give a clear classification of culture (Figure 7).

Popular types of begonias include:

  1. Tuberous: may have simple or double inflorescences, the shade of which varies from white and yellow to bright red and orange;
  2. Everblooming: this species considered the most popular indoor floriculture. Outwardly, the plant resembles a small shrub, and it can be grown not only at home, but also in open ground. The flowers are small and may be white, pink or red;
  3. Royal: refers to decorative-deciduous species. The leaves are large, and can reach 30 cm in length, and their shape depends on the variety or hybrid;
  4. Ampelnaya: considered a subspecies of tuberous varieties. Most often used as decorative culture For vertical gardening. The length of the shoots can reach 50 cm, and during the flowering period they are covered with numerous small flowers of white, yellow, orange or crimson.

Figure 7. Popular types of begonia: 1 - tuberous, 2 - evergreen, 3 - royal, 4 - ampelous

It should be borne in mind that in addition to the main types of begonia, there are about 2 thousand hybrids of this culture, so choose suitable grade a flower for home cultivation is not difficult.

The video shows how the popular tuberous begonia is planted.

The most popular decorative and deciduous and decorative flowering plant is begonia. It perfectly absorbs toxic substances, helps to cleanse the bronchi. In addition, the flower contributes to creating a good mood. How to care for begonia at home?

How to care for begonia

Today, more than 900 varieties and types of flowers, about 2000 hybrids are known. All crops for cultivation are divided into 2 groups - flowering (tuberous, bushy, evergreen) and deciduous. Caring for begonias at home is simple and unpretentious. The plant does not need frequent transplanting and a certain temperature. In order for the flower not to bloom ahead of time, certain rules should be followed:

  • moisten the soil daily in extreme heat;
  • create optimal temperature;
  • the pot must be placed on a saucer with peat and moistened periodically;
  • water in the summer 2 times in 5 days;
  • it is necessary to feed the plant once every 2 weeks after the moment of flowering;
  • reduce winter watering to a minimum.

most popular blooming view plants is begonia Elatior, which is distinguished by the duration of flowering, a wide variety of shades. The plant, under proper conditions, can bloom at least all year round almost continuously. The flower is very fond of light, although it is not able to withstand the direct rays of the sun, so it is necessary to put the pot on the north window. If you have Elatior begonia, home care should be as follows:

  • placement near the front door is unacceptable;
  • loose breathable soil is required;
  • waterlogging is unacceptable;
  • it is better that the transplant is carried out a month after the purchase;
  • daily spraying with warm water is necessary.

Begonia Rex

A hybrid species of the family - begonia Rex or royal, comes from India. The small, fleshy stem of the plant is strewn with reddish bristles. The leaves are large, pointed, asymmetrical, have a serrated edge. Rex does not require special conditions, but to save bright color necessary:

  • use soil with medium acidity;
  • avoid standing water;
  • choose a wide pot with drainage holes;
  • water regularly and moderately settled water;
  • put the plant on a western window with diffused sunlight.

A subspecies of tuberous plants - ampelous begonia, is often used for vertical gardening. Hanging shoots 50 cm long, as a rule, are strewn with many crimson, white, yellow, orange flowers. In order for the plant to bloom well, you must:

  • place the flower in the sun, but so that the rays are scattered, not direct;
  • water the pot abundantly and regularly;
  • make sure that the soil remains slightly acidic, i.e. constantly introduce nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • watering closer to autumn should be gradually reduced to moderate;
  • ventilate the room.

coral begonia

Such a perennial plant, like coral begonia, is able to reach room conditions 90 cm high and 50 cm wide. This variety has pink flowers, straight bare stem, leaves - green with silvery patches. In order for a flowering plant to feel great, it must be in soil that allows moisture and air to pass through. It is also necessary:

  • choose the right durable pot (it is better to buy a clay one);
  • plentiful in summer, water regularly;
  • avoid direct sunlight, only in winter should be exposed flower pot on the window, because lack of light will cause the leaves to fade;
  • to maintain humidity, it is necessary to spray the air around the plant.

A variety of leafy plants is Fista or red-leaved begonia. The flower has a short green stem, long smooth leaves, which are inside Red. With proper care, a bush plant can turn out. Flower needed:

  • provide compost soil for planting;
  • reduce watering in winter to once every 10 days;
  • in summer, it is periodically necessary to spray the air around the pot with water;
  • find a place in the house with diffused bright light.

tiger begonia

Indoor plant- tiger begonia - attracts attention with its compactness and beauty. Like hogweed, it belongs to the ornamental group and is valued for the uniqueness of its leaves. White small flowers appear only in winter, some flower growers prefer to remove them, because. they have no aesthetic value. The plant is not capricious, but there are features that help the flower feel comfortable:

  • so that the leaves do not dry out, the flowerpot must be placed on a pallet with wet expanded clay;
  • the air temperature should be +18 in winter, no more than 22 in summer;
  • direct sunlight should be avoided, it is better to place the pot on the north window;
  • it is necessary to carry out watering as the earth dries up, while the water should be warm settled.

Mason's bewitching begonia is considered the most beautiful representative of the decorative foliage species. On its heart-shaped terry leaves is an image of a five-fingered dark cross. In summer and spring, small flowers of an emerald hue appear on the bush. In order for the plant to be comfortable, it is necessary:

  • protect it from drafts;
  • systematically water, moisten the soil;
  • monitor the drying of the soil;
  • provide the tree with dense diffused light;
  • make sure that moisture does not get on the leaves;
  • create additional care with artificial lighting.

Begonia Cleopatra

A lover of diffused saturated lighting begonia Cleopatra or American maple has leaves olive color and erect branching stem. Like collar and cuff species, this plant does not tolerate dry air and excessive watering. For proper development, the bush should be rotated regularly so that the sides receive uniform light. Care rules:

  • the plant does not tolerate stagnant moisture, because. the entire root system can rot;
  • should be watered only with warm settled water;
  • Cleopatra loves a damp atmosphere, but at the same time she does not tolerate moisture on the leaves.

Begonia - reproduction

Many gardeners are often interested in how to propagate begonia and grow it? The plant is planted with tubers and seeds, propagated vegetatively - by dividing the bush, cuttings of stems and leaves. The most common propagation is cuttings. This method is used in spring and summer: the stem cutting must be at least 7 cm, planting material immediately after the cut should be planted in a moist substrate. Place the container with cuttings in dark place. After 60 days, the plant will take root and you can plant it.

To propagate tuberous species, you need to take tubers or seeds. For this:

  • in the fall, tubers should be removed from the ground;
  • cut the entire sheet;
  • clean the roots
  • place peeled tubers in peat;
  • the temperature regime should be approximately 11 degrees.

Begonia - diseases

  • Powdery mildew. At the same time, the leaves appear white coating which is constantly growing. The flower may even begin to drop leaves. Causes of occurrence: low humidity, heat.
  • Gray rot. The leaves are covered with watery, sticky gray spots. Over time, they begin to curl and rot. Reasons: too abundant watering, high temperature, humidity.

How to water begonia

Like any subtropical plant, begonia needs a lot of moisture, although at the same time it does not tolerate stagnant water. To ensure optimal conditions for the growth of a flower, you need to know how to water the begonia:

  • you can not spray the leaves, because. water can cause brown spots;
  • a special moisturizer should be used;
  • in winter, next to the flower, you can put a bowl of water;
  • watering the plant should be carried out evenly with settled water, in the morning or evening once every 3 days;
  • in winter and autumn, the intensity of watering should be reduced, as a rule, to once a week.

How to plant a begonia

Many flower growers are interested in the question of how to plant a begonia so that it takes root well. This indoor flower will definitely require nutritious soil (2 parts of leafy soil, one part of black soil and peat). Growing a flower from seeds is troublesome, so it is better to take tubers. For this you need:

  • lay a layer of coarse-grained river sand on the bottom of the pot;
  • fill half of the container with sheet earth;
  • pour a mixture of black soil and peat on top;
  • tubers should be planted in the soil with a convex side;
  • water moderately;
  • when the buds appear, you can cut the tubers into pieces and sprinkle the slices with charcoal.

How to prune begonia

Novice flower growers do not always know why and how to prune begonias. As a rule, this procedure is carried out to improve flowering and maintain proportions between the crown and the root system. In addition, if pruning is not done in a timely manner, the leaves will be smaller, an attractive appearance will disappear. Plant pruning rules:

  • when the flower stems reach 8 cm, it is necessary to make the first pruning;
  • the procedure is carried out with a sharp knife; scissors cannot be used, because. they can injure the bush;
  • to speed up healing and avoid decay, the cut point must be treated with wood ash.

How to transplant begonia

Growing begonias will not require special skills from flower growers, you just need to know certain watering rules, temperature regime and when the plant needs to be repotted. As a rule, begonias are transplanted once every three years in early March. For this procedure, you will need to purchase a new pot, which should be 2 cm larger than the previous one. Transplant rules:

  • the plant must be carefully removed from the substrate;
  • clean the roots from the ground;
  • put for an hour in a container with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  • remove diseased areas;
  • put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, pour coarse sand on top;
  • then place the plant in the center and carefully cover the roots soil mixture;
  • after transplanting, the flower needs abundant watering.

How to save begonia in winter

If you properly treat the storage of a plant in the off-season, then it will delight with its flowering for more than one year. How to save tuberous begonia in winter? After all, this type is the most demanding in terms of content. With the onset of cold weather, the plant plunges into a dormant state. Flower preservation rules:

  • it is not recommended to transplant the plant at this time;
  • watering should be reduced;
  • once a day, it is necessary to spray the air near the flower with water, but at the same time so that the drops do not accidentally fall on the leaves;
  • on a sunny day, the plant should be placed outside the window for several hours.

Video: begonia - leaf propagation

Begonia is grown to decorate a garden, park, square or apartment. Begonia when in bloom, it looks very pretty because of its abundant flowering, while it is easy to care for. In order for the flowering of the plant to continue as long as possible, it is important to provide it with proper care. Flower growers should know what begonia looks like when it blooms, how it reproduces, and what kind of care it needs.

Brief description of the plant

Begonia is different, there are varieties of herbaceous plants that do not exceed three centimeters, as well as shrubs with fairly high branches.

Some types of begonias do not have a stem or have only one leaf. The foliage of the plant is green, with reverse side covered with a solid color or spots and patterns.

blooms bright flowers, different warm shades. The flowers look like rose petals or carnations. Flowering occurs at the beginning of summer and continues until the onset of autumn. Indoor begonia blooms longer than a plant growing outside. Home flowerpot blooms from May to late autumn.

According to decorative properties all types of begonias are divided into deciduous and flowering. Deciduous varieties are valued because they have a beautiful color, an interesting shape of foliage. They bloom with small flowers, which are most often cut off.

Flowering begonias have petals different shade, different shapes and size.

According to the structure of the rhizomes, begonias are:

  • tuberous, which shed their upper part for the winter and hibernate;
  • rhizomatous, which form a good powerful root system. Shoots for the winter do not die off, but the plant needs rest;
  • plants in which the root system grows superficially. In ever-flowering flowerpots, rhizomes develop quickly.

At home, flower growers grow royal, ampelous or elatior.

Royal begonias have large, patchy dark green, brown, or red leaves. In a decorative leafy plant, the leaves can be in the form of a heart or a spiral of a snail.

The shoots hang down and bloom with white, yellow and other shades of flowers. Flowering occurs throughout the entire growth period.

Begonia elatior is grown only at home. It has thin red shoots that must be tied to a support. This variety blooms in autumn and blooms during winter period. Blooms in white, yellow, red, orange hues. The plant has glossy rounded leaves, 5 centimeters in diameter.

Features of plant care

In order for begonia to bloom profusely and for a long time, it is important to create right conditions cultivation. With timely watering and feeding, the plant at home can please the eye with flowering almost throughout the year. In addition, it needs protection from pests. If you neglect the rules for caring for a flower, it may suffer from rot or other dangerous diseases.

Blooming begonia loves bright lighting. Therefore, it must be grown on windowsills with good lighting. In summer, it is recommended to shade the plant from direct sunlight. Since the sun can burn the beautiful leaves and flowers of the flowerpot.

Read also: Anthurium Scherzer: care, reproduction, possible problems

Decorative leafy varieties of begonias grow and bloom best in diffused light. Therefore, they are grown on windowsills on the east or west side.

Temperature and humidity

The flower loves high humidity, but it is impossible to spray it from a spray bottle. Water on contact with foliage can cause brown spots to appear on them.

So that the begonia does not suffer from too dry air, it can be placed on a pallet lowered into a bowl of expanded clay. It is the expanded clay that should be moistened so that, when evaporating from it, water provides the necessary percentage of humidity in the room for good growth and flower bloom.

In the intense summer heat, the plant needs abundant watering. But it is important to ensure that water does not accumulate in the pan, as it can cause root rot. The flower is watered with settled water. Watering is carried out when the earth has had time to dry out.

In winter, watering is reduced. Tuberous varieties of begonias hibernate in winter, so they stop watering altogether. Instead of watering, they are placed in a pot of peat.

As soon as the plant begins to bloom, you can begin to feed it. Fertilize the flower every two weeks. nitrogen fertilizers can only be used for deciduous varieties, as they help to improve growth, but reduce flowering.

Features of a plant transplant

The soil for planting begonias can be bought at a special store. But if you want, you can do it yourself:

  1. It is recommended to cover the bottom of the pot with a layer of sand, which will serve as drainage.
  2. Fill the pot halfway with leafy soil.
  3. Mix peat with black soil in the same proportion.
  4. Pour the resulting mixture to the leaf ground.

With the right soil for the plant, it will actively grow and bloom profusely.

Transplant begonias as needed, in early spring. If the entire pot is completely filled with the roots of the shrub, they begin to stick out. In this case, you already need to carry out a transplant.

Begonia transplant procedure:

  • Buy a pot slightly larger than the old container.
  • Carefully remove the plant from the old pot.
  • Peel the roots well from peat.
  • For a couple of hours, place the begonia in water mixed with potassium permanganate.
  • After a while, cut off the rotten parts of the roots.
  • When the roots are completely dry after drying, place the plant in a pot and sprinkle with prepared soil.

After the transplant procedure, water the flowerpot well and place it on the windowsill, which does not get much sun. When the plant has acclimatized in a new pot, it can be put on a permanent place of cultivation. In order for the begonia to fully take root in a new container, it will take one month.

Protection against diseases and pests

If the soil of the flower is too moist, it may suffer from the attack of powdery mildew or other fungal disease. In order to identify the disease in time and save the plant, it should be carefully examined from time to time, especially in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe core of the bush and lower leaves. It is in these places that rot most often accumulates and starts powdery mildew. If rot is found, reduce watering and remove the affected parts of the flower. Thus, do not allow the fungus to disperse throughout the plant.

Read also: Cultivation, care and reproduction of privet

Begonia is propagated using leafy cuttings, stems, dividing bushes. But in order for the plant to take root and successfully bloom in the time allotted for it, it is important to take into account its type and variety. Since some flowers reproduce only by dividing the bush, and some - only with the help of cuttings with leaves. To propagate the tuberous variety of begonia, you need to purchase seeds or have tubers.

Reproduction by cuttings

In spring or summer, begonia can be propagated using the cutting procedure:

  • From healthy plant cut a cutting 7 centimeters long.
  • Plant the cut stem in sand mixed with peat in a ratio of 3: 1.
  • Place the landing container in a dark place.
  • After a couple of months, the plant will take root and begin to grow successfully.

To propagate begonias from a leaf, choose a healthy, strong plant. Dig the cutting into the soil so that the leaf does not touch the top layer of soil. Until the leaf takes root, it is recommended to keep the container with it in a dark room.

Reproduction by seeds

Begonia propagates by seeds from December to early March. Seeds are sown in an even layer in leaf ground mixed with peat and sand. When sowing, each seed should be slightly pressed into the soil. After two weeks, the first shoots will begin to appear.

It is important to distribute seedlings in different containers. After some time, young, strengthened plants are transplanted into separate pots with properly selected soil. If the begonias are healthy and grow successfully, you can see them bloom as early as mid-summer. Before winter, the tuber of the plant is fully formed. In autumn, the tubers are buried in sand or peat for winter storage. Store at a temperature not exceeding 10 degrees Celsius. In the spring, the tubers are re-planted in pots with renewed soil.

The procedure for propagating begonias by tubers:

  1. In autumn, carefully remove the tubers from the soil.
  2. Trim the foliage.
  3. Well clean the roots from the ground.
  4. Carefully divide the tuber into pieces.
  5. Place the finished tuber particles in peat so that they do not dry out.
  6. After a while, transplant the tubers into pots with sandy soil and water them moderately.

It takes a long time for tuberous begonia to germinate. The emerging shoots and roots will tell about the beginning of the germination process.

Growing problems

It often happens that begonia does not want to bloom. This problem occurs when:

  • insufficient lighting;
  • improperly selected soil;
  • wrong transplant;
  • not timely fertilizer;
  • lack of a dormant period;
  • too dry air;
  • pest damage;
  • strong overdrying of the soil or watering with hard water.

In order for the begonia to start blooming again, it is necessary to change the growing conditions.

Sometimes a begonia fails to flower due to age or an improperly planted plant species. If the shrub does not bloom, perhaps it belongs to varieties with decorative leaves. Deciduous begonias have beautiful leaves of large or small sizes, with an exquisite shape and pattern. Often the stems of such plants are creeping, and the foliage rises high on elongated cuttings. Decorative leafy begonias do not bloom, but there are varieties of this species that bloom very little with small flowers.

Read also: How to grow and propagate anthurium at home

Some varieties of begonias bloom only if 6 rings have formed on the main stem. early flowering can only be achieved through the use of incentives.

If you decide to grow begonia in a flower bed, be sure to keep in mind that it does not tolerate frost. Therefore, planting in open ground or taking pots to fresh air is recommended in April or May. The flower is recommended to be grown in a flower bed, well lit by the sun. But, you should protect it from drought. If the plant is planted in shade or partial shade, it will develop slowly and bloom not very plentifully.

The flowering of begonias grown in open ground falls in June - September. If you have time to transplant the plant into a pot before the onset of frost and bring it into a warm room, it will continue to bloom for another two to three months. Watering street flower needed when upper layer the soil has become dry.

To decorate flower beds and borders, flower growers plant Illumination, Nonstop, Chanson. The Illumination variety is planted in balcony boxes and flowerpots, as it has weeping stems. The Nonstop variety has erect stems reaching a height of 20 centimeters. blooms large flowers yellow tint. The ampelous variety Chanson has beautiful falling double flowers in diameter reaching 6 centimeters.

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