What is the best way to paint a wooden floor on an outdoor terrace or veranda? How to paint the floor on the open veranda Veranda in the country - a photo of design and different interior styles

Hello, with you company "LesoBirzha" and today we will tell you about how to paint the terraceso that it stands without re-painting for a long time.

So, to begin with, about how we painted the floor on the terrace and what we encountered during the operation of the coating ...

At the very beginning of our work, we chose natural linseed oil Remmers PFLEGE-OL. This oil is in the line of all well-known brands, Osmo, Tikkurila, Biofa etc. It is easy to work with it, you apply it with a brush, remove the excess, it is Remmers the plus is that the base is not water, but a solvent, the product does not raise the pile, intermediate grinding is not needed.

Again, the naturalness of the product attracts. The "Good for Children's Toys" certificate is quite well-known and inspires respect. But this product, no, any natural linseed oil has one drawback, manufacturers do not hide it, they always write in the notation that it needs to be updated once a year, every spring.

Photo 1. Natural linseed oil PFLEGE-OL

So painting the open terrace with linseed oil and forgetting it will not work, you will have to renew the coating, otherwise there will be no effect, visual, by the way, too, since the coloring pigment lies on the surface and melting snow washes it away.

And there is a second: any natural oil dries for a long time. And this means that the rising wind with dust can quite spoil both the work and the mood.

This cons more than cover low price on terraced natural oil. BUT! If the terrace is closed, then oil painting will be relevant ...

Photo 2. Natural oil for terraces

None, BUT, our customers are satisfied, and we began to test new products to paint the terrace in their country house for a longer period.

Now consider the product Universal OL, which is a modification of the oil. Manufacturer German company Remmers claims that their modification lasts three times longer than any classic product. Is it so?

Photo 3. Oil UNIVERSAL - OL

During operation, the following advantages were identified:

  • Universal OL it is just as easy to apply as ordinary oil, the excess is removed with a rag, no smudges remain, i.e. in operation it is a fine product;
  • contains much more antiseptics, so they can process pine boards, for example, paint a pine terrace under a canopy;
  • really stands for a long time on terraces and verandas closed from precipitation.

Identified cons:

  • the product, which is essentially a thin-layer, filmy azure, begins to peel off after wet snow lies on it or rain soaks for a long time, while re-staining requires refinishing. Those. Universal OL NOT SUITABLE for painting outdoor terraces;
  • tinting according to the RAL system. Glazing composition according to RAL? Yes, it's unreal!!! You will never hit the color as the wood will set its tone;
  • costs no more than one year when used outdoors.

The conclusion that we made: this product can be used (it has a very economical consumption and does not high price) only when painting closed type terraces and verandas. In no case can not be used where rain or snow falls on the surface.

Photo 4. Terrace oil from Remmers

After reviewing this and some similar products famous brands, Do you think we settled on a more or less suitable classic linseed oil, which still serves better than the modified product? Of course not, otherwise we wouldn't be the same "LesoBirzhey", which is known and appreciated by the owners of suburban real estate.

The result, neither in the first nor in the second option described above, did not suit us. In the case of natural oil, we are ready to give a solid C grade, and in the case of a modified product, three with a big minus, and this result did not suit us, since the responsibility for painting and selling the paint, regardless of which manufacturer made it, lies with us.

We continued our tests and search, and two and a half years ago we got acquainted with the paints and oils of the Italian company Renner and drew attention to hydro-oil YS M300 And YS A300.

Photo 5. Hydro-oil Renner YS M300

The manufacturer said that his product was created specifically for the most aggressive conditions: painting piers, walkways and open terraces. Test reports were attached, in which it was confirmed that on a horizontal surface, hydro-oil lasts from 3 years, and on a vertical surface - 15 years. summer term services.

Advantages identified during operation:

  • YS M300 Very easy to apply: brush, cloth, spray. Leaves no streaks. Even a non-professional can paint;
  • pigment even in dark colors does not wash out (there is an example where a terrace painted with hydro-oil has been standing for 2 years as new, you can see the photo on the screen).

Half a year after painting this terrace at KP Kronberg, our staff photographer Irina, in the fall, went to take photos of the object. The terrace lay under wet snow, and when it was swept away, the snow did not stain.

Photo 6. Terrace painted with oil Renner YS M300

Maybe it's trite, but try to do this with any other product in brown

  • hydro-oil contains antiseptics, fungicides in its composition, which protects the wood from blue;
  • the photographs you see on the screen are the terrace painted by us, which has been standing in the open air for the third year today. Three years is the minimum period for how long the coating will last before renewal, which is very simple to do, just apply one layer of coating.

This example is not the only one of its kind. Our service "decking board painting in the workshop" has already been used by many customers. All facilities we continue to lead and know hydraulic oil YS M300 at the moment there are no analogues.

Photo 7. Terrace under Renner oil after two years of operation

If you are interested in the product, then you can familiarize yourself with it by clicking on the link below. We hope that our experience will help you avoid mistakes. Have a good mood. Visit our website, read articles in our blog and stay up to date.

The open veranda is a great place to relax for the whole family. Thanks to the presence of such a facility in summer and on warm days, you can enjoy fresh air in pleasant company. In winter, the veranda is usually covered with polyethylene. To make a wooden building look attractive, you need to think about its processing. The main thing is to decide how to paint the floor on open veranda.

During the care of a wooden surface, certain difficulties may arise. It must be treated with special compounds to protect against moisture and pests. Also, the veranda must be protected from temperature extremes and fire.

Features of open verandas

Many owners of suburban areas change part of the floorboards every few years. This is due to the fact that being on outdoors, wood is subjected not only to mechanical stress, but also to the effects of rain, snow, sun rays. In such conditions, even the most durable material can deteriorate. In this regard, many people want to know how to paint the wooden floor on the veranda so that it serves for a long time and reliably.

Sometimes the key to the safety of the boards is their proper installation. With quality work, the wood will not collapse. For example, if you lay boards with a gap of 3-5 mm, you can avoid accumulation on the surface of the terrace excess water. In this case, the flooring will be well ventilated. If provide good ventilation and moisture removal, you can significantly reduce the risk of rot.

It is worth considering that even with the most correct styling boards, untreated wood can deteriorate fairly quickly. Materials for painting the veranda in the country should be selected in accordance with the characteristics of the coating. Most often, verandas are made of pine boards. However, today it is quite often used and terraced composite- shown in the photo below.

Solid pine boards are usually chosen natural humidity. You can also use ordinary boards of medium quality. If the veranda has not yet been completed, you should choose the right materials for the flooring, as well as means for protecting and coloring the boards.

Coloring materials

To figure out how to paint the veranda of the house from the outside and from the inside, you should decide on the materials. Properly treated wood does not need special care for at least 3 years. Primers and antiseptics are selected for processing. At right choice materials can be expected to significantly extend the life of the flooring. Thanks to proper processing a significant extension of the service life of the flooring is possible.

Materials and tools that need to be prepared for painting:

  • surface grinding machine;
  • putty knife;
  • primer;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • solvent;
  • paint (it is worth deciding in advance on the choice of color).

First you need to choose the materials with which the floor surface of the veranda will be painted. It is worth remembering that ordinary enamel paint can only protect the coating that is inside the enclosed space. Open verandas with such processing will not be able to last more than 1 season.

The best option for processing the veranda of a wooden house is terrace oil. It is recommended for covering verandas, piers, floorings of summer cafes. This material provides complete protection. wooden elements from moisture.

On construction market There are quite a lot of types of terraced oil. Each of them is selected according to certain conditions flooring operation. For example, there is a terrace oil used to treat boards that are not ready for quick laying. Such products should lie in the warehouse for several years. During this time, the oil perfectly impregnates the wood.

Other brands of oil can be used already on the finished flooring. Even when processing the floor and external walls open veranda, you can not worry about the effectiveness of such funds. Outdoor work with them is carried out quickly and simply.

If you want to preserve the beauty of wood, as well as reliably protect it, you should pay attention to the combination of stain and varnish. If this option is selected, the floor must first be prepared and then stained. Only then can a waterproof varnish be used. It is better if it also protects the tree from ultraviolet rays. This property of varnish will allow you to save high quality the impregnation applied before it. It is also worth preparing for the fact that the price of such material will be quite high.

If there is no need to preserve the wood pattern, you can purchase paint for yachts. Also cope with the task of preserving the flooring acrylic paint for verandas. Before starting paint and varnish work, the floors should be thoroughly prepared. First, a glazing antiseptic is applied to the tree. If acrylic paint for verandas is chosen as the coating, you should follow the instructions when applying it. Otherwise, the varnish layer may be damaged. With proper processing, the floor of the veranda will serve long years without the need for preventive maintenance. DIY stores sell porch paints different colors, which allows you to give the structure individuality.

Floor preparation

The floor of the veranda will last a long time only if it is properly prepared for painting. When processing old floors, paint residues are removed with a solvent and a spatula. You can also use emulsion CM-1.

In addition to removing paint from the surface, you should get rid of the found wood defects. If the material has been in contact with water or sunlight for a long time, you can see that it has acquired grey colour. You can eliminate such a defect using a grinding machine. In this case upper layer just takes off.

Work is carried out until a light shade of wood appears. If the boards are damaged by rot, they should be replaced completely. If cracks are found in individual elements, they can be puttied. Once processing grinder is completed, the floor should be cleaned of debris and sawdust. Now you can start impregnating the flooring.

It is important to consider the composition material that will be applied in the first stage. For example, if a primer is chosen, it should be applied in layers. After each treatment, you need to wait for it to dry for 3 days. The antiseptic primer should saturate the wood well.

Once the last coat is completely dry, you can apply terrace oil or acrylic paint. When using such materials, wooden flooring will serve for many years without requiring regular repairs.

If the floors are treated with special impregnation, varnish must be applied on top. The method of covering the boards differs depending on the manufacturer. The application technique is described in detail in the instructions. What color better fit for a certain veranda, depends on general style Houses.

Floor painting

Painting of the veranda decking is carried out after completion preparatory work. Paint is applied in several stages. It is also worth observing a certain technology of work. For example, paint is applied along the boards, not across. The main work is done with a roller. The sides of the boards are painted with a thin brush. It is better to choose for painting those materials that can prevent stagnation of water on the surface of the flooring. For example, all wood oils have this property.

If painting is carried out for the first time, it is worth shading the coating as much as possible so that the layer is as thin as possible. Then it must be left to dry for 4-5 days. In some cases, complete drying is possible only after a week. In total, 2-3 layers of paint are applied.

Important! All layers of paint should be applied to the floor of the veranda as thinly as possible. This will allow the material to dry quickly, retaining its useful properties and aesthetic appeal.

As soon as the paint is completely dry, it is necessary to rinse the floor hot water. With timely care of the flooring, it will serve for many years without changing its physical and aesthetic parameters.

To prevent the impact of snow on the wooden surface of the veranda, with the onset of cold weather, it should be covered with plastic wrap. In order not to slip while walking on it, you should lay rugs on the veranda.

Important! When arranging a new veranda, it is especially important to choose high-quality materials for the floor. It is better to choose hard wood. Soft ones dry out and crack faster, and are also more prone to rotting.

Given these tips, you can paint the floor of the open veranda as efficiently as possible. Special attention given to the choice of paint materials and impregnation. When choosing the color of the floor of the veranda, you should choose more pleasant, calm shades.

23.06.2017 14:19

But in order to feel the benefits of the veranda day by day, for wooden veranda need to be looked after. By itself, wood is defenseless against moisture and UV rays, it is subject to destruction. harmful insects and microorganisms. Paint it inside and out, and then regularly update the coating - this will save the wooden veranda from possible negative factors.

Basic nuances when working with a veranda

The care and decoration of the veranda is due to the characteristics of this room, but it is often confused with a terrace. Therefore, remember: a veranda and a terrace are different additional extensions. The terrace is located outside the main building, and the veranda is considered its continuation. The first building has a separate foundation, and the second has a common foundation with the house. Regardless of its type (open or closed), the veranda always has a roof.

We will conditionally divide the work on painting the veanda into internal and external. Particular attention will be riveted to the floor: it has more load than other surfaces.

Stages of painting a wooden veranda

Step 1. Decide what the coverage will be. The choice of finishing compositions depends on this:

    If you want to achieve a matte finish, impregnation or oil is suitable, which give the surface a rich or light shade. Such tools are good because they preserve the natural relief of wood.

    Glossy gloss and a translucent shade can be obtained using tinted varnishes.

    When a rich color is required, you will need a paint with a matte or glossy effect.

Step 2. Choose specific products to work with.

For outdoor and internal works important to choose different means, because the outer part of the walls is subject to a more intense effect of atmospheric phenomena than the inner. Due to their properties, topical formulations can be toxic. For walls and floors different colors because the load on the floor is higher.

So, for painting a wooden veranda, you will need the following set of tools:

Antiseptic or impregnation. The product protects the surface from microbes, mold, fungus and other microorganisms.

Primer. Prevents moisture from penetrating deep into the wood, improves the adhesion of the finish coating to the surface. For a tree, water is optimal acrylic materials: as a result, your coating will not crack or peel off.

Finish coating. Acrylic latex compositions, scuba diving, oils are suitable for this purpose.

Separately, consider the features of the means for the floor of the veranda. Due to the greater load (atmospheric phenomena, human weight, dirty shoes, moving chairs and other furniture), move forward to it increased requirements to wear resistance. So of all the options, oil is in demand. Its advantage is the protection of the surface from moisture and dirt, slowing down the processes of blackening and cracking of wood.

Step 3. Carry out preparatory and basic work.

Durability and smoothness depend on the quality of preparatory work. decorative finishes wooden verandas. Therefore, do not deviate from the following requirements and recommendations:

    Sand the boards, remove the old coating (if any).

    Clean the surface of dust and chips.

    Apply impregnation, let it dry.

    Apply 2-3 coats of primer (see manufacturer's instructions).

    Spread terrace oil or other finishing agent over the surface. Wait a day and apply a second layer.

The wooden floor is painted with a roller along the boards, and the sides are painted with a brush. Usually painting a wooden veranda is carried out in the spring, when the weather is sunny with variable clouds, the air is warm, there is no dampness and high humidity. It is important that the wind is weak: due to strong gusts, dust and debris can stick to only the painted surface.

TOP 5 mistakes when painting the veranda:

    Leave the old coating. At first glance, it may lie well and look like a solid base for a new layer, but in fact the opposite is true. After some time, only the updated coating will peel off due to the fact that you did not remove the old layer.

    Use oil-based products and varnishes. These substances in the composition form a film on the surface, which then cracks and peels off in pieces. The result is a scruffy looking veranda.

    Paint the entire veranda with one tool. For outdoor work, ordinary enamel paints are not suitable: your veranda will last no more than a season. And for floor covering need a more wear-resistant agent.

    Apply one thick coat of paint. It is better to alternately paint over the floor and walls 2-3 times with breaks for drying. The first layer should be very thin so that it dries quickly and blends well. Otherwise, the coating may crack and ruin the whole look of the wooden veranda.

    Do not wear protective clothing while working. Some antiseptics and other products can be toxic, so special clothing and protective tools are indispensable.

Take care of the wooden veranda and avoid common mistakes - and it will cozy place for relaxation year after year. Remember: all your efforts are worth it!

Of all existing methods surface finishing painting - the easiest, affordable and economical. This option is inexpensive, does not require any special knowledge, skills or tools. All actions can be done independently, without the involvement of specialists. The only question that almost always arises among novice painters is the better to paint this or that surface, what paint to choose. This is the correct statement of the question, since some types of paints are in principle not suitable for these purposes, others can be used with restrictions. Let's consider the issue in more detail.

terms of Use paintwork materials on the open veranda are difficult. The paint layer is subjected to almost all possible loads:

  • Temperature changes.
  • The impact of atmospheric moisture, precipitation.
  • Direct sunlight.
  • Mechanical loads from the movement of people.

In addition, the material to be painted must be taken into account. The most commonly used floorboards are made of coniferous wood. They are inexpensive and easy to install, but have a certain moisture content of their own that can adversely affect the paint layer. Besides, conifers contain big number resin that can soften or dissolve some types of paints. A larch floor can contain a large number of resin pockets, which, under the influence of the scorching rays of the sun, can flow and soak through the paint layer. These points should be considered when choosing a material for painting the floor. Ordinary floor paint will not work here, materials that are more resistant to external influences with high vapor permeability are needed so that the coating layer does not bubble in the sun.
These harsh conditions require multiple coats. protective coating:

  1. It is necessary to impregnate the floor board with an antiseptic composition. It will eliminate the possibility of the appearance of mold, fungus, eliminate the prerequisites for the onset of decay. This procedure is best done before laying the floor, so that it is possible to impregnate the boards with reverse side. Impregnation is applied in 2 or 3 layers, a more accurate consumption is indicated on the package.
  2. After the antiseptic, you can use a special floor oil (also called terrace oil). It is designed specifically for wood, has the ability to penetrate quite deeply into the pores, compacting and sealing the top layer.
  3. The oil layer must be fixed, for which you need to use a transparent or tinted varnish. For this, a specialized varnish for outdoor use, some types of yacht varnishes, are suitable.
  4. If paint is to be used, ACE Acrylic Enamel or Parker Paint's alkyd quay finish is the best choice. A good solution would be latex semi-gloss enamel, which does not become slippery even when wetted with water.

The list of materials that can be used on open verandas can be continued for a long time, manufacturers do not waste time and constantly supplement it with new types of paint that are more durable and resistant to stress.

How to paint the floor on a closed veranda

operated in conditions close to normal household. However, use floor paint for internal application you can only if the veranda is heated, or there is no cold weather in the region. Before painting the floors, the floor should be treated with an antiseptic primer that protects against unwanted biological processes in solid wood. You can also use acrylic impregnation, which qualitatively prepares the wood for applying the main protective layer. Then you should use one of the selected types of coverage:
  • Transparent. Tinted or colorless parquet varnish is used. It is recommended to use this method in the presence of aesthetically attractive floorboards, without cracks, rot and blue.
  • Opaque. This is a floor paint designed for use in difficult conditions. Tikkurila acrylic paint, other floor paints are suitable well-known manufacturers. At the same time, attention must be paid to specifications material, in particular - on the degree of frost resistance.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, outbuildings, terraces and verandas.

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terms of Use coatings indoors allow the use of materials with high decorative qualities, varying degrees of gloss or surface texture. The final choice of material is the prerogative of the user.

How to paint the floor on the veranda in kindergarten

Veranda in kindergarten- a critical area, it should be painted with special materials permitted by the relevant SanPiNs for preschool organizations. Best Option for shady canopies (the so-called verandas in kindergarten areas), a wooden floor is considered. To finish such structures, wood paints are used that do not emit any harmful volatile substances after drying, having sufficient strength and resistance to abrasion. Children are very mobile, active play requires an appropriate coating that provides intensive protection of the floor surface. Besides, important requirement will aesthetic appeal covers that create a positive and joyful mood. The specifics of operation require high resistance to moisture, as children constantly bring particles of water, snow, and dirt on their shoes. Floors have to be washed frequently to remove dirt and water.

Given these circumstances, to paint the floor, first of all, you will need good preparation wood - impregnation with an antiseptic, 2-3 times to prevent the appearance of rot, mold or fungus. Then, after the impregnation has completely dried, we paint the floors with frost and moisture-resistant paint of a high degree of strength. The best option would be to use berth painting products - alkyd enamels various firms(Parker Paint, Tikkurila, Colorex, Teknos, etc.). A layer of paint is also applied 2-3 times to form a coating with a sufficient degree of strength and stability.

What kind of house material do you like the most?

you can choose up to 3 answers

Timber house

Total score

brick house

Total score

Log house

Total score

Canadian technology house

Total score

Aerated concrete block house

Total score

Round log house

Total score

Monolithic house

Total score

sip panel house

The open veranda in the house provides many opportunities for summer outdoor recreation. In the evenings, joint tea parties can be arranged here. Rest in the open space is not only pleasant, but also useful.

When caring for an outdoor terrace, some problems may arise. Because the suitable material for the construction of the veranda - a tree, special means are required to protect it. They are able to protect the tree from moisture, temperature changes and fungus. To figure out how to paint the floor on an open veranda, you should familiarize yourself with the features of creating such structures.

Features of the floor on the verandas

Many owners of private cottages and dachas are forced to repair the flooring on the veranda every year. This is due to the influence of various factors during operation. In addition, important factors are weather. Verandas open type cannot be protected from the effects of the weather. Under such conditions, even reliable and durable materials may be destroyed.

When choosing right technology laying wooden floors on the veranda, they last much longer. The tree will not collapse for several years, as is the case with improper processing. For example, if the boards are laid with a gap of 5 mm, the structure will be less susceptible to moisture. The flooring of the veranda will be well ventilated. The boards will not absorb moisture, which will reduce the chances of rot.

It must be taken into account that even with perfect installation boards, an unprepared veranda decking tree will not be protected from destruction. Various paints and varnishes are selected depending on the type of coating to be laid. Usually the floors on the verandas are made of pine. It should have a natural moisture level. If the budget allows, you can pay attention to the terrace board for the veranda. It is made from wood chips and polymer compounds. To understand how to paint a wooden floor on a veranda, you should understand the features of different compositions.

There are many quality materials on the construction market. By using them, you can create reliable coverage for the veranda. It is very important not only to choose materials, but also to prepare the floors of the veranda for further processing.

Types of coatings for the veranda

Even varnishes with high resistance are not intended for external work when processing the floor of the veranda. They cannot be used for processing open terraces. For this purpose, developed special formulations. They have several additives that allow you to counteract temperature extremes and ultraviolet rays. Among them are the following groups:

  • yacht varnishes;
  • terrace oils - they are often used to treat verandas;
  • chlorinated rubber paints.

Materials from each group differ in their application features. You need to understand their pros and cons. They need to be considered in detail. In addition, care must be taken to create correct design verandas. This will ensure its safety for many years.

Regardless of the presence of a visor over the veranda, its surface is still exposed to precipitation and sunlight. One of the active reactants is water. This means that when designing a veranda, it is necessary to minimize its delay on the surface.

This goal can be achieved with the use of water-repellent coatings. The veranda flooring is protected from water exposure and the choice of the correct floor structure is ensured. Between the boards it is necessary to leave gaps of 3 mm. Through them, water will be drained from the veranda.

What wood should be chosen for the construction of an open veranda? For this purpose, soft and hard wood can be chosen. Hardwood has an attractive appearance, and has many useful properties. However, the price of such wood is quite high. When building a veranda from such boards, you will have to pay a considerable amount.

Soft varieties are cheaper. Their list includes pine, larch and spruce. These boards are much easier to handle. When using antiseptics and paintwork materials, you can make such a floor durable and reliable.

It is also important to understand such an indicator of wood as operational safety. If it gets wet and there is dirt on the surface of the wooden elements, the floor becomes slippery. To increase the safety of using such a coating, it is necessary to choose boards with longitudinal grooves for the construction of the flooring. This will increase the friction coefficient of the surface.

Dry before applying any paint. wooden crafts. In addition, they need to be sanded. The surface of the boards should be perfectly flat. This will make them more attractive. Thanks to this, a better adhesion of the tree to the paintwork used will also be ensured.

Yacht varnishes

The advantages of yacht varnishes include: good stability, high permeability into the pores of the material, resistance to ultraviolet radiation. The composition of the yacht varnish contains an alkyd-urethane mixture. It is used to cover outdoor structures. Lacquer Benefits:

  • impact resistance external environment. This applies not only to water, but also to pollution. When dry, the varnish begins to repel dirt.
  • Penetration into cracks and pores of wood. Thanks to this property, wood is completely preserved in varnish.
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation. The tree is able to retain its natural shade for a long time.
  • When using a yacht varnish, the protective layer is transparent. This allows you to emphasize the natural pattern of the tree.

Before applying such coatings, it is better to dismantle the veranda boards. This is necessary for their skinning. sandpaper. Then the varnish should be applied in 2-3 layers. After each application, wait 4-5 hours.

One of the significant disadvantages of yacht varnish is the loss of elasticity in the event of exposure low temperatures. For yachts that sail in warm seas, it's not scary. However, when processing the floor on the veranda, one should take into account the annual effect of frost on wood flooring. With the loss of elasticity of the tree, the consequences can be unpleasant. In this case, the varnish composition will need to be applied after a year of operation of the flooring.

Chlorine rubber paint

This composition is also called enamel. It is used to coat plastic and wooden surfaces. Enamel is usually used in the processing of ship elements. Enamel is highly resistant to moisture and temperature extremes. Therefore, it is also used to cover the wooden decking of the verandas. There is no lead or chromium in this paint.

One of the significant disadvantages of such coatings is opacity. However, enamel hides various surface defects well. If necessary, to protect the wood, chlorinated rubber enamel will good choice. It is necessary to apply paint in 2 layers. Between applications, you must wait about 8 hours. Paint the floors with a wide brush. It can penetrate even minor surface defects. To make the effect much better, the surface should be pre-primed.

Important! One of the advantages of chlorinated rubber enamel is high reliability. Such coatings can serve more than one season without renewal.

Composition selection

With proper preparation of the floors, as well as their subsequent treatment with antiseptic agents and primers, the floors will last as long as possible. Photos of treated surfaces will help you choose the optimal composition.

The tools that paint the floor on the veranda are divided into the following varieties:

  • grinder and sandpaper;
  • putty knife;
  • brushes and rollers;
  • solvent;
  • primer with antiseptic properties;
  • floor protection materials.

Gradually, it is necessary to select all the materials that will be useful for painting the veranda. Standard enamel perfectly protects the floor only in enclosed spaces. Terrace decking treated with such materials will not last more than one season.

The best option for choosing a composition for covering the veranda is terraced oil. It is recommended to be used both on terraces and on marinas. There are many modifications of this protective material. They are used for different purposes. For example, some are used when painting boards that are not intended for quick laying.

If you want to preserve the natural beauty of wood, as well as protect it well. For this purpose, a stain is used. It combines high-quality impregnation and varnish coating. In this case, the surface to be treated is prepared with a waterproof varnish and impregnation. You need to prepare for the fact that the varnish will be expensive.

You can preserve the natural pattern of wood. Usually yacht paint is used for this purpose. Also can be selected acrylic compounds. Preliminary preparation flooring involves surface treatment with a glazing or antiseptic primer. When using paint to cover the verandas, follow the manufacturer's instructions exactly.

Preparation for processing

The key to long-term operation of the floor covering of the veranda is careful preparation. If the floors have already been painted, the old coating should be removed from the flooring. If this is difficult to do, you can use the CM-1 emulsion.

Before painting the floor, it is necessary to get rid of all wood defects. With prolonged exposure to sunlight and moisture, the material becomes black-gray. Bacteria and various wood imperfections can be removed using a grinder. Work is carried out until a light shade appears. Boards that are damaged must be replaced.

To protect wood, you can use different materials which differ in application technology. If it is decided to use an antiseptic primer, the floors must be opened and wait until they dry. It is necessary to open the floors with a primer in several layers. It is necessary that the material is well saturated with the composition. It is necessary that the primer dries after the last application within three days. Only after it has completely dried can the base material be applied.

When applying special impregnation to wooden floors, it is better to choose a protective varnish for further finishing. Depending on the manufacturer, the technology for applying materials will vary.


After preparation is complete, coloring begins. With the correct application of paintwork materials, the work is carried out in several stages. Please note that the coating must be applied along the length, and not across the width of the board.

When painting for the first time, the coating must be shaded as much as possible. It should be a fairly thin layer. It will dry for five days. In some cases, it is necessary to wait a week for the composition to dry completely. There should be 2-3 coats of paint in total. Each applied layer of the composition must be dried.

Important! The final stage of painting the floors on the veranda is washing the floor. It must be done using hot water.

In order to extend the life of the floors on the terrace, they must be carefully looked after. By following a certain list of actions, the risk of deformation of the protective coating can be reduced.

In winter, the veranda is not used. Therefore, the floor must be covered with plastic wrap. To prevent slipping, it is necessary to lay mats in the passage area.

It is especially important to take care of the choice of material for creating the floor. Hardwoods have the highest resistance to external influences. However, they are very expensive. Softer woods dry out faster and are more prone to rot.

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