How to plant peanuts in the garden. How to grow peanuts in your own garden

Plant peanuts in the garden and receive good harvest help simple rules cultivation and recommendations from experienced agricultural technicians.

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Basic requirements for planting and growing peanuts on the site

Peanuts thrive in loose, light and water-resistant soil and do not require special care.

However, to get good results, the gardener must take care of the following rules:

  1. To increase the yield, seed material should be planted in cups in April.
  2. For good development peanut soil temperature should be kept within 15-30 ° C.
  3. For optimal germination of the plant, it is necessary to take care of the crop rotation on the site.
  4. In early spring, in preparation for summer season soil must be fertilized.

Planting peanuts in open ground

The optimal period for planting peanuts is May. By this time, the soil on the site warms up enough and will not be able to harm seed material. At the same time, the region for growing crops also plays an important role.

The timing of planting peanuts depending on temperature regime environment may change. If there are frosts in the region at the end of spring, it is better to plant the plant in early summer. In the northern latitudes, summer residents prefer to plant peanuts in seedlings.

To grow seedlings, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Place seed at a depth of 3 cm in cups with light soil.
  2. Place cups with peanuts in a well-lit area.
  3. On the 28-30th day, seedlings can be planted in the country in the ground.

For regions with moderate climatic conditions, the period for growing seedlings increases to 60 days.

How to grow peanut seedlings will be discussed in a video from Lyuba Tsaplina.

Site selection

Before planting peanuts in the garden, you should decide on the location of the crop. Achieve a good harvest will help correct crop rotation on suburban area. better in places previously fed with organic matter.

The following crops are considered the best predecessors of peanuts:

  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • potato;
  • cucumbers.

Unfavorable predecessors of peanuts are legumes. When disembarking peanut in their place, the plant develops root rot.

When choosing a site, the following cultural features should be taken into account:

  1. Peanut belongs to thermophilic plants, therefore, when choosing a landing site, it is necessary to take into account the temperature factor.
  2. For the growth and development of culture, areas well lit and closed from gusts of wind are suitable.
  3. Although the plant loves moisture, it does not tolerate its excess. The area for peanuts should not be stagnant for moisture areas and groundwater.
  4. For good growth and fruit formation, it needs moist, light and neutral soil. The plant does not grow well in saline and acidic soils.

Ground for peanuts should be enriched:

  • humus;
  • calcium;
  • magnesium.

In addition, it is worth considering that young shoots are a favorite delicacy for birds. Therefore, in the future, the gardener will have to take care of the shelter of crops.

You can protect the peanut planting site in the following ways:

  1. Put on a special bird net.
  2. Cover shoots with non-woven fabric.
  3. Build a scarecrow or stakes with shiny and rattling elements.

Soil preparation

Prepare the soil for future peanut crops in the fall. To give the soil friability when digging a summer cottage, sand is introduced into the beds. For the full growth and ripening of peanut fruits, it is important to take care of feeding the soil. Fresh manure should not be used as fertilizer. When making fatty compost, only rapid growth of shoots will occur. Flowering will be insignificant, and, accordingly, the harvest will be small.

To get a bountiful harvest, you will need to perform the following manipulations:

  1. After the snow melted in upper layer soil to make mineral fertilizers(phosphorus, potassium).
  2. Dig up the ground, breaking up large lumps.
  3. Remove weeds from the area.

For quick warming up of the soil, after preparatory procedures it is better to cover the place with a polyethylene sheet.

Selection and preparation of peanut seeds

When choosing planting material, it is necessary to give preference to zoned varieties. It is better to buy beans in trusted stores or from friends who grow peanuts.

Adapted to the climatic conditions in middle lane the following varieties are considered:

  • Adyg;
  • Spanish;
  • Krasnodar;
  • Stepnyak;
  • Klinsky;
  • Accordion.

If the varieties selected for planting give a good harvest, you can subsequently use your own seeds for cultivation. By the third generation, such seeds are fully adapted to the conditions of the region and there are no difficulties with their cultivation.

Photo gallery

Variety Adyg Variety Klinskiy Variety Bayan Variety Krasnodarets Variety Stepnyak Variety Spanish

Seed treatment before planting

Before entering into the soil, it is correct to free the grains from the shell and soak in warm water for 4 hours. This will prevent poor germination of the beans.

To stimulate growth, you can use the following drugs:

  • Zircon;
  • Appin;
  • aloe juice.

After soaking with peanuts, the following activities are carried out:

  1. Arrange the beans on a damp napkin or cotton cloth.
  2. Top them with another layer of moistened cloth.
  3. Peanuts put in a warm place for a day.
  4. Produce the selection of viable material.
  5. The open beans are planted in the ground.

Soaking peanuts

Seed planting technology

Peanuts are planted in two ways:

  • square nest method;
  • wide range method.

Planting of seed is carried out in both cases to a depth of 6-8 cm.

Planting peanuts in the garden using the square-nest method allows you to:

  • support open ground in a loose state;
  • carry out weeding between rows from weeds.

Such a scheme involves planting beans at the corners of a square 60-70 × 60-70 cm. 5-6 peanut grains are placed in each hole. After sowing, the holes are covered with earth and slightly compacted.

Many summer residents prefer the wide-row method of planting peanuts. The distance between the bushes of the plant in this case is 20-30 cm, and the row spacing is at least 60 cm.

Before sowing beans, the grooves are watered with water, after which they proceed to the following:

  1. 5-6 plant seeds are placed in each well.
  2. Sprinkle the planting with a small layer of soil.
  3. Slightly trample the soil.
  4. Re-water the peanut planting site.

Square-jack scheme Wide-row scheme


To care for peanuts, it is necessary to periodically perform the following procedures:

  1. Perform regular loosening of the soil.
  2. Perform weeding between rows of weeds.
  3. Water the plant at least once a week.

During the flowering period of culture, the rules of care become more complicated. The plant needs to be watered more often and fed with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

To form nuts and harvest, you must do the following:

  1. Heat up small mounds 5 cm high.
  2. After a week of flowering, increase the hills to a height of 13-15 cm.
  3. After the flowering of the culture is completed, the last hilling is carried out to a height of 25 cm.
  4. Reduce watering to 1 time per week.
  5. By mid-August, watering should be gradually reduced, up to a complete cessation.
  6. During a cold snap, planting peanuts is recommended to be covered with a dense cloth.

Pest protection

A potential threat to peanuts is represented by rodents and a bear.

  1. Install a mesh fence to a depth of 5-8 cm underground.
  2. Collect grain and dig it in the garden.
  3. Cover it with ruberoid.
  4. Cover with manure and plant debris.

Disease control

Common diseases for peanuts are:

  • cercosporosis;
  • fusarium;
  • powdery mildew;
  • alternariosis;
  • phyllostictosis;
  • gray rot.

To prevent these diseases, you must do the following:

  1. Follow crop rotation.
  2. Isolate last year's crops from new ones.
  3. Treat the area with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid.
  4. Treat crops with fungicides.
  5. Sprinkle plants with ash and tobacco.


How to plant peanuts in the city and take care of the culture will be described in the video from the channel " grandfather method».

Peanuts, which everyone loves so much, that is, peanuts, has 70 different varieties and it is quite possible to grow it yourself, both in the summer cottage, and simply on the windowsill.

In addition to tasty fruits, it blooms very beautifully with white or bright yellow flowers and easily adapts to any conditions. Outside of South America, mainly one species is grown - the so-called "cultivated peanut", but simply - a peanut, which, in turn, has a lot of varieties.

Description and features of growing peanuts

This is a beautiful annual legume, from 30 to 75 cm high, with a tap root system, very branched. In, how to grow peanuts in the garden, there is nothing complicated - thanks to such universal roots, it takes root perfectly in any conditions.

The stems of peanuts are faceted, pubescent or smooth, and the branches depend on the variety and can be either creeping or straight. With straight branches, the peanut looks like a small bush covered with small flowers and is very decorative.

The peculiarity of peanuts is that the flowering itself for fertilization lasts only a day, and after that the gynophore begins, that is, the receptacle is formed. With growth, it lengthens and “burrows” into the ground, burrows. The fruits themselves are formed already in the soil. That is why peanuts are called peanuts.

However, considering how to grow ground peanut , you should not assume that this is an exclusively "fodder" culture, on the contrary, for a lot, and it blooms all summer. Therefore, it is quite suitable for decorating flower beds.

Planting and caring for peanuts

In, how to grow "nuts" peanuts, there is nothing complicated. Everyone who has a garden grew peas. So, peanuts are the closest relative of peas, you need to plant and grow peanuts in the same way as.

Peanuts, like all beans, love lungs. fertile soils without stagnant moisture. Loves sunny places and warmth. This should be taken into account when choosing a landing site.

Having determined that where to grow peanuts, you need to prepare the place itself. The peanut loves warm soil, so it is not recommended to plant it before the end of May. Of course, if frosts do not threaten, and the earth has warmed up above 16 degrees, then you can land.

For planting, you need to prepare holes in a checkerboard pattern, with a depth of no more than 15 cm and at a distance of 25 to 50 cm. The distance depends on how warm the climate is. The hotter the summer, the more powerful they will be, respectively, the farther they should be from each other.

grow peanuts Can like seedlings, as well as seeds. It is not difficult to prepare seedlings on your own by sprouting nuts on the windowsill. They need to be planted no earlier than April in order to get viable pretty bushes ready for open ground by the end of May.

In, how to grow peanuts at home, not having a summer cottage is also nothing complicated. Peanuts grow well in deep boxes on the balcony or just in tubs in the room.

At what, in how to grow peanuts in a pot, on the loggia or in the open field there are no differences. The most important thing is to remember that peanuts love warmth and do not tolerate stagnant excess moisture.

As for care, everything is very simple. Watering is necessary once a week, and if it rained or the humidity in the air was simply increased, then once every one and a half to two weeks.

Regarding , peanuts. Like any legume, it is very susceptible to mineral supplements and dislikes organics. Also, if nuts grow in the garden, you need to free the bed from weeds.

Beneficial features peanut

Legumes in general have a lot of useful properties for humans, peanuts are no exception. Firstly, it is a very nutritious product, it contains:


    vegetable fats;



    other minerals and vitamins.

One hundred grams of peanuts contains almost a daily dose of magnesium and phosphorus necessary for a person. Secondly, peanuts contain lenoleic acid, which prevents the development of sclerosis in the human body and is necessary for the production of arachidonic acid by the body itself, which is a natural counterbalance to the formation of cholesterol plaques and increases blood clotting. What makes peanuts an indispensable product for hemophilia. Thirdly, nutrition has proven the fact that peanuts:

    good prevention atherosclerosis;

    relief of the condition with cardiac pathologies;

    slows down the aging process;

    hinders growth cancer cells;

    accelerates the breakdown of fats.

In addition to all this, there is a lot of tryptophan in peanuts, this is one of the amino acids that promotes the synthesis of serotonin in the body. The same hormone, a sufficient amount of which:

Accordingly, regular eating of a hundred grams of nuts will have a beneficial effect on the state of mind and nervous system. Peanut kernel is a source of fiber. Accordingly, daily consumption of peanuts is a prevention:

    cancer of the stomach and intestines;


Types and varieties of peanuts

All grown industrially for food production and simple consumption, peanuts are divided into main groups:

    Spanish varieties.

These are the smallest nuts that go to the production of butter and salted nuts in bags. The best of this group include Dixie, Argentinian, Florispen and about ten other names.


These are "giants" capable of growing up to 130 cm in height under favorable conditions. With large "selected" fruits in a bright red skin. For which this group of varieties is often referred to as "red-skinned nuts."


The highest yielding and delicious varieties peanuts with large oblong kernels. The most unpretentious. The best of them are North Carolina Runner, Bradford Runner, Green Georgia.


These peanuts are used in the confectionery industry. Most often, representatives of the varieties Shulamit, Wilson, Gull, Gregory are found in cookies and cakes.

In, how to grow peanuts, both in the room and on the balcony or in the summer cottage there is nothing complicated. But, having grown nuts, you need to remember that in addition to the benefits, they also have contraindications:

    this is a strong allergen, so you should not exceed the amount of 200 grams per day;

    with arthritis or arthrosis, peanuts are prohibited due to the high protein content;

    with metabolic disorders and overweight You don’t need to get carried away with nuts either, since this is not a dietary product at all.

As for harvesting and processing the crop, like any bean, peanuts will notify that everything is ready with yellowing leaves and drying stems. Usually nuts ripen in late September, early October.

The fruits selected from the soil must be dried well. Under favorable conditions, you can get a crop of up to 500-600 grams per one, which is very good, given the simple agricultural technology and unpretentiousness of legumes.

Peanuts are a nutritious product with an incredible taste and aroma. Many people are still convinced that peanuts grow on trees or bushes. Spicy annual nuts are a prominent representative of the legume family. The culture received the original name "ground" nut, since the fruits ripen in the soil. Therefore, if a person wants to have his own peanut plantations, he must know how to grow peanuts.

The peanut, which belongs to the legume family, has up to 100 plant species. Due to the characteristics of the culture, it is grown mainly in areas of South America. Only two types of peanuts are suitable for cultivation in the country - Pinto and cultivated. The number of plants is divided into 4 groups.


It is also called the Spanish nut. main feature- increased oil content unlike other varieties. Spanish kernels are medium in size, covered with a pink-brown skin. It is an excellent raw material for the manufacture of candied, salted nuts and butter.


The group is represented by varieties with large fruits. The plant can reach a height of 1.2 m. There are not two nuts in one shell, as in other groups, but 3 at once. The seeds in the box are oblong and covered with bright red husks.


The taste qualities of the representatives of the Runner group are several times superior to the varieties of Spanish and Valencia. The fruits lend themselves better to roasting and give high yields. The peanut is very large and stands out for its elongation. Grown for the manufacture of salted nuts for beer and peanut butter.


It is considered the highest quality product among other representatives. Before going on sale, Virginia goes through a rigorous selection process. Most large fruits leave and use for the preparation of confectionery.

Preparing peanuts for planting

For further cultivation unroasted peanuts are selected, the fruits of which have reached technical maturity. A handful of nuts is poured into two glasses cold water and leave overnight. The place where the peanuts are soaked should be away from sun rays and well ventilated.

In the morning after soaking, the seeds are washed and dried. At night, the peanuts are again filled with water. The cycle of soaking and drying is repeated 3 times.

If a bulge appears at the top of the grain, this means that the product is ready for planting in the soil.

Seeding scheme and depth

The sowing procedure is quite simple:

  1. It is necessary to prepare a container for plants and fill the substrate.
  2. One seed is placed in the center of the box and covered with earth. In this case, the depth is not more than 2.5 cm.
  3. In order for the plant to sprout faster and feel more comfortable, the container is covered from above with cling film or glass.

A homemade greenhouse must be periodically ventilated so that oxygen enters the soil and the earth can dry out a little. This is a kind of prevention of the appearance of the fungus. If the first leaves appear above the soil, the shelter is removed, and the seedling container itself is taken out to a permanent place. After that, care for growing peanuts begins.

Nut sprouting methods

There are many techniques that allow you to grow a product yourself. It can be a window sill, a balcony, a cottage or a piece of land near the house. All of them require the right approach.

In a growing pot at home

If it was decided to cultivate peanuts at home, you need to start with the selection of containers. It should be spacious and fairly stable. This avoids hanging shoots along the edges of the pot, which is unacceptable for the culture. The formation of fruits occurs after the appearance of flowers.

In a container for further planting in the ground

If the sowing of peanuts takes place in the country, a square-nest method is used. The scheme is 60 x 60 or 70 x 70 cm. In one nest, from 5 to 6 peanut bushes develop at once. Sowing can be carried out by a wide-row method.

At the same time, there should be at least 70 cm between rows. free space, between bushes - 20 cm. Peanuts are laid to a depth of 7-8 cm.

A representative of legumes can be planted by seedlings, and not just by direct sowing in the ground. The grown plant is planted in the soil and cared for. The container for sprouts should be small. These can be separate cups for each seed or a large container for several seedlings.

The most important thing in this method is the ability to transplant a sprout with an earthy clod. This becomes necessary, as there is a possibility of damage to the peanut root system. When performing the procedure, care must be taken and follow the steps.

in the greenhouse

Considered the most in a simple way grow peanuts. It is better to plant a nut together with tomatoes, because they are not only good neighbors, but also contribute to the development and growth of each other. So that the culture does not need space and light, it is planted closer to the glass. In greenhouse conditions, you need to make sure that the peanut stalks do not lie on the soil. To do this, they are tied up. During the growing season, they manage with only 1 hilling, and in the fall they harvest.

Plant directly into the soil

Sowing in an open way is carried out in the month of May, when it is warm enough outside. The earth must be warmed up to a temperature of +15 ° C and not lower. The best predecessors for peanuts are gourds.

As a rule, the landing time is in the middle of May. For favorable seed germination, the likelihood of a return of frost is completely excluded. Similar weather considered detrimental to culture.

When sowing crops in the garden, whole or half-shelled beans are used. If there are leaves left, they are thrown into the hole along with the cores. This technology makes it possible to root system plants useful mushrooms.

Necessary conditions for growing

Proper development of the bush and fast growth dependent on human compliance with the conditions of agricultural technology. Regardless of the place of cultivation - a window sill, a greenhouse, a summer house or open ground, the plant should feel good. If this is a room in the house, it must be moderately lit and periodically ventilated.


Peanuts are an inhabitant of the tropics, therefore they need proper lighting. To do this, you need to increase the daylight hours for the plant. If the lighting conditions were violated, this will affect the culture itself. Lack of light is the reason for poor crop growth.

Optimal temperature

The culture feels great at a temperature of +30 ° C. Permissible low value - +20 °C. If the mark is set below +15 °C or above +30 °C, the plant may die.

Humidity level

The peanut needs a lot of moisture during flowering and fruit formation. But stagnant water should not be. A large amount of water in September is undesirable, as this prevents the fruit from ripening.

Soil composition

Peanuts love neutral, light and moderately moist soils. The earth should contain magnesium, calcium and humus. It is better to take sandy loam or black soil for growing beans.

If the area allotted for planting peanuts has acidic soil, it must be limed. This is done in advance autumn time by digging up the earth and introducing humus into it. In the spring, it is also necessary to process the future plot of land for peanuts.

Complete care from seedling to first harvest

After planting the beans in the ground, they proceed to the next stage of cultivation - caring for the crops. For normal growth and development, the culture should not need water, light and fertilizers. This is the only way to get a peanut crop.

Fertilizers for top dressing of the soil

After planting, time must pass so that the sprouts can grow up to 10 cm in height. At this time, the first feeding is carried out. The composition can be bought at a specialized store or prepared independently. At the beginning of fruiting, you can re-fertilize, but this is not necessary.

plant formation

As a rule, a plant rarely needs human help at the time of bush formation. If the tops of the shoots cannot reach the ground and dig in, the nut will not be able to ripen. For this purpose, the branches are bent or a container with earth is suspended near each flower.

Protection from pests and diseases

Peanuts are occasionally attacked by various pests and diseases. To minimize the likelihood of insects appearing on the beds, it is necessary to observe crop rotation and the rules of agricultural technology. These are the most simple measures struggle. Weeds are sources of disease, so they are removed from the site.


This procedure is a type of watering. Irrigation is carried out as the soil dries out. There is no clear number of times how many times you can water. best method introduction of moisture into the soil - drip irrigation.

Ripening time for peanuts

The amount of time that passes from planting to harvesting peanuts takes no more than 6-7 months. If the peanut stops blooming and growth stops, this indicates that the nuts are beginning to ripen. At the same time, the leaves on the stems still turn yellow and dry out. The second half of September is the period when nuts are dug up.

Yield and collection

Each bush forms about 30 boxes with nuts. The amount varies depending on the peanut variety. When the fruits are removed from the garden, they try to dig up the plant with a pitchfork. After collecting the bushes, the beans, along with the stems, are dried in shady and ventilated places. If the shell crunches and cracks when pressed, then the peanuts can be cut off and poured into containers for further storage. It usually takes up to 2 weeks to dry.

Nuts should be stored in a dry place so that they do not become damp, as this spoils their taste. If tightened with the collection, the beans become tart and bitter. Therefore, a person is required to be careful and follow the rules of agricultural technology in order to get a harvest of delicious fruits.

Being engaged in their own garden in the country or in a private house, some are wondering - What should I plant? Indeed, with such a variety of options, it is difficult to choose one. And what about peanuts? You can grow it yourself, collect an impressive harvest and enjoy the fruits of your labors for a whole year until a new peanut grows. It is not difficult to do this. Peanuts are not whimsical in terms of care and planting features. But certain nuances are worth knowing.

Why you should grow it

If you do not take into account useful qualities peanuts, there are many more reasons why you should try to grow it on your site:

  • This delicious product;
  • No need to buy peanuts in stores, spend big money;
  • Peanuts are an important ingredient in many dishes, desserts, pastries;
  • You can make your own peanut butter for yourself and the kids. This is an insanely delicious treat;
  • By cold pressing you can get vegetable oil, in many respects superior to sunflower. It does not burn, does not smoke, does not absorb the smells of foods that are fried on it. This oil is great for cooking french fries.

What is valuable peanuts, and why it can become great solution to fill your garden:

  • Nuts contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals, trace elements that have a positive effect on our body.
  • The fats contained in it are of high quality, which means they are healthy.
  • According to research, peanuts contain antioxidants. And this is a remedy for fighting cancer, atherosclerosis, premature aging of the body, and so on.
  • Peanuts do not take strength from the soil, but rather enrich it. So after planting nuts in this place, even capricious and demanding cultures for the quality and fertility of the soil can be grown.

Of course, you should not use it if you have allergies. If you are overweight, limit yourself to peanuts, do not abuse. A moderate amount of nuts will give the body the necessary benefits and avoid harmful effects.

How to grow at home

For planting, you can use the same nuts that are sold in stores. But not in bags with salt and other seasonings. Take peeled or even in-shell peanuts, what else better than the first option.

Soak them in water, place on wet wipe from the fabric and wait for the sprouts to appear. After their appearance, you can start planting in the ground. And it can be like a country house garden plot, and a pot on the windowsill, on the balcony.

The most important thing is that the soil is loose with a fraction of sand. The plant loves heat, so grow in a well-lit area.

The period of active development begins in the summer. So it is better to soak the nuts in April and plant in the spring. By autumn you will be able to harvest.

Growing methods

In general, this crop can be grown in two different ways.


Take the container where the seedlings will be placed. Choose light, soft and loose soils. Seedlings begin to grow in April. Place a nut in a cup with soil (in the shell is better) and water moderately. Already in the first days of summer, seedlings will appear, which can be transplanted into the garden from the beginning of June. Prepare the soil in advance so that there are no weeds. Loosen it properly. The softer the ground is, the easier it will be for peanuts to digest. Landing is carried out in rows with an interval of 15-20 centimeters. Keep the distance between rows about 50-80 centimeters.

open way

To effectively grow peanuts in this way, you need to have at your disposal quality soil. After all, peanuts "burrow" into the ground and ripen there. So clay soils are not suitable. As soon as the air temperature reaches 20 degrees, you can plant nuts in the ground. That is, the landing occurs approximately from mid-May. Planting is similar to planting seedlings. Try to protect the first shoots, because birds love them very much.

in greenhouses

The easiest way in terms of maintaining temperature and moisture is to grow this crop in greenhouses, that is, greenhouses.

It is best to place peanuts in close proximity to the tomatoes and the walls of the structure.

prune lower leaves tomato, so that the peanuts have the space they need. Tomatoes should be tied up and not grow on the ground. Peanuts, in turn, will provide tomatoes with vital nitrogen due to nodule bacteria.

Under such conditions, nuts will develop rapidly. Hilling will not have to be done so often, and by autumn you will get a great harvest.


As you already understood, you can’t do without the nuts themselves for planting. That's why you need to pick good seeds that will provide the appropriate yield.

Any raw peanut will do. Nothing can be grown from nuts in a package with salt or other seasonings.

Even better if the peanuts are in a hard shell. Then the chances of successful cultivation increase.

But the seeds are not just buried in the ground after purchase. Take the amount of nuts you need, wet them a little, put them on a damp cloth. After a few days, the nuts should swell and sprouts will appear from them. Throw away those nuts where these processes did not occur. They are not suitable for landing.

Of course, it is easier and more correct to purchase seeds in a garden store. But you can't always find them there.


There are several nuances that you should pay attention to when growing peanuts:

  • This unpretentious culture who loves warmth. Therefore, the nut will develop when the temperature reaches 20 degrees or more. When the temperature drops below 15 degrees Celsius, growth stops. Therefore, it can not be grown in all regions.
  • If the climatic conditions are close to optimal, but the soil does not warm up in any way, use films, agrofibre.
  • To increase the yield, first plant the seeds in the ground in a plastic cup in April. Seedlings will appear by summer. In early June, when it has already become quite warm, you can safely transplant the seeds to the garden.
  • Remember, peanuts only bloom during the day. That is, the flowers will bloom in the morning, and wither in the evening. During this period, peanuts have time to pollinate. After that, the sprouts crash into the ground, climb to the depths and there they develop into the state of the fruit that we all know as peanuts.
  • During the beginning of flowering and in the active phase of flowering, the plant is watered abundantly. Then water is no longer required. Keep the soil moist if the drought lasts more than a few days.
  • Protect seedlings from birds, as they can destroy your crop.


Having planted nuts, it remains only to look after them and wait until they ripen. During this period, you must:

  • Water and loosen the ground, do not overmoisten the soil, with the exception of flowering and tying. There should be plenty of water during these periods.
  • Weed every time it rains or you water your peanuts yourself.
  • Spud the ovaries, like on a potato.
  • Add mineral fertilizers three times during the season. The first time during the formation of leaves, the second - during the flowering of buds, the third - during the ovary.
  • Peanuts are not particularly friendly with caterpillars, aphids, root and fungal rot, as well as other pests. The methods of struggle are similar, as in the cultivation of other crops belonging to the legume family.

The favorite pastime of modern summer residents can be safely called experiments with planting the most unexpected for home cultivation cultures. And the results are sometimes really impressive! Peanut lovers will be surprised to learn that their favorite peanut, which is actually a legume, is perfect for growing in the garden next to other vegetables. Gardeners note the unpretentiousness of peanuts and high yields.

Landing dates

Sowing peanut seeds in the soil is carried out in mid-May, when the external temperature reaches +18–20 ° C, and the soil warms up to +15 ° C. In case of insufficient warming of the soil, the seeds will rot.

Sowing for seedlings is carried out in early April, and at the age of 35–40 days the seedlings are ready to be transferred to the garden. In the middle lane with its unstable climate, it is recommended to provide a removable film cover for a peanut bed to protect it from a sudden cold snap.


Since the ripening of nut beans takes place in the ground, the preparation of the planting site should be approached with great care. The best place peanuts will grow in an open, sunny, well-ventilated area, located on fertile, very loose soils. Light short-term penumbra is allowed. In accordance with the norms of cultural substitution, the best predecessors for peanuts are cucumbers, potatoes, cabbage, the worst - all legumes. Looking ahead, it is worth noting that participation in the crop rotation of Cabbage family crops significantly reduces the likelihood of Fusarium wilt of peanuts. Tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, pumpkins, eggplants are suitable as neighbors for walnut bushes.

The primary processing of the site is carried out in the fall: the soil is cleared of weeds and dug up with the introduction of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Like any representative of legumes, peanuts do not welcome top dressing with active organic matter, so the use of manure, bird droppings and their derivatives is excluded. In the spring, after the snow melts, the treated area is re-digged up or intensively fluffed with a garden pitchfork. Ultimately, the soil for planting peanuts should be soft, permeable and well aerated.

Landing methods

in fertile climatic conditions in the southern regions, peanut beans are sown in the ground dry, without pre-training. In middle latitudes, it is advisable to germinate seeds before planting or plant peanuts on a bed of pre-grown seedlings. The latter method allows you to get a crop 2-3 weeks earlier.

Selection of planting material

For the first experience planting material a handful or two of peanuts from the last harvest, bought at the nearest market, can serve. When buying, you should give preference to strong high-quality nuts without cracks, stains and mold. The mesh pattern on the shell of the selected specimens should be clear and textured.

Subsequently, if the experiment brings the desired results, not only market nuts, but also seeds of varietal peanuts can be used to sow the plantation. In backyard cultivation, such peanut varieties as Valencia 433, Valencia Ukrainian, Stepnyak, Krasnodarets 13, Krasnodarets 14 have proven themselves well. Quite good results were shown by the Klinskaya variety, zoned for the steppe regions of Ukraine.

seed germination

Quality seed preparation is one of the essential conditions their germination and full development. It is carried out in several stages:

  • Peanut kernels of pink or raspberry color are removed from the shell.
  • The extracted seeds are placed in a microfiber cloth, well moistened warm water and placed on a flat plate. The napkin can be replaced with any natural cloth or gauze folded in 3-4 layers. To speed up the process, a growth stimulator can be added to the soaking water.
  • As necessary, the napkin is systematically moistened, preventing it from drying out.
  • The first roots will appear in 5-6 days, and as soon as their length is 1-1.5 cm, you can start sowing in the ground.

The seeds germinated in this way can be sown in separate containers for seedlings or immediately to a permanent place of growth according to the scheme: a planting step of about 20 cm with a row spacing of 60–70 cm. A pretty garden scarecrow, frightening with its appearance of winged robbers, will not be superfluous.

The specifics of the seedling method

Dishes for growing peanut seedlings can be familiar to any gardener. peat pots(tablets) or ordinary cups from food grade plastic. The soil can be used purchased, but it is advisable to mix it with a small amount of sand (3: 1) before planting. Sowing is carried out as follows:

  • The containers are filled with moist nutrient substrate.
  • Sprouted seeds are sown singly in the center of each pot to a depth of 2–2.5 cm.
  • Cups with crops are put into a common pallet, covered cling film and leave in a warm place. The greenhouse is opened as necessary for watering, ventilation and removal of condensate.
  • With the advent of the first leaflet, the seedlings are freed from shelter and put on a warm, well-lit windowsill, where the "youth" actively develops before being transferred to the garden.

The grown seedlings are planted in the garden on a cloudy cool day. The planting pattern is the same as for sowing.

Features of care

Peanut development is most comfortable at temperatures from + 25 ° C to + 28 ° C. Too low (below + 15 ° C), as well as too high (above + 30 ° C), temperatures are detrimental to it. After 40-50 days from the moment of planting, the peanut blooms. The process of flowering and pollination takes only one day, after which gynophores are formed in place of the yellow-orange inflorescences - outgrowths in which future fruits are formed. The stems droop to the ground, gynophores burrow into the ground, where peanut beans ripen at a depth of 8–10 cm. Outgrowths that do not have time to reach the ground die, therefore, under the gynophores located on the upper branches, it is recommended to pour a hill of soil.

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